HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Fall. Or. ThurtfUr, February 14, 19SJ rACE 5-B Pressure On Wittenberg For Small College Honors . e , ' , , fi . I THEY PLAY BASKETBALL, TOO The Harlem Globetrotters, despite their antici on the court, alto play a tins brand of basketball when they want to and upon occasions during a game as is demonstrated here by Connie Hawkins as he is about to dunk a shot. A pair of American League All-Stars watch and can do nothing about the two-pointer. Duke Blue Devils Near ACC Title With 11th Win In Row By MARTIN I.ADKR I'PI Sports Writer Duke University is caught on a merry-Ro-rounrl. hut it's very likely someone else will wind up with the headache. The Blue Devils continued on their merry way with a 79-74 vic tory over Virginia at Charlottes ville Wednesday night to build up an awesome I Ml record in At lantic Coast Conference play. Duke can clinch the title with a win over runnerup Wake Forest this Saturday. The only rub as far as the Blue Devils are concerned is that they will have to do it all over again when the eight ACC teams tan gle in an intra confcrcnce tour ney starting Feb. 28. It's the win ner of this fracas that winds up with a free ticket to the NCAA basketball championships. But the way third-ranked Duke has been mowing down the oppo sition this season, the Durham, .N.C., school will be a,i over whelming favorite to first gain the NCAA and then make a respect able showing once in. Ninth-ranked Georgia Tech, the only other member of the top 10 to see action Wednesday night. snapped a two-game losing .streak and remained alive in the South eastern Conference race by beat ing Vanderbilt. 69-2. In other leading contests. Pitts burgh edged West Virginia, Wt r8. .Notre Dame trounced Gannon. 82-47, Dayton nipied Duquesne. .t8-57, Villannva overwhelmed St. John's of New York, 52-.12, and little Tennessee State scored its second major upset in as many nights by squeezing out an 86-85 decision over St. Bonaventure. ill. HOLIDAY MINORS HAGUE W L SroM Trailer Ettfttes ' 52 3 MnuldlngcruM, Inc. W 3 SuoprliK Troy Laundry 4n'i 41 Snburbn Flnarw Co. 4' t 41 Klamath Auto Wrecker! it BRC I A 4S'i 4?'i Pitic Power I Light iVi 4S' i F.n Arl 3 4 Pennington Steel Bhlg. Co. 2J 51 V4M Grocery 35 53 Fh. 13 reiulM: C of A 3, VIM Grocery 1; Fine Art 3. flnnlrQton $ttl pifjo Co 1; Klamath Auto Wrk'i 3. Siroei Trailer Et I: PacUit Power ft, Light 3, Superior Troy Laundry 1; Moytd Inqcraft Inc 4. Suburban Finance 0. HQh team gam, Mould mqcaM Inc 7.; tiioh team erlv Mriulrtmqcrrift Inc. J 71; high ind. gjtme, Wayne Smith 235; high ind, writ. Norm Ouyer 62. PANOORA'S HOLIDAY LEAGUE W L Holiday Bovl Col'ee Shoo 53' 34' i Sra'e Sootten 57' i 35' i Efenomy Cah Grocery 51 37 Mormon & Knudn '!' 31 j Cf) Grocery rrm Gun 500 34 S3 Automatic Tranmllon 3i' t ST ) Lovely Lady Beauty Salon 33 54 Feb. 13 reulM Automatic Tranm .n 4. Cfl Grocery 0: Economy Ch G'ocery 3. Holiday Bflwl Cntltt Shoo I. Sierra Gun Shoo I, Vrxr noo A, Knud ten t. Soar Soottart 4, Lovely tdy ftfauty Salon 0 High teem game, Automatic Transmit dino 771; hrgh team ttrtei, Automatic Trjimlitoo T0; hiflb ind game, Char lene Collar 1'; hign Ind. itnei, Lutwfl la Wegener sli. OMMERCIAL LCAOUff W L Deal Bite Mntori U U lavhawti Fuel Oil 53 35 srari Rhucii 3 C.ty Center fvlg 41 40 Itimei piumbmg 47' 4fl'i ST. 4 4? Pen Cola 44' i 43': Liiton A-rcrlf 44 44 Great Northern 41 47 parkin Insurance 37 51 Biwr Dit 34 54 Lafry Food Pmu"s: LKton 4 Tenter 4. Lrfc,n 0 tarry! Se'i X G'ea Ncth'n 1. ST 1; Jevnawfc j. ptowvi H gh team omt. Sea't f,Oh team terift. L uton h oh Infl gae Gmn fa'nini mrt ieriet. wa'd Fntoman 2i. board Flniihlng 0; Stand-up Shed 3, Belli Maintenance supervisor 3, Lett overs Gutter Snioe 3, Warehouse 1. High team game. Sawmill 1031; high team eries, PetecM JW5; high ind game Louie Holigang 134; high Ind. tenet. Vern Toombs 5S3. BASIN HAGUE Kateri Auto Service 1 Parts Pioneer Tobacco Co. Soudrtgt No 3 Pacific Suooiy Coooerattvg Laura Beauty Fair k Cabinet CWA 41 5 Irtella Grocery 41 5 Sunme Satety Center 31 5 Spudnul 34 HRP 34 eriti Service SuDOly ? ' Feb. 13 result!: Pacific Supply Coop Lauras Beauty Fair 0; Pioneer Tobacco 4, Kalen Auto service a, pant o Park Cabinet 4. Sunrise Safety Center 0 toe i las Grocery 3. Merits service Supoh 1: Snudnut NO. 2 3. CA 2; HRP 3 Spudoul 1. High team game, CWA T034; high team ne. Pioneer Tobacco Co. W3l ; ruon d game. Let Bihr 333; high ind, 11, Don Rume inert 434. Penl Coa o: C'ty Larrys J, Idmet 1. 'o 1. Oeal Rita 3. .rcaft 3173 high WEYERHAEUSER LEACUf RM Sh.Dp.i-) S'"1 No Af.covn' S'a-idup S'-ed Saw V-H vard Ri'd Nu Lor Nyt K .inwa'H Ha"trn4d Fm ishmg St' 44'7 NEW YORK i I'PI '-The pi es sure was all on Wittenberg today in the race for the national smai college basketball championship. The Ohio Tigers, who lopped the United Press International Board of Coaches ratings for the fifth straight week, have onlv one MINOR CLASSIC LI10UI W Lxurenlidt Flnunc l VrKig Pot, ton M D,l, Body Sl" SS Brucl Ow,ni Rlforl VtCtOr) Acmt Concr,t H,f,ld Rnd Ntwl RinQt Catt Sunk Of Kl,m,ttt ',111 P,rWntl D'nturt Sorvtt Modoc Llrmocr Co. Lndry lOlurooct F,0 13 ciuit.' MCK,iOS Pot,toMO,ltl Bruct Own Pfrol Otituto H,r,id H Ntwt-Wodoc Lbr. 3 1 VictOM-L,ndry Imuranct 3 I Acmt Concrttt Binoi C,t, 3 I Lturtotid, Fln,nct-Boh of KP 3 1 H'oO tm Qitmo. Mc KatQl Pe! hioh tt,m s,",. VCKo Pnf,tn 777?. StQO (nd. Q,m, Michcv BuO,f - Blph ft,,rd (ti), 373; hign tod. Irit. Mlck,y Butlor li. il'l 41' l 33 M 33 73 Art Heyman personally put in IS foul shots almost twice many as the entire Virginia team and totalled a game high of 27 points to help Duke to its 18th victory of the season against two defeats. Jeff Mullins, the other half of Duke's powerful one-two punch, scored Ifi points. Soph .Jim Caldwell scored 21 points and dominated both back' hoards with 19 rebounds as Ocor. gia Tech brought its season mark to 18-3. The 6-9 Caldwell received strong assistance from 6-6 senior Man Nass who contributed 18 points and 15 rebounds. Two free throws by Paul Kric- ger in the tinal 12 seconds en abled Pittsburgh to register its triumph over West Virginia in 14 games. Dave Roman led the Pan thers with 22 points and Krieger had 17. West Virginia led at half- lime, 37-30, but hampered by the absence of high-scoring Rod Thorn was unable , to match Pitt's pace in the second half. Notre Dame scored the first 10 points of the game and led at intermission, 49-24. The Irish then coasted to their 14th victory as against five defeats as Jay Miller and Walt Sahm each tallied 16 points. Gordie Halton, who finished with 14 points, put in the winning basket for Dayton with 31 seconds remaining; Villannva'j tight inn defense held St. John's to only in field goals; and Tennessee State put nn a sparkling performance to beat St. Bonaventure at Ole- X.Y. one of the toughest courts in Die nation for a visiting team after recording another one-point win over Creighlon at Chicago the night before. Scores of other games Wednes day night included: Army 74 Col gate fit; Navy 92 Rutgers fit); M Krancis of New York 61 Manhat tan 4fi; fanisius 71 Syracuse 60, South Carolina 64 Furman 56; Davidson 72 Richmond 67; Louis ville 70 Xavier of Cincinnati 68 in overtime; Evansville 66 DePaul .Vl; and Houston 125 Texas Wes- levan 74. Barnetf Replaces West Bv United Press International Tlie great ls Angeles guard Jerry West may be sidelined by inuries, but the Inkers have a pretty good man to lake his place i Dick Barnctt. The jump-shooting Burnett hit 38 points and mighty Klgin Baylor 50 as the Lakers defeated Bos- n 134-128 at the Celts Arena Wednesday night. Celts Tom San ders and Tom Heinsohn meshed 25 and 23 for Boston. The Lakers, who trailed until the last four minutes of the game, (scored the Celts 15-2 in the fi nal quarter spurt. The win ena bled Los Angeles In hold a 3'-j game lead in the won-lnst column against Boston. NBA rules stipulate that (he team with the best won-lnst per centage gels the crucial home court advantage in the plavoff finals. Of course, both teams will first have tn w in their division playoffs nd Los Angeles may yet get trouble from the tough St. Louis squad. After a slow start this season. the Hawks are flying high and Wednesday won again witli a 103- 102 decision at New York. Cliff Hagan's jumper with one second to go decided the nip and tuck battle. Bob Petlit hopped 25 lor the winners and llagan 20. while Al Butler h?d 27 for the Knicks. The other Western Division play off berth seems destined tn go to Detroit. The Pistons moved 2'i games out in front of .San Francisco with 134-132 overtime decision over the Warriors at the Cow Palace Another jump-shooter, Don Ohl, was the diflerencc at this one too. He had 35 points including six straight in the extra slana. It was the Warriors' filth straight National Basketball Association loss. Warrior Wilt Chamberlain blitzed for 51 points, but did not gel much help as usual. The two teams which will join Boston in the Eastern Division playoff. Cincinnati and Syracuse fought it out al Indianapolis Wed nesday night. Cincinnati look a 121-122 deci sion with Oscar RoberUon of the Rnvals hilling nn 12 of 16 shots for 34 points. I.ee Shaffer scored 11 for Syracuse. more regular-season game left lo'cause Gramhling of Louisiana and UPI will crown the national ies last week over Central play belore competing in the Ohio Southeast Missouri, ranked sec-j champion in three weeks and will Conference Tournament. ,ond and third, respectively, are award the winner a permanent .... i . i A misstep now would throw the close enough to make it a three- troohv. national title up lor grabs be- wav tussle. Willenherc scored three victor-i Sites, Dates Chosen For NCAA First Round NEW YORK 'UPI'-First-round sites and dates for the National Collegiate Athletic Association i NCAA i basketball championship playoffs in two regions were an nounced today by Bernie A. Shiv ely, University of Kentucky ath- elic director and chairman of the NCAA basketball tournament committee. The University'of Pennsylvania will be the host to the traditional tripleheader pairing the six east ern championship contenders with ames scheduled for Monday. March 11, at Philadelphia's Pa- estra, the same site as last year's opening round action. The two - Mideast first-round games will be played at North western University, Evanston, 111. BRISSON STARTS PLAY MONTREAL (UPI I - Left winger Gerry Bnsson. called up by Montreal from the Spokane Comets Wednesday, will play in his first National Hockey League game tonight when live Canadi ens host the Boston Bruins. Mon treal at the same time returned Red Berenson to Hull-Ottawa of the Eastern Pro Hockey league. Last year these games played al Lexington, Ky. In the Philadelphia tripleheader the Southern Conference cham pion will meet the Yankee Con ference winner, the Mid-Atlantic champion will play an at-large team (probably the Ivy League winner, and in the third game, two at-large teams will meet for the right to play the Atlantic Coast Conference king in the Eastern Regional at College Park, Md.. March 15-16. In the other game at College Park, the winner of the Southern Conference vs. Yankee Confer ence pairing will play the winner of the Mid-Atlantic vs. at-largc winner. At Evanston. the Mid-American and Ohio Valley Conference champions will each be paired with an at-largc team. Then in the Mideast regional at East Lan sing, Mich., also on March 15-16, the Mid-American vs. at-largo winner will play the Big 10 cham pion and the Ohio Valley vs. at large winner will play the South eastern Conference champion. Two at-large games at sites yet lo be determined complete the were action for the Midwest regional at Lawrence. Kan , while another pair ol tirst-round games will lead to the Far West regional at I'rovo, Utah. Both of these re gional also are scheduled for March 15-16. The four regional champs will meet at I-ouisvuIe, ky., March 23-24, for the 25lh annual NCAA championship. Akron To Host Series Of Golf AKRON. Ohio (UPI -The world series of golf, in which Ihe U.S. Open, British Open, PGA and Masters champions meet head-on, again will be held or Akron's nationally famous Fire stone Country Club course this year. Chicago TV producer Walter Schwimmcr announced the two- day affair will be held Sept. 7 and 8. Firestone was Ihe setting for the initial world scries last Sep tember. U.S. Open champion Jack Nicklaus won the $50,000 first place payoff. State, Akron and Capital and added another win on Monday night by defeating Otterbein. On Saturday, the Tigers conclude regular season play against Mt. Union. Thus far they have won 17 of 18 games, losing only to ma jor college Eastern Kentucky on Dec. 17. Twenty-four of the 35 coaches who comprise the UPI rating board five from each of the nation's seven geographical re gions named Wittenberg No. 1 this week. Four picked Southeast Missouri (17-H for the top spot and two named Grambling (19-2), which regained second place this week after relinquishing that spot to Southeast Missouri last week. Evansville (16-3) remained fourth by beating Butler and Ken lucky Wesley an; Tennessee State (17-4) lost to major school St Francis (Pa.) but held onto fifth; Prairie View (16-4) held sixth place, and Akron (17-2), despite losing to Wittenberg, retained seventh. Southern Illinois (13-6) defeated Ohio Central and Austin Peay to1 advance one notch lo eighth; de fending champion Westminster i Pa.) 1 9-5 lost to both Geneva and Pittsburgh and fell one place to ninth, and Southeastern Okla homa lost to Central State but de feated Southwestern State to re claim 10th from Fresno State. Fresno State 15-5 won its ninth straight game but missed remaining in the top 10 by a sin gle point. Following Fresno State in order to round out the second 10 were Santa Barbara, Augs burg, Hofstra, Indiana State I Ind.), Regis, South Dakota State. Lamar Tech, Orange State and Northeastern. Grambling tacked on a victory over Texas Southern on Monday for its 20th win in 22 starts. In their only other game this week the Louisiana Tigers play Arkan sas AM&N, whom they lost to earlier this season, on Saturday. Southeast Missouri, meanwhile. had games against Southern Illi nois, which they beat by two points a month ago, and Spring field (Mo.), which they downed by four points on Feb. 2. Evansville, which has won four of six decisions against major schools, plays DePauw and St. Joseph's (Ind.) this week, while Tennessee State, which boosted its record to 19-4 with wins over Gannon and Creighton earlier this week, plays St. Bonaventure and Lincoln U. NEW YORK (UPD - The United Press International small college basketball ratings (with first-place votes and won-lost rec ords in parentheses); Team Points 1. Wittenberg (24) (16-1) 322 2. Grambling (2) (19-2) 251 3. S.E.Missouri (4) (17-1) 245 4. Evansville (3) (16-3) 237 5. Tennessee St. (17-4) 177 6. Prairie View A&M (164) 120 7. Akron (17-21 114 8. Southern Illinois (13-6) 74 9. Westminster (Pa.) (9-5) 53 10. S.E. Oklahoma (15-5) 47 Second 10-U, Fresno State (1) 46; 12, Santa Barbara 40; 13, Augsburg (1) 31: 14. Hofstra 27; 15. Indiana State (Ind.) 19: 16 (tie) Regis. South Dakota State and Lamar Tech 16 each; 19 (tie) Orange State and Northeastern W each. Others (5 or more points) Washington (Mo.) 8: Valparaiso, Jacksonville and Arkansas Stale 6 each; Pacific Lutheran, Stetson and Chapman 5 each. RETREADS DEEP CUT. FACTORY-APPROYED TREAD DESIGNS! 4tHar ind old ti1' 1 TO lour cor. i NEW CAR TAKE-OFFS! ATTENTION FLEET - OWNERS! TAXI OWNERS! Came Off 1962 Cars! MOST LIKE NEW! Ivy, Adams Talk About Future HOUSTON' 'UPl'-Frank 'Pop' Ivv. head coach, and K. S. (Bud Adams, principal owner of the Houston Oilers, scheduled their third talk about Ivy's future wilh Ihe American Football League team today. There was speculation that Ivy. armed with an offer from the Montreal Alouettes of the Cana dian League, was holding out for more authority within the Oiler organization. Ivv talked to Adams hnelly late Tuesday alter returning from New York where he held ploratory talks" with owner Ted Workman and three directors ol (he Alouettes. Then Ihe Oiler coach and owner talked for two hours Wednesday after Ivy wait ed in Adams' office (or two hours past the time of his appointment MrNKII. SIGNS PACT CLEVELAND 'UPI' Clifton McNeil of Grambling College, the 1 1th round draft choice of I hp Cleveland Browns in 1961. has signed a contract with the Na tional Football League team. Mc Neil, 22. will be tried at defen sive safety. WHITEWALLS Only $1 More Each j Your Choice: 7.50x14 or 8.00x14 Black I Tube-type. Other tizei at similar low prices. t Why take chances driving on smooth, unsafe tires when you can buy retread 4 at low, low prices like these! no overstock buys! You Get What We Saved On The Factory-Specials! I UP TO OFF OUR REGULAR EVERYDAY SELLING PRICES 10 No Trade In Required! Iff HIE! 5 OFF OUR REGULAR EVERYDAY SELLING PRICES OF NEW TIRES. Check These Special Buys! 7.50 x 14 FIRESTONE BLACK RY Tubelett ... (10 only) $ m I 27 Each plui tax f O FRONT END and j BRAKE SPECIAL! I We adjust camber, caster, toe-in to man ufacturer's specs. Balance front wheels Repack front wheel bearings Adjust brakes. Add fluid if necessary, road test. (E)99j GETS NEW PITIES riTTSBl'RGH 'IT!' Ifon ive end Ernie Stautnor. a vet nran of W years with the PitU humh Steele, will nerve a a p!aT-co3th next se;tnn. The Stealers announced Wednesday that Stautner, 37, hx accepted a position defensive line coach in addition to hfS playtna riutiev n 1 tt Ctv',4 " " V.ft . Vi"H 7- L Ni'M t ' 1 n' tt,M, J. Yn-fJ B-rrrt 1. ReitcM . H'J- FcopU Rtool SPOT ADS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL BUY ONE GALLON OF . . . LATEX $69 (W. P. Fuller) B U WALL FINISH W .FREE! We'll Give You One Quart SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL FREE TERMITE INSPECTION -CALL US- Swan Lake Moulding Co. 3226 South 6th TU 4-5143 III FREE! PUNCTURE REPAIR for the life of the treod on any new Auto Tire purchoted during this sale! FREE! TIRE ROTATION with every let of 4 New Tires purchased f during this sale (rotation at 5,000 miles) I FREE MOUNTING T by Experts on all tiret purchased I during this EVENT! Up to or OFF OUR REGULAR EVERYDAY SELLING PRICES FACTORY CLOSE-OUTS SAVE 10 to 25 On These NEW TIRES! NO TRADE IN REQUIRED Wide Whitewalls, Tubeless, Blackwalli, Nylons, Tube-type 25 INSPECTED USED TIRES NO TRADE IN Inspected by our Tire Experts! Wide range of siies! Big selection! Some matched sets! REQUIRED! (Q)C anil a up I t I t. t I t t SEAT BELTS . . . 3 Each Installed oodyeatr rSerae Stoir 11th & Klamath Phone TU 4-8141