HERALD AND NEWS, KltmaUi Falls, Ore. BASIN BRIEFS Wednesday, February IJ, 19M PAGE 7 B BONANZA MR. AMI MRS. WES DEARBORN-, Rill and Frwl. were din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Krerins and family of Klamath Falls on Sunday. MRS. EFFIE OILMAN of Mer rill is spending a couple of weeks in Lanpell Valley with her sister. Mrs. Walter Smith Sr. MR. AND MRS. TED NIPPLE, former residents now living in Grants Pass, have a son, Thom as, horn Feb. 8. BONANZA residents are going to meet at the library at 2 p.m., Feb. 24 to make plans for an old timers picnic .sometime this sum mer. Anyone interested is urged to attend tn help organize it. MR. AND MRS. WALTER SMITH, SR., George Lantz. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, and Grant and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith Cub Scouts Win Honors LAKEVIEW Radges and silver anniversary awards were pre sented tn members of Cub Scout Tack 12 at the January meeting in the Episcopal hall. Receiving the silver anniversary awards were: Donald Deter. Thomas Havel, John Iremonaer, Robert Kiehl. .lames Kiehl, Ron ald Lee. Billy Overton. Paul Ov erton, Paul Williams. Ronnie An ' derson. Douglas Hughes, Eddie Lindsey, Randy Reese. Allan Steiner, fiarv Taylor, Rilly War- burton, Thomas Conway, Brian Dunn, Codv Gunderson, Charles Lewis. John Ingan, Pat O'Neil Daniel Ribblett, Jimmy Dunn. Donald Cox, Eugene Gabriel. Joey Gay. Sandy Jacobs, Ray Simmons. Richard Strout, I-aurcn Boe, Doug las Heath. I.arry Hendrick, Al Ka ' fader. Kevin Neustal, Ken Rieley. David Shipman, Dale Standley, Steven Chartier, Bryon Jones. Dick Lee, Wesley Leonard, David Mnullon and John Smith. Receiving the wolf badges were: Joey Gay, Raymond Simmons. Donald Cox. Richard Strnut, Doug Heath, Lauren Boe, Larry Hen dricks. Al Kafader, Kevin Neu stal, David Shipman, John Ire monger, Bobby Kiehl, James Kiehl. Ronald Lee, Billy Overton. Paul Williams, Tom Havel. Doug Hughes, Allen Steiner. Cody Gun derson. James Dunn. Steven Char tier. Bryon Jones, Dick 1-ee and Wesley Leonard. Gold arrows were awarded to Wesley lonard. John Iremonger Rnhhy Kiehl, Ronald Lee, Billy Overlnn and Paul Williams: and silver arrows went to John Ire monger and Bnhbv Kiehl. Blue, Gold Dinner Set TULELAKE Seven troops of Pack 44 Cub Scouts of Tulelake and Newell, sponsored hv the Tulelake Kiwanis Cluh and their families will be present Feb. 2R at the home eco'omics build ing in the Tulelake-Biilte Valley Fairgrounds for the annual Blue and Gold banquet. About 200 are expected. Jn Viclorine. cuhmaster. and Mrs. Victnrine are in charge. Edwin Stastny. Malin. Scout Commissioner of the Modoc Coun cil will be the giiest speaker. A membership of 60 Cubs is registered for the five Tulelake and two Newell troops. Jr. and family, all of Langell Val ley, and Mr. Kflie Gilman of Merrill went to Ml. Hebron on Sunday to have dinner with the senior Smith's daughter and son- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. I)uis Par-.-ons, and children and helped Wal ter Sr. celebrate his 71st birthday RONANZA FARM BLREAL will meet at the library 8 p.m. on Feb. 20. Charles Street of ASCP and Richard Hood, district man ager of Oregon-Washington Tele phone Company, will be the speak ers. Members and anyone inter esied is invited to attend. ST. FRANCES CABRINI Altar Society of Ronanza met at the nome nt Mrs. William Gardner Feb. 7. A short business meetine was held, (o owed bv refresh ments. The next meelinc will he held at the home of Mrs. LcRov Fernlund March 7, 2 p.m. RONANZA WOMEN'S CUB will give a benefit bridge at the library Feb. 2.1 at 8 p.m. SPRAGIE RIVER MR. AND MRS. I, E R 0 V GIENGER returned Friday from a week spent in Phoenix. Ariz., with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gienger Sr. of Chiloquin who are spending the winter there. The younger Gienger made the trip while re cuperating from a broken ankle the result of a fall on ice several weeks ago. CHII.OQIIN MRS. ROBERT SUMMERS was taken to Hillside Hospital the first o( the week suffering from pneu monia. She was still too ill Fridav to receive any visitors except the immediate family. Her husband had just returned from the hospi tal where he had been ill for sev eral weeks. BETTY RENTZ was at home last weekend with her family, the Rev. and Mrs. William Rent from the Northwestern Business College in Portland. She was a ma CHS graduate. ALBERT WILDER, a 12 CHS graduate, is enrolled this term at OTI. He had stayed out last fall to work. MR. AND MRS. I.ONNIK AD A-MS lost the plaster off two room ceilings in their home Wednesday morning as a result of a sonic honm. Reports of rattling windows were received over a wide area DARVL HALE is wearing a cast on his right arm after breaking his elbow ice skating recently. He is a seventh grader. WILMA RENTZ, named as an alternate tn a music conference al Pacific University Feb. 8 and 9. was permitted at the last minute to make the trip with other repre sentatives from Chiloquin High School. Raymond Grow and Lindy Rogers, instructor. She is a junior and participated in the voice divi fcinn. l v ui .il l i yj-'A r rm J "My first auto accident and I have to hit a cop:' Mow! h Quarter Horse Group Buys Race Track Land ALTURAS Purchase of 20 acres of land, formerly the Modoc Auto Racing Association, was an nounced by the Model Quarter Horse Association this week. The land which now has a race track and spectator stands will be re furbished for a model quarter horse show arena, according to association head, William "Red" Foster. The land was owned by Russ Enderlin of Alturas and had been used by the racing associa tion over the past three years on a free use permit. Construction will begin immedi ately on new white fencing around the grounds and on a "horse motel." The 30 box stalls will be open to free use of any member of the Model Quarter Horse As sociation when traveling through this area. A new well and sewer facilities are being installed for stock and will also he available for house trailers. An aluminum roof will be built over the grandstand. Foster staled that the first horse show for the new arena. sponsored by the Model Quarter Horse Association, will be held the first Sunday in June. This show will include all working events and halter classes. It will he open to all horsemen regardless of registery of their horses. He plans to sponsor an open horse show on the first Sunday of each month throughout the sum mer months. Inly 4 association will hold their first annual all-mrdel quarter horse show at the Alturas arena. This show will be open only to registered model quarter horses. Foster emphasized that there will be no admission charge to any of the horse shows put on at the new arena hv his associa tion. Trophy and ribbon awards will be given in all classes. The Model Quarter Horse Asso ciation located its headquarters in Alturas last September. Since that time they have embarked on an extensive program of de velopment of their facilities. They recently held a grand opening of their spacious headquarters build ing on highway 395. south of Al turas. To dale well over 8.000 horses are registered in this new horse registry that is just a vear old. Now is time to & rcier rara copies OF THE 1963 ANNUAL -. .J .1 I Edition of the Herald and News PUBLICATION DATE -- SUNDAY, FEB. 24h Vasa To Note Anniversary Klamath Lank Lodge, No. 4M1 Vasa Order of America will cel ebrate the 38th anniversary of its organization. Saturoav, Feb. lfi at the IOOF Hall. There will be a dinner lor mem hers and invited guests at 6 p.m., a meeting at 8 and a program and dance later. Anna Erickson is dinner chair man. Ethel Youn'-en is in charge of the program. MAC McDANIELS Now With Joe's Barber Shop 623 Main Ph. TU 4-711 Ferguson Plans Sport Carnival The entire student body at Fer guson Elementary School will par tiripale in a sports carnival at the school gym at 7 30 p m. Feb. IS. Some of the events will include hoxins, college wrestling, tum bling, skip rope and rope club climbing demonstra'ions and all the students will have an op portunity to participate in some way Admission fees of 10 rents for children and SO ren's for adults will be charged T'ckets are nn sale at the school or from stu dents. All the piwcfls will he used tn buy tumbling and wrestling mat". GENE SAYS: iwsws no IaivV 8EC8D Hl ' F E YEARI Teachers Set Meet Thursday There will be rreeling of the Klamath Fail' Classioom Tearh-ef-s Association at Mills School Thursday 3 10 p m. According to Anne Overman, president. Mar (one McBride. super inlerdent of Hillcrest State Training School lor Girls, will speak on the topic "Problems Concerning Prevention of Pelinqucnry and the Treat ment of Youthful Olfenders." The pub'ic is invited. Order Progress Edition Copies Mailed To -k Business Associates Business Prospects Friends Relatives Use the form at right - The Herald and News will take care of packag ing, postage and mailing. WIN THIS HIT RECORD! Business Firms- there still is time to place Advertising in the 1963 Progress Edition For information on rates, services, and coverage phone the advertising department, TU 4-8111. NOT A CONTEST! NOTHING TO BUY! COME IN FOR DETAILS! S&H Green Stamps 3 i Mailed Anywhere 1 1 in the U.S.. 50' 1 ft Use this handy coupon form to send copies to your friends, relatives 4 I and business associates elsewhere. M J Just fill out the form and moil with If I your payment of SOe per copy to the g 1 Herald and News P. O. Box 941 ! J Klamath Falls, Ore. I I and all wrapping and mailing will be ft I handled for you. I I Mail To: ! Name ' Address ' Mail To: ' Name M, Address J Mail To: I Name Address 1 Mail To: ?- Nome ; ; i Address ; Mail To: y Name I, g Address h yp? 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