Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 10, 1963, Page 31, Image 31

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    ($- Cjalentines
Accentuate the moat romantic day of the year with fan
ciful towers and liqhthearted Jeweled Nutmeg Mold.
Sweet Masterpieces!
Hart it a collection of 193 delicious,
ttep-by-itep retipei for feltivo cakoi
and rich lortei plus an exciting
group of recipe! for luicloul Icingi ,
and fillingi. Order your copy of I
f &j&n
153 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, III.
Enclosed find for which plcato Mnd mt
postpaid copies of "Cakoi and Tories Cook-
book" 50t ooch. (No stamps or C.0.0. orders,
please; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.)
Prinlor Write lee'blr
Family Weekly
Jeweled Nutmeg Mold
2 tablespoons (2 env.) unflavored
Yi cup sugar
Yt teaspoon salt
Vt teaspoon ground nutmeg
3 cups cold water
1 egg
4 egg yolks
l'4 cups instant nonfat dry milk
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
cup ice-cold water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
a 4 egg whites
'', cup (about 6 oz.) chopped mixed
candied fruits
1. Mix the first four ingredients togeth
er in the top of a double boiler. Stir in
the 3 cups water.
2. Beat the egg and egg yolks together.
Stir with IV2 cups of the dry milk crys
tals into the gelatin mixture.
3. Set over simmering water and cook,
stirring constantly, until mixture coats
a spoon, about 18 min. Cool. Stir in
vanilla extract.
4. Chill until mixture is slightly thicker
than consistency of thick, unbeaten egg
white. If chilled over ice and water, stir
frequently; if chilled in refrigerator,
stir occasionally.
5. Combine the V4 cup dry milk crystals
and ice-cold water; using a rotary beat
er, beat until soft peaks form. Add
lemon juice and continue beating until
stiff peaks form.
6. Using a clean beater, beat egg whites
until stiff (but not dry) peaks are
formed. Stir candied fruits into gelatin
mixture; fold in whipped nonfat dry
milk and the egg whites.
7. Turn into a fancy 2-qt. mold which
has been rinsed with cold water. Chill
until firm, 4 to 6 hrs. Unmold onto a
chilled serving plate. S to 10 servings
Crimson Soup
Emphasize the lovely color of this soup by
arranging a tray with a crystal pitcher of
soup and demitasse cups for service in
the living room.
1 1-lb. can diced beets, drained (re
serve liquid)
Vi cup sugar
V cup cider vinegar
Vi teaspoon salt
2 cupa chilled cream
1. Combine the reserved beet liquid and
enough water to make 1 cup. Add the
sugar, vinegar, and salt and stir until
sugar is dissolved.
2. Force beets through a coarse sieve or
food mill into the liquid mixture. Cover
and chill thoroughly. Just before serv
ing, blend in the cream.
About 8 servings
Note: If desired, soup may be served hot.
Family Weekly, February 10. 196J
Crimson Soup
Roast Loin el Pork Hot Cinnamon Applet
Brooooll with Battery Lotion Crunch
Hoiked Potitees
Grapefruit-Avocado Soltd
Celery Curls Assorted Yotat Rolls
Jeweled Notaief Mela' Alaond Awards
Roast Loin of Pork
Rub a 3- to 5-lb. pork loin roast with a
mixture of 4 teaspoons dry mustard, 1
teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon Accent, and V4
teaspoon black pepper. Place pork, fat
side up, in a shallow roasting pan.. In
sert roast-meat thermometer in center
of thickest part of meat, being sure it
does not rest in fat or on bone. Roast,
uncovered, at 350F 2 to 3 hrs., allow
ing 35 to 40 min. per pound. Meat is
done when internal temperature reaches
185F. Remove thermometer and trans
fer meat to a heated serving platter.
Garnish with Hot Cinnamon Apples.
Hot Cinnamon Apples
3 cups sugar
1 Vi cups water
cup red cinnamon candies
Vi teaspoon red food coloring
6 small tart cooking apples, cored and
1. Combine the first four ingredients in
a large, deep saucepan; bring to boil
ing, stirring until sugar and candies
are dissolved.
2. Add apples to sirup and simmer, un
covered, until apples are tender, about
10 min.; turn frequently. Remove from
heat and allow to stand about 20 min.,
or until apples are evenly colored, turn
ing frequently.
3. Serve hot as a meat accompaniment.
6 servings
Broccoli with Buttery Lemon
1 Vi lbs. broccoli, cooked in salted water
4 cup butter
Yi cup coarse dry bread crumbs
1 tablespoon grated lemon peel
3 tablespoons butter
1 small clove garlic, crushed in a gar
lic presa or minced
Yi teaspoon salt
Few grains black pepper
1. While broccoli iagooking, heat Vi cup
butter in a large skillet; add crunrbt
and heat, stirring frequently, until welT
browned. Remove crumbs from, butt
with a slotted spoon and mix with the
lemon peel.
PROFT, Food Editor
2. Put remaining ingredients into skil
let; heat until butter is lightly browned.
Add broccoli and turn gently until well
coated with butter. Transfer broccoli
to a heated vegetable dish and pour re
maining garlic butter over it. Top with
the "lemoned" crumbs.
About 6 servings
Grenadine Salad Dressing
l cup grenadine
Yt cup lemon juice
1 Vi teaspoons whole celery seed
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon salt
Few grains white pepper
Yi teaspoon grated onion
'i cup salad oil
1. Combine first seven ingredients and
beat with a rotary beater until thor
oughly mixed.
2. Add the salad oil very gradually,
beating constantly? continue beating
until dressing thickens slightly. Chill;
stir or shake before using.
About cups dressing
Grapefruit-Avocado Salad Serve
Grenadine Salad Dressing with slices of
avocado, grapefruit segments, thin slices
of pared cucumber, and thin sweet on
ion rings arranged on a chilled serving
plate lined with lettuce.
Almond Awards
Buttery rich and crunchy call it candy
or call it cookie?
Yi cup butter
2 teaspoons grated lemon peel
Yi cup sugar
1 cup flour
Yt teaspoon salt -Yi
cup butter
1 cup almonds, finely chopped
Yi cup sugar
Yi cup whipping cream
1. Cream V2 cup butter, lemon peel, and
V2 cup sugar until fluffy. Blend flour
and salt; add to creamed mixture in
halves, mixing until well blended after
each addition.
2. Turn into an Hx7xlV-in. pan; spread
into an even layer.
3. Bake at 375F for 12 min.
4. Meanwhile, melt Vi cup butter in a
heavy saucepan; add almonds and Vi
cup sugar. Cook the mixture 3 min., stir
ring constantly.
5. Stir in cream and heat to boiling;
cool slightly. Spoon topping over par
tially baked layer.
6. Return to oven and bake 20 min. long
er, or until light golden. Cool complete
ly; cut into squares or bars.
About 5 dot. cookies
Family Weekly, February 10, 196J
' ' .Mom-.11,-1
5r-. 1
mt !
Refines away harsh flavor.. refines away
rough taste... for the mildest taste of all!
fx Pitt-. -m 1 - 5J 6LJr o
wm 1.' 7
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tlU W. LwtMni C.