HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Video Viewers Wowed By Cinderella Aspect Of George Bernard Shaw Play fif foif "V.-,.. - - SINGS IN PORTLAND Shirley Verrett-Carter is sched uled to appear with the Portland Symphony Orchestra under Jacques Singer on Feb. 18 in the Civic Auditorium in Portland. Appearances are also slated for Salem and Tacoma. Award-Winning Singer To Perform In Portland "Shirley Verretl-Carlcr is Rood news." With this warm apprais al. New York's Herald-Tribune applauded the young mezzo-soprano's 1958 Town Hall debut. Oregonians will share the Rood news when Miss Verrett-Carter appears with the Portland Sym phony Orchestra under Jacques Singer on Feb. 18 at the Civic Auditorium, to sing works by Verdi, de Falla, and Saint-Saens. (Note: The Portland orchestra and Miss Verrett-Carter will ap pear in Salem on Feb. 19 and in Tacoma on Feb. 26.1 In 1961, Miss Verrett-Carter cli maxed five years of award win ning (John Charles Thomas schol arship; Marian Anderson award; Berkshire scholarship; Walter W. Naumburg award) by taking first place in the National Federation of Music Clubs' competition . . singing de Falla's "El Amor Bru- Gene Kelly Doing Good Job In 'Going My Way' HOLLYWOOD (LTD - Gene Kelly must be doing a pood job as the parish priest in ABC-TV's "Going My Way" if the absence of parishioner protest Is any guidepost. Kelly is playing the "Father O'Malley" role that Bing Crosby portrayed in "Going My Way" 18 years ago to win an Academy Award. Leo G. Cairoll is the sometimes confused pastor made popular in the film by the late Barry Fitzgerald. Since the show started last fall, Kelly says its popularity has been increasing and there have been no complainLs from sensi tive viewers of any religious per suasion. There always is concern in television network front offices when a series about religion is aired even though every attempt is made to be objective. "There have been a couple of crank letters but I didn't read thorn." Kelly said. "They went to the producers office and I don't yen know what they were about." Shy From Controversy Kelly said the show about two Catholic priests stays away from any subject which could cause Leave Fixing To Fixers - Good TV Rule More than one billion dollars will he spent for the repair of tele vision sets this year according to an industry spokesman. "The saddest part of the whole situation." says Arthur Forbes, distributor sales manager for Standard-Kollsman Industries, "is that the yearly TV repair hill could be greatly reduced with a little common sense." Standard Kollsman is the world's largest producer of tele vision tuners. "Happily." nays Forbes, "most of the trouble ex perienced by the 5R-million Amer ican families owning television sets is not concerned with the tuner." Areordins to Forbes, the parts most frequently in need of re Falls, Ore. Sunday. jo," which will he heard in Port land. A Juilliard graduate, she has evoked cheers from audiences at Philadelphia's Robin Hood Dell and Los Angeles' music festival Her multi-faceted talent has en compassed roles as divergent as Carmen and Zigeunerin in Nobo kov's "Death of Rasputin"; as contemporary as Irinia in "Lost in the Stars" and as classic as contralto soloist in the Beethoven Ninth Symphony. Miss Verrett-Carter, who can be heard on Columbia records, will sing in Portland "0 Don Fatale" from Verdi's "Don Carlos," one aria from Saint-Saens' "Samson and Delilah" . . . both for the first time here . . . and the de Falla work. Tickets for this and all sym phony concerts are available at 426 Park Building. controversy either with members of that faith or another. "The show is not a Catholic show, it's not aimed that way." Kelly said. "We have never had any problems with the Catholic church. We have a priest on the set who is our adviser. We ask him if we can get a priest em broiled in certain situations be cause we don't want to offend anybody. But that's the way it would be in making an Army pic ture, you would have an officer advising." ' Kelly describes the two video priests as character types who could fit into almost any eccle siastical situation. "These two priests could be rabbis or ministers." he said. "Their advice is common sense, not holier than thou. We don't deal with faith and morals, love thy neighbor is the closest we get to religion. "Two Good Guys" "If anybody has any reserva tions about two priests on a tele vision show thev'd see that these are just two good guys who are doing good for everybody, not just Catholics." pair are: the tubes, the filters, and the high voltage transformer. "After .recognizing a particular problem." says Forbes, "common sense plays an important part in the se.iich for a solution. "Most do-it-yourself types are quick to remove a set's tubes and take them to a store to he tested This is fine, but more often than not the tubes are never returned to the same spot in Ih set. This causes another problem, a call to a TV repairman, and a bill that keeps climbing to the sky. "So." sugsests Forbes, "a first basic rule for the individual bent on doing his own repair work, when tubes are removed they should be marked, and a cor responding mark should be made February 10, 196S By RICK I)U BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI George Bernard Shaw, who said he often quoted himself to add spice to conversation, seasoned television Wednesday night when NBC pre sented "Pygmalion," h i s play about tile phonetics professor who molds a flower girl into a lady. It is, of course, the comedy on which the musical show "My Fair Lady was based; it has been a movie with Wendy Hiller and Leslie Howard. And when I visited a library recently to re read it, I was told it is consist ently popular, and especially so since "My Fair Lady" and the announcement of the Julie Harris video version which shows that television can score in reverse with potential readers. In keeping w ith his practice of trying to find the utmost thing to say. and then saying it with the utmost levity, Shaw intended Pygmalion as a preachment for phonetics and a simpler alpha bet; he contended that an Eng lishman's social standing often suffered i because of the generally terrible pronunciation. But the Cinderella aspect of his play is what sold it to the public and probably to television. Charming Reacquaintance Whatever the reason, the 90- minute "Hall of Fame" produc tion was, except for a few line Hubs, a charming reacquaintance with a standard work. Miss Har ris 'will probably get another Emmy nomination for her per formance as Eliza Doolittle. And it will be surprising if James Donald, who portrayed the dev ilishly engaging, cynically con firmed bachelor, Prof. Henry Hig- gins, docs not for he set her a mean pace. Likewise George Rose, with the always scene-stealing part of Eliza's father, a self professed member of the "unde serving poor." Briefly, the well-known story outline is this: Eliza, who has met Higgins, comes to his home and asks him to improve her speech so she can work in a flor ist shop rather than on the streets On a bet with a friend that he can improve her enough so that she can attend a royal party, he accepts her and succeeds. But whereas the entire project is an experiment with him, Liza finally is crushed by his cold-blooded- m I 11 ,v Y ; 4 ( h j GLAMOUR UN DIM MED Dolores Del Rio arrived in Hollywood 37 years ago from native Mexico for her first movie. This January Dolores again left her home for Hol lywood to star in a television play, her beauty undimmad by the years. UPI Telephoto in the set indicating what tube goes where. "Another obvious problem that adds dollars to a repair bill is also concerned with the do-it-yourself sort. More often than not these types fancy themselves as skilled as those who spend their lives fixing radio and television sets. The truth is," says Forbes, "most of the repairs should be left to repairmen." "Fool around with a set long enough." says Forbes, "and an individual will run a $10 job into a $110 operation. Rather than fix a loose connection, the rlo-it-yoursclfer is likely to loosen the rest of the wiring "In short." says Forbes, "leave the fixing In the fixers. In the PAGE5 ncss and lack of noticing that she now demands respect as a human being. Has A Weakness As almost always, Shaw's ideas preoccupied him more than his characters, and the main weak ness of the play is his: Without convincingly showing us Liza's capability of rising to such fine qualities, he merely presents her transition, and there is little real warmth. For television, however, the adaptation situation seemed vir tually ideal: The length of the play lit almost like a glove into the 90-minute space, whereas the last "Hall of Fame" program. Cyra no de Bergerac," a long work was compressed uncomfortably at times. By the way, if you're wonder ing whether the unresolved end ing meant that Liza got Higgins, be assured she did not. Shaw, the anti-romantic, wrote a hilarious epilogue about social customs, ex plaining why Liza, instead, mar ried a young jackass who loved her, and got her shop after all. It's six-five-and-even the audiences never believe it. Program Conflict There was a very annoying pro gram conflict while "Pygmalion" was on Wednesday night. "CBSi Reports" competed by present ing a truly outstanding pictorial interview with West German Chan- ellor Konrad Adenauer on hisj life and times. And it was a loss, both to the show and viewers, to have aired such a riveting coup at such an unfortunate time. Except for some ovcrlong ani mated editorial cartoons about Adenauer, which seemed out of tone with the massively impres sive straightforwardness of the "CBS Reports," the portrait of the leader was impeccably done. He spoke with reporter Daniel Schorr, and often his words were used employing an interpreter- over films of his Germany, past and present. His opposition to Hit ler as mayor of Cologne; his year in a monastery to think over his life; his closeness with Charles de Gaulle, who offered him recogni tion when others did not these facets were explored. Though formidable, Adenauer exhibited warm wit and friendli ness as well as toughness. "I do not suffer, in general, from fear, he said. y long run this will pay off hand somely." Though the billion dollar mainte nance bill facing TV owners is the largest in history, Forbes in sists sets are better than ever. "From our own experience," he says, "the industry has taken many, many giant steps since the first home television set was mar kcled in this country in 1931 "New materials have made sets last much longer than only a few years ago." he explains. "Strong plastics, alkyds and others, have improved performance and added years to the life of a television set s innards. And. with the in nards lasting longer, the bills will be getting smaller in the next few vears " Liitinit conlilno Martin art Bvkllihftf ai public toi-vie hy the Haraltf an Ntwi. Thli nawiaaaar it nat rttw alhlt far arrars in timaa ar arrm tanttnt at (vrnlihaa' by lha ilatian. Prtaram llttinfi iabact ta artanaa Ithtvt notfct. Far ajlltianal intar matlan aall tha Harlan. KBES-TV MEOPORD, OREGON Channel S Pacific StontfartJ Tlmi Fabruary 10 Fabruary U SUNDAY 11:00 TBA 3:00 Oral Roberts 3:30 Sunday Sporlt spectacular 4:00 Championship Bowling 5:00 Father Knows Best 5:30 GE Collega Bowl e:00 10th Century 4:30 Password 7:00 The Jetsoni 7:30 Dennis The Menaca 1:00 Ed Sullivan :00 Real McCoys t:10 G.E. True Theatar 10:00 Candid Camera 10:30 What'i My Llna 11:00 Newt 11:15 Sign Off MONDAY 1:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 I Love Lucy 10:00 McCoys 10:30 Pete and Gladys 11:00 Lova al LI la 11:34 CBS Ntwt 11:30 Starch tor Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 13:00 College of tht Air 13:30 As the World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party 1:00 To Toll Tht Truth 7:35 CBS News 3:30 Jant Wymen 3 50 SiKrtt Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Johnnie Linn Show 4:30 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Alvin 5:30 Rln Tin Tin 4:00 TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Report 4:15 CBS News 6:30 McHale's Navy 7:00 My Three Sons 7:30 Dakotas 1:30 Lucille Batt Show 9:00 Danny Thomas 9:30 Andy Griffith 10:00 77 Sunset Strip 11:30 ABC News Final 11:15 Report to the Peoplt 11:45 Sign OH TUESDAY Captain Kangaroo Calendar I Love Lucy The McCoys 1:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 Peta & Gladys Love of Life CBS News Search For Tomorrow Guiding Light Collega of tht Air As The World Turns Password Housa Party To Tell Tht Truth CBS News Jane Wvman 11:00 11:34 11:30 11:45 13:00 13:30 1:00 1:30 3:00 3:35 3:30 3:00 Secret Storm Edge of Night Johnnie Linn Show Discovery '63 3:30 4:00 4:30 4:54 5:00 5:30 4:00 4:05 4:15 4:30 7:00 7:30 American Newsstand Sky King Quick Draw McGraw Your TV Weatherman Channel 5 Repart Walter Cronkltt Newt Tha Deputy Country Show Marshal Dillon Lloyd Bridges Red Ska lion Jack Benny Garry Moore 1:00 1:30 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:15 ABC Newt Final Sign Off WEDNESDAY 1:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Calendar 9:30 I Leva Lucy 10:00 McCoys 10:30 Peft and Gladys 11:00 Lovt of Lift 11:74 CBS Ntws 11:30 Sttrch for Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 13:00 Colleot of tht Air 13:30 As tht World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 Housa Party 3:00 To Tell tht Truth 2:35 CBS News 2:30 Jtnt Wymin 1:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Johnnie Linn Show 4:30 Discovery 'A3 4:54 American Newsstand 5:00 Undo Bill's Adventure Tlmt 1:31 Yogi Batr 4:00 TV Watthtrman 4:05 Ntws 4:15 CBS Ntwi 4:30 Hillbillies 7:00 Onit fc Harriet 7:30 Wtren Train 1:10 Going My Way :3t Dick Van Dykt 11:00 Naked City 11:00 ABC News Final 11:15 Sign Off TWUKMUT 100 Captain Kangaroo 9 90 Calendar 9:30 I Lovt Lucy 10:09 McCoys 10:30 pete ana Giaays l Leva ar Lite 11:74 CBS News 11:30 Search for Tamarrow 11:45 Guldlnf Light 13:00 College tht Air 13:30 As the World Turn! 1:00 Password 1:39 Houst Party 3:00 To Tall Tht Truth 3:35 CBS News 3:30 Jant Wyman 3:00 Secret Storm 3:39 raoe af Night 4:00 Johnnie Linn Show 4:30 Discovery '43 4:54 American Newsstand 5:00 Mighty Mouse 5:30 Roy Rogers 4:00 Your TV Weethermin 4:95 Channel 5 Report 6:15 Walttr Cronkltt 4:30 Spot. I Roundup 7:09 Rifleman 7:30 Mr. Ed 1:00 Ptrry MtMW 9:00 Twilight Zont 10:00 Alcoa Prtmier 11.00 ABC Ntws Final 11:11 Too SMr Bowling 17:15 Sign Oft mm ay 100 Captain Kangaroo 9 Oo Calendar :30 I Lova Luc 10:00 McCoys 0:30 Pete and Graiyi 1100 Lovt Of Lift 11 74 CR$ Newt 19:30 Starch tor Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light t?:0 Coi'tot tht tr 13:30 tht World Turns 1:00 Password 1:39 House Party 3:00 To Tel! The Truth 1 75 CBS News 3 30 Jane Wyman 1:00 Secret Storm 3 30 Edge ot Night 4 00 Johnny Linn Show 4:30 Dtscevtry '41 4:54 Amarican Newsslentt 5:00 Uncle BHI 5 30 HurkitBtrrv Hound 4 00 Your T7 Weathermen 4 05 Channel 5 Report 4:1 J Waiter Cronkita 4 10 Story Of 7 00 Leave It tt Beaver 7 X) Rawhirte I 10 Routt 44 10 I'm Dicent-He'l Fernler 10 00 A"red Hitchcock 11 09 ABC Nwa Final 11:10 Local New Final 11 15 Stage 1 tt 5 Sign CM SATURDAY 13 00 Bug Bunny I! 30 Magic Land 1 00 My Friend Fttrht 1:30 Armchair Adventure 1 45 Visit With C'ty Poltet j 00 Championship BrktO 7 10 Challenge Gof S 30 Provisional Bowlers Tour 5 00 Matinee 4 00 Den $mot port 4 15 Menton Forum 1 00 I've Got a Scref 1 30 The Defenders 7 10 TBA I JO TBA 9 39 Have Gun Wilt Travel 1100 Gunameae a TV Schedules For KOTI-TV KLAMATH PALLS, OREtON Channel t Pacific Standard Tlmt February 10 February 14 SUNDAY 11:30 TBA 13:00 Challenge Golf 1:00 Championship Bowling 7:00 Oral Roberts 1:30 Sunday Sports Spectacular 4:00 Dan Smoot Report 4: 15 Manion Foruni 4 30 TBA 5:00 Maior Adams Trallmaster 6:00 20th Century 4; JO Trails West 7:00 Ensign O'Toole 7:30 Jetsons 8:00 Sunday Night Movie 10:00 Candid Camera 10.30 Howard K. Smith 11:00 Sunday News Special MONDAY 10:00 College ot the Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30 Yours for a Song 13:00 Ernie Ford 13:30 As the World Turns 1:00 Fatner Knows Best 1:30 House Party 3:00 Day in Court 1:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge ot Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:00 Discovery '63 4:55 Amarican Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain's Corner 5:05 Town & Country Workshop 5:30 Dennis The Menace 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Repart 6:15 ABC News 6:30 Local News 6:45 ScoMy's Barks 'n' Bites (Sports) 7:00 Mr. Ed 7:30 The Dakotas 1:30 Rftlemar. 9:00 Stoney Burkt 10:00 Ben Casey 11:00 ABC Final Report 11:15 ABC Final Report TUESDAY 10:00 College ot the Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jan Wyman Presents 11:30 Yours For A Song 12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 13:30 As The World Tunis 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 House Party 3:00 Day In Court 3;30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Slorm 3:30 Edge ot Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain's Corner 5 05 Tech Talks 5:39 Quick Draw McGraw 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Report 6:15 ABC News 4:30 Local News 6:45 TBA 7:00 David Brlnklty'l Journal 7:30 Combat 0:30 Hawaiian Eyt 9:30 Untouchable: 10:30 Bell & Howell Ctoseup 11:00 ABC Final Report WEDNESDAY 10:00 College of tha Air 10:30 Queen For a Day 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30 Yours t-or song 13:00 Ernie Ford 13:30 As Tht World Tumi 1:00 Fafhtr Knows Best 1:30 Houit Parly 7:00 Day In Court 7:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Niqht 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '61 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain'! Corner 5:05 Fund-o-Rama 5:30 Yogi Bear 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Farm Market Report 4.10 Stock Market Report 4:15 ABC News 4:30 Local Newt 6: 15 Sportsman 7:00 Hazel 7:30 Wagon Train 0:30 Going My Way 9:30 Our Man Higgini 10:00 Naked City 11:00 ABC Final Report THURSDAY 10:00 College ot the Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jana Wyman 11:30 Yours for a Seng 3:00 Ernie Pora 13:30 As Tht World Turni 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 House Party 3:00 Day In Court 3:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge Ot Niqht 4:00 American Bandstand 4:10 Discovery '43 4:55 American Newsitand 5 00 King Leonardo 5:30 Bullwlnkle 6 00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Ferm Market Report 6:10 Stock Market Report 6:15 ABC Evening Report 4:30 Local Naws 4 45 Scatty' Bark 'n' Bttei 7:00 Deputy 7 30 Onit and Harriet 1:00 Story Of 1:39 Letvt It Tt Beaver 9:00 My Thret Son 9:30 McHtle's Navy 10:00 Premiere 11:00 ABC Final Report 11:15 Top Star Bowling FRIDAY 10:00 Collage of tha Air 10 30 Quaen For A Day 11:00 Jana Wyman Present 11:30 Your tor a Song 13:00 Tennessee Emit Ford 13:30 A Tht World Turn 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:10 House Party 3:00 Day in Court 3:39 Sevan Keys 109 Secret Storm 3:30 Edgt Of Niqht 4:09 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '6J 4.55 American Newsilanf 5:00 Ore. Cal. Panorama 5:39 Huckleberry Hound 4 00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Farm Market Rrport 4:10 Slock Market R apart 4:15 ABC News 4 30 Local News 4 45 Scotty's Bark 'n' BUtl 7:00 Mr. Smith Got to Washington 7 30 Valiant Years 1:00 Father Knows Best 30 Flintttones 9 00 I'm Dickem-Ht't Fensttr 9 30 77 Sunset Strip 10:30 M Squtd 11 .00 ABC Final Report 11:15 Showtime On Two SATURDAY 9 00 Captain Kangaroo 10 00 The Alvin Show 10 30 Mighty Mouse Playhous 11:00 Top Cat 11:30 Beany K Cecil 13:00 Bugs Bunny 17 30 Magic Land of Alakaiem i oo My f-riena t-ncKe 1 30 Sky King 3.00 Davey 4. Gntiafh 3.15 Social Security 3 10 Challenge Golf J.3Q PRA Bowling 5 00 WW World of SpOrtl JO Country Show 7 00 Fight ot th We'k 7 50 Make That Spare I 00 Gallant Men 9 00 Lawrence Wlk 10 00 Gunsmofce 11:15 Showtime on Two KMED-TY Channel 19 MFjriFOftD, OftfOON Pacific Slander 9 Time Pebruery 19 Fabruary 14 SUNDAY II 30 Sign On 1 35 latrwl Heart l 45 Tht Chr.stophtri 7 Th Bible Aniwart 3 10 Sunday Ckntme. Aha Lincoln In niinon 7 00 Wide World of Sport' Intn't Surf. Ing Championships Mm Norg tkl Jump Champ. I W Wtld Kingdom 4 DO Wonderful World Of Golf 5 00 Uodatt 5 10 BiHwmHt 4 00 Mt Tht Prts". 4 McKeaver and th Colonel 7:00 Enigr O'Toole 7:39 Ditnay Wo'ifl of Color JO Car 54. Whtrt Art Yuf 9.00 Banama 16 00 Du"onl Show 0 th Week il 00 News I I OS Sgn OH KMED TV MONDAY 9 35 Sign On - Mornln) Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price I Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequence 11:55 NBC News 13:00 Merv Griffin Show 13:55 NBC News 1:00 Lerttte Young 1:30 Young Dr. Malona 7:00 The Match Game 3:25 NBC News 3:30 Make Room tor Daddy 3:00 Quean for Day 3:30 Movietime on Ten: "Human Jungle' 5:00 King Leonard 5:30 Our Gang 5:55 Weather Window 6:00 Ntws real 10 6:10 Sports Highlights 4:15 Huntley Brinkley Report 6:30 Our Man Higgins 7:00 Valiant Years 7:30 Monday Night at the Movies: "Th Bravados 9:30 Elsenhower on Lincoln 10:00 Ben Casey 11:M News Ten Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show l:oo Ntws, weatner, sign om TUESDAY 9:35 Sign On Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price Is Right 10:30 concentration 11:00 Your First Impressitn 11:30 Truth or Consequence 11:55 NBC News 13:00 Merv Grltln Show 13:55 NBC News 1:00 Lorett Young 3:00 The Match Gamt 3:25 NBC News 7:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen for a Day 3:30 Movlttlme on Ten: "Sitting Pretty 5:00 Magic Ranch 5:30 Laurel and Hardy 5:55 Weather window 6:00 Newsreel Ten 6:10 Sports Highlight 6:15 Huntley Brinkley Report ' 4:39 Combat 7:30 La ram it 1:30 Empire 9:30 Dick Powell Show 10:30 Chtt Huntley Repertlng 11:00 Newsreel Ten Night Report 11:15 Tonight Shew i:oo now, weatntr, sign on WEDNESDAY 9:75 Sign On - Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 Ih Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth ar Consequences 11:'5 NBC News 13:00 Merv Griffin Show 13:55 NBC News 1:00 Lorett a Yung 1:30 Young Dr. Melon 3:00 Tht Match Gamt 7:75 NBC News 7:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen For Day 3:30 Movlttlm on Ten: "Inlrlgut" 5:00 Put! and Reddy 5:30 Our Gang S 55 The Weather Window 4:00 Newsreel 10 4:15 Huntley Brinkley Report 4:30 5am Benedict 7:30 The Virginian 9:00 Perry Como 10:00 The 11th Hour 11:00 Ntws Ttn Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 Ntwi, Weather and sign Off THURSDAY 9:35 Sign On Morning Vlilt 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 Tha Price la Right 10:33 Concentration 11:0Your First Imprtsslon 11:30 Truth or consequence 11:55 NBC Newt 13:00 Merv Griffin Show 13:55 NBC New 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 Young Dr. Melon 3:00 Tht Match Gamt 3:35 NBC Newt 3:30 Mak Room For Daddy 3 00 Queen For A Dav 3:30 Movietime on Ten: "Girl In Ih Woods" 4:30 Friendship Circle 5:00 Fury 5:30 Laurel and Hardy 5:55 Weather Window 4:00 Newsreel Tan 4:10 Sports Highlights 4:15 Huntley Brinkley a: jo r-eaturt promt 4:35 Sports Special 7:00 Spelldown 7:30 Wldt Country 1:30 Dr. Klldar 9:30 Hfl 10:00 Andy William 11:00 New Tan Night Report 11:15 T anight Show 1; 00 News, weather, sign Off FRIDAY 9 35 Sign On Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 Th Prlc It Right 10:30 Concentration 11:09 Your First lmprssln 11:30 Truth or coniqutnci 11:55 NBC News 11:00 Merv Griffin Show 13:55 NBC Ntwt 1:00 Loretta Young 3:00 The Match Gamt 3:75 NBC News 7:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen For A Oay 3:30 Movietime on Tnt "Shack Out On 101" 4:55 International Showtlm 3:55 Th Weather Window 6 00 Newsreel 10 4:15 Huntley Brinkley Report 6:30 Stonoy Burkt 7 JO Gallant Men 139 Sing Along With Mitch 9:30 Tht Price Is Right 10:00 Jack Paar ll-.W New Tan Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show i:oo Ntw. weatner ana signorr SATURDAY 11:05 Sign On il:05 Minister'! Round Ttoit 11:30 Exploring 13:30 Welch Mr. Witerd 1:00 Sharl Lwlt 1:30 Magic Midway 3:00 Saturday Matin: "Vallly of th Sun" 3:30 Sport International 3:00 All Star Golf 4:00 NBC News 6:13 Th Weather Window 4: JO Local New 4:30 Wyatt fcarp 7:00 Fight of th Wek and Maka Thai Spar 00 As Caeser Sl It I JO Jnay Blshoo :00 Saturday Nit th Movies: "Tht Long Hot Summer" 11:00 Intermission News 11:05 Seven Arli Playhouse: "Tht Fugi tives" 1:00 Nwt, Weather, Sign Off KVIP-TV DDI NO, CALIFORNIA CHANNIL 7 February I February II SUNPAT ll-Oo Faith For Today 11 ; Herald of Truth 12 00 Challenge Golf 1 :00 The Northerner 1: Vttt th professor ? r Directions 41 !:M Valiant Years 3:00 Menion Forum 3:10 Film Far 3:45 Doctor Forum 4 00 Wonderful World of Onlf 3 no Malor Adam Train Master a 90 Mark Roger' Report 9 30 McKeever and Th Colonel 7 99 6nngn 0'Tl 1 19 Disney's Wonderful War If f Clf I '0 Car 34 Whr Ar Yu f 09 tnnante 10:00 Voir of Flrtston it Howard K Smith it. 09 DavM Brinkley 11:19 This I th Wy, Rtliiul i oo Lttt New MO.VDAT :1 educational 9 Price II Rilhf 9:tt Cnentrtlon 11 99 Jant Wymtn 11 ;J Yur Fr S9 11:00 Tennessee Ernie Fartf 1210 Fether Know Best 1 99 Lretta YOung 1:9 TV Bingo 1:99 Day In Court 1 14 Midday Report I 10 1 Key 1 90 Our For A Day 1 JO Who D You Trust 4 00 American Bandttand 4 TO Dicovry 'i I S Bandstand Newt 3 00 Brave Stallion 3 19 MKfcty Mo-ne Ctirf 9 9 Nawioeat North tat 9:13 Kuntley-Brinkwy 19 Gallant Mar 7 Th Dakota I JO Ritierpen 00 Stnnf fturh 10 00 6n Cty The Week KVIP-TV ABC New Final Sportscast Tonight Lata News TUESDAY Educational Price is Right Concentration Jan Wvman Your For a Song Ernie Ford Show Father Knows Best Loretta Young TV Bingo Day In Court Midday Report Seven Kays 11:00 11:10 11:15 11:35 9:30 1000 10:30 11:00 11:30 13:00 11:30 1:00 1:30 3:00 3:74 7:30 1:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 4:55 5:00 5:30 6.H 6:15 4:30 7:30 1:30 9:30 Queen for a Oay Who Do You Trust American Bandstand Discovery Bandstand News Cartoon Time Mickey Mouse Club Nawsbeat Northstat Huntley Brinkley Laramie Combat Hawaiian Ev Unlouchables As Caesar Sees It ABC News Final Sportscast Tonight Late New WEDNESDAY Educational Price Is Right Concentration Jane Wyman Yaur For A Sono 10:30 11:00 11:10 11:13 13:11 9:39 19:90 10:30 11:00 11:34 13:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford Father Knows Best Loretta Young TV Bingo Day In Court Midday Report 7 Keys Queen For A Day Who Do You Trust American Bandstand Discovery 63 Bandstand News Broken Arrow Mickey Mouse Club Newsbeat Northstat Huntley-Brinklay International Showtlm Wagon Train Going My Way Our Man Higgini Naked City ABC Newt Final Sportscast Tonight Show Lata News THURSDAY Educational Prlc Is Right Concentration Jana Wyman Your For t Seng Ernlt Ford Show Father Know Beit 13:30 1:99 1:10 1:90 3:34 1:39 3:00 : 39 4:00 4:C3 4:55 5:00 S:M 6:09 6:15 6:30 7:30 0:30 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:10 11:15 13:33 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 17:00 17:30 NELSON'S TV Pockord-B.ll TV t Radio ir Channtl Matter Transistor Radios We Servics All Makes of Radios and TV's DAY OR NIGHT! (Exctpr Sunday) O All Work Guarantoad 3005 Shasta Way TU 2-347 TV Service All makti, oil kind Pick up and Dtlivtry Service up to 8 pm daily 24 yart of irvic to th Klsmath Basin. Phon) TU 4.5121 ar 4-7241. tkthifstttutic 126 Na. 7th 1 ACE TV mm 5j s. FO THE FINEST in iv-WDio mm PHONC TU4-1SI1 NOW!!!! Home Service Calls $4.50 1140 Rivarsida Drlvt Opan 9 to 6 Mon. thru Sat. m MONTGOMERY WARD 9th & Pine TU 4-3188 AIRLINL PICTURE TUBE SALE On Popular 21" Tubes QQ Plus Yaur Via I Hn Trada-ln Installed by Factory Trained Technician Infay sharp TV pictures with suaar alumintiad plctura ruaa . . . mada tar Wards hy lauding tuba . u tacturar. Ouararttaad tar ana yaar. COMPARE AIRLINE QUALITY AND LOW PRICES ON ALL OTHER SIZE TUBES READ CLASSIFICATION NO. 41 RADIO-TV-MUSIC" KVIP-TV 1 00 Loretta Young 1:30 TV Bingo 3:00 Day In Court 3:14 Midday Report 3:30 Seven Key 3:00 Queen For A Day J: 30 Who Do You Trust 4. K American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery 62 4:55 Bandstand News 5:00 Super Car 3:39 Mickey Mout Club 6:00 Newsbeat Northstat 4:15 Huntley-Brlnkley 6:30 Fether Knows Bast 7:00 Guestword Ha 7:3 Adventures of Out and Harriet 1:00 Tha Donna Reed Show 1:30 Lttvt It To Beavtr 9:90 My Three Son 9:30 McHale's Navy 10:00 Fred Astalre Premier 11:00 ABC News Final 11:10 Sportscast 11:15 Tonight Show 11:35 Lai Naws FRIDAY Educational Price Is Right Concentration Jan Wyman Show Yours For A Song Tennessee Ernie Ford Father Knows Best Loretta Young TV Bingo Day In Court Midday Report 7 Keys Queen Fer A Day Who Oo You Trust Amarican Bandstand Discovery 43 Bandstand News Jill's Party Tim Mickey Moust Club Newsbeat Northstat Huntley Brinkley Films of th Fillies Flint stones I'm Dickens He't Fnstr 77 Sunitt Strip Rebel ABC Ntws Final Sports Cost Tonight Show Lata News SATURDAY Sharl Lewis King Leonard Fury 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 13:00 17:30 1:00 1:30 3.00 2:74 3:30 3:90 3:30 4:00 4:30 4:55 S:00 5:30 4:00 6:15 4:30 1:30 9:90 9:30 19:30 11:00 11:10 11:13 13:35 9:90 9.30 10:00 BEEBE'S TV and RADIO Service Packaid-Ball t Sylvania Salas SJ&C Graan Stamps m OratM 'Ik TU 4-TJH B & B RADIO & ELECTRIC Complct) Strvtca on TV's- Radios Record Players 316 S. 6th TU 2-4434 Pltnty of Fraa Parking' , Billy Golden Mm All Makes & Models WE CAN SAVE 80 of all; Picture Tubes Llsfan to "Party Llna" with Tom Mann, KFLW, 12:35 P.M., Daily. 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