Wednes., Feb. 13, 1963 Pigc 4. A Herald Newt Klamath Falls Honor Roll Announced In Chiloquin CHILOQUIN Announcement was made this week o the honor roll from the Chiloquin Senior High School for the first semester by C. A. Samples, principal. Three students made a perfect 4.0 average, Rocky Evans, junior, Donald Rogers and Jon Wilson, sophomores. Seniors on the honor roll In cluded Diane Haas, Greg Harris, Joseph Kirk, Barbara Nicholson, and Judy Trulove. Juniors were Tony DiUlio, Donna K l r cn e r, Micki Wolff, and Allen Ortega. Sophomores placed the great est number on the list with Delor- os Case, Kim Hale, Beverly Hicks, Lavena Martin, Roger Nicholson. Kathleen Peters, and David Van Wormer. Freshmen were Phyllis Bickers, Richard Chase. Candace Frcid, Judith Fulton, Raymond Hatcher, Roberta Latzy, Vickl Sherier, and Bobbie Winston. mmm'mmJ : . Osf wxit ffiih 1777r AO , 11 ii ilium 1 1 I TJ ievmmmmmvMmmmmmmWSm: "' I5:imwf--s&1 IU y PTA Slates Round-Table CHILOQUIN The Intermediate teachers presented an informal round-table discussion pertaining to citizcnsnip. discipline, c i a s s pi-nuninff. and homework at a re cent PTA meeting held in the grade school gym. Mrs. Agnes Pfeiffcr, William Wiest, Mrs. Ro salie floback, and Ross Mclntyre were panel members with Frank Hale, principal, as moderator. The PTA voted to sponsor the Cub Scouts and pay the registra tion fees. Mrs. Pfeiffer and Mrs. Hnhack presented a puppet show titled "A Young Teacher's Lament." Milton Ogden's seventh grade won the room count, and seventh nrade mothers. Mrs. Frank Hale, Mrs. Frank Ohlund, and Mrs. Ray Van Wormer served retresnmems. Roger Wright, PTA president, appointed Mrs. Jo Chase as treas urer to replaced Mrs. Martin Lar mmi, who resigned because of ill ncss. U.S. Lumber Use Pushed WASHINGTON tWll-The Na lional Lumber Manufacturers As sociation today called for pass use of three proposed bills that would require U.S.-produced lum ber to be used In homes built with Federal Housing Administra tion mortgages. The NLMA said the hills would ".significantly" aid the industry in coping with "mounting imports of . Canadian lumber." FHA mortgages were used to finance construction of about 131, Win home buildings last year. To tal new housing starts, including apartment units, were more than 1 4 million. Mortimer B. Doyle, NLMA executive vice president, said the i bills could improve building stand-j iinls. He said if poor quality lum-i Ikt were delivered, the homeown-1 ers could complain to "a domestic j producer located in their own country." Tlie NLMA has asked (he Tariff Commission to restrict imports n( Canadian softwood lumber. It was estimated Canadian lumber now accounts for about 17 per cent oi U.S. consumption, compared with 12 9 per cent In 11. Former Lake Resident Dies SUMMER LAKE Jesse Nelson former Lake County resident, died Jan. 27 in Portland at the age of K!. Totally blind, he had been confined in a nursing home since a fall Dec. 7, when he broke a liin. Survivors Inrlude two sons, Blaine Nelson. Vancouver. Wash. Jack C. Nelson, Portland; i daughter, Mrs. Maxine Harvey Trouldale: and a hrcther. t. R Nelson. Klamath Kalis. His wife preceded him In death in 1!KU. Dairy Meeting Mrs. Wilbur Reiling reported on Jhc Oregon Slate Dairy meeting in tialrm Jan. 7 when Mamatn cram D.iirv Wives met at the Wil Hard Hotel later in the month for luncheon. er marked to in Plans were also discussed for the annual Klamath County com nelilion for dairy princess. : The next no-host luncheon meet .lug at 12 noon, will he at the Wil lard. Feb. 2S. People Read SPOT ADS yeu ere new. o)fIfP' ffil DuPont 501 All Nylbn Pile Carpets 1 M PIJ5TELV IXSTALIJ5U 0 MUSKY IMV On Sonrn V.nny Pavinnl IMnit A heavy deluxe carpet woven of DuPont's famous 501 quality nylon pile. Six lustrous decorator colors of light beige, spruce green, honey beige, nutmeg tweed and FIIEE Shop-ai-llomw Sorvioe Sears will bring actual carpet samples to your home. No guess work. You see colors and texture go with your furnishing). PhonexSears now! Check Theit Sample Saving-rComplely Iniullfd Si7 Reg. Sale Save Siir Reg. Sale Save 9s20 229.80 209.80 20.00 12x12 18.84 167.84 16.0(1 Q32 i67.68 )35.68 ii.OO 12x16 245.12 221.72 21.40 9x16 18).84 167.84 16.00 12x30 1 59.6l) 1 9.6C 40.00 CoiltillllOIItt I ilnilMMll 100 Nylon ril ('arpelinK Nylon tweed in '6J's smart, est color combinations. Ex tra hrnvy quality. Amazing durability. Naturally mothproof. CoiitinuoiiN I'ilaiiK'iii 00 ZVvlun lMIe rnrpHing Qp m. Til. Lowest priced good quality 100 continuous filament nylon carpet available. Will not pill, fius or shed . . . easy to clean. Choice of 5 decorator colors. J q. yd. OiarJc ThM Sampl Savings Completely Iiuulled Sire Reg. Sale Save Si'e Re. Save Sale TTTh 106.011 I58.4S I7.SS IjslH 2S2.00 20 V6 48.24 TTTn 26TW2I2.2I W 15x28 IU0.fllH96.20 9 '.80 15x21 167.50 297.I5 "0.15 15x17 .'.97.50 240.55 56.97 Check Theae. Sample SavinRS Completely InMalled Sue Reg. Sale Save Sire Reg. Sale Save 12x16 192.00 159.70 32.21 15x9 285.00 -.19 47.81 TsTio 150,00 374.50 75.50 12x31 37J.OP 109.59 62.41 12x25 300.00 249.6- 50.13 15x12 180.00 140.86 10.20 Thursday - Friday - Saturday! Shop All Departments And Save! ON ON ALL BIRCH FRONT Kitchen Cabinets Beautiful grained birch front on flush doors with silent magnetic catches. Curved design top draw ers. Antiqued copper plated handles. Completely finished and ready to install. Si$e combinations to fit in any kitchen. FREE ESTIMATE Square Look in Steel 54-in. Cabinet Sinks NO EY DOWN Sears Easy Payment Plan tl'.J tt 1nt D.ri. ( A . hn ruiira., r ru, ji -i.r" . age , Herald & News Klamath Falls .- "Yes, Sears Has It" Over 200,000 items available through our Catalog Sales Department. Use our telephone shopping service-Phone 2-4481 or shop personally at your con venience at our Catalog Sales Depart ment located on the first floor adja cent to the shoe department. SAVE $ $33.95 J reoo Complete with chromed faucet, trim. Porcelained en amel top defies stains. One-piece, insulated doors; easy-cleaning seamless drawer interiors. Sleek square design matches latest appliances. N MONEY DO fj on anything you buy at Sears on Credit Save On Marbleized Plastic Wall Tile SAVE 6 CSq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Here's proof you don't need to spend a lot of money to make rooms brighter. Dainty marbleized effect . . . same thickness os our fine quality, yet costs far less. Won't warp, pop or buckle. Install it yourself. if Sv W MASTER-MlXtO Utex fiat PAINT Latex FLAT PAINT Save 52c Roll or brush on smooth! v. It hide well. Tools cleon fast in sonpv wotrr. Dries flot in 30 minutes. FREE PAINT PADDLE WITH EACH GALLON. jjl Craftsman ORBITAL SANDER Save 6.00 For wood or point removal. Lightweight frr eosy overhead use Hundreds of uses around the home or shop. Carries Craltsrr.on power tool guarantee. (P9 Jiii uiiw. i)iuii..n " Model ' r- 3850 Sriui yVP''-'''fill ' 1 1111 " SAVE 5 30 95 ON KENMORE 2-Speed, 3-Cycle Auto. WASHiH $ 00 Just dial your fabric. Set water temperature and walk away from washday work! Washer has built-in lint filter. Dirt-chasing 6 vone agitator. Porcelained tub, acrylic cabinet fin sh. Much more! Matching Dryer save Usg500 11.95 lm& Motching 2-cycle automatic dryer. Normal and delicate cycles plus air for fluffing. 10-lb. capacity. Dries more clothes in less time. Has all-fabric drying timer. Coldspot 13.8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator-Freezers oo SAVE At Sears Low Price ' 170-lb. Capacity True Freezer on bottom. Automatic defrosting. Two full width rugged steel shelves with trim. One clear glass shelf over crisper. Egg rack. En closed butter compartment. IRQ 95 Other Coldspots, Low as . . 1' 15.3 Cu. Ft. Coldspot Freezers Store 535 Lbs. Has big quality features . . . built-in lock, cold con trol, flash hinges, ihterior light, swing-out basket. Three (open mesh type) shelves for free circulation of zero degree air. IS cu. ft. Chest Freezer . . M99. SAVE $4Q00 ( . . . Km r,iMrt .1" l-"C-. - - - 3A C i-nmn c it pnmnrp rri" t " f ri& r ZIG-ZAG JifflmN SAVE (Q)(3)00 f " ' '30" sSSu"1 J I H Cabinet Included Ufi,f I J$J !' Hurry at this low price. You can embroider, mono- j; w I 11 ! 7 nmm w nn huttonc dinners. Pus reau ar sewina EJ lie . a , 1 - r-r-- - m w m mm i J in forward or reverse! Fast round bobbin action. VVVVVvvvvvvvvyvvyyTrirTtT. in w w w - Electricity Jolts Limbs Into Action STOCKHOLM (UP)-Soviet doc tors have successfully developed artificial limbs which can be op erated by nerve Impulses from the handicapped person's muscles, the newspaper Dagens Nyhetcr said today. In an interview with three Sue- . dish doctors now on a study mis sion to Leningrad and Moscow, Dagens Nyheter Moscow corres pondent Lars Bringert also said the Russians have replaced dam aged bones with those from dead persons. Bringert quoted the Swedes as saying only a few minor prob-; lems remained before the Rus-- sians could start large scale pro- duction of tlie artificial limbs. They are operated by an elec- tronic transformer which picks up Hie impulses from tlie muscles when they are functioning, he said. The only specific limb men tioned was an artificial hand, but j it was indicated other limbs had '. been made to operate on the' same principle. ' Bringert said one of the Swe dish doctors, Prof. Carl Hirsch, was allowed to try an artificial hand. "Wires were at tached to my up per arm," Hirsch said. "Then tlie artificial limb was placed on a table and when I moved my hand the artificial hand made identical movements." The newspaper said a team of doctors and technicians headed by a Professor Popov developed the technique and they promised the Swedes full access to information on it. The Swedish doctors were also . quoted as saying Russian doctors led by a Protessor mpscmnsny had developed a technique of re placing damaged bones, especial ly joints, with otners laiten irum dead bodies. Bringert said they had successfully replaced thigh bones, knees and even nip Joints with this method. Big Screen Special Consotette TV SAVE 11.95 Genuine Silvertone, slm-styled, mahogany finished hardboard cn metal cabinet stays new looking. 23" overall diagonal, 282 sq. in. viewing area. Bonded picture tube cults glare. SHOP FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 P.M. VcrbftshbnT 38" Portable ELECTRIC DRILL (5199 Save 10.00 U3J Develops '.4 HP. Full lood speed 880 RPM Use for heovv dutv drilling Tokes all Sears drill ac cessories Precision boll, needle and sleeve bear ings Craftsman power tool guarantee. Craftsman V2" DRIVE SOCKET SETS Save 11.00 (0199 29-pc. Unconditionally guaranteed. Molybdenum steel . . forged, heol-trealed for maximum strength. Wrenches, sockets precision-broached to size. Craftsman Heavy Duty HIGH SPEED SANDER Save 10.00 36 sq in. sandmg surface, 14,400 strokes per min ute; doube arc octmn . . . gives a satin-smooth finish to wood furniture, cobmets, woodwork. eD; Genuine Craftsman SABRE SAW Save 10.00 (0199 11 SJ th edge guide attachment. Develops 1 1.4-1 .A.HM UAU l... er 74 n r. viuhcs na i wu siunti itj mwc iui straight lines and circles with edge guide. Counter balance drive reduces vibration. Complete w over '4 H P "Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back'' SEARS Open 9:30 till 5:30 - Friday till 9 133 So. 8th Phone TU 2-4481 HURRY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! w 3 PAYS ONLY 9 ii From start to finish one saw does it all . . , crosscuts, rips, mitres, bevel cuts, dadoe?, rabbetts, tenons, routs, shapes, sands, drills, sharpens ... the sofest Itype sow you can buy because you saw from the top. Your ma terial stays stationery. Motor develops Wt H P. Safety clutch resists motor burnout. Removable key for safely. CRAFTSMAN !aclial $ Sc5W 00 Photo Fails ks Evidence rwnnv fURf) Thomas Wat son told a divorce court Monday that lu limhfti iin a ladder with iha nisi nf his mother and caueht hi. -wife in another man's bed- rnnm hut fnrunt to take the cap off the lens of his camera when he tried to snap their picture. ThA inHcfv hnwnver. said he be- tu.uvl WalEnn'i ctnrv averl though he could not provide pictorial evi dence. Mr. Justice Baker granted Watson a divorce on grounds of his wife's adultery. Watson testified he went to KVanlr Smith' (lOUIS With a tTUCk. a ladder, a camera and his moth jcr and brother. His wife, Marion, had gone to Smith a house earner. While his mother steadied the i,4,ia.. Wntcnn climbed ud to the bedroom window and saw his wife in Smith's bed. He clocked tne .h., iiar F hi camera and then ! called triumphantly down to his ... a . 1. U..H. " mother, l nave gw n, mn. . "A person who goes out shoot ing and tries to get two birds with one cartridge sometimes ior gets to take off the safety catch," the judge sam. Quiz Conducted On Brick Use cmiMirn T.AKTt -Grance met O-I'll'iu" " Saturday evening with nine menv hers present and master, Annanei Kimsey. presiding. Cella Allen re ceived the obligation as a new member. In the absence of the lecturer. Mrs. Kimsey conducted a oillz on the uses of bricks and rubber tires. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Harris served refreshments. Home Economics Club will meet next on Feb. 27 at the home of Judith Harris. TRY IT AT THI LUCCA CAFE World Famaui-Dallclsui BROASTED CHICKEN PIZZA PIE Real Italian Style Orders to Go, Too LUCCA CAFE PHONE TU 4-3276 2354 S. 6th