Convrnurnhj. Calsitdah TUESDAY GIRL SCOUTS, 7: 15 to 8: IS p.m., splash party, KUHS pool. JOLLY NEIGHBORS, 8 p.m., Valentine recipe exchange, Belle ,' fjanklin, 5630 Harlar.. t'oti faculty wives and .WOMEN'S CLUB, 7:30 p.m., stu "dent lounge. CITY FACULTY CLUB, 8 p.m.. Exchange student to speak, home of Mrs. Ray Hunsakcr. ALOHA CHAPTER, OES, 8 p.m., stated meeting, Masonic Temple. WOTM. Chapter 4S7, 7:30 p.m Iriendship meeting, Moose Home. WEDNESDAY EAGLES AUXILIARY SOCIAL CLUB, 12 noon, luncheon, Eagles Hall. .-.SOJOURNERS, .12:30 p.m. ' loncheon meeting, Willard Hotel Cards following. Newcomers wel come. THURSDAY Y NE MA T W I R L E R S, 7:30 p.m., round dance instruction, 8 p.m., square dance, YMCA. Bring doughnuts. KLAMATH CIVIC THEATRE, 8 p.m.. tryouls for "Light Up the Sky," Klamath Auditorium. MILLS SCHOOL PTA, 2: 15 p.m Founders Day, Mills auditorium Speaker, Louis Corrigan on hospi tal plans. KLAMATH COUNTY HISTORI CAL SOCIETY, 8 p.m., lecture room, County Library. W. B Sweetland, speaker. ''-KENO HOME EXT. UNIT, 10:30 a.m., potluck, Credit Buy lug No. 2, Ruth Heiderer, 3710, .Madison. TOPS CLUB, 7:30 p.m.. Com munity Lounge, 118 N. 7th. Group therapy lor overweight women. Y-NE-MA T W I R L E R S. 7:30 p.m., beginning class, YMCA. Bring cookies. GOLDEN AGE CLUB, 1 p.m., Valentine party, Klamath Auditorium. PIO Presents Film Program . Kingsley Field information of ficer, Lt. Tom Hanlin, delivered a short talk and showed a film of Air Force happenings in 1962 to fourth, fifth, and sixth grade stu dents Saturday at the Klamath Falls YMCA. The 408th Fighter Group main tains a speaker's bureau to satis (y the program requirements of , iny size group or duh in the ; Wamath Basin. Films, slides, and -ipeaker programs are available , free of charga by dialing base fxlension 503 or 315. I MIDLAND HOME EXT. UNIT, 10:30 a.m., meeting. Fairgrounds Bring table service. FREMONT JR. HIGH PTA, 1:30 p.m., executive meeting, 2:30 p.m., Founders Day meeting, Fre mont auditorium. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, 8 p.m., meeting, Ev ans Bldg., 10th and Main. Jury Fails In Verdict The date of a new trial for Sam my McKnight, charged with rob bery by force and violence not being armed with a dangerous weapon, will be set soon by cir cuit court, Judge Donald A. W. Piper, it developed Saturday morning after a jury of 10 men and two women failed to reach a verdict after deliberating more than 10 hours. The jury began Its delibera lions 4:15 p.m. Friday and at 2:55 the following ' morning reported to Judge Piper and an nounced its inability to return a verdict. The trial started Tuesday, Feb. 5, ana ended with (he hung jury four days lalcr. McKnight is accused of the rob bery of Elmer Ward, Lakcview, who charged that the defendant and another Klamalh Falls man threatened him and removed $1, 300 from one of his shoes at a lo cal motel last November. McKnight's accomplice was con victed of petty larceny in a sep arate trial arising out of the rob bery and was sentenced to serve 12 months in the county jail with months suspended. The miti gated sentence was pronounced on the defendant upon the rec ommendation of the district at torney's office. Ward, the complaining witness, left Oregon last week to take a job in Blythe, Calif. PAGE t HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Tuesday, February 12, 13 Little Snow Water Seen In Varners no ALTURAS Practically snow, with little or no water content, is the final report of the snow measurements made the first week of February in the Warner Mountains by the U.S, Forest Service. Of the 10 check points, only two had sufficient snow to measure, and the average depth was a mere 1.08 inches with .06 inches of moisture. The survey was con ducted in a rainstorm at high elevations and the only measur able snow was found in a sage brush flat where it had drifted oarlier. We imagine even that is gone by now," the foresters said. The average for this course up to 1959 was 40 inches, and last year it measured 27.8 inches which was considered low for that time of year. On the Surprise Valley side of the mountain, the report was equally dismal. The report there is the lowest ever reported since the course was installed some six years ago, according to figures. compiled by the Soil Conservation Service In Cedarville. Barber Creek and Dismal Swamp were the only two cours es that had any measurable snow on them, 1.4 inches and 1.2 inches. Reservation Creek had one inch of slush: 49 Mountain and Hays Canyon, both in Nevada, were completely devoid of snow. These reports are a reflection of the abnormal rains which have covered this area since last fall and have kept the snow pack re duced to nothing. Church-Goers Home Entered Faulty Alarm The Kingsley Field Fire Dc partment was summoned lo I h c base motor pool section Friday when a faulty electrical alarm was set off. No fire was reported. ,!siif,.i,ilililgg. l M-G-M presents A JOE PASTERNAK Production IM DORIS STEPHEN JIMMY MARTHA niiv nnvn niiniiirr nivr hi uHrDuiU'UunAmt'nAir. 5 BILLY t ll S Jr& m"t,t ROSE'S Vgyj "j ARTS . r: Vv M Y: t - ., it1 . .Vkw-i - ' f f 'V, ' r, Ad- WINS RECOGNITION Mrs. Clarence (Beulahl reon, administrative clerk in the Agricultural Stabiliza tion and Conservation office in Klamath County, was presented with her 25-year pin and achievement certifi cate by R. E. Schedeen, State ASC Committee chair man, during the annual County Committeemen's Confer ence in Gearhert in late January. Charles F. Street, Klamath County office manager, congratulates Mrs. Adreon. Mrs. C. Adreon Honored For 25 Years Service Kingsley A Kingsley Field Mardi-Gras festivity will be held Friday, Feb. 22, at the main aircraft mainte nance hangar at Kingsley Field, the information office of the air field has announced. Proceeds will go the base drive for the Intercommunity Hospital Fund. Some of the activities and booths which are now scheduled lor the evening include the selec tion of a queen, prizes for the most novel and unique costumes, and dancing. Refreshments will be available throughout the eve ing. Boolhs to be set up by squad rons will Include a wel tponuo throw (at a deserving Inst ser geant), spill-the-milk, dart throw, bean-bag pitch, basketball throw, fish pond, mouse game (with lion-est-to-goodness live mice!, and miscellaneous others. One squadron has developed a dunking booth whereby the re questor, upon deliverance of a small fee, can dunk a base lead er in a tub of water. The event is a lamily affair, stresses Col. Edwin J. Witzen burger. base commander, and is scheduled from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. It represents Kingsley Field's first Mardi-Gras Set Feb. 22 concentrated effort to raise funds for the Klamath County Inter community Hospital Fund drive. The mardi-gras is for military members only, although base per sonnel are free to invite as many civilian guests as they desire. Everyone, however, is a paying guest. Tickets are available to King sley civilian and military workers at the nffires nf squadron first SOUND AND FURY LONDON (UPIl A featured work at Sunday night's concert in Albert Hall was Malcolm Ar nold's "Grand Overture for Three Vacuum Cleaners, a Floor Polish- Three Rifles and a Fog Horn." c Dean JAGGER metrocolor DOORS OPEN 6:45 SEE JUMBO AT 7:10 & 9:50 LAST TIME TODAY! Doon Opn TonitO ' 6:45 soDoyoiiHfc i T i k mm m m he sure tin r1'" 'tm T7jY' 3t luri cm Inch hm... 1 WHO'S m THE ACTION . a icst m im m vo m w.m tot w ".''it ui .-:' h hi w.-" TECHNICOLOR p' Attending church proved to be an expensive experience for Lu ther Barnes, 4339 Altamont Drive, last Sunday, an Oregon State Po ke report has indicated. Barnes told police that while he was away at church about 10 08 p.m. Sunday a burglar en tered his home through an un locked front door, stole $20 in currency, and left the house through a rear entrance. Police are investigating. Police are also seeking the bur glars who broke into a vault and a i-mull sale at the Oregon 1-ood Store, South Sixth Street, late Sat urday night or early Sunday morn ing but found no money avail able for the taking. The burglars entered the store through a ventuator on the roof of the building and then forced open the door of the vault and broke off the dial and handle on the safe. Apparently nothing was taken from the store, police slated Court Records KLAMATH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT TRAFFIC CASKS Fit. EuqtnF Lrov NIMi. on hMdllfhl. guilty PHI. StO fini pud. t-mrgi iviflyDcrrv. no unit. ui.,,.. (Iiplrtdl. oulHv fllfi. S hm pud Cry Lewil M.tlot. IKCIllivl noise. guilty plftA. I? SO flni paid Ruth c.irdnlr prinm. mwwyia nop tlan. guilty pill. SIS tlni plld. Wonrm H.yn. vionti disic run. guiny pl.A. SIS flnl Plld. Vllni L.oti Kramir, vlolit. baste rtiti. trial without lury. Found guilty. SIS flnl paid stanlay Ctiarln Vatan. dtsahiyid stop tlgn. guilty pill. SIS tml piid. MISOCMSANOR CASeS Kiwl Warm. iMault and baltiry, dit mn,M on motion and altldavit ol com elamant pursuant to ORS 134 020 FBLONY CASIS Ruitrll Lotm OOrlimhi. ta-clny, prl llmma'y hiarlno. tuttirilnt avldanca tfl tinld to antwlr cnargl. Ball raduced from S2 son 10 SSOO Hald tor grand ury. Dafhar. Wilhur HUwin. Pli Chochtnot and Thalma Huitt. aault wild a dannaroui wvaapon, pralimlnary hear log, dlsmisiid tor want ot prosactution. Fab. 1 Donald laa hlattlar. no varticll llcinsi ll-oiradt, guilty n'aa. SS tma paid. Roparl Vonrna Norton, no oparalor It canta. guilty piaa. StdO tlna with srs lus- pandad. SJS tma ol livg days In couoty lal in llau of Una Fillla Jtma torraon. dloMyld stop sign, guilty plra. SS fina paid Joy Fa-n Taylor, lailura to dim haad- llgoti. guilty plaa. SIS Ima pad Donald Ollvar Pollar. violation basic rula. guilty piaa, SIS flni paid. Donald Dalman Payoa. oo ooarator's llranta. guilty piaa. SS ting paid William rvaurka Richards Jr . tand.m nil ovirload. guilty plaa. S45 tlna paid A record of 25 years in USDA offices brought recognition re cently to Mrs. Clarence (BeulalO Adreon. administrative clerk in the Klamalh County Agricultural Stabilization and Conserva tion Service Office. The presenta tion was made during the annual County Committeemen's Confer ence held at Gcarhart, by the chairman of the StatP ASC Com mittee, R. E. Schedeen. Others who attended from here were the Klamath county asl. committeemen. Earl Wilson. Al- vin Cheyne and l.corge Hagel- ,tcin, and Klamath County Of fice Manager Charles F. Street. Mrs. Adreon, a native ol Rich mond. Franklin County, Kan., and a graduate of a Topcka business college was one of the girl stu dents sent to the (AAA'. Man hattan, Kan.. Slate Office in 1936. She worked there for two years at $3 per day. In 1MB she was employed hy the Klamath County ASC Office at $4 per day. Shi has worked through the various administra tions or departments of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, t h e AAA. ACA. PMA. ASC, and the present ASCS. She is married. Iler husband works for Klamalh Lumber and Box Company. The new oflice is now located at 6350 South Sixth Street sshere (he following programs are han dled: Agricultural Conservation Program: Wheat Allotments and Marketing Quoins; Wool and Lamh Programs: Price Support Programs; Potato Diversion; Bar- FROWNS ON SMOKINU .IK-ltl SAI.K.M it PI' - A gov ernment spokesman said Sunday that Israel ssill open an .nui- Mnokinc campaign in its schools soon. He said that 50 per cent of all Israelis uniU-r 18 years of ace smoke. $trvli 5Mttri otm and Nartfttrn California v KiamaHt Fvfcitthi C Mam at "taUnatfa Pfcna TUtMa 4 lilt w. a. iiaiM, PukittHar I ntt 0 at cn lit mttttf at pr at'ita at Klamattt tn, Ortitt. an Aufwit '.. ifr act el Can- tit, Mat-cn J. ca3ii ai aa at Klamath Fan, oraaan. and at addittanal matih.f atticat. carrnr I Manth I I M , Maniht . Ill n 1 Yaar UI M sMttf t" AtfvaiK 1 Mmi I I M Aaittia . HI M 1 Vaar III M Carttvr an4 Daatan Wrhav A uny. tv tie IINITIn MUl INTIflNkTlOsVAL ' AUDIT BUIttAU Of ClflCUL AT ION tuturiNri itaf ractivlff tivli vary wt tnair HartU 9w. ftaaia TUitdt - llll r t .M. Average life for a horse is about 15 years, but many horses may live 20 vears or more. SAVE oh HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE ley Feed Grain; Wheat Stabiliza tion Program and the Farm Storage Facility Program. PROTECT YOUR ESTATE T.qultable'B Living Inaurance John H. Houston ' Sarvica Since III2I piraTRra rsnwi. 'nattVUiUnaaalU sergeants. They are priced at 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children or those under 18. One thousand three hundred persons are expected lo attend. Portuguese is the official and prevailing language of Brazil. Freshtr! ' Service Club Needs Hostesses A program li now In progress to recruit $3 new members into the Service Club Junior Hostess or ganisation at Kingsley field. Hostesses must be between 17 and 23 years of age, and have the approval of both parenti in order la apply for membership. All in terested young women are Invit ed tu bring their parents to meet Judy Taylor, club director, and other participants on Feb. 15. Further inlormatlon may he ob tained by calling June Raymond, recruitment chairman, at TU 4-38B7, or Judy Taylur, elub direc tor. at TU 2-4411, Ext. 227. NERVES Cause Urge To Scream "I was so nervous! One day in church I got panicky, wanted to scream, and had to walk out. Our Druggist recom mended AKa-Iranquil tablets. Ihey are wonderful Tor my nervous tension, and to lake before exciting events" Mrs. Rudiiniki, Milwaukee, Wise. Take cal mini-action ALVA -TRANQUIL labial to unwind your nerve. Now, quickly relax aruiely. worry. re, tlccpleuncn, emotional upI. nervoui ttomach. depres sion. No apirin . . . 100 afe. liken a directed. Get itmiitM ALVA-TRANQUIL tablet at your Drufiiil. l attc-.r. rat. & THURSDAY VALENTINE'S DAY Remember I Your special gal.. With a special flower At a special price From a special shop. Prices to please everyone. Your sasrisfaction guaranteed. f s FLOWER FAIR OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY 3614 So. 6th Sr. TU 4-8188 9 H yoacK Traders Faiwrs LOOK AT THOMAS DODGE i PJryckSpecioIs U;S;v .1 y- - "" Li if . I I . You can. with Midi. mil Km- pile's Homeowners lusur-aiu-e. Provides iu;i!ity pro let'tion for your home and it contents. Insures ap.nnst (ire . . . wind and eplo . sion . . . huifjlary Rnd Ihetl . . . personal liahihty . . . other ha.irds all in one money-s.iMiii;. sincle- premium "packuse" jnilu-y . Ask for details now. jnj Sec I viv McKibbin .C500-181 2V2 Ton Cab Forward I cyl 5 speed trans., 2 spted rasr ailc. 2320 tiro, directional iig nalt, trtih air hsatcr, foam ruhbtr cuihiont, tpart wStel, antifrtcia. $4334.35 934.35 All Dodge Trucks Carry Unequalled 5 Year50,000 Mile Warranty D400-175 2 Ton Pat of Gold Discount 3900.00 Conventional Cab 8 eyl., 5 speed trans., 2 ipocd rear tnd, 8.25x20 tirtt, booster brokes, directional signols, Iresh air heater, toam rubber cushions, spare wheel, oMi-frecie. $4118.21 618.21 Pot of Gold Discount 3500.00 W100-1 14. Vi Ton 4-Wh. Drive P.U. 6 cyl., 4 speed trans., 6.SO1I6 6 ply tires, antispin axle, directional signals, undcrcoating, fresh air heat er, anti-freeie. POT OF GOLD , VALUE $3247.40 D200-122, 34 Ton Pickup 8 cyl., 4 speed trans., 6.SO1 1 4 o ply tires, anti-spin axle, directional signals, undercoating, recirculating heater, antMreeia. POT OF GOLD VALUE $2773.20 Midland Empire ISM II M I A 1 1 1 M V lrn Main i IV t11 a nut MrhlMtln ( Irm I nrir At public service to our fnendt please notify your accountants that the ISO deductible an wind storm t losses can be deducted at a credit en 1962 income toe returns. Enter the Thomas "Pot of Gold" and Dodge "550 Sweepstakes" 424 So. 6th St. "Where Service Still Counts" TU 4-7716