HERALD AM) NEWS. Klamath Falli. On. Tuesday, February 12, 1SSS PAGE Curly-Haired Pitcher Needs Good Right Hook By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Your ad vice is fairly good most of the time but you are wrong once in a while. Recent ly you told a mother not to put curlers in her son's hair because chil dren who are treated like members of the opposite sex sometimes develop homosexual tendencies. I would like you to know that I've been putting curlers in my son's hair since he was 3 years of age. He is eight now and just loves to go to the beauty shop with me. When 1 make an ap pointment for myself 1 make one for him, too. I'll have you know that my son is all boy. He's not a roughneck but he's no sissy either. He likes model airplanes and ships, and never misses a war story on TV. He also enjoys masculine sports and even plays on the Little League baseball team. ' So, you see. Ann Landers, you don't know everything. A MOTH ER WHO IS RAISING AN ALL AMERICAN BOY Dear Mother: You're right. 1 don't know everything. But I do know that an 8-year-old son should not be sitting under the dryer In the beauty shop next to his mother. If this Ail-American boy of yours goes to Little League prac tice with curlers in his hair you'd better teach him how to fight. Tighter Tax Faces Fight WASHINGTON (UPli-The Na tional Association of Homcbuild ers, an organization with 41,000 members, plans to fight Presi dent Kennedy's proposal to tight en up income tax deductions. A spokesman said the associa tion's executive committee dis cussed the President's tax plan this weekend, and decided that "the homeowner and home buy ing public will receive the least net benefits" from the President's proposal for a $10 billion tax cut. The association could provide some of the toughest organized opposition to Kennedy's plan for tax reforms to regain part of the revenue loss from the proposed tax reductions. The President's lax program calls for $13.5 billion in tax cuts, coupled with tax reforms lo re cs plu re $3.5 billion in revenue. One of these would allow de ducting itemized expenses such as interest, charity, slate and local taxes only to the extent that they exceed 5 per cent of the taxpayer's income. At pres ent, he can take the full amount. It Is this 5 per cent "floor" on deductions that has drawn heavy fire in Congress and is under criticism from the homebuilders. Dear Ann Landers: My wife's mother is dying of cancer. The doctors say she can't live more than a few weeks. Mv wife is taking it awfully hard. Her moth er lives 2.000 miles from here and the trip would be expensive Her sister has written that their mother is under heavy se dation and sometimes she doesn't recognize members of the family She has suggested that my wile not come now, but wait till the funeral. Mv wife agrees this would be best. Frankly, I don't think my wife should go now or to the funeral. She is a nervous person anyway and this ordeal would make a wreck out of her. Furthermore, our children are small and I would have to arrange w ith I h e neighbors to take the baby w hen I am at work. It would also mean that I'd be doing the laundry and cooking. Wouldn't it be more sensible to use the trip money on something we need? We need plenty. What is your advice? SPOKANE DAD Dear Dad: I don't know what you "need" but there are mighty few things as Important as send ing your wife to her mother's funeral. If you deny her this trip be cause you think it would be more sensible to spend the money on something else, you'll regret it. Dear Ann Landers: I'm 17 and live with my father and step-mother. I don't mind work ing around the house, in fact, every girl should do her share. hut I don't think it s fair that I have the full responsibility for my 4-year-old step-sister, Betsy. If I want to go anywhere after school or on Saturday or Sun day I have to take my little step sister along. My step-mother says she is cooped up all day and needs some relief. I hate to plan for a date on weekends because if my folks decide to go out 1 have to cancel my plans and stay home with Betsy. If you say I'm wrong I will change my thinking and never complain again. I'd appreciate your answer in the paper. MOTHER TO MY SISTER Dear Mother To Your Sister: An olrirr sister should help with the ounger children. It's part of being a useful, contributing mem ber of the family. But "help" does not mean full responsibility. You should not be expected to take the little girl with you after school nor should you he asked to cancel weekend dates to stay at home with her. In an emergency, teen-agers should be willing to make sacrifices, b u t everv weekend can't be an emer gency. Joint Study Scheduled On Boardman SALEM i UPI ' A joint session of the legislature may be called Friday for a briefing on progress in the Boardman space age de velopment project. The possibility of a special joinl session emerged after four way lalks between Gov. Mark Hatfield. Sen. Wayne Morse, Senate Presi dent Ben Musa, and House Speak er Clarence Barton. It was revealed that Morse had accepted Hatfield's invitation to join him here Friday afternoon for c discussion of the Boardman project with Army Engineers. Musa and Barton indicated they would invite Hatfield and Morse lo address a joint session if they felt progress had reached a point where details of the negotiations should be aired before the full legislature. Barton said today the session probably would he held about 3:30 p.m. Hatfield's press secretary. Trav is Cross, said it might be the first time in Oregon history a joint ses sion was called for a report from the governor and head of the state's congressional delegation. Two pieces of federal legislation have been enacted on the Board- man project, and the 1961 legisla ture authorized nearly $1 million for land purchase, trade, and moving the Navy from its bomb ing site range. Langell Valley Gets New Club LANGELL VALLEY A new 4-H Club was organized recently in Langell Valley. "The Sage Rid ers are led by Mrs. Bob heat er and Luther Noble. The young people are enthused over the horse cluh which will teach them about riding, groom ing, breeds, and diseases of hors- Members of the club are Sher ry Smith, Virginia Harris, Sharon and David Seater, Jeanie Mat lock, Dale and Virginia Noble. Billy Brown, Kathy Stewart, Pa tricia Spillane, Diane Alwood. Chummy Eagle, and Terry Milne. FRIENDLY HELPFULNESS To Every Creed and Purse WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite Ward and Sons 923 High Ph. TU 2-4404 On The Record KLAMATH PALLS BIRTHS BOYS BFOAPD p)rn to Mr. nntl Mm Wilbur Prtftrrj In Klamath VaIIcv HooUI Fib. I a hoy weiQhinQ lt . ) on BOWMAN Born lo Mr. rtd M't. Wn rlil G Bowmn in Klamath Vallfy Hos pital Fb. Mv weighing tb.. 5'i niv McAULtFFE Born to Mr. And Mr. Jtrry McAuli" In Klamath ValHy Hov ftAl FtO. 10 a boy weighing 1 lb., f S'BERT Born to Mr. and Mr. p S-h?rt in Klamath Vallty Hrwpill Feb 10 a boy weighing A irji.. 1 on. GIRLS SMITH Born to Mr. nd Vri Delbrt Smith In Klamath Valley Hospital Feb I qiri weighing a lbs . 1 or ANDRIEU Born to Mr. and Mr Lenn R Andrieu In Klamath Valley Hospital Feb a qirl weighing I I hi . 'i or. MALONEY Born to Mr. and Mrj. Den n M. Maloney In Klamath Valley Hos pital Feb. f a g'rl weighing 7 lbs.. ort. SANDOVAL Born to Mr. and Mrs Munson Sandoval In Klamath Valley Hos pital Feb a girl weighing a lbs . 3 ors. REG l NATO Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Bat tioa J. Regmato in Klamath Valley Hos pital Reb. 10 a girl weighing I lbs 5 ors SCHUL7 Born to Mr and M'S. Wfr per F . Schuti in Klamath Valley Hospi tal Feb 10 a girl weighing 1 lbs. TRElS Born to Mr. and Mrs Leonard Ve'S In Klamath Valley MrwpiHI Feb, IC girl weighing 7 in , i cus. Mil SUMMARY Bovs: it "'"': FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ON ANY ITEM IN THE STORE than Us Yaur Need. Deliveries Each Day at 11:00-2:00-4:00 1 IN THI VILUut tit ft Mat IK WVll I V 1-1471 happy the girl who has a swain to give her nylons made by Hones $1.50 for ia u t Happy Sei: Prices Like These are "heart" to believe! r.- V r Sweetheart Modo1 SP103C X .J ijl of A Gift! J0J A G-E Mobile Maid 0 1 DISH WASHER V Y Completely portable no special j YY plumbing or wiring needed! Flush- , i B JW away rinse eliminates scrapingZO fl does service for 12. Two vayvQjStJ fj IT V wosh action plus Jet Action s, ; NSShower flow! Grand gift jf f ! Sweetheart of a v JSSSjSfrft Price! Only i 1 j :255c BUY ON EASY TERMS! ii 4 A f I' ) Sweetheart of a Buy! Valentine Special! Get $14.95 Roll-Around Stand free! G-E 19 Inch TV 4 (W95 While They Last! 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