Even Wonder Drugs But Medicines Can CHICAGO UPI There's an old saying among physicians: "Treat a cold and you'll be over It in seven days. Leave it alone and it will last a week." Despite the $M million a year ppent by Americans on nostrums and remedies to cure the common cold, that old rule still applies, the: American Medical Associa tion AMA says. Jin an age of "wonder drugs" ijian is no more able to cure the cjmimnn cold than were the an cjnit Chinese, who inhaled vapors Irom a broomstraw plant; the In dian medicine man who shook tattles and chanted incantations; or the .Medieval physician, who drained oft a pint or so of the Victim's blood. Patent cold remedies some times ease cold symptoms. They generally consist of pain killers, (ever reducers, antihistamines, de HUlftCIH! DIHSECTOSIY For week - KLAMATH COUNTY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION b.u I wrne T. Holmart, First Church ni'ihe Nirene, president; Rev. Warren W. Prchman, Hope Lutheran Church, vice president; Rev. ROM" l. Jinn, ... i-h-.tian rhnrch. McreTflrv-trenn- Mnminn hulnass meeting l held r lint Wednesday of each month In tjie various churches. : ifl A MATH GOSPEL MISSION Dnrnni ft I the mission is reaching "The Lest. The Least, end The Lost" i.h. Drtnn. rilrertor 71 Walnut Street Ph. TU J-4M5 Post Ofhce Box 117 KtemMh Falls A 30 m Broadcast on Station KFLW Monday throuqh Saturday t iimh. Minhtlw nrwthlna 8:45 a.m. Broadcast on KAGO, Monday Ihrough Friday ; SALVATION ARMY 400 Klamath Avenua Phone TU 4 eW1 . Capt. and Mrs. Del E. Johnson Commending Ottlceri Sunday: JS p.m. Sunday School 11 :00 a m. Hnltness Meeting T no p m Street Service 7. JO p.m. Evangelistic Meeting : ASSEMBLYOF GOD Uh Oak Street Pav, Llovd Fosner . j$ k m. Sunday School n mi m. Worship Servlc pm Christ's Amhassador 30 pm Evangelistic Rally :; BAPTIST, BIBLC Conservative Baptist ". IBM Wlaid PH TU 4-4l Rev. Freeman Schmltt ' s a m. Sunday School 1100 a m. Morning Worship " , on nv Rapllsl League 7.00 j.m. tvenlng Service baptistTcalvary F Matn and Garden Rtv hern P. Winn Res 170 MfCtellen Street Phnne TU ? ftiM C etn, Sunday Srhool ft no a m. Morning Worship t M pm. Tratnlnq Union 17.30 p.m. Evening Worship I BAPTIST CHURCH, FIRST - Mark P. Jones, oastor Ifh end Waihlnoton Phone TU 4171 - 4 m Sunday School l no a m. Worship a no p m. Iraloiiwi Union 7. IS p nv Traininq Worship BAPTIST CHURCH GRACE MISSIONARY oiine Community Hall Olene i Elder C V. Biancherd, pastor 413$ Harlan Drive, parsooagt Phone TU 4 106 Oft a m. Sunday Srhool )i no a m. Wor-hlp Servko 7.00 p m. Bible Study BAPTIST, IMMANUCL Conservative Baptist Assn. 11th llld Miqh Phone TU lU ; Rev. Wtlllam F Cross e i a m Sunday Srhnol 11 00 a m Morning Worship a no pm Ynunq People1 Vetting 7.00 p m Evening Worship BAPTIST. MISSIONARY 4U4 Douglas Finer Bill H. Devi Jill p.Um Phone TU 4 MM i a m -.Sunday Srhool 11 PD urn Morning. Worship A ivi r m Training Union 7 CO p m Sunday Evening Service . BAPTIST, STEWART-LENOX K. ft West, nalor Corner rtnt-qlas "! t-nitrild Phno Ttl 7-1SU IS e m r.i.nrtity V rionl " Jl rm a m Vrrnlng Worhlp ; .a io n m -B T U . 10pm Evening Worship BAPTIST CHURCH SUBURBAN HEIGHTS -' SnHherrt Baptist Convention 'Cl'm'a Oranna Rv. D. .1 Mar 9 4S am Sunday Srhnnl l en m Wnmlng Worship ff pmtrainmg llnliv 00 p rn Evening Worth p CALVARY TIMPLI nrroon A.urm Pev Orl tiTih. Psirvr 10 00 a "i tinrfav Sthnol -t v an - 7 JO p in Wednesday Bbie SUnty CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. PIUS X Rv Geo. Murphy BrUloi Ave Pnone Tit 4 CO j 7 in. no ad 11 00 am. and 7 ifl i 00 and 9 00 a m. and 7 W p m Holy Of) rtd 9 m a m. and 5 JO p m. f trsl 1S,n1Y Vim' ! W i :0, J 10 anrl $ Xl Saturday Con if it.iviS J 'O, und I id d fves nf Holy Pavs "d Ftrsl Frlrlny Confairns and he'nra ti Mioses, Sundays, Moly Oays a"d Fki f HrUyl METHODIST CHURCH, FIRST Srv Ksipn M. R-(hardnn f-fi N-rMi IfXri M Phone TU 4-40'1 io m m Pivma Wn'fup Vi a ni .-.Sunday Sfhrl ' )t r-Q a n -Divine Wfrihip -; CHRISTIAN CHURCH, FIRST Profit L. John. Minute' , 9h t Pm Phone TU 4 U31 . ' " IS em -.PMe Sf hor.) Ji rn a m Vnrnlng Worship . ft -n r m -An,, i p. hie Mi,d " A p m -f hnuinn I ndvOf V JO p m tvfmng Wnrih'p CHRISTIAN CHURCH, SUBURBAN ''IS Sn( Way I ee f.ha'er, minuter " i a m .,indav School ' r " -fiMa Study A C F 11 or m An'shlp Srviit ' 7. JO p m. Evening Servite CHRISTIAN SCIENCE aid Wath.nglnn phnn TU 4 (U?l RfM og Rnr..n Si Me"S Street Thnna Tit 4-5797 It O a m .Si"iAy Vhnnt II on a m Vnrn.ng Strvire I W pm Wednesday Test'mony Meet ing CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 4;;i e-nioi Avem Phre nt 's1 tec Carl S'mmms, Mmuer 9 . m .r.ndav S hrW 11 m m Worship ServXt i 00 p m Youth congestants, vitamins, cough med icines, rubs, gargles, antibiotics. Comments On Remedies In the January, 19fil, issue of its magazine, "Today's Health." the AAIA made these comments about ingredients in cold reme dies: Pain killers: Makes you feel better but does nothing for the cold. May cause nausea, dizziness or more dangerous side effects. Kevcr reducers: Kevcr hardly ever accompanies a cold; may bring on ills even worse than the cold. Antihistamines: Helpful for al lergies but useless for colds: can impair judgment, cause dizziness, drowsiness, headache. Decongestants: May temporar ily stimulate freer breathing but boomerang congestion may occur, starting a cycle of pill-congcstion-pill; may cause sinus infection; day services, please GIDEONS C. R Larson, President Phone TU 4-5003 or TU 4-MBJ for time and place or Information. Meetings Third Sunday of the month, CATHOLIC CHURCH SACRED HEART Rloht Rev. T. P. Casey, Pastor 115 High St. TU 4-4H6 Sunday Masses: 7, I. f:30, 11, IMS; 7:30 p.m. Weekday Masses: 7 and lam. Saturday Confessions: 3-4:30 and 7-1:30 CHURCH OF CHRIST (Every member a minister) 1771 Arthur Street TU 1-1140 10:00 a.m. Bible Classes 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship :30 p.m. Evening Worship CHURCH OF CHRIST C. Weyna Lowe, minister TU J-0374 Wantland and Martin 9:45 a.m. Blhla Study 10:45 a.m. Lord's Supoer 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Rev. W. F. Golden Allamont and Maryland Street in 00 a m, Sunday Srhool 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship A'10 p.m. Younq People 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service CHURCH OF GOD, FIRST ?0? Allamont Drive T. Charles and Irene Buckle, pastors :45 a m. Sunday School 10:45 a m. Churh Services 10:45 a m. Junior Church (vnuth room) A:1S p m. Youth Fellowship 7:00 p m. Evangelistic Service FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH United Church of Chrljt 7154 Garden St. Phone 7U 7 337A Rev. Oiuon Hawtev. Minister lo i a m Churrh Srhool 10 45 a m Worship Service EPISCOPAL CHURCH ST. PAUL'S Finhih and Jetlarnn Rev. Robert l. Grne, Rerfor Til 4 3515 H on a m, Holy Communion f: IS a.m. Family Service and Church srhool 11.00 a m. Morning Worshln (Nursery at :I5 and 11:00) 7 ftfl p m. Fplscopal Young Churchmen w p m. Fvening praver fh Sunday) 7 an a m. Thursday Holy Communinn 10 00 a m Thursday Mlv Communion FAITH TABERNACLE Rev. F. J Rloby. Pastor 510 Shasfa Wav 10 M n m Sunriav Srhool M on a m Morning Wnrshln 7:30 p m Yrung People's Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p m Evening Worship GOSPEL MISSION fr THE UNITED HOLY CHURCH OF AMERICA ?St Cnmmarrlal S'reet Rev. C. M Ttmms. pator in no n ni Sunday School It on a m Morning Worship a 30 p rr. Sunday Young People's Serv Ire 7 10pm Sunday Fvenlng Servlra FREE MfTHOOIST CHURCH leu firpnnn A"nue C O Trtfnaln. Pafnr Ph. TU 4 At? t 4S m Sunday Srhool iron m m Morntno Worship A W p m y p Service 7 00 p m Evening St. vice KINGDOM HALL lhowah's Wlfne-s IJ1 Nnrth Ninth Street PMIr Talk is Watchtov.fr Study no n , 3 IS p i KLAMATH TfMPLF 1007 Pl-i PhAn TU 4 i:S Bay F Imer ( rtf nr t Oft m 5n,idav do Rrnadratt t JS a m Sunday Srhnnt 11 00 a m AWmng Wflrhln on n m Overrnmr Service A 00 p m Sunday f A Vmii'd Panpte ' m m - Sunday Fwenino Wnrshln 7 Wl p m -Wednesday Mid Weak Sen HIAMATH GOSPFI CEWTEr 1?S Mitcalt Phr" Ttl jnrja Rev I'Hnn w r,nM.ih 10 ao a rn Smday Srhnnt H "O m imday s'nrninn Wnrhi) 7 V p m Sunday N.oht Worship CMIIRfH nr irns CHRIST OF LATTfR DAY AINTJ Home v1 Mrt'n Phnn TU 4-4HSS KI'S trif Ward Dauid J Oavn Phnn Ttl I tnt ..Si,ndav. r-a-ih-' V m undav rh(wl 5 00 p m Sacramant Meeting CHURCH f JEtlS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Hom a-d Vrtn Phn Tl 4 4 Kiamain FI PI-nnd W-d punnp .mnrnm httpr f, fh T( fjtp ''" -viiniav, f-i.thftfi It ho a m ,pnrtav Srhnnl 7 00 p m -Sacramwnt Meeting REORGANIZED CMiiRfH nt irns C"R'T OF LATTR DAY SAINTS and pi. it a m Si.w(v J, hnftl " on M m ..(1,ncto vt 7 10 p m ..F.Haninq Wortnlp LlfTHrftAM. Mppr W. w. Pechmeo, Pear ' u 7 Til 4 si-it ,tn st,t a.tii Mmadle Boad I n-Mv n arh LUTHERAN. KLAMATH hts ffo'ent leWfV A' PcM I rlor TU 4 li-J e Im ..V'nfliy It rtrat 0 aod II l m Vnrh,p Urv re fourth VindayHoly fommu'on trsl end filth Sundav H'oarHat LUTHERAN. ZlON (the I uie-at (hi,f(B.iMM"i yodl Fieve'h and H-qh Straes Norhrt t rev Patftr tu e s am V.nday Srhwl II 00 em n,vin VVo-th.ft MlltMi.K TKMH.K VH Deiawara Bev a-td Mr Mn Pirs, Patnr fl 00 a m - Sund-v S hnl 11 op a m VKVr..p srr(B ; ifl "im -f nn)f)iti( f,rrw(e 00 P m iog re"T'e I 'ft-ig 7 . p m 1uedy ( hi Stwdy M p m - Prtflav Se- v e Fail To Cure Common Cold, Ease Distressing Symptoms nose drop form can allow oil to slip into lungs, causing pneumo nia. Vitamins: Supplementary vi taminsin or out of cold reme diescan neither keep you from getting a cold or help you get rid of one. Antibiotics: Worthless against virus-caused disease; may cause allergy: may create bacterial im- Baker On List WASHINGTON (UPI) - Ore gon's Baker area was one of 19 labor markets added to the list of high unemployment areas and made eligible for federal aid to day by tl Labor Department. The Moses Lake area of Wash ington also was added to the list. The additions boosted to 20fi the number of high unemployment areas in the country. call the church of your choice CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE OF BLY George Simon, Pastor. Blv f-45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 4:30 p.m. Sunday Young Peoples Meet log 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, FIRST Garden and Martin Phone TU 4-4870 Rev. Lawrence T. Holman 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. N.Y.P.s. and Junior society 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, LAKESIDE Quarry and Acosta Streets W. R. Trusty, Minister 45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Praver Meeting Branch Sunday School and church at Rocky Point Grange Hall. 2:15 p m. Sunday School 3.00 p.m. Worship Service PENTECOSTAL j CHURCH OF GOD 4637 Shasta Way TU 2-41A3 Rev. Lawrence D Haddock 9:45 am. Sunday School i 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship i 7 no p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Bihie Study and Prayer PILGRIM HOLINFSS CHURCH i WEAVER MEMORIAL Rev. Sherman Moore 3301 Wantland TU 4-5514 9 45 a m. Sunday Schnol H.OO a.m. Morning Worship 10 p m. Youth Service 7 00 p m. Evening Service PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, FIRST A01 P.ne Strfet Rev. Robert C. Cimvts, Mlnilr t.W a.m. Church School class Inr al ages 11,00 a m. Worship, Nursery and story nour PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. J 30 p m. Westminster Fellowship, Jun ior high and hitjh srhool MT. LAKI COMMUNITY Andrew A Jarvts. Pastor Ph. TU 7 1710 t:45 a m Sunday Schnnl II 00 a m Worship Service no p m Junior High and Junior Youth Fellowship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PEACE MEMORIAL 441t S. Alh TU 4-5057 Rev. taing W Slhhet 9 .10 a m. Church School and Worship service 11 00 a m Churth School and Worship service 7 00 pm Junior High Wetmln!r Fel lowship 7 00 p m. Senior High Westminster low ship SEVENTH DA f ADVENTIST 1715 Main Phone TU 4 7BJ Flder Kenntth H McVav 1 30 am Saturday Sabbafh Sthnnl It 00 a m Saturday Morning Worship UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Ben Kerns, Pres HI 4 T?fl Pma Grove Meetmghnuse taVpViw H wv Proqrams every Sunday 11 00 a m Fellowship Program and Dls- 11 00 a r -Junior Fellowship for alt ages Classes YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST 1717 N'lma'fc Re.' Fllie ShHhv 10 00 a m Sunday Srhno 11 00 a m Momma VSorthlp 7 JO p m Fvening Worihip VICTORY TEMPLE Silas M Jnnf. pmtnf 190 Hnmedale Road s am Sunday Schnol 11 00 a m Sunday Worship 7 W p m - Sunday f vanari".t.r Rally BEATTY " BEATTY METHOniST MISSION Rev I -On Pai ahly 11 00 a m Sunday Srhnnl and Vnrhn tam.iy ntght lat WMnsday of eacl BLY ASSEMBLY OE GOD CHURCH Wiph Qfniro (nnlor 'ft 00 a m Sunday S. hrvv 11 no a m ivorihm sy,,, t Oj p m -univ rvrinnfinl r 7 10 p m -VMneday Or.j AmMta- 7 p m - Frtdav n'Me Study er mpftmg ind Pray MY CATHOLIC CHtlRfH ST. JAMES THE APOSTLE v Harold Fumn 00 e m - Vais BONANZA ASSFMBLY OF ROD BONANZA COMMUNITY T Klfm-.f ven.nq ,?r ( p Cathoiic ruiiurM ST. f. y r ABRINI ' Nnna'Ta CHILOOUIN ASSEmii v rt r,on CH" nnuiN V) p -Pvaooeiira) Vft. a I ATTfO DAY A 'NT CHI'RrM. CMItrVMHN V m - S Sr,rtrtl v' urTMnnisT rHiicrw CHILVUtN COMMUNITY CATHOLIC CMUfH OUR LY Or mt C ARMFL Bf, W.irt Ft-" Ch -Iru.-S e -a , munity, making them worthless against germ-caused disease. Cough medicines: You can get the same effect by sucking a lemon drop; oilier ingredients may cause stomach irritation, lung infection. Gargles: Worthless against a cold because the infection is deep inside the body. Rubs: "Application of oint ment to the chest is foolishness." Misuse of cold remedies can mask serious illness, the AMA said. Measles, polio, influenza, parrot fever. Q-fcvcr and strepto coccal infections begin with cold symptoms. What to I In What to do if you are among the 85 per cent of the popula tion which gets colds each year. The AMA advises: Take a hot bath, drink a glass of hot milk or lemonade, go to bed. use sleam OPEN BIBLE STANDARD CHURCH, CHILOQUIN Rev. James Rlnqselh, pastor 9 45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship ;jo p.m. Evangelistic Service D0RRJS FREEWILL BAPTIST, FIRST i North California St. Dorris. Calif. Pastor, Rev. Robert H. Hlddle EX 7-295? iu:uu a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Younq People's Service 7:30 p m. Evening Worship DORRIS HOUSE OF PRAYER 1 South Oregon Avenue Dorris, Calif.! Kev. Haitle Scherer, Pastor 9:45 e m. Sundav School I 11:00 a m. Morning Worship ! :30 p.m. Younq People's Meeting 7 30 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7;30 p.m. Friday Gospel Service ! BAPTIST, FIRST W. B. Russell, pastor 9:45 .m. Sunday School. Lee Harring ton in charge 7:00 p m. Sunady, Training Union, OMti Middaugh director Sunday I evening worship service CATHOLIC VIURCH OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL Rev. C. F. O'Connor. Paitnr 11:15 a.m. Sunday Mass FORT KLAMATH METHODIST CHURCH FORT KLAMATH COMMUNITY Rev. Albert E. Place 9 W a m. Mornino Worhm 10 JO a m. Sunday School LANGELL VALLEY ST. BARNABAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rill Miln,, lay vlcur 10 10 nv-Mornlno Worship anrl ctiurth LOR ELLA " FULL GOSPEL. LORELLA Rv. Euctr-ite A W'll.i, patlor 9 S a m. Sunday School II 00 a m. Morning Worship 7.45 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship MACDOEL MACDOEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Henry G. Kl, no M 10 00 a m.- 11 00 a m. 7 . JO p .m - EX 1231 Sunday Scooot Morning Wonhtp Evening Worship MALIN ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, MALIN Joseph Boyle, Pastor IS a r .Sunday School ii on a m - Morninq Worship C. A Service -Sunday Evening Worh-p Wednesday Praver Aeeling A 1 p m -7 W p m -7 JO p m.- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MALIN COMMUNITY Pew. rthan Wh rman R H a m Sunday Schnnl 11:00 a m -Worship Servua MERRILL ASSEMBLY OF GOD, MERRILL Howard Pf!eron Pastor Ph 79R-SRia tP 00 a m Sunday School 11 W a m Morning Worship 7 45 p m Evangelistic Service CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. AUGUSTINE'S Merrill F a'tier Vmnl C. Eqan 00 a m Sunday Va 10 Op a m Sunday Maw PRESBYTERIAN, MERRILL, FIRST ' IS a m Churrh School M 00 a m worship Srrvxe S 00 pm. t,nn' Vnuth Felinws I S p m -Senior Youth F-ellowsh NEWELL BAPTIST. NEWELL CONSERVATIVE Hnwa'd w fih, pvtnr "i Sirndav Schocv m Mnrn.nrj vnrhip m T rir.nq (Impn m Evening Service SPRAGUE RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH, SPRAGUE RIVER 11 no a 10 p J JO p Pattnr, f vrrt .t "i Sundav fool n9 "O Stvi,- 1 in pi, ' vi r s a i I . "O S.r. TULELAKE ASSEMBLY OF GOO Prv C-)f"o Wahr'.nri o it Ptinnt fV :n is a II on J r Wf-vSip art CM- i BAPTIST CHURCH. FIRST siscwl '.Sif II rm '-ni.,.1 v J H p - Lvfn -.a rVii - s HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH T fir i t Alii....... C P OCiVi-inr. pilr StU.v nr.1 t i- . . CHURCH OF CHRIST TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH y . n, A 1, ' 1 ft 'hi. 1 ift.i ' i m rt v .h s PRISBYTIRIAN, COMMUNITY lorr IS am l Ki.'rh V pm -YtHith f-lrOri WILLIAMSON RIVER MITHODI ST MISSION WILLIAMSON RIVtft as a vaporizer, avoid spreading your cold to others. Dr. Noah D. Fabricant, writing in the March, 1938, Journal of Otolaryngology, reported that al cohol reestablishes circulation in nasal membranes, provides com fort, induces drowsiness and pro moles a desire for rest. "Although. ..alcohol is obviously not a cure.. .its beneficial role., can neither be minimized nor dis missed." he said. In any case, many a physician's own cold remedy is an aspirin tablet, a shot of whisky, and bed. r Class Plans For Reunion Plans are progressing rapidly Inr tlie reunion of the KUHS class of 1953, hut the committee in charge has not heen able to ob tain the addresses of 41 members. Tlie first reunion of the class is scheduled Aug. 17 at the Heames (inlf and Country Club. Anyone having information con cerning the following "missing" persons is requested lo contact Mrs. Jean Davenport at TU 4--W70. Carole Rcnnett, Jane Bowie, Paul Brockman, Carlcne Braalh en, Ronald Butler. Pat Calloway, Wallace Ca.ssel, Juanila C I i n e. Jack Duncan. Delnres Flowers. Art Frazicr, Fred Friedel. Flor- r-ne Johnson, Jo Ann Johnston, Darlos Jones. Betty Kennen, Har old McKay, F.dward Moore, Bob Mott, Jean Million, Etna Neu- man and Don Payette. Bob Ray. Charoletle Reed, I-or- raine Rnlita. Ross Rhodes. Bill Salt, Glen Seaholm, Don Shell. Boyd Sprague. Pat Squire, Kills Stiles, Ben Turpin. Gloria Van Fleet, Ernestine Wise, Orville Wilkins, Dick Weed, Dan Weeks. Shirley Ware, Marlcne Zimmer man and Mike Wood. Henley High Notes By MARTHA RA(il.AM) i News Reporter (Iena Spiclman was recently named one of the senior person- lilies al Henley High School for tlie month nf January. Blonde, blue-eyed (lena. rally nueen i her junior ear, is serv ing her ttccond year ns a rally squad member. (iena is a charter member of Youth Work Program Set LAKKV1KW A jobs for youth program in this area is boinj; planned bv the I.akc County Com mittee on Children and Youth as result of a meeting of the committee on .Ian. 29 in the coun ty courtroom. Rev. Klwyn Tesche is chairman of the Rioup. A report was fiiven by Rev Tesche on the meeting of the (iovernor s Committee on i nil dien and Youth which he attend cd in December at Salem. Tlie 20 men and women present, rep- icsentins various organization, look this under discussion, as well the activity guide of the 1H Ukc County planning conference iml the I!i."i7 Youth Code. It was sugiicled that the em ployment program originate in the area of providing part-time summer Jobs, with the idea ol giving the young people the op portunity to Irani responsibility while learning Stan Bonkowski. ! manager nf the local state employ- Imcnl nil ice. outlined slate rules on work permits, hazardous johs.j a;e limits, etc PiMercnt types "tsumm(.r as representative liomlnual. Atnan. which is (ireek for 1... -1... !) !.. 11 I Hi ts M I I" ills,, .-H-..V jobs were al sueMea mm 11 lor will be named by A lir . Tesche to handle the pro- cram. Obituaries WOOD Civai"l Wood. TO. lid I "vf.1 ttv ei OHTfr W. 'rti'rl lr fit Lvi; hrfithfr, Jam, rt ntr. V'S BflW RliC. VMT j M' r Irttt. fUnrttv Mr' Evj mid -Vr LiIIiai P(trdi. tit e ."f v irral tprviC r "no p,-v sp-sv n.i Survivor. Ail. fcn'iv. " I. Mr LP O Fln-.nct VcL.lKjSlm, V.( P...I A'kin.Oii Vi i.'.l ..rvuf. Vn'rt FH- mrl CS M' mi Vi'v ti,r rv1 n Ll' a-'d Crt.lOOi" C' ; -tr. iff.. ffk, t , F 1). rW'!l i'v lMi r i fKivd'Ofl tft Mfinertfll P'fc MITCHELL f St fV.vft' '' (UtiflMfft, Vf.rv, -vk, C'T"(J3. fin i A (Vntr Mav if " n 11 9 'el'" : ( 'irrHH tY Ir, f v,m, a Hrwrt. t- tn "M, R r?w "DENNIS THE MENACE" mm i in MO- t lU'i ry yrS ;!fii Ik OOV, I GOTTA START ACTIM' MRS. IS MAD Defensive Arms Could Cover Buildup In Cuba WASHINGTON (UPI) The chairman of a Senate committee investigating the latest Cuba sit uation said today he feared even purely defensive arms and could be used to cover up a new Soviet offensive build-up in the Caribbean island. Son. John Stennis, D-Miss., hairman of the Senate Prepared ness Committee, made the state ment on a television program NBC's "Today" show). He said if all offensive Soviol weapons have been removed from Cuba, as the administration main tains, the remaining Soviet forces still can "make it impenetrable and they can then sneak in" of fensive weapons. Sen. Kenneth Keating, R-N.Y., who has persistently charged that the Honor Society and is the stu dent body representative of tlie group. Active in the Dramatics Club (or most nf Iter high school career, (iena played a leading role in "Our Hearts Were Young and tiay." whirh was presented at Henley in .November. Slie is also a member of tlje French Club. A "pet" steer that she is rais ing tor the 4-H lair takes up much of Gena's time out of school. Dick Houek. !.arry Woods and lo Huff are the "Three Mus keteers'' of Henley. Their inter ests are so closely related that, as Dick puts it, "We think alike." "Your Future in Nuclear Phys ics'" and "Careers in Atomic Knergy" arc likely lo be found on lop of any of tlieir notebooks. This interest in science and math lias been one of the most import ant thinks that they've had in common. A'l three of the bos are dob presidents: I.eo is president of I he Honor Society. Dick is presi dent of the Krcnch Cluh. and lirry is president of the Dra matics Club. But they are still individuals. 1.arry has taken big parts in three school pla and plans lo direct a one-act in the spring. Dick, who also acts in plays, received a Irtler of commenda tion from tlie National .Merit Scholarship Corporation. Dick was also the moderator of the school's Interclub Council last ear. aMorK (ms st.ito la.t , Hpnc nP 15 outstanding in loot- h n WroLlinc and track, and va lue student body representative from the Honor Society last soar Livestock Talk Slated Here Economies of I lie the I r o ni .. mhrr s standpoint will be the m'nanno v aiiey oirer .topic discussed bv Dr. ;rant!'"r' wh,,Ln 1,s,51 'nbMS h ' Itl.mch llrecon State I niwrsitv:011-11 "n' a " l'm'-x x iinnmikt al th nrt im lire t'ounlv Agents" Ottue. The meeting will be held Wed neda. Keh 1.1. startup at 10 am at tile fan ci minds in Kl.im jth Kail, acoordini; to Kay Pe tei en, immly acent. hu an inuimrd the meettnc The meet ins ;11 resume at 1 M p m ariti laM until aNnit 3 p m. Thi uill be the first time Pi i Riani h h.i attended meeting Mamatn r ai! ann ne will brnu Minw new idea thai should interest lietivk pniiKei. Pe tri srii slat(l Ttwr wiabl dtuardi will hp wt t hp thrf. 0ts't thrflw 'im awtv. CALL: The SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE lift A Mimtl II 1 l NICER! ATAie j the administration is downgrading the threat from Cuba, said he would meet today with Central Intelligence Agency Director John A. McCone. Keating said he had his own recommendations of a course of action for the adminis tration and would present them to McCone. Wants Firm Policy Keating, who has for several days been in the middle of vigor ous partisan wrangling on the is sue, said he would support "100 per cent" any plan of President Kennedy's dealing with the situa tion "as long as it is a firm stand." Keating said he had "no knowl edge of the introduction of ground- to-ground missiles into Cuba" since the removal of tlie Soviet offensive missiles last fall. But he said there was a "lack of evi dence on that point" and said "I do not mean to imply that there are some there . . .1 just don't know." Keating said it would be "ridic ulous" to say there was any threat of an invasion of the United States and both Keating and Stennis em phalically said they did not think the I'nited Stales should invade Cuba "at this time." Arms Hearh Cuha Keating said that despite the withdrawal of the missiles, sma er arms have been brought into Cuba and asked "Why are corn- hat troops there? He said you cannot draw this hard and fast distinction between offensive and defensive weapons. . . It depends on who holds the gun. Stennis said hearings of his Preparedness Committee were aimed at helping formulate a pol icy. He said the hearings "could lead to a demand that thev take ill of them 'men and weapons out." SHA Students Attend Meet Five journalism students from Sacred Heart Academy, r ranees Dalbroi. Toni Megue. Mary .lo Amberling. juniors. Carmelle Martin and Margaret Ann Casey, seniors, accompanied by tlieir ad viser. Sister John Magdalen, will go to Seattle next week. Thev will be present Feb. I.V16 lor the Northwest Catholic Mich School Press Workshop on tlie University of Seattle campus. At Sacred Heart, the juniors are staff members on Ihe high honl newspaiier. The Chimes Tlie seniors help publish tlie an Hope I.OSK DKilT RATTI.F I.dS ANCKI.FS 'l'PI - !Tho latter l. the group through hand ol citizens lost another round! which the local exchange is seek- Wednesday in their battle acainstimg affiliation with a foreign all diit telephone dialing. ! school. TllC st.ile Public I'tililies Com iission iPl'O turned down the livestock i-1"11'1 m"vr to precm me ra individual i1'1'"' Telephone Co from riistnbut- 1 ne Pl'C s.iid the plaintiff.!!and It had been determined that !': .. " . Klnmnfli MMiiorinl lnrk Perpetual Care . . . rsered lots $50 to $125 68 ocrs, 10 developed For full information without obligation TU 4-4560 or TU 4-3161 Owntd bv Cirv of Klamoth Fall PAGE 4 A HERALD AND NEWS. CHAMBER OMAAENTS by GEORGE T. CALLISON KLAMATH COUNTY CilAMIt OF COMMIRCE In three months this column o( chamber comments w i 1 1 lie four years old. In the 45 months that it has run there undoubtedly have been cases of repetition. The ma terial which, follows may be one such case. However, it bears re peating, and the weekend of the Olh anniversary of the establish ment of this community as Klam ath Falls might prove to be a par ticularly good time to take stock. These are 25 basic elements of a successful city. They are not necessarily the only ones which could be listed and except for the first one, there is no attempt lo list them in their order of im portance. The author of this list is Harry Krusz, a veteran of chamber of commerce work who is currently executive vice presi dent of the Long Beach, Calif., chamber, and president of his own organization which special izes in community surveys. When he reviewed this list with chamber executives and officers from Oregon, Washington and Idaho during a day-long Commu nity leaders Seminar in Portland last Monday. Krusz emphatically insisted on placing a strong re ligious consciousness as number one on the list because without it. all other points would be meaningless. The other 24 basic elements of a successful city . . . and you can list them in any or- Reviser Session Hears Sfrong Government Plea SALEM i UPI) A stronger legislature, balanced by a strong er governor and a strnnger ju dicial branch, was urged Thurs day by former Gov. Robert Holmes. Holmes was a member of the commission that has written a proposed new constitution for Ore gon. He spoke of sections of the document before the House-Sen ate Constitutional Revision Com mittee. Holmes said the commission tried to make each of the three branches stronger and more ef fective by erasing checks within each branch, while shoring up each branch as a linal check on the other. He said this would help t h c Democratic process. "The legislature should be high ly visible so tlie public . . can be aware how it operates." he said. "Ijet the people know what their Faris Named AFS Leader LAKEVIEW Mrs. Irvin Faris of New Pine Creek was elected hairman for 19H.1 of the I.ake County Student Exchange Com mittee at a meeting held Monday night. Feb. 4, in tlie county courtroom. She succeeds Dr. Paul d. Kliewer. who has been chair- man since the incorporation of the ommittee in lllfi! Present were 29 delegates from llie .10 county organizations. At this time there were five direc tors also elected. Mrs. William Bach. Mrs Edwin Avery. Mrs Anne Spraaue. Ray Harlan and lohn F McDonald. Other ollicers ;,., (( Pie Mrs. Bach, vice chairman: Mrs. C. F. Taylor, cor rescinding secretary; Mrs. Av ery, recording secretary, and Harlan, treasurer. It was voted lo sponsor the ap jiearancc here on May .1 of Her bcrto Stein, a former official of the Mexican government and the I'nited Nations, who is now a leatured speaker for the Amer ican Friends Service Committee. Voting faiored full supt ot tlie AFS Committee, which is maile up of students, teachers and patents of the takcview High School, in becoming atlihalcd with a mission high st-hool in the neu Atncan country of Va-a- hou! were net aahahle in the . ' . - i Sunday, February 10, 19til Klamath Falls. Ore. der you wish . . . arc. according to Krusz. the following: Unselfish community leader ship, community-minded profes sional people, good city - county government, city - county plan ning, an active interest in na tional affairs, good working con ditions, industrial development, adequate transportaton facilities, a good building trades industry, good public utilities, strong bank and credit institutions, distrihu-, tion - retail and wholesale serv ices. Good newspapers, good radio and television stations, adequate educational facilities, recreational facilities, health and hospital fa cilities, cultural facilities, well de veloped agricultural contacts, ad equate convention facilities, good civic clubs, a well - supervised United Fund, a strong chamber of commerce and enthusiasm. There may be other elements of success which you would like to include, but certainly a commu nity which could measure up in these 25 categories would be well on its way to being a successful community. How docs Klamath Falls or the community where you live mca- ure up? in those areas where your community fails lo meet adequate standards, what are you doing to change the situation? The answer to these questions are deserving of your serious consid eration. executive is doing ... when lo credit him, and when to demand that he is not doing his job," he said. "Give him the tools and a streamlined procedural organiza tion and you are helping tlie Dem ocratic process ... by letting the people look right through to him." Holmes said the proposed con stitution provides for a two-house legislature. Sizes of the houses would lie flexible. The document would make the governor the only elective execu tive officer. State agencies would lie grouped in no more than 20 departments, with their heads a pointed by the governor and con firmed by the senate. Holmes denied suggestions that a cabinet system is written into the new document. He said for that matter, a cabinet system could be legislated under the present constitution. The governor now can be strong, he said, "if the man is strong and chooses to take the bull by the horns." He said, however, the governor under the present con stitution lacks the necessary au thority to be fully responsible. Under the proposed constitu tion, he said, the governor would be "more responsible and more able to have his hands on the throttle at all times." and the vo tors would know just who lo praise or blame. WATCH FOR "Our Crazy Food & Farm Problem" by John Strohm An analysis in five parts starting next' Monday in the Herald and News. . Famous newsman and (arm editor John Strohm says that's the unhappy truth be hind: OUR CRAZY FOOD AND FARM PROBLEM Don't miss his informed analysis in an exclusive ser ies of reports for all Ameri cans city dwellers and fanners alike. It starts Feb. 11 in r raid and JJclo$ .IK'""S Vtrft Pr.