.7; RECEIVES GAVEL Sandy Johnson, left, receives the president's gavel from Myrene Cunningham, outgoing Dresident. of Theta Rho Girls of Merrill. By HUn Bachan Wriini-iiday, February 13, 1J PAGE 7-A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falll. Orr. Lodge Seats New Officers I Vv V ' : . 1 151 tfe- rA'i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Laird, lonatime ! an- : MKHRII.L Sandy Johnson was recently installed as president of Theta Rho Girls of Merrill to succeed Myrene Cunninsham. Installing officer was Ksther Johnson assisted hy Shirley Beas- ly, chaplain: Carol Parrel!, war den, and Judy Hayes, musician. Other new officers include Bet ty Ann Chapman, vice president; Myrene Cunninsham, past presi dent; Pam Conner, right support to the president; Janny Hodges, recording secretary; Audrene Cun ningham, financial secretary; Peg gy Carter, treasurer; Kdilh Simp son, warden: Linda Chance, con ductor: Nancy Kandra, marshal; Karen Chapman, musician: Bon nie Matthews, first herald: Dee Wolfram, chaplain; Judy Cuddy. inside guardian; Anne Oir-m, out side guardian; Carol Parnell. right support to the vice piesident. Flower girls Uniawi Reeves and Denise Hill presented each offi cer with a flower as she look her station. The president's theme is ' It s Quality, not Quantity That Counts." The hall was decorated in her colors of turquoise and white. Refreshments and a dance, followed the ceremony. Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia is the oldest while settlement north of Mexico. POLLY'S POINTERS Fragrant Bath Oil POLLY CRAMER Ntwspoper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY Here is tlpMIke a different woman. POLLY for using those last drops of per fume in a bottle. Buv a bottle of baby oil not loo expensive', put the few drops of perfume in it and shake. It makes a nice bath oil. and one capful in the tub gives a fine softness and fragrance to your skin. ANN CUIUS This truly nupplies a luxury feeling at a budget price. Pamper yourself after a hard day's work. It will make von feel DEAR POLLY Don't throw away those old curtain valances. An apron can easily be made by cutting a valance in half and sew ing the two pieces together in tiers. For the lie, just slip a rib bon through the casing that was the curtain rod. Patterned val ances make verv pretlv ones J. S. R. DEAR POIXY-Here is a point er for those people with steel- pouited tips on their umbrella Put an eraser on the lip. This might prevent some one from being hurt and also keeps light ning from striking it. BETTY GIRLS I do not know aliuiit the rubber tip warding off the lightning hut the hint answered a sreminglv small but nerve- racking problem for me. 1 have a heavy china umbrella stand and every time an umbrella with a steel tip was dropped into it, I shuddered Inr fear the bottom would be cracked. Now my um brellas gn in quietly with pointed erasers cushioning the shork. POLLY DEAR POLLY For the girls who hate a draft around Die mid riff when wealing .slacks and tops during the winter. 1 recom mend taking an older slip and cutting it off with the pinking shears, around the hip line. B. M. F DEAR POIXY-lf the vacuum clean bag is emptied into a wet paper bag Uiere will not be so much dust flying around. AJso if baby's plastic pants are washed in hot water and rinsed in hot water they will stay soft much longer. Quick drying, as over a register, also helps. It is the rinsing in cold water that hardens them. I also dip cotton swabs in oil before cleaning Hie children's ears. No more yelling from my three as this cleans the wax off without pressure. MRS. 0. G. Share your favorite homemak- ing ideas . . . send them to Polly in care of Herald and News. You'll receive a bright, new Ulver dollar if Polly uses your ideas in Polly's Pointers. Party Petes " Mai in Pair MAL1X A surprise house- warming was given Mr. and Mrs. Ival Taylor Saturday, Jan. 2fi. by a group of their friends who called to welcome them in their, new home. The Taylors recently moved from Malin to their home on the slate line. A social evening was spent and games played. A money tree was presented to the lionorees. Later refreshments were enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Ed McCulley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brigiitman, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Elmer, Mr. and -Mrs. Marion Kirkpatrick and Mr., and Mrs. Paul McCulley. Mr. and; Mrs. Carl Rajnus were unable to attend. PENNEY'S ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY Open Daily 9:30 to 5:30 - Our First Big Money -Saving Dollar Days of 1963! Come Get The Bargains! GOLDENWEDS residents of Alturas, celebrated their 50th wedding niversary on Feb. 7r Both are members of pioneer fa milies in the area. Alturas Pair Observe Date ALTURAS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph James Laird celebrated their SOth wedding anniversary Thursday. Feb. 7, with family and friends at a gathering in their home. A joint celebration was noted by Mr nJ lr I ait-A o. I Vi i ic alcn the 50th vear thev have ODer-l ated Laird's Pharmacy in Alturas. Irma and Ralph Laird are de scendants of pioneer families that were prominent in the original settling of Alturas in the early innns. Mrs. Laird is an ancestor of the Williams family that was one of the first settlers in the Likely area in 1877. Before her marriage she was a Modoc County school teacher. She is well known throughout the county for her ac tive part in recording Modoc Coun ty history and is often called on by various organizations to give historical stories of early Modoc County. She has also been active In the development of the Altur as Garden Club. In 1913 Ralph I-aird took over the operation of his father's phar macy that had been established hy James T. Laird in 18t. Four generations of Laird men have worked in Laird's Pharmacy, .tames T. Laird, the founder; his son, Ralph Laird; his son. Dr. George taird, and his son, James P. I-sitrl. With the Lairds, in honor of their anniversary from out of town, were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ken field. Fran l-aird, Mrs. Frederic HITS CIBAV rS'FLVX MIAMI 'l'PI A ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee said Sunday night it would have been better for the Cuban refugees to have stayed in Cuba. "They are not doing a hit of good in downtown Miami," said Rep. Walter Norblad. R-Ore. He said the refugees could have car ried out sabotage and intelligence activities against Fidel Castro's Communist regime had they staved in Cuba. Porter, all of San Francisco; Mrs. Delia Laird, Sacramento, and the Lairds' son and daughter-in-law and family. Dr. and Mrs. George J. Laird of Burlinfcame. Spring Is Arriving Daily at Bog a fay's! SCOOTERS v ARE "BEAU W.v!Vv in soft, supple 'ln. .ar potent leather. k - J':' block."' Wv' -'"TV SHOES 617 Main Exclusively ours ECONO-CLEAN DRY CLEANING PROFESSIONALLY cleontd and sported 51 1(K2 It rii I" end eitkue. Pick-up end D.liv Srrict SOe tt erdr eitre. QUICK SERVICE! jone 4 LBS. Any Garment beautifully finished out of the above terviee at regilor charge. CASCADE Laundry t Cleaners Opp Putt. Ott't" !,, 4-5)11 r iHi 1 BROADWAY CLEANERS 441 1 t. 4th k. 4 4481 NEW METHOD SAIL CARLOAD PURCHAS Easiern Hardwood Construction LIVING ROOM SETS WE'RE PASSING THE SAVINGS ON TO YOU! SHOP HAFTER'S for best values, lowest prices on Nationally-Known ' !-' i ... 1 'y Furniture! 5-PIECE SIT All hardwood construction, Maple arms and legi. Easy to clean, long wearing reinforced plath'c cover in brown, beige or eggihell. ALL 5 PIECES AS ILLUSTRATED DAVENO, CLUB CHAIR, 2 STEP TABLES. ONE COFFEE TABLE I ' ' i fat :y;i -: py p I J f (If hlj Jjl 1 1 I 1 I , 1 ," Studio Couch With inneripring mor rreit, back bolsters. $99.00 VALUE FOB $' '.WW MbV 79 88 Hide-A-Bed Simmons Famous Quality. Ai low at $ 149 88 Daveno Simmons All-Sireel Construction $ 99 88 DAVENPORT & CLUB CHAIR Eoitern Hordwood eonttrucrion. Reren ible foam cuthiont. Long wearing, eaiy to clean heavyweight nylon cover. $19? Val. - Hatter's low Price for 2 pes. Only FREE DELIVERY EASY TERMS 833 Klamath Av Ph. TU 4-4878 1 rTrrim'iniirTiiiiTTni ELEGANT BROCADE DRAPES NO-IRON WASH 'N HANG! 30" x 90", 84", 63" or 54" $ 5 pair Special buy! Every quality detail! Handsome de sign, classic brocade weave of royon and cotton completely machine wash and no-iron! 4" pinch pleats, 3" bottom hem. White, champagne, san dalwood! ."lukewarm wafer DOWNSTAIRS 5 SAVE! MEN'S COTTON UNDERWEAR 2 n. SI 100 combed cotton Swiss rib athletic shirts, rib knit briefs' All ma chine wosh. Scoop 'em up at this low price! MAIN FLOOR H S e a rv w HOME-FASHION SPECIAL! THRIFTY COTTON MUSLIN! yards Choose bleached or unbleached muslin by the f dozen-yards for curtains, cafes, furniture throws, 5 '5 urapery nnings, spreaas, even tasnion apparel'. '( Terrific Vntlim una lim hin imi MAfr ' Penney qualify! BALCONY f f-'-f i i 18 LINED JEWEL BOX HAS SELF RISING TRAY $ 1 Holds a wardrobe of jewelry neatly, se curely! Artfully embossed on beouttful ivory, pink or blue to decorote a lady's dresser. MAIN FLOOR BEDSPREADS Chenille and Early American Bleached and Unbleached. Plain colon $ P and ftripei. Twin & Full ... O MEN'S COTTON WORK SOX 3;$1 SIZES 10-13 MAIN FLOOR MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Rolled or hemmed edgei, Solidi & colon. MAIN FLOOR P0NNET5 .CofPplcton Soiip I PENNEY'S SCENTED COMPLEXION SOAP box of 12 $ 1 if-"!1 r-V High quality French Milled soap . . . with Lanolin for extra mildness. Choice of five pastel shades and white. MAIN FLOOR SAVE! JR. BOYS' COTTON POLO SHIRTS 2 ... $1 SHort-slceve polos of combed cotton ... in p 0 p u I o r crew - neck styles' A wide choice of patterns and colors . . . sizes to 12. DOWNSTAIRS BOYS' COTTON BRIEFS 'N T-SHIRTS Siiet 4-16 3s$l Specially constructed (or proper fit, long wear' Nylon reniforced collors, heot-resistont, elasfic-woist briefs! DOWNSTAIRS INFANT'S COTTON SLEEPER BUY! Siiet 1 to 4 $1 Two-piece sleepers with Gripper) fasteners to hold tops down. Non skid ventiloted soles wipe clean. Postels. SECOND FLOOR FASHION BUY FOR THE PLAYPEN SET Siiei 1 to 2 Two piece sets with full length pants are styled with on eye to fashion . . . price. Pastel-y cot tons for boys 'n girls. SECOND FLOOR 52 Mil' .-( IS girls ; TAPERED ANKLE PANTS Sites 7 to 14 S I Toddler sites, 77e Sites 3-6x, 88c All cotton tapered pants . hove smooth front, elos- 1 - tic snug back woist- j' bond. Snap up several ':' colors at this low, low price' !' SECOND FLOOR CHARGE IT. . . It's easier to Pick, easier to Plan, easier to Pavl CLEANERS 14?1 (.(O 4-44T1