PAGE A Sunday, February 10, 1K3 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Orr. i6 H-37-39-42 57 HJM-77.84.8aI STAR GAZER? O16-30-34.5 -54-78-80-901 TAURUft APR. 21 MAY 21 GEMINI MAY 22 65-6874 CANCIR JUNE 23 '.ei 5- 720-25 uo ) JULY 24 jpi 4-11-14-17 My36-43.8t.87 VWOO AUG. 24 'vf. SEPT. 22 Ol'0-1M5.3J 566-69-82 89 -Br CLAY R. POLLAN- M Your Doi Activity GuiJ ' Aecordina lo fh Star. To develop message for Monday, read words corresponding lo numbers ot your iodioc birth sign. 1 Postpont 31 Bepoir 2 Read 32 Now 3 Moke 33 HanHI A Keep 3J Dt-r 5 Surpniing ?bLcrv 6 Pony .16 You'll 7 New 37Sfov 8 Date .18 RedKorot 9Aik 39 0ott 40 A 40 Or t2Wtolth 13 14 AM 15 Of . 16 Your ISMi 19 Or 20 Arvf 21 Horn ?2 Enjoyablfl 23 Or 74 Dtmr 25 U"ecped 26 0ffie 27 Fovor 2fcG-ft 29 Plant 30 Heort'i (Good &) Advene l On 4 42To 43 Overcom 44 Tools 45 Home 46 Som 47 Fir 48 If 49 You'll .SOGeti 51 Oiher 52 Accomplish 53 Whatever 54 A 55 You , SoAvked 57 Horn 58 And 59 Machines AO for 6t Abwb A?Tim A3 A,d 64 Rose 6b Do no AM 7 Philotophy S8 Your A9 After don 70 Carefully 7lHo 72 Of 73 Irt 74 B-it 75 Mind 76 Today 77 And 78 Lucky 79 Clean 80 Break 8 1 Urrecessory 82 Surrounds 83 Older 84 Old 85CLowH flo Frpends 87 Worry 89 You 90roriov ft. CUfNl OCT.' 2-13.40-al 167-72-83-88. SCOWIO OCT. 24 f, NOV. 22 r3 3- 6-19 52 C4-29-32 SA6ITTAIIUI NOV.23 ,j OK. 22 fij 133-44.47.58C: 59-70-76 VL CAMICOIN DEC. 21 zf JAN. 20 vfe 1 8-21-23-26 P1-38-79-85H.J AOUAIIUS JAN 21 W-M-33-JiA. I7I-73-7S WAR 21 .r 1- 8- 927 Jl 6 51 62 "M Urnfed Take Winfer Trout Season Proposed DlTNSMUTn - A limited - take trout season in the Sacramento River Canyon north of Shasta Lake during the winter months is advocated by the Dunsmuir Chamber of Commerce. Upon endorsing this winter fish ing season, the chamber asKod Ted Fay, chamber fish and game chairman, to draw up a resolu lion to present to the Inter-Coun ty Chamber ot Commerce of, Northern California meeting on Feb. 1!). The resolution asks that a three-trout limit per day be al lowed from Nov. 1 until the regu lar spring opening of fishing sea son. The Dunsmuir chamber believes limited winter fishing will not be a deterrent to fish life in the Upper Sacramento River and will enhance the year - around rec reation in the area. The chamber also endorsed election of members of the stale fish and game commission by district and the right of hoards of supervisors to modify by a two-thirds vote the rulings of the fish and game commission which affect their particular counties. This resolution is presently he fore the ICCCNC and slated for vote at the next meeting. Opposition to the proposed leg- islatlon known as the highway users tax was voted by the Duns muir chamber on grounds that in creased gas lax revenues realized through California's population in- flex should be adequate. The chamber also voted to oppose elimination of billboards and ad vertising signs adjacent to high ways as presently proposed in the state senate. Leslie Lcnton, chamber presi dent, reported a tremendous de mand for Dunsmuir's "fish maps" and "best Water on Earth" decals at the San Fran cisco Boat Show. He also report ed a sign on current snow depth at Alt. Shasta, the only major ski development in California with adequate skiable snow, attracted hoards of winer sports enthusiasts. Nuclear Power Necessary To Boost Space Exploration Flights EDITOR'S NOTE: II has hern charged that the United States Is moving too slowly to ward development of a nuclear rocket that it may lose the race la the planets In its pre occupation with reaching the moon. The following dispatch by a t'PI space expert explores the situation. By JOSEPH L MYLER United PrcNs International WASHINGTON lUJ'D - Space experts agree that only the atom's fantastic energy can put men on Mars or fly them around the more distant planets of the solar system, But after eight years of search and development, and an expenditure of $400 million, a re- liable nuclear rocket is not yet a certainty. A few years ago optimists were predicting that a nuclear rocket would be tested in flight as early as HIM. A far more realistic guess now is infiB. ommuni (L L enaar MONDAY MONDAY GREAT BOOKS DISCUSSION CLUB, 7:30 p.m.. city library. St. Thomas Acquinas Treatise on Law. ORDER OF RAINBOW GIRLS. 7:30 p.m.. meeting, initiation. Scottish Rite Temple. Wear for-j mals. DEGREE OF HONOR, 7:30 p.m., business meeting and Val entine party, K.C. Hall. KLAMATH SPORTSMEN'S AS SOCIATION, regular meeting. Shasta Grange Hall, 7:30 p.m. Movies. lakeview Bridge Players Top List If that first flight turns out to be an unqualified success, it still will take at least two years more of intensive testing before anyone can say the rocket is dependable enough and safe enough to trans Kirt human beings on missions deep in hostile space. At the present rate of progress, by the time nuclear rockets are proven and available the first men should long since have land- ed on the moon. By that time, however, the United States may have decided lo explore Mars. Boosters of. atomic energy profess certainty that it will be broken to space harness and ready for the mis sion. Under Review At the moment, the nuclear rocket development schedule being reviewed while experts study what happened in the mast recent firing of a flightless pro totype engine at the atomic prov ing ground in Nevada. Six experimental rocket reac tors have been ground-tested so far, and project managers expect to "consume" 30 to 40 more be fore a flight test is attempted. When the seventh firing will take place, however, has not been de cided. I There are those who believe atom-powered rocket stages might have become available if only more money and effort had been committed for the Apollo pro gram to land men on the moon before 1970. But when the space race began, the only rockets available either to Russia or the United States were chemically fueled. So both countries based their programs so far on the chemical rocket technology, which was a legacy of World War II. Cannot Wait When the United States decided to make a lunar landing the main j space business of the 1960s, offi cials concluded they could meet the schedule only with chemical rockets. They couldn't wait, they figured, until a brand new atom ic rocket technology was per fected. Why should they have to wait? Atomic energy obviously is far greater, pound for pound, than that extractable from the best chemical flels. One pound of fissionable urani um, for example, contains 10 mil lion times the energy in a pound of gasoline. And the concept of, a nuclear reactor is fairly sim ple. You merely heat a propel- lant. hydrogen, in a reactor core and expel it through a nozzle. But the atom is by nature in tractable, and dangerous. It would take a 10-million-pound all-chemical rocket system to send an exploring party to Mars. Substitution of a nuclear stage would cut the weight to one mil lion pounds. Such a saving in just one Mars mission, the experts say, would more than repay all the cost of developing and producing the nu clear rocket. Problems Formidable So why not barge ahead with an all-out crash program to make! a nuclear rocket? The engineer ing difficulties are, as the project managers say, formidable. What's wanted at the outset is a com pact reactor generating tempera tures at least twice those asked ol any ground based or ocean going atomic plant. Logger Killed MILL CITY. Ore. i UPI '-Ken neth Lawrence Brand, 2-', Mill City, was killed Thursday in a logging accident in the Little North Fork region north of here. State police said Brand, a chok: er setter, was crushed between two logs. ' 1 a 07c 1 v&tjtrtiTWMtf&rtiiftj -Three Lakeview d u p I i c a I ejMrs. N. F.. Retteralh-Mrs bridge players figured prominent- Harry (both Lakeview). W among those placing in tnurna- ments at the Lakcshore and Klamath Bridge clubs this past week, headed by Mrs. Layne Bin- nion who placed second with herlFumo-Dr. husband at the Klamath Bridge EW. I. L. S. Club Saturday night and repent ed as runnerup with Ethel Davis in the north-south section of the early bird tournament at the Lakcshore BC last Tuesday. Mrs. N. E. Retteralh and Mrs. L. S. Barry, also of Lakeview, placed third in the east-west section of the same tournament. ' Iona Robertson and Dick Briggs posted the highest per centage of the ween with a 702 score at the Uikcshore Club Thursday evening. ' Complelc results last week: Iikeshnrc 'early bird'. NS. I, lna Smith-Mary Ramp; 2, F.lhel Davis-Layne Binninns M.ake virw; 3, Mrs. II. O. .lurkeland Mrs V. C. Rcxlnid EW, I. Mrs. II. II. Schaolfer- Mrt W. I). Harlan; 2. Jane F.nglcbard Phllis Goakry: 3, Lakcshore BC (Thursday i NS, I, Leona Robertson - Dick Briggs; 2. Dorothy Rogers-Mrs. William Grove: 3. Father Hal Gerald Nicholson. Ruth Jones Mrs. Eight Children Die In Blaze Slanley Miller; 2. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golshall; 3, Anne Briggs Katie Lake. Klamath BC, I. Emily Yuen Anne Briggs; 2. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Binninn iLakevipwi; 3, Pearl Drew-Mary Drew; 4, Fath er Hal Fumo-Dr. Gerald Nichol son. WINNING SCORES LAST WEEK (per cent) Leona Robertson-Dick Briggs Ukeshore RC. 70 8; Mrs. II. H. Schaelfer - Mrs. W. I). Harlan iLakeshore BC'. BS2; Emily Yuen-Anne Briggs (Klamath BO, M 0; Ruth Jones Mrs. Stanley Miller i Lakcshore BC'., .; lna Smith Mary Ramp iLnkcshnrr H('i, .18 3. BEST SCORE THIS YE Alt Dorothy Rogers - Anne Rnggs i Klamath BC. Jan. 26' 72 4. Rock Halts Fleeing Boy TORONTO. Onl. HIPD - Eight children died Saturday In a fire that destroyed their two-story at ladled home in the citv's Wen End Tlie victim', children of Roy French, JR. and his wile, Effie, 1 were identified as Ann. 17. Al- Ka,-I IR VltroiM 11 Alltn II John, 10.' Linda. '. Sharon, ,' and ' Mk.lh' n"'s'" was no lie-- aricr neing suiprisrn in 'the act of breaking into a coin EWAUNA TOASTM1STRESS. 30 p.m., meeting, Winema Ho tel. Visitors welcome. DEGREE OF HONOR, 7:30 p.m., installation, K.t . Hall, wear iormals. OREGON LICENSED PRACT1 CAL NURSES, Area fi, 7.30 p.m.. Community Unince. ( llll.()(l IN PTA, 7.30 p.m. Founders Dav program. Chiloquin tirade School. Film and spcakei HENLEY BOOSTER CLUB. 8 p.m.. meeting. Hcnky t aieiena. TUESDAY GIRL SCOUTS. 7:13 to 8:15 p.m., splash parly, KUHS pool. JOLLY NEIGHBORS. 8 pm . Valentine recipe exchange, Belle Franklin, 5M0 Harlan. OTI FACULTY WIVES AND WOMEN'S CLUB, 7.30 p.m., stu dent lounge. CITY FACULTY CLUB. 8 p.m.. Exchange student lo speak, home if Mrs Ray llunsaker. ALOHA CHAPTER. OES. 8 pm, slater! meeting, Masonic Temple. HOTM, Chapter 4.17, 7 .10 p.m.. tnrndship meeting. Moose Home. SOCIAL CLUB. Veterans ol WW I Auxiliary. I p.m.. Gladys Fer roll. 2424 Radclille. Bring srwinj materials. BRACH'S HEART BOX ASSORTED CHOCOLATES FULL POUND Brach's BIG BAGS CINNAMON IMPERIALS "RED HOT" t C 25 BRACH'S EXTRA FANCY LACE & CORSAGE Heart Chocolate ASSORTMENT BOX ajf Mb. CORSAGE HEART BOX CHOCOLATES Mb. Favorite Assortment 2.95 "1.85 Conversation Heart Candies . BIG BAGS llfJvf ) RIPIN' GOOD COOKIES PARTY PERFECT BIG BAGS BIG ASSTMT. INDIVIDUAL VALENTINE CARDS Terrific Selee- fl UP TO But o rtn J 4&.UU lion HURRY! 32 pk. School Valentines 39c Hurry for Children's Valentines VALENTINE Party Napkins AT PAY LESS 29cl99 120 - 620 - 127 KODACOLOR FILM SISCO-HAMILTON HEART BOX CHOCOLATES BIG (ch cr7r BOX H V7C dtrhBg (Q) if SALE! Dotes Effective Feb. 10-11-12-13 Inc. FAMOUS WHITMAN'S SAMPLERS WITH VALENTINE BAND LESS L HEART BOXED CHOCOLATES 2 LB. BOXES . HEART BOX U POUND WHITMAN'S "LITTLE SWEETHEART" WHITMAN'S HEART BOX CHOCOLATES Deluxe Assortment ONE POUND BOX . . . 275 Tftl WHITMAN'S HEART BOX CHOCOLATES DEIUXE ASSORTMENT COKSAGf 1 SATIN BOX I'l POUNDS . WHITMAN'S MINIATURE SAMPLER VALENTINE WRAPPED 5oo .... 25' AND SAVE! Shop SundayA n n 6 AINGTOMylLECTH ROLL-AMATIC 25 E.C ( I t II, 11.(11 WEDNESDAY I.ES AUXILIARY 12 noon, lum-lionr MEDFORD (UPP - A I.Vyear jold Mrdfnrd boy w-as in a hospital Friday wilh severe head injuries suffered when a city police olficer felled him ith rork Police Bill. 4. Their parents were lakcn lo hospital suffering shock. French as unable to rescue any of his children when the fire started about t a m. EST. The mother returned home from work lo find her home destroved and rhilrttent dead About 100 firemen hatllcd the fire in 10-bclnw degree weathe and brought it under control bv 4 a m. machine at a Self-Service Lniin-drv. According lo reports. Ihe ollicer olvserved the youth crouched in Ironl of a nun m.ohine about 1 12 25 a m Friday. Tlie ollicer placed Ihe hoy un der at rest, look a rotk nod chis el from him and started to lead him lo a patrol car As they neared Ihe car, t h e youth broke away. Tlie ollicer throw his llashlight, lulling but not slopping him. The ollicer then threw the only thine left in his I hand. Ihe rock w hich he bad tak S M.EM U'Pl' - Orecon lrgiv;Cri Irom Ihe boy. lalnrs will be nked to decide1 " "l'l '" m Ihe b.nk ot whether they think Congress: 'be "ed and he tell He was should enact a medical care fur : Liken lo the police walion. where the accd program through the be was treated by a divtor lor a Social Security plan. ; laceration of Ihe scalp. When the A memorial ureint! Oinmns. in !"' complained ot timmess. lie Medicare Plea SOJOURNERS. 1 2 p m , luncheon meeting. Willjrd Hotel. Cards lollowing Newcomers wel come MILLS SCHOOL ITA. 2 t.i p m . Founders Dav, Mills aiuiitoruinv Speaker, Louis on hospi tal plans KLAMATH COUNTY HISTORI CAL SOCIETY. 8 p m . lecture room. Counly Library. W. B. Sweetland. spc.ikcr. KENO HOME EXT. UNIT. Id .'.0 a m , pollm-k. Credit Ituv ins No 2. liulh Heiilerer. .1710 MiHhvon. CAR. " p m . meeting, guesl nigbl. KelH'k.ih Picrson. 2:17 Hill- , Interested hmmiis invttel. enacl Ihe program was intro ducod in the Oregon House by Rep. Richard Kennedy, D-Eugene. was rushed to the A charge of larcein was being lilcd against ihe youngster t"i r ...... ., . - ItX .WW Frtthtrf ' mm. Headquarters For Barbie Doll Houses Sports Cars Barbie & Ken Dolls And All Other Accessories J. W. Kerns 734 Sa. 6th TU 4.417 m rstiAi -f i big lic j ASSTMT. LI I X WEST jT BEND 5J VJr i V AUTOMATIC FRY PANS mJT i complete with fi m f , ' 4 I V 3 f ! SUPER POWER SHAVERS I C19 95 Valu? 1 M1 ULsJlLZ uxm dilui j ; I 7y.a,u.e M 13 PRESCRIPTION DRUGSTORES H ZV,50""CI J kmZA0f& toni 1988i A u uXTLnxuXTLT ns & " GENUINE TOASTMASTER K lm T? watches . r ASfJK ;7S'J m'-' Valentine tl 1 fine nylon hosiery! !pVf aar,,s B Vtj jfgss sife sssmm 34 1.35 k m C88 B M . choose today HmiiineJ C QQ 75 REVLON INTIMATE SPRAY MIST 3.00 f a I -I :rs 5 ls$ L desert flower toilette water 2.50 c U rrS LESS w' ANGELQUE 3 SCENT GlpT SET 2.50 1 4 terrific selection on all famous revereware A ''do V"S SHALIMAR PERFUME 6.00 r ) THE LATEST & GREATEST Sauc'e pANS G f9 DETCHEMA FRENCH PERFUME 6-00 p I RECORD ALBUMS 599 z . AU THE FAVORITES . POPULAR fl il( ' . n K ' V 2''" COUNTRY WESTERN . FOLK SONGS 4JWT V V - l ll A JT m m TU -AlC H t s&t '4 r'lifcm .Sn -OTy . . J Z -'. -; 1 THE GlfT OF LASTING love: DELUXE J PC 9k. RC, rttJVI five thon I'Aimont. Choose vK-, L X LUXURY NYLON -. fgV3'75 ft . range of fragrance M'f V C i' 9,12 ROOM SIZE NYLON r 1 t"1 "i8ift-wroppedfor hfY L ' '- imBBa.. h jT Volentme $ dov. , 'i ..34- CARPETS BATHROOM .V oy. LU- l Sj K I , RUG SETS UiXAn. M.,edP...,,.5rn 0,7 S 7 W frftj C0L0RS T0 MKE HER WITH LARGE BATH V t, " " ' I r, "JiX EYS SPARKLE! FINEST RUG - TOILET cover 9 JtWEL RftVr f.vr, Powder. I m, 1 ilW.jk'A k DEEPUFOAM QUALITY. t toilette rug: I wh L B0XS Ww.O.. Lv-MIP L RUBBER J- A.E2TTTT Ar 1C7 V At wiL'" T" w.dW V$1 L CUSHIONED 4!'S BMll pay J 5 K TifO i Cmurm,,iu, Vtw-. t Z HEEDED LE J) ff "V J tZ iWlJ taa"M'IIIM"a'"MaMh"'A- "fiTiT i-rilTtm Mini iiiiinitiLL.Jini.liji.i....- ii.iii . LjtilljijLJXjJ SOCIAL , Eagles