Traffic Increase Noted On Klamath Basin Roads Vehicular traffic along five rur al and urban highways in Klam ath County during December re vealed increases compared with traffic for the same month of the previous year, according to the Oregon Stale Highway Depart ment. The maximum amount of traf fic noted at one of tht five check ing stations was counted near Met nil. w here 1.9H1 vehicles were, checked compared to 1.9 (nr De cember. 1961. Next in order were Midland, 1962. 1.R45, 19H1, 1.598 Chemult. we. 1.3R4, 1961. 1.367 Realty. 1962. 456: 1961, 417. Fort Klamath 1962. 283: 1961. 2.1(1. The greatest rate of traffic in crease noted among the five checking stations was at Fort Klamalh. which regis'ered an 18 1 per cent increase for last Decem ber compared lo the same month for the following year. Following Fort Klamath in traf fic increases by percentage were Chemult. 6.9 per cent: Midland. 3.9; Beatty, .1.1, and Merrill, 2 5. Elsewhere in the stale, the traf fic pattern was similar to thai in Klamath County. Rural highway traffic in Decem ber increased 10.2 pr cent for the month, while urban traffic in creased 5.9 per cent compared to December, 1961, Comparing the past two years. 1962 had an in crease of 8 5 per cent on rural highways and an increase of 4 4 per cent on urban highways. The roules which showed the greatest increases during the year were Interstate 5, Interstate MX, US 97, and US 101 The travel generated by the World's Fair 9t Seattle was credited with a major role in the past year's of traffic, in addition to the begin ning of a mild winter which mad" driving less hazardous to motor ists. The maximum daily traffic on I he slate's highw ays in December occurred on Dec. 22. the Satur day before Christmas. Of 35 people killed on the state's highways during the month, seven lost their lives in the county, the report revealed. Wednesday, February 1J, ISM PACE J B HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. STAR GAZERS, By CLAY R. POLLAN 7-10-15-ia 1 ' 33-34-38 , TAUIUS MAY 21 3 41416.5a a;24-31 -33-90I OlMINf JUNE K 20-26-3H5 "V'An71.7') CANCER f y JUNE 23 JULY23 LEO AUG. 23 O.SM3-JMI J- 63-M-80-82 VIRGO O) 2- A- 9-23 538-29-85-86 M Vow Doily Activity Cuit According to tho Start. To develop messoge for Thursday, read words corresponding to numbers ot your Zodiac birth sign. 1 P'OlfCt 2 it s 3 Lt Dal 5 cor 6T,mm 7 Stav 8 Ho'tK 9 For 10 Behind )1 B 12Tn 31 Bu's 3? Par trier .-3 Ck.t 34 Ot 36 Sk 37 To ??Vour 4PT'V 41 New 4? 13ItvlwHt 13 Handling 14 CaulifU.y 44 Tn.ngj 1SSrtft 45Tf.pi 17 Lay 70 Erllnt ?i Gr 23 Good 2 Or ?6 Vibmtions ?7 Tth A-d 2 Lignt- 47 U AH R d 49 On W WO'k. 51 luck , 53 Is ?4 57 A'-onO) M With 59 H8 Q Snooping 1 YU 61 Jurt 64 Ywj (.jln 67 PromoKm And 6 Ftr 70 TninQi 71Tourt 72 Metinfli 73 Nc 74 You 75 7ft Your 7 Cooonfonon 79 Own 80 A.J ?1 Fun t2 Rwvwv: 83Todoy 1U Way f f Amumenti 87 Adf 89 later 90 Tortoy KOtrtO NOV. 22 I7-18.I9-3VV1 W-44-87 (5?) Good Adtme Ncu'tiil UtIA OCT. 2 3-UilS7M V3.64 73 tl lABITTAtlUS OK. 22 1- 5- W.AB-7J.66J CA.IKOIH PEC. 23 eC ;an. 20 52 54 -M44cv 97-71-83 V; AOUAIIUS AK 21 'IB. 19 U-13-40-434'1 PO-76-79- m HAR- 21 tTA (A2-69.74 Boy Scout Membership Reaches All- Time High On its 53rd anniversary observed Feb. 7 to 13, the Boy Scouts of America announced it attained an all-lime high in membership on Dec. 31 with an active member ship of 5.322.1B7 boys and leaders according to Dr. fieorge D. Mas sey, president of the Modoc Area Council. Since its founding S3 years ago on Friday, Feb. 8. tne Boy Scouts of America has seen a total of 3rt.0j8.8M boys and leaders identi lied with scouting. The Modoc Area Council was recognized by officials of Region 11, which consists of the five Northwest stales, for being the leading council in the Stale of Oregon at the annual meeting of council presidents, commissioners, and scout executives of the re gion at Portland on Jan. 12. The award, a large engraved silver Uay, was presented to Dr. Mas-sev. The Modoc Area Council con sists of live counties in Oregon and one and one half counties in Calilornia and is chartered to make the scouting piogj'am avail able to all boys between the ages of 8 and 18 wilhin Ibis area The council is divided for admin istrative purposes inlo four dis. tricls. The northernmost district, Fre mont, consists of Deschutes. Jef lerson and Crook counties. Klam alh District is composed of Klam atr County plus the eastern por tion of Siskiyou County in Calitor nia. The Lake District consists of Lake County and the Fit River District is Modoc County in Cali fornia. The service center for the coun cil is located in Klamalh Falls in its own building provided by the generosity of scouters and inter ested citizens from throughout the entire council. A full-lime profes sional staff of four executives is employed by the council lo assisl the thousand volunteer leaders in Crop Damages Hit $9 Million CORVALLIS (UPI - Deer. moles, gophers, coyotes, g r o und squirrels and other pests caused about $! million worth of damage lo Oregon crops last year, accord- ng lo estimates made by Oregon Slale University county extension agents. Ten counties surveyed reported deer as the number one pests. They caused $1.5 million damage in five of the to counties. County agents listed 34 nuisance animals in all including rats, English sparrows, dogs, foxes, wood rats, rohins, sapsuckers and porcupines. providing the scouting program. Boyd Karrcr, a veteran of near ly five years as a professional stouter, gives leadership to the M units and 1.3U0 boy meirbers of the Fremont District. His resi dence is in Bend. dale Slaley, with nearly four years professional service serves Ihe Klamalh District and its 60 units and l.fiOO members. The third district executive is Dan Hitchcock, newly employed and presently in attendance at the Na tional Training School for profes sional leaders at Mendham, N'.J After his return about Feb. 25, he will serve the Lake and Pit River Districts with their lfi units and 350 members. He will live in Klamath Kails and have additional responsibilities in the Klamalh District. Providing the leadership for Ihe staff of district executives and serving the executive board and operating committees of the coun cil is Hie scout executive, Dick Lamb of Klamath Falls. At the close of 1DC2, the Modoc Area Council was serving 32 per cent of all the boys between the ages of a and 18. This places the Modoc Area Council in Ihe top 20 per cent of all of the Boy Scout Councils in America in its abil ity to serve boys. It is also in the top 50 per cent in numbers of boys camping and advancing in rank. On Dec. 31 there were 1.705 Cub Scouts in 51 Cub packs. 1,346 Boy Scouts in 53 Boy Scout troops, and 278 Explorers in 22 Explorer units, for a total of 3,329 bovs in 12B scouting units. Study Slated On Land Use MOUNT SHASTA - Work will begin soon on a land use plan for the cily of Mount Shasta, and maps of the land use survey for the city will be ready at the end of the week. According to the planning commission chairman, William Letcher, the commission members will meet with profes sional planning consultants dur ing Ihe latter part of March to begin the work. Advisory committees composed of interested and qualified per sons are being named to work with the planners in working out a comprehensive zoning schedule for the area. The planning commission mel on Feb, 5, discussed the survey, and renewed two use permits, one for Erna Bean Ceramic Studio and one for Darlene Dance Studio, both in residential areas. They denied renewal of a variance per mit granted to George Stott for a three-residence dwelling on Spring Street. , The variance had been granted with the understanding that a screen planting to hide the build ing from the new freeway be planted, and it has not been done. If it is not done within fiO days, the owner will be required to move the building. Guard Kills 5 Children KINCSPORT, Tenn. I PI'- A plant guard shot and killed his five children today and then turned the gun on himself. He left a suicide note saying his wife had run away, wilh anoiher man. Officers found the nole in Ihe home of D. C. Pierson. 34. when neighborhood child discovered the bodies of Pierson and hi children. The nole read: "My wife run off with a man and left me the kids. They are sick ond crying for their mother. I love Ihem so much I cannot lot them suffer and grow up in ai broken home and go throu;h life being mistreated. They will go to heaven and may (iod help me and my wile. Please print this in the paper. It might help someone." Pierson, a plant guard at the huge Tennessee Eastman chemi cal plant here, started a week's vacation Sunday. Neighbors said his wife was "out of the stale." The bodies of his children. Kathy. 13; Richard. 10; Diana. 5; Jackie. .1: and Tommy. 2. were found in four beds in two bed rooms in the modest home. They had been killed with a shotgun Pierson s body also was found in the home. mmmmmtr. '.' " HANKSCRAFT ALL NITE GIANT BAG j) PENETRAY INFRARED ' " ; III cENTUam fl iT'vAPORIZEB cniTLTL,N HEAT LAMPS V AS SEEN ON wfl , I ELECTRIC fVAPB MSEED 1.10 Value EXCEDRIN HEAT PADS nllM Tnm. WL f 0 "" -i i Pfrlif2 a rr w-AFTFc Heai R0ugh, chapped v N5 41 Pa n Vrnwr r )mmk prr 3 JftpAWiZr ,"IS' H '"cmck0" JJ 100 Tabs I ' ' 1 RM NASAL SPRAY 1 -4.0 f AUTAr COLO CAMULtS . 1 07 STIMULATE TIRED Mrsl CLEARS THAT m M 1.49 C0NTAL .U r aching muscles' pJ' 61 stuffed-up IT! N t WAHL homi II FEELING frij p I .'599 Blwl 1 FOR 12 HOUR PROTECTION! 1.29 SIZE BAYER ASPIRIN 100 TABS REG. 73c SIZE ))' - Pay Less Everyday MICRIN Discount Prico! I L3 tXTWsisr w McKesson RUBBING ALCOHOL Full Pint REG. 59c During This Sole Jobless Rate Down In State i SALEM 'I PI' Oregon s rate of insured unemployment was fiR nn Jan 31. down 2 1 from a year ago. Employment fommivsioner David Cameron said today. Highest joble.ssne rate re mained at (irants Pa.vs with 17.0. and lowest was at Portland with Other rales included Corvallis 5 s. Eugene 7. Klamath Kalis ft 3. Medlord 10 .1. North Bend Coos Bay i. and Salem -all down from a year iy cjoTALSTTEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? tn ft iponntfrt on ippr r inr plH ho'rti fil't t'th mor ftrmlv in p;r Do n lid. Hip "r rorlt t1 s "lfflv t'V. pMv TH! OF fwlini "FAflTf.FTH imUkaltii n"n- ril i r not M iT Thcrk r''' "r r.t f ASTF TTH FAMOUS FOR QUALITY TEK TOOTHBRUSH SPECIAL REG. 69c Eo. 2 FOR ANACIH I37 200 TABS REG. 1.98 HANKSCRAFT VAPORIZER FLUID Tek DELUXE and EsUI SIZE if - .' BRECK HAIR SET MIST WITH FREE PURSE SIZE REG. 2.25 fj these prices good EVERYDAY! 09DRlSTANTABS 1737 1.49 HEXOL antiseptic 1.27 1.88 AULDROX tablets 99c 98c DOANS PILLS 79c 89c MENTHOLATUM 72c 3.23SOMINEX f0R SLttp 2.79 1.96 ONE-A-DAY l"v"-1"' 1.49 65c BAND-AIDS 53c 39c CHAPSTICKS 33c 98c Q-TIPS C0TT0N ,UP 87c 27c SIMILAC LIQUID 5-1.00 89c V1CKS VAPO-RUB 72c 98c GILLETTE FOAMY 79c 83c TUM'S "mn Si" 66c MODESS LARGE SIZE ilil39 BRYL CREAM TJ ! HAIR DRESSING i NEW DISPENSER i TER! V05 FAMILY SIZE SHAMPOO YOUR CHOICE FOR DRY OR NORMAL HAIR. AS SEEN ON TVt REG. 1.75 15c ROLAIDS plui tai PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE YOU SAVE NEARLY Vil TWO TUBES! SIG 69c AND 31c TUBES 1 nn r l IS M C BOTH FOR DuBARRY CLEANSING CREAM BIG 2.50 Sizt 1.50 "71 i pi wMy COLGATI'S POISE ROLL-ON DEODORANT REG. 1.2S NOW at PAY LESS l..DAWIT lliriTC IL DRIPLESS WALL PAINT NO MUSS NO FUSS NO BOTHER! WILL NOT DRIP! WILL NOT RUN! GALLONS COLORS OR WHITE NATIONALLYy25 KIDS FUN BATH AND TOY REG. 69c DIAL SOAP 4 BARS 49 FAB DETERGENT & 69 HOUSEHOLD Rubber Gloves 1!L IPAY LESS LATEX PAINT 3.79 39 ...1147 L i mi. I tL m. m m h mm mm m m i itei m i UUQ I m "LSI TUT I WITMQUI BOSni I I acoNOMV ) m iKSHAMTOfW 1 AS SEEN ON TV FAMOUS POLIDENT NOW WITH ACTIVE OXYGEN! 98c SIZE METRECAL HOT SOUP DIETARY FOR WEIGHT CONTROL 3 FLAYORS 3 PACK 99 IMP?- f2Wffl&fltf s5 i m Metrecali;