.14 THREE bedroom house, lull baiernent. en mi or wooa nth M Clitorn Ave TU 4-55i2 TWO be-lroom partly furnished, dean, US, TU 4-JJ3. TWO bedroom furnished near""wever haeuser, Ui. TU M1M. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex ONE bedroom, clean," furnished or urv furnished, close In, $S0, TU 4-5172. 2 BEDROOM un"furnished"$687l00Cres cent, TU 4-3470 atter 4 pm. TWO bedroom apartment In Molex, some vMioMiiiya, iguiu, jot nj. IVin. TRAILE R house, double gregt. wash house, 5414 independence. TU I-2I5. THREE room furnished home, garage. Inquire 1832 Summers Lane TWO bedroom house, oartlv lurnlshed, near Weyerhaeuser, 5. 'U 2-6135. FOR rent three bedr oomhouse "Yv a i ia bit Feb. II, $75, TU 4-4054. IN HENLEY, 2 bedroom plus '? story, stoves, 2 children, S55, references, TU 4-t7U. Rte. 2, Box 558. ONE bedroom furnished, 12. M 2335 Gar dan Ave. TU 3-3112. DUPLEX, 3 room furnished, excellent lo cation, garage, TU 4-8214 TWO bedroom unfurnlsr cd, hmemnt, garage, clean, !. nev KUHS, 14 rornana, i u l-tbtv. TWO BEDROOM UNFURNISHED MUU5t. I U Z-4B16. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU or i u -as6. TWO bedroom house -ln"5wthSuburb"s. newly painted throughout, will accept two or mree cniidren, $70, TU 2-2410. w CLEAN unfurnished two bedroom north- aide home, "near schools and stores, 727 "i. wnirney, $5, TU 2-4875. VERY CLEAN Unfurnished one bedroom, electric heat utility porch, garage. Very good neigh- Dornooo. I U 4-;i? or T U 2-4752. LARGE three bedroom home, unlur nished, north side, $90, 1 U 492S4. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, "elcctrlche3r fenced yard, carport. Water paid. Avail' able Feb. 20, $90. 3425 Summers Lane, TU 4-9573. TWO room furnished. Close In. TU 2-147C TWO bedroom unfumhed, garage, fenced yard, 2 miles north ot town, chil tfren, pets, o.k. $65, TU 2-6590. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex, full Basement, iirepiftce, ha 'd wood floors, electric heat, $80 s, $70. TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-?67 alter 5. SMALL J bedroom furnished. Water, q.ir- oage. W2 50. TU 4-9005, after 5 TU 2-270. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except ior stoves, U. IU 4-4484; TU 2-2717. ONE bedroom, unfurnished except elec tric rqnge, free heat and water, adults, np pets, $60. TU 4-7558. ONE bedroom furnished duple, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, garage. Newly painted, $75. TU 4-6023. CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished, i miles north of Klamath Falls, children, pets o.k. $65, TU 24590. ONE bedroom unfurnlsheri duplex, wash-tr-dryer hookup, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, large, Ciean, TU 4-1263. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, adults, no dogs, $45, TU 4-4281. TWO bedroom, unfurnlstur! except for oil Hove. Near Henley School and store. References required, TU 4-5W7. TWO bedroom unfurnished house near Conger School. $55. TU 5-0533. FURNISHED or unlurn'shed 2 bedroom home In Keno. Clean, modern. Also trait, er space for rent. George Selles, TU 2-1080. ONE bedroom furnished, gas, garage close In, redecorated, 225 E. Main. LARGE I bedroom partly furnished houKJbasement, garaa. TU 2-0535. ON6 bedroom furnished house. Clean, oil heat. Water paid. TU 4-600. VERY nicely lurnlshed and completely redecorated 1 bedroom homa. Close in. Would consider option to buy. TU 4-4756. FURNISHED one bedroom and two bed room houses, Mills, TU (-5322, TU4-44I9 3 BEDROOM furnished, new furniture and wail to wall carpet. Open Sundays or alter 6:30 weekdays. 3854 Crest St. VeMOD E L E d"3 bedroom riuplex7t"uf nished, $65. Inquire 111 Pine. ATTRACTIVE Unfurnished 2 bedroom Electric ha', garage. Washer, dryer hookup. Very nice nriqurt'rriorid T u Me?!. TU 7-4 MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 HAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 TRADt eaulty In (wo bedroom house for work on my homt or sell for $300 down. TU 4-73)9 after 2 p.m. FOR sala or exchange Grants Pass 2 bedroom home. Walkinq d stance church es, siores and schools. For Klamath Falls properly. TU 2-60S8. WILL trade equity in house for pickup cr what-haveyou. TU 4-3268. 00 vou have a $3 000 pd up home1 Would vou like to trade for either an $$.000 hnme or 3 rental units? Write Box 4446C Herald 8. Newt. "TRADE" ond SAVE TAXES For information on tax FREE Trades, call DEANE SACHER t Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed-Ore., Cel.. Ida., Wash, vj.r, si TU 4 4' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . 30 ATTRACTIVE well built three bedroom, lots ot storage a Attached aeraqe Well to wa't carpet. Electric heat, fireplace Cement paiio Fenced back yard. Nri Peterson School. 4645 Brutal, Tu 2-3137 LEAVING TOWN! "MUST-SELL? 3 bedroom home, 3 vears old Wall to wall carpet. Fully insulated, storm ym dnws. Built In oven and range. Fenced front and tc Attached garage Assume present morlgage. $650 Will handle. Total price $11,500 3869 Barry Ave TU 4 9730 NEARLY nfw 3 bedroom and den Wall to wail carpet, tailored drapes, enclosed garaqe ( osa In overlooking city Fur nished H deOred Small fown, or lot or Other small traie TU 2-4U6 VIE of Ktama'h Lak Irom this at tractive 3 bedroom hriTi New carpet, siding glass ocort ootn covered pto, ! bijitt n k.tchen aD0rrev fireplace, I fenced yard, piavoonvgareq Many ftr-er features $'5 700 Any kind O nancir-g Shr-n p appomtment only. Phone TU J-9''VJ HOUSE, three cc'taofs. fumiined, good business corner, $i;,500, 1955 S. 6th. T F H AC RFS, H-ghway NO .I's" trontaqr Vllfv Falls. Ore Owner, S wanton, M Styime Circle. Reno, Nev IMMEDIATE possess-on, new three bed room. J baths, carpet throughout. $'?ftfl tor equity, wilf cnnidr trade, TU 2-flT FOUR dose m eCtl!nt .nesmen'. TU 4-604 160 ACRES Ati lrrio'fd near W-iitamson Oiver. No In pas'ure a"d 'ta'a IwrtcuU't 1 roo rnMern ttoma Amoit outOu-Mingi 'I mile trnm c ity center Total prce $i00,roo. ;g per cent down. 220 ACRES AM Irrigated mostly in eatu'e Pt ot tO'l utitul mndern ranrn style hd rrscm home. 3 baths, 7 fireplace1- P'Kf $'nre inciudq alt m (.mft, vv.'Kou tou'pment $inr0 Eas te-ms STILES REALTY VEVftf Q INTER TiONAL TP APF $ CL.' 133 $nuh h St-eet Pho-f TU 3 4'4fl F-d Tucke TU Roph Vaaen Lr'e'a 76?-4ijJ STUCCO APART VFMl" PUiLD'Nr, .-tint MO'k In Vain, tiffin lnr-n- pn:y $iyy., 0nr til tarry Cf!"l'act PPOf.F$4iVC SMALL HUINES Lying OA-artery conit ig nt t'M , wi I o Hying rpic ifn C"t tn on Mig"ay Omy , fVY- Cnntrcf itiy M asj.-n-fl I hrN'PAN envvf S'il rLi'i. C I. 'K vti troi A i tMi; liaKi"g j Schrocder Reolfv Co I fc ALT OR S - 4j4 VAtS ) Ttff .)4 Aiytime TU J-P'M HOUSES FOR KENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .30 LARGE 3 bdroom. dining room, family room, Built m k.tcnen, ut'lity, t'j tilths, mrpviif arapes, inc vara. 24 ii tber- l"- OLDER bedroom suburhan home. Bu'lt TWO bedroom home. Ncthslde. $5,000. in kitchen, caroeting, ga-age small lot. cotra loii avaiable, TU 2-3544 anytime. T..'1' ' TWO boa rootn house for sale or rent with TWO bedroom house, fireplace. 5 acres, 1 outDu'in.ng, fenced yard, IU 4-3969. In Henley School District, Tu 4-7980. ; quire 1719 Laurei. STROUT REALTY 5429 i fh Fves Bob & Stella Dehlinger Hank Ho'man Ph. TU 4-5281 TU 2-5601 TU ? srwj SUBURBAN ESTATE 15 acres. 10 irrigated. Close in South Suburbs. Excellent view on elevated knoli. Newer large 3 bedroom home Full day light bMemrnt Play room, two fireplaces. to baths. Wall to wall carpet, circular staircase with wrouoht Iron railino. huilt In oven, stove, rainbow rock tircpMce and planler hoxes. J37.5W or wilt sell home with one acre 127,500. Shown b appointment only. "BUENA VISTA" Nearly new ranch tty'e 1 bdroom enlace, gas ful yard with . home. Built-in kitehtjh. ' torcM air-throjghoul. Beaut garden. $15,900 Terms LEONARD REALTY TU 4-7521 Or TU 4 9005 TU 2 0577 Joe Leonard Joe Perry Audrey Keeri 7V BEAUTY th n,.ih .,h,h Th... h.rtrom.. II balM Bsaulilul frculal.n li-eDUCS i Th raised ntarln Una orrimetfr B I h. i uj.ii in u.n ,i,n,f Tu,n rar m. rant. SM ilon Dlus donna. Total Prlca $15,900 McATEE REALTY 339 E. Main U Sales Staff Evei. Evelyn McAfee Art Moorman Eleanor Mahan TU 2-5935 TU 2-1218 TU 2-5255 Multiple Listing Service MLS HENLEV HIGH. Large three bedroom home with l'i baths, fireplace, two car qarage, on irrigated acre. CMy water. Sewer. Price $17,000. Terms. HENLEV SCHOOL DISTRICT, extra neat two bedroom home with large two car garage, lots of shade, lawn, garden spot. Irrigation. Only $800 down. Full price $8,750. 2200 PATTERSON, two bedroom home on 132x270 ft. lot. Excellent extra building site. Act on this one NOW. ' Full rice $3,000, DURANT REALTOR 2050 So. lh TU 4-983? or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday Bowl Sales Steif Ttna Reedfr TU 4-7342 Mrs. Butt Jonas TU 4-9863 Clyde wmiami u 4-aj4,.nt.rBrll. flr business opportunities oe Ernest Graves TU 2-1396 Multiple Listing Service MLS MOYINA HEIGHTS Brand new 3 bedroom, all brick beauty will soon be completed. Buy now and pick by one of our' leading' horn- builders j culAtmg fireplace, 17 bath, una i immqs. Any type financing Price $21,500. See if todJty! SHASTA WAY DUPLEX Each unit ha 2 bedrooms Completely remodeled Upstairs rents for A$. Own- downstairs, Perfect setup tor drive in on busy thoroughfare Includ ing elra Id' Ownor will carry papers or refinance Call ui tndsy about (his pos sible business ooportunit. $16,750. MUST SELL In new addition of Mills. Two bedroom home in tip top condition, Inside ant out. Price lowered fo $u,700 for quck sate BRUCE OWENS 134 No. 7th tu 4-ii?9 Lucille Anaron TU 2-051 Ray Worden TU 4-9267 V A I f Multiple MLb VINE STREET Ciosa schools, churches and vmr. v-sed p'av ground. Two bedrooms and family room Custom bu"t rfonce Pa tio with playground equipment, com p'efeiy ana ohcurely tencM "Fido" has Drivafe residence with fenced runway? The n'Ce thing about this home is that all he littie things to mae if comiortenie have been done for ynu Phnt for an epomntment Only $'2,500 PEYTON ihf Intema'Tnal trad1 i Chib tii Market tu 4 si 45 Harold M Push V". Dan N.chOiS .?jf STILWELL & CO. Presents QUALITY & CHARM P1 ration i iMfrpd m th na 3 oood 'ttri hdi ing room v'th Wflm in tircplJire, dming lutrhen wi'h comply' , ti"e viw m. hnme in viyi. ,nms, larof tiv. Or-Qht bu.H- rrr-nt, dnet. 'O'.Onal Ul O r,rH.fi!e M-g I baths. ivfil d'i an li fern el 1 , "reO't d'"'' tn s t.-e home .c. l-J. l$$Wi FULL POirF nn , Interfrrf lnhu acrees At have Ifl's Tor Ou-ek Aet.nn I Si With cd. STILWELL & SH Ma n St. Rra 'S A'ter 1 00 taM TU -3!36 1 in no a"' r ca'f T'J 4 7ff4 i I r iNE home, beait.f v B'-e crj" t'uc'0" I 6s sa t. O' liv"0 scar La'9 wen living riw w" t.rfr are 'W hn-ron-s. v!i tn yt ' Ca'pft m Hying room, J ovorw anfl t'f 'M C'3 ""'f1 Carunrt n-,ij latwl i-ij't roor- neoa'd de! ei tO'(-d h"Al Farhr Amaru; an Ii3t fnitrfs All th.s on la"5 iOw ' S 't lot th toii'inrly vP f-uliv lanriWaP"! tn unna'q-rHjnd jprmk ft vst-m fluii' , ni Pf,((m t cot V S"5n pv appotn'ment ftn y. 1 FIJLL ACPE- 0as aM ai'aa Midland Empire tu4'V REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ..3i MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY. Two bed l room house, fireplace, large lot, close to schools and shopping center. Reason' labJe. TU 2-4111. NEW HOME Just finished, 5 level blocks from high school Built (or lafhrtg qnnty and team tort by local Builder. Carpeted living oom, hall, and 'wo bedrooms. Charming birch kitchen with budl'n appliances. Full wdll height fireplace with cobbled party ot il2.50C. Please cad TU 2-3101 anytlme.l 'IM-ACRE Tt. fow, liberal le'akc small YOU DON'T NEED MONEY!!! K you have a used pickup to trade In as down payment on this comfortable 2 bedroom home on Hilljioe (Or a good used car if it's paid for ) F H A appraised at Sir, 9io, hut the owner savs to make an offer! Here is a chance to get your -pencil sharp! You wont hurt his feelings. i DON SLOAN Real Estate 7th St. TU 4-5658 Anytime CONTEMPORARY I Line new condition Duplex, two ! bedroom units. Plannrt for beau ' ty and convenience. Well decorat ! ed Cuitnrti made draperies includ 1 r-d Fi irctrieaily oqu pped. 'Base board heat. 52.500. 'Dye Insurance Agency , 131 South 5th A. E. Oye. Realtor, Virginia Brown, Sis TU 4-755 or TU 4-4357 Multiple Listing Service i MLS r'HOT SPRINGS i i iHERE'S SOLID BRICK CONSTRUCTION ""T " BEDROOMS. 3 Urge bedroomi on main lloor nd lull bmemtnl incoriwr. aies i more ocarooms. no nam, 10 . Jl " " '"o"1- '' G"t " n'.SM ton loan; WILL TRADE FOR SMALLER HOME, GOOD LOCATION. riEASY TERMS!! Drive By i 1936 FREMONT ST. Near Roosevelt : School. Solid. 2 bedroom home wtth . i luH basement, firenlace. $9,5g0 with LOW DOWN PAYMENT. 2235 WHITE AVE YOU NAME THE DOWN PAYMENT HERE!! Large 2 bedroom home at only $7750. MOVE IN TODAY. 1402 DAYTON ST. Solid, roomy 2 story 4 bedroom home on rlose-in Irrigated tract. EXTRA-LOW DOWN PAY MENT. A STEAL at $8,000. MOVE IN NOW. Chilcote andSMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. 9th St. Fhone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Tnm Rabbitt Ph. TU 2-6482 Eves. Bill Chilcote ' Ph. TU 4-3281 Evei. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bnh Chilcote, -Broker Business opportunities 32 FOR sale two pair Chinchillas, one pair carrying. Small equity, take owtr pay ments, TU 4-7120. NOTICE TO PUBLIC pi.... investigate thorouohly any Invest- tnn nl money t In merchandise, various f0rt investing your capital. The Herald and News makes evary efiorl 10 reiect all fraudulent or misleading advertising, hiMu.r. wa j. re not resoonslbte for the integrity ot the firms or Individuals who plare advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunines ap pearing to ba fraudulent or misleading thnnirt h runoMed tfl Ihe Classified Ad- ver'islng Department ol the Herald and FINANCIAL LOANS 34 HDGE YOURSELF inf,.tl0n, 5 BKmit REAL jTAtf: imwcctmENTS anvwhera west Of the Rockies, at DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member international Traders Club Cai.f iaa., wasn. WE SERVE! I WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto loon, troiler loon, personol , moke loans for OflV worthwhile purpos. Confidential service, too FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Fmonct New & U$ed Cart Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Soles Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co 511 6th TU i-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 AUCTION FRIDAY,' 7 P.M. 3399 So. 6th mr?."C'WON OUT FRIDAY NIGHT AND SEE OUR WCNPEPFUL AS SORTVENT OF OUTSTANDING FURN'SHIMGS AND APPOINT VENTS FOR ALL TASTES AND ,.. miiISTVLES ... AT YOUR PRICE h 't o i-' fi"n Kenmoe a"d G E fitvt'ic rnifv, ,d'Ai rv nts. ronsmes n1 OOrtJMeS. bonus bno ; h-aul'!'' ft'rnipt-me trde an-1 6-chaf . e'le f, l-oce CfjitiOn. ecc'ient 3-pce '"i-wi. ProviiC'' Hip a Bed, walnut t bdror,m se. i'to-nhonngraoh. portani m rQ mr.hi, rvrr4 rerlar cheV n. qh tt ngp anil ri t' Qt"r. r had room set1 osr- wa "u', ar,n biod rh nw and used ' s a-vj bn prns love'v ftmue t. SOI'd Ott tnjr prls. SVyig rrv.k. pr'S aid ca". n a'1" uei dave la'O CJi '130m n of rrMX-ifTng. "(1 , o m sccane-,. THE POET'S CONNER We t ao n 1iT tr.mmtngs much n- -r tm's ant an Si.f."- Bft hut tht sarre. wa'ra ts say ynu ii I've 10 buy te auden a' PRrvlEW ALL DAY FRIDAY If You're Not Buying At THE RESALE HOUSE You're Paying Too Much' HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE FOUR DRAWER CHEST TU 2 5296 OLDER GE electric range, 120, good woming conoitton, tu z-5024 aner 4 p. KENMORE automatic washer Electric Clothes dryer. Good condition. TU 4-3591. MACHrNGrrge'uloTi'aticwsherT dryer, excellent condition, late model, re' dy 10 go, $150 lor set. TU 2-6137, ADMIRAL TV, 17 Inch screen, good work- mg order; mania breakfast set and lour chairs, TU 2-016. WOOD kitchen range, $25. call TU 2-4318 18 FT. upright freerer, 1 year old, $225, TU 2-5688, 4041 B'SDM. GUARANTEED USFO RANGES - REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS WATE HEA1ERS Cascade Home Furn. 411 Main TU 4-1363 SPECIAL PFAFF AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG machine in cabinet. Like n condition. $6 a month aller SMALL DOWN PAY- Mt NT. ( SINGER SEWING CEMTER 633 Main TU 1-2513 WE5TINGHOUSE Double-Oven RANGE $67 Guaranteed'. KIRKPATRICK'S Eost Side Appliances 132 So 7th TU 4-8886 FUEL . HEATING 38 BODY WOOD, "delivered, iU.SQ a cord Call TU 4-8036. GOOD red flr body woo-i S15 cord, de livered. TU 4-7671, TU 2-4J12. DRY pine blocks. You haul. SS per co'd. Metier Brothers. 3)21 Crorby. TU 4-5114. red flr heater CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Lots 8 Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales S ft H Green Samps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 4-3681 and TU 2-9260 COLD'dAYS AHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves -FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. NO. e'ehn St. TU 2-4444 WE GIVE GOLD BOND ST AM PI GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 BEEF, PORK, wholesale custom butch ering, cutting, curing, $hamrock Meats. 4329 Shasta Way. TU 2-4218, TU 2 0678. 6otj - Pert - Sports - Hobbies 40 WANTED Boston terrier pup, AKC, black and white, TU 4-9509. FOR SALE: 22 high standard automatic pistol, with two barrels, excellent con dition, $50. Ph. TU 3-4131. PUREBRED TU 2-4570. Dachshund puppies, phone BEAUTIFUL cocker ipanitll. 1611 Siskiyou Street. BLACK miniature poodle puppies, ( weeks, excellent blood lines, TU 3-4052 DACHSHUNDS, AKC, 5 months Old, 403 Coll, TU 4-5635 after 5. BRIJAC KENNELS. At stud champion sired et black, brown, and sliver poo dles, white ft colored Pekingese, orange Pomeranians, proiesslonai poodle clip ping. Puppies. 503J So. Etna. TU 4-7525. HURRY, only 3 left, Reg. sable collie eupples, TU 4-5W1. WELSH Terrier pups, champion sired, AKC registered. TU 2-1913. DOG and cat boarding. Training, groom Ing, bathing. Dogs and nuppies for sale. SHASTA CASCADE KEN-IELS, past Mer rlll-Lakeview Junction otf Merrill High way on Boom Road. Kit. 2 Box 304E TU 4-5078. A D 'P TV MUSI c 41 21 IN. "Super 200 model with stand. 2-49BS- Admiral TV, labia Good condition, TU TV tubes checked in your home. $2. TU 6409 before 8 p.m. E XPE RIENCED piano teacher, n ea Madison St. Blanche Mapes, TU 4-3069. CASH F O R" U S E D p7a N OS DERBY'S MUSIC, TU 4-5121 PENT a new Baldwin piano. S10 a month N delivery charge. Bowden Music. Co., (J0 Main, TU 2-488J. LOOK!!!! TV'S $39.95 & UP 1 TAPE RECORDERS $35 AND UP COFER'S EXCHANGE I) KUmlh TU i-7IM, BARGAINS GALORE! ! I on ud PIANOS 1 ORGANS BALDWIN . HAWOND LOREY - WURIITZER H F. MILLER Terms Avsillblt SAVE ilOQ.'S BOWDEN MUSIC CO. RENT A NEW WURLITZER SPINET PIANO $7.95 A Mo. INO DELIVERY CHARGEI DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Yorj on 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4 5121 "BLUE HAWAII" It Just Arm's Length Away LOWREY ORGAN S595 , $32.95 "See Your Musir Van" Klamath Music Center V r .: n - Tl J I LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 ALPALA hi 'or tele. 120 tos. John E Houe Jr , Bonania. KLAMATH PROVED S'E SERVICE TU A-440C. TU 1-H8S, TU 5l TU 2 6107 t nnn EWES forsile. to lmn March ?f. 191 iyi coming 2 t Olds rest . 4. and 5 yr olds All spmle.. nais and dry t.n out Mrs PpM'l Martin, GLObe f-Montagu. . Cii BABY calves'lor sal or naot. TU 4-107 JI2 Aufumn. "KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you ' EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN. NOW! Coll "Woodv" Gufcl-. Oontr-W.gf. TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY nl I pm. hdrp R-f. 3. Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - I p.m. The BEST nl SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Wol Your Plon Now to Crnt.gn to the Stockmen Market. Tuesov ( to'e doy in the Klomoth Bosm. VERN HCTvVARD, Mgr. Offiti 4-9667 orr.t 4-9436 37LIVE5TOCK t POULTRY 42 BABY CHICKS-Barxock W. I., Cornish Crosses. Frta (older, wnion'i Hatchery, lyon, ore. pn. S3-2J. A NEW load every Tuesday. BABY CALVES for tale. tS Gary, phone TU YOUNG hens. 61 cents 4ch. Also build ings and equipment. Wilkinson Ranch, Road 104, Tuielakt 667-290. BONANZA artificial Insemination service TU 3-071 . Benanfa 54VJW. MACHINtRY ... ... WANTED a good disc for a Cat D4. Phona Bonania J4S-204S or see Edgar Dow at Bonania. REPOSSESSED Power Kretl Gas-Engine driven vteloer with accessories and a oas weidino ouitrf. new jmi, now IJM). Mont. gomery ward ft CO'. n & Pine. EARTH BORING machine. 6 Inch to 30 inch diameter, phone tu 4-3JJ4. 11 FERGUSON Tractor, T6 Internatlon. a track layer, all in good condition, Mac doel, Express 2323. TD 14 STRAIGHT DOZER SPECIAL 1 J. C. Equipment Co. 6th & Hilyord TU 2-2051 MISC. FOR RENT .45 WERENT Hospital Bods. Wheel Chairs, Crutches, Commodes ana I Beds. Wilkers, lolt-A-Way AT THE MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 6th TU 4-6660 We Rent Almost Anything Floor Sanders Electric Drills Wheel Chairs Welders VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Moin TU 4-6812 M';r WANTED 46 WANTED antiques. anymlnq old! Call 'U 8080 tves. 2-4784 days or MOVING?" Don't discard books, comics, magazines, toys. etc. TU 2-6214 days, TU 4-947J eve- nqs. Will pick up. Dorothea'! Gill iodpp 8. Book Xchenqe MISC. FOR SALE St ERT1LIZER, rold pulverirad seep Tsnure, $1 per hundred lb. sack, TU 0892. HAY for slock cows or horsei, about ATO tons good grass and alfalfa, all or part. uss Lake Ranch, tu 2-1224. LADY'S Wring, winter coals, dresses, new. Bargain. TU 2-3187. 700 TO 800 sacks of certified seed potatoes Netted Gems, Art Monroe, Bonania, ph. Lorella 762-4101. DRIVEWAY material, crushed drain rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-9i5. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS MASON sand, fill dirt, srndy till. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4JI7. TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. J. M. Barnes, TU 4-759. ALFALFA and oat hay, bait or ton. 2-1402. v DRAIN rock, gravel, anj roadway ma terial, TU 4-3S6B, GEO. R. STACY CO. GARCIA RODS & MITCHELL REELS 25 to 30 OFF AT FRANKS TACKLF k 670 E. MAIN GR iNDINO SbUVilt TU 2-470B NO RATS & MICE WITH ' D-CON 1 POUND BOX ONLY $1.40 Gunrnteed b" Good Hnuikftrtlnfl PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE " in. 6th TU TRAILERS 32 19 FT. m Sht, Mil contfilntjd. TER RIFIC BARGAIN. TU 2-56J3. want 70 to 30 (t. modern trailer, n he In good condition. Ctish dl. Private part. Ph. TulelAk 67-7910. '54 MARATHON" I x S. two bedroom. isher, dryer, carpet. Very nice. W.000. Across from Polar Bear, Merrill. W VAGABOND Eteri built trailer, cellent cond'tioo, 2fl' aluminum awning included. IMSO, TU 4 963' Or TU 2-C44&. WANTED: Smalt trailer houit U' or IS' ate model. TU M080 WANTED to buv: ?' to 31V modern railer house, phone TU 5FLArlNGO l45 two bedroom, phone TU 3-1344. RAILER house or rent. 4f, alto trail er space, o, TU 2-AOJ4 MOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, Erv Carr, 4423 Winter Ave. TU J-1163 ACTOR Y trained Colemen t, Internal ' mobile turnece jervice, partfc TU 4-43e. TRAILER BUYERS! shop POOLE S inc. YOUR "Wheel Estate" Dealer 3125 So. Ath TU 2-2801 ZEPHYR ' 14 ft. House Trailer with can vas side cover. Total Only Price $ I 2 y JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. h A Klnmnth TU J-JSRI A'lTO MISCtlLANIOUS 53 r.FW Jhd towMf. $11. call TU 4 H Cecil Cox Garage Vntlr Orffrf-ut Ofi'ifJ Ttin UD &-: tally "OvtR .10 VEOS eXPERIENCC Mom Street Garage TUNE-U Tf VAJOP OVERHAUL ? V1 T U I-174 rv TU 4 " IN1 Door 1o Bui n Hni) RICK-ALLE4 CAR WASH $2 rM tc ipnt wrrk 222 So-.n, TU 2-4I6A USID CARS AND TRUCKS SS IVfrl Ol risVHR'l E Si'tJ" M rtfir it t" wdOO". 1'7W. lSfl tvi, p. 4 TU TIMETOBUY!! Al Pont.V 1 ftmner. ir)o-)t 1 ffl f.t't Oewr i'W a' fiyw.'h 4 rw tt Bimftitf !. l'3'i DEAL RITE MOTORS 4' HI I Iry Ou' I IU 41XI USED CARS AND TRUCKS 3S CASH for Cara and PICKUPS. C a r land'i 1308 E. Ma in. TU 2-0445 TAKE ovtr payments on 161 Ford Econ o-lina pickup, will take older pickup lor quny. rnone tApress I-ilU. I?i9 FORD, A-l condition, tliO lull price. 1948 BUICK 2 door sedan. Motor over- hauled, repainted, new seal covers, new brakes, tt25, TU 4-37J4. 1954 FORD Victoria hardtop. UJS. Can be seen, ?u N. jrd after i p.m. 4 speed, sharpl Pot o' Gold VALUE! '59 CHEVROLET '6' BROOKWOOD 2-DR. STATION WAGON Radio, heater, stick. $1 198 Thomas DODGE Used Car Lot 7th 4 Commercial TU 4.4627 SHOP NOW! The Market's in YOUR FAVOR '62 Pontiac Grand Prix Coupe $3497 '61 Pontiac Tempest 4-Dr. Sedan SI 897 '61 Rambler Custom 4-Dr. Sedan $1897 '60 Ford '6' 4-Dr. Sedan .. $1397 '60 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Sedan $1397 '59 Plym. Fury Conv $1297 '58 Cadillac '62' Sedan DeVILLE $1997 '58 Volkswagen Sun Roof 2-Dr. Sedon $ 997 '58 Ford Ranch Wagon .. $ 997 '56 Buick Special Riviera Coupe $ 697 Good Older Models '56 Olds '88' 2-Dr $ 397 '56 Ford 2-Dr $ 347 '55 Ford Fairlone 4-Dr $ 397 '55 Pontjac Starchier Hdtp. Cpe $ 397 '55 Chrysler 4-Dr. Stn. Wagon $ 297 '54 Desoto 4-Dr $ 247 '54 Ford Customlins 4-Dr. $ 247 '54 Mercury 4-Dr $ 197 '53 Olds '98' Convertit.lt $ 97 '52 Chevrolet 2-Dr $ 77 '50 Plymouth 4-Dr $ 67 Coll one of our Salesmen You'll be GLAD you did! Dick Floyd TU '2-5859 Bill Cunningham .... TU 4-7177 Pete Stride TU 2-0491 Russ Cotter TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson .... TU 4-6618 Bill Hotchkin TU 4-4551 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th LOOK! LOOK! & 50 Gallons of gas FREE with purchase of any car $500 or more. fr O.K. Warranty. Do you need a down fc Do you have good credit? fr We can put you into nn' LOOK, at the NOTHING DOWN. 960 CHEVROLET CORVAIR 4-DR. SEDAN 3 -speed, rodio, heoter .". 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA Excellent 1958 CHEVROLET V-8 Stick shift 1958 CHEVROLET BROOKWOOD Stotion Wogon 1953 CHEVROLET V-8 2-DR. SEDAN Power-Glide 1957 BUICK 2-DR. HARDTOP Rodio, heoter 1956 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. SEDAN Top economy 1955 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN Radio heoter 1955 BUICK 2-DR. HARDTOP , Nice condition 1954 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN Power-Glide I f952 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN Power-Glide IV49 GMC. Vi TON PICKUP Now just 1948 DESOTO 4-DR. SEDAN Only t OR, Trade your car in ments even more. YOUR COURTEOUS SALESMEN- Tom Binder TU 4 4770 Dole (iovlond TU 4-9R8I Fenton Mahrt TU 2-4219 "Chuck" Ramp Drop In Today Prove To Yourself That DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! Chevy Center 6th fo 7th on Mom Goroge 4 1 0 So. 6th BTRAI.D AND NKWS, Klamath USID CARS AND TRUCKS JS i"tU CORVETTE. NCtll'tnt condftion. K.iX. TU 4-7414 itltr S.JO p n FORO pickup. 4 Cyl nor, 4 tpttd. 1400. TU 3-2475. DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will PAV cash for cri. TU 40579. VALUE RATED USED CARS 62 Oldsmobile 88 2-Dr. , Hardtop 9'3 62 Oldsmobile F-85 Cutlass Coupe $264.1 A I Cadillac DfVille 4-Dr. $4083' 61 Olds '88' Hardtop .... $2293 60 Pontiac Starchlef 2-Dr. $1943 60 Oldsmobile 88 4-Dr. Air conditionina $2223 '60 Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4-Door MV4 '59 Ford Galoxie V ! Fordor. stand, trans. $1293 '59 Olds S-88 4-Dr $16J 59 Ford V-8 4-Dr $139J 59 Ford Galoxie V-8 Hdtp. $1293 '57 Chevrolet 6 Stotion Wogon $ 7fj '57 Chev. 710 V-8 4-Dr. $ 79J 57 Plymouth 4-Dr ..$ 513 '56 Olds S-88 4-Dr. Hdtp. $ 673 56 Oldsmobile 98 4-Dr. ..$ 643 55 Cadilloc 4-Door $ 763 55 Ford V-8 Hardtop $ 493 '53 Olds 98 Hdtp $ 363 53 Olds 98 4-Dr $ 243 53 Chevrolet 2-Dr $ 273 53 Buick 4-Dr $ 133 51 Buick 4-Dr $ 193 50 Buick 4-Dr $ 193 '47 Chev. Sedon $ Dick B. Miller Co 7th & Klamath TU 4.4154 SAVE on these Low Priced AUTOS! '60 Chev. 2-Dr. Stick .... $1245 '59 Plymouth 2-Dr S 845 '59 Rambler 4-Dr. (O'dr.l-SIMS '58 Plymouth 4-Dr. Stn. Wogon S 645 '58 Fury 2-Dr. Hdtp. ..(... $ 745 '58 Edscl 4-Dr. Sharp $ 445 '57 Pontiac 4-Dr. Station Wagon 995 '57 Dodge 4-Door $ 645 '56 Ford 4-Dr : J 395 '55 Plymouth 4-Dr $ 445 55 Ford 2-Dr. (O'dr.) .... 345! 54 Dodge 2-Dr $ 195 51 Pontiac 4-Dr S 1951 45 Dodge Pickup $ 150 41 Ford Pickup $ 150 JIM Oi-SON MOTORS Used Car Lot TU 4-81247th A Commerclol TU 2-5646 LOOK! payment? the car of yur choos- Toilowina paymenrs wnn (On Approved Credit). MONTHLY PYMT OL SPORT COUPE L O00 oz. 4-DR. SEDAN $r-89 03 $ro80 37 '51 17 a r07 no '39" 5 1 7" '1 7" , 7. $t 380, $ 590 and reduce these pay Bib Nicodemul TU 4-4498 Pay Orhlerich Tulelake 667-2789 Dove Shirk TU 4-8051 TU 2-4958. Plum St. TU 4-3101 Thursday. USED CARS AND TRUCKS 31 lS UNIVERSAL Jetp. n ruOMr, III cp, lit clltt cono-'ion, (ISO, 4-9MI. REPOSSESSION. I9S8 Ford tudor iedun. Automatic transmltslon, fair shape, S47S. Pacific Finance. Ill 5. vth. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 JOE FISHER'S Safe - Buy SPECIALS! 62 Studeboker '6' 4-Dr. Sedan. $ Stond. teans 1797 '62 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. One $ 2297 owner '60 Rambler 4-Dr. Sedon Standard $ '59 Hillmon Minx 4-Dr. Complete ty overhauled and 7Q7 in tip tOD shaoe Ill 55 Ford V-8 'i Ton Pickup 4-speed and $ 697 really sharp .. Lots -of Fine 4x4 BUYS! 3,nL C.,-k.;. Tin w.b jejuni U 4-J4U Roy Rinehart TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149, Martin .Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnathan Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER 677 So. 7th TU 4-3104 LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP Falls, Ore. if BALSIGER MOTOR CO. ft .;' MOW ... See The i FINEST ' SELECTION of ': PICKUPS & TRUCKS at our two big . .'; A-l Used 1962 CHEVROLET '6' PICKUP t 4-soeed, bio bumper, deluxe cob. 12,000 mllej 1962 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 4-wheel drive, closed cab, big bumper, special tires, 18,000 miles 1961 CHEVROLET V-8 PICKUP 4-speed, fancy conopy, on owner , 1960 FORD '6' PICKUP e Big bumper, all new tires, one owner ., I960 FORD V-8 PICKUP 4-speed, one owner, loaded, I960 FORD '6' PICKUP Long wheelbase, 4-speed, 1960 FORD V-8 PICKUP 4-wheel drive, hubs, 4-speed 960 FORD V-8 F-350 CAB & CHASSIS 132 inch wheelbase, 4-speed, I owner 960 FORD RANCHERO One owner, shorp 959 DODGE V-8 PICKUP 4-speed, radio. Has been Reduced to only 959 FORD '6' PICKUP Heavy-duty' bumper 958 ENGLISH FORD THAMES One owner, sharp 957 FORD '6' PICKUP Long wheelbase, big bumper, 957 FORD '6' PICKUP Big bumper, I owner 956 FORD, V-8 PICKUP 4-speed, one owner 956 DODGE PICKUP Needs motor work 956 WILLYS JEEP '6' PICKUP 4-wheel drive, hubs, one owner - 955 CHEVROLET '6' PICKUP 4-speed, rodio, 1 owner, special wheels ... 955 CHEVROLET CRUMMY 4-speed, I owner, rough 955 FORD V-8 PANEL I owner, sharp 952 FORD V-8 PANEL DELIVERY One owner 951 FORD V-8 PANEL DELIVERY Now only 950 FORD V-8 PICKUP , 4-speed, 1 owner 1940 FORD V-8 PICKUP Now only 1951 CHEVROLET Vt TON PICKUP Heavy-duty 3-specd 1947 CHEVROLET 1 Vx TON TRUCK 12 tt. stock body. Sharp, 1 owner 1949 DODGE PICKUP 4-speed 1950 GMC PANEL DELIVERY Radio, 4-speed EXTRA 13 Foot Combinotioo Stock and Gram body 13 Foot Plotform body G0invde LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER TU 2-3866 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES AHtl C4n4) Plftr Cltmtns WlfNfV rrr .. Jtck Mllltr .... ...TU !-4l ...TU 4.4M . . TU J-04H ...TU 4-415J 4)1 AUrlctl BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Alwoyshe Fairest Deal Main & Esplanade February 14, 1963 PAGE 7-C USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 SEE WILEY'S Wonderful VALUES! 59 Ford 4-Dr. J Stn. Wagon 1197 $ 349; '1493 '55 Ford 2-Dr. J Hordtop '59 GMC Corryall Suburban Wilson WILEY BUICK Main Garage 1330 Moin TU 4-3141 Car Lot No. 2 " 429 So. 7lh TU 4-9203 DALE'S : . "As-ls" .. SPECIALS! '55 Ford V-8 Stn. Wogon S295 '59 Renault 4-Dr $245 '55 Ford 2-Dr. Sedon $395 '54 Buick 4-Dr $395 '53 flym. Stn. Wagon $125 '50 Codilloc 4-Dr $ 95' '53 Ford 2-Dr $125 Lots of Excellent Buvs in Late Models and Pickups. REMEMBER ..." Dale, and 'Shine' will trade for almost anything. DALE'S. USED CAR LOT 333 So . 6th TU 2-4980 Car Lots! ...$2I95 2 1 9S $795 24S 295. I245; '2095? '1445 395 custom cob 1 owner ....... here too long! 6?5-: 895:: 395i $45; 795' 595 195 645 595 265 49&. 195 95, 29 95 195 695 95 295- - VAN on owner ..... SPECIAL $645 $I50 LOT NO. 2 2152 SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 iotl VewltivlMl Liov Chinttr fflrtiare Dick .. 'Helm-' West .. TU HJ TU 4-41' TU 4-5470 .Merrill TH-im TU 4-7l . . , The Finest Product TU 4-3121