Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 10, 1963, Page 33, Image 33

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now... JllN O JL ZIN JL
Get the slimmer, stronger body you want
with a fabulous new minute-a-day short-cut
developed and proved out by a leading coach
JLM AGINE a 6-second exercise that helps keep you fit better
than 24 push-ups! Or, another that's capable of doubling
muscular strength in 3 weeks!
Both these "quickie" exercises are part of a fantastically
simple body-building method developed by Alabama fitness
expert and athletic coach, Dr. Donald J. Sails. His own trim
physique, his family's vigorous health and the nail-hard
brawn of his teams are dramatic proof of the results he gets
not to mention the steady stream ot reports coming in
from housewives, athletes, even school children who have
discovered Dr. Sails' remarkable "static exercises."
Most Americans find exercise a tedious chore. Yet we all
recognize the urgent personal and social needs for keeping
our bodies strong, shapely and healthy. What man wouldn't
take secret pride in displaying a more muscular figure?
-What woman doesn't long to trade in those flabby spots
for a slimmer, more attractive figure?
The-endless time-and trouble required to get such results
has been a major, if not impossible, hurdle for so many of
us. But now doctors, trainers and physical educators are
beginning to recommend the easy new approach to body fit
ness and weight control that Dr. Sails has distilled down to
his wonderfully simple set of 10 exercises.
Each of Dr. Sails' exercises take only 6 seconds. All total
just 1 minute per day. And you can do most of these "static
exercises" almost anywhere at work, waiting for a bus,
while shaving in the morning. No special equipment is re
quired. There's no special exertion, not even heavy breathing!
"Research shows that the right kind of exercise is much
more important than how much you take," points out Dr.
Sails. And there's overwhelming evidence that his kind of
exercise is the right kind. The revolutionary principle he's
applying has the impressive support of such institutions as
New York University as well as leading physiologists, phy
sical educators, Olympic stars, fashion models and scores
of professional athletes.
Time Magazine, Reader's Digest, newspapers and scien
tific journals have started to call nationwide attention to'
the exciting concept behind Dr. Sails' minute-a-day "static
exercises." One leading university recently published a
bulletin stating: "This new method brings together all the
known scientific facts of strength development and body
mechanics. It is scientifically proven and a very rapid
way of developing super strength."
for Dr. Sails, former Alabama
football star, and his family is
limited to his ten 6-second exer
cises. Yet this remarkably easy
new routine keeps them in bet
ter condition than the tedious,
old-fashioned "daily dozen."
It all started when a European scientist tied down one leg
of a frog in a laboratory experiment. Later inspection
revealed that the tied leg grew stronger than the free leg
because of what physiologists call isometric tension. The
same principle then was applied to the human body. Within
days, specialized tension exercises of a few seconds dura
tion each were found to greatly increase muscular strength,
firm up flabby areas, even improve bust profile and general
posture. As word spread, the method became a widely held
professional secret among fitness experts.
Then Dr. Sails perfected his set of "10 static exercises
in I minute" his XSXIM Program built on this quick,
almost effortless approach.
Results have been surprising. For example:
Mrs. Arland Carter, Ft. Payne housewife, reports that in
14 days Dr. Sails' exercises took V of an inch off her
. calfs, i inch off her -thighs,- 2- inches off her waist-and
Increased her bust measurement of an inch.
" E.Vr-Newman,-" supei isoi -of physical education in
Alabama, writes that "after 3 weeks of isometric exercises
one of my students increased his ability to press (lift)
from 160 pounds to 240 pounds."
J. B. Hammett, a Jacksonville service station operator,
states that Dr. Sails' "static exercises" have allowed him
to take i'i inches off his waistline, trim down to a youth
ful M'A inch girth in less than 10 weeks.
In short, Dr. Sails offers followers of his "10 static
exercises in 1 minute":
stronger, firmer muscles slimmer waist, thighs, calfs,
forearms, neck increased bust development for women
better muscular tone and coordination improved pos
ture, stronger back greater muscular endurance.
Results are controlled primarily by the individual's own
ideas of how far he or she desires to carry body building.
If a man wants to have bulging weight-lifter's arms and
shoulders, he simply concentrates more on certain of Dr.
Sails' exercises. If a housewife seeks a more shapely mid
riff, a few weeks with several of the 6-second workouts
usually will bring the desired results.
Now you and your children, too can have stronger,
slimmer, healthier bodies without either the strain or bore
dom of old-fashioned exercises. Dr. Sails will send a full
set of his instructions, complete with illustrations, to inter
ested readers who use the coupon on this page. Remember!
These exercises are different: they take you just 6 seconds each !
Cecilia Upton recently put
an extra inch on her bust
measurement and trimmed
down her thighs in just 17
days with Dr. Donald Sails'
almost effortless, minute-a-day
"static exercises."
MAIL TODAY TO: Dr. Donald i. Sails Foundation
P.O. Box 392; Anniston, Alabama
Please send me sets of illustrated instructions on your 10 Static
Exercises in I Minute, in plainenvelope, at $2 per set. $ isenclosed.
I understand that if I'm not more than satisfied afier a 3-weck trial,
I can return these instructions immediately for a full refund.
I writ IA(t
(Sorry! No stamps or CO. D. orders accepted)
C l) by Doiuld J. Sail!
wasrfiin u
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