Jogging Jag Sweeps Eugene As 1,000 Turn Out For Sunday Tour Of University Track It Khrushchev should suddenly Like to "joking" as a means in which lo whittle o(f some of his ample waistline, this "capitalistic venture" may not be induced by Proident Kennedy's physical Ill ness program, but by a bunch o( "joggers" way out in Oregon. Inspired by University ot Ore gon track coach Bill Bowerman. whose team last year won the na tional collegiate track champion ship, "jogging," or more simply, walking and running, has become a popular sport (or all ages, sizes and shapes in Kugene. Bowerman formed the Kugene Joggers Club after observing the excellent physical condition of New Zealanders during his recent two-month stay there. Since these people are enthusiastic joggers Bowerman wondered if it might be adapted in this country. And sure enough, Eugene took lo it like the figurative Oregon Duck. Last Sunday about l.frno men. women and children turned out to walk or run around the univcr sity's track field. About 200 were at the first meeting the previous Sunday. Now, plans are belli considered to split the club into t 1H1 MA. It TU li Ul ttf. Otf. "Am I boring you?" Malay Meets Indonesia Threat By Troop Call KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya lUPIi The Malayan government today announced immediate steps to expand its armed forces as a result of the "hostile attitude" of Indonesia toward the proposed Federation nf Greater Malaysia. Defense Minister Tun Abdul Raz ak said an emergency cabinet meeting decided tile Indonesian policy of "confrontation" consti tutes a threat lo Malayan security. Ra.ak said, "As a result of the confronlation policy adopted by Indonesia toward Malaya and its hostile attitude toward the pro posed federation of Malaysia, the Malayan government considered it constituted a threat to the coun try's security." Indonesia lias denounced the fed eration as a Rritish move lo main tain dominance of Northern Jtnr neo. The Malaysia federation is scheduled for creation this year among Malaja. Singapore, Sara wak. British North Romeo and possibly the oil-rich protectorate of Brunei. Britain recently took measures to insure military control of its North Roineo territories in case nationalist, rebels attempt armed activity from Indonesian-held Southern Borneo. Indonesia has threatened to send "volunteers" to bolster rebels who attempted to overthrow tlie British in De cember but were quickly defeated by British troops. several smaller localized clubs. Frankly, Bowerman is amazed by its success. There is only one principal rule, the track coach presents to par ticipants: "Train, but don't strain. Don't try to do it ail in one easy lesson." He urges joggers to start out at a "bit more than a walk, go 10 5O-I0O-1.0OO yards or more. Start with a little distance, increase as you improve, until you are puff ing, then walk until . vou are breathing normally. Hepeat-cov- cr a mile, or two or three. University of Oregon faculty members take opposing positions on Bowerman s jogging program. Among the supporters is Dr. H Harrison Clarke, research profes sor of physical education at t h e university, and professional proj ects consultant to President Ken nedy's Council on Youth Fitness. Although he admitted he hadn't participated in the program. Dr. Clarke said this kinu nf activity "especially good for circula tory fitness ... the ability to keep going when great demands ire made on the circulatory sys tem. University of Oregon President Arthur S. Flemming. former Sec retary of Health. Wellaro and Edu- atinn under the Eisenhower ad ministration, hasn't been present for the Sunday outings, but gets plenty of walking exercise. He regularly walks Ihe several blocks rom home lo his office. And Roy E. Lieuallen. chancel or of the Slate Board of Higher Education, is not anti-jogging, either. He said while he hasn't turned out for jogging, he follows Bowel-man's recommendation for jogging in place." He said he has Iwen "jogging in place for many vears." Dr. Lloyd Staples, head of the Department of Geology, is one of several laculty members, who for some time, have been turning out on Ihe track field during the noon hour. "1 have been thoroughly onvinced that this is a well-worth while physical exercise. Some peo ple swim or golf . . . winch is iust as good, except you gel fresh air in jogging," he said. Other professors are not con vinced of the merits in jogging They range from the dubious to the cynical. Some wits laughingly say it should be called the Jig gers Club," while still others spec ulatc that it's merely a fad. Everybody's Eaiiri Em PANCAKES . . . onH we serve ihrm oil Way long ot Molotore's. W moke pancakes of all kinds ineluriinq Bluebfrry and Strawberry pan cokes guaranteed lo please Ihe mosl dis criminating pancake eater. Bring fh fam ily. Give poncokes a try. Remember, food to go, loo. Just give us a call or drop in. MOLATORE'S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 100 Main TU 4-6298 One prominent p.ofessor, who preferred not to be named, said he didn't have time to jog. and didn t see how his colleagues could find the time, either. "1 view the whole thing with slight dis taste," he said. Orlando llollis, dean of Ihe School of Law, is douhttul. "11 will be interesting to observe how long Bill's joggers keep jogging, and also how many of them end up in the hospital," was his com ment. Dr. R. W. Lcepcr. head of the Department of Psychology, summed it up this way: "I uoui'J say it's a fad, but some fads are good for the time being." He mused that it might be "better if leop!e would use this (jogging ) in their daily life. It's odd that we have to do it in a group where it is sanctioned and approved." In any event, if jogging contin ues to catch on, it may eliminate the parking problem, do away with meter-maids, motorcycle patrol men and gas stations. Would this le automation in reverse?? HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, February 14, I3 PAGE 3-B Congratulations To Oregon Food Stores ON THE Of Their New SUPER MARKET AT AVALON & SHASTA WAY mm We are very happy indeed lo have been selected to install Ihe newest in modern tabulating cash regis ters, the Ullra Modern m NKER CASH REGISTERS We know thot these cash registers will cnoble the Oregon Food Store to give ?hcir customers ihe fastest, mosl accurate service available anywhere. Moke It A Point to Visit Their Store This Weekend and lake ad vantage of the many outstanding . 5" ItM? LARGE DENOMINATION 0 mi (ML TAMF 1 GOLDEN TEN EQUALS 10 SINGLE STAMPS! 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