PACE-12 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli, Ore. Monday, February 11, 193 Pf AY : 5 ? Jobless Astronauts Avait Space Flivvers Completion CAPE CANAVERAL (UPIJ Aia rovinc eye fur altractive man- halMozen young jet pilots stand jn.SBace nrocramj. About the time it seems ready to latch onto one, another good-looker appears. The chase begins anew. a good chance of becoming the world's lirst unemployed astro nauts. These are the men chosen last year lor the Air Force's Dyna- Soar space glider program. They are ready to take a ride through space any time. The trouble is, their space flivver isn't finished. It won't he for another two or three years. And if Air force enthusiasm for the project sometimes called simply the X20 continues to wane at the present rate, it may never be. The Air Force, it seems, has . EASTER SEAL CHILDREN The National Society for Crippled Children and Adults has announced that there will be two 1963 Easter Seal Children. Tommy Schroeder, right, is the 1963 Easter Seal Poster Child while Brende Heaton was named the ; 1963 Easter Seal Child. Brenda will be presented to President Kennedy when the ; annual Easter Seel Appeal opens. (J PI Telephoto Eight Hurt In SF Fire SAN FRANCISCO (UPD-Eight firemen were hospitalized Friday night after the second fire In six months broke out in Die historic Ferry Building on San Francis co s waterfront. The four-alarm blaze was con trolled quickly, but destroyed a chunk of the structure's roof about 75 feet by 20 feet. There was no estimate of the loss. Fire Chief William Murray donned smoke-breathing apparatus! to enter the building and investi gate the fire. He said it broke out on a ferry slip and spread to the main building. Fireboals from San Francisco. Oakland and the Coast Guard joined city firemen in fighting the flames. Six of the eight injured men were treated for smoke inhalation at Harbor Emergency Hospital. The other two suffered wounds, one a gash in his hand and the other a scalp injury. An investigation was under way to determine the cause of the fire. A fire destroyed a wooden build ing adjacent to the Ferry Build ing and part of the roof of the maul building lost fall. Commiutih. QatsundaM MONDAY IfENLEY ROOSTER CLUB, f p.m., meeting, Henley Cafeteria TUESDAY GIRL SCOUTS, 7:15 to :15 p.m., splash party, KUHS pool. JOLLY NEIGHBORS, 8 p.m., Valentine recipe exchange, Belle Franklin, 5630 Harlan. OTI FACULTY WIVES AND WOMEN'S CLUB, 7:30 p.m., stu dent lounge. CITY FACULTY CLUB, 8 p.m. Exchange student to speak, home of Mrs. Ray Hunsaker. ALOHA CHAPTER, OES, 8 m., stated meeting. Masonic CLUB, 12 noon, luncheon, Hall. Eagles Temple. WOTM, Chapter 4t7, 7:30 p.m., iendship meeting, Moose Home. SOCIAL CLUB, Veterans of WW Auxiliary, 1 p.m., Gladys Fer- rell, 2424 Radcliife. Bring sewing materials. WEDNESDAY EAGLES AUXILIARY SOCIAL Ships on the Great Lakes un load 50 million tons of iron ore at Ohio ports every year. PROTECT YOUR ESTATE Equltablt'i l.lvlnff John hf. Houston H.rvlr. Sine IWXI SOJOURNERS, .12.30 p.m., luncheon meeting, Willard Hotel. Cards following. Newcomers wel come. MILLS SCHOOL PTA, 2:15 p.m., founders Day, Mills auditorium. Speaker, Louis Corrigan on hospi tal plans. KLAMATH COUNTY HISTORI CAL SOCIETY, 8 p.m., lecture room, County Library. W. B. Swectland, speaker. KENO HOME EXT. UNIT, 10:30 a.m., potluck. Credit Buy ing No. 2, Ruth Heideror, 3710 Madison. Crater Lake, Oregon, is the deep est lake in the U.S., measuring 1,9.12 feet. InJvinlGllnlGL HOME FREEZERS FEBRUARY SPECIALS! 1 1 ! unsurpassed craftsmanship with exclusive contact freezing Model D-13 upright - Holds ptllW -! 452 Pounds! l--- f-S i 'i, r. u 'i.'i I Model D-18 UPRIGHT Holds 613 Pounds Model D-23 UPRIGHT Holds 791 Pounds 119'5 379 5 MODEL D-13 "DEEP-FREEZE" Chest Freezers by Amana j(Jl9llL Model DF-180 CHEST TYPE Holds 609 Pounds Model DF-240 CHEST TYPE Holds 833 Pounds 169 329 95 95 America's Finest by reputation and performance! See Amana': . n.ALL REFRIGERATOR 15 cu. ft. Vern Owens' Cascade Home Furnishings This has been going on for years and the Air Korce is still grounded, as far as manned spaceflights are concerned. The Air Force's infatuation with Project Dyna-Soar began when the space age was born in 1957. The object of the whole thing was to put an astronaut in to space aboard a ship with a set of wings so he could come down ind land more or less where he pleased. Good on Paper It looked good on paper. But there were some problems no rockets, for one and the Air Ko.ce lost interest. It had been caught up in a fascinating project called Mercury. The Mercury capsule simplified things. It had no wings and thus saved a lot of weight. True, its landing was a little erratic and thousands of men had to run around under it like so many firemen with a big net, to make sure the capsule and astronaut were recovered safely. But it worked, as the Air Korce could see from the outside look ing in. Mercury belonged to a new organization called the Nationaljton O. Thompson of Crookston. Aeronautics and Space Administration. About two years ago, the Air Force reunited with Dyna-Soar. Enthusiasm fan high. A model was built, and it looked like a flyable flatiron. A new rocket called Titan-.! was put on the de velopment list, and a tenative IMio launching date was picked. Even astronauts were selected Maj. James W. Wood of Pueblo, Colo., Maj. Henry C. Cordon of Gary, Ind.. Capt. William J. Knight of Mansfield, Ohio, Maj. Russell L. .Rogers of Phoenix. Ariz., Capt. Albert It. Crews of Alexandria, La., and civilian Mil- Minn Gemini Comes Along Dyna-Soar rolled along until the federal space agency showed up with a new baby called Gemini It was a space capsule a la Mer cury, only more of it enough room for two astronauts at a time. The Air Korce cast covetous eyes. And when the federal space agency indicated late last year it might like to pull at least par tially out of Gemini to concen trate more on the Apollo manned flight to the moon, the military boys leaped. What the Air Korce proposed was to buy as many as seven Gemini capsules, to launch its loun astronauts. Someone even went so far as to tag it with the rather odd name of "Blue Gem ini." If all Hi is comes about, the Air Korce and Gemini may be tied together starting in 19M. But it cannot finance two loves at once. Dyna-Soar may and probably will go. More than a million cubic feet of water is poured into the Atlantic Ocean every second by the mighty Congo River. I .m IE '. '""'-! Ppf'w'1Wi9 FT i jmaimmmKf TwiIlum.! ij m ' m nr iir r " n 1 ... , .mi-i- - 1, j : :0I Tomato Sauce "6:39' Sliced Bacon Yorkshire. Freshly smoked and sliced 49 c lb. Marshmallows Pestle's Quik Fluf-Puft 1-lb. pkg. Instant mixing 38-or. Family Size 19' 89( Beef Liver Half of Beef Young steer livers. Sliced USDA Choice Cut and Wrapped 49l 53ib. i Gardening Supplies PEAT MOSS ! 2-Cu. Ft. Delicious Coachella Sun Ripened 4-Cu. Ft. Compressed Bail $3.49 ."..V- -' y I ir BHD uA kJ3 Compreu boil. Pur Canedtan Spagnum Oregon Roses N ' '98c Bark Dust D"r" h "' , cu (00t b0, 99 c ' Maple Leaf Lime s 0,,JO lb B bB, 79 c ' CoiUDOSt Wctdfret and odorlesi. All orgonic. 1 ft I 1 " i (U. H, 6ftt fmm) rapefrui 5-lb. Bag Potato Chips Blue Bell 79 c Chip for Dtps. J-pack Friskies New liver flavor eat food. : Carrots Pot soups ond stews. 3 . 29c Hubbard Squash Th ck M,0,!d ,cr bok;b3 6c :.s 235 ( Margarine Allswcct . 265 c Delioout tprcad. lb, M & M Chocolate Candies c Y7 LtL Detergent 22-01. Siie Plain or Peanut 534-ot. pkg. 29 Plain or Peanut lOVi-ot. 55c Mustard Morehouse. Add Htvsf. OC C J0'4-i. 3 Soap Cashmere Bouquet & 337 c Soap Palmolive IZ 337 c Puffed Wheat Nu Vitt 4oi , 19 c Floor Wax "uc pol"h"" Qt. 98 c Pnccs effective Monday, Feb. 1 1 thru Wednesday, Feb. 13 at Safeway in Klam ath Falls. BOYS CREW SOCKS Fine quality long wearing. 2-88 WM - Pink Both bors. Soap Palmolive 235' Vel Powdered detergent JT'i-ot. 77C Super Suds Heavy duty detergen :?r 59 c LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED 412 Main Ph. 4-0365