Conununihf. Qndak THURSDAY ;"; Y-NE-MA TWIRLERS, 7:30 p.m., round dance instruction, 3 l p.m., square dance, YMCA. Bring i aougnnuls. KLAMATH CIVIC THEATRE. 8 p.m.. tryouts (or "Light Up the bky," Wamath Auditorium. ItOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, 8 p.m., meeting, Ev ans Bldg., loth and Main. BEGINNERS ROUND DANCE CLASS, 8 p.m.. Merry . Mixers Hall. ' ; LADIES AUXILIARY, Canton Crater No. 7, 8 p.m., meeting, JOOK Hall. FRIDAY : MYSTERY COMEDY, "Jecpers , Creepers." 8 t.m.. Bonanza Ele mentary gym. Benefit of Big fapnngs Park. KLAMATH CIVIC THEATRE, 8 p.m., tryouta for "Light Up me 4Ky," Klamath Auditorium. SCHOOL MATES CLUB, 1 p.m. ' luncheon, Willard Hotel. SATURDAY KLAMATH LANK Lodtre. Vasa Order of America. 38th anniver sary, IOOK Hall, 6 p.m. dinner members and invited auests. Meeting 8 p.m. AMERICAN LEGION Valentine party, 8 p.m. Lecion Hall. Mem bers and guests. WOTM AND LOOM. 7 n m spaghetti dinner, Moose Home Dance to follow. AMERICAN LEGION. 8 n m Valentine Balloon Party, Legion Hall. KLAMATH LANK LODGE. No 4fi0. 6 p.m.. dinner. 8 o.m.. meet- ing. Dance to follow. Members and guests. VFW, 9J1 n.m.. Sweetheart Ball, band, VKW Hall. Members and guests. RUMMAGE SALE, Aloha Chap ter No. SI. OES. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Masonic Temple. PAGE I HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. ; SHASTA . HOMEDALE EXT. ; UNIT, JO a.m., dinner with : charge, creative cookery, fair. grounds. RUMMAGE SALE, Aloha Chap : ter No. 61, OES, 8:30 a.m. to 5 . p.m., Masonic Temple. SHASTA VIEW GRANGE, I p.m.. Cherry Pie Social, program grange hall. Dance to follow. KLAMATH COUNTY RE TIRED TEACHERS, 1:30 p.m., YMCA. RESCUE SQUAD, Klamath County Civil Defense, 7:30 p.m.. City Fire Station. Refresher study of advanced first aid. QUOTA CLUB DINNER honor ing Helen Gragg, district gov ernor, 7 p.m. in Green Loom of the W'inema Hotel. MYSTERY COMEDY, "Jcep- ers Creepers." 8 p.m.. Bonanza Elementary evm. Benefit of Bic springs Park. ? I I ." : 0? f--4 :.:r if! :! U.U T - i i-t rr ? f a -.tilt "i'tw r r? ii Thursday, February U. MB L0HTER $DE Hiking -Biggest Fad Since Flagpole Sitting WASHINGTON (UPIi As everyone in the entire, ever.lnv ing ambulatory world must know ny now, America is on a hiking binge. The way thines are eoina. Iiilc ing will become the hippos) fa1 since nagpoie sittme. Some Den. I pie apparently are just now dis covering mat tney have feet. It all started, of course, with President Kennedy's revival of an old Theodore Roosevelt directive lixing a three-day, 50-mile hike as a litness test for military officers. Would you like to hear the tm inside story of what was hnhin the original directive? Verv un Just stay right there in vour easv chair and I will give you the scoop. Roosevelt was never pxarllv a !-pound weakling, but he did have what micht be described as a Charles Atlas complex.' Sickly As Youth As a youth, accordinff tn his autobiography, he was "rather sickly and awkward" and "nnito unable to hold my own when inrown into contact with other boys of rougher antecedents." If Atlas, the famous hndv.hniM er, had been in business at the time, young Teddy probably would nave enrolled in his corre spondence course in muscle de vclopment. But he lived in the nrimliiiv. era before Atlas invented 'dv. namic tension." so he was forced to create a physical culture pro gram oi ins own. For several years, Roosevelt went in big for wrestling. While governor of New York, he billed the state for a wrestling mat, but tne expense was disallowed by me comptroller, who took the po sition that it was not a "proper gubernatorial amusement. Took Up Boxing Roosevelt next tk uo boxinc but abandoned it after a poke in the eye ruptured some blood ves sels. He was by then getting pret ty old, so he turned to less strenu ous exercise jujitsu. It was his hinh recaid for w hat he called "the vigor of life" that prompted him to issue the hikinn directive. The armed forces won. dismayed by the order and did I tney could to circumvent it. But Roosevelt himself said it was "a lest which many healthy middle-aged won would be able to meet." To prove his point, he of went on hikes with an athlt group known as the "tennis cs net." When thev came to a riv they didn't bother with bridg I hey sw am across. If we swam the Potomac. usually took olf our clothe: Roosevelt recalled. On one occasion the Fren imbassador ioined the hike a as they were about to swim t river someone noticed that was still wearing his gloves. I think I will leave them on said the proper but otherwi naked envoy. "We might me ladies." DEMANDS IMPFArUUFMT A J j- ,i , n -i . , . . T TV . 7 . man ucmanamg mar rresiaenr Cenneay and his cabinet be impeached drove a car onto the steps of the Justice Department in Wash j9 Wfe,,d,?V "i oW Pl'' h hd a bomb wired to the car. The man, who identified ninjself as Nathan Wi.ltowslty, lay under the car and said he wouldn't move until he could talk to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. This picture of the scene was made with ajelephotojens since police blocked off the area. UPI Telephoto Dividend Report Necessary ANNUAL HAM DINNER. St lAugusline'g Parish, 6 to 8 p.m. Parish Hall, Merrill. RUMMAGE SALE. Green springs Garden Club, 9 a.m. to p.m., Clyde j Towuig. AAUW, 12:30 n.m.. Wincma Ho tel. Members and guests. Guest speaker. Marjorie McBride, Hill crest superinlendant. MONDAY LUCILE O'NEILL. 2:15 D.m.. Founders Day Tea. school li- 'brary. Dividends received bv laxnavers nunng i2 must he reported on federal income tax returns. A r, ICrickson. Director of the Infernal Revenue Service for Oregon, said today. He explained: "If you own slock in a corimi a lion, the navmenls vnu riwlvo out oi tne company s earnings and profils are called dividends and must be reported on vour tax re turn. "Usually, dividends are naM in cash, but if paid in merchandise 'or other nroDcrtv. thev are tavahln at their fair market value. "You must renort Ihnse rliul. dends credited to vour account as well as those which you actually cceive. 'You also must report the divi dends on your stock which is held in the name of your broker. "Your distributable share nf rfiv. idends from partnerships, estates and trusts must also be reported.' "Taxpayers who have any qucs lions on this subject may call their nearest Internal Revenue Service I Office. I ADAIR'S LUXURIOUS FOR HER VALENTINE! Beautiful Hand Tooled LEATHER PURSES Reg. 35.00 Reg. 45.00 C1" This Week 3ZO This Week 3JO Many Other Lovely Hand Mode Gifts . Come in & Look DOROTHEA'S GIFT SHOPPE AND BOOK EXCHANGE 61 Klamath SO NEW- SO SMART- SO rrrl . N0W PLAYING.. . . UNTIL FEB. 20! VI ((Wki ANr Venter Ring Paint Values -SAVE ud to $1 a w mt 'feS &' Fashion Semi-Gloss EnWK ' 111 JM JJ M ""t , J -"JI jm Cotor,chw.n ration L. r ;. . vtpjjfijffi ET. S" M jrSv :rrru zztxtxz -rr- 1 I $$3 -49 r-- Lfo vf "--foSwl SiSr (S xxz SSH. I " " Jw-3J L ci. u. "'j Riff Ta UUt-t jk 1" h'!" C Jv KJ f Extra long two cushion tofa in o foshion- Avaiifei ' """J-Kuipiiico.ot CAZ O f 'Jrfc f obl "9ht fon Motelano cover. Full 4 inch jrs5jR'J50t30,'' NowDUorrt I J 'piyl ) f foom eushioni. Button tuHed back, deep 1 J5t7 R.3 0oi.5so.m. ...TT. mow DUwn M lM ' ' -- fc -r-?V W tercd deck are only a few of the outstond- y , 1 I -"' VTe4-i 1- J a '"9 feature!. ;r.r. 25 JJlM I Parade of A I Cfn T jrsW W.X4s!L49i U Furniture Bargains J- 1 CC A? I fkiQ) Room Divider -----D D TT6 1 I 11188 I I rr-f..c?-- i -T-."."i,022 f I L1 IJ:40I Bookcase .'1 J$f VSsX. 'WiM Desk rT!T jgy His I .p. I II II .1 0 Sophisticated traditional Sofa in a beoutiful, long-wearing rich brown cover. Button tufted, pillow back with luxurioui foam cushions. An out standing furniture value for this sale only! Traditional tea kco Dazzling Mirror Sale! EXTRA LENGTH DAVENPORT 3 Foam Rubber Reversible Cushions. Long-wearing Nylon Cover. (Not Illustrated) ONLY II jJl ).? nt in T? how let us Recommend a Reiahto Professional PainterM .?rULLfcK 5-PC. RANCH OAK GROUP Naugahyde covered Daveno & Platform Rocker, $100 2 End Tables, Coffee Table. Terrific Value, all 5 pieces f ? EASY TERMS - OF COURSE FREE DELIVERY! I PAINTS WALLMPIH . MIKKOItS W.P. Fuller & 2899 South 6fh Phone TU 4-6377 2200 South 6th FURNITURE Phone TU 4-7510