',t ip")sljf ifr-$-Wn.- -jfr ''V V -W V V ""V--i v v y- HERALD AND NEWS, Klamalh Falls, Ore. Thursday, February 14, 19J Henley Can Win Rogue league Crown Friday PAGE 4-B i mmm, mmmmnmmirimimmrmmm mwsii i mi u i , m m wmaiisyi.il ' ' i. mjniii.mi i ui.i mniia fit & . ity . ... iw 11 n "ifV UUL REFEREE SLAMS INTO CROWD Referee Jeff Gar reft, who travels with the Harlem Globetrotters, .flies past Trotter Al Stirrup (with ball) and onto the crowd after Stirrup falted him into running after the ball at Chiloquin Can Clinch Clamath The league-leading and unheal' en Chiloquin Panthers can fold up the Klamalh County League bunt ing and put it away this weekend when they fake on the Malln Mm tangs and Merrill Huskies. The Panthers, unbeaten In league competition and healen Ben Hogan, Snead Still Rate Best MIAMI HlPli Slammin' mv Snearl and Ren Hnean slilllof the MHeteri In April, lll rate as the best shnlmaken pro golf has ever seen, former PUA champion Vic Gheisl assarted to day, and thereby stand in a class all hy themselves -'Snead slill could win right now against the best of the cur rent crop even though he is 50; years old," said Ihe Jersey gianl who once lost a playoff for tli; US. Open championship to Lloyd Mangrum. "Tlie only thiivg he lacks now is desire and the drive to get out and work ceaselessly on his game." It is on the greens that the stars of today make up for their deficits, Ghezzi contends. ' "I won't go into names," he said. "But you look over the fields in action now and you'll see a lot of players who scram ble terribly. They win because of one thing. They're great pullers "So you'll see poor players who arc great pullers winning tourna mcnls." he added. "But you won't see grcal players who are poor putters winning. Thai's Ihe secret of golf today, where everybody can hit it a ton and play the other shots well enough to get up there to the carpet. Then It be- ccmcs a putting contest and Ihe guy who holds a hnl hand lakes the marbles." Does Television Work (iher.zi. who has moved into television and radio work and Yank Pitcher Shot In Leg By Woman VHRV LAl'DKRDALE. Fla U'Pl'-rilcher Marshall Rndges of Ihe New York Yankees was shot in Ihe left leg by a woman in a Foil Iwlerdsle Klks Cluli Wednesday nichl and is under se dntion in Hrownrd County Hospi tal. Yankee ruhlif Relations Hirer- lor Boh Fishel said the shooting occurred about 10 p m EST. He said the Negro pitrher did not aripear In be seriously injured bul that il was impossible lo tell at 'Una time whether tlx injiuy could affect his pitching Fi.hel said Bridges had been shot by a 25 caliber gun a "little below the left knee Police arrested tlw woman identified as Carrie Lee Haysor 21, Klshel said. Miss Raysor Mid the shot the Negro hasfhall player when ha "tried lo pick me up " She told police that Bridges. Ihe left-handed mainstay m the Van kee relief staff last year, asked several limes as she at at Ihe bar if he could lake her home. She said she told him no sev eral limes and "when lie kepi bothering me. I took out my gun mi l shot him. $ iff : Uav. u County only once Oils season, take on Malln Friday night at Chilomiin and then travel to Merrill Salur- day night. Other games Friday night find Bnnanta at Merrill and Paisley at Gilchrist in a non-con ference test. The Saturday action will have Sam-laRain will assist In the hroadcast much of the current crop as Ar nold Palmer, Gary Player and Jack Nlcklaiis all as "luperblheavy favorite Friday night putters. "They'll mine In when Uiey've been driving and chipping well and tell you about how well tliey were putting,' he explained "Well, they always pult well and proof of that I hnw they moan when they've had a couple of Ihiee-putt greens. But you watch hnw often they are making those six lo 10 (not pulls for their pars. Snead and Hogan, he Insists, didn't have to pult at well. "They were in a class all bv themselves in making all the other shots. ' Ghezzi said. "May be this will hurt a few feelings here and there hut the fart is lhat they were all-around belter shotmakcrs tlmn any of the play ers today. So they didn't have to be putting well to score well.' A typical example of Ihe guy who stipiwsrdly couldn't play hut scored well, Ghezzi pointed out was South Africa's Bubhv Locke Locke Pulled Well Thev alwavs said lie couldn't play bul lie kept right on win nine, said GImvvi. Well, vnu don't do il with mirrors. He did it with his putter, like a lot of others are doing now.' Ghezzi pointed too to John Bar iiuin of Grand Rapids as an ex ample of Hie accent, on pulling Rarnum as either Ihe leader or the co-leader in the recent PGA Seniors until he lost out in Ihe i inl round "His pitltrr wcnl cold and lif slopped making those six and eight footers that he had been canning up to that point," Ghezzi illustrated "When Uiat happened lo him he had il. And it s the same story in any other tourna ment lliese days where a man can scramble all over the lot as Inn; as his puller's working When it stops, he's a dead duck Glie?l's Stand Supported Supporting Ghc.zi s content inn to those who saw last years "World Series" of golf is the memory of how Palmer scram bled in the lust round and still smashed par lo lake the lead It Ins puller goes cold, pre dieted Boh Rosburg. ' he'll lake a nose dive herause It s all lhat kepi him alive even though his round linked sensational It cooled off and .lack Nicklaus plavmg Ihe solid shots, came on lo heal Palmer and PUjer Ghezzi feels Uiat none of the present players at 30 will be able to hang near the top as Sneid has done The pitting nerves fray loo much at that stage and wiih out the rcl of Ihe slmts thrv ate linislied. Ran;e of I bp jaguar Is from the oulhein borders of Arizona. No Mexico and Texas simlh lo crntr.il Ai grntuia. which time he promptly pulled the ball back and Garrett went sailing into crowd. He is partially hidden and only the pants and part of the striped shirt can be seen. Title Chiloquin at Merrill, Bly at Malin and Gilchrist at Sisters in another non-league affair, Tlia Pantheri are 17-7 for the season and 10-tl In league compe tition. The game Saturday night with second place Merrill should he a closa one. Merrill i only de feats have come at the hands of the Panthers, Coach Dave Sigado probably will open with Tony Wild er, Tony DlUlin, Al DeBortoll, Greg Harris and Don Taylor against Malin. The Mustangs' Andy Travis probably will go with Tom Tofell, torn Brown, Sherm Kalina, Ran dy and Reggie lxtUuleu. This young team has been improving, hut still the Panthers will be Merrill and Bonanza clash Fit day and that is Hie top game on Hit slata Friday night. This should ha a good on with the Antlers giving Ihe Huskies a gnort run for the money. The Huskies will he favored and will have the home court advantage. Coach Jerry Grnenevald n Mer rill probably will go with Ken Smith, Bob Moore, Dave Hill, Larry Cminnri and Dale Kurtz Tha Antlfri likely will open wllh Bill Niwlun, Ricky Steber, Ernie Nichols, Rod Pfelffer and Ed Sim mons. Fred Dearborn was slightly injured last week and may not be ready for action Gilchrist will he oul (or revenge when taking on Paisley. The Griz zlics were downed in a mild sur prise last week hy Paisley. The Grizzlies will probably open with Boh Mayfield, .lack llazlewond Dava Sporrcr, Mai Koski and Den ny Jessup. Bonanza is in third place in league standings, followed by Gil chrlsl, Rlv and Malin. College Scores Rv I nllrd Press International EAST SI Francis 61 Manhattan 41! Navy K Rutgers CO Army 74 Colgate 61 Buffalo 64 Brnckport St. M) M I.T.. 03 UwrM Tech 60 Tufts 82 Bowdoin 71 'Venn St. 66 St. Bonavenlure 85 Villanma 52 St. John i.NY 32 Case Tech 81 Allegheny 59 Cauisius 71 Syracuse 60 Assumption M Merrimack 51 fair. -Dickinson 69 Ade.lphi 49 Pittsburgh 69 West Virginia 68 Mbright R2 F !c M 41 Maine 78 New Hampshire 57 Rndgeport 62 Yesluva 59 Delaware 87 Lehigh 86 iribl o l Drexel Tech 39 Haveiford 41 SOI TH Birmingham Sou 79 Sewanee 62 Fisk R9 Alabama AfrM 77 South Carolina 64 Furman 58 High Point 77 Eastern Carolina 49 Duke 79 Virginia 74 W.Va SI 65 Va Tec h 64 'O I Va I men 87 Elizabeth City 83 Davidson Ti Richmond 57 livnla iMd' 73 Johns Hopkins 59 Georgia Tech 69 Vamlnbilt 6J .Miimi.sr UuuMlle 70 Xavier ' Ohio 68 o I SI John 'Mhm 73 SI Cloud St 7J Toledo Bfl Western Michigan 44 Fuidlay 83 Central Michigan 74 Notre Dame M Gannon 47 D.tyteti 53 DiKpicsne 37 Ei.insville 66 lie Paul 51 l-iiller 73 M Joseph M,i 1 56 sol iiiWKsr st Maiy nil S'we-lein I lot) Hi'iisiim 125 Te.is Wesle,in 7 Cards' Alfman Raise By United Press International Always start a new ball player off with a raise, and that's pre cisely what the St. Louis Cardi nals did with ex-Cub outfielder George Altman to make him feel Utile more at home. Whether he had been traded or not, the 30-year-old left-handed hilling Allman was due for an in crease off his performance of last season when he balled .318, hit 22 homers and drove in 74 runs for the Cubs. But tilt Cardinals, who obtained him In a deal lasl November for pitchers Larry Jackson and Lindv McDaniel and catcher Jim Schat- ter. wanted lo make him particu larly welcome and they succeed ed by boosting his salary to around (lie ico.ono figure. The Cards also announced the signing of second baseman Julian (Manny) Javier and two rookies, pitcher Bob Sadowski and short stop Jim Harris. Three newcomers signed their I0M cnnlracti with the New York Mets. who now have a total of M satisfied players. Tlit three wera inftelder Pumpsia Green and pitchers Wynn Hawkins and Dav Talum. Green, who halted .231 last year, cam to the, Mels from tlie Boston Red Sox. Hawkins from the Cleveland Indians and Talum was drafted from tin Los Ange les Angels' organization. The Washington Senators signed second baseman Chuck Collier while the Houston Colls signed third baseman Ramon dc la Cruz lor their Moultrie farm in t h e Georgia-Florida league and also ent pitcher Bobby Tiolenauer from their Oklahoma City club lo Atlanta. Tiefenauer will train with Hie parent Cardinals and w get a chance lo win a job with litem. In return lor Tiefenauer. the Colts acquired pitcher Don f'errarese for Oklahoma Citv Ryne Duron became Ihe last member of the Angels lo sign his contract. The former Yankee re hef ace okayed an SlR.ooo pari brought it to tlie Angels' Palm Springs. Calif. i camp with him and then enajed in his first spring workout Boosters Slate Get-Together ReseiAed seat tickets (or the Kl'-Grants Tass game are on salr al the chamber of commerce and Hal's Swt Simp for the Friday night game at Pelican Court. The reserved labs go for $1.50 lor the big game will be sold at the door. The Pelican Booster Club didn't meet Wednesday ni;ht because of Ihe Harlem Globetrotter game but ill have a get-together alter tin game Friday night al the Reamej Golf and Country Club. Members are muted to bring their wives to Ihe affair A snack lable will be set up fur Ihe allau I J! QkU-tO-CiCAi R i ;.ri"S"l "-1L i M,v: UWt Me WWfftf ' SELL THE MOST!! 1 .-." J?craliart&3ci The Henley Hornets can wrap up the Rogue League title friday night with a victory over Sacred Heart. But tlie surprising Lake view Honkers will have to beat the unbeaten Hornets Saturday night in order to get a berth in the league playoffs. The Hornets are il-ti in 'league action and Lakeview is 8-3. They have Henley and Sacred Heart left to play. A victory Saturday night might give the Honkers second place and tlie playofl spot. They presently are tied with Ea gle Point in second. But Eagle Point, who also has the Trojans left on its schedule, has got to get by late surging Illinois Val-: lev. And that won't be an easy! task. This could come about, loo. Should Henley win Friday night, as it is a heavy favorite to do the Hornets could be down some what alter winning the title. And that may be all the Honkers need, lust a little letdown. Henley remains the lop ranked team in the state in Ihe Class A-2 polls. The Hornela have won 17 straight games without a loss They will have a playoff, along with the second place team, with the Umpqua League s two lop places and the winner of that four-team set will go to the state A-2 tournament. The Hornets continue to pace the league in scoring with 770 points in 11 games for a 70.0 aver age per game. Kent Gooding, the biggest man in Hie league at 6-7, also is the biggest in scoring. He has chalked up 254 points in 10 of the 11 games for a brilliant 25.4 average per game. He missed one game because of illness. Hie Hornets have three others among the top 25 scorers of the loop. Mike Beymer, Hie rugged forward, is fifth with 172 points and a 15.6 mean. Earl Allbrilton. the second leading rcbounder. has nintli spot with 139 points and a 12 6 average. Guard LeVoy Young brings up the rear with 23rd place on 89 points and an 8.1 average. Charles Pomeroy of Eagle Point held on to second place with 21H Buckaroos Get Nervous With Rapid By I oiled Press International I lie Porlland Buckaroos are spending a lot of time fiddling nervouslv while Ihe San Francisco Seals burn up the Western Hock ey League. The Bucks have seen their edge over San Francisco in tlie league's Southern Division whit tled to only a single point in tlie past five weeks. But the frustrat ing tiling, to them, is that they have played wtfl during that per iod, but just not often enough. In mid-January Portland held n 13-point lead over tlie Seals and since llien the Buckaroos have won seven, iosl three and lied one. But the Seals have played 19 games in thai span and won M of them, shaving away 14 points of the 15-point Portland lead. The Seals hacked away two more points Wednesday night by blitzing Los Angeles. 6-0. and have a chance to take the lead tonight when Ihcy meet the Blades in the only schedtilrd WHL amc. Elsewhere Wednesday night Vancouver moved to within two points of first-place Seattle in the Northern Division by defeating Edmonton. 3-1. The Seals-Blades duel was rowdy affair featuring rugged becking and Iwo outbursts of violence. The Seals' Orlaiid Kur tenhach mixed it up will) Ed Dia- huk in the first period, and Seal Un Haley had al it with Frank Arnetl of Ihe Blades in Ihe sec ond. All were penalized. The San Francisco attack was INSTALLED INSULATION "UNITEM' 114 88 No Down Poymtnt! On Story, Single Family Dwelling. Full 4 Inches Thick. Labor & Material. 9fh and Pine Phone TU 4-3188 points and a 19.6 average. But! Illinois Valley's Darryl Gellert made the biggest advancing step this past week. The Cougar guard had two hot nights against Henley and Lakeview lo combine for 59 points in two games lo move from fiflh lo third with 189 points and an 18.9 average. Lakeview's Larry Samples had two bad nights and dropped from third to fourth with 181 points and a 16.5 average. The Honkers, the best balanced team In the league, probably, has two others among Ihe lop 10 scorers. Dan Leahy has 158 points or a 14 4 mean and Dennis Warren 147 for a 13.4 aver age. However, Fred Williams paced the Honkers last week with (wo good efforts and moved from a tie for 24lh spot to lfith wilh 108 points and a 9.8 average. Richard Short of Eagle Point is seventh wilh 152 points and a 13.8 average and St. Mary's Jim Cal houn rounds nut the top 10 with 131 points and a 13.1 mean. The best defensive record in the league, however, is held hy sev enth place Phoenix. Tlie Pirates have allowed an average of 53 points per game scored against them. Of course, they have scored less. Rogue Iliver has, Ihe worst defensive record. ROGUE STANDINO Tam W L PCT. PP Pi Henley Lakeview Eagle Pnlnl Illinois Valley St. Mary's Rogue River Phoenix It 11 l.Odo 770 A50 .727 S73 590 .727 693 60ft .600 663 Ms .00 512 553 .273 563 690 .H2 537 51 Sacred Heart 000 399 6IS LEADING SCORERS Name O TP AVG 1. Ooodlng, H 2. Pomeroy, EP 3. Gellerl. IV 4. Samples, L 5. Beymer, H 6. Leahy, L 7.Short, EP S.Warren, L .Allbrilton, H . 10. Calhoun, SM 11. Davidson. RR 12. Krok. SHA Grenbv, P 14. Boll, P 15. Boatwrlghl. EP 16. Williams. L 17. Baker. P II. Versleeg, IV Corliss, SM 20. Sailer, RP 21. O'Brien, RR 22. Martin, IV 23. Younq, H 24. Young. SW 25. Under, EP 10 254 25.4 11 216 19.6 10 19 16.9 11 111 16.5 II 172 15.6 II I SB 4A II 152 13,1 II 147 13.4 11 139 12.6 10 13 13.1 11 127 11.5 9 124 13.S II 124 11.3 II 116 105 11 112 101 II I0S 9 11 103 10 102 10 2 10 109 102 11 97 II II 95 16 Rise Of Seals spearheaded by Nick Mickoski and Al Nicholson who scored two goals each. Goalie Jim McLcod stopped 44 Los Angeles shots in scoring his second straight shut out over the Blades. Vancouver held off a third-period drive by the Flyers at Ed monton as the Canucks won their third straight. Center Dave Duke tallied twice in Ihe second period and Bob Kabel added the clinch ing goal in the final minute. The game was marked by sharp goal lending on both sides and rela tively few penalties. NBA Standing Eastern Division W. 1.. Pet Boslon II 19 .693 Svracuie 35 26 .574 Cincinnati 33 23 ,.V!t New York 16 44 .2fi7 Western Dl ivino W. I.. Pel. Ixis Angeles 47 15 .75R St. IniiiS! 37 25 . 597 Detroit 24 37 .393 San Francisco 22 4n .3 Chicago 19 13 .3116 Wednesday's Results lis Angeles 1.14 Boston 123 Cincinnati 124 Syracuse 12:! St. Uuiii nil New York ir-2 Detroit 134 San Francisco 1.12 i JUST INSTALLED... iiiJMS . &.: ..- I NEW, BEAR SAFETY SERVICE FRONT-END EQUIFMENT! Take odvantoge of this value: We align front end, pock front wheel bearings, inspect broke lining and adjust steering and inspect .hock ebsorbcri all on the very latest eauipment by our factory trained mcchanici, Only , , . 9.95 ECCLES MOTORS 606 S. 6fh 1 . r M rs. 1 i LOST HIS HEAD AT REFEREE Harlem Globetrotter's top clown, J. C. Gipson, seems to have lost his head in this argument with referee Jeff Garrett at tha Trotter game on Pelican Court Wednesday. He has fists doubled up as if to fight and Garrett seems to be saying, "Come on you big lug." But it was all in the act as the Trotters thrillod over 2,000 at the local showing. Harlem Globetrotters ntertain Over By JERRY WAGGONER Herald and News Sports Edifrir The zany Harlem Globetrotters and their traveling road show had over 2.000 appreciative fans in an uproar at Pelican Court Wed nesday night as Ihey went through their routines in a gym packed even over tlie sidelines in beat ing a cooperative, but good, American League All-Star unit, 94-90. Tlie game was put on by the high school "K" Club and by the Pelican Booster Club in conjunc tion. The profits went lo those two organizations after the Trnl- lers' guarantee This famous all Negro quintet plaved 40 minutes of "basket- hall'' in giving the fans their money's worth of laughs, smiles and. sometimes, thrills, as hila rious (and loud 1 J. C. Gipson led tlie Trotters in the tunny depart ment. But he also displayed an un canny shooting ability with a lazy right hand hook shot which rarely missed. His cry of That s 'wo points," became an auto malic thing when he put the ball up in the air toward the basket. He hit Ihe shot so much, in fact. that he made 50 points for the night. He hit 23 baskets (or the game. But the crowd was pleased al most as much hy a short, dumpy referee in a black and yellow striped shirt. He was referee Jeff Garrett who travels with the team and is Ihe butt end of all the jokes. especially from Gipson. Don't be mistaKrn that the game is a spontaneous Ihing. Far he it from lhat. It is a well- timed game and everything is set up accordingly. And Garrett was tlie clock-watcher (or this. II was all done limely and without showing thai il was. And speaking o( Gipson and Gar rett could bring one to think of Ihe old cliche, "the show must go " The show went on despite the fact that both Gipson and Garrett just got out of a Hous ton. Tex., hospital Ihe day be fore and Hew into San Fiancisco. Uarrrlt was in lour days and Gipson two with the flu that's spreading across the nation. Iinmsh all the facade of jokes. " -5". s ' mm r , ' . a- r HCm rt - tricks and verbal outbursts by the Trotters and referee Garrett came seeping through thai they not only are great clowns but that. Ihcy also know how lo ploy basketball and their handling of Ihe ball, team-wise, is unequalled. And many fans also went away from Ihe game wondering what it would have been like had the Iwo clubs really played a "legi timate" game. And it would have been interesting, indeed. For the American All - Stars were no slouches. They all were former San Jose State Needs Loyola Win By United Press International Loiigshot San Jose State needs a win at Loyola tonight to stay in the Wesl Coast Athletic Con ference chase. The Sparlans 3-2) trail unbeat en L'SF and St. Mary's and once beaten Santa Clara, but still have plenty of contests left against Ihe three Bay Area schools. In another WCAC tussle tonight. Pcpperdine 0-3l hosts L'OP 1 0-4 . Coach Duck Dowell is slill try ing to figure out what has hap pened to his Waves, who won the WCAC last year and had most of their learn back again this sea son. In more action tonighl. Portland is at Gonzaga in a battle of two long-lime Northwest independent Iocs. In action Wednesday night, Gary Smith boosted his consecu tive free throw streak lo 26 in a row with R for as Redlands dumped Claremont 62-49 in a SCIAC game. Smith scored 20 to lead the win ners. Redlands. which has w on Ihe conference three vears in a row. J arl big cm ' ''T'MHire is V(lij( I Treasure IN YOUR CAR Trunk? wr w For further details watch Arnold Palmer Cary Player CHALLENGE GOLF KOTI TV-2 Set of 2:30 Sun. ot 12:00 MONARCH TIRE SERVICE 315 So. 6th 4 1 .wwv . 1 i "ij r4 - r"( .Levi - JVil-s- players with the American Basket ball League which folded because of monetary problems last De cember and they knew what the game of basketball was aboul, also. They displayed some bril liant outside playing by Bob Wilkinson, and Roger Taylor, not lo mention the inside shooting of Jeff Cohen. It hardly cnuld be called a basketball game because of the things the Trotters did. But it was entertainment as only the Trotters can entertain is 4-2 this time around and trails once-beaten Occidental and Whit tier. Meanwhile, latest official Big Six scoring statistics showed a tight race between USC's Gordy Martin and UCLA's Walt Hazzard. Martin has hooped 149 points in seven games (or a 21.2 average and Hazzard 121 in six for a 20.1 mark. Stanford's Tom Dose is third al 188 and Washington's one-two punch of Ed Correll U5.6i and Dale Easley H4.li fourth and fiflh. In the W est Coast Athletic Con ference race, it's all Steve Gary of SI Mary's. He has swished 107 points in four games for a 26.8 mark. Pepperdines Harry Dinnell '17.4', Sanla Clara's Joe Weiss '16.3'. LSF's Ohe Johnson ilti.0', aod Pepperdine's Bobby Warlick U,V4i trail. The yellowish-brown Kodiak bear may weigh up to 1.600 pound.;, measure 9 leet in length and stand 4 feet 6 inches al Ihe . shoulder. 00 - " ruM,MBn just 'HI B( 'I'ltlnr, )0l, m), m 6( (hf '"l'O"! S10 000 m rtm. m rr,-t tire , fl' t'uk ' Stfi'ai Phone TU 4-7071 V