Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 13, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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!. i .... v. Ittvi - - - " ' i ,
Mrs. Sara Bartholomas
shows her $1,250,000 check that- she received Tuesday
as a part of a $5 million divorce settlement from oil man
William A. Bartholomae in Los Angeles. In addition, he
gave her full title to the 200 acres Diamond Hills Ranch,
worth over an estimated $3 million. Judge Caryl M.
Sheldon ruled in December that she was entitled te half
of her husband's total assets. UPI Telaphote
Publishers Discouraged
On Paper Strike Peace
NEW YORK (UPI i New York
publishers said Monday night set
tlement of the 67-day-old news
paper strike through the normal
processes of collective bargaining
may not be possible.
In a statement issued hours aft
er Monday's 19'i hour negotiating
session at City Hall proved fruit
less, the publishers said "a long
test of economic strength" might
be in the offing.
Both the publishes and the strik
ing printers union conceded they
were discouraged. Mayor Robert
F. Wagner said "substantial dif
ferences" still separate the dis
putants. The mayor dismissed the nego
tiators until further notice, direct
ing them to give him reports by
today "at the latest" so he could
determine his next move.
Elmer Brown, international
president of the International Ty
pographical Union, who came
here to join the talks at Wagner's
request, flew back to Colorado
Springs, Colo.
"The publishers have not yet
made any determined offers,"
Brown said before leaving.
"There are differences of opinion
among them and until they get
themselves straightened out there
won't be any definite proposal
trom them.
The publishers denied that a rifl
existed, saying they had "renewed
their unanimous determination" to
resist union proposals w hich would
"threaten the future of the news
papers serving the New York pub
"We have reached the conclu
sion, the NYPA statement said.
(hat a settlement through the
normal processes of collective bar-l
gaining with the typographical un
ion will be extremely difficult if
not impossible.
"A long test of economic
strength appears inevitable unless
the publishers accede to the im
position of expense burdens which
they are convinced their papers
cannot absorb.
The publishers praised the "tire
less efforts" of Wagner and his
staff, but said "no appreciable
progress was made on the eco
nomic issues" during 17 days of
City Hall negotiations.
Tax Plans
By Dillon
ministration sought today to calm
the anxiety of home owners who
would lose a portion of their fa
vorite income tax deduction under
President Kennedy's tax plan.
Tieasury Secretary Douglas Dil
lon stressed again Monday night
that virtually every taxpayer
would pay less to the government
if the President's proposals are
approved by Congress.
Under the program, he said, the
home owner would end up with
more money in his pocket from
cuts in tax rate, even if some of
his deductions were taken away.
The President has proposed a
$10 billion net reduction in rates
over a three-year period, tied in
with tax reforms removing some
present tax privileges,
Limits Deductions
One of the proposed changes
would permit the taxpayer to de
duct only those itemized expenses
which exceed 5 per cent of his
income. This would include inter
est on home mortgages, local tax
es and contributions.
The Treasury told Congress
Monday that individual income
tax rates would have to bo set
higher than Kennedy proposed If
the lawmakers spurn hn plea for
restrictions on deductions.
It said the alternative to curb
ing tax deductions was a tax rate
schedule ranging from 14.3 per
cent to 75 per cent. This com
pares with e 14-65 per cent range
in Kennedy's plan and the pres
ent 20-91 let cent.
The Treasury said the higher
rates wouid be necessary to off
set the lo. s of $2.3 billion in new
revenue that the limit on tax de
ductions was designed to produce.
Denies Unfairness
Dillon said in a speech Monday
night that those who considered
the 5 per cent "floor" on deduc
tions an unfair burden on home
owners were afraid of "imagin
cry demons."
"For virtually every taxpayer,!
the proposed rate cuts would more
than offset the effect of the 5
per cent floor," he added.
Administration strategists were
convinced that the phase of the
tax program pertaining to deduc
tions was meeting the most re
sistance from the general public.
Some homebuildcrs claimed the
deduction change would discour
age home buying because it would
reduce the tax advantage that
now goes with owning a home
Chimpamces are easy to train
for the stage because they seem
to enjoy performing.
HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Wednesday, February 13, 196J
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NO INCIDENTS Chief Justice of the U.S. Earl Warren addresses convocation at
Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Ga., Tuesday. Despite rumors that several anti - Warren
groups might try to picket the meeting, there were no incidents or pickets.
UPI Telephoto
Science, Law Partnership Needed
Warren Cautions In Atlanta Talk
ATLANTA I UPI I Chief Justice
Earl Warren said Tuesday that
law has not kept pace with science
in the oilrushing space age and
cautioned that mar) can destroy
himself unless the two are made
partners tor useful outlets.
In a Lincoln's birthday address
in the huge coliseum at Georgia
Tech, Warren did not mention the
civil rights issue which has been
a major topic of Supreme Court
decisions since ne went on the
bench shortly before the 1954
school desegregation decision.
The chief justice paid tribute.
however, to the American Consti
tution which he noted was only
4.373 words "shorter than the.
average magazine article of to
day, in which our founding fa
thers distilled the governmental
wisdom of the ages."
Divine Document
"This great Constitution serves
our needs today as it aid I7.i
years ago," Warren said. "It will
serve as well 175 years in the fu
ture if we nurture it as a divine
document ... by bringing coher
ent legal light to bear upon the
ever-changing conditions of life
wrought by the wonderful age of
A crowd of about 4,000 gave
Warren a standing ovation when
he entered the coliseum and again
when he was introduced at the
start of his address. The crowd
was made up mostly of Georgia
Toch students, hut also included
faculty members and other in
terested adults.
Warren arrived Monday night
in a rare trip into the South. He
was taken under a tight security
ring to his hotel from the airport
where he was greeted by Atlanta
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.
His arrival was without inci
dent despite activity here of a so
called "Atlanta Committee for
the Impeachment of Earl War
ren." The group put up "Im
peach Earl Warren" signs around
Science is "more concerned
with law than the rest of us,"
Warren said. Rather than science
running away and endangering
civilization, he suggested that the
real danger today "lies in the
lack of a lawful world."
Law Will Prevail
A world that is governed by
law will not permit these great
discoveries (of science! to be
used for destructive purposes, but
a world without law is hell-bent
for destruction with or without
scientific discoveries," he said
There were at least a dozen uni
formed policemen and about six
or eight more officers in plain
clothes, in addition to airport po
licemen, on hand when the com-
Blank and Pre-Recorded
including Columbia & Capital
3"-5"-7" Rolls. Top Letters!
836 Main
mcrcial airliner carrying Warren
landed at the city's modern air
Capt. R. E. Little, head of
police "anti-hate" squad which
observes racial extremists, helped
supervise the security arrange
Monday, a letter signed by the
"Alumni Committee to Combat
Communism at Georgia Tech
was distributed to state legisla
tors. The letter suggested the
chief justice be cited for con
tempt "for his brazen invasion of
the state," and added that Georgia
Tech president Edwin Harrison
should be censured for inviting
him to appear.
Scouts Schedule
Court Of Honor
A joint court of honor of Troop
43, post 43 will be held at the
Klamath Lutheran Church on
Crescent Street on Thursday, Feb
14. at 7:30 p.m.
Several Eagle Scouts will re
ceive palms, tenderfoots will be
initiated into the pack and
number of other awards will be
Recreation Bureau Urged
ante Rockefeller urged Congress!
today to pass a bill giving con
gressional recognition of a new.
government bureau for outdoor!
Rockefeller headed a commis
sion that reviewed the nations)
outdoor recreation. It wrote a re
port recommending coordination
of effort in the recreational field.
Referring to the bill. Rockefel
ler said:
"It does one thing places re
sponsibility to see that outdoor
recreation is a full-time, integral
part of the machinery of govern,
mcnt." He said that more than
'20 federal agencies were involved
outdoor recreation. Yet. he
added, there was no "central focal
point to see thai the efforts arc
Idiroclcd effectively toward com
mon goals."
Rockefeller suggested that the
bill be broadened so that techni
cal assistance authorized in the
bill for local governments might
be extended to private and com
merical areas of recreation.
A bureau of outdoor recreation
is currently operating in the In
terior Department under execu
tive order. The proposed legisla
tion would give statutory recog
nition of the duties of the bureau.
Edward O. Crafts, director of
Ihe bureau said the measure
would authorize the secretary of
interior to give the bureau the fol
lowing duties: '
Maintain a continuing inven
tory of recreation needs and re
sources. Prepare a classification and
zoning system of recreational re- tional recreational plan,
sources. r Provide technical assistance
Prepare and maintain a na- in the recreational field.
Fully guaranteed and
complete with caie.
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10-Power Telescope
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