PAGE 2-A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli, Ore. Wednesday, February 13, 1962 Republicans Rap Kennedy's Bungle Of Foreign Policy WASHINGTON (UP1) -The Republican party, using tradition al Lincoln's Day dinner platforms Tuesday night, accused the Ken nedy administration of neglecting civil rights, bungling foreign pol icy and ignoring the Cuban threat. Democrat answered that Lin coln, the first GOP president, would scorn his party today and Republicans would not tolerate the great emancipator in their ranks now. Ignoring GOP jibes, President and Mrs. Kennedy entertained 800 guests at a White House evening reception marking the 100th an niversary ot the emancipation Proclamation. Prior to the reception, Kennedy received a report from the Civil Rights Commission on the past TTT S2k PASTtRNAK Pioduclion I M-G-M presents A JOE PASURHAK Pioduclion DORIS STEPHEN JIMMY MARTHA DAY BOYD DURANTE- RAYE BILLY ROSE'S i wilh the wonderful music of RODGERS & HART wnmCOLOR ' PANAVISION f Plut Feature? I t, Tom & Jerry Corfoow 1 HB!0 He sure can pick em MB She sure can trick him... JECHNICOLOr Wf 100 years of progress by the Ne gro toward full civil rights. The President said that all Americans, "particularly the American Negro," could "take satisfaction in this record despite the setbacks. . . ." Among those invited to the buf fet dinner were members of the Cabinet, Supreme Court and Cong. ress, plus state and local civil rights leaders. While the reception was taking place. Republicans a r o u n d the country listened to party leaders attack the President and his ad ministration. Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J told a Springfield, N.J., dinner that the administration "failed to1 lift a finger" to help Senate ef forts lo tighten filibuster rules and make it easier to enact civil rights legislation. The Republicans, Case said, have "spearheaded every major civil rights measure in the last century." At a New York City dinner, Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R-N.Y., at tacked Kennedy's dealing with U.S. allies. Kennedy's policies, Javits said, have given "grave signs of fumbling and insenstivei leadership in foreign policy at a time when we can least afford it. Javits said the administration had offended Britain in the Sky bolt missile affair, and was un prepared to cope with the French President Charles de Gaulle's pol icy towards the Atlantic alliance. Through "sheer clumsiness," he said, Kennedy had caused a rift in relations with Canada. New York Gov. Nelson A. Rock efeller, speaking at the same din ncr. charged that Kennedy "has abdicated virtually all leadership toward achieving necessary civil rights legislation." Instead, Rockefeller said, the President "has settled for admin istrative actions of high publicity value" and let legislation to imple ment his 1950 campaign pledges on civil rights die on the vine. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, D- Minn., replied to GOP charges by saying the Republicans used "bad judgment" In attacking adminis tration foreign policy. Such criti- isms were made for political pur poses, he said. Rep. William G. Bray, R ind.. attacked administration Cuban policies in a statement in the Congressional Record. He said Kennedy was doing nothing ahout schools of snhotage, suhvorsion and revolution'' operating In Cuba to spread communism and revolt through Latin America. The Civil Rights Commission's report to Kennedy said that tlie final battle for racial equality would be fought in the North against exclusive "gentleman's agreements" rather than in the South. Entitled "Krccdom to the Free the report reviewed civil rights progress since Lincoln issued his proclamation Jan. 1, 1R3. The "gentleman's agreement'' which bars minority citizens from housing, employment restrictions, crowded neighborhood schools are the subtler forms of denial and the more difficult to elimi nate," the report said. WEDNESDAY KLAMATH COUNTY HISTORI CAL SOCIETY, 8 p.m., lecture room. County Library. W, B. Sweetland, speaker. TOPS CLUB, 7:30 p.m., Com munity Lounge, 118 N. 7th. Group therapy for overweight women. Y-NE-MA T W I R L E R S, 7:30 p.m., beginning class, Y.MCA Bring cookies. THURSDAY Y-NE-MA T W I R L E R S, 7:30 p.m., round nance instruction, J p.m., square dance, YMCA. Bring doughnuts. KLAMATH CIVIC THEATRE, 8 p.m.. tryouts tor Liglit up tne Sky,' v t ?. In pernor's Airplane Sparks Protest From Assemblyman INITIATION Seven candidates, starting second from left, standing, Eldon Brown, Jack Owens, E. Zambonin, Torrance Boyer, Archie Andrews, Norman Baugh, Paul Gregort wsra inducted in American Legion Post No. 8 recently. Far left is George Henry color guard. Other installing officers of the Forty at Eight were seated, left to right, Paul Dalrymple teet, Cecil Haggreen. Warner Fett, Julian Abbott, Elton tviickelsen, Charles Po- Qommjunihj. Qakndak Klamath Auditorium. MIDLAND HOME EXT. UNIT, 10:30 a.m., meeting, Fairgrounds. Bring table service. FREMONT JR. HIGH PTA, 1:30 p.m., executive meeting, i :s p.m.. Founders Pay meeting, fre- mont auditorium. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, R p.m., meeting, Ev. ans Bldg., 10th and Main. Lincoln Kin Disagrees MANCHESTER. Vt. ll.PI - Abraham Lincoln's great-grand daughter says she disagrees with Atty. Gen. Rohert Kennedy n forcing integration on the South Miss Mary Lincoln Beckwith, M, told United Press International Tuesday t lie 154th anniversary of Lincoln's birth that she was 'oncemed annul "the aggression if tlie federal government in forc ing integration on Hie South. I disagree with the stand taken by Atty. Gon. Rohert Kennedy on this matter. We're southerners, but I don't think of the South as a separate culture It is part of the Union he said. Miss Beckwith has lived more than 50 vears at llililrne. a 1,000- dairy farm built by her HOPES FOR NEW MARK PAYTONA BEACH. Fla. il.Pl Han Gurney of Riverside. Calif. will drive an American Shelhv AC Cobra Ford in the second run ning of the May tone Continental at (he International Speedway this Sunday. Gurney, who won this event last year In a British I-olus 19 wilh an average speed of 103.044 miles acre ier hour, said he hoped to break grandfather, Robert Todd Lincoln this mark over the 3 St mile Iter family had lived in Kentucky course. 'and South Carolina BEGINNERS ROUND DANCE CLASS, 8 p.m.. Merry Mixers Hail. LADIES AUXILIARY, Canton Crater No. 7, 8 p.m., meeting, lOOF Hall. FRIDAY MYSTERY COMEDY. "Jeepers Creepers," 8 p.m., Bonanza Ele mentary gym. Benefit of Big Springs Park. KIAMATH CIVIC THEATRE, 8 p.m., tryouts for "Light Up the Sky," Klamath Auditorium SCHOOL MATES CLUB, 1 p.m. luncheon, Willard Hotel. SHASTA . HOMEDALE EXT. UNIT, 10 a.m., dinner with charge, creative cookery, fairgrounds. RUMMAGE SALE, Aloha Chap ter No. 61, OES, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Masonic Temple. SHASTA - VIEW GRANGE, 8 p.m.. Cherry Pie Social, program, grange hall. Dance to follow. SATURDAY AMERICAN LEGION, R p m.. Valentine Balloon Party. 1-cgion Hall. KLAMATH LANK LODGE, No 4M, 6 p.m., dinner, 8 p.m.. meet ing. Dance to follow. Members and guests. VFW. 9 30 pm.. Sweetheart Ball. band. VFW Hall. Members and guests. RUMMAGE SALE, Aloha Chap ter No 61, OES. 8 30 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Masonic Temple. KLAMATH COUNTY RE TIRED TEACHERS, 1:30 p.m.. YMCA. MYSTERY COMEDY. "Jeep ers Creepers." 8 pm.. Bonanza Elementary gym. Benefit of Big Springs Tark ANNUAL HAM DINNER, St. Aucustine's Parish. 6 to 8 p m . Parish Hall. Merrill. R I M A G E SALE, Green- springs Garden Cluh. 9 am. to j p m . Clyde's Tnu inc. A.U'W. 12 :t(l pm.. Winoma Ho tel. Members and guests. Guest speaker. Marjorip McBnde. Hill erot superintendent Things Are Different Since CAMBRIDGE, England (UPI)-1 Diand (Call Me Dilly) Thomas, 18, sees no reason to get excited be cause she and five other Cam bridge girl students pose seminude in a play. "I can't see what all the fuss is about, we are only naked from the waist up," Miss Thomas said Tuesday night before the opening performance. The coed and her five partners are from the Cambridge College of Art and Technology. They appear briefly in the col lege production of "cxpresso Bongo. "Only people with nasty minds would object," the blonde Miss Thomas said. The show opened to a full house and cheers. Beforehand, the gins had to give a performance for the uni versity proctor to see if the scene was in good taste. Proctor Richard Bainbridge gave them the okay. "Frankly, I prefer Shake peare," he commented. mm i! kmi til-;: EDDIE WALTER PAUL F&' MKM I V ' iU'vl MW-fHD Ifer ff NITfl tot, JACK ROSE tVfcMiw DANIEL MANN S ) t A TALBOT 'scpmi, JACK ROSE-PANAVISION 0$. m mivJF0UR HORSE-PLAYERS ARE MISSING f3g, v ALEXANDER ROSE A PARAMOUNT RELEASE : CJf': ''jpV I 2CEC3r 11 , THE MOST RIOTOUS BEDTIME STORY THAT EVER KEPT YOU LAUGHING FAR INTO THE NIQHTl SACRAMENTO (UPll-A Re publican Assemblyman and Gov. Edmund G. Brown's finance di rector exchanged words Tues day over the need for a new gu bernatorial airplane. Assemblyman Don Mulford. R-Piedmont, lower chamber GOP caucus chairman, was the first to mention the matter. He brought it up in a letter to Finance Direc tor Hale Champion. The lawmaker pointed out that Brown invited the legislators to delete all expenditures in Cali fornia's $3.2 billion budget that do not provide direct and necessary services to the people. Then he mentioned the air plane item which says simply: "Provision is made for acquiring an executive airplane to be oper ated in conjunction with the auto-1 motive pool. "Since this item is buried so ob scurely in a subsection on state garages and since there is abso lutely no explanation for the need or the reason for the inclusion ofl this item." said Mulford, "it is difficult to assist the governor with his invitation to look for economies in connection with this item." Mulford conceded that it is "entirely possible" that the pur chase is "both necessary and de sirable," but added: "One can only speculate in the complete absence of any justification or estimate of the costs involved." Champion answered right back He said the plane was needed to replace the "grizzly bear,' National Guard DCS now used by Brown on slate business. This is the same type of plane in which Montana Gov. Donald Nutter was killed a year ago on a flight between Helena and Great Falls, Mont. Subsequently, the Air National Guard ordered all the governor's planes grounded un til they looked them over. They replaced a wing attach angle on the Grizzly and pro nounced it fit for use. Champion said that although the old aircraft originally were scheduled to be "phased out" in 1960 their life has been extended indefinitely. Champion said the new aircraft would be a used Convair 240 esti mated to cost $175,000 to purchase and $225,000 lo convert the cabin and interior for tlie governors use. It also would be used by other state executives," said Champion. "But the governor would have first call on it." He estimated the plane would cost $175,000 annually to operate and would be piloted by the Air National Guard under the same arrangement provided for tlie Grizzly. About Mulford's charge that the item was buried on Page 1045 of the 1200-page budget, Champion said. "This is exactly the way we handle all state equipment. There uas no attempt at concealment." Other developments in the leg islature: Arrests Sen. Robert J. Lago- marsino. R-Ventura, introduced a bill to allow arrest at night on a warrant for misdemeanors when the person to be arrested is in a nnhlic nlace. He also introduced la measure to allow a person to be sentenced in the county ot ar rest or residence on warrants is sued by other counties. 23" TABLE TV 23 overtil diaf . pictur m., 280 tq. in. ot rftcUngutar pleturt km. STYLED to make you proud to own 'fV BUlLTfor world's finest performance! ) 1(7r:: ifl - I P UU ' WW Th ARNOLD Model K2705 Features sound out front speaker. 4 A A At 20.000 volts of picture power. I vf Wk end Perma-Set Tuning 1 e T f HANDCRAFTED Chassis Fop GREATER DEPENDABILITY No printed circuits ... no production shortcuts for fewer service headaches, greater operating depend aoility Every chassis connection m Zenitn TV is nandwired. hand soldered. J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-4197 Weather Roundup Temperatures during the 24 hours ending at 4 a.m. PST today Brookings had .88 Astoria Baker Brookings Mcdford Newport X. Bend Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem The Dalles Chicago l,os Anceles c York San Fran. Washington inch of rain High Low tifi 40 45 Ml 57 50 40 14 67 50 41 ii 1 1 i ii imi in in l II II III j Northern California: Mostly fair through Thursday. Ski Itrpnrt Ml. Bachelors Temp. 28 at 7 a.m.: one men new snow; total now 5:1 inches; skiing good; car ry chains. Timbcrhne: Snow on road, car ry chains: total snow 31 inches. one inch new; temp. 30 at 7 a m . ski conditions good. Giant Balloon Launch Stalled PALESTINE. Tex. 'I PI' - Strong high-altitude winds forced the tilth postponement of today's heduled Ciant tandem halloon launching lor a study of Mars. The balloon launching was ten- t.itielv rfM'hedulod for Thursday (lornoon. Princeton I niversity scientists plan to send the sso-foot-tall pack- ic and its delicate photographic I'lnnpmcnt and Sfi-mch telescope to siVflon feet 2eraUi anil etas Klamatft Ortttn PutiithM tv (mpI sat.) and Suftdaf Strvtfif Southern Orttrn an Ntrtharn CaMrne kv Klamatft PuMnhinf Orneany Mun at fteianao Pt TUiM 4 I'll w I witnd. Pwfetitftar ntffM 4K-tlH matr t T fMt ' at Klamath am. Ort, n Awfult It. ! 4tr act 1 Ct 'tit. waft I. tT Stctlti 4it- at Kiattti put, ortfon. att at aeedienal raili- efdett. 1 M4V( 1 1 '1 11 til N va Mm m Aevirxt 1 M-t 1 ti MntK S'lM 1 var l N Cirritr aM Rtattn W9T 1 MV. r9 tic UMTto MHJ INTtNTIONL UOlT IUI U C CIRCULATION Sutrfet't mi rKiiPf eiif a r Mnw d eiaate tuim mi m t m. 10-Yeor Guarantee! Heavy Duty Ticking! Deluxe 510 Coil Mattress The most sensational buy we've ever offered. Here's reol deep luxury sleeping comfort end of o lew low price. Reg. 79.95 Foundation Springs $100 Only I With Martrett Purchoil Companion Special! 4 PIECE PLASTIC TOP BEDROOM ENSEMBLE Deluie boekcaie hradbeeird end footboard, 2 matchinoj nife itendi and leroe triple drener dimilar to illustra tion). No-mer Itfetime top, reititt burm, icratchct, tomi. Sentofional value! Reg. 179.95 ft IL1J No Money Down - No Payment Till March 15th Viiit Our DECORATING STUDIO Fret Color & Room Planning Service USIHi FUMTUiE 221 Main "Where Quoliry It Not Eipensive" TU 2-4688 mUf m t m