St. Mary's Pulls Out Win Over Touah Santa Clara By United Press International St. Mary's has won round one of the three-cornered brawl (or the West Coast Athletic Confer ence basketball title. The Gaels pulled out a 72-69 de cision over tough Santa Clara Tuesday night at San Jose as bril liant Steve Gray got some unex pected help from guard Joe Lee Santa Clara rolled up a 36-29 halftlme bulge but melted in the NITB OWL LBAOUI A & Ds Pan hand lars Mirttanfja H'-Zumi Cotton Pleken The Blind Four 4-Damatlc W 4' 3SVi 44 43' M'.i 4V, 08', i 39 43 32', 43 Vi 49 Feb. 12 raiulti: Hl-Zumi 3, Muitanoi 1 A & Dl 2. 4-Oimstlct 2; Sweepers 4, Cotton Picker 0; The Blind Four 4, Panhandlan 0. - High teem game, 4-Demetlct W4j high . team terlet. Hl-Zumt 3Ji high ' - oamt (men), Charlti W hi (more 204 j . blah Ind. lerlei (men), Sonny Helm 541 high Ind. game (women). Beuleh Albert JM; high Ind. terlet (women), Beuleh ; Albert 530. HOLIDAY MASTERS LBAOUI Pelertn Poind The Trophy Hout 5355 Crater Enterprliet 533.24 Hawtsyi Piaiterlrtg StrvlCl 3M.M Latvia Chevron 5J.W Squirt 524-10 Bennington Steel Bldgt- 515.271 Feb. 12 results: Squirt 7, Creter En ; ferprliet If Bennington Steel 2. Htwleyi . plastering If The Trophy Houw 2, - Lewis Chevron 1. ' '. High team game. The Trophy House ' high team terles. The Trophy House . -23 '5 j high irw. game, sneioy Baldwin . -Walt Schwelgert (tie) 244; high Ind. te jin, sneiby Baldwin mj. BOOSTER LEAGUE W 62 ?A Duffs Heating Heaton Steel Dorrls Lumber Pelican Mobil Kimball Glass Swift & Co. Jacks Color Chip Klamath JC Amidont Mailer Bros. Nelson TV Unique Market Results: Swift fc Co. i Heaton Steel Pelican Mobil 4, Kimball Glass u; mam- ath JC 3, Jacks Color Chip I; Nelson TV 4, Unique Market 0; Duffs Healing 3, Amidont 1. Hian team oame. Swift & co. iou, high teem series, Heaton Steel JWJ; high game. Bury, smitn 2i4; mgr. ma tenet, Buryl smitn 58 1 5-0 53 43 42 39 49 3ll 49'. 38 50 31 50 Metier Bros. Oorrls Lumber LIONS LEAGUE W L A3 37 61' I 38' EARLY BIRDS LEAGUE W S7 Rolling Pint Rollers Star Duitert Odd Balls 47'. Ml Alley Catt 41 37 . Twltten 47 37 Hit & Mitt 44 40 Poor Excuses 31 46 -Tally HI't Wi 4Hi Apropot 3e'i 47V1 Came Dames 24Vj 59W 'Bowlereltes 33 61 Feb. 8 results: Rollers 1 Alley Cats 3; Tally HI't 1, Rolling Pint 3t Odd Bells 3. Hit & Miss 1) Twisters 3, Star Dusters 1; Poor Excuses 3. Bawlerettet l Game Dames 4. Apropos 0. High team game. Twisters 749 1 high teem series, Poor Excuses JOfOj high Ind. game, Mery McCormick 1 7e high Ind. . series, Mary McCormick 473. LUCKY ROLLERS LBAOUI 41' 1 78 Halll Construction Vanity Fair ' Coca Cola CravMHchell Crater take .- Arrow Ful Peterson MM Ethels Dept Stnrsj Tjrton Dance C'itt Yadeni , Mannles Htnley Store 31 Feb. 7 results: Hanlay Store 1. Fuel li Halls Construction 3. Peterson WM. ?j Crater LaKt 2. Mannles 2; Cray Mitchell 1, Thurstons Dance 3; Cliff Ya- 1m 2, Coca Cola 2; Ethels Oepf. 1, Vanity Fa r 3. High team game. Halls Construction 731; hloh teem aerlei. Arrow Fuel 2051 . h'oh ind. game. Catherine Jackson IMt - high Ind. terlet Lorraine Koch war 412. Tall Twisters Merrill Jelly Jills Twisters 31 "i 4Vt Results: Jolly Jills 3, Twisien U Tail Twlsten 3, Merrill I. High team game. Jolly Jitli 54 1 high team series, Jolly Jills 165; high Ind. game. Marge Motley t?l; high ind. te rlet. Merge Motley 518. WOMEN'S CLASSIC LBAOUE W L Suburban Finance 52 32 Creter Lake Creamery 51 31 Bmc hi Jewelers 48' i Haftert Furniture 48 34 Trophy House 47' 4Ui Holiday bowi J 4) One Hour Martinlilng 32 57 Browns Plumbing 73 at Results: Beechs Jewelers 3, Suburban Finance 1 i Trophy House 4, Browns Plumbing Oi Halters Furniture 4, Holi day Bowl Oi Craier Lake Creamery 33' i 51' MOOSE PA'S LBAOUI L 49' 34' i 47' 34'. 42' I 41"! 3t' 31' i . Lucky Lanes Mtisgrovt Plumbing AHamont Grocery ' CP WW WARD ' O'Halr's Memorial Chapel . Paitega's Market ' Harry Lanphear Insurance "40" Club Ring's Satellite Room Merrill Moose Feb. 11 results: Pasteqa's Market 0, ' Vuwovt Plumbing 4; "4ft" Cluh 3. Ring's ' Satellite Room I; CP A WW Ward 4, Harry LftnphMr Ins. 0; O'Halr's Memo .'rial Chapel 1, Alt a moot Grocery Jj Mar' nit Moot 4 Li'Cfcy Lanes 0 High team game, "40" Club I41i hiqh ', -team series, "4ft" Club 740i; high Ind. , name. Hon pierce UQi mgh Ind. series, B il Hawley OS. 37 47' i 4ft JOLLY JINX LEAOUE W Ki B-.fK 1 Til S7 Let More(tt V House ot S- Winema Hoiei KI. Lumbar a. Bi Truman's Sadrtiety , Bob S Flyng A. -Clyde's M'kl i Ptckelt't Dai'y Bg Y Market ' -Skyline Diesel Reiuitt: House of Shnes 4. Skyline Die sel 0. Picket'! 3, Freeman s li Let Ho iwh 3. k, I Brick 1 Tue 1; Clyde 3. FiWi 1; Big Y 2. Wtneme 7i KI. Lum ber 1 Bow 2. Tark Root-, i High team game, at I . Brick 4 Tin m hirjti (earn series, Let Hoback I'M; high nr game. O'ea Hourk Tj nigh Inq St r et, Agnet ptenrer jie Brian Curvis Defeats Smith LONDON (tiPH-Brinn Curvij . the kittling Welsh southpaw, to- . day was pleased witn the aV he "buried" gravedigger Tony .smith and now he'd like that promised shot at world welterwriKlit cham pion Emile Griffith. Curvis successfully defended his British and Empire welter crown Tuesday night hy floorinc f-niith si times before heinc awarded a technical knockout ocr the outclassed Englishman in the loth round at Albert Hall. Referee Eugene lli-mlrrson halt ed the scheduled 15-rounder at ' 1 51 of the 10th wilh .Smilh. who ' - d been down four times in the . loth, unable to defend Runrl Dorrli Lloni Ltei Junal. Klnoi SI Lion T.mtri il'.i 5Si T. I Twliltrt 3S W Rtsullf: Gmi I, Rolrtrt oorrls Llont S. tlfrn Tamtri 0; Junglt Klngi 3. Tht Bustert 2; Ltoi 4. Tall Twls!rl 1. High lum gamt. Roarers 70Si high taam ttrlai. Garni 2574; high Ind. game, Jim Moiley 222; high Ind. aerlM. George Chin 8)2. LIONI AUXILIARY L1AOU1 W L it 22 Al't 3'i One Hour Martinlilng o. Hloh Item oame, creter Lane tream- ery 7211 high teem lerlei. Crater Lake Creamery 20S9: high Ind. game. Marge Ruger 211; high Ind. lerlei. Merge Ro ger uo. WBYIRHAIUSIR KNIGHTS LCAOUC nallerl Wood Choppers Night Hawki Three Bioi second half in the face of a furi ous full-court press by the Gaels Lee had 21 and Gray, league's outstanding scorer, add ed 2". Jtuss Vrantovich had 14 for the Branca. St. Mary's emerged with a record and Santa Clara 4-1. The Gaels meet USE I also 5-0) Satur day night and all three teams will play one another a second time later this season. In other action Tuesday, Occi dental grabbed undisputed first olace in the SCIAC with a 75-4o romp over Pomona. Larry Ed wards had 22 points. Oxy now has a 6-1 mark and Whiltier is 5-1. Sacramento State upset Nevada 75-73 in double overtime as John Dille hit 29 for the Hornets. It broke an eight game Sacramento losing streak but Dille has been injured most of the time. Stu Johnson had 26 (or Nevada, now 4-2 in Ear West Conference play. San Francisco State leads the loop with a 6-0 mark and should go all the way If it can win at Nevada tins Friday. Independent Portland used ils reserves liberally in rolling to an easy 67-56 victory over Portland State. Dave Cooper led a well balanced Portland attack with 18; points. Cal Poly of Pomona, paced by Thcron James' 23 points, downed Cal Western 86-69 for its 14th win in 21 tries. Other scores: Westmont 94 San Fernando Valley 75, Biola 6!) A?:usa 63, Los Angeles Pacific 84 Life 67. Meanwhile, from Stanford came word mat guard iiarrcu Sutherland of the Indians will probably miss this weekend's two games against California. Sutherland, who hit 16 points Saturday night against UCLA, suf fered a hairline fracture of the left arm and will wear a cast just below the elbow. The Cards, 4-2, need all the help they can get in their battle for first place in the Big Six ncainst Washington, 6-3, and UCLA, 3-3. Kati e'i e 7' Hardboarderi a Green Home a Mill KnfohM 5 10 Relulli: Belfert S, Too Kati Oi Thrae Blowt a. Night Hewai t; wood Chopper! Mill Knlghti ij Green Home a, Hard boarderi I. High teem geme. Three Blowt 412; hgfh team lerlei. Three 8lo 3341 1 high Ind. game. Larry Comer 2231 high nd. aeriet, dick Leireite m. jjMathias Raps Fiber Poles NIOHT CRAWLERS LEAGUE Klamath Hardwoods 4i 40' s Crisny Creme Donuls 3'i 4I'i Short yi Flying A el' t V i Frenti Oil Filters S7"i 4T'i Rays Herley Davidson Sales 54 Si Halls Signal Service S3 53 Elmers ieaco iv i Weyerheeuier 7'i hVt Johnnys Flying A 4 1 1 41' i Cash 4 Save OH Co 3' ' i Remits: Johnnys Flying A 4, Shortyt Flying A li Crispy Creme Donuti 3. Hells Signal Service li Cash & Save OU Co. 4. Elmers leiato 1; Rays Harlev Davidson 4, Frent? OH Filters 1; Weyer haeuser 1. Klamath Hardwoods 1 High teem game. Frartli Oil Fillers 6)1. high team series. Cash & Save OH Co 3Ji hiqti Ind game. Jim Gray III) high ind. series. Dweyne Down 74). LEFTOVERS LEAGUE W L Unique Market yi yi Twin Girls Grocery Medo-Rel Chticnte $. Smith Cinderella Studio Tuieiefce Variety Echo Homes Little Market Hanneys Service l nil wt. Block Results Mtttn Set it Cmderetla Studio Tuieiake Veriety 1. Echo Homes I. neys Service 3. Unique rVatfcet 1, Glrit Groc 7, Glass Mt Rltvk . High tram game. OnderMa Slurt'O 'il; Mo team senei. Tuleiahe Valrei itMl: hitjh Ind. game, Kathv Paup 22 high Ind. series. Kathy Paup SOB. 4V 34' i 47' 1 3'1) ilcpt K Smith Market 1. Han. MANILA i UPD Bob Mathias, two-time Olympic Decathlon champion, believes Hie new fibe' glass vaulting poles add two feet over the old bamboo poles. "It Rives the vaullcr an extra swing. Mathias tola newsmen here. "The more elastic fiber glass poles," he said, "do the jumping for the man." Mathias is now employed by the U.S. State Department as a .sports .specialist and is scheduled to pend the next tuo months in the Philippines conducti.iR sports clin ics. He said something .should be done to differentiate between rec ords set uith fiber plass poles and the old bamboo poles. COFFEE CUP LIAOUE w Overhead Door Putnam t Lfyjalnq W .t'i Tower Fiifnitu'S , Jl' t B'nat satellite t ClyrtM Tnvtlng t Vetier B-nhrs t n.g Y Ma'et 4i' 4iv, Kiamath uto Wreckers it t Jones 0"i(e Supply 41 41 Fahinn Cleaners rt i Bnivden MuS't .1' I 41' 7 JnhnnvS Flymq A 4 Southern Oregon Aviation 14' 1 )', L'ens Stft'e ' M Dfiscnll A r-adoett fj Suhurhen Finance 10 it Feb i) reu"s Suh"ban Finance 4 Jonet O'C. (I Rings 4. pncoll A Pangen 0. Ltens Sre 4. Sn Ore. Aviaficm n Tnwer Furniture 4, luama'h Auto Week en 0 Vetier R-o 4. ft g y Mkt 0 Jhnnvs Flvmg A J' 1. Rnwden Vtiic 'i Overhead Dew ), Putnam lOQqmg ij Mhmn Clearte'S ?. C'vrtes Toning ? High team game. Metier Rim. T;; high learn ene. Rlnqs Saieihli Tios high Ind game, Ciloria Canton 103; high nd senet. lnria Canlweil SAt Canucks Near League Leader Hy l ulled Prr lntf rnul Vancouver was a nep closer In N'nrlhcrn Division leader Seattle today, thanks to an assivt finm the hnplcss Ciilu;iry clult. ani-ouver luimhlen the SI. im pellers 8 2 ;tt ( alc.iiv TiiCMlay nihl in the only YWslorn llnckry Leatue notion. The win nut Vancouver over 50" (or the year and moved the clul to within (our points o( Seattle PAGE 2-B HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Fall.. Ore. Wednesday, February 13, 1963 I wis"" Wt-,k:'."9r' X J tf M' 'A J T.- - -J Mmw mm m 'rFf1f , ( f V 1 ' OLD FIGHTERS NEVER DIE Johnny Coulon, world bantamweight champion from 1907 to 1914, takes one on the chin from hit wife, Mane, during celebration of his 74th birthday in Chicago Tuesday. For the past 40 years, Johnny has operated a boxing gym. UPI Telephoto Henley Can Wrap Up Crown Friday With Win Over SHA This area can have ils first league basketball champion Fri day nighl. The Henley Hornets, who already have clinched no worse than a tie for the Rogue League title, can win the title outright Friday nighl with a vic tory over cellar-dwelling Sacred Heart Academy. The slate's top tanked Class A-2 team holds a 17-0 record this season and they have seven con secutive victories over the Tro jans in the past five seasons. The Hornets can wrap up the title Friday , night and have it sacked up when Lakcview comes to visit them Saturday night for a game. And the Honk ers have given them as much trouble as anyone this season. The Honkers need a victory bad ly to get back into second place and into the four-team playoff with the Umpqua League's top two teams and the top two from the Rogue League to decide which goes to the Mate tournament. The Honkers are presently tied with Kagle Point in second with only- Sacred Heart remaining on their schedule. So a victory for Lake view is a must. Kagle Point, meanwhile, has very tough Illi nois Valley remaining as well as Sacred Heart. i The Hornets continue to be led by big Kent Gooding. He has 336 points in 16 games for an aver age of 22.9 points per game. He also leads the league in scoring, lie has 157 field goals and 72 for 119 at the line. And he has com mitted only 21 fouls in the lfi games. Mike Bfymer is second with 2.M) ill 17 games (or a (ine 1-1.7 mean. Karl AllhrilUm makes up he big three (or the Hornets with 197 points and an 116 average per HINLEY SASKETi ALL. STATISTICS Player t.nodinq Bevmar hrttton voting. Reilind servleti Rand sch'ro Rieibv Jorin.on Total Cp Fa Fl-Fte Pf TP Ave. A lit tj.ll. II re 40 71 44 .11-49 ill 30-4. IB 72-41 II 1941 S 4 4 4 IT 444 141-4U 1M 11T4 4..0 KNTKR TRACK MKF.T SAN FRANCISCO ITI Half- nuler Rav Van Aslen o( Oregon's Kmeiald Kmpire AA and relay teams from Southern Calilnrnia and Orognn Stale have been add ik1 lor the (loMen Hate Invita tional indoor track meet Friday mulit game. LeVoy Young is only oneibe a heavy favorite to take the point away from scoring 100 Trojans with ease. But the task P'nts- will be considerably tougher Sat- The Hornets have pumped in 1174 points in 17 games for an average of 69 points per game. Coach Jerry Johnson's team will urday night against the Honkers Henley beat the Honkers in Lake view by a point in an. overtime period. Loyola Captures 21st Victory By MARTIN LADER I'PI Sport Writer Loyola of Chicago has the right team, but perhaps it picked the wrong season. The Ramblers, who have run away from most of their oppon ents this campaign, proved they could slug it out and fight with the bet of them Tuesday night by. holding on for a 92-90 over time victory over a rugged Mar quette team at Chicago. It was the 21st triumph with out defeat for Loyola, certainly good enough to deserve top na tional ranking in an average sea son. But since 1982-63 appears to be (lie year of the Bearcat, the Ramblers for the present must content themselves with playing second fiddle to top-ranked Cincinnati. Loyola has five games remain ing on its regular schedule, in cluding a visit to dangerous Bowl ing Green Saturday night. Two more road games follow against St. John's of New York and Hou ston before the season closes at home with Ohio University and Wichita. If the Ramblers finish unbeat en, it is expected they will ac cept a bid to the NCAA tourna ment for a crack at Cincinnati and the national championship. In other leading games Tues day night. Texas strengthened its hold on first place in the South west Conference by beating Tex as Tech, 90-76; Connecticut re mained unbeaten in Yankee Con ference competition with a 79-6fi decision over Massachusetts; New York University toppled Temple, 77- 50. to remain in strong conten tion for a tournament bid; Wake Forest outfought Virginia Tech, 64-61; North Carolina beat arch rival North Carolina State, 68-63; atid Pennsylvania topped LaSalle, 78- 74 Captain Jerry Harkness as the Loyola hero, scoring six points in the overtime period. However, it was teammate Ron Miller who took game scoring honors with 28 points to 26 for Harkness. The contest was touch-and-go all the way. lied 44-all at intermis sion and deadlocked 12 different times in the second half. Dae Krickson of Marquette forced the game into overtime when he hit a jump shot with 30 seconds re maining in regulation to tie the score, 81-81. ia-'-ta-p w '"' h1iTi)iihiit ii4l.-':-- r- - jHin mliifi ilari lit ij Si y ' life j i 1 TheWorld'sHnestBourbonsinceroS fjJ5 ! I 1 iiiuitniinit, llSwj! J 1 n T n Til II tl W I 1 I I I I I I FUEL OIL DELIVERED 7 DAYS A WEEK Ph. TU 4-6788 7 DAYS A WEEK Ph. TU 4-6788 Jay Havfk PETROLEUM 213S So. 6th or So. 1 6th and Crest JEEP OWNERS! Wt tr mw yavr htajtiuiirt far alt your 4 whtl alrivf naM Avthorlitd Parts, SALES and SERVICE r ell WILLYS "Jeep" Vehicles Joe Fisher 177 So. 7tk faefcj tJoHUejyi DUGAN & MEST FEBRUARY v - aw- . i GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE! Complete Chassis Lubrication -Hlii,. 7WU El. f it . o- 4T e4ii- -U' mmmmmm BMMBMalttBBfJBBMMMB 3 DAYS ONLY Nylon Tires Guaranteed 24 Months Full 4-Ply Nylon Silent Cushion 6.70x15 Tube-Typi Blackwoll With Eoch Oil Chonge Your Choice of Mobil, Quaker State, Pcnnioil, RPM Heavy Duty or RPM Dclo Oil. Call TU 4-3101 lor Appointment or Free Pickup & Delivery DUGAN & MEST CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-3101 Plus Tax and Old Tire Off Your Car Hundreds of traction edgei give you 4-way skid protection Full 4-ply nylon cord for your added lafety and riding comfort Don't drive on worn tires another minute buy ALLSTATE tires. Tube-Type Blockwo II "" I'rlr. Without PMC Hlth sir. rr.d.-ln. I... I . Pl.t T.t Plai Tat 6.70x15 20.4S lTob 7.10x15 22.45 17.00 7.60x15 24.45 20.00 Whrtewalls only S3 more per fire Tubeless Blackwall Prlr. Hlth.ul Prlr. ttllh !tlr. Imi1,.tn. 4... Trail. -tn. I.e. P'e Tax I'ln. T.i 6.70x15 7 JTJ 0xl4 224 17.00 Vlllu 24.45 19.00 7.60x15 . 8.50xl4 24s 22'00 8.00x15 A. 9.00.14 284S "-OP NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan BMimiiiiiiiiiiMiiiimniig TIMK M-'.KMCK GUHVMKK Er II lira laid rlurint lh mnnthly .iar.nt.e Pfti'xl. el ttnr oplirin, rilh.r ra- . pur il nliiit re.t or m rrhn4. tnr lh , ; .14 lira, tup iu a na nr r rrlitn.t. ; rhariini only ior Ihr o( in"hin. , r P-'i All a.ljiwmrim ml.V br rUil !" ' rror.t.,1 l the Tjre)"r mail pnrr pine 7. I aWet KriM Tav, law Irlda irl, II U Guaranteed Against All Rood Hazards P-95 ADDITIVE ... as new as tomorrow! Every ALLSTATE tire is now made with this new revolutionary, exclusive blend rubber to provide better troction and give you longer mileage. Spikes, Nails ttm nf rvMiim. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiem Curbs, Bumps Free ALLSTATE Tire Mounting Railroad Tracks Attention: Sears has a complete line of ALLSTATE light delivery truck tires and tubes. Drive in and see them today! Shop at Scars and Save Satisfaction Guaranlrfd or Your Mnnfv Bark v . - ' - t SEARS 133 So. 8th TU 2-4481 Shop 9:30-5:30 Fridoy 'til 9 p.m. Ph. 4-1104