HHP WANTED. FEMALE 14 BABYSITTER wanted. Worden Ave vicin ity, s Uy week, references required, TU 4-6171 SALARY $1.25 PER HOUR . Full or part lime telephone contact work In our downtown of tee. Hour I a.m. to 1 p.m. Of 4: pm. to e:30 P m. Aoply Oregon Stall Employment Office, wed . neiflay 10 am (Home Reefleri Service e' Portland, Ore. ) HELP WANTED, MALE 14 HKAVYduiy mechanic'! helper, steady year around work. Experience required! Write P.O. Bo 211, Yreka, Cai-f. EXPERIENCED drafttman wanted, phone TO 4-JjM. RANCH hind. eper-encefl in machinery permanent. Give past employment in firt tetter, box 4iuc Herald & News. WANTED new car sale -.man. Apply by tetter ol application only, stating quali fications and phone to we can contact for personal In'-vvlew. Must be perma nent resident. Dick B. Miller Co., Olds-mooiie-Cadiiiac. BAKER wanted. Experienced bread man. Weed Bakery. Apply Immediately! Yellowstone 8-4471 or 1-4549. MANAGER for Irrigation district. 16,000 acres. State experience and qualifications In first letter. Address letters to: T. J. Albert, Rl. 1, Bonanza, Ore. For per tonal Interview, call Lorella 4245. PIANO and organ salesrran. Full time ob with a future lor the right mar Some music background desirable tn not mandatory. Apply by litter to He - aid end News Box 447C. BOYS! SCX EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown .AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted adt published In the Herald & News are accepted in good U'th that the jobs ottered are as stated in the advertising copy, wo are no: re sponsible for the Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every eliort to dis cover and relict alt misleading advertis ing. Anyoni ansvirlng a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading is asked to report It to me uassmeo a vertising Department of tht Herald i- fVewi. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 TrotTiNG, Washing, Pickup, Deliver. Ex-, penenced. Reasonable) tl- 4-m.m. HOUSEWORK for phone TU 1-01 SO. Tuesday or Friday, BABY sitting. Week days and nights, my rome. TU 2-arao. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. I a.m. to 4 p.m. 1331 Carlson Drive, TU 2-lfUi ROOMS FOR RENT ..22 ROOMS, small house, reasonable. Ernie's Hotel, 631 South Fifth, TU 2-5225. HOTEL rooms, bachelor quarters, only, US & MS monthly. Wlllard Hotel, TU 4-4161. DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room, utilities turnlshed, 317 Pine, TU 2-UB7 CLEAN- comfortable rooms 2 blocks from Main, S5 & up. TU 4-42$y. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms, .110 South Fifth TU 2-0214. APARTMENTS fOR RENT 24 CLEAN, furnished 1 bedroom apartment. Close to Main, $. Water, qarbage paid. Gas heat. 333 South Eleventh. CLEAN furnished Studio Apt., Marlon Apt. annex., 223 N. 6th. CLEAN furnished one bedroom apart. ment. close to Main, 333 South tlth. FXCFPTIONAL 3 room furnished apl , adults, no pets, available Feb. IB, TU 4-8282 after 5 p.m. , FOR rent new unfurni,htQ one bedroom apartment, stove, refrigeralor. washer I and dryer. No children. 1 U J1 ONE or two bedroom, turnlshed. heat, water paid, 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. , ON Ei bedroom-furnished utilities paid. 1 $65. adults. TU 2-272. TU SMALLpariment. electric heat, wain ing facilities, close In, TU 4-7340. FURNISHED 2oom bachelor apartment. $30, 2126 Reclamation. TWO bedroom rental, $40 per month, call TU 2-U7V. ATTRACTIVE one bdrncm apartment, $40 per month, call TU 2-3471. NICE bachelor apartment, furnished, $25, tee Mrs. Adams, 514 H gh. PLEASING. 5th 8 Pine, furnished 1 bed room, adults, $65, TU 4-5010. ;BEDROOMll 3 hedrocm apartment, unfurnished, also 2 bedroom house, TU 4-5686. ALPHA APTS. DeiirabM downtewn. fur nished, heat tree, adults, $59 50. TU 4-4522. ONEbedroom apartment, range, refrig erator. Garaqe. Adults. 140' Martirv SNAPPY,close In, adults. $40, Gun Store. PLEASANT, downto1 turnihftd, large, 3 rooms. etra bath, free heat, CIS, Aloha Aots , TU 4-4522. NEW furnished Bpartmenl, $42 50. 1030 " Upham St. TU 49907. 2 BEDROOM delude unfurnished apart- . mnt mmediafe occupancy. iu FURNISHED epartmenti. 143 Rivtrtide, TU 2-4736 . rage, adults. Kl Vash.ng:on. THREEroomr"furnished apartment. 2C41 While. FURNISHEO only, no pets, 3 rooms C lose in. adults laundry facilities 102 Lin- coin. DUPLEX ' block o highway, Weer hie,sir juintion. H metric. TU 2-3U. UNFURNISHED two bed'acm J"P""t on Cai'torn-a Avl. $69.50. TU 4-9264. UNFURNISHED two bedroom aperlmtnt, Inquire 2519 Appiega'e. ONE bedroom furnished 4Pl . TV. $35. TU 4-7001 THREE"room turn. shed, c-ean and quiet. $32 50, TU 4-460 or TU H THREtTroom completely furnished apart ment. 911 Walnut, TU 4-5472 RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shosto Wov On and Two Bedroom opt. FurnnhH ond Unfurnished S69 50 to $89.50 Doily. Wwkly Mclel Rot, TU 2:5577 $36toS5875b Cy"P"'TftLf LIVING A' LOW CCTt 1-M D"ree-w asts . fv"te1 e u'u' n se3 fe-mant "a "e-'a've wictiwud Merdav trovr F'-dav SHASTA VIEW 1117 a$MiuN WAV Tu Mtn O" te howM lam rt J Bw KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 3144 U"' I IM'w ijftur J Bd'e" u"'i;r d Tteu-'w Oeri'i'M Vti to 'i C-n Swrnn","! lav -i 'MtUdei l" irv'(M enreet fe ed e'-fiv to.mel TU 1-l'M I (APARTMENTS 90 RENT 24 1 2 BEDROOM furnished duplex, electric heat, wall to wall rugs, draperies. Water, garbage furnished. No dogs, 731 Fulton. FURNISHED one room apartment, W. utilities paid, 41 North loth. FURNISHED front apartment, utilities paid ixcept electricity, atfuits only, Lin coln Apts. 3"t E. Main, Apt. S. MODERN J bedroom furnished apts. fir month. TU 4-52. ONE and two bedroom ao't., furnished cr unfurnished. TU 2-132 or tie it 177 Fargo. CLEAN studio, single, utilities, 4-4671. downtown, couoli or iii, Greer Apis- CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, turnisned. TV available weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-MSe. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath. garage, private entrance TU 2-1214. A PAR TMENTeir" Weyerhaeuser" t u"r nishid. Utilities, tteim heat, 140, TU 4-1 J II COMPLETELY furnished studio apart-; ment, all utilities paid, $15. a week or1 available by the niomn, wesner-dryir. Villa Marquis Apartments (under new management) 1330 Oak, tU 4-599S before 11 a.m. or TU 4-785S alter 7 p.m. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 21 So. 11th. TU 2-1062. AUDLEY APARTMENTS Nice, furnished one bedroom apt. 303 S 8th near post- office. THREE HOUSES FOR RENT 26 LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex near Conger School, $B5, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom, clean, furnished or un furnished. Close in, ISO, TU 4-5872. 2 BEDROOM unrurnished8ri806Cres cent, TU 4-3470 after 4 pm. TWO bedroom apartment in triplex, some furnishings, adults, 309 N. tOth. TRAILER house, double garaoe, wash house, 5414 independence, TU 2-2857. THREE room furnished house, garage. Inquire 1832 Summers Lane. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished. near Weyerhaeuser, $45. t U 2-6135. FOR rent three bedroom house available Feb. 11, $75. TU 4-4054. in" HENLEY. 2 bedroomplus ' j story, -loves, 2 children, 155, telerencis, TU 4-6794, Rte. 2, BOX 551. ONE bedroom furnished, 152.50, 2335 Gar den Ave. TU 2-3112. DUPLEX, 3 room furnished, excellent lo cation, garage, TU 4-12 B4 TWO bedroom unfurnished, basement, garage, clean, 550, near KUHS, 1646 Portland. TU 2-6590. TWO BEDROOM UNFURNISHED HOUSE. TU 2-4116. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. TWO bedroom house In South Suburbs. newly painted throughout, will accept two or three children, $70, TU 2-2410. CLEAN unfurnished two bedroom north side home, near schools and stores, 723 Ml. Whitney, $7J, TU 2-4875. ' VE RY CLE A N Unfurnished one bedroom, electric heat, utility porch, garage. Very good neigh borhood. TU 4-7559 Or TU 2-452. oritur- 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, electric heat, fenced yard, carport. Water paid. Avail able Feb. 20. $90. 3425 Summers Lane, TU 4-9573. IMMACULATE duple, furnished, one bedroom. $58.50, ph. TU 7-1543 days, TU 4-9840 alter 6 p.m. TWO room furnished. Close In. TU 2-147C. TWO bedroom unfum'shid, garage, fenced yard, 2 miles north of town, chil dren, pets, o.k. $65, TU 2-6590. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex, full basemen), fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, $80 4 $70. TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 atler 3. SMALL 2 bedroom turnlshed. Water, gar bage. $62.50. TU 4-9005, alter 5 TU 1-71IQ. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished excipt for StOVS, Y, TU 4-4484 TU 2-2717. ONE bedroom, unfurnished except etic trie range, free heat and water, adults, no pets, $60. TU 4-7551. ONE bedroom furnished duple, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, garage Newly painted, $75. TU, 4-6023. CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished, 1 miles north of Klamath Fells, children, i pets o.k. $65, TU 2-6590. THREE bedroom home n restricted dis trict, available Feb. 10, $91, TU 4-3S16. TWO bedroom house, furnished. $30, see Mrs. Adams, 314 High. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, washer-dryer hookup. Circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, large, oean, TU 4-1263. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, adults. no dogs. $45, TU 4-4281. newly decorated two bedroom house, unfurnished except stoves, $65, TU 2-1613-TWO bedroom, unfurrtlth' exceof for oil stove Near Henley School and store. References required, TU 4-5997. TWO bedroom unfurnished housi near Conger School. $55. JTU;-0533; CLEAN one bedroom furrhhwf. near new OTI site Pnone TU 4-471 after 4:30 p.m. and weekends. FURNISHED Or unfurnished 2 bedroom home m Keno. Clean, modern. Atso tr: er space tor rent. Ger'ge Selles, T MOM. ONE bedroom furnished, qas, garage close m, redecorated, 225 E. Main. L A RGE 1 bedroom partly furn'shed house, basement, geraqt. TU 2-0535 ONE bedroom furnished house. Clean, oil heat. Water paid. TU 4-6C0. VERY nicely furnished and completely redecorated 1 bedroom home, ctose m Would consider option to buy. TU 4-4756 FURNISHED one bedroom and two bed room houses. Mills. TU '-5372, TU 4-4619 UNFURNISHED twd bedroom house. S!21 Delaware St. TU 4-5666. BFDROOM furnished, new turnltu' .land wall to wall carpet. Open Sunda1 or alter 4 30 weekdays. 3854 Crest St. I REMODELED 3 bldroo-n duplex, fur nished, Inquire 111 Pine. ATTRACTIVE Unfurnished 2 bedroom Electric hea'. hookup. Very garage tbtt. i TU -'JV TU 7-47S2. iMISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 jNe'a" . r?- avaM- U ? HAL ESTATE IXCHANGE Jf TRADE equity Tn two bedroom fou W work on my home or sill for $300 down TU 4-'3'l after 2 p m FOR sale or exchange G'ants Pass bedroom home. We'mno distance churrh- es. stores id schools. For Kiamam mi property. TU 2-6051 WILL trade equity In home lor pickup tr what-have vou. TU 4-32t. DO vou have a I30O0 pa'd uo home would vou lle to trade tor e-ther an il.000 home or 3 rental units? Write Bnx 4446C Herald L News. ""'TRADE" "onTs AV Ft AXES Pot information on tax FREE Trodei, coll DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Trader! Cluh L'tensefl Ore.. Cei , Ida.. Wash Rf At ISTATI FOft SAlt 39 to bdroom KrTie. Ns'ts'de. il.VG, 1 fitri Ic's IviiUbie, TU 2-354 enyfim 1 ? BEDROOM bouse on acre Wail to wan ca'pe's- f'reoice t o's of bc'f'ns wi'ffd for wo,e'- a"fl rer. eiecr,c Mt WiM trade p)'t of equity tor live stock O' pnuO TU -H7. TWO h1'OOm V"se 0 sie O' rent tXttt)ij,lJ,-g. tofJ y'd. rU 4-In- c ! i r Layei s-0 c LO'.V fm 'wo bed-onms. f 'eoee 'ervrrt hart v-d. i'9 u. C-g' Sc-s d'Sr-c'. t' C3 '0 sen a' HW. TU 7-r,iil. t-'pia:e S acres. . Tu 4 rK )ANF. R )v"g trwn. miit s" att-c-ve 2 bedroom heme. USi Eberiem. See ly'-n- e"er J fen C rR S1 t'trt vear-old twi bM'&V" ni.i, g-af rot. t.epa. po'i'ir rte. gt'Mge d'scnat, I'lctr Mat, i-0 W Sr"fKe my equity ttjc tmal fcn pem"t, TU 4fJ4t or TU 4I04. 30! TEN ACRES, Highway No. 3t5 frontage Valley Fails, Ore. owner, jwanson. Skyline Circle, Reno. Niv. IMMEDIATE possession, new three bed room, 2 baths, carpet throughout. IU00 for equity, will consider trade. TU 1-4440 LARGE 3 bedroom, dining room, family room, built m kitchen, utility. I'l baths, carpets, drapes, fenced vard. 24I EMr le.n, 2 BEDROOM home on i acre In south suburbs close Ferguson School. Newly painted with fenced back yard and pas ture. Wail to wall carpel In living room Garage and chicken house. Very good neighborhood. Assume FHA loan or re finance. Shown by appointment only. Phone TU 2-506. Price 1 10,000. FOUR apartments. excellent investment, TU 4-4966. close In, TU 2-2531, THREE bedroom home, bath and a half, hardwood floors, lircplace. buitt In oven end range, disposal. Two car garage, covered patio and fenced back yard. Call TU 2-1477 tor eppointme.il to tee. Gl or FHA financing. rfSPRINGS7ebuilt 3 bedroorn7like new, only $10,000, TU 4-6777. j FOR sale 'j bedroom house, TU 4-9219. j WILL selTsi, 800 equity" cheap In four bed room home, close to school and shopping area. Take over contract Ph. TU 4-549 OLDER 3 bedroom tuburbin heme. Built In kitchen, carpeting, garage small lot. 19,000. TU 4-7312. NEW HOME Just finished. 5 Itvel blocks from high school. Built tor lasting Quality and ecom tort by local builder. Carpeted living room. hall, and two bedrooms. Charming birch kitchen with buUfin appliances. Full wall height fireplace with cobbled party hearth. You can't beat tht low. low price ofl2,500.Pleasi call TU 2-3101 anytime. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs home j Dishwasher, basement, ! baths, double garage. $11,750. TU 4-3t 160 ACRES All irrigated near Williamson River, how in pasture and alfalfa, immaculate 7 room' modern home. Ample outbuildings. 28 miles from city center Total price $100,000. 28 per cent down. 220 ACRES All Irrigated mostly In pasture. Best of soil. Beautiful modern ranch style 3 bed room home, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. Price $168,000 Including all equ pment. Without equipment $150,000. Easy terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 9th Street Pnone TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Ralph Vaden Lorella 762-4163 STUCCO APARTMENT BUILDING one block to Main. Excellent Income only $16,500. Owner will carry contract. PROGRESSIVE SMALL BUSINESS with living quarters consisting of three bedrooms large living room fireplace kitchen. Close in on Highway. Only j li.ooo. contract may be assumed. DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL BUILDING 13,530 square feel. All street level. Easy financing. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 134 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 k A I C Multiple IyILO Servict rRelax In Luxury YOU'VE EARNED IT LIVE A LIT TLE I! The very minute you step Into this lovely Moyina Heights view noma. YOU'LL WANT IT FOR YOUR OWN FAMILY'S HAPPINESS. Virtually new 1 bedroom home, with spacious family room, circulating fireplace, huge break fast bar. birch kitchen cabinets, built-in range and oven. 2 ceramic filed baths, double attached garage, perimeter heat iKANarbKRtU O W N t K SfcLLINtt REASONABLY AT JUST $22,900; superi or financing terms. Quality Home FEATURING LASTING V.A50NRY CON STRUCTION AND SUPERIOR NORTH- SIOE CLOSE-IN LOCATION. Extra-large one-ttoor living with 2 huge bedrooms, spacious dining room plui dinette, tire piece.. Includes full concrete basement WITH 12 x II FT. 3RD BEDROOM OR DEN, WITH 2ND FIREPLACE. Double garage. Only 1)6,700, with $700 down FHA or lasy Gl termsj nominal closing, Northside Special Only $1,950 for this fully Insulated, solid ly built 2 bedroom home, with full con Crete basement. Fireplace, large sun porch, ppssible 3rd tedroom In basement. HERE'S VALUE PLUS at inn low price. Maximum financing. QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS!! Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO lit N. tth St. Phone TU 4-7771 Satis Personnel: Rill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-32l Eves. Tom Rabbitt Ph. TU 2-6482 Ev. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker STROUT REALTY S S th Ph. TU 4-S3S1 Eves. Bnb t St pi la Oehlinger TU 7 501 Hank Holmxn TU ? S04l SUBURBAN ESTATE 15 acres, id Irrigated. Closl In South Suburbs. Excellent view on eitvafed knoli Newer large 3 bedroom home. Full day light bailment play room, two fireplaces, two baths. Wall to wall carpet. Circular staircase wim wrought Iron railing. MM tn oven. sove. rampo rocx fireplace and Planter boies I37,HW or will S" home w.tn one acre 137, 500. Shown by APpo'ntment only CONTEMPORARY Lke new condition Oupll. two bedroom units. Planned tor beau ty and convenience, well decorat ed. Custom made draperies in cluded. EUctrKiHy equtptud. Baseboard heat. IMMACULATE Duple", one bedroom units. Soa cous, attractively arranged Pen e'led living rooms w'th clrculltlng 'ireotaces and hardwood floors. Owner s apartment has separate 0ning room Both units hvl teoarat utiinns. Oil heat. Ga rages. i3.O0 Dye Insurance Agency t JO Soul 5th A E. Dve, Rf"ftr, virglnii Brown, Sis TU i "55 or TU 4-J3S7 Multiple MLS a isting rvice HtENLEY HtOM Largi thr tlronm horne with i'i btKi, fireplace, two c g on irriq';i ncr ."T w' Sewer. Price tw.000. Terms. MENLEV SCHOOL DISTRICT, i'1'l neet two bedroom home with Urge twd CI' QH'Htj. lots O thane, lawn, gi'dm spot l"i(jtion, Only U00 down. Full prC U750. ?JT PATTERSON. tw bd'OOm Ncne 3jJ7fl ft lt E vre' ef etra builffl", f t Act on this one NOW. Fu rc kj.000 DURANT RF ALTOR FX So ' t U -nsl if TU 1-3S' Nft tn HQi rtay Bowl Saes S'i'f T,a 4r Tu 4 mi V'S BJ' JtvS Tu 4-fM) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C.IVa wmwrn! '""'.'Jen C- E-neil Gnves TU J U'S REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 31! BV OWNER, one bedroom, 76 Calif or. or will rent, TU 3-2154. BRAND NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME. The finest of con struction by an oldtlmi private builder. Large Circuiting fireplace. Hardwood throughout. Beautiful cabinet work. Fully insulated. Storm doors. For me unbelnv able prlci of only $13,500. Easily financed DON SLOAN Real Estate 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-5651 Anytime LOVELY 3 bedroom homl. fireplace. Built range. Oven, dishweshtr, hardwood floors, double garage. Electric baseboard heat. Owner will take camp trailer, pick up, boat or eep on down payment. Price $14,100. HENLEY DISTRICT on Mirrltl Highway. 13 acres all In pasture. Three bedroom home with fireplace. Outbuildings. 14 mites from Klamath Falls. Close to store and church, ideal tor 'he person who wants a tew head of livestock. KID irri gation. Price $20,000. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 2 3471 TU 4-9693 Jim O' Donahue Multiple Listing Service MLS MOYINA HEIGHTS Brand new 3 bedroom, all brick beauty will toon be completed. Buy now and pick your own colors, fixtures, carpeting. BuMt by one of our leading home builders. Has circulating fireplace, r baths and II the trimmings. Any typi financing. Price S21.500. See It today! SHASTA WAY DUPLEX Each unit has 2 bedrooms. Completely remodeled. Upstairs rents tor $65. Own- ives downstairs. Perfect setup f o r drive in on busy thoroughfare Includ ing extra lot. Owner will carry papers or refinance. Call us today about this pos- ible business opportunity. $16,750. MUST SELL In new addition of Mills. Two bedroom home In tip-top condition, Inside and out Price lowered to $il,700 for quick sale BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. 7th TU 4-3129 Lucille Anderson TU 2-051 B Ray Worden TU 4-926 7 1610 PATTERSON IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on this un- uual 3 bedroom home. Circulating fire place, extra larne glassed In play room area, garaqe. Needs painting but priced right. Brick and till consiruction. $13,000 TERMS LEONARD REALTY 112 Mel TU 4-7521 Of TU 4-9WS TU 4-S332 TU 4-4215 TU 2-0527 Joe Perry Audrey Kiirlns Jm Leonard South Suburbs 1,300 Sq. Ft. Three bedroom home, l1 bithj, 'i acre. double carport. Nlci tin living room and intra large kitchen. Oil floor furnace. This home his lots of extra possibilities for right party. Total price tl 1.500. Terms to M arranged. McATEE REALTORS E. Main TU !' Salei Staff Eva. Evelyn Mct. TU J 5135 i i I Multiple VINE STREET Close ts school, churches md super vised piiy ground. Two Mdrooms nd family room. Custom bu'lt flnplacf. Pa tlo with plavoround equipment, com- pletely tnd obscurity fenced. "Fldo" has private residence wirn iincva runway Tht nice thing about this homl Is that all rht little things to make it comfortable hivl been done tor you. Phont for an appointment. Only S13.500. PEYTON iVmhr tnternatisnal Trader i Ctub 35 Virktf TU 4 SUI Evenings Harold M. Rush TU STiLWELL & CO. Presents: BFDROOM HOME - excellent subur. ban district. Completely bulit-in kitch en eauioment, 2 baths, bg utility. i acre. Owner says "See It" valued at 1 1 1,500 will consider reasonable at fir. CLEAN t BEDROOM HOME good dis. tnct, bisement. m.bjo ioiii price. W down, ISO per month. A good tiartir homl. interested in building? We hvi lots ! acreages. For Quick Action list With STILWELL & CO. tt Mam St. Realtors TU 4-3134 After i 00 Clll Bruce Blnkley TU i-U7 Ron Vn Orman TU f no an,wf r" 'U -'nno r m w luSINESS OPPORTUNITIIS 32 NOTICt TO PUiLIC Pieaie lr.vett.oate thrtuhiy any lnvtxt-1 me-M t m)ney tn merchandise, vafHwt1 enterprltet or bufirtets ooprTuni"tt re tort invtitino your capital. The Herald end Newt make every effort to relect all fraudulent or mnieadina advertit.og, however, we re not retponiible lor the r.tv et the firmt Or ind'viouail wno plere advert I iino in cur publication. Any advtrttmo at butinett epportunitt ap peerlnf to b fraudulent or mltteedmg ihouW B rePOTTeo e ina i.iaiinra -o- ulnf Department f tne neran ng Ntv FINANCIAL - LOANS J4 WE SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto toon, trailer loon, personal loan ... . wi molts loon for any worthwhile purpose. Confidential vervic, too' FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER Wf Ftnonce Nrw & Used Cart Furniture Note Autofncbile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Soles Ftnonceii Locally Owned lor 33 Years Motor Investment Co 6th TU 4-7783 ' J REAL ESTATE fOft SALE S VIEW of Klamath Laki (rem this at tractive 3 bedroom home New carpet, sliding glass doors onto covered patio, built-in kitchen appliances, tiriplice. fenced yard, playroom-garage. Many other features. $15,200. Any kind of ti nd nc ing. Shown by appointment only. Phone TU FINANCIAL - LOANS 34 HEDGE YOURSELF agairsf Inflation! See about REAL ES TATE INVESTMENT an, when west of hi Rockies, at DEANE SACHER REALTOR tfiunbtr ln,,rn,tonl lr,d, Ctub ' LicensM-Ort , Cal . Id... Mfltn St TU ,-i!3' HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 KENWORE automatic waiher. Electric Homes aryn. ugw lanumgn. iu .j3ii MATCHING Norge Aulo.-nalic wisher & dryer, excellent condition, tali model. re- dv to DO, S150 for set. TU 2-6U7. ADMIRAL TV, 17 Inch tcreen, good work ing order; maple breakfast til and tour chairs, TU 2-0169. WOOD kitchen range, S2S, call TU 2-4318 MISCELLANEOUS household furnishings and appliances. TU t-iJH, Uii Johnson, SERVE L gas refrigerator for sale. $100, good condition. Sand Creek. 9 PIECE carved dining TU I-0S5?. loom set. IIJO, HOTPOINT range, 2S, ga clothes dry er, Mb, UOi Pine St. iu 4-2162 ALMOST new Monarch range, 1 at iio winier, iu i-yjj. 1 FT. upriqht freeier, TU 2-S64B, 4641 Bisbee. GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEA1ERS Cascade Home Furn. d Main TU 4-815 SPECIAL PFAFF AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG machine in cabinet. Like new condition U a month a"ir SMALL DOWN PAY' MENT. SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Mlin TU 3-3SIJ WESTINGHOUSE Double-Oven RANGE $67 Guaranteed! KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Applionces 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 SPECIAL AUCTION Wednesday, Feb. 13 7 P.M. 3899 So. 6th A larae assortment of reoostess ed furniture snt in bv local firm. i piece blond bid set, Pnllco rifrlgeri tor, gun cabinet, crib and mattress, three piece blond bedroom set, three piece wal nut bedroom set, lale model pink GE range, mahogany desk, portable TV, foam swing rockers, chest type and upright freeters, metal and wooden oltice desks. if ice chairs, card files, bunk and iron ic beds, chest of drawers, refrigerators, sectional, gas healers. I'nen. rugs, pic tures, drapes, curtains, bedding. If You're Not Buvino At THE RESALE HOUSE Yn u ' re Poying Too Much1 fUIL - HIATING BODY WOOD, dellvtrtd, 112.50 . Call TU 4-0016. GOOD red tlr body wool 115 cord, de livered. TU 4-7671, TU 7-A2IJ. FOR "i!t body wood, delivered, US cord. TU 4-803. DRV pine blocks. You haul, ti Mr cord. Metier Brother,, 3121 Crorbv, TU 4-5114. LODGEPOLF pine end red fir heater wood. TUI-3J0S. CALL CLIFF VAOEN For Prtite Log. . HMllne Oil! Vtterod Pronano s.ltt SAM Gram Stamoi ooen 74 houri 1M0 South Sum TU 3M1 and TU Jt-fJW CLD"DAYSAHEAD! ! ! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FO ALL VOUR FUEL NEFOS" Frankford Fuel Co. NO. F'ehn St. TU 1-UU WE give GDLO rnfin s'v GOOD THINGS TO IAT J F.F.EF, POPK, wholasa'a cu.lom bulch. ring, cutting, curing, sramrocK wear.. 1? snat Way. TU ? '. TU 1WI PtH 1 SpVrfi". Hobbi, 40l Boot - BLACK miniature pnorfle pupplf weeks, eiceileni btood dnei, TU 2 4052. i DACHSHUNDS. AKC, 5 month old, 4031 Coli, TU 4-S43S etler S. BRIJAC KENNELS. At lud cheimoion tired let black, brown, tma niver pno- dlei, white t, colored pehingt). orr.l pfimerftninrn. Proesion,t poodle dip ping. Pwpplei M13 So. Etna. TU 4-7SH. POR or trdt? tor llvtoct(, 16' Vn'co e'uminum boit, ?1 hp Evmrude motor. Hotsclv boat trailer, TU 7-3bl. 2t Vf . Chrij-Cralt cabin cruiwr, IU h.p. Mercury Inboard moior. -pii Trailer, m steal at tji Terms. Tie Reiale Moue, MM . eth. p F A DY ioon. wll brert cockar ipanicl punprei. Regntet-ed, butfs, blonde. T U t-sm. HURRY, only 3 left. Ret), table col He Duppiet, tu 4) it- WELSH Terrier pupt, champion slr AKC regHtered. TU l-itu. DOO" "and cat boarding. Training, groom inq, bithirig Doqi ana puppiei or SHASTA CASCADE KEN'lEt S, pait Mar- ill. I jikaw w Junction nrmmn r-ian- way on Boom Koaa. n 'a. i no wc. i U 4-W7I. WANTEO: Old or unuual duck and geete decoy. Piite tta'e type, matei price, aqe, nn ource wnr Hhie. Write Box care Herald RADIO TV MUSIC .... 41 In your home, $2. TU tv tubi checked 3-ftJOt. LlKEnew Supro guitar plut imell am pilfier, TU Mils. EKPE RtENCE O piano teacher, near Madison St. Blanche Wapei, TU 4-304f an6 new Vagnatone bae amplifier Fender precHion bate guitar, tu mhi CASH FOR USED PIANOS DERBY'S WUSIC. TU 1131 PENT a new Baldwir piano. HO a mooth Bowden Muitt Co , No delivery cn,vgf, l0 -Vein. TU 2 4MJ LOWREY ORGANS Your Kev T(, The won Ot W ilc" $595 AND UP STEREOS S72 50 & UP Klamath Music Center 515 E rVa.n TU 4 3160 Of NT NTW " WURLITZER seiNfT eiNO $7.95 A Mo. ino DfLiveev CHer-,ti DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Vears r,n 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 LIVESTOCK ft POULTRY 42 LOOK1!! TV'S $39.95 & UP t TAPE RECORDERS $35 AND UP COFER'S EXCHANGE 16?S Kltmam TU 4-710 USED PIANOS & ORGANS BALDWIN HAMMOND LOAREY WURUTZER H. F. MILLER Eat), T.rm, SAVE $100.'! BOWDEN MUSIC CO i LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 41 FOR FARM AUCTION SLES. call Bob Rhodes, auctioneer, phone TU 4-40J2 alt er i p.m. nLATHPROVED S'RE iERV ICE TU 4-4400, TU I-UIS, TU 4558. TU 3-410J 1.000 EWES for sale, to lamb March 30, 196. 150 coming 1 yr. olils. rest 3, A and 3 yr. olds. All pollen bags and dry ewes taken out. Mrs, Robert Martin, GLobe 9-3359, Montague. Caill. WANTED IS vouna Heretord cowi calve soon, Call Jack Sifmens, 73-2Sl Chiloquin. BABY CHICKS Bnbcock W. L Cornish Crosses. Free folder. Wilson's Hatchery, lyons. Ore. Ph. 859-2533. . f A NEW load every Tuesday. BABY CALVES for sill, 1B43 C-flry, phone TU 1 2-J889. 1 year old, $:.,baBY calves lor sail or mat. TU 4-307. 3312 Autumn. BONANZA artificial Insemination service. TU 2-0741, Bonanza 545-2341. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Guck, Owner-Mgr TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot I p.m. sharp Rt. 3. Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc Midland Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m The? BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmens Market. Tuesday s sole dov in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY 44 WANTED a good disc lor a Cat D4 Phont Bonania 545-2045 or see Edgar Downing at Bonanta. REPOSSESSED Power Kralt Gas-Engim: driven welder with accessories and a gas welding outlit. New S66S, now S.iiO. Monr gomery Ward & Co.. 9th & Pine. EARTH BORING machine. 6 inch 10 30 Inch rllamelfr, phone TU 4-3334. 1951 FERGUSON Tractor, T Internatlon. al track layer, all In good condition, Mac- doe), Express t-nji. WANTED used Suoer 290 clipper clean r Stale serial no. and prlca Harold Van Dyke, Rte. 2 Box 413, Forest Grove, On. TD 14 STRAIGHT DOZER SPECIAL 1 "JU J. C. Equipment Co. 6th & Hilyard TU 2-2051 MISC. FOR RENT 43 We Rent Almost Anything Floor Polishers Coffee Makers Punch Bowls Silver Services VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E Mom TU 4 6812 WE RENT Hcnnitel Beds, WheH Chairs. WAikert, Crulcrteft. Commodes end Roll-A-Wey Bedi. AT THE MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So 6th TU 4-6A60 MISC. VVANTID 4 Call ISC. FOft SAlt 31 i700 TO &00 n(.k ot certltlod fd potato" Nt'iea uemi, ri ivonrov, amnnim, pn. Lorella 767 .llOt. 75 TONS oat hay for tale, In barn, ph Dairy 54S-32SB. DRIVEWAY mfterlal. crrnhed rock drain rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-97SS. user ciothinc. NEW METHOD CLEANERS WASON land, fill dart. Pelican Sand. Ifn.fy till. Cii TU 44JI7. topsoil. concrete aooreoate drivewa' material, drain rock. J. M. Bar net, TU a-7s. rl Check protector. 130, Holpoint Mangle, trade or make otter, 4-tMI. ALFALFA and oat hay, bale Or ton. TU 2 160J. DRAIN rock, gravel, aiu roadway ma terlal, TU GEO. R STACV CO TriCOmotiC COFFEE MAKERS Makei from to 34 cups Excellent for club., lodges, parties, office buildings etc. $ I Q8$ Only 1 0 VALLEY RENTAL 1001 E Warn ' TU NO RATS & MICE WITH D-CON 1 POUND SOX CNL $1.40 ttuirante-vj by Good Mottkeolng PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE ?! So th Tt) - i",1, TRAILfRS 33 WANTED' Smell trailer home tl' Or IS ae model tu a-i(40. WANTED to Buy !' to VT m&Htrr iir houte, phone TU J-UM U FLAMINGO I ilS twe bedroom, phone TU 2-1J414. TRAILER houit for rent, uo, alto trail pace, HO, TUa-)l MOUSE TRAILER RFPA'ft, Cry Carr. 442 Winter Ave TU J-t'fcJ FArTnRytreined Coleman fc tnte'n! rrooie furnace teryice, pert, TU 4 Mm FT jft trailer tor Me, V.m. DNne TU 2-S$ TRAILER BUYERS! iHOP POOLE S inc. YOtiK ' Wheel Estote" Dealer 3125 So. 6th TU 2 2801 HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath TRAILERS ..52 VAGABOND Ettr, built Irallar. a.callant condition. IV aluminum awning nciuaed. v.c, iu .-.6j' or iu z-u.4i. AUTO MISCELLANEOUS .. 53 call TU V9406 9i9 CHEVROLET moor complete with apter plate tor 3-whetl drive Jeep, H9. TU 4-UH. Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or tfalvi Grind Ttne Up Is I Specialty 7151 Altamont CHI TU 4 9013 "OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE- Main Street Garage TUNE-UP TO MAJOR OVERHAUL LARRY LEWIS 35 Mlin TU 7-Slii Eves. TU 4-9171 l Next Doer to Baldwin how l RICK-ALLEN CAR WASH Fast and $2 efficient work 222 Spring TU 2-4166 USED CARS AND TRUCKS IS CASH for Cars and pickups. Carland'3 130 S. Main, TU 7 0445 '60 PONT1AC Bonneville, 4 -door bardic ri-power, slick, excHlinl. TU 4-4517. DRIVE MORE MOIORS Will pay cash tor cars. I U 4-JS79. TAKE over payments on t1 Ford Econ. o-line pickup, will take older pickup for equity. Phone Express g-itu. MUST SELL AT ONCE I 1954 Pont lac starchiel Cutlom Catalina Hardtop. New tires, brakes, seal Inserts. Completely econditioned engine (will guarantee en olna to riaht Darlv DOW-r steering, pow er brakes, hvdramaflc transmission, SJf), See at UH Barry Ave., TU 255V. FOR sail 1951 Ford pickup, 4-speed, 5165, TU 4-5310. 1956 NASH, clean, one owner, recently overhauled, SS00. Ph. TU 4-4949. TIME TO BUY!! 62 Chevrolet Impala 2 Or. Hdtp. S?T95. 41 Pontile. 1 owner, inadedl .. USV. 61 Ford Galaxle 4 Door $1"S. 60 Plymouth 4 Door Smi. S9 Rambler 4 Dr. Wrtjon .... u. DEAL RITE MOTORS 731? S. 6th TU Erv Oowty 'u CARS WANTED wa need vour car ... . cash wall' I no l Pavmtnts too high? Tndt Into a chuper cir or sell your equity. SELL YOUR CAR-DON'T Give 11 awat set uait or - an ins DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 SO. 6th St. TU 1-4980 Fine Used Car BUYS at JUCK'S 60 Millmon 695 Stotion Wogon .... 57 Chev. 2-Dr. Stn. 1 95' Wagon. Real clean '57 Ford 895' 395 395, I25! Station Wagon '54 Oldsmobift Sedan '53 Chrysler New Yorker '51 Plymouth Sedan 195' '51 Buick SALESMEN Bud Foirclo, Molln 723-2354 llm Knolti TU 2-3209 Bob Tordlff TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. V Intflrnotlonol ir Fruthauf Cummins 11 h to 12 on Klomaih TU 2-2511 CHEVY CENTER 4x4 SPECIALS 62 GMC 4x4 Pickup 3,000 actual ::.:::z 3098 61 Willys 44 Pickup 1 Ton sC I998 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! Ath tn 7th on Plum Tu 4-3101 SHOP NOW! The Market's in YOUR FAVOR '62 Pontiac Grand Prix Coupe S3497 '61 Ponfioc Tempeil 4-Dr. Sfdon $1897 '61 Rombler Custom 4-Dr. Sedon $1897 '60 Ford '6' 4 Dr. Sedon .. $l?97 '60 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Sedan $1397 '59 Mercury Monterey 4-Dr. Sedon $1297 '58 Cadillac '62' Sedon DeVILLE $1997 '58 VolKwaien Sun Root 2-Dr. Sedon $ 997 '56 Buick Speciol Riviera Coupe $ 697 Good Older Models '56 Old '8S' 2-Dr 397 347 397 56 Ford 2-Dr '55 Ford Foirlone 4-Dr, . .. '55 Pontioc Starchiel Hdtp. Cpe 55 Chryiler 4-Dr. Stn. Waflon $ 397 $ 297 $ 247 $ 247 $ 147 $ 97 $ 77 $ 67 '54 Dewio 4-Dr 54 Ford Customltne 4-Dr. '54 Pockard 4-Dr 53 Oids '98' Convertible 52 Chev. 2-Dr '50 Plymoulh 4-Dr Coll one of our Salesmen You'll be GLAD you did! Dick Floyd TU 2-5859 TU 4-7177 TU 2-0491 TU 2-1403 TU 4 6618 TU 4-4551 Etll Cunningham Pete Stride Rms Cotter Bus Thompson Bill Holchk.n ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th TU 4 8124 Falll. Ore. Tuesday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS ....51 1953 UNIVERSAL Jeep, new rubber. til cib. 1st class conO'iMMv 5450. 1-9661. '60 FORD pickup. TU 4-S516. V-4, 4 spied, sharp! TAKE Over payments o.t '62 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan, for details write Box 303, Dorrls, Cant. REPOSSESSION. 19M Fivd turtor sed-in, automdtic transmission, fur shape. 4i. Pacific Finance, 131 S tth. Poto' Gold VALUE! '60 STUDE V-8 Lark 4-Dr, All while exterior with spotless gold vinyl interior. Like new throughout. Reclining seats. Auto- mottc transmission, power steering, radio, heater, $1298 Thomas DODGE Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 4-4627 WANT WILD DISCOUNTS? See WILEY! 59 Buick USobre 4-Dr Hordlop 59 Plymouth ' 4-Dr. Sedan . 58 Willys 4x4 FCI70 Pickup 1 598 J 797 '1397 Wilson WILEY BUICK Main Garage 1330 Moin TU 4-3141 Car Lot No. 2 429 So. 7th TU 4-9203 GOOD CARS! LOW PRICES! '62 Oldsmobilo '88' $2993 Hardtop '62 Oldsmoblle F-85 $2643 Cutlosi Codlllac DeVille 4-Dr. Sedan Oldsmoblle '88' '61 M083 61 2293 Hardtop '60 Chevrolet Corvalr Club Coupe 1 263 I493 '60 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedan Dick B. Miller Co, 7lh & Klamath ft BALSIGER MOTOR CO. ft You'll Be More Than SATISFIED With Any Of These Fine LATE MODEL TRADE-INS.' fr ft ft Ask About Our EXCLUSIVE 3-Way GUARANTEE A- 1962 FORD V-8 GALAXIE 500 300 h.p., radio, cir heater, brakes, Cruise-o-matic. Very 1961 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. SEDAN Healer, 17,000 milei. Like 1961 FORD FALCON 2-DR. SEDAN Rodio, air heater 1962 OLDSMOBILE F-85 CUTLASS Radio, heater, 1 1,000 milei. Complete deluxe equipment , 1961 FORD FALCON 2-DR. STN. Air heater, 24,000 miles 1961 CHEVROLET V-8 IMPALA Radio, heater, power steering and seat. Large motor. 1 1,000 miles 1961 FOrtD V-8 FAIRLANE 500 Radio, healer, Cruise-o-malic, power steering, sharp , 1961 OLDSMOBILE F-85 SEDAN Radio, heater, Hvdromatic. 1961 FORD FALCON SEDAN Radio, air heater, low mileaae 1961 CHEVROLET CORVAIR Healer, low mileage 1961 PLYMOUTH VALIANT HARDTOP Radio, heater, automatic 1961 FORD V-8 GALAXIE SEDAN Radio, heoter, Cruise-o-molic 1960 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. SEDAN Heater, radio, sharp 1960 FORD FALCON SEDAN Heo-er, deluxe trim, 26,000 1960 FORD V-8 4-DR. STATION Heater, Overdrive I960 FORD THUNDERBIRD Completely equipped, shorp I960 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN 9-passenger Wagon. Radio, heater, power steering, Cruise-o-matic i LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER TU 2-3866 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES Allen CtMHrvf rrtr ciemem Vtdtev Cerr .. Jack Miliar .... TU 14M TU alf) TU T-WM TU 4-43M Al A Id rich ... BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Always the Fairest Deal Main & Esplanade February 12, 1963 PACE-11 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 35 m FORD, 1 condition, SUO lull price. TU 4-M4T. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your car or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 Top Value WAGON Special '59 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DR. STATION WAGON Excellent 2-tone tan and white finish. Radio, heater, good condi- ion throughout. Aai $1695. Now reduced to only . . . $1495 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646 JOE FISHER'S Safe - Buy SPECIALS! 62 Studebaker '6' 4-Dr. Sedan. $ JOf Stand, trans I 7 '62 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. One V?Q7 owner lmtli '60 Rombler 4-Dr. Sedan Standard S I I Q"7 trans 117 '59 Hillman Minx 4-Dr. Complete ly overhauled and 7Q7 In tip top shape Ill 55 Ford V-8 H Ton Pickup 4-speed and A07 really sharp U7 Lots of Fine 4x4 BUYS! SALESMEN Dole Sechrisr TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehart TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnathan Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER 677 So. 7th TU 4-3104 LINCOLN MERCURY TU 4-41541 COMET JEEP ft ft ft ft V W V HARDTOP power tteering ond shorp. Low mileage .. 2995 $I545 . 1 395 $2645 ,$I595 .'2195 I695 $I795 '1345 '1495 '1395 '1595 new 2-DR. SEDAN WAGON HARDTOP SEDAN 23.000 miles 2-DR. SEDAN trans 'I .'I 1395 1295 , miles WAGON .'I 1395 , '2445 '1495 LOT NO, 2152 2 SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 B Vanrtentfoal joytj Chirtewter H-chefil Dick ., "HoJIia" Wt .. TU -TCi tu -n TU at-Mtl Tu t un . Merrill TH-Sm , . , The Finest Product TU 4-3121 TV St t 1