:V.. 1 t'i".- .'; .1 is oauoons win tnrm r gour younggtere fool NOW in NEW SHAPES f NEW C010RS-NEW PACKS at BEN FRANKLIN, SCOTT'S and nearby variety .stores, drug stores and supermarkets. !Get Panjr, Picnics and Craft Book-"! ! leti with ideas (or using balloons, j ! Send 10c each 25c lor 3 to: ! 5 OAK, RAVENNA 2, OHIO. J PHOTO CREDITS Pogl 12, 13. Bud Frokr. WILL AMERICA STRIKE OUT? America has long been batting high in science and invention, business and trade, living standards and ideals for peace. Hut there may be scoreless in nings if we do not train enough heavy hitters with higher edu cation. This is causing concern. Many colleges are in a squeeze. Some face shortages, and in less than 10 years there will be twice as many applicants. To stay ahead, we must see that our colleges have modern laboratories, enough class rooms and a steady supply of competent teachers. HELP THE COLLEGE OF YOUR CHOICE NOW! Decorate at whim with the removable front panel of this Chrysler Airtemp unit. Pushed flush against the unit's top and sides, panel becomes a weather seal in winter. This is National Electrical Week, a fine opportunity to discover What's New in Room Ai Gibson's Air Sweep unit features oscillating vanes that automatical ly can sweep cool air from wall to wall every five seconds. This Fedders' unit sports ' a weather wheel, which enables air to flow in any two directions, and an air cushion that reduces operating sound. Whirlpool built a comfort-guard control into its room units, designed to reduce overchilling and help balance room temperature. F or cooling a youngster's room on a tight budget, parents might select Carrier's Ready-Mount unit it's easy to in stall, has high- and low-speed settings, washable filter. From Westinghouse comes furniture-cabinet styling in four de'eors. The traditional model shown fits snugly over the unit, allows cool air to be emitted at top, nips drafts. This Philco space-saver unit features special ventila tor control and automatic thermostat. Optional feature is the lonitron ( control at left) for allergy relief. F ? - 'Jr.- j.. Cook in cool comfort is the idea behind this General Electric unit. It fits a single pane of glass without block ing light or view, has four rotating air directors. Conditioning By ROSALYN ABREVAYA AIR conditioning is an enjoyment that jt. needn't wait until the "season" begins. Bought early, a room air conditioner will be ready to provide cool comfort on the first hot day which may be well in advance of normal summer heat waves. Preseason buying also gives a family time to shop for the model that's just right for its needs or have a dealer order a model that's not in stock at the moment. The exhaust cycle found on most units provides a winter bonus by freshening stale rooms without the chill of open doors and windows. And for millions of hay-fever and allergy sufferers, who feel better with the controlled temperature and filter-pure air supplied by air condition ing, there is this added incentive: the Internal Revenue Service allows an air conditioner to be deducted as a medical expense provided it is recommended by a phy sician, is used specifically to help relieve illness, and does not become a permanent part of the dwelling. The new room air conditioners are quieter and more attractive than ever. The majority are constructed of weather-resistant materials and finishes that give years of protection. Some are small enough to fit the width of a windowpane, and one leading firm has covered its units with beautiful cabinet-like fronts to match the four most popular periods of decor traditional, early American, provincial, and contemporary. Other FEATURES to look for include: thermostats which operate automatically once set; removable, washable filters; two- and three-speed fans; adjustable controls for directing the cool air flow where desired; settings for fresh air and exhaust without cooling. A unit with too much cooling capacity will cost more to buy and operate but will not do better than one that is correctly matched to the job. The most accurate method of rating a room air conditioner is by measuring its ca pacity in British Thermal Units per hour. BTUs indicate the amount of heat a unit removes from a room each hour. This rating is replacing inaccurate ton and horse power designations. The most popular air-conditioner sizes range from 6,000 to 8,000 BTUs. But the trend today is toward 8,000 to 10,000 and even larger capacities that can cool more than one room. NEW IMPROVED TUMS! Better than ever taste! Better than ever relief ! New Improved TUMS let you enjoy really good flavor and get great acid indigestion relief at the same time ! Modem TUMS taste so delightfully minty cool and crisp, and there's never a trace of unpleasant after taste. TVy minty-f resh New Improved TUMS soon! Now New Improved TUMS bring better-than-ever fast, effective, long-lasting relief from acid indigestion, heartburn and gas! Modern TUMS exclusive formula with scientific buffering-action promptly neutralizes excess acids and soothes the stomach by gently coating the stomach lining. And TUMS are safe never cause over-alkaliz- ing, acid rebound or unwanted side effects. i t i . i i Muraacn ay genuy coating uie stomach lining. Critic m,n1ty-,resh New Improved I I And TUMS are safe never cause over-alkaliz- lUMSsoon! J V ing, acid rebound or unwanted side effects. Best of all antacids tested! The following statement is the result of 16 months of clinical research conducted at one of America's leading universities. "New formula TUMS were tested, on hyperacid patients, along with nine other med ically approved antacids -including roll-type and prescription-type antacids . . .The findings proved TUMS led all other antacids in this impor tant combination: (1) Speed of relief, (2) Long-Uuting re lief, (3) Safe relief without unpleasant side effects, (4) Economy" New Improved TUMS are now on your retailers' shelves 4 ' '& in the same familiar pack- ' X' ages . . . handy rolls and '' hnMloa Inn! Improved I , , ,v 1 1 Always carry Tiims for the Tummy! Under a program sponsored by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, the cooling capacities of more than 92 percent of all room air conditioners on the market are certified by an independent testing laboratory. Cus tomers can ask to see the latest directory of certified models and also can ask to be shown the official certi fication seal affixed to the unit. Fre Air-Conditioning Booklet The National Better Business Bureau, which supports the NEMA certification program, offers an informative free booklet on how to buy a room air conditioner. You may obtain a copy by Bending a self-addressed stamped envelope to: National Better Business Bureau, Dept FW, 230 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Family Wet My. February It, 1M3 1