Jacob On Bridge NORTH Vt AKQ10 J5 842 J8853 : WEST HAS i A78Z A43 VAQ103 K9 J7S 10883 Q109 K74 sotrrn eAJ98t VJ32 , AKQ A2 Both vulnerable i Booth Wat North Tu , 14k Pass 2a . Past i 44 Fan Pass? Fasa i opening lead 43 Poy Line important By OSWALD JACOBY Wrltteo for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Take a look at the North and South hands only. How would you contract? Nine tricks are a cinch, with five trumps, three diamonds, and the ace of clubs. How about the 10th trick? If you can trump the third heart in dummy you will have it. West has been unkind enough to lead a trump. If you win and return 'a heart the chances are that your opponents will lead a second trump and if you lead a second heart they will simply lead a third trump at you, whereupon you won't be able to ruff that last heart. If they are going to adopt this decidedly unfriendly defense, you must find an alternate line of play. The 10th trick Is not In dia monds. You hold the ace, king and queen while dummy holds only three little ones. There Is a chance in dummy's clubs and you must see what can be done. Therefore, after you win the first trump you should play the ace and another club. Now if your opponents lead trumps you win tlie second trump in dummy, lead a club and ruff it. Both opponents will have to follow to that third club whereupon you will draw the remaining trump, winning in dummy and discard two of your hearts on the last two clubs and wind up making It tricks instead ot only 10. Q The bidding has been: Writ North Beat Sooth 1 4t Double Pass 2 2 4 4 Fans Pass Double Pass X You.. South, hold: 854 V1088S 4433 4171 What do you dor A Fa ml Your partner thinks he can beat (our spades. Majbe ha can, but yon know that yon cant make ftvo heart. TODAY'S QUESTION West redoubles four spades. North and East pass. Now what do you do? Answer Tomorrow THOMASON INTERVIEW Chinese Need Russian Help To Develop Nuclear Weapon Sale Announced Scott MrKendivc, Klnmath Falls, and Krank Hilton of Fres no, ranch brokers, have announced the sale of the lumkins Farms Inc., Swan-I,ake Valley Ranch to Gilbert OIcrman. general con tractor, I)s Angeles. The Swan I.ake Hanch is In caled in Swan Lake Valley, about 14 miles east of Klamath Falls on State Highway M. It has irrigated lands and range lands extending from tlie highway to Hie North end of the valley, a distance of alxnit 10' miles. The approximate acreage of the ranch is in, (Mi deeded acres of land and 3.70(1 acres of leased lands, making n total o( 13,7110 acres. Tlie ranch Is presently being farmed lo potatoes, and grain and cattle arc being run on the range lands. MONTGOMERY WARD 9th & Pine TU 4-3188 AIRLINL PICTURE TUBE SALE On Populor 21" Tubal TOKYO (UPI) - Prime Minis ter Hayato Ikeda said today Com munist China is incapable of de veloping nuclear weapons or even waging a conventional war with out help from Soviet Russia. In an exclusive interview with Mims Thomason, president of United Press International, Ikeda 63, said the Red Chinese cannot make "one fighter plane" without Russian aid. He said the lack of oil on th' mainland ot Uiina was a serious handicap, and would force the Chinese Communist government to rely on the Soviet Union for! assistance in any major military conflict. "The Communist Chinese may explode a nuclear device," Ikeda said. "We don't know when. But even if they do, it will take at least 10 years before they can de velop nuclear weapons." He said the effect of China's first actual nuclear lest "will be psychological." The Japanese leader said that if an international disarmament agreement is signed between the United States and Russia, Red China would not agree to any of the treaty terms because it is not a member of the United Nations But he said this would not be too important for world peace be cause the Communist Chinese have no independent military force "other than the human wave, the pouring in of manpow er." The soft-spoken son of a sake brewer discussed Asian and world affairs with the UPI news execu tive in the prime minister's office in the Dieg (parliament) Build ing. Thomason is on the final leg of a six-week trip around the world, during which he has met with the heads of state in several nations. Ikeda, an economics expert, has been prime minister since the government of Nobusuke Kishi fell mid-1960 during the bloody leftist-led riots against the Japan U. S. security treaty which led to the cancellation of then Presi dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's planned visit to Japan. During the interview with Thomason, Ikeda said: "I ask you, are the Communist Chinese capable of making one fighter plane? Have they got the capacity to supply petroleum for their planes: He said "I feel that disarma ment is possible without the par ticipation of Red China." He said it would be "many, many years before they can develop these sophisticated weapons," such as nuclear bombs and supersonic aircraft. As to the long-standing ques tion of Communist China's admis sion to tlie. United Nations, Ikeda told Thomason that "Japan and the United Stales stand on com mon ground." Ask about daily "Business Card" SPOT ADS TU 4-1 111 PAGE Tuesday, February 12, 1963 HERALD ANT) NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. STAR GAXER? its. f TAURUS 0-. APR. 21 I MAY 21 A 7- 8-38-3H sy64-ta-asd OEMINI 3S5JjUN22 0--55-59 vytl-70-83-90 CANCII II.U.UJ1 ;g57-6S79-87 sio JUIY24 f"M-AU0.23 I20-3J-40-51 67-7M5-88I VIRGO AUG. 24 SEPT. 22 O, 3-10.12.24 531-60.75 -By CLAY R. POLLAN- Vour Doily Activity Guide According to thm Start. To develop message for Wednesday, read words corresponding to numbers . or your Zodiac birth sign. SEPT. 23 OCT. 23 P3-37-4S-58ftr 9-72.80-89 '4, I Try !G , 3 Good IGuonJ SGood 6 Your 7 Everything SComes 9 Put 10 Tidings 11 You 12Come UHond 14 Be 15 Ar l6Srrvjrt 17 Damper 18 Your 19 Turn 20 Time 21 Against 22 Sound 23Tok. 54 Via 25 On 26 Prctige 27 Hove 28 Your 29 Friends 30 Los. 3 1 Telephone 1 Apple 32 To 62 Or 33 New eVj Silent 34 Reputation 64 The " 3 5 Provisional 65 Book JO Prosperous 66 Act 3 Delays SCORPIO NOV.22 v 11-27-29-S3CH 63-71-76 Kz 38 Out 390n .40 Be 41 And 2 Dress il Up 44 Injury 45 Bock ' 46 In 47 Theft 48 On 49 Your 50 Adv.ee 5 1 Practical 52Then 53 ArvJ 54 Adventure 55 You're 56 Gossip 57 Bonk 58 Stride 59 The 60 Or (VpGood (g) Adverse 67 And 68 Bright 69 Th.ngs 70 Of 7 1 Admirers 72 Are 73 Down 74 Fire 75 Moil 76 Nov 77 Temper 78 And 79 Will BOWorklna 81 Side 82 Rosh 83 Someone's 84 Actions 85 To 86Todoy 87 Grow 88 Earth 89 Out "OEye SAGITTARIUS N0V.23 DEC 22 f?S l 2- 5-22-35(ST 150-52-66 V- CAPRICORN JAN. 20 1- 6-13-150 C3-36-54 VJ 4-1fS-19-2Bi 45-48-56 "S PISCES ' FEB; MAR. 21 ti? y-17-49r 77-78-82-84V INCOME TAXES Set Your Rcliablo Inxoma TAX CONSULTANT CHAS, HATHAWAY Auditing - Bookkeeping 120 N. 10th TU 4-5473 For Valentine Giving Musical Sleepy Head $f05 Dolls 1 Gay's Gift Shop 219 Main St. 'Jet Tummy1 Plagues Fly-Girls LONDON (UPD-Stewardesses on high altitude transatlantic flights are being plagued by what they call "jet tummy that swells them up like balloons, it was re ported here Sunday. It is painful, the girls say, and sometimes it takes up to 24 hours before their waistlines get back to normal. "It starts when we are in the air and the swelling often lasts for the whole day," an Irish stewardess who works on the transatlantic jets explained. "Some girls can't bear the pain and I have known some to slip off their girdles in the galley in the back of the plane halfway be tween London and New York," she said. According to a Dublin doctor, loosening clothes is just what the girls ought to do to ease the trouble. "Everyone swells to a certain extent when they fly, but host esses seem to notice it mors. It they are wearing a tight girdle, the chances are they will swelh more," he said. ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH ANNUAL HAM DINNER Sat - Feb. 16 Adults 1.50 Children 75c 5.00 per family PARISH HALL Merrill, Oregon Serving 6 to 8 MEET "HONEST ABE" TONIGHT AT THE PONDEROSA ROOM We're going to have party with "Honest Abe" and Art Kaye and hit Com edaires. Fun for oil plus char-broiled steaks that are out of this world. Bring the gang and come in ... tonight! PONDEROSA ROOM WILLARD HOTEL 205 Main St. Li MAMCV WrAIM fM rDCniT AT ,AADrtC-llKT CAY TUADriG ITS IMw If IVIMk I 1VVV ! Bli v I m laf I ni wrtii4ir fvr i irtitvii II Bp! '38 Y,u' via i uee Treee.ln Inifalled by Factory Trained Technicians lajey sharp TV pictures with a super aluMiaiied picture fuse . . . made rer Ware's bv leading tube . nu feerurer, Guarantee! ter ana year. COMPARE AIRLINE QUALITY AND LOW 63 II on W Eq) LO)!j rs. n cards Provincial cabinets BODY TOEJAY paw " ;;UUMr".'r JUL iZUh rJo money down eeeitVf V HERE'S HOW IT WORKS:! Imagine! You can buy the) things you need now i and for the months ahead at low, pre-season prices ... take immediate delivery... pay noth- ; ing until May! Or, pay just $5 down on pur- j. 1 chases to $50, just 10 on larger purchases; i Wards will hold your order 'til May 15. You i choose the plan. ..you're the winner either way! Take Advantage Of Extra Sav ings With Cal-Ore League TRADE-IN! BIG CAPACITY 52-GAL. EL EC. WATER HEATER t1- ': ' ULK MONEY DOWN S . BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT I om inicreilcd in Wards FRfcE plcnning ond rsti motmg service O guide for mv new kitchen. I understand that I om under no obligation. NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE A LAVISH FAMILY HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR HOME! Here are sculptured wood cabinets, softly echo ing the wormth of Early American design with the functional efficiency of Modern designed to save Mom steps from morning coffee to midnight snack! Each cabinet is carefully cut and fitted cf fine kiln-dried woods . . . drawers glide on nylon rollers, doors click-closed firmly in crafted frames; the finish is polished to a rich sheen stays bright ond easy-to-clean. Call for plans and estimates on your kitchen it's a free 'Wards service! Ask about Words 7-year home improvement credit service. r I: Jl m. . mm I ' ' 13. YEAR OUARANTII frM M tttk fsW Is MrintitiitM f ym. Vm nf h . i' ; ( m ttH mr l 95 Wilh Col, Ore Trade 74.95 NO MONIT DOWN Reg. 99.00 Two im mersion elements heat water faster for all your household needs! Features fiber glass in sulation that holds heat in cuts fuel bills; glass lined tank that won't rust or corrode! AO .gallon electric water heater . 79.95 save 29.41 on this 3-pc. bathroom ensemble W,ih Col Trede-ln Ore Only 64'5 ENJOY MATCHLESS BEAUTY! ALL FITTINGS INCLUDED! n (O)(0) NO MONEY DOWN 5-foot steel bathtub porcelain finished Acid-resistant, reverse-trap china toilet Modernistic, easy-to-clean china lavatory Reg. 168.29. Here's the bathroom you've dreamed of ... for a new home, or a convenient "extra." All in gleaming white, with hondsome chromed fittings including tub and shower heads. r 9TH & PINE STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 5:30 PHONE TU 4-3188 PRICES ON ALL OTHER SIZE TUBES