PACE 12 I1KRA1.D AND LEGAL NOTICE NOT1CB OP SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to th provisions al ORS 74330,' not let It hereby given that tht under signed Peopiti Warehous. Inc. will, on their premises at 147$ S. Sixth Street, Klamalh Falls, Oregon, at 3:00 P.M. March , 1963 sell at public auction to the highest and best bioaer inereior, ior casn, the followlna described goods, to wit: One refrigerator, one washer, one drier. one comb, radio, eigni tables, tour uanai, one baby seat, one television, four lamps. one davenport, three mattresses, three Springs, one pea irnw, on iimnj uwaiu and one toy boat. Four bed ends, one bench, three chests ot drawers, 12 cartons, 10 chairs, one K table, three o.l. chairs, one mirror, one doll cabinet, one i adlo, one roll away bed, one blackboard, one bunk bed rail and seven K tools, or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy the claim of the under signed for storage on said goods) that the name ot the owner or person whose account said goods are held Is Howard L. Koertle; that the amount ol nnrir.ianed'i claims on said goods I1S7.1I plus cost ol notice, advertisement and sale. Dated February I, 143 Peonies Warehouse, Inc. W. C. Bennet N.O. 921 Feb. IS, 32, 3. Bill Would Tax Lands Now Exempt SALEM IUPD A move to re turn $226 million in tax exempt. property to the tax rolls was started today. ! Ren. Richard Kymann, D-Mar cola, and 18 others introduced a bill to put properties such as those beloncing to fraternal or Ionizations back nn the tax rolls at one-third of true cash value, The properties would be return cd in slaRes, arriving at one-third. true cash value after three years All exempt properties would be affected except private schools and private libraries. Eymann said the idea Is to have such properties share in the cost of direct benefits such as streets, police and fire protection, but not tax them for indirect ben efits such as schools. lie estimated a $3 million local tax Rain. Meanwhile. Sen. Walter Pear son. D Portland and others spon sored a bill for properly tax re lief for the homeowner. It would exempt from taxation one-fourth of the true cash value of a home. The Senate received bills to au thorize $17 million in bonds for Highway 20, provide equal consid eration for Portland in distribu tion of motor vehicle money, and transfer the slate educational tele vision network from the Board ol lliphor Education to a seven member rouncil of education hicher education and public mem bers. .A resolution was turned into the In require annual sessions of the legislature and limit them to !H) davs. Other House bills would revise land condemnation procedures for telephone, telegraph and electric corporations, empower the Public Welfare Commission to provide medical care for elderly nursing home patients, and require one voters' pamphlet per household in stead of one per voter. Heps. Elmer McClure, I) - Mil waukie. and .lames Redden, D Mrdford, announced plans to sponsor a bill to let. Oregon go into the power business. Rep. .luanitn Orr, I) . jVe (irnve. said she has asked the Roard of Control to ronsidef buy Ing the surplus Tongue Point Nn val Station near Astoria for use as a rehabilitation center for sex oftenders. fl 1TK A COMMOTION PHUT.!. Australia UTH -Thr J.iliawv men's swimming Irani raiison nn embarrassing commo turn nt their hotel tfKlay because they could nnt read Knj;lish. They mistakenly tried to enter a room marked "women" inside of whirh were startled members of tin Australian's women's team. The hotel management quickly pul up siyns in Japanese. NKASONAI, VAI.FYTINK IlAMiOH, Maine tlTh -The RrUiiir Daily News Thursday pub lulled this dmihlv seasonal valen tine to readers; "Nnso. are red, it-it Irs arc blue 'Ve'll be much happier, when this winter Is throuch." IIKAIU'S OK (;ou 1,1 BMOCK. Tex. U'PD -Down town merchants pinnod Ibis valrn tine lo cars at rxpired meters Thursday: "The meter turned red "We knew you'd turn blue "So up put in a nickel "Our host w ishes lo vou " Queen Victoria used the phrase "dead bcM" when feeling over worked, according to the Kncyclo paedia Bt itnnnita. - $GkUt-tO'CKUt INEWSPAPEISi I SELL THE MOST! I fanSna3eawi Jt-ralu anuSfUt NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore LEGAL NOTICE No, I M P 4 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT tN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Metier of the Estate Ol CASSIE BALL PARAZOO, Deceased. Notice is hereby oive.i that the Ad ministrator ot the above entitled estate has filed Its Final Account and Report ol Administrator, and thai the Court has set the 161 h day ol February 1963, al the hour of lo:oo a.m., as the time lor hear ing of ob lections to said Final Account in settlement l hereof, said hearing to be n tircuii LOuri, Department no. 7, Klam ath County Court House, Klamath Falls. Oregon. Dated this 72nd day of January 193. LLOYD A. DOMASCHOFSKY Attorney tor Administrator NO. TOS. Jan. 33. Feb. I, I, IS. NO. .?f PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT tN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LOLA MAE KELSAY, Deceased. Nollce la hereby given that the undei signed executor has lilen its final ac count of the administration ol the above entitled estate and that the Court hai appointed March 4, 1961, at 10 A. M. as the time tor hearing oblecllons to such final account and the settlement there of. The First Na'Jorial Bank ol Oregon, Portland Executor Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Executor No. 914 Feb. I, I, 15. 33. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuent to the provisions ol ORS 743 30. nonce is nereoy given that the under signed Peoples Warehouse, Inc. will, on tneir premises at 1425 S. Sixth Streel Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 3:00 P.M. March t, 1963 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therelor, lor casn, me following described goods, wll: One piano; one bote spring; one mat' rress; two cushions; two sectional; on platform rocker; three bookcases; two small tables; one piano bench; one bed ena; one desk; one small hand case, eignr cartons; or so much I hereof may be necessary to satisfy the claim of the undersigned tor storage on said gooosj inai ine name of Ihe Owner or person whose account said goods are held is Mrs. Effie Koschn cki thai the amnonl of the undersigned's cam on said anon is sm.jj piui cost of nolle, advertise ment ana sale. Dated February I, 1943. Peoples Warehouse, Inc. W. C. Bennet NO. m Feb. 15, 33, 1963. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S L IF N Pursuant to the provisions ot ORS 74330. notice is hereby given that the under signed Peoples Warehouse, Inc. will, on tneir premises al 1475 S. Sixth Street. Klamafh Falls, Oregon, at 3:00 p.M March a, 1963 tell al public auction to ine nignesi and best bidder therelor, for cash, Ihe following described goods, to wii; Two chairs (K), one wicker basket. iwo mattresses, one box spring, one bdl rails and slats, one coil soring, one t table, Id cartons, one loot locker, one package, two bed rails, two bed slats ana four aea ends or so much thereof as many be necessary to sansry ine ciaim Of Ihe undersigned for storage on said goods; that Ihe name of the owner or person whose account said goods are held Is Zelma Rodriguez; that the amount ol Ihe undersigned's claim on saio gooos is s2.00 plus cost of nolice. advertisement and sale. Dated February I, 1963 Peoples Warehouse, Inc. W. C. Bennet NO. 939, Feb. 15, 33, 1943. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to Ihe provisions of ORS 74310. notice is hereby given mat Ihe under signed Peoples Warehouse, Inc. will, on their premises al 1425 S. Sixth Streel. Klamath Falls, Oregon, al 3:00 P.M March e. 1943 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therelor, for cash, the following described goods, to wll: One sewing machine, one Ironing board and five carlons or so much ihereol as may ha necessary to satisfy the claim ol the undersigned lor storage on said goods; I ha I ihe name of the owner or person whose account said gooos era he is Cathy Trlckey Schulle, that tha amount ol the underOgned's ciaim on sata goods 11 167.31 plus cost nf nollce, advertisement and sale, Daled February I, 1963 Peoples Warehouse, Inc. W. C. Bennet No. 9J1 Feb. 15, 33, 1943. NOTICE OF SALE TO ) SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIFN Pursuant lo the provisions ol ORS 74130. notice Is hereby given that the under- signed Peoples Warehouse, Inc will, on premises at 1425 S. Sixth Street, tcTama imath Falls, Oregon, at 3:00 P.M March 4. 1961 sell at public auction tn the highest and best bidder thereof, lor ash, ihe following desu ibed goods, lo Wit: two wasle cans; one chest ol drawers.- one Mr. and Mrs. Chrtl; Iwo bed ends; lour slats; fwo bed sides; one mattress; one box springs; one crib complete; one potty chair; one table; one baby basket chairs; nine cartons; Iwo dish packs; one metal rack; one Ironing board: three trunks; one high chair 1 one plastic one stroller; one trash can; one bucket; one tub or so much thereof ay be necessary to satisfy lha claim ol e undersigned for storage on said goods; that the name ol the owner or person whose account said onods held Is Melville or Annie tnwnsend: that ine amount of the undersigneds claim nn said goods Is 119? plus cost of no lice, advertisement and sale. Dated February I, 1963. Peoples Warehouse, Inc. W C. Rennet 0. 913, Feb, IV 77, 1963 NOTICE OF SAL F TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN S LIFN Pursuant to the provisions Of ORS 741K! notice is hereby given that the under igneo peoples Warehouse, Inr ,n, or their premises at 14J5 3 Sulh Street. mamath Falls, Oregon, at 3 00 PM Merih 4, He.) sell at public auction In the highest end best bidder theretor. lor ash, the following described goods, to Two Mr and Mrs rhests. Iwo vanity nirrors, one box spring, lour slats, low bed ends, lour bed sides, one thest of drawers, one mattress. 10 chairs. 2 hies, one swing rncker. nn electi range, one IV set. one ollee lahle. three end lahles and one portable sewing ma thine case or so much thereof as may be neressarv to salisly the claim of the undersigned ior storage en said goods; thai name ol the owner or person whose count said goods are held is Mrs I tiara J ftathman siover; thai Ihe amnun1 nl the undersigneds claim on said goods is in 53 plus cost ol nonce, ad men! and sale Rated February 191 Peoples Warehouse. Inc. w C Ben net No. fit Feb 15. 7), 11 No 1 19 NOTICE tO CRI-OltORS. IN THE CIRCUIT CuWRT OF THE S1A1F OF ORFGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of Ihe Fslate of FRAN f.FS CLAIRE BRAND N BURG, also known as Claire Fraixn Brandenburg formerly known as Claire P. Duncan, De ceased NOTICE Is hereby given that I, Claire m uuntan, have been appointed said Ad mlnlstralor of the above entitled Estate All persons having claimt against said F stale are required to present them, to gel her with proper vouchers, lo me at the office of Chafbum 1 Bncfcner. At. lornevs al Law. MernH, Oregon, wifhin six months from dale hereof Daled and first published this I'h day ol February. 13 (si LI Al RF H. DUNCAN, Administrator CMA1RURN & BRICKNFR Attorneys al taw , O'eoon No. 975, Feu I. 15. 17. Varrh I, 193 NOTICE TO CRtOMOSn Notice is hereby given that ine tmder- s'gned has been appointed Adminntmtor estate of marv n (abur aha MARY JANE (ARTfR, deeaed by order of the Circuit Court of the State O'eoon for the County nf K l Ail persons having claims again1 are regimed to present them tn me, duly verified and with proper vouch ers. a tha office of J. Anthony C.iaco mini, 714 Williams Rut'ding. Klamath f alls. Oregon, wilhln si mnnth from February l. tt. being Ihe date ot the tllf publication ol this not ire II) WILLIAM L. CARTFR, If Administrator J Anthony f, ,f( nmlrtl Attorney tor Admmistf atnr Ha. 944 fee. la, U. Mar. 1.1 Friday. February IS, 1963 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH PROBATE DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 63-t tn the Matter of the Estate of EARL M. HARRIS, JR . Deceased. The undersigned having been appoint ed by the above tntilied Court ot the Stale of Oregon, lor the County aforesaid. Administratrix of the Estate ot Earl M. Harris, Jr., deceased, and having quali fied, notice Is hereby given to all per sons having claims against said estate to present them verified as required by 1a1 with proper vouchers, within six months from the dale ol this nolice to said Ad' mlntslratrix at the offices of Arthur A. Beddoe, Attorney at Law, 431 Main Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon. Dorothy M. Harris Administratrix of the Estate of Earl M Harris, Jr., deceased. Arthur A. Beddoe Attorney lor Administratrix Dated and first published February 15, 1963. No. 944 Feb. 15, 33, Mar. 1, I. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to Ihe provisions of ORS 74330, notice is hereby given that the under signed Peoples Warehouse, Inc. will, on their premises at 1475 S Sixth Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 3:00 P.M March 4, 1963 sell al public auction 1o the highest and best bidder therefor, cash, lha following described goods, wit: Five chairs; one table; one bullet; one ironing board; one electric range; one refrigerator; Iwo end fables; fwo chairs; one boo she II; one phonograph one TV sel; one bundle; one laundry frame; one bundle TV trays; two mat- tresses; two coil springs; six slats. Four bed sides; tour bed ends; one night stand; two dish packs; one barrel 10 cartons; one stand table; one bun dle curtain rods; two card tables; one o.s. chair; two rugs; two rug pads; one hide-a-bed; one stand; three chests drawers; one mirror or so much thereof1 as may be necessary to satisfy the claim ol the undersigned for storage on said goods; that the name of the owner or person whose account said goods are held Is Mary Sweasy; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said pood1 1401.01 plus coil ol notice, advertlsemenl and sale, Daled February 8, 1943. Peoples Warehouse, Inc. W. C. Bennet NO. 935, Feb. 15, 33, 1943. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions ol ORS 74330, nolice is hereby given that the undei signed Peoples Warehouse, Inc. will, 0 I he lr premises al 1435 S. Slxlh Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 3:00 P.M March 4, 1943 sell at public auction the highest and best bidder therefor, tor cash, Ihe following described goods, fo wn: One hi fl; one card table; two metal cases; tlx fish poles; one bamboo drape; three cedar chests; one bench; two wash ing machines; one chest of drawers; one vanity; one child's chest; one panel; two child's cnairs; one carpet sweeper; two chests; fwo metal stools; one roll rug; one foot locker; one Ironing board; oni barrel; one lawn rake; one car top car rler. Two wagons; 34 cartons; eight dish packs; one wardrobe; Iwo boxes; one bed framei one bed end; one' hi fi cabin- one camp stool; one bdl. rods; one fenl frame; Iwo hammocks; one play pen; one folding cot; four K tools; one bdl. bed ends; two sleeping bags one ladder; four bed slats; one bucket one stroller or so much thereof as may be necessary to salisly the claim o the undersigned for storage on said goods that lha name ol the owner or person whose account said goods are held John D. Davis; that the amount of Ihe undersigned's claim on said goods Is 1775.50 plus cost ol notice, advertisement and sale. Dated February I, 1943. Peoples Warehouse, Inc. W. C. Bennel No. 93A, Feb. 15, 33, 1963. NO. 41 171 LAW NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH W. H. MacDONALD, Plainllll, '. L. BARNES, Delendant. Ry virtue ot an Execution Issued out of Ihe above entitled Court In the above entitled cause, to ma directed and daled the 31 day ol January, 1943. upon m Judgment rendered and entered in said Court and causa on the 1st day ol May, 967, in favor of W. H. MacDONALD Plaintiff and against W. L. BARNES De lendant, lor the sum of Eight Thousand, Three Hundred, Ninety live and tooths Dollars, with interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum from the 37th day of March, 1961, and the further sum ol Three Thousand, Nine Hundred. Eighty and No-tOCths Dollars and the cost ol and upon this Writ, I have levied upon the following real property of said defend ant situated in the County ol Klamalh Mala of Oregon, to-wil:- E1-. NW'i Section 34. Township 14 S. Range 7, East ol Willamette Me idian, Oregon, containing 10 acres more or less. T his conveyance Is made pur suanl to Ihe provisions ol Section (c), or August 13. 19S4, as state, m, HO). This conveyance Is subject to an1 ling easements for public roads and highways, for public utilities, and lor rail' roads and pipe lines and lor other ease ments or rights ot way of record. All nil and gas and mineral rights are here' by reserved to tha Grantors In Trust. All that Portion nl Lot 14, Section 14, fownshlp H S. Range 7. East ol Wil lamette Meridian, Oregon, lying south west of lha parcel conveyed to J. J Steiger, by Henry K. Jackson on June 1977. which conveyance was recorded June 77, 1977, in Volume S7 al page 541 nf Deed Records, Klama-h County. Ore oon: this being Ihe identical parcel a that parcel conveyed to Clarence M. Es and Otli. Fstes, husband and Wife Henry K. Jackson, said Conveyance iriated April S. 197' and recorded April i. Vf ie Volume 74, page Deed Ret orris. Klamath County, Oregon. Conveyance Is made pursuant to the nrovisions of the Acl ot May 7. 1903 ( T7 State 74S). This conveyance Is subject to isling easements tor public roads, and highways, for public utilities; and lor Iroads and pipe lines and for any Oth- easements or rights of way ot record subsuriace rights evcent wafer are hereby reserved, in trust, by the grant ors, A portion of Lot 3, Sec "on 3. Tnwnshin is S, Ranqe 7. Fast of Willamette Me r idian described as follows: fl eg Inning at a point on the North Bnun dary of lot 3. Section 3. of the above named Township ranae and Meridian which point Is west ?st 17 It from the Northeast corner of said Section 3. and west I.1J1 U II from the Initial point of the City ol Chilnquin, ani also being the westerly side ol the Southern Pacific Railroad which curves 7 degrees to the S W. Sad point of begirning also being ihe poml of intersection of 1h Boundary of said Lot 3 and a radius of the l degrees 1 11' ve al 9 0 feet from th center nf the mam tine, and 70 fl westerly on the lame rartms from the Railroad Righl of May Tnence west 7V6 W II along the North Boundary of sa d Lot 3 nomt, thvne Sosith 5077 It. lo a point which Is 70 0 feel Northwesterly from the Right of Way line of the above named Railroad; thence Northweslei parallel to and 70 ft Irom the curved Right of Way line of the above named Railroad, 914 S3 It. more or less, point of beginning, enclosing an ai 41 aires, more or less, and be1 the above named Lot .1, Section .1. Town ship .IS S, Range I. Fast ol Willamette Meridan. Klamath County. Oregon All thai portion of Lots 13 and 14. Sec two 34. township 34 S. Range 7, fast ei Willamette Verdian described as follows Beginning In the westerly line Ol Ihi Southern Pacific Rignt ol Wv, 3l I lee1 Southwesterly along the said line of Rxjrv of Way Irom its intersection m northerly line of lot 1' above section township and range, thence Southei along the said Rtqht of WavVme. lo the otiiherlv line of Section 34: Iherna Wsl along ihe section line 1 feel to a pont hearing West 31.13 3 feel Irom the South. west corner of Se tion 3. thence North 107 feet mofi or less to iiim r. thrnce Northeasterly along Ihf fast fly hank of Williamson River fo a point hearing West tiom Ine pom of hegi theme last to a po-nl of beqlnmni NOW IMFRtFORf bv virtue ol told Fietutinn and in compliance y,:tn th oe mends of said Wnt I will on the J aai of March 11. at 10 00 A M , at the Iron1 door ol the Court House at Kiamafh Fans Oregon. et al puhiic att tton uihiect 0 redemption) to the highest bidder lor ash, aM Ihe right, title and interest whi h the within name-t defendant hm and fo the above described property Dated January JJ. 193 I puMtcaiion dated February 1. tti, Last publication dated February 77. IHJ j m F'Hira. Sheriff of nmmm ( nunty Bv t i'en A'hn. Dfru'y Feb I, 1 IV J7. 1J LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice It hereby given that tha un dersigned has been appointed Co-Execu- lors 01 the estate or ruby Ltt kln YON, deceased, by order of the Circuit Court of the Stale fll Oregon tor the County of Klamalh. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to us, duty verified and with proper vouchers, at the office of J. Anthony Giacominl, 314 Williams Build ing, Klamalh Falls, Oregon, within six months Irom February 15, 1943, being ihe date ot the first publication of this notice. (S) DON KENYON (s) LETT A MAY GOEHRING J. Anthony Giacominl Attorney lor Co-Executors No. 944 Feb. 15. 73, Mar. t, I. No. 67-43 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the United Stales National Bank ot Portland Oregon, an Oregon banking corporation. the Executor ot ine estate of the estate of Etta Gavin, deceased, has filed Its Final Account as such, and by order of the Circuit Court of lha Stale ol Ore gon lor Klamath County, March IS, 1963 at 10:00 o'clock ol said day and Court room of said Court ha heen fined as the time and place for hearing ol objections to laid final ac count and tha settlement of said estate. United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon, Klamalh Falls Branch. by R. H, Lung Trust Officer. Executor ol the estate of Ella Gavin, deceased. H. W. Carter, 304 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon. Attorney lor tha Estate First Publication: Feb. It. 1963 Last Publication: March I. 1963. NO. 947, Feb. 15. 77, March 1, I, 193. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD 4 NEWS ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekday! I a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under 3 lines count same as l unci. .3 6 10 1 'Line Times Times Timet fVonthj 3 $3 50 S4.00 5 00 $900 3 3 75 5.00 A 50 11.50 4 4.00 4 00 t.OO 14.00 5 4 5 7.00 9.50 1 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT par advertisement. If paid in advance, Above rafts are for consecutive Inser tions, without changa ol copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be clear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must b spelled out. Autos offered lor sal by private Indl- viauais casn witn copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day bifore publi cation. Noon Saturday lor Sunday and M mday. CANCELLATIONS a CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday :iete art taken 'til v:jo a.m. Pleas read first Insertion of your ad. The Herald C News will give one extra run tor typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, S3S par month with S3. SO discount for payment on or before the t oth. i men, st wttn discount for payment on or before tht 10th. Based on one copy change per month. box service so cents par ad. CARD OF THANKS, and N MEMORIAM . PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. High Street. Phone TU 3-4404 MEETING NOTICES 1 KLAMATH LODGE No. 77, AF&AM will hold o Speciol Communica tion Fndoy. Feb. 1 5 ot the Mcnonie TemDle. Work in MM Dearee. All Master Mown cordially in- ited. Refreshments. Gene R. Byrnes. W.M. LOST t FOUND LOST: Master Mason ring with rubv set near Courthouse or First Federal Sav- Rewarrl TIN W4 PERSONALS ANGLE'S Horn for elderly ladies, va cancy aaarcn 1, appointment, TU 3-3244. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU " '704- Fnend' anytime GRAHAM'S licensed home tor the aged.! private rooms or warn car, feclal oier. personal inieresi assured, TU 2-3165 OVERTURE TREND, 163 shaping and tuning. Tour pair not becoming io vou? you snouia 0 coming lo Kim and Anona. Studio of Beauty, TU 4-7131. BEGINNERS Al ANON, friendly help for lies of alcoholics. Til 4-717 or Tu SERVICES SAVE your dirt and lawn. Order retain ing wall now I TU J-4CJ4. THE FIX-IT SHOP Sharpening service. Small repairs. New. used bicycles, parts. T 4, C Shopping ( rnr, ju so. arn. iu -Jr4?, SNOW plowing, tractor equipment, ph. i u 040 enyume. Dill forney. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver fo processing plant or leave at your plac Al Stoil, TU 6)?ft, REMODFLING and repairs, all kinds! reasonable, relerenccs, TU 2-5311. DENTAL PLATES Repaired wtill you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PFRSONAL DENU'RI SERVICE 1031 Main TU 4 3)14 Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service Trees looped or removed PHONE TU 411 Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring . alterations for w!f nmM children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices ( M"S We' SIT HEALTH 12 NUTRI-BIO vitamins, MA'qa'et 7leqetmever, HELP WANTED. FEMALE WANTf.D woman for mail. no. fvnmo and Musi be capable ol handling electric typewriter nt making sfencus Recent espe'ience necessary. Rerlv to Box 4MC, care of Herald and News F XPF R IE NCF Dhreakfasand dner waitress needed Apply m person. San der's Orlve In Restaurant, 1515 E. Mam BABY SITTER, my horn, hours 8 tj davs. must have own transportation. Tu HELP WANTED. MALE U want to employ eer iented tumpet wholesaler In vni Coast woods C tutor Wholesale Company Only applicant with expertence n m Net-onei Ra.t TriKk Market need apply Se'ary pU' commission. Write Occupant. P O Box AH. CCS Sacramento. California LARGE ""Western 1 M d V ester n Com pa"v has need for local salaried repre sentetiye In this vicinity tea pari o SlufetVfter full training Ihe man will be established tn this area with outstanding commissions arrangement. Must have 1 tar and able to he Oti! during h week Write Employment Director P O 7047. Salem. O' tt've aoe. phone number and past employment ret org ryprmtNCED d'tsmr wanted, phoe TU 4 JJ34. . u HEAVYduty mechanic's helper. Steady year around work. Experience required I Write P.O. Box 311, Yreka, Calif. RELIABLE man with car to manage F ler Brush business. Permanent. Above average earnings. TU 4-1589 4 to pm. WANTED: Oregonlan carriers North and South of Main Street. Good income and chance to earn trip to Disneyland this summer. Only dependable and ambitious boys need apply. Call TU 3-3521. RANCH hand, experienced In machinery. permanent. Give past employment In first letter. Box 450C Herald e. News. WANTED new car salesman. Apply by letter ol aoo cat on only, staling quan ficalions and phon to w can contact for personal Interview. Must be perms nent resident. Dick B. Miner co., vhji mobile-Cadillac. BOYS! SCSL EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herold & News, Circulation1 Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4 81 I I HELP WANTED 17 SINGLE woman or couple to share farm home with elderly widow. Small wage to woman in exenanqe tor liqbl services. References required. Write Box 453C Her- a. News. NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In the1 Herald & News are accepted In good faith that the obs offertd are as stated i in the advertising copy. We are nr re sponsible tor in integrity or our adver Users, but we make every effort to dls cover and reject all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding It to be misleading is asked to report II to lha Classified Ad- rtislng Department of the Herald News. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED baby sitting, anytime, my horn. South Suburban. Tit 4-4313. IRONING, washing, pickup, deliver. Hand crocneied aignans. TU 4-9434. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday, a a.m. to 4 p.n 1328 Carlson Drive, TU 21844 ROOMS FOR RENT .22 ROOM, BOARD - GENTLEMAN , 1607 CRESCENT MEN, housekeeping roam. Comfortable, everything furnished. S36 monthly. 13' NO. 3rd, TU 4-6033, TU 4-W87. ROOMS, small house, reasonable. Hotel, 431 South Fifth, TU 3-533S. HOTEL rooms, bachelor quarters, only. & MS monthly. Willard Hotel, TU 4-4161. DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room, utilities furnished, 317 Pine. TU 3-14B7 CLEAN, comfortable rooms 3 blocks from Main, S3 & up. TU 4-4351 A.PARTMENTS FOR RENT THREE room furnished, U0. JW) E. Main, two room furnished, SJ5, 300 E Main. ph. TU 4-7790, TU 4-4131. ROYAL ARMS furnished apartment, ulll ifles except electricity, 524 High. , CLASSY, downtown, Iree heat, furnished, adults, SS9 SO. Alpha Apts., TU 4-4533. 147.50 Furnished 3 rooms, bath. TU 3-0361 STUDIO apartment, lurnished. Ewauna Apartments, lllh Walnut. TU 2-1063. CLEAN, lurnished 1 bedroom apartment. Close lo Main, (50. Water, garbage paid. Gas heat. 333 South Eleventh. CLEAN furnished Studio Apt., Apt. annex., 223 N. 6th. Marion EXCEPTIONAL 3 room furnished apt., TU 4-4783 alter 5 p.m. adults, no pets. ONE or two bedroom, lurnished, heat. water paid, 123 Grant, TU 2-4719. SMALL apartment, electric heat, wash Ing facilities, close In, TU 4-7340. FURNISHED 3 room bachelor apartment, 3124 Reclamation. TWO bedroom rental, $40 per month, call TU 3-3471. ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apartment, 140 per month, call TU 7-3471. PLEASING, 5th A. Vine, furnished 1 bed room, adults, 165, TU 4-5010. 2 BEDROOM JL 3 bedroom apartment, unfurnished, also 2 bedroom house, TU 4-5684. BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 3-6500. FURNISHED apartments, 143 Riverside, TU 3-4716. CLEAN! lurnished, lieVedl wlih" ga rage, adults, 203 Washington. THREE room, furnished apartment, 3061 Whit. FURNISHFO 3 rooms. Close In. adults only, no pets, laundry facilities. 102 Lin coln. DUPLEX"-i" block off highway, WeyeT naeuser lunction, all electric. TU 2-3179 UNFURNISHED IwoVed'Com duplex apt on California Ave. 14 50. TU 4-9764. UNFURNISHFD two bedroom apartment, inquire 7519 Applegafe. THREE room furnished, c-ean and quiet, $37. 50, TU 4-4640 Or TU 4 6866 L ARGE 2 room furnished apar Imenls, $37.50 and $40, TU 4-36'8. THREE room furnished apartment, utilities. Adults. $45. 3 Mam. FURNISHED one room apartment, $ utilities paid, 41 North 10Th ONE room apartments, lurnished. utili ties except lights, $37.50 and $40. Re: Arms Apartments, TU 2-7l7. ONE and two bedroom aot,, lurnished or unfurnished. TU 3-1324 or se at 1779 f-ergo. CLEAN studio, downtown, counl single, utilities, $35, Greer Apts., TU 4-46;. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI sift, furnished. TV available weekly rates. Phcen Motel. U2 9254 NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath. garage, private entrance TU 7-1214. COMPLETELY lurnished studio apart ment, all utilities paid. $15. week or v-ihi by Ihe month, washer-dryer Villa Marquis Apartment (under new managementi 13 Oak. 1U 4-594 before 11 am. or TU 4-s after 7 p m. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 31 So. 11th. TU 2-1047, THREE room completely furnished apartment. M Walnut, TU 4 sa77 RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Wav Cot ond Two Bedroom opu. Furnnh,d ond Unfurnnhed $69 50 to $89 50, Wklv Molrl RatM TU 2-5V7 $36" to$58"50 Cmie-ORI AtsLP t IVING AT LO CPTI 1-1 J frm elf , furnished Of un!"' msheo P-manft mamtea-xe included Me6y frvfh Friday SHASTA VIEW irwfiNTi t?t s,HUN WAV TU 4171 Offtce heuri 8am t I ej m KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 44 Un'Ort 1 droom unfurn'shed I IVd'OOm untarnished 5oac is Rooms Tasteiut'v Oecsve'ed Wall Walt Ca'P"n9 Summing Ppl efai mcH-rtes H s'vf except i'eenfs end iec"C'y Prte Nin TU 14M HELP WANTED, MALE 24 NICE clean furnished apartment. TU 2-2531, TU 4-476. MODERN two bedroom furnished apart ments, TU 4-3493. HOT" SPRINGS," bachelor, all" wlllltieT $45, TU 49754, TU 4-3154. FURNISHED, utilities pa la, Studio Apart ment, $35, 303 Washington. ROOSEVELT APTS. 2034 LeRoy Ph. TU 2-1749 Furnished or unfurnished one bedroom. Garage. Hot water heat. Hot Spring: area. Adults. HOUSES FOR RENT ...26 TWO bedroom unfurnished, $45, 1435 Mar tin, TU 4-858? 4 10 p.m. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, cornei Upham and Uer lings, $45. Inquir ne door, south. FURNISHED two bedrooms, $57.50, one bedroom, $43.50, one cabin, $19.50. 4-6 1 JO. IMMACULATE, newly decorated, unlur nished two bedroom, inquire 2233 Union, VERY clean two bedroom house with ample cupboard space. On paved street in Henley-Shasla district, TU 4-9974. MILLS ADDITION, clean 1 bedroom cab in, $J5, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. ONE bedroom furnished house, phon TU -JV46 or i iv wendling. ON E bedroom home, partly lurnished. Close in, $55. TU 4-9775. UNFURNISHED two bedroom and tour bedroom houses, $55 and $75, TU 2-0211. CLEAN furnished small collages, $30, wqter, garbage, 1350 Owens. SMALL 2 bedroom partly furnished, close in, SJi, l U 2-4646, TU 20V3S, 733'i ALAMEDA, couple, no pels, range, rcing., rirepiace, sou, iu 4-4451. TWO bedroom house, range furnished Close in. Call TU 4-4380. THREE bedroom house, full basemenl, electric or wood heat, 467 California Ave., TU 4-5522. TWO bedroom furnished, near Weyer naeuser, $45, tu 2-1 1 80. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex near Conger School, $85, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom, clean, furnished or uti- turnlshed, close in, $50, TU 4-5872. 1 BED ROOM unturnished7 $68TUM"Cres cent, TU 4-3470 alter 4 pm. TWO bedroom apartment In triplex, some furnishings, adults, 309 N. 10th. TRAILER house, double garage, wash nouse, 5414 independence, tu 2-2857. THREE room furnished house, garage. inquir 1B32 Summers Lane. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished. near Weyerhaeuser, $45. TU 2-4135. IN HENLEY, 2 bedroom plus i story, stoves, 2 children, $55, references. TU 4-6794, Rte. 2, Box 558. ONE bedroom lurnished, 152.50, 2335 Gar den Ave. TU 2-3112. DUPLEX, 3 room furnished, excellent lo cation, garage, TU 48384 TWO" BEDROOM UNFURNISHE D HOUSE. TU 2-4816. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. TWO bedroom house In South Suburbs, newly painted throughout, will accept two or three children, $70, TU 2-2410. CLEAN unfurnished two bedroom north side home, near schools and stores, 737 Mt. Whitney, $75, TU 2-4B7S. VERY CLEAN Unfurnished one bedroom, electric heat, utility porch, garage. Very good neigh borhood. TU 4-7559 or TU 2-4752. BEDROOM UMfurnished, electric heat, fenced yard, carport. Water paid. Avail able Feb. 70, $90. 3475 Summers Lane, TU 4-9573. TWO room lurnished. Clow In. TU 2-147C. TWO bedroom unfurnished, garaqe, fenced yard. 2 miles north of town, chil fren, pets, o.k. $65, TU 3-6590. UNFUrnIsh E D 7 bedroom duplex, tut l basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, SB0 & 570. TU 7-3444 ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after 5. SMALL 3 bedroom furnished. Water, gar bage. $62.50. TU 4-9005, alter 5 TU 2-2970. CLEAN two bedroom unlurnlshed except lor stoves, 0, TU 4-4484; TU 2-2717. ONE bedroom, unfurnished except elec tric range, free heat and water, adults. no pels. $40. TU 4-7558. ONE bedroom lurnished duplex, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-I4S4. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, garage. Newly painted, $75. TU 4-6023. CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished, J miles north of Klamath Falls, children. pets Ok. $65, TU 2-6590. ONE bedroom unfurnished duple', wash- er-dryer hookup, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, large, oean, TU 4-8763. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, adults, no dogs, $43, TU 4-4781. TWO bedroom. unfurnishr! except Inr oil tove. Near Henley School and store References required, TU 4-5997. TWO bedroom unfurnished hous near Conger School, $55. TU 5-0533. FURNISHED or unfurn'shert 3 bedroom home in Keno. Clean, modern. Also trail er space lor rent. George Selles, TU 2-lOflO. ONE bedroom lurnished, gas. garage close in, redecorated, 725 E. Main. LARGE 1 bedroom partly furnished house, basemenl, garaqt. TU 3-0525. ONE bedroom furnished house. Clean, oil, heal. Water paid. TU 4-7400. VERY nicely lurnished and completely redecorated 1 bedroom horn. Close in. Would consider option lo buy. TU 4-4754. FURNISHED one bedroom and two bed. room houses. Mills. TU 2-SJ22, TU 4-461. 3 BEDROOM lurnished, new furniture and wall lo wall carpel. Open Sundays or after 4 30 weekdays. 3854 Crest REMODELED-2 bedroom "duplex, mshed. $65. Inquire 111 Pine. ATTRACTIVE Unfurnished 3 bedroom Electric hea', garage. Washer, dryer hookup. Very nice nrifjhr-nrhorv TU 7-175. Ul MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 FOR lease good store or office location In busy block on Main Street. Rarnhtsel Agency. 177 So. Bth, TU 2-J461. Eves. TU 4-5924. ail- UAL ESTATE EXCHAN6E .. 2? FOR sale or cchanoe Grants Pass J bedroom home Walking d stance church es, stores and schools. For Klamath Falls properly. TU 2-6058 WILL trade eouily in house for pickup t,r wtatnav-you. 1U 4-J.6. DO vou have a $3 000 paid up home Would you dke to trade lor either ai $8,000 horn or 3 rental units? Write Poi 4446C Herald & News. I am a "TRADER" ARE YOU? why sen when you can trade. CaM DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Cub Licensed - Or. Cat, Ida. Wash. 11' Uan V Til 4-it?7 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ..30 ATTRACTIVE well hurlt three bedroom, ipts of sforaoe. Attached qarene Wail 'o wa'l carpel. Electric heat, fireplace feme"! pat.o Fenced ht k ye-d. n Peterson School 4js Br toi. TU 7 JU LEAVING TOWN! MUST SCTTC ' J bedroom home. 3 vear old Wall lo wall carpet uMv inn..i't. Storm wn rtows Budl in oven und range Fenced irrW and hack Attached oarage Asum present moricjdQ, jyt harvji Tote r"te $n.soc .189 Barry Ave TU 4-9710 NEARLY ne j hed'nom ad den w 0 wan carpet, fai'o'en .capes enclosed graje Oee n pvftoo"g Fur nned t 0fe1 Small .cwn, or a lot or other sman l'oe Tu '4i' VITW ol k'amath lk from " this"" a' tratt-ve J bed' oom honi New ce'pet. slidrnq giass floors onto Covered pt-o hmit n kitten apoi'arres. t.rer'ace fenced yard. plavroom-garftge Many O'her 'attr $'S?00 Any knd O li n.n rog Shfvtffi by ppOnfme"t Only Phore TU 4 WOU5F th'fe cettaoes"! n.shed. S f"h gooa nS COrter, J V. 1 WE pi A' nnrr. J fx, APARTMENTS FOR RENT Pco'ioon. -sew tU'ee he- te'Ct trtrOttgrvMit. $1 yf center trade. TU 7-4etC ..30 LARGE 3 bedroom, dining room, family room, bunt in kiicnen, uimiy, t'i oems. carpeli, drapes, lncd vard. 3412 Eber- lem. FOUR apartments, excellent investment, close In, TU 3-2531, TU 4-4V44. OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home. Built In kitchen, carpeting, gat eg, small lot, I IU 4-JI2. TWO bedroom house, fireplace, S acres, Henley School District, TU 4-7980. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY, Two bed room house, fireplace, large lol, close to schools and shopping center. Reason able. TU 2-4181. TWO bedroom home, Northsid, $5,000, extra tots available, TU 2-3544 anytime. TWO bedroom hous lor sale or rent with outbuilding, fenced yard, TU 4-3969. In quire 1719 Laurel. BY owner, 2 bedroom ranch style home Pay equity of $1500 and assum con tract. TU 2-3953. TWO bedroom home, fireplace. Wall lo wall carpet In living room. Wired tor washer and dryer, on extra large lol. Ga rage, garden spot. Gas also In. Musi see to appreciate, i.vw. iu 7-5i6i. THREE bedroom, built In oven and range, garage, fireplace, owner transferred, 431? Fargo, TU 2-5271. SUBURBAN two bedroom, living room, wall to wall carpeting, dining room, kitch en, utility, oil door iurnace, large lot. Price 17,750. TU 4-5678. STUCCO APARTMENT BUILDING one block to Main. Excellent Income1 only $14,500. Owner will carry contract. PROGRESSIVE SMALL BUSINESS with living quarters consisting of three bedrooms large living room fireplace kitchen. Close In on Highway. Only 115,000. Contract may b assumed. DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL BUILDING 13,530 sguar feel. All street level. Easy: linancing. Schroeder Realty Co. I REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 3-0168 MOVING? will "TRADE" vour property any where west ol lha Rockierl Call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed Or. Cal. Ida. Wash. Why Wait Till Summer?? COME SUMMER, you'll have to pay MORE for this year old 3 bedroom home in Moyina, View windows look out on Shasta, attractive circulating fire place. Large sliding glass doors to the patio. And a most attractive kitchen, with all the built-in appliances. $15,750 and terms that will pleas you. DON SLOAN Real Eslat 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-5458 Anytime -fr BEAUTY In the South Suburbs. Three bedrooms, 3 lull baths. Beautiful circulating fireplace witn raises neartn ana perimeter gas heat. Wall to wall carpet. Two car ga rage. $600 down plus Closing. Total Price $15,900 McATEE REALTY 339 E. Main TU 3-4444 Sales Staff Eves. Evelyn McAfee TU 3-5935 Art Moorman TU 7-1738 Eleanor Mahan TU 3-5755 MLS Multiple Listing Service MOYINA HEIGHTS Brand new 3 bedroom, all brick beauty ll soon be completed. Buy now and pick your own colors, fixtures, carpeting. Built by one ol our leading horn builders. Has circulating fireplace, 1'? baths and it the trimmings. Any iyp financing. Price 831,500. Sea II todsyl SHASTA WAY DUPLEX Each unit has 2 bedrooms. Completely remodeled. Upstairs rents for $45. Own er lives downstairs. Perfect setup for drive in on busy thoroughfare Includ ing extra lol. Owner will carry papers or refinance. Call us today about this pos- ibie business opportunity. n,w. MUST SELL In new addition of Mills. Two bedroom home in tip-lop condition. Inside and out. Price lowered to $11,700 for quick sale. BRUCE OWENS 134 NO. 7lh Lucille Anderson Ray Worden TU 4-317 TU 7-0518 TU 4-9747 MLS Multiple Listing Service VINE STREET Close to schools, churches and super- vised ptay ground. Two bedrooms and family room. Custom built fireplace. Pa tio with playground equipment, com pletely and obscurely fenced.' "Fido" has private residence with fenced runway ! Th nice thtng about this home is mat all the little things to mak It comfortable have been done for you. Phone tor an appointment. Only $17,500. PEYTON Member International Traders Club 83$ Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 3-4173 Mrs. Dan Nichols TU 4-8851 "Pal" Palon TU 7-0834 STILWELL &0. Presents: QUALITY A CHARM p'.il tin view lo cation is offered in this home in Moyi na. 3 good sited bedrooms, large liv ing room with beam tcilinqs, glassed In fireplace, d'mng room, bright kitchen with complete built-in equip ment, dinette. Kceptionel utility set up. 1' i baths, big ooubie garaae. paved dnve, lot fenced and land scaped immediate pj: .ession. Let usl show you this line home. Price $33. 500 $8 500 FULL PRICE nn this clean, well built home cioe tn on North side of town, immediate possession. interested In build-ng We hav lots & acreages For Quick Action L'st Wth STILWELL & CO. 519 Mam Si. Realtors TU 4-3134 After 3 00 call Ron Van Orman TU 1-143 Bruce Bmklev TU 4-l4'B in no answer call TU 4 W4 or TU 3-0444 MLS Multiple Listing Service TRIPLEX with gross Ol WO 0r month Mer Is vour chance for tree living guar- ters Live in on apartment and le me otner two me vour ravmenfs F once $37,500. Win consider trade. SIXTH TRFET ECKnt two bed-opm home With OtfiC and Shoo. iU'l waitmg ior vou 10 ACT. See It today. Only Hi, OOP DURANT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REALTOR JflW SO t tu 4.483? t TU J-3587 Neil in Holiday Bowl $aei Staff Mrs Bt! Jpnei Ty ! C'Vtfe Will'm TU 4-8T' Frt Caves m J-'fa Tin Redr TU 4-7J4J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 39 NEW HOME Just finished, S level blocks from high school. Built lor lasting quality and com- fort by local bstilder. Carpeted living oom, hall, and two bedrooms. Charming birch kltcnen with builtm appliances, Full wall haioht fireplace with cobbled party hearth. You can't beat th low, low price ol $12,500. Pleas call TU 3-3101 anytime 2 00-AC RE Tulelak homestead, small down, liberal terms. TU 4-4344. SOMETHING SPECIAL!! On ol th finest 5 room homes w have ever listed. Fireplace, wali-to-waii carpet ing, separate dining room, very attrac tive kitchen and larg utility room. Storm windows t doors, well insulated, large garag and beautiful lenced vard. Located on Boardman 51. in 51. r-ranc'S rem $14,300. Terms. LEONARD REALTY 3 Main TU 4-7531 or TU 4-9005 Jo Leonard TU 3-0537 TU 4-43B5 TU 4-5333 Audrey Keerins Jo Prry 4 Ol IAI ITY turing double garage, 2 baths, 2 lireplacet, recreation room, large separata utility. 2200 sq. ft. ol usable, livable floor space. slder your older home in trade. OR Consider this brand new 3 bedroom ranch style built to endure. Hi baths, full wail Roman brick fireplace, first quality built- in appliances. Restricted suburban loca tion. Only $14,000. Terms. ONLY 9,500 Buys this 2 bedroom northsid home. Family room, spacious landscaped lot. FHA or Gl terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 9th Street Phon TU 3-4740 Lois Macv TU 2-5467 Iris Madole tu 4-56 Ralph Vaden Lorella 763-4163 Fred Tucker TU 4742 SOUTH SUBURBAN ESTATE. Fine twoi bedroom home with fireplace. On ! acres. Concrete walks, garage, large shop. Insulated slorage house, two room guest house, very handy small barn, neai ly painled lences, very good pasture, well equipped to keep horse or cow. Ideal home ior persons with a hobby. All this for $14,500. Owner will sell furniture. horse and horse trailer with property. Call us lor appointment to see. MILLS Addl'lon Duplex, completely reno vated and redecorated inside and out side. Two 1 bedroom apartments with rang and refrigerator. E leclric heal. Price $15,600, $3,000 down and $40 per month. Will consider trade tor smaner properly. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 3-3471 Jim O'Donahu Eves. TU 4-9693 STROUT REALTY 5429 S. 6th Eves. Bob & Stella Dehlinger Ph. TU 4-5281 TU 2-501 Hank Holman TU 2-5048 Attractive 3 bedroom home, 1-3 acre. Hen. lev District, Fireplace, hardwood floors. Large detached double garage. Excellent condition. $1 7,000. MILLS Addition 3 bedroom home, $9,500. Low down or will consider 3 bedroom trailer horn In trade. 40 ACRES, pasture and allalia. Soulh suburban 3 bedroom home. Good outbuild mgs. $26,000, 39 per cent down. MLS Multiple Listing Service OPEN HOUSE SAT., FEB. 16 FROM 1 TO 5 P.M. Stop in at 5300 Shasta Way and see this excellent three bedroom home with an atlacbed complete on bedroom apart ment. Suitable tor four bedrooms p I u family room. Living room has fireplace with raised neartn, manoqany paneieo wall and carpeting; kitchen with break- last bar, dining room, two baths one with ceramic til shower. Large patio. 85. 350 It., well-landscaped lot. two-car ga raqe, lenced lawn. Complete Irrigation system. Dog facilities. Must sell; owner transferred. I m mediate possession. "WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTOR mi S. m TU -5IS1 Anyllm, TU M)? TU Multiple Listing Service MLS 'HOT SPRINGS HFRE'S SOLID PRICK CONSTRUCTION WITH S BEDROOMS. 3 large bedrooms on main floor and full basement Incorpor ates 7 more bedroom. 3na bath. 16 30 ft party room, etc. Going for $71,500 with top loan; WILL TRADE FOR SMALLER HOME- GOOD LOCATION. v I EASY TERMS!! Drive By 1934 FREMONT ST. Near Rrmevelt School. Solid, 2 bedroom horn with full basement, fireplace. $9,500, with LOW DOWN PAYMENT 2235 WHITP AVE YOU NAME THE DOWN PAYMENT HERE!! Large bedroom horn at only 1T7S0. MOVE IN TODAY, 1403 OAYTON ST Solid, roomy 3 storv 4 bedroom horn on rloe-tn Irrigated tract EXTRA-LOW DOWN Pv MENT A STEAL at $8,000. MOVE IN NOW. Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1Q SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO in n. 9tn st. I-hone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel; Tom RahbiM Ph TU 7-448? Eves Rill Ch.lcot Ph TU 4-3211 Eves Ed Chilcote, Aiwiet Broker fifh Chileotf. tVrv' IUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 NICE Gold Seal Chinchilla herd and caoM for sale; writ EkJred Caster, Rout i. Boy 76. ScoM Mills, Or NOTICE TO PUBLIC Pteas invstigat thoroughly any invest ment 0 mcevs In merchandise, various entrerli or busn5S opportunities b- fo- titing vour capital Th H'id ang News makes vry effort to re tec i aU fraudulent or misleading advertiimg however, w art not response for th Integrity of In firm or individual wN place advertising in our publication. Any advertising of bus(ness OOPCtunitie i- I pearmg to b frauttu'eni or misiaaig i shOf d b reported lo th Clarified an 'Iver'islng Deoartmcnt of m HtraM and t Nw-s FINANCIAL LOANS 34 HEDGE YOURSELF agit fnMtiov See about RE AL ES TATE INVESTMENTS nvwrr west fl th focfcis. at DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member nlrnt-nn UadM CMi L"Cened-Or . Cat- Ida.. Wath mi Ma n !. TU Mil' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 FOR sal two pair Chinchillas, on pair carrying. Small equity, take ever pay memj iu a-nzv. FINANCIAL - LOANS 34 WE SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto loan, trailer loon, personal loan ... we make loans for any worthwhile purpose. Confidential service, too! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cart Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th : TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 ANT IQUE Iron bed. very ornate. ished white. TU 4-4993, 357B Vine. MAHOGANY dining room table, 4 chairs. $195, upriqht mahogany piano, $195, 30 gal. electric hot water healer, $20, days TU 4-7043, evenings, TU 4-5241. FOR SALE FOUR DRAWER CHEST TU 2-5296 OLDER GE electric range, $20, good working condition, TU 2-5024 after 4 p.m. KENMORE automatic wjsher. Electric clothes dryer. Good condition. TU 4-3591. MATCHING Norge Auto.-natlc washer & drver, excellent condition, late model, rea dy to go, $150 (or sel, TU 2-6137. WOOD kitchen range, 525, call TU 2-4316, 18 FT. upright freeier, 1 year old, $225, TU 3-5668, 4641 Bisbee. GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. 412 Main TU 4-835 r SPECIAL PFAFF AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG machine In cabinet. Like new condition. $e a month after SMALL DOWN PAY- MENT. SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main TU 7-2513 WESTINGHOUSE WASHER & DRYER Matching 225 Excellent. Guaranteed! KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 3899 So. 6th C'MON OUT FRIDAY NIGHT AND SEE OUR WONDERFUL AS SORTMENT OF OUTSTANDING FURNISHINGS AND APPOINT MENTS FOR ALL TASTES AND STYLES ... AT YOUR PRICE! Three deep freezes, Kenmore and G E. electric ranges, several TV scls, consoles and portables; books and bookcases, beautiful bromelone table and A-chair din ette set, 6-pce. mahogany dining room sef n lovely condition, excellent 3-pce. sec tonal, Provincial Hlde-a-Bed, walnut twin bedroom set, stereo-phonograph, portable sewing machines, several cedar cnests packed with linen, gas rtnges and re- iQerators. mahogany, walnut, and biond bedroom sets with new and used mat tresses and bo springs, lovely antique buffet, solid oak bunk beds, swina rock ers, pots and pans, new and used dave noes, large consignment of moulding, and loads of miscellaneous. THE POET'S CORNER W don't go In for trimmings much Or hearts and flowers and all such. But lust the same, we're her to say You'll lov lo buy the auction way! PREVIEW ALL DAY FRIDAY l( You're Not Buying At THE RESALE HOUSE YouVc Payinq Too MuerV FUEL . HEATING 31 RODY WOOD, delivered, $12.50 a cord. Call TU 4-SC34. GOOD red fir body wood $1$ cord, de livered. TU 4-771, 2-4712. DRY pin blocks. You haul. $5 Pr cord. Metier 6 rot tiers, 3131 Crorby, TU 4-5184. CALL CLIFF VADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales S IV H Green Slamps Open 34 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 4-381 and TU 2-M60 COLD DAYS AHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stove "FOR ALL YOUK FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. Ho. B'thn St. TU 3-44 E GIVE GOLD BONO STAVPl STOVES - STOVES STOVES & STOVE PARTS MERCHANDISE MART ?QA4 ln rSth TU 4.t6rft GOOD THIN6S TO EAT 39 BEEF, PORK, wholesale custom butch, ermg, cutting, curing. Shamrock Meat. jrt' Wv TU ? ,?lt. Til ?.1T tt . Ptrt . Sprtt . Hobit 40 BEAGLES. AKC rpgntered puppies, weeks old. Tu 2-0605. Ashland H-ghwev. WANTED Boston errifr pup. AKC, black and white. TU 4-. PU R E BO ED Dachshund puooesi phon TU 2-4570. BEAUTIFUL cocker )" is, registered. 1611 S'Shtyou Street BLACK ifinnv pood'e peoples. week i, eceiient blood lres, tu 2-4CS2. DACHSHUNDS. AKC-"-months 0'd, 403 Cot. TU 4-56S$ after 5 B P IMC K E NNELS"AI tud cMmpion "ed let black, b'own. a"d silver poo oie. white & roared pefcngee. orang Pomeranians. Preeonal poorjl clip Ping. Pupp-s S0J3 So. Ena. TU 4-'525. huRRyT only" 3 ft, Reg stb'ceiii fuocies. tu 4-5WI. WELSH Terrier puov crmpon Sirad, AKC registered. Tu 2-iU e ILL at vacant rrt."-,itn" fat acl rg waf AO smoi d'ai tu a-ini DOG and cat boarding, Training, groom '"O. bathing Onq t,l ixjop'es tor ai. SH AST A CASCADE KEN'ELS. pait Me--Htl.LeviW Junc'-OO 3H Ve' M-gh. way on Booth Rsad. '. ftoi 504E. TU -5C'l.