HUP WANTED, FEMALE 14 BABYSITTER wnld. W or din Avt. vlcln- "v. s aai wttK, riftrincH rtqylrM, t R IcNCED twek(H and wemrtjii nmM. Apply in WKKl, Sn Qtr' Dflvt in Rtttiurnt, 1515 g, vain EARN commissions in bciutilul clothes conducting hom fashion shows. Trn-, HILP WANTED, MALE LARGE Wtirn & Mld-Wtitirn Cam Pny his need (or local snarled repre tentahve in thli vicinity ta part of State) After full training the man will be staolished in (hit area with outstanding (ommissions arrangement. Must have liood car and able to be out during the week. Write Employment Director P 0 80 7047, Salem, Ore. Give age. phone number and past employment record. WANTED: Oregonian carriers North and aouin 01 Mam street. Good Income and chance lo earn trip to Disneyland this summer. Only dependable and ambitious ogy na appiy. laii ru I-JSI8. ?!lTMf!iTS WHJIINT 24 FURNISHED front apartment, utilities pud except eiectncil-, adults wily, Lin coln Apis. 31f 6. Mem, Apt. J ONE room aoartmenM, furnished, utili ties except lights. U7.W and 140. Rex Arms Apartments, TU 2-97U. ONE end two bedroom aoi:., lurnlshed or unfurnished. Tu 2-132 or tea at I77f REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ..30 TEN ACRES. Highway No. Valley Falls, Ore. Owner, Skyline Circle, Reno, New 35 frontage Swanson, If CLEAN studio. single, utilities, 4-4471. downtown. Hi. G-eer couple Apis., TU HEAVVduty mechanic's helper. Steady year around work. Experience required! Write P.O. Box 218, Yreka, Cam. EXPERIENCED draftsman wanted, phone I U 4-JJJ4. RANCH hand, experienced In machinery, permanent. Give past employment in first ja'ter. Box ibOC Herald & News. WANTED new car, Applyby letter of application only, stating quali fications and phone so we can contact for personal Interview. Must be permt- nem resident. Dick B. Miller Co., Oldi mDDiie-vaaiuac. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available weekly rates. Pelican vetel, TU 2-M54. NICELY furnished, three rooms andbath. garage, private entrance TU M214. APARTMENTearWevtrhaurl7rr nlshed. Utilities, steem heal, J40, TU 4-MI3. COMPLETELY furnished liimin n.rt. mcnr, an unifies paid, sis. a week a availible by the month, washer-dryet vnia Marquis Apartments (under new rnanBgemeni( ijjn oak, , j 4.5995 before a.m. or TU 4-7ISI after 7 p.m. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's moat modern, furnished, lit So. 11th. TU 21041. .THREE room completely turnithed apartment, M Walnut, TU 4-5472. NICE clean furnished apartment, close TU J-J531. TU 4-66 Immediate possession, new three bed room. 2 baths, carpet throughout, II 200 tor equity, will consider trade. TU J-4IM LARGE 3 bedroom, dining room, family room, oumi tn nncnen, uMity, t'l ba1 carpets, drapes, fenced vard. 3412 Eber- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 00-AC RE Tuleiake homestead down, liberal terms. TU 4-j4. TWO bedroom house for sa'a or rent outbuilding, fenced yard. TU e-J, quire 171? Laurel. ..3MIAL ESTATt TO SALE small view Of Klamath Lake from this at tractive 3 bedroom noma) Naw nrnd In- MOVING? 3 BEDROOM home on i acre In south Suburbs close Ferguson School. Newly painiea with fenced batk yard and pas ture. Wail to wall carpel In living room. Gareqe and chicken house. Very good "gnoornooo. Assume pma loan or re finance. Shown by appointment only. Phone TU M0. Price 110,000. -uuh apartments, excellent lnvitmnt. ciose m. tu i-iiJi. TU 4-A964. THREE bedroom home, bath and a half. hardwood floors, fireplace Built In oven; rno range, aisposai. Two - car aaraat. covered patio and fenced back yard. Call TU 3-1422 tor to see. Gl er rn financing. 1500 BELOW FHA Two bedrooms, fireplace, fenced back yard, larqe lot. Conger School district, iced to sell at 18500, TU 2-0552. HOUSES FOR RENT WILL sell 11,100 equity cheap In four bed room home, close to school and shopping area. Take over contract Ph. TU 4-S49J OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home7"Bullt m micnen, carpeiing, gaege small lot.: ..26 .000. TU 4-7313. I BOYS! scahgeol EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published in the Herald & News are accepted in good faith that the jobs offered are as staled In the advertising copy. We are net re sponsible for Ihe Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and re act all misleading advertis ing. Anyone ans wering a help wanted ad and finding it to bt misleading is asked fo report it to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald News. UNr-uRNiSHED two bedroom and four oearoom nouses, 155 and 175, TU 2-0211, THREE bedroom house, full basement. electric or wood heat, U7 California Ave., HOUSE, three cottages, furnished,-good business corner. $12,500, 1955 S. 6th. CLEAN furnished small cottages) t30, wqter, garbage, 1350 Owens. SMALL 2 bedroom partly furnished, close in, i u i-Mb, 1 U 2-5935. TWO bedroom MS, TU 4-4233. partly furnished, clean, TWO bedroom furnished, haeuser, S45, TU MlftO. LARGE two bedroom tlnfiirnkhnH riunln near longer acnooi, MS, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom, clean, furnished or un- lurmsnea, ciose in, SX), TU 4-5B72. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished 168, 1BO0 Cret cent, i u 4-j4g atier 4 pm. TWO bedroom apartment In triplex, some rurnisnmgs, adults. 309 N. 10th. trailer house, double garage, wash nouse, 34H independence, TU 2-2I57. i riKt c room furnished house, garage. melius io summers Lane, TWO bedroom house, oartly furnished, near Weyerhaeuser, $45. tu 2-6135. FOR rent three bedroom house available rep. II, sj, I u 4-4054. IN HENLEY, 2 bedroom plus '.i storv, stoves, 1 children, $55, references, TU 4-4V4, Rtt. 7, BOX 551. ONE bedroom furnished, $52.50, 2335 Gar aen Ave. TU 7-3112. DUPLEX, 3 room furnished, excellent lo cation, garage, TU 4-82B4 TWO bedroom garage, clean. Portland, TU 2-4590. unfurnished, basement. ner KUHS, TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. TU 2-4816. UNFURNISHED SITUATIONS WANTED IRONING, Washing, Pickup, Deliver, perienced, Reasonable! TU 4-9434. BABY sitting. Week days and nights, my romc. i u 2-iviO. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone Tl 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. TWO bedroom house in South Suburbs, newry pamted throughout, will accept rwo or inrea ennoren, sq, tu 2-2410. CLEAN unfurnished two bedroom north' side home, near schools and stores, 727 mi. wnitney, $75, TU 2-4875. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday, a a.m. to 6 p.m. 1J7B Lamon Drive, TU 21844 ROOMS FOR RENT .22 ROOMS, small house, reasonable. Ernie's Hotel, 631 South Fifth, TU 2-5225. HOTEL rooms, bachelor quarters, 6 only. M a. W5 monthly. Willard Hotel, TU 4-4161. DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room. uriniies iurnined, 317 Pine, TU 2-1487 CLEAN, comfortable rooms 2 blocks from1 Main, 15 8. up. TU 4-4259, STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping roc 31 0 South Fifth TU 2-0214 APARTMENTS FOU RENT 24 CLEAN, furnished 1 bedroom apartment Close to Main, $50. Water, garbage paid. oas neat. 333 South Eleventh. CLEAN furnished Studio Apt., Mario Apt. annex., 223 N. 6th. EXCE P T I O N A L 3 "room furnished apT adults, no pels, available Feb. 18, TU 4-II82 after 5 p.m. FOR rent new unfurnisheo one bedroom Apartment, stove, refrigerator, washer, and dryer. No children. TU 3-4153. ONE or two bedroom, furnished, heat, water paid, 82) Grant, TU 2-4719. SMALL apartment, electric heat, wasn Ing facilities, close In, TU 4-7340. FURNISHED 3 room bachelor apartment, $30, 3126 Reclamation. rental, $40 per month, TWO bedroom call TU 3-341. ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apartment, $40 per month, call TU 2-347). fTeaVngTViTs. Pine.-furnished)' bed room, adults, 165, TU 4-5010. 3 BEDROOM & 3 bedrwm apartment, unfurnished, also 3 bedroom house, TU 4-5ASA. VERY CLEAN Unfurnished one bedroom, electric heat utility porch, garaqe. Very good neigh borhood. TU 4-7559 Or TU 2-4752. LARGE three bedroom home, unfur nished, north side, 190, 1U 4-9254. 7 BEDROOM unfurnished, electric heat, fenced yard, carport. Water paid. Avail able Feb. 20, $90. 3425 Summers Lane, TU 4-9573. IMMACULATE duplex, furnished, one bedroom. $58.50, ph. TU 9-1543 days, TU 4-9840 alter a p.m. TWO room furnished. Close In. TU 2-1470. TWO bedroom unfurnished, garage, fenced yard, 3 miles north of town, chil dren, pets. O k. W5, TU 34S90. UNFURNISHED 7 bedroom duplex, full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, $80 & 170. TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after 5. SMALL. 2 bedroom furnished. Wafer, gar bage. $62.50. TU 4-9005. after 5 TU 2-2970. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except for stoves, t50, TU 4-4484; TU 2-3717. ONE bedroom, unfurnished except elec trie range, free heat and water, adults. no pets, $60. TU 4-7558. ONE paid. CLEAN 3 bedroom unfurnished, garage, Newly painted, $75. TU 4-6023. bedroom furnished duplex, water Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished, f lies north of Klamath Falls, children. pets o k. $), TU 2-590. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, washer-dryer hookup, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, large, ttan, TU 4-1263. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, adults, no dogs. 145, TU 4-4311. NEWLY decorated two bedroom house, unfurnished except stoves, $45, TU 2-113, TWO bedroom, unfurnlshvf except lor oil tovt. Near Henley School and store. References required. TU 4-5997. TWO bedroom unfurnished house near Conger School. $55. TU 10533. CLEAN one twJroom furrhed. nar n'. OTI site. Phone TU 4-4268 after 4.30 . and weekends. nobE in on north sire. Only seven blocks from Main Street. Comfortable one Deoeoom home with basement. Fully fur nished. Gas heat, no steeo hills te climb. Price 13,250. Owner will sell on 1500 down ana carry papers. NORTH SIDE 2 bedroom home with ga rage. Electric heat and sart baiemenl Owner transferred. Price W 000. Approx- imaieiy S500 down and take over pay Midland Empire CLEM LE5UEUR, Broker REALTORS tOW Main Jim O' Dona hue We Will "TRADE" your property an where west ot ihe Rockiesl Call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed Ore. Cel. Ida. wash. BIG - NEAT - CLEAN A TWO BEDROOM home that offers the most tor your money. Oregon Avenue dis trict. Quiet, friendly neighborhood Big kitchen. Omlng room. Glassed porch. Bright, sunny living room. Lots of stor age. Only $7,500. Terms? Of course. Teil xnat you need. DON SLOAN Real Estate 30 RADIO - TV . MUSIC sliding glass doors onto covered patio, built-in kitchen appliances. fenced vara, playroom-garage. Many other features, tis.200. Any kind of ft nancing. Shown by appointment only Phone TU 4-9jm buSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 Television Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." 12 No. 7th TU 4-5121 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Pl,t Invflst.a,,. thorouomv inv m,nl ot monm in mch,na,l,. various LIVflTClfK r PftlllTIV 42 tot so. m, st. TU 4USI Anytime MLS 160 ACRES All irrigated near Williamson River. Now in pasture and alfalfa. Immaculate 1 room! modern home. Ample outbuildings. miles from city center. Total price siwmwo. 7i per cent down. 220 ACRES All Irrigated mostly In pasture. Best of son. Beautiful modern ranch style 3 bed room home. ? bains, 7 fireplaces. Pnci 168,000 includinq all eau pment. Without equipment I ) 50,000. Easy terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLJB 133 South 9th Street Phone TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker tu 4-9742 Ralph Vaden LoreHa 762-4163 STUCCO APARTMENT BUILDING one block to Main. Excellent Income only $16,500. Owner will carry contract PROGRESSIVE SMALL BUSINESS with living quarters consisting of three bedrooms large living room fireplace kitchen, close in on Highway. Onlv n?.wu. iomracT may oe assumed. DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL BUILDING 13.530 square feet. All street level. Easy financing. i Schroeder Reolty Co. I REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU J-016B MLS Multiple Listing Scrvict Relax In Luxury YOU'VE EARNED IT LIVE A LIT, tle 1 1 The very minute you step into this loveiy Moyine Heights view ho YOU'LL WANT IT FOR YOUR OWN FAMILY'S HAPPINESS. Virtually new bedroom home, with sracious family room, circulating fireplace, huge break fast bar, birch kitchen cabinets, built-in range and oven. 2 ceramic tiled baths, double attached garage, perimeter heat TRANSFERRED OWNER SELLING REASONABLY AT JUS T $22,900; superi or imancing terms. Multiple Listing Service TRIPLEX wilh gross of S70 per month Here is your chance for free living quar ters, Live in one apartment and let the other two make your payments. Full price $27,500. Will consider trade. SIXTH STREET. Excellent two bedroom home with office and shop. ust waiting for you to ACT. See It today. Only 115, 000. DURANT, REALTOR 1050 So. 6th TU 4-A83? or TU J-3587 - Neil to Holiday Bowl Sales Staff enterprises or business BDoarlumtiai h. ' - lore investing your capital, ihe Herald! YOUNG hens, 65 cenls each. Also build end Nes makes every effort io reiectiin0s na equipment. Wilkinson Bench, all fraudulent or misieedina advert nmo Rn' '04. Tuleiake 647-2917. however, we are not responsible for fha cab c a oT" iii-tiah r r-r 7i Integrity of the f.rms or individuals hn dkI. -l'?.r. .! , "?. Blare aflvartlttnn in ...k,.,.. yueua iu cwm aii- adverllsmg of business opportunities ar peering to be fraudulent tr mi.i.irtinn I KLAMATH PROVED S'KE SERVICE should he reportea to Ine Clesileo a iTU -400, TJ 2-1185, TU 4558. TU 2-6102 ueperiment of the Herald and 1,000 EWES for sale, to lambMa7c"rT30, 11963. 150 COmina 2 vr. olds, rest 2. i. -land J yr. olds. All spolleu bags and dry j ewes lanen out. Mrs. Robert Martin, ULObe 9-3359, Montague. Calif. HERALD A YD NEWS, Klamath Fallt, Ore. Wednesday, February 13, X962 PACE -B TRAILERS want 20 to 30 ft. modern trailer, mull be in good condition. Cash deal. Private party, pn. Tuleiake 447-2910. '54 MARATHON I X 45. two bedroom, washer, dryer, carpet. Very nice. $3,000. Across from Polar Bear, Merrill. 30' VAGABOND Easter- built trailer excellent condition, JO' aluminum awning mimica, t,JJU. TU 4-VOJ' Or IU Z-U44 31IUSIO CARS AND TRUCKS ....3S spaed l AUTO MISCELLANIOUS . 33 NEW Jeep' towoer,$l2, call TU4.9406 atier 5. HOUSEHOLD GOODS OLDER GE electric ranc working condition, TU 2-5024 attei 120, KENMORE automatic washer clothes dryer. Good condition. TU 4-3591. good ' 4 p.m. i WANTED 15 young Heretord cows calve soon. Call Jack Siemens. 783-2751 civtintiiniioquin, MATCHING Norge Auto.-natic washei dryer, excellent condition, late model, rea dy lo go, H50 tor set. TU 2-6137, UNUSUAL Oilers qi made in "Personals ' BABY CHICKS-BahCACk W L . rnrnl.h grosses. Free folder, Wilson s Hatchery, i yons. ure. en, ijf-jjj, Mrs. Buff Jones Clyde Williarr.s Ernest Graves Tina Reeder TU 4-9863 TU 4-8734 TU 2-1396 TU 4-734i ADMIRAL TV, 17 inch screen, good work ing order; maple breakfast set and lour chairs. TU 2-0169. WOOD kitchen range, $25, call TU 2-4318. I FT. upright freeier, I year old, 8225, T If 2-56BB. 4641 Bsbe. GUARANTEED USFD RANGES REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYtHS WATER HE Al ERS Cascade Home Furn 412 Main TU 4-8363 SPECIAL PFAFF AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG machine In cabinet Like new condition S6 a month after SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. A NEW load every Tuesday. BABY CALVES tor tale, 1845 Onry, phone TU BABY calves for sale or naae. TU 4-3607, JU Autumn, BONANZA artificial Insemination service. TU 2-0741, Bonania 545-2381. H KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE MLS Multiple Listing Service MOYINA HEIGHTS rand new 3 bedroom, all brick beauty ill soon o completed. Buy now and pick vour own colors, fixtures, ceroellna. Bu-I by one of our leading home builders Has circulating fireplace, 'i baths and an the trimmings. Any type financing r-riL tiiouu. aee n loaayi SHASTA WAY DUPLEX Each unit has 2 bedrooms. Comolelelv remooeieo. upstairs rems tor Mi. Own. er lives downstairs. Perfect setup f o r drive in on busy thorouahfare includ Ing extra lot. Owner will carry papers or romance, can us today about this pos sible business opportunity. $16,750. MUST SELL in new addition of Mills. Two bedroom home in lip-top condition. Inside and out. trice lowered to Hi, 700 for quick sale. BRUCE OWENS 134 No. 7th Lucille Anderson Ray Worden TU 4-3129 TU 7-0311 TU 4-9267 Multiple Listing Service Quality Home FEATURING LASTING VASONRY CON b I RUCTION AND SUPERIOR NORTH SIDE CLOSE-IN LOCATION. Exlra-large one-nrjor living wim i huge Bedrooms, oacious dining room plur dinette, fire nace. includes full concrete basemei WITH 12 x 18 PT. 3RD BEDROOM OR DEN. WITH 7ND FIREPLACE. Double garage. Only $16,700, with $700 down FHA or easy Gl terms; nominal closing. iNorthside Special Only $8,950 for this fully Insulated, solid ly built 2 bedroom home, with full con crete basement. Fireplace, large sun porch, possible 3rd bedroom In basement. HERE'S VALUE PLUS at Ihit low price, Maximum financing. ir ALPHA APTS Desirable downtown, fur nished, heat free, adults, $59,50. TU 4-4572. ONw' bedroom apartment, renoe. refrig era 'or. Garaoe. Adults. U0e Martm SNAPPY, close in,adultsi$40, (fu"n Store. PLEASANT, downtown, furnished, lerae 3 rooms, extra bath, free heat, adulls, $85. Alpha Apts.. TU 4-4527 NEW furnished apartment, Ul'iO. 103C Upham St. TU 4-99C7. j BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished' apariT ment. immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500 FURNISHED apartments. TU 2-4736. 141 Riverside, CLEAN, furnshed. hea'r-d, with rage, adults, 203 Washington. THREE room, furnished apartment, White. FURNISHED 3 rooms. Cose in. adults only, no pets, laundry facilities 102 Lin coln. 0 DUPLE )T77bVock off highway"!" Weyer. heeuser function, ail electric. TU 2-3129 UNFURNISHED two bedroom d up i eva'p't. on Ave. $69 50. TU 4-9264. Unfurnished w bedroom-apartment, inquire 7519 Aopiegatf. TMPEE room furnished, fn and Quiet, $37 50, 7 U 4-4640 or TU 6866 LAP&E 2 room furnished aoerfments, $37.50 and $40. TU 4-3678 j FURNISHFD or unfurnished 2 bedroom home in Keno. Clean, modern. AKo I er space for rem. Gen-ge Seiles, 2-1090. ONE bedroom furnished, qas. garage close in. redecorated. 225 Mam LARGE I bedroom partly furnished house, basement, garaov. TU 3-0535 ONE bedroom furnished house. Clean, oil heat. Water paid. TU 4-7600. VERY nicety furnished rd completely redecorated 1 bedroom home. Close in. Would consider option to buy- TU 4-4756. FURNISHED oe bedroom and two bed room houses. Mills, TU ' S327. TU 4-419. 3 BEDROOM furnished, new furniture and wall lo wall carpet. Open Sundavi or after 6 30 weekdays. 354 Crest St REMODELED 3 bed'tw.w duplex, fur nished, $65. Inquire HI Pine. ATTRACTIVE Unfurnished 7 btd'Odm garage. Washer, dryer nr 'qhfhorKf tu Electric hee' hookup. Very 5. TU 9-4717. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET space or stce rental Irnm Cour'hO'j'.r. TU 27 THREE roor? Utilities. Adul ? BEDROOM furnished duplex, electric heat, wall to wa'i rugs, draperies. Wafer, garbage furnished. No dogs, 7JI Fuiton. FURNISHEO one room apartment, $40, ttil't-es paid, 419 North 10th. MODERN 2 bedroom furnished eoti. rer month, TU 4-5697. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasto Wov One find Two Bedroom opri. Furn,sbd ond Unfurnished $69 50 to $89.50 Ta.iy, WwHv Motel Rote$ TU 2-5577 UAL ESTATE EXCHANGE . 29 TRADE tauity in two tKdroom house fftr work o" my home Or sell for $300 down TU 4 7319 a'ter pm. FOR sate or e change Grants Pass 3 hed'oom home Walking d stance church es. stores and schools. For Klamath Fails property TU 2-6058. WILL t'-ade equity in houe for pickup t,r nat-hve-yOU. TU 4-3268 DO voy have a $3,000 pa-d up hom I Would vou like to trade for either an $4$ OCd home or 3 rental units? Write I Bir 4446C Herald 1 News. I am o "TRADER" ARE YOU? hy eii wen you can trade. Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Vanert Cub Licerisd - Ore Cal. Ida. Wash I it V'i 5' Ttj t v?7 QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS!! it Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. 9th St. Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Rill Chllcohf Ph. TU 41781 Eves. Tom Rabbitt Ph. TU 7412 lives. tr.a Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote. Broker STROUT REALTY 5479 S. Ith Ph. TU 4-5711 Eve. Bob 1 Steiia DehHnger TU 7-50i Hank Ho-man TU 2 5048 SUBURBAN ESTATE IS acres, 10 Irrigated. Clee in Souih Suburbs. Eceilent view on elevated knoii Newer large 3 bedroom home. Full day llghl basement. Play room, two fireplaces, two baths. Wall to wall carpet, circular teircase with wrought Iron railino, built n oven, stove, raintttw rock fireplace no planter Mits Ij'.swi or will se home with on acre $77,500. Shown by aopomimeni pni "BUENA VISTA" Nea'ly new rgnt style - 1 Mdrcnm nom Buiit-in kitchen, tireniere. pj,, forced air-fhrcjghout. Beautiful yard with garoen $15,900 Terms LEONARD REALTY 1 Ma n TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9C05 MLS OPEN HOUSE SAT., FEB. 16 FROM 1 TO 5 P.M Stop In at 5300 Shasta Way and see mis excellent three bedroom home wilh an attached complete one bedroom apart ment. Suitable tor tour bedrooms p I u tamny rpom. Living room has fireplace with raised hearth, mahogany panelled wail ana carpeting; kitchen wilh break fast bar, dining room, two baths one with ceramic tile shower. Laroe oatlo. 85 x zm ft . wen-landscaped lot, two-car aa- age, fenced lawn. Complete irrigation .ystem. uog Taciimes. must sen; owner transferred. Immediate possession. WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTOR mi i. Mr. TU -51SI Anytime SINGER SEWINO CENTER TU 2-2513 WESTINGHOUSE Double-Oven RANGE $67 Guoronteed! KIRKPATRICK'S Eost Side Apphonces 132 So. 7th TU 4. 8886 CONSIGN NOW! Call "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr. TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot I p.m. sharp Rte. 3. Box Al SPECIAL AUCTION Wednesday, Feb. 13 7 P.M. 3899 So. 6th a loraf cmortment of repossess ed furnilure snt in bv local firm, piece blond bed set. Pnilco refrloere- tor, gun cabinet, crib and mallress. three piece Diona oedroom set, three piece wal nut bedroom set, late model pink GE range, mahogany desk, portable TV, foam swing rockers, rhest type and upright freezers, metal jnd wooden ottice desks, office chairs, '.trd files, bunk and trun dle bls, of drawers, refrigerators. sectional, as heaters, rnen, rugs, pic tures, drapes. Curtains, bedding. If You're Not Buying At THE RESALE HOUSE You're Paying Too Much' REPOSSESSED Power Kraft G at-F no In. driven welder with accessories and a gas welding outfit. New 165, now S3S0. Monl. gomery Ward & Co., th & Pine. Peggy Peebler Ken Allison TU J-0?Jf TU 4-H46 MLS Multiple Listing Srvice VINE STREET Close to schools, churches and super. vised play ground. Two bedrooms and family room Custom built fireplace. Pa tio with playground equipment, com pletely and obscurely fenced "Fldo" has private residence with fenced runway! The nice thing about this home Is that all the nine things to makt it comfortable have ben done for you. Phone for an, appointment. Only IM.iM. I PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-SH? Evenings Harold M. Ruth TU 7-417 Mrs. Dan Nichols TU 4-IIS1 FUEL - HEATING BODY WOOD, dellveredT Call TU 4-(1036. GOOD red fir body woo-f 115 cord, de livered. TU 1.7fi71, TU 7-12. FOR sale body wood, delivered, US a cord, TU J 0034. DRV pine blocks. Vou haul, SS per cord. Metier Brothers. 3121 Cro:by, TU 4-5IM. LODGE POLE pine and "redflrheater wood. TUJ-30S. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales SAM Green Stamps Open 7 hours 3540 South Sixth TU t-3Sl and TU 2-9160 COLD DAYS AHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves FOR ALL VOU FUEL NEfrDS" Frankford Fuel Co. 9. P'ehn Sf. TU 1-UU WE CIVF fiOLO BOND STAMPS KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plons Now to Consign to the Stockmens Market. Tuesday is sale dav In the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 Cecil Cox Garaoe Motor Overhaul or valve Grind Tune up Is a Saecialty 2151 Atlemont Call TU 4 023 "OVER JO YEARS EXPERIENCE Main Street Garage TUNE-UP TO MAJOR OVERHAUL LARRV LEWIS 25 Vain Tu I-J25 Eves. TU 4-9171 (Next Door to Baldwin HoieO RICK-ALLEN CAR WASH Fast ond efficient work 222 Spring $2 TU 2-4166 USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS CASH for Carl and Pickups. Car land's 1301 E. Main, TU 2-044S '60 PONTIAC Bonneville, ; -door hardloo. iri-power, slICK, excellent TU 4-4517, TAKE over payments on 1461 Ford Econ- o-line pickup, will lake older pickup for equity, pnone txpreu 1-2013. 95t FORD, A-1 condition, 1850 full price. TU 4-3547. 1948 BUICK 2 door sedan, Motor ova hauled, repainted, new seal covers, new brakes, 1UJ, TU 4-3734. 16 FORD Victoria hardtop, S6?S. Can be seen, 711 N. 3rd alter 5 p.m. lfS3 UNIVERSAL Jeep, new rubber, me- cab, 1st class conO'Mon, SS0, TU 4-96A1. TIME TO BUY!! 62 Chevrolet Impale 2 Or. Hdtp.. $27fS. '61 Ponliac. 1 owner, loaded) .. Hits. 61 Ford Gelexle 4 Door $tffi. '60 Plymouth 4 Door S179S, S Rambler 4 Dr. Waflon HjtJ, DEAL RITE MOTORS 2387 S. 6th TU 4-445 fcrv Dowty TU 4-9730 '60 FORD pickup, V-l. TU 4-05S6. RE POSSESSION, 1951 Ford tudor sedan, automatic transmission, fair shape, Wi racmc finance, it 5. 9th. Pot o' Gold VALUE! '59 CHEVROLET '6' BROOKWOOD 2-DR. STATION WAGON Rodio, heoter. stick. $1 198 Thomas DODGE Used Car Lot 7th 4 Commercial TU 4-4627 SEE WILEY'S Wonderful VALUES! 59 Ford 4-Dr. J I rt-r Stn. Wagon 117 55 Ford 2-Dr. $ - ir, Hardtop OT7I 3V OMl. Larryall $ I ot Suburban Wilson WILEY BUICK it Main Garage 1330 Main TU 4-3141 Car Lot No. 2 429 So. 7lh TU 4-9203 USID CARS AND TRUCKS 55 TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or equity for cosh Come In Today! 7th 4 Plum TU 2-4784 MACHINIRY WANTED a good disc (or n Ot D,. Prion, BonAnia 5,5-2045 or tee Eflgar Downing al Bonama. EARTH BORING machina, 4 Inch to 20 ncn oiamaier, pnona I u 4-JJJ4. 151 FERGUSON Tractor, T Inltrnallon- iracK layer, all In oood condition. Mac. doel. Express 1-2333. TD 14 STRAIGHT DOZER SPECIAL... 1 450 J. C. Equipment Co. 6th 4 Hilyord TU 2-2051 CHEVY CENTER 4x4 SPECIALS '62 GMC 44 Pickup 3,000 actual w :..! 3098 '61 Willyj 44 Pickup 1 Ton1 r' I998 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum Tu 4-3101 MISC. FOR RENT 45 WE RENT Hospital Beds. Wheel Chalra, Walkers, Crutches, Commode and Roll-A-Way AT THE MERCHANDISE MART, 2964 So. 6th TU 4-6660 GOOD THINGS TO CAT Pat" Patone TU 3-083A STILWELL & CO. Presents: QUALITY & CHARM D'ui 'ine view Id- cation I offered In (tin home in Woyi. na 3 good ured bedroom,, large li Ing room wilh bam tel'inQi, gmsstrj in lireplare, d-nlmj room, bright mrcnen wnn complete duiii n equip ment, dinette, taceohonal utility set no 1' i bathi, biq double garage, paved drive, lot fenced and land leaped. Immediate poe-,$inn. Let us .now you thii fine home. Price til,- wo. 11,500 FULL PRICE on' thli dean, built home close In on North tide ot town. Immediate ponewion. interested in building We have lots I acreage. For Ou-Ch Action Ll! With STILWELL & CO. tf Main St. Realtor TU 4-31 J After S on cell nn Van Ormmrt TU MAW FVufe Bmkley TU )'! n no antwer call TU 4-004 or TU 3-0444 $36 to $58.50 COMCOOTaULf LIVING ' IOW COSTI IM frdrem ar . ftj'n1 or unu--n P"aen a ,i,r ineiuoe woflay '"Oug' F"ta SHASTA VIEW tr WA$HiuR4 WAY Tu 4n Ow-ee hour lam t J p m KLAMATH FALLYFINEST 7144 Ut'On 1 t'oem unyr 1 iart'e.- u-.(Jrf.,(Mj irec tue eli DecfKa'fi ai Ca-a'' J""-'" Peav e-'ai la:'ie e" ifrvtai . eet 'erNre and titf"V Tmaa Noan TU .-0' lRAL ESTAT! fO SALt . 39 VUST SELL IVVED1ATFLY. Twn bed room hooie, fireplace, H'oe W, ctote tr r"oi and fhopping center. Reason bie tu )-4'l . "ne-tKiide. IS o. TU 1-3544 anyt'me A'O bel-rvm ho-je. ft-epfare S acre, Hen'y Scnooi Dl'lct, TU 4-Mr NEW HOVF JU ti ad- 5 Myet blOCM from h-af WW iu-'t for iMMtrtg q"anty ei tfr,m- fft't ()' local bu'Wer. Ca'pated Wing 'Oom, hull. nd vO 5d'Oom f ha'mn-j brch k'tcen wth buHtn aoe'lanrM vU wail height fi'triaca with cohfiied party hea-n You can't beat the low, low p'ice o VI. 9 Peas can TU J-3 1 Ot anytime bdnom HO SP'IO se'-enf ' t ba'. doutue TU 4-3 OLPFR B'oe. I1' MOT SPRINGS rebuilt new, "iy 1 10 809, TU 4 J Loard jn Prry Aud'ey Kaarmt TU J-IK?; TlJ TU 4-4JIS ir BEAUTY n tf iouth SuburM. Three bdrom fun ba'" Beaut. 'ol fi'Cuiatm f.r-pure wth ru sd h(trfh rd O' mefr gat n-T vvtiM in wan ca'pei two car t rege um down piui ciotrng Total Pr. $15,900 McATEE REALTY U It, t E.,,. CvlyH V,AM .! I,w.m,n Sia9, Va-a ru l llil Financial - loans WE SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto loon, trailer loon, pervonot loon ... we mfl'i loom for on worthwhile purpo, Confidentio1 service, too' FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER Wf Ftnofxe New & Used Can Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Pnva't Auto Sale Financed Local! Owned for 33 YeorJ Motor Investment Co, TU 3i5!S'5?3 So. oth 39 BEEF, POPK, wholee't cuitom butch ering, cutting, curing, Shamroclt Meati. n?t Sh'H Way, TU 7 4?lg. TU ?fi7H, We Rent Almost Anything rioor bonders Electric Drills Wheel Chairs Welders VALLEY RENTAL 003 E Mom TU 4-o8?2 MISC. WANTED 46 WANTED antique, anything old I Call i u 't nays o' tu i-Hnfll evfi MISC. FOB SALt LADY'S ipring, winter coats, like new. Bargain. TU 3-3187. NATIONAL cash "register, $jb7 7-3792. 7D0 TO 600 sack i of rertltled seed potetoei Neneo i.emi, Art Monroe, Bonanza, ph. r'" ' 77J TONS oat hay tor sale. In barn, ph beautiful cocw-r kpaniels, registered junrv mvm, Street DRIVEWAY matarlalcrushed BLACK miniature pood' puopies, drain roch, Joe Bart, TU 4-75S. weeks, excellent blood lines, TU J 40S3. months old, 401 DACHSHUNDS. AKC, Coh, TU 4-S6JS alter 5 USFD CLOTHINC. NEW METHOD CLEANERS Coll cne of our Salesmen You'll be GLAD you did! I MASON sand, till dirt, irndv (111. C'n brijac K F: nne L5. At itud champion ruicinMna. iu asm. sired let black, brown, nd silver poo-1 TOPSOi C7con:rl aaq7e"oate drlvewa ni 'oinrro peKingew, orario m))erl) dr-n flKt j M 8arnell TU Dino. PuODiet SOU Stft Ftnji Til A.HT. I- FnD.a.i- .7.,.. -i-;rj;ir..-r- Al-FALFA and eat hay, bale or ten, m n-v'TMnuTit kih, n p cv.nrurjf moior. Dick Floyd II Cunningham Pete Stride ms Cotter us Thompson Holsdaw boat trailer, TU 2-3S47. 21 FT. Chris Crtt chm cruiser, IIS ha Mercury inboard motor, 4-vthee) trailer t tpal at (MSt Terms. The Resale Houie, 3899 S. eth HUPPY, only T left, aupcei, TU 4-5991. Reg. sable collie WfLSM Terrier AKC registered. DOG and eat boarding, groom mq. batnioq Owj id ouoces 'or taie SHASTA CASCADE KEN' fcLS. pat Mer ili-Laf evlfw Junction oH Merrill Minh way on Booth Road. Rie. 3 Box 504 E. RADIO TV . MUSIC 41 J IN "Super JO0" Admiral TV.'Vah'e model with stand. Good condition, I u TV tubes fhe'i-ed in your home, 13, TL I A409 before I p m. EXPFPiENCtD piano teacher, neai Madison St. Blanch Map, TU 4-3049. CASH 0'USFD PIANOS DEPBiT'S MUSIC, TU -5131 PENT a ne RuMwirt p am fin month Un dei'ery charge Bowden Vunc Co, Ijfl Vd.n. TU 3-4M1. DRAIN rock, grvet, anj roadway ma terial, TU 4-3SM, GEO. R. STACV CO NO RATS & MICE WITH D-CON I POUND BOX CNLY $1.40 Guarantor d by Good Hnmakaeplng PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM 4 GARDEN STORE i?t Sn dth TU 7 iW TRAILERS S3 WANTED' SmairtraiTer house U; Or 1 lele model. TU 3-l0 WANTED to buy J4 to W moder trailer house, phone TU 3-1154 '45 two bedroom, phone ' FLAMINGO I T U 3-1 J44, TRAILER house for ran. S40, aU trail- a, ?0, TU 3J4 TRAILER REPAIR, Cry Cerr, I 433 Winter Ave. TU 3-113 I E ACTOR Vlrainedfoleman iTTilVrnaT' moh.te furnace service, parts. TU 4-l4j tale. It. 700. LOOK'!!! TV'S $3995 & UP 7PE RECORDERS S35 AND UP CCFER'S EXCHANGE Kiamath Tu rti V? MUSIC i; Lessons & Soles td K Foiphnna Gul'a't Vna'a ad i owey Oroans. ' Pent A- pis to Purchase " Klomoth Music Center 515 E Mom TU 4-310 'BARGAINS GALORE l M X" y usd PIANOS 1 ORGAN1 Ml DViN Mt'VO'ilt LOPf"V WiJPltTER M P MILLER Terms Aa.iar.a TRAILER BUYERS! POOLE'S SHOP YOUR ''Wheel Estote' 3 I 25 r,o Alh INC. Dealer TU 2-2801 SAVE JIOO.'S TU 4.77S3 i EOWDEN MUIC HAY TRAILER! 18 Ft., 4-Whrel PULL TRAILER Vocuum Brakes 8:25x20 Tires , $895 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. CO lu 2 4MJ1 Mrh & Klomoth TU 2 258 1 SHOP NOW! The Market's in YOUR FAVOR '88' GOOD CARS! LOW PRICES! $2993 J2643 M083 $2293 ..'1263 I493 62 Oldsmobila Hardtop 62 Oldsmobila F-85 Cutlass 61 Cadillac DtVill 4-Dr. Sedan 61 Oldsmobilt '88' Hardtop 60 Chevrolet Corvair Club Coupe 60 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedan Dick B. Mill 7lh & Klomoth er Co. TU 4-4134 DALE'S "As-ls" SPECIALS! 55 Ford V-8 Stn. Wagon $295 54 Renoult 4-Dr $245 55 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan $395 54 Suick 4-Dr $395 53 Plym. Stn. Wagon $125 50 Cadilloc 4-Dr $ 95 53 Ford 2-Dr $125 Lets of Excellent Buys in Late Models and Pickups. REMEMBER . . . Dale and 'Shine' will trade for almost anything. DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So . 6th TU 2-4980 Top Value WAGON Special '59 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DR. STATION WAGON -. Excellent 2-tone tan ond white finkh. Radio, heater, good condi tion throughout. Was $1695. Now reduced to only ... $1495 JIM OLSON motors ; Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646 '62 Ponttac Grand Prix Coupe $3497 '6 1 Pontioc Tempest 4-Dr. Sedan $18971 6 I Rambler Custom 4-Dr. Sedan $1897 60 Ford '6' 4-Dr. Sedan .. $13971 '60 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Sedan $1397, 59 Plym. Fury Conv $1297 58 Cadillac '62' Sedan DeVILLE $1997 58 Volkswagen Sun Roor 2-Dr. Sedan $ 997, 58 Ford Ranch Wogon .. $ 997 56 Buick Special Riviera Coupe $ 697 BALS1GER MOTOR CO. Real Good OLDER MODELS "at New LOWER PRICES! Good Older Models 56 Olds '88' 2-Dr $ 3971 56 Ford 2-Dr. $ 347 55 Ford Folrlone 4-Dr $ 397 55 Ponliac Storchief Hdtp. Cpe $ 55 Chrysler 4-Dr. Stn. Wogon $ 54 Dewto 4-Dr $ 54 Ford Customline 4-Dr. $ 54 Packard 4-Dr $ 54 Mercury 4 Dr $ 53 Olds '98' Convertible $ 50 Plymouth 4-Dr $ 397 297 247 247, 147 197 97 67 TU 2-5859 TU 4-7177 TU 2-0491 TU 2-1403 TU 4-6618 Hotchfcm TU 4-4551 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 Sn. 6th TU 4-8124 JOE FISHER'S Safe - Buy SPECIALS! 62 Hdtp 1797 I.L. 7 197 StuHbokr '6' 4-Dr Sedan, Stand, tmns 62 Mercury 2-Dr One owner .. . ... 60 Rambler 4-Dr. Sedan Standard $ from 59 Hillman Minx 4-Dr. Complete ly overhauled ond 7Q7 in ftp top shop ''I 55 Ford V-8 'i Too Pickup 4-peed ord AQ7 rt oily ihnrp O Lots of Fine 4x4 BUYS! SALESMEN Dale Sechn.t .. TU 2-5720 IV Rinehort TU 4-954 I Padgett TU 2-0637 Ehrelh TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-571 I Inothan Dovn TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER 677 So. 7th TU 4-3104 LINCOLN MERCURY C9MET JEEP 1945 FORD V-8 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heoter, overdrive , 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN Healer 1946 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Radio, heoter 1952 PONTIAC '8' 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydromotic 1952 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Radio, heater, Power-Glide 1953 FORD V-8 2-DOOR STN. WAGON Radio, heater, Fordomofie 1953 FORD V-8 2-DR. SEDAN Heoter, Fordomotic 955 PLYMOUTH '6' 2-DR. STN. WAGON Rodio, heater 953 CHRYSLER 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, automatic frars 955 PLYMOUTH V-8 CONVERTIBLE Equipped 954 FORD V-8 RANCH WAGON Radio, heater, overdrive 955 LINCOLN HARDTOP Fully equipped 954 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, heoter, Power-Glide 955 CHEVROLET '6' SEDAN Rodio, heoter 956 FORD V-8 RANCH WAGON Radio, heater, Fordomotic, I owner 956 FORD V-8 SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomotic , 956 MERCURY HARDTOP Completely equipped 955 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Rodio, heoter, Fordomotic 956 FORD V-8 VICTORIA Radio, heater, Fordomotic 956 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN 9-possenger, rodio, heater, one owner 1956 FORD V-8 HARDTOP Radio, heoter, Fordomotic, power steering, one owner 1956 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Rodio, heater, Fordomotic, one owner 1958 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE 500 SEDAN Radio, heater, Fordomotic 1956 PONTIAC V-8 4-DR. STATION WAGON Rodio, heater, Hydromotic, one owner 1957 PONTIAC V-8 2-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, Hydromotic, one owner 1956 BUICK SPECIAL HARDTOP Completely equipped. One owner 1957 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE SEOAN Rodio, heoter, Fordomotic 1958 FORD V-8 CUSTOM 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, healer, Fordomotic 1958 MERCURY V-8 MONTEREY 4-DR. HARDTOP Completely equipped. One owner 1957 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Radio, heoter, Fordomotic $ 66 $ 88 $I33 '144 '155 I88 $222 244 '344 $344 $388 $388 $388 388 $444 '444 $488 M88 M88 588 '588 $588 $644 $688 $688 $688 J688 '688 '744 '788 LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER C TU 2-3866 LOT NO. 2 2152 SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES Allen CH4rvt Prnr Clement AHky Cirr .. leetc wilier .... . TU J 4 ,.tu i-ene . TU J-W75 ..TU uia Bb VnrwfentfMl .lovrt Chincittr . Pichird Pick .. "UK" West .. TU 4-; TU -J4J TU M1 TU 4-un .Merrill ne-stn BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Always the Falrast Deal , Main & Esplanade , The Finest Product ' Tb 4-3121 .