HER ALD AND NEWS, Klamath Fall., Ore. Friday, February IS, 1963 PAGE-S Beatty KU Wrestlers Defeat TV a 4 ' u f - n ; ' i v "h vs.". - yty i? , ?,! v"v' V "'.r '' ' -i .-ft if' yr J? ' Crater Squad Handily The Klamath wrestling team preparing tor the big match to night in Grants Pass, warmed up Thursday night with a ridiculously easy 52-2 win over the hapless Crater grappling team at Pelican Court. The Pelicans meet the slate's top wrestling team. Grants Pass. tonight in Grants Pass in Ihe last dual meet of the season. The Peli- ans would like to get revenge in this match although it means noth- toward a league title. The league title will he decided Feb. 22-2:t in Medlord in the league tournament. the Pelicans had it very easy Thursday night as they won 11 o( the 13 matches and drew in the other two. They nailed down six pins in the 11 wins as the last live Pelican grapplers added to the final score with pins. Mike Christy had to settle (or an B-8 draw in the opening match with .John English. But the Peli ans won all the remaining match es except the 148 - pound event where Terry Christiansen drew with Don Kirkhani. 4-4. REBOUND BATTLE New York University's Harold r - 'D-i-H-i I . , t ! r , i . ., ro doo roiey inji oatue tor a reeound during their New York. Watching Is NYU'i Steve Jordan and Holv Crau' fA Bacht ; won the game, 102-7 I 'Happy' Hairston and Holy game Thursday night in (41). NYU UPI Telephoto Red-Hot NYU May Produce College Basketball Knockout J By I'nlteri Presn International ' New York University is leading with an explosive one-two, and the combination may produce a surprise knockout before the cur rent college basketball season is Counted nut. The Violets, charged by the re turn of Harold I Happy i Hairston a little over a week ago. elec trified an appreciative audience at New York's Madison Square flarden Thursday night by blast ing Holy Cross, 102-71. Hairston, who sat out the first half of the campaign hecause of scholastic difficulties, poured in T8 points and teammate Barry Kramer, the nation's second high est scorer, added 33. Prior to the start of the pres ent campaign. NYU teams had reached the 100-point level only eight times since basketball was inaugurated in 1!X)8. Following the return of Hairston to the lineup Ihe Violets have surpassed the mark twice in one week. AUTOMOTIVE LEAOUI SPORTSMAN LIAGUK W L I W L lirm Shrll .l 3.1 At Tif Sf" 34' nt)rtflt Pump lucky L Klamath CMt TV Carlson Wt Heat Pump OvPrhtArl Onor VV.Kon W-lev RtiTk E-t S"ie Eitr.e Frh 1.1 rtMiltt: Ions Wft HfAt Pump 7. WtMn Wily J: OvffrhMd Door J. LuckV 1 EM S"1 Elfdric 3. SpectnlirwJ St. 1. BflM Un.nn .1, WhPllr NursV lJ In lrtflt Pump - Kl. Ob'f TV ft Hiqh lfn om, Csil S'ri Flctric 1011 .- hitjh lm rt. Et Sid1 Elf. ;flH7; h.Qh inrt. gmt. Crl Lnt 337; h.pn Inrt. writs, Dch Hunjon MAJOR CLASSIC LEAGUE niilhfrr 57' i H i 49 I U' 1 :rtan Cf Soitrl C''r L-'H Oevrnn Vllipr C' K nt.lPV Jts Kltmnltt Irjirlrtr Kinalry VrtfKWns Lucky Lns Superior Troy lh S'. nyon Str 3 Fh 13 result: JrfV Market J, So Vflon Mwsic 7, St. 0yQfi Sis 3. Vturvl Fnr.jn Ctr I; Kna'ey Voortrw i Superior Trov 0, SDuO1 OIIr 3. VH.fr te li Klamath Trctr 0. Lucky Ltnts M-ph (tm qm. Kinof Vrxxlno Hi. h.ph letm ris, Kmglty Vooflrw J(?J; -rlh md. 0rne. Prtppy P1r7shi J S3, hQt (rtd. linn. Etrl Tbr . DASIN ftOWLERS LEAGUE 33 5J Vlttom Drive More Mnlort Dorrii Lumbr 59 Local Uirt Mobfi Oft Cn. fashion Clejien SI Pehcnn Mobil '9 L'rC Efl Whurlnn 4 Jorrl(n Shell tl State Police V i J W Krm Fuller PAirtt 40 Club J, C Renit Lctnqs Citwron Results: P'(Crt Mobil , Fullr Paint (1; Mobil OH Co. 3, D'ive Wort Motors Fashmn Cleaner 3, Victors 1; State I lice 3, Doms Lumber I; Jordan Shell 3. J C. Renie 1: Locat Loan ?, Longs Chevron ?; 40 Club X Ed Wharlon 1; Lu cas Furniture 4. J W Kerns 0, Hoh tem ame, Peliten Moh'l IP'; hioh team series. Pelican Wob'l 3C10; hQh inrt orn. Wort Jots-Ross Anderson 73S (tte), hioh ind. series, we McKag t;. SLOW POKE LEAGUE W L 3V Srrtw Ralli Si t Pin Busters 49' t Trail Oraogers 4i'i Vt Wednesrlav Wteperj 4V i Lucky Belles 7' i 4Vi Lonesome Four U"P''tdictahes LuCkv Strikes Feb 13 results- P'n Busters l. Sere Ralls 3: Uneredlc tables 4. Wedntsda Weeners 0. Loeiome Four 4, Lucky Belles 0; Trail Draggers 4. Lucky Strikes 0. Mioh team game, Tra.l Oraoo'i ''n h.on team series. Trail O'agoe's h.ah ind aame, Joy Loiisgnnot 1 75 ; high ind serifs, Joy LHivgnont i NVU now has a 13-2 record and appears a cinch to gain a post season tournament berth. And the way Hairston and Kramer are.; mass-producing points, the Violets are likely to knock off some of the higher -rank me teams. In other top games Thursday night. Wake Forest remained in the Atlantic Coast Conference race by beating Maryland, 75-54; North Texas Slate upset St. Louis' dim Missouri Vallev Conference hopes by nipping the Rillikens. 64- h2; and Tulsa surprised Bradley, 17-62. Nick Werkman, who leads the country in scoring, was held to only 19 points but Solon Hall still defeated Niagara, 81-74. Wake Forest moved to within a game and one-half of ACC lead cr Duke with a showdown tween the two clubs on tap Sat urdav. Dave Wiedeman led the Deacons with 21 points. A short jump shot by John Savage with five seconds remain ing gave North Texas Stale its fourth triumph in Missouri Valley Conference play its most ever and at the same time presented runner-up St. Louis with a near hopeless tak in its bid to over take Cincinnati. Savage completed his night's work with 35 points Tula registered its first victory over Bradley since 1956. covering a string of 13 games. Joe Straw ter of Bradley took game srorin: honors with 22 points and Bill Kufleika topped the Hurricanes with 17. SV 'i 4'S 1I 33 r,rn Monhtyl Is 4 0 Alley Si.ners LTWtr LtVtri iw'l . -rwl Weevil Team No T Ootn Frames (Vandma i 1 PJ Oeiultf Atiey Hf . G' Ww ,vt i; 8s & OS . tml Vgtev.U il L pwer Lakers 1. Lees 7 3. Ootn Frames X Grandma I L P 1 li '5 Team No. ' n-oh team oame. I m H TO; 'Oh Jr-am ser.es, Lm T intJ Phtips Les il. LM" Otii" h'ih Jn, sent!, Pheios Le.s 4'. Harel Dt- br-y 3 . WINTER FLYING SPECIAL! LEARN TO FLY $99 . . InquitlM ln"' Chtrttn r-ilf Tmii Gituni Schasl Mull., nflnt Caunt. Klamath Aircraft Klamath Fglli Airsart h. TU 2-46(1 "WILD INDIAN RETURNS" WRESTLING KLAMATH AUDITORIUM WID. NIGHT, FEB. JOlh 1:15 P.M. Indian BILLY WHITEWOLF 225 MEETS WILD BILL SAVAGE, 230 IThit ii a DREAM MATCH! B1 Alia: NICK KOZAK VS. KURT VON POPPENHEIM And BUCK DAVIDSON VS. COWBOY BOB BOYER (T.cktM an ula at Rtadat'l and ! Waldarfl don't miss the tv stars:!: SAN FRANCISCO il'PI' - In door track, which had hoen dor- mant in this region (or 20 years, eturns tonight with the Golden Gale invitational meet featuring such titans as hurdler Haves Jones, polevauller C. K. Vang, quarter-milcr Otis Davis and high jumper John Thomas. Meet officials are ouzzing in terms of a possihle sellout that would pack 13,000 fans into the Cow Palace where the events will lie run on boards rented from a Portland. Ore., croup. lones, Detroit's king of the hur dlers, will be seeking his 40th straight win when he enters the H)-yard gallop over the high slicks. Another triumph would put him in a tie with the great liar- ison Dillard of Baldwin Wallace, who raced lo 40 consecutive vic tories in his heyday. Yang, the decathlon ace from Formosa, is one of three pole vaulters in a field of seven who have gone over Ihe bar at 16 feet or better. The others are Hon Morris of the Southern California Striders and Brian Sternberg, a University of Washington sophomore who Top Stars Enter Golden Gate Meet Oregon St., Oregon Meet CORVAUL1S UP1 OreRon State and Oregon, which started playing basketball more than two months ago, tangle tonight lor the first time this season in the open er of a two-game weekend series which means much to Beaver NCAA plavoffs hopes. Oregon Stale, with a 13-5 rec ord, need a pair of victories to stay close to Seattle in Ihe unnffi cial landings among Northwest independents. Seattle is 1M. Coach Slats Gill, who has been juggling" his starting lineup most ol the week hecause ol Terry Baker's sore loc, got good news Thursday. Baker was de clared ready for duty and is ex pected lo start along with Mel Counts, Frank Peters and Jim Kraus. Jim Jarvis or Sieve Pauly will hold down Ihe -fifth slarling assignment. Oregon, which has a 7-11 record. probably will go with Sieve Jones. Jim Johnson. Glenn Moore and Elliotl Glrasnn. with Rob Yates or Johnny Mack lb likely filth starter. The game will mark Ihe own ing rollegiate rivalry between Counts, the former Maihlielri prep all-slater, and Moore, who was an all - staler ai Mamain Falls. Moore sat out lat season. Counts' sophomore year. took the event in 16 feet even at Los Angeles last Saturday. The 440-yard dash will be inn in two sections with the final po sitions determined by best times. Section one brings together Otis Davis, who won the gold medal in Ihe 400 meters at the last Olympics. Ulis Williams of An zona State who was the outstand inn quarter-miler last year. Jack Yerman. another Olympic veteran who is unbeaten indoors this win ter and George Kerr of Jamaica. The latter two were shoving each other at the finish of a recent race in Toronto. Thomas is fresh from upsetting Valeri Brumcl, his Soviet nemesis in the high jump at the Los An geles Times meet. The Boston A. A. leaper will be facing two other men who have bettered sev en feel. Joe Faust of Los An geles I7-1'4 and Gene Johnson of Berkeley 7'. Parry O'Brien, rolling into his l'lh year of competition is on hand for the shot put w ith a best showing for the year of 63 feet. S' 2 inches. Other "60-footers" fac ing the savings and loan execu tive will be Dave Davis of Camp Pendleton, Jay Silvester of Trem onion, Utah; and Dave Sleen of Oregon. O'Brien also will rumble down the boards in a special 60-yard dash for weightmen. Four men who have run the mile in less than lour minutes are slated to compete in that1 event which will cover 11 laps They Include Olavl Saloncn 13:59,11 of Finland: Cary Weisigei '3:58.11 of Camp Pendleton: Bill Dolson 13:50.0). of Kansas and. Keith Forman (3:3(1.3 ' of Oregon Tlie sprint series of SO and 601 yards finds Herb Carper of the Sanla Barbara A C. taking on such dash men as Dennis John son of the Sanla Clara Youth Vil lage and Henry Carr of Arizona State. Carper holds the world rec. ord for 60 yards at six wconds: ll.il. A 25-yard challenge sprint will follow with broad jumper Ralph Boston and Jones meeting select group of sprinters. Dave Davis won the second bout for the Pelicans with a 2-0 deci s-ion over Dave Anderson and that was as close as the Comet matmcn came to anything resem bling a close match thereafter ex cept for the draw. Gary Hawkins, wrestling for the injured Jim McClung at 115, got a forfeit . (irant Humphreys stopped Mishon Olson with an easy 8-0 de cision on a takedown, a pair of I predicaments and a reversal. John Stilwell won the 130-pound match over Clint Gibson with a 10-0 decision. Tom Miles, the great 136-pound- er for the Pelicans, started the pinning series off with a pin over David lal-ever in one minute flat, Miles had only time for a takedown and was leading 2-0 when he threw LaFever. Ron Head got the final decision with a 6-0 win over Joe McCalvy in the 141-pound bracket. All wins were by pins after Head's win. Ron Hitchcock pinned Steve lorde in 2: 17 of the second round Bob Daullon pinned Gary Gidncy in 1:06, Kent Puckett stopped Don Boe in 1:56, Bob Ewing nailed Boh Butcher in 5:04, and heavyweight Thurston Henzel top pled John Hams in 3:52. Hitch cock was behind 2-0 when he turned the tide. The Javvees also won handily by downing the Crater JV group, 38-8. There were only 12 matches in the Jayvee division and the Pelicans won 10 of them. Probably the wildest match of either varsity or jayvee groups was Ihe second Jayvee heavy weight match between Howard Coulson and Russ Lamb. Coulson got the pin for KU in 4:51. But it had been wild up to then. Coul son had a 17-11 lead when he put Lamb s shoulders to the mat. IT'S 0OSS's Mijf PIZZA PARLOR and Ye Public House Tir4 tf bcinf ytHtd M day by lha Than cema into Shakty'i at awr coakt! At Shahty'i yau'ra a I way tht eett. Ytllmai nat anly ft4 Htaraay far fruttrattafl, it'll alia fat yen ana af Hit Wait'i matt fimeui pittai. That'i at Shakty's, af caurtt. Phone TU 2-6222 2725 S. 6th Next to Tower Theotr Hi v' t f i.ri-J. -wi l.- OUT OF A TRAP AI Lopei, Chicago White Sox man ager, digs hit way out of a trap in the first day's play of the National Baseball Players golf tourney at Miami Thursday. Lopei shot a 35-44-79 for a 13th place stand ing UPI Telephoto Marshall Bridges May Be Ready For Relief First Day VARSITY KESULTI S Mih Ctrlity and John Engll drtw. B-B. 104 Davi Davit dsc. Dava Andarion, 2-0 lis Gary Hawklni won hv forfait. 173 Grant Humohrevi dac. Dlihon nl. son. a-0. 130 John Slllwcll dac. Clint Glluon. 10-0 ua Tom Mitai pinnad' David LaPavar 1:00. 141 Ron Haad dac. Jo McCalvy. t-0. US Tarry Chrlllianian draw with Don Klrkham. 4-4 157 Ron Hitchcock plnnad Stavo Jarda. 2:17. lal Bob Caution plnnad Gary Gldnav. I :M. 17a Kant Puckatl plnnad Don Sna. 1:S 191 ftob Ewing plnnad Bob Butchar S:04. HWV Thuriton Hanial plnnad John Marrll, 3:57. JAYVEi RESULTS 130 Rich Bath dac. Gary Vlncant, 7-1 141 Rich MacBalh plnnad Doug Moeri, J: 4 1 . 141 On Wottar dac. Rohart Bruca. 7-1 "S Larry Tlca dac. Gordon Bandry, 13-4. 157 Paul Wllion dac. Jim Pltti, 1-4. 157 Pata Ellington dac. by Mlka Yaa gar, J-o. 157 Dan Davll plnnad Gary Prlca, 1 71 I6S Paul Slarkay plnnad by Daan Pur- dy. 2:4a. Ha Andy Martliak plnnad prank Arm strong, 4:40. 17a Dava Coulion plnnad Mai Johnson, 2:30, HWY Bill Mills dac. Tom Crawford. 10-0 HWY Howard Coulsnn plnnad Ruts Lamb, 4:31. S FT . LAUDERDALE, Kla. (UPI) New York Yankee relief pitcher Marshall Rridges, who was shot the left leg by a woman Wednesday night, will begin his spring training in about a month and may be ready for bullpen luty when the American League season opens on April 8. Dr. George Rahilly, a bone specialist at the local hospital where Bridges is reported rest ing comfortably, said the pitch. er s injury Is not serious and hould not hamper his pitching. Rahilly said the bullet, fired from a 25-calibre Italian automatic, broke a bone midway between the ankle and tlie knee and damaged some muscles. Baa Bridges, 31, said Thursday he. U felt "good and I can walk now if they let me." Bridges was wounded by a bul let allegedly fired by Carrie Lee Raysor, 21, In a local bar Wed nesday night. Miss Raysor claimed Bridges, married and the father of three, tried to pick her up but the Negro pitcher said he was waiting for a friend when the shooting occurred. Manager Ralph Houk said the club would not take any disci phnary action, '63 Debut NEW YORK lUPD-Little Jim Beatty, who set one world and five American records last year, makes his 19R3 debut tonight in tlie New York Athletic Club's track and field meet at Madison Square Garden. The 28-year-old Beatly, who runs for the Los Angeles Track Club, heads a list of top perform ers, including the fcovict Union s Valeri Brumcl, Igor Tcr-Ovanes-yan and Valcry Bulishev, and Canada's Bruce Kidd. Bcalty, who has established a world outdoor two-mile record and broken five other Ajnerican ccords in long distance events. shoots for his 16th consecutive in door victory and his third Baxter Mile success. Brumcl, the world high jump 'lampion, upset by Boston Uni versity's John Thomas for the first time at last week's Los An geles Times games, will have Ut ile competition. Thomas and broad jumper Ralph Boston re mained on the West Coast to compete in the Golden Gate invi tational meet in San Francisco. With Boston not competing, Ter-Ovanesyan also is a solid fa vorite to win his specialty, the broad jump, Igor whipped Boston twice this year and has a world mark of 27-3 pending. Bulishev, who finished fourth in the Los Angeles meet, has some tough competition in the 880-yard run, including Canada s Bill Crothers. who is unbeaten this year in tlie 880 or 1,000 yards. Bulishev captured the Millrose 880 in 1:50,8. Arm-flapping Kidd has yet to be beaten at two miles this tea son and will be out to better his Madison Square Garden record of 8:41 set in the Millrose games. Kidd'a main rivals are expected to be France s Michel Bernard, who scored in the two-mile at Philadelphia and Baltimore this year, and Buddy taeien, globe trotting American who teaches in England, YEASTS BEST W EI Mcculloch 250 direct drive aVcCwfoch'i new 250 ft a once In a 1felme chain iavv buy. The 250 hoi more feofurei ond per formance than any ether saw In lit price range. from fingirtip prlmtr lo full lo" curler bar you wlff find ever feature you have been looking for In a chain saw. Start At $169" With 16" Bar 2 Mk Par a limitad liaia with Hit fvr (hut ) e a AXCulkKh 250, v mr pwrthatt. 9 112. IJ rtttl vafwt fria'r) mRirifantitta t.f far ! M M (sugtastast spatial rita). This Mc-ac iff cludas tna warld-famdul Nvaraa Mo N' Joint, AcCvlloch Sar Cuord, Dapth 0ufa Tool, anal MCulloll fi'as for art fillon Cham ihsrrpMlag enaj rt-factian. LEAVE FOR 1.O0K NEW YORK IUPH - Dan Florio, Floyd Patterson's trainer. and Busier Watson, the former heavyweight champions camp manager, leave for Miami Beach Saturday to look for a training camp site. Patterson challenges champion Sonny Liston for the title at Mi ami Beach's Convention Hall on April 4. Patterson presently isl working nut at his Highland Mills. N.Y.. camp. 1 ydcada ddq $10 -This Coupon Can Be Worth $10.00 5 u D 0 D On Any Automatic Transmission Overhaul At VINCE COLOSIMO'S AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SMICt Factory Trained Automatic Transmission Mechanic 101 EAST MAIN Ph. TU 4-W1 We Will Road Test Your Car at No Charge Hurryl Offer Good Thru Fab. 23 Only an annnnna CHEVROLET TRUCK QUALITY -VgX ... . .. , You can'see the difference wherever you look If you believe various makes of trucks sre pretty much alike, you aren't doini justice to your pocket book. There are differences. A Chevrolet truck welcome comparison. Iiok at the little things on it latches, hinges, stitching In the upholstery. Notice how strong the tailgate is, the rubber encased chains that keep it from sagging. The body floor is made of select wood to eliminate the rust problem and give you better fooling. The lower ratjjMaMMSMaM 2 NEW ..CYLINDER ENOINI 8 side panels are double-walled: you might dent the inside but it won't show through. Chevrolet designs suspension system to fit your need. The light-duty type is strong on comfort. Another kind for heavier trucks stiffens up as you increase your load and vice versa. Make sense? If you are going to need a new truck this yesr, you should look at the quality Chevrolet has to offer. May we bring over a new '63 so you can examine it? New High Torque 2:10-eu.-in. Six i lif hler but more power ful than it predecessor. It is tandsrd in Series CIO ttvoufh C50 modfls. Just call us to test drive one of the New HI ih Torque 292-cu.-ln. Six most powerful truck 0 Chovrnlel his ever built! optional sf extrs colt in VIUITT UUCtt lighter modeli. C017 LISi "New Rtllables" Mcculloch SAW SHOP V40 S. TU 4-tSOO DUGAN MEST CHEVROLET COMPANY 410 So. 6th STREET KLAMATH FALLS PHONE TU 4-3101