Thur.. Feb. 14, 1963 Page 2-B Perild & New Klamath rail Basin Briefs CHILOQL'IN MRS. t'BSLXA REYNOLDS, teacher at the Chiloquin F.lmntarv School, (ell at her u.rWsrfav evcninc and broke her kg. She was taken to a Medford hospital alter treat hv a lnral doctor. Mrs. Lin- rlv Sneers is teachinz In her place. MRS. MILTON OGDEN, high school teacher, is back on the job u'arinf a ratt on her right ankle which she broke recently. She Enclish. social studies and Spanish. MRS. DAVID SCHNEIDER San Jose, Costa Rica, is a house n.d nf Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oc A.n nA is also visiting with an other daughter, Mrs. William Nor- val and her umuy. MR. AND MRS. VICTOR SIS SON Sr., Warm Springs, and Vic inr Siin Jr.. were visiting ir Chiloquin the early part of Uie week, called here by the death o( a niece. R1RRARA NICHOLSON, wn lor. left Thursday to spend three days in Salem as a delegate Horn Klamalh Countv 4-H Clubs at a government training conference SUMMER LAKE RONNIE SCHMIDT, son of the Rill Schmidts, was in Lakevlcw Hospital recently for treatment of a concussion, sustained In a tall on ice at the Schmidt ranch. His rerovery was complicated by the addition of mumps. MR. AND lms. WES HOLS TON and daughter, Sue. of Silver Lake were visitors at the Bob El der home. Tim VERN MAWS had as I guests, Mr. and Mis. Dave Kred erickson and family of Gilchrist, who were here to attend the Paisley-Gilchrist High School basket ball game in Paisley Friday evening. MRS. ALICE CARLON left Fri day lor a month's visit with her sislcr, Mrs. Howard Booth, at Bremerton. MKltn.VE PIKE, freshman stu dent at Oregon Stale University, paid a surprise visit to her grand mother, Zilla Elder, while spend ing the weekend with the .less Pcningtons. She accompanied sev eral students trom bakevicw ana Paisley, including Susan Brattain and Sherry Schulu. SHARON ASHCRAFT, a nurse, was liei-e Sunday from Burns to spend the day with her mnlher, Lva Ashcraft, and sister, Joy. , ''sv jt -i I .mi I, -i ..11.1,1 n.i ,. , , .f,.., n, I 'Drop-Out' Plan Urged SALEM IUPH-A special pro gram for the unmanageable midil unemployable high school drop-out was urged here Tuesday at a meeting of the Senale Committee' on Education i The committee was asked to ap prove a $100,000 pilot program to experiment with special was of, handling oung men and women who can't or won't complete high M hiwl estimated at S In 20 per rent of tlie school opulalinn. Lloyd Purdy of the Friendly House in Portland said 210 lo 300 inlerviews gave this picture of the pioblcm drop-out: He wants a car and a job. he has no skills and no idea of what is required in working, he is semi-hlciaie. sentful. and "incapable n( romingj up to lile's problems without guid-l ance." Suggestions of programs thai might help ranged from job train- in; to spotting and counseling of tlie potential drop-out. Labor Commissioner Norman Nielsen said nearly all emplcneis Inday ar looking for at least a high school diplnma. APOLLO AWARDS The Apollos are similar lo Ihe Oscars. F.mmys and Tonys and are presented In the lop perfnim- ers in the music and recording lield. Fust Apollo presentations ML LADY ELBERTA DEL MONTE VALUES LOW LOW PRICES . . . PLUS GOLD BOND STAMPS YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE AT SAFEWAY 3-- Prune Juice I Halves and Slices. No. 2'i can am Rich in Flavor 32 oz. btl. 49c BeanseasJoiconV 4?$1 Asparagus ZmL 45c Sliced Beets Noo"t 4,0,69c Spinach .ISfS" 4 fer 69c Stewed Tomatoes 25c New Potatoes Sr 4 1,69c PICKLES Wh.l. . . . iwmI J I ei. er. 59c PICKLES Whl. Tin Koihtr dllli. 15 et. FR. COCKTAIL for Five fruits - No. 303 cans $f or delicious Cream Style. No. 303 can 45 JUICE DRINK !ftOc Pineapple-Grapefruit combination. 46 oz. can Put A Touch Of The Tropics On Your Table Tonite 1 A ii. M tampbeiis Tomato R H H H Rich and hearty. lO'ioz. cans 11 Opened a fil ff J ft J ft i i ::z. J) i 7 O E W JW r fapayas :..39c KM ChiXyJ Avocados .10c fnrnnntc wm ru..,. 0Q i ' vvi iw i j lopt tor salads. It. JWl- I COLDBROOK H 1 S m avet km arm m lm anv jr. h h h ri n aam y -j;-:-iS.- vtn -w..jr . jujct j jjr w -v m I Bill fc Ivlai KA f I 111 B n . A'li - K coLr. Cubes B c: lfAmm i pound H .,flJ 7 11 if - jT I I H I r nil - ' nimi a Onen Dnilu 9 n m en Q m m m 0 ' Jm, FRESH PINEAPPLE - 49' From Howell lo your xolic fruit salad. moEced Ham SHANK PORTION Fully cooked, sweet savory meat. GROUND BEEF Full Butt Half lb. 49c b. Shop Safeway for the Finest Meats (SAKItW Roxbury. Four delicious varieties. Pkg. $ for Bel-air, frozen. Premium Quality. J ICE CREAM Lucerne PARTY PRIDE y2 Qgj; Ch.ffy Vimlli Chet. CI" Almant P.ofm.t Canjr utttr Pecan Van.lta Nvl Nopal.lni tanenei Nyf UH.H.e CK(, Ma(hmllw Mtdfime) Nvl Cent. Marbl lultwbrxhlt) 100 pure beef. Quality con trolled. Always fresh at Safeway b. Buttered Beef Steaks Skinless Frankfurters Smoked Piece Bacon Fresh Oysters I.v.r V.ll. rvi. .i 4. n ti. Seflwcy MW. PH. Wh.l. .r Hull Prlih Smthirf 12-ei. jar 49c 49c 49c 59c GOLD BOND CREAM CONES & Saturday- 11 A.M. - 5 P.M. No. 8th St. Store Prices Mectiv Thuridar. rb. 14 thru Sunrfay Ffb. 17 of Safeway in Ktamath Fall Wi reitrva ht right to limit. Save up to 40 on VOGUE Stainless Steel Special llem-a-week Offer. Build a complete set. Procter & Gamble Products Camay Soap 'TCr..':' 3 ,., 37c Ivory Soap c;;:;rkr 2, .,37c Ivory Flakes 39c Cheer Detergent 39c 39c 89c 33c 43c Dreft Detergent Dash Spic&Span Mr. Clean H ak. "'t'ftnf. 3-lb. JV4 . U at. afca. LUCERNE Canned Milk TALL TINS 2 Ot. Covtrtd Souct Pan $289 2nd WIK 2 qt. Covered Souce Pon L..'t..vMBBi 11 E1MS) "tSf TEN Easier lo Handle! Saves Paettng Time! e Speeds Check-Out Timel e Fast Accurate Count! Yn.1 HI Tri on. CnlH-n 'ln witK Mrh mnclc Gold Honl Stamp with rh 10. ptirrh.M.. COUPONS FOR FREE GOLD BONO STAMPS ON PAGE 3-B From The Dairy Case Bleu Cheese ""ti 98c Orange Drink Lucerne, 'j 29c Large AA Eggs &o di.53 Fresh-Baked Pastry Treats Raspberry Tarts BraaS'.ptr,. 45c Potato Chips Pencil Tablet Filler Paper Filler Paper NHy'l Dippers 1 1 ' ot. pkg. Big 3?c Special price Narrow rula 200 count Wide rula 200 count 69c 29c 39c 39c l.i Faminina Naplint. l0ieX Pig. of 12 Mr.VrigK('i 2 (W 89c ( Angel Food Cake ccCio". 39c Beffy Crocker Frosting Mix TOPS W QUALITY! LOW IN PRICE Imy Baler Kleenex Towels Xt" 42c Snap Cookies Vanilla. 2-lb. p.g. 49c .29c "1 35c M at. bartia rv.