to a thrilling adventure in the wonderful world of YOURS 11(1) A Complete Sample Activity Kit to Acquaint You With TIIE SCIENCE PROGRAM WITH TRIAL MEMBERSHIP . . V-- J ... ..-'.T- ' iiTi. FWm Um This Scale Model of the Famous rmr NUCLfAB POWERED W NEW INFORMATION V NUCUAR-POWERED OFFICIALLY RELEASED Newest POLARIS Submarine S,TSS KtfVSKJK? Ki AN AUTHENTIC U-INCH WORKING MODH WITH "' .,..., - - - -v - hSlMmre'tatorali'lSiIS 14 MISilLl TUBES AND POIARIS MUSSIUS THAT ACTUAlir FIREI p5urt.btrJE'1i'n"' "'"1 "h " ? 1 - i. Includes ALL thesr special features: B''''' POLARIS missiles that PIRE PERISCOPS slide UP nd DOWN RUDDER movei PROPELLER rotates half of hull snaps off re mmHlmmigMmtammmaammmmtmKmHmmmlmmmmmmm veallni Interior 3 molded colors iull-eolwrdecaUJ EASY-TO -MAIL COUPON BRINGS YOU ALL THIS Authentic IS" WORKINO model (with desk stand) of newest 16-tube Polaris Mtsslle Ftring Submarine that actu ally launches missile! Beautiful full -color prints of wonders of SUBMARINES -controls, a "killer" sub. the fastest sub. etc. 8. 000-word Illustrated album crammed with Information about Submarines, and with spaces In which to mount the color prints. Oummed full-color punch outs of Men. Mammals, and Machines that have achieved World Record Depths, and a Wall Chart of the Ocean on which to mount them. Science Bulletin : Special monthly bulletin keeps you abreast of the very newest sci entific developments. A handsome pull-drawer li brary case large enough to hold a number of your albums. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY SCI INC I PROGRAM, Dept. 3-FWC-2 Garden City, N. Y. I enclose lOi to help cover shipping. Pleane rush me my introductory pnck-uie described here Also enroll me as a member of the Science Pro gram and send the current Activity Kit with a bill for only $1 plus shipping-After examining this pack one. I may cancel membership simply by writing you within 10 days In this case I may return everything and owe nothing. As a member 1 will receive a new Activity Kit every month for only 1 each plus shipping- 1 do not have to take any minimum number of future Kits, and may resign any time I wish. I Please Print Plainly) City Zone State (Same offer in Canada. 10S Bond St.. Toronto 2 Offer Qod only in U S A and Canada 27-ltlH l-. i : 7 Why this generous offer? Simply to introduce you f o an exciting new way to understand and enoy the scientific marvefs ail around us Sl . f.J i "PREPARE TO SUBMERGE!" You're off on a great adventure . . . a cruise throiiKh the eerie underwater world of SUBMARINES. You'll travel back to 1620 and board that first subma rine, a Dutch wooden hull covered with leather and powered by . . . OARS! In a Confederate submarine you'll ram a Union ship. You'll cruise in the first nuclear-powered submarine, the Nautilus. A friendly ex pert will show you the atom ic reactor, wnere one pouno. You'll pl 'SfSuWffiH of uranium produces as ju." ai..n. much power as 2.5 MILLION pounds of coal . . . the radar and periscope in the Control and Attack Center. You will see why 7 million parts are needed for ft . t inolo iiiikIm. dihmarina 1 r7 AND FOR THE BIOOEST Skipper Rives the command launch the Polaris missile iiittri mini inc nr. tvs uir IllS- t.Hi'll 7t Vn ,?l?.-. .. J.'.." ff. ""career. These are Just a few of the thrills that await you - in the new Science Program presentation of SUBMA RINES. And it's yours for only lOf on this "get-acquainted'' offer. let you look through his microscope at a living cell. On other adventures your guides will be radio engi neers . . . medical research ers . . . map-makers . . . nuclear physicists. Each month you receive sheets of full-color photo graphs - also an illus trated album, crammed with Information, and with pictures. In addition, there i MSJJ will be many interesting Wii'gSH' things-to-do. such as (in the SUBMARINES set offered on this pagei mounting, on an Ocean Chart, full-color punch-outs of Men, Mam mals, and Machines That Have Achieved World Record Depths. ki 'Z-t-tcSVT AND FOR THE BIGGEST V ., tii VKj THRILL OF ALL. you'll fire ' X Think t 7C p,nc,Ke shotJi Tom the newest V wlnmear? 5 V anrt mightiest nuclenr-powereri ' ort nee i a 11 v if aW; missile-firing submarine! '. OJOP ?ceh0 'n f .I5 You" s,antl breathless as the V . J ?S par icii WaW f Will mm f Voer'eariry Think what these adventures will mean to your family es- you nave children in will stimulate them participate in science proj s. It will heln DreDare them for life in the space age may even lead to a scientific f ajoy mtkly AWviMrs tike flm. Each month this new program will take you on a "guided tour" of a dif ferent field of science. One month you win see eann ana sKy through the eyes of the weather man. Another time a chemist will show you metal that burns and gas that pours. A biologist Will aaaBBBSaWi MAIL COUPON NOW with only 10 for the Introductory package. With it we will also send the current Activity Kit for which you will be billed only $1, flus shipping. No further obligation, f you do not wish to continue, simply write us within ten davs. Otherwise you pay only SI plus shipping for each month's scientific adventure. You may cancel at any time. Mail the cou pon with only ten .J cents to SCIINCt PROGRAM OarcJfM City I ( i ! I Hw York, i . i