45 Youngsters IP srfcipafie HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Monday, February 11, 1963 PAGE I Young Keglers Win 195 Trophies hi, Junior lowSssig flJeet Ji JL!2tix. J SENIOR BOYS' DOUBLES CHAMPS Mike Crawley (left) teamed with Gary Shear er to win the senior boy' doublet regional championship at Lucky Lanes Sunday in the Oregon State Junior Regional Tournament. They will enter the state tournament in Portland. Both are from Klamath Falls. Crawley represents Lucky Lanes and Shearer Holiday Bowl. Shearer also had the high scratch game of the tournament with 236.. Outstanding State Star Banquet Set PORTLAND (UPII Oregon's outstanding athlete of 1!2 will be eleded tonight, but the logical choice, Oregon Stale's Terry Baker, is not in the running. Baker won the Bill Hayward Trophy, emblematic of the honor, in The rules say a winner is ineligible to repeat. Selection will be made at the lath Annual Hayward Banquet of Champions at the University of Portland. The event is sponsored by the Oregon Sportsw riterj and Sporlscasleis Association. Army football coach Paul Diet 7.el will be the principal speaker. Other highlights include presenta tion of the Oregon Man of the Year in Sports Award, the Rollie Truitl Amateur Baseball Award, the George Berti Memorial Golf Award and several merit awards. Baker will not go away empty handed. The Beaver quarterback is scheduled to receive the Vnit Award as the outstanding senior football player on the West Coast last season. High School Sc ores Saturday's Prep Basketball By I'nltert Press International Astoria M David Douglas 47 Tigard 72 Xewberg M Jesuit 5.1 Wy'east .19 Willamette B8 Cottage Grove 67 '2 OT' North Eugene B5 Spiingfield 39 South Eugene 26 Marshfield .19 North Bend 47 Roseburg 46 Medford 51 Grants Pass 44 Ashland 50 Klamath Falls 41 Hermislnn 60 Bend 56 The Dalles 56 Redmond 52 I J Grande 56 Prineville 49 Raker 61 Madras 44 Ontario 47 Weiser (Idaho I 45 Parma i Idaho i 58 Nyssa 51 Clatskanie 57 Neah-Kah-Nie 52 Seaside 74 Newport 57 Hood River 61 North Catholic 54 Concordia 44 North Marion 27 Salem Academy 53 Sherwood 44 Santiam 64 Gervais 29 .lunction City 46 St. Francis 42 McKrnr.it 5 Harrisburg 40 Oaki idgt 5a Drain 44 F.lmira 6.1 Central Linn 44 Henley 59 Phoenix 54 Eagle Point 69 Rogue River 49 Illinois Valley 61 Lakeview 65 Brookings 49 Ferndale .14 Coquille 70 Siuslaw 42 Glide 64 Myrtle Point 56 Bandnn 7R Douglas 75 ' Burns 40 Grant I'nion .14 Sherman 6.1 Coltnn 2H Vale 47 Enterprise 41 Cascade Locks 65 Dufiir 41 Wallowa 69 Elgin 60 Uiwcll 65 Monroe 47 Alsea 66 Cohurg .W Weston 51 Prescott iWash.i 45 lone 6.1 Helix 45 Lmatilla 47 Stanfieid 19 Riverside 99 t'mapine 51 McEwen 67 Echo 45 Wheeler 56 Spray 36 Oakland M Camas Valley .19 Eikton 61 Canyonville 10 Powers 71 Davs Cttek 11 Owlhoots The regular weekly meeting of lhe Owlhoots is scheduled for t 1 p m. tnnlcht l the Rrnller. Rsikelhall coach Jim Parllnw and wrestling enarh Howard Mqrrts he gut speaker. I ' ' I I :,; if ; SISTER DUO COPS HONORS This sister duet of Cheryl (left) and Reda Jack, bowlinq out of Holiday Bowl, topped the senior division of the girls' doubles Sunday at the Oregon State Junior Regional Tournament at Lucky Lanes. Their combined score, with a 54 pin handicap, could be one of the better scores in the nation. They tal lied a count of 1 183 pins to outdistance the field easily. Their scratch was a highly respectable 1021. They will go to the state tournament in Portland. LC Pioneers Roll Away By I'nltrd Prfs International Lewi and Clark and Pacific are running away from the field in the Northwest Conference bas ketball race. The front - running Pioneers rolled past Willamette at Portland (or their ninth win in 10 conference games and the Badgers edged Linficld 81-79 in overtime at Forest Grove for Stanford, Washington Tied; Face Tough Foes This Week West Coast Raskrthall Roundup By United Press International Slanford and Washington, tied for first place in the Big Six basketball race, both have im portant contests lined up this weekend which should crack the deadlock. The Indians face California in a home and home series while the Huskies host Southern California nn aturday. LCI.A. which was looking hot hefote suddenly bowing to Stan ford last Saturday, is idle until Feb 22 when the Bruins return to the Tribe's cracker box gym for revenge. The West Coast Athletic Con ference also had a tie for first place with three teams jammed into Hie top spot. They were the I niversily of San rranciscn 'a-0 and Santa Clara and St. Mary s who each had 4 0 marks. Some thing has to give this Tuesday when Santa Clara faces Si Mary's. The Gaels then meet I'SF nn Saturday. A rundown on Saturday's adion. Rig Six Bmini-ing back from Friday's Moss to Southern California. Stan iford defeated VCA and Wall Haz- !?ard, dft-TB. Hazzaid scored 2' j points (or the third straight time !but this couldn't oflset the sharp- shnoling Indians who hit at a il per cent rale from the door in tbe first half. Tom Dose had il points (or lhe winners while coach .lohnnv Wooden o( the Bruins !drew a pair of technical fouls their eighth viclnry In 10 conteste Saturday night. Pacific meets Linfield again at McMinnville tonight. In the Oregon Collegiate Con ference Saturday, Oregon Tech won over Eastern Oregon 104-93 at Klamath Falls to clinch a tie for its third straight conference ijtle. for arguing with the whistle- tooters. Washington handed California its second straight loss, 65-50, by dominating the boards in the last seven minutes of play. Paced by Dale Easlcy who had 22 points. the Huskies moved out to an 8-0 lead in the early going. Southern Calilornia downed San ta Clara, a.l-81, in the overtime leriod of a non-league till. The Trojans pulled lhe game out wilh a (nil court pre,s and Bill Par wins lone field goal o( the game put the contest into an extra ession. W ( AC The I niversily of San Francisn bombed hapless Pepiwrdine, now 0.5, 101.75. afler breaking an fl-fl tie Ollie Johnson and Dirk Brain- ard each had 17 (or the Dons who burned the cords with a 61 3 per cent field goal average Harry Dinnel of Pepperdine led all scorers w ith 26. . . In anotber WCAC game. St. Mary's rode on a 27-pomt production by the mighty Steve Gray lo defeat Iiy nla. 74-60. The Lions played con servative ball, looking for the easy shot and were paced by Dick Schirndler's 22 points. The University of the Pacific was dusted ol( by Seattle as ex p ted. IB-V., behind the shooting of F-clilie Miles and Ernie Dunslon who each had 20 points. Bill Wil son of I OP led all sc-oring with 22 points hut there was no holding the Chirltains who keep on win ning even with coach Vince Ca zetia fired. Junior tpditkHiS of bowlers took nwr the iaues at Lucky Lanes Saturday and Sunday for the first aniuaJ Oregon stale Junior Bowl ing AfcHociaUan Regional Tourna ment, When the firing was completed, 845 yourigfrters had taken their shots at tl pins and compiled some effective scores. To p team honors were sea t tered with the Holiday Bantams from IkUmath Kails winning the Bantam Boys .-event while the Uicky Lanes dub won the Senior Bovs event. A TuJelake team. "Strike Out.' a purred the Bantam Girls event while Hart's Jewelers of Grants Pass won the Junior Girls and Andy's Play Girls of Medford took the Senior Girls crown. Strik ing Honkers of Lakeview cap tured th Junior Boys event. .Medford entries swept the Ban tam doables field with Christine Bryan and Cheryl Christ iansnn winning the girls doubles while Eddie Davis and Shannon Vinson teamed to capture the boys. Grants Pass entry of Lei a Klein and Kathy Priddle won the junior girls doubles and the Klam ath FaHs entry of Jim Gibson and Denny Nelson captured the junior boys bracket. Local entries swept the senior division with Reda Jack and Cher yl Jack winning the senior girls and Mike Crawley and Gary Shearer pulled down top honors in the senior boys. In the singles events, Karen Stern, Klamath Falls, won the bantam girls and Jerry Rosterol la. Klamath Kails, the bantam boys. A Grants Pa girl, Judy Duke, won the junior girls event, and Dennis Bonner, lakeview, the! junior boys. ! In the senior bracket, Loretla Whipple and Regina Holland, both of Medford, tied for top honors, each with a 5fi5. while Duane Singleton rolled a fii8 for top senior boys honors. A total of 195 trophies were awarded in what was termed a most successful tournament." FINAL TEAM STANDINGS BANTAM GIRLS TEAMS Strtkt Outs. Tuleiake. 2153; Bunny Hooi.l Lakeview. 201; Gutter Bulls. Klamath Falls, mi; Lucky Ones. Klamath f-atl.. Foul Balis. Klamath pans, iw: Lucky Stars. Klamath Falls. 131. BANTAM BOYS TEAMS Holidny Bantams, Klamath Falls, 7708 Plnbusltrs, Klamath Falls, 9195; T hi Rebels. Medford, 1176; Sparc Makers, Tuleiake, 217; Odd Balls. Tulalike, ji?S; The Tn Pins. Tuleiake, 31OT; The Tor nadoes. Med lord, 3074; Fltnlslonet, Klam ath Falls, 705'; Sinqmaster Insurance, Ashland. TOM; Five Strikes, Klamath Falls, 7051. JUNIOR GIRLS TEAMS Mart's Jewelers. Grants Pass. 14St: Lucky Strikes, Klamath Falls, 23M; The Beavers, Ducks Collide For First Weekend Pair Rv United Prem International Oregon Slate's Beavers and the Oregon Ducks looked ahead today to their first basketball meetings of the season following a dis appointing weekend. The Beavers who own a 1.1-5 record and the Ducks who sport a 7-11 mark meet at Corvallis next Friday night and tangle at Eugene next Saturday night. Sophomore Frank Pelera and 7- fool Mel Counts teamed tn lead lOregon State to a fift-51 revenge lhaskelhall win over Portland he- Far Western Conference San Francisco State's undefeat ed Gators ran their mark to 6-4 in the far Western Conference with 8:1-59 w in over Chico Stale. Mike Carson led the winners wilh 211 (mints. . . In another league tilt. Humboldt Stale College downed Alameda State 60-64. after an II point splurge decimaled the losers' well - planned defenses. Oregon Slate, battling with Seal- He (or the Northwest's Independ ent honors, belled lhe Portland Pi lot 66-51. .SKTS M'ORLD MARKS .SYDNEY UPI Satnko Tan- aka. a 24-yrar-olH Japanese : swimmer, net two uorld records Sunday in a swimming meet at the Sydney Olympic Pool. Miss Tanaka won the 220-yard back stroke in 2 29. for one record and then beat her own record of 2 31 ft for the 2nn meters JUDO INSTRUCTION In CMrniiva Jurfo 7 30 am. TUESDAYS CITY AUDITORIUM IVIRITT POTTIP. IflftrvCNH. w,ll tt(h dfff1 tl,MI Sn4, knife t4 fun al Uck. CtvfM Hr Mtn S wamtft. M hl St mtftv yrl tarl ift tn Jmn) IntlnKIMA. mthoe( trt taiy It m 1 1 1 1 r, Ltam to ywrttHt Ftv M'ssev Medtord. ?36f; Hornets, Medtord. 73Gt: Spare Tires. Metftord. 3304. Rondo Gats. AthLand. 7300; Pe terson's Market. Klamafh Fails, 7712 ; Moly & Van Dyke Machine &hop. Klam ath Fatls. 131 4, "4" Foulari, Klamath falls. 1717 JUNIOR BOVf TEAMS Striking Honkers, Lakeview. ISAO. Hatemnn's Cafe. Medtord. ?S; The Lum ber Jacks, Medtord, 7t9- AlliQalors, Met trd, 7457; Rondo Juniors. Ashland, 2W; Pin Eaters, Medtord, 7317; Lucky L09 0M, Medtord. 2271 SENIOR GIRLS TEAMS Andy's Play Girts, Medtord. 7741; Holi day Bowl, Klamath f-atls. 2717; Tula Lanes. Tuleiake, JSM SENIOR BOVS TEAMS Lucky Lanes. Klamath Falls. 113; Tute Lanes. Tuleiake, JtU; Park Cabin!, Klamath Falls. 7U. Wholly Rotters, Med tord. ?6 it. Southern Oregon Decking. Medtord. TSI; Roxy Ann Lanes. Medtord, ?12; Rondo Sen.ors, Ashland. 7475; Th. Five Juniors. Medtord. 7594; Holiday A'l Stars. Klamath Falls. 7577; Janice & Jennifer, K lamjth Falls. 254, Andy's Team. Medtord. 7531 BANTAM OIRLS DOUBLES Christine Br van-Cheryl Christiansen, Medlord, ; Carol MtFadyen-Frances Waits, Klamath Falls, 914; Terry Ott- Dorris Olt. Tuleiake, 890; Roberta Tesch Rhonda Fletcher, Klamath Falls, Ml; Karen Stern-Pamela White, Klamath Falls. tSJ; Treva Greenwood -OeMie Mc. Noise. Klamath Falls, Ml; Susan Hard- man-Karlene Edwards. Tuleiake. til; Sal ly OsOorn-Sandra Long, Tuleiake. 78A; Jenlce Zahler-Renee Parsons. Klamath. 7J; Dotlie Hanan-Pamela Smith. Klamath Falls, 753 BANTAM BOYS DOUBLES Eddie Davis-Shannon V'nson, Medford,, 107a; Wayne Beao-Mike Schooler. Klam ath Falls. 945; Steve Baley. Brian Baley, lelake, fil; Lon Kongshe-Bob woods man, Tuleiake. 23; Bruce Sen tea I-Russell Faster, Klamath Falls, 917; John' Sowell-Duant Robinson, Klamath Falls, 900; Larry Prtebe-Keith Crews. Med ford, B99; Gregg Torrey-Randy Nelson, Ashland, B97; Gregg Smith-Dave Legg, Medford. 696; Ron Cushman-Oaryl Silva,, Tuleiake, 889. JUNIOR OIRLS OOUBLES Lela Klein-Kathy Priddle, Grants Pass. 1034; Linda Warren-Shirley Eck, Klamath Fails, toil; Linda Robinson-EMa Eck,, Klamath Falls. 979: Eddie Aunleaata-Lvn- da Rain, Medtord, 97t; Connie Clouah-Lirti Oehlerich. Tuleiake. ; Kathy Stern-4 Jackie Tesch. Klamath Falls, 94; Lyla Vol h-Sandy Forney, Ashland, 954; Mar sha Jeriykowski-Oarlene Sanborn, Tule iake. 944; Wayenne Kulnei-Sufv Winkler Ashland, 933; Rosalie Garciahartenc; McNoise. Klamath Falls. 3i Jim Gibson-Denny Ntslon. KlamathB ran), iuo; kC A(ermn-Lmni( sen horn, Lakeview. 1049; Daryl Christiansen, Rick Orr, Medtord, 104; John Tungaie-J nnike Hickey, Medtord. wt; pennis bra Mike Rainwater, Klamath Falls, 104$ ri Tom Osa-Tade Farmer, Klamath Falls, 1044; Bill Burnetl'Vernon Smith, Grants, Pass, 103a; Gary Talum-Mlkt Wiggins, Tuleiake and Lakeview, 1001 ; Steve Hutchinson Ron LeBlanc, Ashland, 99a; Dennis Boshears-Monte Rodgers, M d- lord. 993; Robert Thlil-Bou Phillips, Med tord. 993 SENIOR OIRLS DOUBLES Reda Jack-Cheryl Jack, Klamath Falls, 1181; Jeannette Coulter -Maralyn Ander son, Medford, 1134; Lynda Damron-Re am Holland. Medford. 1115; Loretta Whipple - Kathy Gooch. Eagle fomi, iovb; Karen &miin-juiieanne in born, Tuleiake, 1077; Connie Gregg-Shan non Mainews. tagie poir.i, iom; uiana Bewley-Linda Wilks, Medtord. 1048; 5m dy Roll-Barbara Long. Ashland, 10D9; Anita Shop-Kathy Applcgate. Medtord. 997; Judy Miller-Betty Allen, Grants Pass, 979 SENIOR BOYS DOUBLES Mike Crawlev-Gary Shearer, Klamath Falls, 1180: Keith WeMby-Don Mann, Ashland, 1158; Don Graham - Ran Reed, Klamath Falls. 1i50i Mike DavlvWalt Daigle, Medford. 1143 Lyla Houttan-Tom Shope, Medford, 1091; Allen Bennett-Gary Christiana, Grants Pass. 1090; Mlkt orr Manfred Sfamm, Medtord. 107; Fred Eck-Ron Ward, Klamath Falls and Med ford, 109; Lee Ross-Bob Woldt, Falls, 1M3; Frank Kula-JIm Wise. Med ford. 1058 FINAL STANDINGS SINOLEJ EVENT BANTAM GIRLS SINGLES Karen Stern, Klamafh Falls ifore 7,171 persons at Corvallis Saturday night. The Heavers dropped a 67-56 decision lo the underdog Pilots Friday niRht. Peters, a fiery 6-2 (rnward scored 20 points and Counts, t junior center, tallied 17. Each collected nine rebounds. Terry Baker, the Beavers' playmaking guard, missed lhe two games wilh a toe intection. Big Gus Johnson scored 2X points and pulled down 31 re bounds to lead Idaho lo an 88-78 victory over Oregon before 3.8O0 persons at Moscow Saturday night. The Vandals trimmed the Ducks 79-61 Friday night. Idaho's Chuck White and Ore ion's Jim Johnson each collected 25 points. Steve Jones and Elliott Glcason scored 16 apiece (or the Ducks, who suffered their fourtb loss of lhe season to the Vandals. Scoring: PORTLAND (SM Cooper 2. Powell 13. Anslett 12. Doruh 6. Nichols 10, Koch 4, Carpenter 1, Channing I. OREGON STATE (661 Peters 20, Kraus 10, Counts 17, Pauly 5, larvis 8, Rossi 2, Benner 4. OREGON (78l-,Iones 16. Ander son 7, Moore 9, Glcason 16. Yates 3. Johnson 25. Loy I. Mack I. IDAHO (Ml White 25. Whit field 14. Johnson 28, Porter S. Parks 8. Mattis 2, I.evias 2, Moreland 4. WEIL I SEE VOU FINALLY SWITCHED TO C0PBHHA6BH. . i r . mz , Kr iW A la-L I I I V Ifl II IV "" TRY A PINCH FOR tit (f -jfa W -V OF REAL ! FRESHNESS ' 3- 7QBACCO TASTi CHrnt.ne Bryan, Medtom, 45; Eebbht McNoik. rarrMith altt,. 44; f-ranees Waihv. Klamath FalK. 455; Cher- rt Chrictianson. Medtord, 47; Lorain AndAfton, MMtord, 444; Karen Kudma. Lakevww. 47: Donna Pa ton. Lakeview 475; lrv GrMnwood, klamth FalK. 415; Rhonda tele her, Klantath Fails, 414. JhNTAM OY flNOLITS Jerry Rosterolla. tanxitn -Falls, 1 Mike Schooler. Klamath Falls. 5J1; Wayne Begg. Klamath Falls. 5); John Sowell, klawith Fa IK. 611; Shannon Vinson, Med' lord, 498; Ron Cuitiman. Tuleiake, 495; Doug Powell, Tuleiake. 4V; Martin De ter, Lakeview. 481; Dave Legg. Medtord. 477; John K ulnar, Ashland, 44. Junior Gntt SmgkM Judy Ouke, Grants an. 569; Julie Ann Osborne. Tuleiake. itli Char lane Mc Noie. Klamafh Falls, 535, Judy Wacker Ashland. 32, Dianne Colby. Klamath Faib. 531; Jackie Tesch. Ktamalh Falls. 57; Lola Klein, Grants Tart, Si; Jean Larsen, Grants Pass, 508; Lynn Fletcher, Ktamalh Falls. 507; Janice Mason. Med tord, 507 JUNIOR BOYS SINGLES Dennis Bonner, Lakeview, 59s; John Tinker. Klnmalh Falls, 593; Greg Club man, luieiake. 586; Lonnie Sanborn. Lake, view, 55; Dean Brickey, Lakeview, $6i; Mike Wiggint, Lakeview. 659; Clyde Ful ler, Ashland, 540; Ferrol Smith. Grants Pass, 540; Ron Roberts, Medtord 538. (EN40 CtftLS SINGLES Loretta Whipple-Regina Holland, both Medtord (tie) 565; Susie Carroll, Med tord. 564; Linda Domain, Medtord. 53; Reda Jack, Klamath Falls. 543; Karen Smith, Tuleiake, 537; Judy Miller. Grants Pass, 530; Jeannette Coulter. Medtord. 579; Barbara Ann Long, Ashland, S28; Cheryl Jack. Klamath Falls, 574. SENIOR BOVS SINGLES Duane Singleton. Klamath Fairs. 438; Bill Werner. Medtord. 2. Gary Shear er, Klamafh Falls, 593; Rex Reed. Klam ath Falls, 5V3; Mike Orr, Medford. 5?7; Jim Wise. Medford, 585; Bill Atkin. Medtord. SB4; Ron Ward. Medtord. 50. Larry Walker. Klamath Falls, 577; Mike McFadyen, Klamath Falls, 561. Ashland Crater Takes Over League Lead ASHLAND i Special i The' KlamalJi Union Pdicans had prob - ably their worst Rame of the sea- and u,ey nui have wtm lhe son Saturday night and fell vie- gam( oy hjttinR m 01. & p., nl tim to the improvinR Ashland The 51 per rent from the line is Grizzlies, 50-41, for t h e seeond,iw. even for . hiEh srhool. Ash- loss in as many nights. The loss, coupled with lhe last minute win Friday night by Cra ter over the Pels, dropped tlie defending champions into second spot in the league with a 6-4 record. Crater is back on top with a 6-3 mark. Grants Pass, defend ing state champion, is third with a 5-4 record and fast onrusmng Medford is now 5-5 in fourth. Ash land holds down the cellar for the Southern Oregon League with a 2- record. This was the second win for the Grizzlies in conference play this season and the second league win in the past four years and 60 games. 'We plaved our poorest game of the season. We hao a real bad one against Bend bu' this one was as bad and we lost this one." a dejected Al Keck said. "We didn't have anyone w ho could hit. II was iust one of those nights when no one could hit and it seemed to be catching. I tried some players to try In get a fire slarled but nothing helped." the mentor ex plained. Thcv outhuslled us I MinK ana especially on the boards. I think we've lost every game when we've been outrebounded. We didn't have our good hustle and drive. We could have beaten them with a half decent game. ' he related. "We hit only 11 of 41 shots during the night," he said. (That figures up In a terrible 26S per cent.l Thai's the worst we've shot all season by a lot. I don't Ihink Ashland shot much better either. We were really hurt at the foul line, too," he explained. "We hit only 19 of 37 Irom there and could have won the game from the line if we had hit de cently from there," he voiced. thi sox scone niiMit mi ft PteFf Pt l Keiiey Scott ChmMrlft4 Holmn Aih H Hnlman WOflf Totali Ath land (W) G. Ifptwr Pitrt Lamh John wn Hrt CxMlfrt Troll l.lndly TtH ictvt by qurtfr: Klamath AMnd 1 3 i t i n It IMF II 41 Fff WU Ft Pf T I 01 1 J 17 14-IS 14 M t-MJ-1441 lj.lt r$so ivetried'eaa all and NOTHING SATISFIES MEBETTEA. ; KNOW. REAL TOBACCO TAST6 AND LIFT- . THAT'S "COPE . ' &fff- Ar '.V - : ttimittmaM-im'm'V" iff mi 1 r -i i ' ir -if SENIOR BOrS TEAM WINNERS This quintet from Klamath Falls, the Lucky Lenet team, topped all the senior boys teams with a brilliant 2913 pin total to grab top honors in the Oregon State Junior Regional Tournament held at Lucky Lanes Saturday and Sunday. The boyi, from left to right, ere Bob Woldt (kneeling I, Mike McFayden, Dennis Graham, Don Graham and Mike Alford. They will go to the state tournament in Portland along with the other regional winners. Belts Hapless Pelicans; The 19 of 37 at (he Eill line iEUres . jllst sl . land hit 16 of 25 from the line for 64 per cent. Jim Lamb was high for the Grizzlies with 16 points and 12 of them came at the line. sm s&mm viaa..! i Adjust Brakes and Repack Front vjf Wheel Bearings ' : ; jf 1 MlS "V (Balance Both Front Wheels I I I l35D I U Align" tA I Front Wheels t S I ' ' I I Rplctmtnt pi fit If n44 f 1 and tort ten bar adjust fr mtnt not Includtd. i? '7 '1 f aTll TO ! jfaWNTHl Ljiuii' -I'l w'i,r our '"r 'u "- mor I ISraV l:v'in'"J n SZS. ITTv TT2 I . t.ct W' 6th & Pine The Pelicans had their worst I night field-goal wise, also, in hit- ting only 11 for the game "I thought at (lie start of the second round that we coukl may be lose three games and still come out fine. But I don't now. We'll have (o win every game now tn stay in there," Keek said. The Pelicans must now forget COMBINATION OFFER... APPUEO ON ALL SOUND TIRE BOCIES OR -ON rOUR TIRES I fforM ANY SIZE WHITEWALLS TU 4 - about the games past and pre- pare for a very tough weekend. The Pelicans take on Grants Pass on Pelican Court Friday night and then travel to Medlord Saturday night That's a giant's portion of trouble and toughness. Those two games are a must, as all of them are now in this air- 'tight league race. 7 mi to 6 p.m. ANY AMERICAN MADE CAR f.i say . "Charge-" take months top WINTER TREADS Our Winter Treed, idnUfied fry Medallion end tJtop mark, art OUAMANTIID 1, ArtfMt fotwrt In wnrkman ahtp and maUriaU 4unnc lilt ef trmi. 1. Ayaiti4 normal ma at haurrfe lrpt rvoairabU punctum) nrmjntarad in avrdav p rnnfr car ua for 12 mnntha. ntfUemntt proraUd on trMd ar nd baaad an Hat pnc9 curnnl at nmt ot ad)utnant. 8109