I V-iUJvO UJL-JU smoothly that means postal S what time is it) dock right 'iSaMffiHllL "Break that S .o'clock I Some folks deposit big stacks M clerks are swamped with vright noiuYi up there Hf$ ) habit" I wonder ( I know ) I of letters right at 5 oclock J juork right at quitting time. J BTT sTr cA vp -r 1 '" ?-fwfT1 ISPfSr7Sf Ifll riaddresutl1K ) ALhl I llll5?3 f Mister I hope So you did fne didn't seemY Nope. Betted If youd help me, Id be ,p and you lick the J ff'Vf. l-ets 9'1m weH vou notice we Miss. Its only I too impressed J try to qet 'em we could cooperate I glad si "SgkJir YtOill' JUS mak broke the "f we I a quarter to J did he Slim' J In at 4:30 ll?cX " I IT'S A DEAL- J'LL MOW H THE NXT SUUMEfz. 1 z E,4DINS THE BANP ?T 5HC DOESN'T NOU I I EUT,&fZt WHAT A COHW&MZC J -r- ONE" NOTE FTOfl WOTHEfr ' J L. BACHELOR NEEP WITH IN504NCE ?r ' f"f HHW--1UII i lifer n -7 Q Hrvr i