Naomi Shrine Advance Night Officers' "Advance Night" was ttie occasion for the meeting of Kaoml Shrine No. 8. Order o White Shrine of Jerusalem, held at the Masonic Temple Saturday, Jan. 12. Noble Prophetess Myrtle Schieferstein and Associate Watchman of Shepherds Clyde Brown were presiding officers in the East for the opening and closing ceremonies with Lois and 1 o y d Murphy, worthy high priestess and watchman of shep fterds in charge of business. Oth ei line officers advancing were Chaplain Ruth Geiss as noble prophetess; Worthy Shep herdess Edith Mitchell as chap lain, and Guide Madge Brown as worthy shepherdess. Impressive memorial services were conducted by officers in lov ing memory of deceased Sojour ners Mina Hoff, Dr. Harry Scrib ner, Irene Markham, Philip Behm, Grover Motley and Arloa Andrus. Background music was played by Alma Cofer at the pi ano as Chaplain Ruth Geiss gave a choral reading of "Near To the Heart of God" and a group of officers placed flowers on a large floral cross placed near the altar. Past officers honored and In troduced from the sidelines were Ruth Rodenberger, Luella Chil- cote, Blanche Marks, Blanche Schulze and Aura Mitchell, past worthy high priestesses, and Jim Hunter, Jack Schulze and Almon Geiss, past watchmen of shep herds of Naomi Shrine. Ruth Rodenberger was escorted to the East and presented with a gift from the Shrine honoring her recent installation as worthy matron of Tulelake Chapter Order Eastern Star. Members were entertained by a clever skit narrated bv James Hunter with Almon Geisj depicting a lowly ditchdigger singing "I'm the Child of a King." The nar ration portrayed a happy ditch digger, rich with Jesus in his heart being viewed by a woman rich only in material wealth. Following the business meeting and entertainment, refreshments were served in the dining hall by line officers, Lois and Lloyd Murphy, Myrtle Schieferstein. Ruth Geiss, Edith Mitchell and Madge and Clyde Brown. The Feb. 8 meeting will feature "Men's Night" with Helen and Frank McCornatk in charge. FBEElSSilal LESSONS for WOMEN! New Clan Starts February 18th 10 A.M. Free Instructions Free Bowling While Receiving Instruction Free Shoes Free Coffee Learn to bowl -it's fun! Call 2-5536 and Sign Up No Obligation! LUCKY LANES e 3319 So. 6th r VI M WED IN JANUARY Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. George were married Jan. 5 at Rainier, Ore. They ere making their home in Portland. Mrs. George is the former Kath leen Ann Wittwer. Photo by Columbia Photo Service, Warren p. 1 1. I V V PAGE t-B HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Sunday, February IS, 1 ZCBJ Lodge Plans Feed MAL1N Discussion of a "Ja- ternice" feed was the main sub ject on the agenda of the Jan. 26 monthly meeting of the ZCBJ Lodge, conducted by Frank Paygr, president. Frank Paygr was appointed delegate to the national convention in Chicago. Vaclav Kalina is alternate. A potluck dinner was followed hy games. The next meeting will be Feb. 17 in the Community Hall. YELLOW IS "L"' For spring and summer, yellow will be a prominent fashion color. You'll see it in knits, linens, cot tons and blends. Not pale yellow, but a bright, sunny shade that's luscious to look at. J "mmw.. r FUTURE BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. Rober' Hunt of the Henley District announce the engagement of their daughter, Virginia, to Paul Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gray of Redlands, Calif. Both young people are junior students in education at Oregon State University. She is a member of Chi Omega sorority and her fiance is affiliated with Alpha Tau Omega. Sole eorqe emnizea - lAJitlwer Uoiud WHILE YOU WAIT, your present lenses con be mounted in beoutiful new frames at very little cost. Styles change, but more important so do your eyes. 'Dr. Noles Optometrists have safe guarded the sight of Oregonians for over 58 years. While modernizing your frames, have your eyes examined, too. No appointment needed. Complete Eye Examination Convenient Credit We give Green Stamps COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 730 Main Drs, Omar J, TU 4-7121 Nolet and Robft Peterl The wedding vows of Kathleen Ann Wittwer and Robert L. George were solemnized Jan. S at the Rainier Methodist Church in an eight o'clock double ring cere mony read hy the Rev Robert Dorey. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wittwer of Rainier and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. George of Klamath Fall; are the parents of the bridegroom. Lavender and white chrysan themums and white stock were arranged in door baskotr and in altar bouquets for the ceremony Candelabra held tall white tap ers. ' I The bridal gown of silk organza was made with long sleeves and full skirt with butterfly bow at the waist buck. Seed pearls and crystals outlined I he neckline and accented the skirt at intervals. A crown of seed pearls held the el bow length veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of lavender, vamla orchids with while satin streamers. Mrs. Ronald Ogren o' Seattle. sister ol the bride, was matron of honor, dressed in a frock of lav ender satin brocade. She carried a cascade of Sterling Silver roses. Bridesmaids Nancy Wittwer and Iny ltusehraugh were dressed like the honor nltendant. Their lowers were lavender roses. Candlrlighters were Janet Kal lunki and Jill Johnson. Wedding music was played by Mrs. John Ranch. Deane Tuck, accompanied by Mrs. Tuck, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "I Lnve You Truly." For the occasion, Mrs. Wittwer anucini chose a pink brocade jacket dress with corsage of cymhidium or chid. Mrs. George wore a beige satin brocade dress and green orchid corsage. Henry Pittock of Portland was best man and ushers were Larry Stcnnick and Adolfo Velasco. After the ceremony a recep tion was held in the church parlors where decorations were Sterling Silver roses and white carnations with white bells and lavender bows. Assisting were sisters of the bridegroom, Mrs. James Creswell and Mrs. Garret Hilyard, and Charles Rnsebraugh, Mrs. Floyd Stchman. Mrs. Robert Booth, aunt lot the bride, Mrs. Leona McKay, Mrs. Henry Dunivan. Mary Ann Dunivan. Rick Vance and Ron Vance. The newlywcds spent their hon eymoon in Northern talilornia. Mrs. George wore for traveling brown two piece wool dress with beige accessories and a white cymbidium corsage. They are now at home in Portland at 2575 N. W. Marshall Street. FOR HER VALENTINE Wallace Gorham Lunt Reed n4 Barton A let eM r IUNT Jryz.z .a m S L'nasln rMMW fm J tiling hyCkSS 'iSYf '',ro THE VAl,MTINI 0lfT y fy SHE'LL TREASURE 1 f V There ire o mnv lofly ai lUNf (in toua mimtt p m m,c ncr t icmemtw and chernh your gift f-r the yean hfd. ! et ui help ou . our Bridal Rrpjtitf i v (ell ou hef vhoue of pattern, the pitift he ha, Uie gifts h n.l. ou'H emov hopping here hewme of our targe selectirtn and uide rmg6 of pruei in itetlmg. J pe. Mttingi from $30.78 (l. Inter national Heirloom Towle Drama Group To Stage. Library Club Program The Woman's Library Club of Klamath Falls will have the privi lege of special entertainment at the meeting Monday. Feb. 11, at 2 p.m. in the city library club- room. The Klamath Civic Theatre will present "Scenes and Sketches. Actors will be Nancy Hagcrman, Don K. Bohmann and Peter Lun green. The Klamath Civic Theatre was founded about two and a half years ago. The members are now interested in drama mainly as a hobby, although many studied the art in college days. Peter Lungreen. president of the theatre, studied drama at Uni versity of Oregon and was grad uated from Southern Orcjjon Co! lege. Don K. Bohmann Is a graduate of Northwestern Drama School in Chicago and has had some pro fessional acting experience. Nancy Hagcrman is a charter member of the group and is pres ently vice president. The drama group's last' pres entation was "The Man in the Dog Suit" and they are planning another comedy, "Light up the Sky." tn be presented near the last of April. Mrs. Waller Brown is program chairman for the dav and Mrs. jrr Uolonlino's Day jtm f w , V I Beautiful Hearts for your Valentino 75e to $10 pink and red, satins, foils . . . plain and fancy ell sizes, all kindsl Arch Proctor and her committee will have charge of lea. ' Mrs. Charles Martin and Mrs. Alvin Oldham will be hostesses. Admission for non - members, who arc cordially Invited, is 75 cents. Do You Know . . . One of the handiest ways to hide a full stereo speaker system: In a piece of furniture that has a useful purpose in a room. One manufacturer offers his sound equipment neatly tucked away in an attractive bench topped by two foam rubber cushions. Hold On And To Your Enjoy A COWBOY PANCAKE BREAKFAST Hat Sorvtd daily from 7 a.m. . 7 days a week. Enjoy special dollar pancake at half price . . cause they re only 50c CATTLEMAN'S CHOICE 2 horcakes, bacon, 1 egg and all the coffee you want 1.00 COWBOY SPECIAL Sirloin . itcok and eggi, browns, roost ond coffee hash 1.65 Paul Bunyan Room 'I HOTEL 205 Main SI 2 Main . . . Free Customer Parking 5th & Klamath Two Charles of the Ritz Consultants VI REED Miller's very own New York trained Charles of the Ritl coniullanr NEZ DALTON Miller's West Coast trained Chorlei of the Riti consultant $K8 The Three Faces of Revenescence. From seven teen to seventy. . . Revenescence Cream should be part of your daily routine. Revenescence protects the younger skin from drying . . . retards the loss of moisture from the older skin for a fresher appear ance. Wear Revenescence all day, everyday... whatever your age... for a timeless look of beauty. Revenescence Cream from $3.50 to $45 plus tax. BEAUTY BAR STREET FLOOR lUv-EiiplsCJ Jf L5lWl',-",' m Pendletons0 for that perfectly-put-together look! This Pendleton cover-up is the living, breathing last word in Dusters. Lined, it hangs light and easy from the shoulders, goes handsomely over anything anywhere across country and through showers, for the lofty Pcndlelite wool is water-repellent, 8-20. Or try it over our Little Suit, at right, with the suit collar outside for finish, 8-18. Country Clothes by Pendleton ALWAYS VIRGIN WOOL Assorted Chocolates i 1 lb. box $1. 2 lb. box 2 freh, delicious chocole'oi . , . . trm, f ruitt. nuti, caramels and crisp canleri Always a favorite for Valentine's Da. 5th and Main ft ' i$ ' v tv rAk DUSTER COAT 35. - f - ; 4. H' LITTLE SI-IT 35. Charge it at FREE (NVij) DELIVERY 9th ana Main Phone TU 2 3475 700 Main St. Ph. TU 4-3151 L