Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 11, 1963, Page 5, Image 5

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Skiesta Queen
Named By OTI
Marlon Roberts is Oregon Tech's
queen candidate for the Ore-Cal
Skiesta. The Skiesta, which is
sponsored by S.O.C. for Oregon
and California colleges, will be
held at the Shasta Ski Bowl on
March 1 and 2.
Miss Roberts is the 18-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lnnis
Roberts, 1750 Homed.ile Road
The 1962 graduate of KUHS is a
freshman in Medical Technology
She is a member of the Alle Mage
Ski Club in Klamath Falls. She
is also a member of the Asso
ciated Women Students and the
Hippocrates Club on campus.
Party Denies
Mart Quote
K1KL. Germany 1UPI1 Chan
cellor Konrad Adenauer's Chris
tian Democratic Party (CDUi
Saturday disowned a confidential
party circular quoting Adenauer
as favoring British Common
Market membership only if Den
mark and Norway are kept out.
Schleswig Hostcin CDU leaders
said in a statement that the cir
eular quoted the remarks out of
The "not-for publication" cir
cular reported discussions at a
closed door Jan. 2 meeting of
CDU leaders at which Defense
Minister Kai liwe Von Hassel
spoke. The document said Hassel
quoted Adenauer as saying the
entry of Denmark and Norway
might give the Common Market a
"socialist and neutralist" leaning.
Saturday's statement, issued
after the DCU leaders met with
Hassel, said the circular "did not
contain the defense minister's en
tire statements but was a sum
mary of Hassel's speech and s
general discussion of the topic."
The Schleswig Holstein leaders
said their Jan. 26 meeting was
devoted to discussing the pros and
cons of expanding the Common
Written (or
Newspaper Enterprise Assn.
Q Is there any special food or
vitamin that can be given to a
I.Vyear-old boy who is unusually
short? He is in good health, but
is getting an inferiority complex
over being the shortest one in his
A Shortness is sometimes due
to a glandular disorder, malnutri
tion, or some disease of the in
ternal organs. If your son is in
good health none of these causes
would apply, and his height was
determined by hereditary factors.
No food or vitamin will help him
in this regard. A person's adult
height is very close to two times
the height on the second birthday.
Hormones have been used ex
perimentally to increase or de
crease stuature, but such treat
ment is sale only in the hands of
an expert. In any case, the prob
lem must be anticipated and the
treatment started before the on
set of puberty.
Q I am a young woman and
very self-conscious of my legs.
Heredity Limits
Child's Height
Reno Police
RENO. Nev. UPI The
Washoe County Grand Jury said
Saturday Mayor Pud Baker's
charges nt dishonesty and in
competence in the Police Depart
ment were "imprudent, inexcus
able and unfounded."
The Grand Jury issued a state
ment resulting from its investiga
tion of Baker's chaiges that a
woman employe of the Police De
partment had been stealing city
money, that traffic licket revenue
had been mishandled, and that
Police Chief Elmer Briscoe was
The report said Baker's charges
were unlounded. and also that he
was encroaching on authority
delegated to the city manager.
M.O.iThey are much too thin. I have
done exercises to improve my
calves and ankles, but that hasn't
helped. Is there any medicine for
this? I can't enjoy swimming and
I can never get a decent tan be
cause I am so ashamed of my
A (.xeroses are tine, but in
addition you should try to put on
a few more pounds. This can be
done by drkining half and half
1 milk and cream', eating more
margarine or butter, and eating
two eggs every day. I would not
advise drugs to accomplish your
As I see it, jour real prob
lem is that you are overly self-
conscious. This is both common
and understandable, but I have
found that when a girl like you
gets into a group, shows herself
ready and willing to be helpful to
others, and above all to be cheer
ful all the time (well, almost
all the time', she is accepted for
her merits and forgets about her
physical dilteronccs. (Be glad
we're not all exactly alike.) She
can then enjoy herself on or off
the bathing beach, and will find
that no one is staring at her
alter all.
Q In the last few months my
14-vear-old daughter's voice seems
to be changing. When she talks.
some words are of real low pitch.
Does a girl's voice change at
this age?
A Your daughter is perfectly
normal. All babies of both sex
es are sopranos. How no you
suppose the Metropolitan Opera
gets its contraltos?
Q My 15-year-old daughter has
not started to menstruate yet.
Our doctor says to give her lime,
but 1 am worried.
A Your doctor is right. Some
girls start to menstruate earlier
than others. This has no bearing
on their future potential as wives
and mothers.
HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Monday, February 11, l3
i.t-','.vVl 1 . . V.., .. nwrfn ; V
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SORE FEET Copt. Thomas A. Stumpf of Altoona, Pa., and Lf. William Warren of
Waterloo, III., rub bruised feet after 50-mile, 1 8 Vi -hour hike. Fourteen Marine officers
at Camp Pendleton, Calif., made the hike in a response to an txcutive order issued
by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908. UPI Telephoto
Chiang Reveals Commando Tactics
Used In Communist-Held Territory
TAIPEI. Formosa H'PIi The
Nationalist Chinese headquarters.
on orders from President Chiang
Kai-shek, revealed details Satur
day of commando operations on
the Communist-held China main
land and the methods used by
the Reds in attempts to suppress
According to the Nationalist
data. Nationalist commando
teams have been most active in
Southern China, particularly in
Kwangtung Province opposite
Hong Kong and Macan.
The chief of the Nationalist in
telligence bureau told UPI in an
exclusive interview that 873 guer
rilla agents were sent to the
mainland from Taiwan (For
mosai between March and De
cember of last year. Most of
them are still there, he said
The intelligence bureau chief
said the Communist Chinese had
reported the capture of 172 of
the agents. He did not confirm
the Communist report. He said
that the guerrillas went to the
mainland in 12 different groups
but since had disposed widely.
The agents entered the main
land by three different methods:
by infiltrating secretly from Hong
Kong and Macao, by sailing the
tricky currents of the 100-mile-wide
Formosa Strait in junks and
by air drops.
Follows Interview
This information was revealed
following an Interview with
Chiang by Mims Thomason. pres
ident of United Press Interna
tional, at Chiang's beach home
on the Southern Formosa Coast.
Thomason requested documen
tation of reported Communist
atrocities and the Nationalist Chi
nese leader directed his staff to
prepare it.
The intelligcwe bureau head,
who requested hat his name not
be used foi security reasons,
said there were no commando
operations going on at present in
Northern China above the
Yangtze River. But he said close
watch was being kept on the area
through aerial photo reconnais
sance flights and secret under
ground spy systems.
The Nationalist government has
disclosed in the past that it has
been carrying on underground
activities on the mainland for
several years since it was forced
to abandon the mainland in 1!M9
The government said it has
stepped up these activities in the
past year.
But the extent of its operations
was lclt open to speculation.
The intelligence chief showed
UPI a highly secret Communist
document which he said was ob-1
tained by Nationalist espionage!
agents in Kwangtung Province.
10-Page Report
It was a 10-page report on
"anti - revolutionary" (anti-Com-munisti
activities in a county of
Kwangtung Province during 1!N2.
According to the Communist
report, there was a total 01 i.n
cases in the area.
Of these, IB were sabotage and
explosions, 4tt were riots and 6IM
were "reactionary propaganna.
The last category included such
acts as shouting anti-Communist
slogans or writing them on walls
or windows.
The report said 300.072 persons
were involved, lit mis numoer,
1,222 persons were convicted.
Among the convicted, 326 were
sentenced to death, 424 were sent
to prison and 4.271 were put into
forced labor camps.
The report went on to classify
the largest number of offenders
as laborers and farmers between
the ages of 18 and 45.
Hero Pilot Dies In Bomber Crash
While Crew Parachutes To Safety
SAIGON il'PI' Fellow fliers'
said today Maj. James O'Neill of
Huntington Station. N. Y., died a
hero at the controls of a crippled
bomber Wednesday so his crew-
could parachute to safety before
the plane crashed.
'I sincerely believe he saved
my life," said 1st U. James K.
Johnson of Mary Esther, Fla.. co
pilot and navigator of the doomed
B2fi. Johnson and Dien tlunh
Thuong, the Vietnamese radio
man, survived the crash.
V. S. Air Force nllioers here
aid O'Neill. 40. may he recom
mended for the Medal of Honor.
America's highest decoration for
valor. They do not know whether
he medal can be awarded tor ac
tions performed in an undeclared
war like the light against com
munism in South Vict Nam.
Johnson told newsmen at Sai
gon airport the B2fi was return
ing Irom an ahortive mission
against Communist guerrillas
when one of its two engines quit
and the other began to sputter.
He said O'Neill stayed at the con
trols while Johnson and Dien
bailed out.
"We feel that he held the air
craft for the Vietnamese and my
self to get nut." Johnson said.
Precious seconds were lost
when Dien's parachute hung up
in the escape hatch. O'Neill held
the plane steady on its course
while the radioman worked him
self loose.
"We had about 15 seconds to
get out," Johnson said. "I was
the first man out."
The B2B slammed into a 4.000
foot mountain, exploded and
burned before the major had a
chance to escape. His badly
burned body was recovered from
the wreckage Thursday and
brought here for return to the
United States.
Johnson said bad weather pre
vented the plane from carrying
out a planned bomb-and-strafe at
tack. He-said he does not know
why the engines failed, but that
so far as he know no Commu
nists fired at the plane.
Dien was picked up shortly af
ter the crash but Johnson spent
44 hours in the Communist-infest
ed jungle before he found a place
from which he could signal a res
cue plane with a mirror from hjs
survival kit. . .
"It was like going through
hell," he said. "Those mountains
were terrible. I w ould struggle up
200-foot slopes to the top, and
when I got there it would be
completely covered with trees. . .
"There was plenty of water. At
noon on the second d', I found
a trail that led to a native village,
but there was only one hut and
nobody was there. I went on down
the trail until I came to a clear
ing, then signaled from it with
the mirror."
Tony Curtis
Weds Teener
tor Tony Curtis, 37, and his teen
aged German sweetheart. Chris
tine Kaufmann. were married Fri
day night in a brief civil cere
Curtis and Miss Kaufmann. 18.
w ere wed in the royal suite of the
Riviera Hotel. Actor Kirk Doug
las was best man lor Curtis, and
his wife, Anne, was matron of
Others in the wedding party In
cluded Eddie Fisher and Edie
Adams, widow of comedian Ernie
It was the second marriage for
Crutis and the first for the actress
Curtis formerly was wed to ac
tress Janet Leigh, now the wife
of businessman Boh Brant.
tf ft$ 01e st fitst styfit of our
Depiction of an Indian strew
ing flowers on the stale seal of
Florida symbolizes the influence
of the red man on the state.
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