PAGE B HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath FII, Ore. Thursday, February 14, U63 .' t If , "S 1 fi Iff? T II KsU..V(rV v r? U JFK WOULD BE PROUD These scouts of Troop and Post 101, Kingsley Field, took the grueling 106 mile trek on Skyline Trail from Lake of the Woods to Crescent Lake in July, 1962. The boys and two leaders were on the trail for two weeks. Kneeling, from left, are Mike Ortega and Jule LeBeau. Standing, Joe Muse, A.I.C. Gary Fowler, scoutmaster, Jim Edson, Chuck Edson, Bary Johnson, Dale Rogalski, Greg LedberJ dar, Lt. Ray Conley, post adviser, and Steve Appel. Red Cross Sets Goal For Tulelake District TULELAKE Edwin V. Lance, Lewis H. Blake, and Mrs. Irene jMnnri) will head the 1963 Red Cross fund campaign in Tule lake, with a goal of $1,86.1 lo be collected in Tulelake and the sur rounding area. Gordon H. Hansen, chairman nf the Tulelake Red Cross, an- nounced that the campaign will open in February, with the target date for the goal lo be reached by March 15. Lance, chairman of the business division, is manager of the Tule lake Irrigation District and has been a worker in many Med Cross campaigns in the area: Lewis H. Blake represents the State Farm Insurance in Tulelake and is an employe of the University of California Field Station; he will head up the rural section. Mrs. Moore, residential chairman, is in charge of the women's divi sion and has Been active in many community affairs. Programs lo be financed through the fund drive in the area include swimming instruc tion and transportation to the Ma lm pool each summer for chil-i dren in the Newell and Tulelake area, apd first aid instruction given to school bus drivers, oper ators nf emergency vehicles, and the general public in the area in addition to the traditional fled Cross programs of assistance to disaster victims, aid to service men. and the volunteer blond do nor program. Workers in each division are now being recruited, and will be announced at a later date. FF.ARF.D PKOPLE The Suya Indians, a people o( the Xingu River in Brazil, were greatly feared by the Trumai tribe until they made peaceful contact with the outside world in 1959. were in 1955. Your usable discards will help us to help others. Don't throw 'm away. CALL: The SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE llh Kl.mith TU 4-NflAI mmmmuj Riverside f JTZi Ml J 4-lQUAIIOUAIANTII j H I J H f f f I ). A, 4' h. e J f lJf-V? tt ! et. A4- L:t' WV.p 'ft If 1 MtaWoX prtiwf4 0 rtll ' f fTj J"i J. Hw4t M! f M my M 4. $)(' tf " wCzJw m M. Attn m Nt SlJM'W " ptici ft KjtMi T m 1y M , ram If V T t'aJl ?-N i .c..,. Z?'"--, 1 " 6.7 0-1 S tube-typa blackwall Enjoy the blowout protection of 4-ply Nylon ol bargain prices no trade-in needed! Multi-row tread resists skid ding, grips roads. ,-UaS , , . . J Tvb-Trp Tubtltit Sir llockwoH Siio llockwad 070-15 70-15 (H7.30 U 11. 7.10-13 11.11 7.10-15 or 1 00-14 IS. II I 7.60-I3 11.11 7o015 17.11 Whiltwodi only SI i"Of. All prki plus orcii la. No IraHt ln rtttdtd WARDS SAFETY NYLON GUARANTEED 21 MONTHS 12 88 4.T0-1I tubo-typo klaikwall SfiJiiil "P'y blowout-resislant Nylon cord! VI r!T?-!jl I nw nrnfil snrrads !h wnr . . . hun- dreds of ,read edses reslsf a P'Jr'rt-S'nl P,US excis9 ,a' No 'rade-in needed. Hlilf sr..-- . ....... o NO MONEY DOWN OUR FINEST BATTERY-42-MONTH SUPER POWER 2' i95 $UPf POWEH OUARANTEI rull r.plac.mont dunno Rfil 9 fwonlh, n'tor purcnott. Rwplac.mtnt ofltr V months prorolid On monlKt uid. Ad wstnnli beiod en pnet bt'or Iradt-m whn r.furnr.d. 1JV wllh Irad Greatest capacity of any battery its si2e! Delivers plenty of power for starts and all your car's power ex tras. Features silver-cobalt grid plates for more power and fiber glass sepa rators. FREE INSTALLATION! J 9th & Pint OStora Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. O Ph. TU 4-3188 Boy Scouts Of Modoc Area Council Note 25th Anniversary This Week A total of 1,600 cubs, scouts and explorers in the 'Klamath District, plus some 550 adult lead ers, are celebrating two birth days this week. National scouting is now 53 years old and the Modoc Area Council has been in existence (or 25 years. Prior to 1937 this area was part of a scouting coun cil that covered most of Southern Oregon with headquarters in Med (ord. The Klamath District Is an ad ministrative division of the Mo doc Area Council and is com prised of Klamath County, except for that portion north of Chilnquin, and also of the Tulelake, Dorris area of Siskiyou County, Calif. The district functions through a group of leaders known as the District Committee. Membership of the committee consists of one man from each sponsoring or ganization called an jnstjtutional representative and certain mem bers-at-large, who are recruited to serve in various capacities on six operating committees. These six operating groups of the Dis trict Committee are camping and activities, advancement, or ganization and extension leader ship training, finance, and health and safety. The District Committee admin isters, plans and carries out the council program in its geograph ic area. Another group of volunteers in scouting known as commissioners, also work on the district level These men are assigned the task of direct service to each pack, troop and post by helping with program planning, leader- 4-H NEWS PIONEER SEWING CLUB The meeting of the Pioneer Sewing Club was held at Mrs. Charles Burt's home. Miss Bev erly Bower, 4-H agent, came out from the 4-H office to help us plan the year's activities for our secre tary's hook. The meeting was ad journed and we had refreshments. Wanda McGhehey, News Reporter. ship recruitment, aiding in leader ship training and recharting as sistance. The people most directly respon sible for successful scouting for boys are the men and women who serve in the capacity of unit leaders and den mothers. They are the dedicated individuals who spend their time, abilities and oft en times money to insure that boys have an opportunity to en joy the fun, adventure and train ing experience that is scouting. GREAT SALT LAKE Although it has no connection with the ocean and is fed by fresh water streams. Great Salt Lake is about six times as salty as the ocean. y) MUi.23 O) 3- 6- 8-34 S5M6-75-89-90 Itar gazer By CLAY R. POLLAN' yf tauius APR. 21 I MAY 21 1J-13-24-301 5"69-78i3 OCMJNI MAY 22 J JUNE 22 3 1-16-19-M aiQ.48-81-821 CANCII fM$ ,UN,E 23 57-59 666 70-76-85861 liO JULY 2 AUG. 23 2- 9-58-31 32-45-53 m VUGO AUG, 21 SfPT. 22 5-33-39-58) 61-64-67 Vow Ooit AdMly Gvio'o K Accordina la thm Stan. To develop message for Friday, reod words corresponding to numbers or your odioc birth sign. 1110 ta7 r42-50-55 I A 2 Ploy 3B. 4 Doy 6 Courageous 7 01 6 AggresjK 9 It 10 Harmony 11 Don't 12Your 13 Personality WSnrnd !5Yov. 16Poor 17 Won't 1 8 Tin 19 Do 20 Proceed 21Wirh 22 Peoplo 23 Find 2And 25 And 26 Our 27 Events 28 Sole 29 Plorw 31 Keen 32 Thought! 33 And 34 And 35 For ?6Foe 37 Lovers .'IS W.rtt 39 You 40Sociil d I rVarr.ogo 42 Gamblers 43 Anything 44 You've 45 To 46 Your 47 Tn 48 Lit 49 tiniest 50 Or 51 Intriguing 52 Foil 53 Yourself 54 Into 55Sponoer 5n Influences 57 Be SBCon 59 Prepared 30 Magnetism's 60 Name Good () Adverse kNeurril 61 Hove- 02 A 03 It 04 Youe 05 Pattern Oo For 07 Way 68 Sort 09 At 70 Unusual 71 And 72 Green 73 Light 74 Partners 75 Luck 76 News 77 It's 78 Hiarl 79 Yours 80 Today 81 Romance 82 Entertaining 83 Peak 64 Now 85 Or 86 Meetings 87 You 8RA0r. 89 Will 90 Increase 215 tcoertai OCT. 24 NOV. 22 'j b2-25.27.52tr B4-62-65 SI SEPT. 23 OCT. 23 SAGITTAIIUI N0V.2J , 15-17-23-26 efT U3-49-87-88W, CAMtlCORN DEC : Jan.; 51-5-60-63VO pi-77-79-cXKi- AOUAMUS J Art 21 FEB. 19 120-21-29-44TH 47-72-73 V PISCES MAR.2I 4- 7-l(L3J0 G7-41-74 ' 9th and Pine Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 Phone TU 4-3188 mi. : Aft. . ii 1 ft i i i h i i i y W W hi L I 1 If I I I i I I I I I LrJ V !?' v i I 1 'j I. r i i- st ii I i t i ii ii i ii v- '.av- F ..rSr,,,,, JL- U M L.J sns 7 mm 2-PIECE OUTFIT LOVELY PANTS AND BLOUSE SET You'll want several in your r f ni . Tavorne coiorsi diouss ana , pants are 100 cotton, toB completely washable, crease and shrink resistant. Assorted patterns. 8-18. TWO DAYS ONLY! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BE SURE TO COME IN EARLY AND SAVE! In many of our previous Money-Saver events we have sold out the first day on some of the items. We cannot always get big quantities of values like iheso. Come) in early and be sure to get what you want! COMPARE THESE SALE PRICES ANYWHERE! Compare these 11 Money-Savers anywhere in town. And remember ... even with these amazingly low Ward prices, "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" always applies at Montgomery Ward! TENNIS SHOES IN DASHING STRIPES 166 srelr For women, girls; light shades or darkl Hand washable cotton pop lin with springy rubber soles. Taper-toed. FEATHER-FILLED BED PILLOWS 99c Ref . Filled with fluffy chicken, turkey feathers. 100 cot ton, blue-stripe tick. Big 20 x 26" finished size. REG. 2Sc EACH TRAINING PANTS Flat knit durable cot ton with triple layer crotch. Covered elastic waistband. White. Washable. 1-4. BIG VALUES IN CREW SOCKS 88c lrli Long-wearing, soft cotton crews for boys, girls. Girls' sizes 6 to 8Vi. Save now. Boys' 8-11 99c SPECIAL PURCHASE SHEER-HEEL SEAMLESS NYLONS 2 VI Seamless sheer-heel stvle mokes them ideol for vour sling - bock dress shoes. Misty matte-fin-ished shades. Sizes 9-11. REG. 3.29 RAYON CHALLIS TIERS 948 xtfe 70x30 70i36" - Reg. 3.5? - I.7S Machine washable, need little or no iron ing afalll Embroidered organdy accent trim. Valancing 78c yd. i-...;'. '-v'liiii' y v- J 1 1 BIG SAVINGS! REVERSIBLE OVAL RUG, Twice the weor, with hnlf thp cleoninq costs' Pre donnnantlv red, green, moss preen, brown or multi-color. 2224 Reg. 1 89M4 2244 Reg. 2 9S 2.44 34,54 Reg 5 294.44 3 44 Re,. 103 REG. 10.95 FIRM CRIB MATTRESS 799 42 durable coits en cased in strong Pos turboard for extra sup port. Wefproof vinyl cover. Cotton padded. DRIP PAN ENDS CAR OIL STAINS 288 V.3.M Unsightly stains can be dangerous 29 x 47-in. galvanized steel pan solves problem! Buy . now, save over $11 EACH '20 OFF! 612-COIL MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING Wards Style House "Quilt l f$P,Q has luxurious aroygold damask quilted surface; flange-stitched to keep tick ina tout. Twin, full. mf f IKH m UNIT IS. e.j 0 MONIT 00WI