( Beauty Surgery Tops f Psychological Cures By AW LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: 1 am a plas tic surgeon who for reasons o' professional ethics must ask you not to print my initials. The letter from "Ugly" and your excel I lent advice, nhl .. I fppl rlnu-einr 1 that vour advice was incom-i J P.ete. iou wise- My sugscsted therapy for the person who broods about his appearance and becomes ' -- rV Jacob On Bridge WEST A 1062 K2 KQJ1064 4105 NORTH AQ853 10854 9 8632 IS EAST A J974 V JB76 82 J7 SOUTH (D) AK AQ3 A753 AKQ9 North and South vulnerable Sooth Went North Eut 3N.T. Pass Pass Faro Opening lead . K King Play Sefs South By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. One of the best defensive plays of the recent annual St. Paul Winler Carnival tournament was made by James Dolan. He opened the king of diamonds against Snuth's three no-trump contract and continued the suit. South won the third lead and ra-i off four clubs and two spades Mr. Dolan had to make two dis cards. His first was the deuce of hearts, his second the deuce of padcs. South, one of Minnesota's lop players, went into a huddle. Jim still held three diamonds. His n V er card was surely a heart. Could it be the king? Possibly, but not probably. If not. South had a cinch play. He led his queen of hearts expecting that East would win with the king and lead to dummy's ten of hearts or qu;en of spades. Unfortunately for South. .Inn produced the king of hearts and made the rest of the tricks with his remaining diamonds to set the hand two. At other tables, the West play er would keep the king of hearts guarded and throw away a dia mond. After that. South woud simply lead a diamond and throw West in the lead. West could cash his last diamonds and then have to lead up to the ace-qu'V'i of hearts. 15 Q The bidding has been: Wert North T-ttt Ponth 1 A Double Pass 2 V Pasa 3 Pass T You, South, hold: M4 VK785 KJSJ 42 What do you do? A Bid four hearts. Ton promised nothing when you bid two hearts and joa have two kings and m Jack. TODAY'S QUESTION West and North pass over your two heart bid and East bids two spades. What do you do? Answer Tomorrow Hear Theie! SONY TRANSISTOR RADIOS Superb Quality! Suprb Sound! LEO'S CAMERA SHOP 836 Main so miserable he contemplates su- icide. Alter the patient has been helped back from his depressed state, however, he should consult a competent plastic surgeon, The individual who feels that his facial features are affecting him socially and-or economically. should take whatever steps are available to improve his appear ance. The psychological effect is sometimes more useful than the actual physical alteration. No ethical cosmetic surgeon would undertake the operation un less he felt the chance for im provement ould warrant t h e risks, expense, and lime away from normal activities. You have my permission to print this. BOSTON HEADER Dear Boston: Thank you for adding to my incomplete reply tn "Ugly." I deeply appreciate the interest and the generosity of specialists, such as you, whose comments help to make this col umn sound and useful. Dear Ann Landers: If you ever decide to pass out awards for The Nut Of The Year I think 1 should w in it. My husband who is 52 suddenly developed an interest in the chil dren of a friend. This woman was widowed two years ago and was left with three boys under 14 years of age. Six months ago my husband de cided to be a second father to Ihese children. I should have waked up and smelled the cof fee as you say, because this guy never paid any attention to his ow n kids w hen tliey were grow ing up. Last week I telephoned to ask f she'd like to he with me while my husband was on a camping trip with her boys. Who do you think answered the phone? The oldest kid. They were at home while Mother was out with Uncle Joe" that's my old gaffer. I'm not asking for advice be cause I know what I'm going to do. I'm writing to wise up other wives whose husbands may be playing the same game. PRIZE FILBERT Dear Prize: Just when I thought I'd heard 'em all, someone comes up with a new angle. I'm printing your letter as further evidence that the man's Imagination knows no bounds especially where worn en are concerned. Dear Ann Landers: I just read the letter from the teen-ager who was ordered to get off the phone when her boy friend called be cause she had already talked to one fellow that evening. Last week something similar happened to me. I was talking tn mv girl friend, and I had a clock right in front of me. We had been on the phone for 17 minutes when my mother came over and yelled right into the mouthpiece. "I'm sick of your foolish jabbering. Gel off right now." Five minutes later a friend o( mother's telephoned and they gabbed for one hour and seven minutes. They tore up everybody in their church group, ran down a few relatives, yakked about my father's boss and chopped up the minister's wife. Why is it all right for her tn gossip for over an hour when I have to get off in 17 minutes? PERSECUTED Dear Persecuted: Your mother Is not setting a very good exam ple. What some parents don't un derstand Is that children nerd models more than they need critics. To learn the booby-traps of teen eo drinking, write for Ann Lan ders' booklet. "Teenage Drink ing." enclosing with your request 20 cents in coin and a long, sell addressed, stamped envelope. Ann Landers will be glad to .help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a stamped, clf-addresod envelope. Not Guilty Plea Entered Martin Lloyd Strachan, 23, in dicted by the Klamath County Grand Jury for crimes of larceny and assault and batterv entered pleas of not guilty to both charg es in two of six criminal matters brought before Judge David R Vandenbcrg in circuit court earlv Thursday. Judge Vandenbcrg set Wednes day, March 20, as the time for the trial on the assault charge and Monday, April 8, as the date lor trial on the other matter. The judge also received pleas of not guilty from A.2.C. Donald Robert Bailev, 211. charged with larceny, and Henry Luther Cole. 18, of Chiloqum, accused of as sault and batterv bv means of force likely to produce great bodily harm. The trial date for Bailey's case vvas set for Mon day, March 25. and for Cole's. Wednesday, April 3. Bailey is accused of stealing an undetermined amount of monev and a ring from a girl he was driving home following a dance The girl was dozing in the air man s car at the time of the alleged theft, police records in dicate Cole is accused of assaulting Klamath Falls man who was returning home from work during the prc-dawn hours of Jan. 15. Strachan, being held for the Ore gon Stale Penitentiary pending the revocation of his probation, has lieen implicated with four others in the larceny of personnl prop erty belonging lo Louis Hutchin son and the subsequent beating of Francis Hutchinson in the lat- ter's Beatty cabin. Strachan had been on probation from Lane County before his arrest here. to a, If. Li j i i 'i narr.5 ana . J! . . 'LA El win Brown SAY rn &L1 lit Shop Us Before You Buy FOR THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN QUALITY SERVICE LOW PRICE! CAL.ORC ELECTRICAL LIAGUI 'ONUS QUALIFICATION Q VI I 3toNGf V1 WAmTtl V f' II Of INT rrfl V IJ0' 4NY TT' poli o 9u'th ef w touiomen -nlw Ml It at twr:l lovu trtffx tVYt boAut ilmwl If in adri'tie te !f eri mfiw tool! mwaf4 slw f yaw aid nvipwMt, ubit! ' c"i'tie"i H Ming eWal,. 0 pood r.h V Aortl 'Jth -'tut iirttild '4091 iwnbv V urth- ol WASHINGTON, DC. - Con gressman Al Ullman. Oregon Democrat, announced Friday an additional allocation of $45,000 for the accelerated public works pro ject at the Winema National For est and $5,000 for the projects in the Fremont National Forest. "I am quite pleased that this money will he used In provide Field Mice Jump Noted TULELAKE A heavy infes tation of field mice is building up in all areas ot the lulelakc Rasin and Lower Klamath Lake. and larmers are warned by coun ty agents and other agricultural experts to take immediate meas ures for control. Cropland and crops are threat ened unless a die-off occurs w ith in the next two months. Ditch- banks are heavily infested and thorough surveys of lands in volved should be made at once to determine needs for control. Agricultural commissioners of Siskiyou and Modoc counties have poisoned grains available which nan he ohtained from Bill Huse. Tulelake. deputy agriculture commissioner for Siskiyou Coun iu and l.rrov Smith. Alturas. Mo doc County agricultural inspec tor. The last heavv infestation was during the fall of 1957 and spring of 1958 when multi-million noi- lar damages resulted from the hordes of mice in many parts nl the Klamath Rasin including Tule lake. Court Records MUNICIPAL COURT Fab. 14, ml Euqana Morttoorrtary. drunk. MS or "vf r 10 dav Rohart Elliot! Gray. diordrly conduct. S IOrfll. . Albert L. Jartoj. disorderly conduct. 125 jrlelt. Lawrenct JncHon. drunk. HS or livi Or 0 dnvl Henderion A. Young, drunk, $?S or five r 10 dnyl. Chnei L. Rud. drunk. Mi or l.ve- or 0 days Micnool Joseph Murphy, drunk, MJ or iva or 10 dAys. Benny Swemoo, drunk, MS or live or 10 days. Robert iodn Wldmark, vagrancy, hod nd 30 dayl. urKi Frl HnllamnA. drunk. MS Or Cneiter Earl Snockey, drunk, MS or tiva - 10 anyi ' ' :Jf.:x--- III Bold pastels in du Pont fabrics set the active rhvihm of these newly-designed stvies modelled by lovely Carroll Baker. Created by master designer Oleg Casini. six exclusive patterns are available to FAMILY WEEKLY readers in the FEBRUARY 17TII Weekend Issue of Weekly with your copy of the SUNDAY '44-78-84-891 , 1AUIUI g APR. 21 ( MAY 21 n 2- 8 ?t-2cJ 53-67-6 OfAUNI MAY 7i -5 JUNE 2: 1B-1924-31 37.32-79 86 CANCII -f JUNC 23 JLL.T iJ 134-36-38.410 uo Vi59.63-64-6i 171-73-, VIRGO AUG. 34 SEPr. x 3-78-54-74 yy75-76 STAR GAZEK!0 By CLAY JL POLLAN' K Your OoiiV AOMtyCuidw H V Arrnrd.nn la thm Start. To develop message for Saturday, read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc birth sign. 1 W) 2 Bngi-ir 3 Succe A Steer 5 MottffrS 6 Don't 7 Industry PN. 9Stk II t-3 I? 5tofr ,3Trvre' UClooe 16 A 17 SfauncK IS wi 19 Full 20 Making 21 Stvjrkt 22Coepe'0(too 23 SoPtMr 24 liformotion 54 I' ?5 Of 76 Ot 27 Ar 29 That 30 Omf 3. And tSlWf 3? Gotncring Preblm 33 O 3 Ne c4 KMp 64 And 2 Sit Romantic 36 Awtrv Your 37Explonotk 67Ar 28 From t8 Elbow 39 Ot 9Flv.nfl 40 A 70Nw 41 Circulate 7IThr,(l 42 0rnr 72 P'acn 43 CKa9 73 D-ow 44 To . 74 Trv 46PK! 7SPoirn 4 B,ttcHj 76 Ot 47Fr,vxji 77Nr 48 Wet 73 Ootain 49 Shming 79 Ymi S5Prjin 80Rght 51 New fl! Mo' 52 Before V fo"1 53 Love 63 Your 54 li BOu.ck For 8 S IrvltcQted 50 Family Fo Continue 57 Morrtal 87 Commod'tie .S Happy PS Hand 59 Money SReiultS AO Home-coming 90 Fovored 5CPT.2J OCT. 23 32-33-47-SA V- KOflPtO OCT. Utf& 43 80-81 V SAGITTARIUS NOV. 33 ft dcc 22 ; 13-16-17-23 jr-bt-68 CAPHCOIN KH. 20 1-48-51.55 6170-72 AQUARIUS AN. 21 , Good ) Adverse i-i 1-25-30 r : 145-57-62 V:' riicts FEB 20 MAR. 21 1- L 7.1ftiri p 5.35-87-90 VV Funds Allocated For Forest Jobs additional employment during the remaining winter months." Ull man declared. The Eastern Ore- con Congressman explained that this additional money will con tinue many ot the projects through which the Forest Service hopes to cet camn and nirnir grounds ready for recreation use tins spring. ITERALD ANT) NEWS, Klamath Falli, Ore. Friday, February II, 196J PAGE-11 Civil Defense Program Defended By Hatfield SALEM UTIi - A strong de fense ot Oregon's Civil Defense Agency was made today by "Gov. Mark Hatfield, who Mid "I'm very anxious that the legislature restore the budcet." The governor blamed "constant turmoil at the federal level" for destroying confidence in civil defense. Refcrrinc to a Wavs and Means subcommittee vote Wednesday which threatened to eliminate the slate's civil defense agency. Hat field said "I think the action was unwise." He stronelv denied that the slate CD organization had failed to perform its duties. "It has performed well," he said. He said criticism of the acenrv because of shortcomings noted during Uie Columbus Day storm were not a sufficient basis to destroy civil defense in this slate." He said the organization did perform, although Tie admitled it tunctioncd on a limited basis. "Nobody has claimed it was perfect." He then pointed to difficulties faced by cities, the slate uolice and the National Guard. "Nobody is proposing to abolish the state police because their communications network did not function perfectly during the torm." He also noted that many com mercial radio stations were off the air. When asked to comment on re ports the state may have to pay (40.000 as a result of the Camp Withycombe situation, Hatfield said "I don't Intend to engage in political charges on this, this is a legal question." He said anyone guilty of mis conduct should be punished, and added, "this should not become a political sideshow for political purposes." Hatfield said he was sorry to learn Dr. Donald Pickering was resigning from the staff of the primate research center. He said he had not seen (lie latest agreement on the proposed Dunes National Seashore but said "I am hopeful it will be a bill all can support. I will do whatever I can. When asked to comment on charges made earlier this week that Democratic leadership waslpeared his hopes for a during not handling tax matters speedily session tax election were now enough, Hatfield admitted it ap-ldead. J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 HEADQUARTERS FOR NORTHRUP KING Alfalfa, Clover And Grass Seeds Lorgt Quantities JUST INSTALLED... 1 4-ri6-' , A J : mi ' - -- - 'Utah. 7 -"T TtT... & .-lil Urn NEW, BEAR SAFETY SERVICE FRONT-END EQUIPMENT! Take advantage of this value: We align front end, pack front wheel bearings, inspect brake lining and adjust steering and inspect shock absorbers all on the very latest equipment by our factory trained mechanics. Only . . . 9.95 ECCLES MOTORS 606 S. 6th TSH" A WBWFJWiHNB BWs "b?' sssT, CAL0RE ELECTRICAL LEAGUE'S 0D1 (7 w 1 wo for any old RANGE ! Your favorite CalOre Electrical League dealer can now offer you a special $20. bonus for any old range or stove traded for a modern, flameless electric range! qJq for any old WATER HEATER ! Trade any old water heater for a new, quick-recovery electric water heater and get a bonus allowance! Or trade that old water heater and that old range and get a $35.00 bonus! These bonuses available to all customers served by the Copco Division, Pacific Power Gr Light Company, the Ashland Municipal Power System, the Surprise Valley Electrification Corporation, and the Douglas County Electric Cooperative. Bonuses are offered only by the CalOre Electrical League dealers listed be low. The offer is limited -so act now! HE B & B RADIO & ELECTRIC TU 2-4434 RCA Tappon Rheem CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS TU 4 8365 Frigidaire Fowler COAST TO COAST STORES TU 4-6248 Kelvinator EAST SIDE APPLIANCE TU 4-8886 Westinghouse FIRESTONE STORES . TU 4-8100 FRIESEN-WELMAN CO. TU 4-7043 National Rheem Water Heaters GOODYEAR SERVICE TU 4-8141 General Electric i x i HAFTER FURNITURE CO. TU 4-4878 Monarch HOME APPLIANCE CO. TU 4-8183 General Electric J. W. KERNS TU 4-4197 Norge KIRCHER'S COAST TO COAST STORE 783-2239 Wtthnghoui Silver Sl (Chilequin, Or9n) LUCAS FURNITURE . TU 4-3134 l Philco MERIT'S TU 4-4478 Admiral Fowler K R. KIMES PLUMBING . TU 4-8620 National Reeublic Water Heaters MONTGOMERY WARD & CO TU 4-3188 Signature Fairway JOHN M. OWENS TU 4-8245 National Water Heaters SEARS ROEBUCK I CO TU 2-4481 Kenmore Homort SHAFFER ELECTRIC TU 2-5503 Admiral Gibson Fowler TOWER FURNITURE TU 4-8858 Norge UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE TU 4-5512 National Water Heet.ri EASTSIDE ELECTRIC . TU 4-3184 National Water Heaters ft RADIO & fcLtCTRI t Fk. TU I vc- it ttWM MAIIIt