By Jimmy Hatio" POET'S CORNER COUNTRY DOCTOR . There's' tonsillitis, fractures and germs to fight. Diagnosis, advice and prescrip Sun.. Feb. in. 19(3 Page tions to write. Old mother Jones is back again, With imaginary ills and aches and pain; A carpenter slipped while fix ing a wall, And broke two ribs in a len foot fall. And now again a patient's back. Infected wound-stepped on a tack. The waiting room's full of aches and pain, A call in the country through mud and rain: - HEOggS ARE MADE - NOT eoRtJ Ifttato IttlilBtto I TheU Do It Every Time rFa5fM& ( I'M WAITIN6 TILL s Cw.TTwbN THE FIELD, HE TRlESTOTELL ?J5l5,fiTl--W'AWSOR RE-.' THE LAW f u-r uf-? ij THAT THE GREATeSTMl MAM WHO DID Siijij.J'n EUROPEAN BILLIARD )THAT WAS IN L. SCt, - PLAYERS NOW 0S& TRACTIOM STATeHOOSEj t THE CROSSHAMO 3 BEFORE- TH J . H i '- l ' WVri GENIUS HAS. PURE ALWAY ) I OH, VES. INDEED- HALF HOUR ANP hXu TwJSfTV ) J WE FIGURED FUlTtoO JStiSl i . I SJiiEL, i see s. V'MovEL'w6',y tuu nctual I i, f r (A TffV TO DO AS A 600D DRIVER DOES- ' rfH STAy A SAFE DISTANCE BEHIND P 1 THE CAR AHEAD IN CASE OF CkMUlB J I SUDDEN STOPS- 'ng-. J , I So WOT HOPPENS ? EVEITBODy BEHIND youCf!4 JUMPS INTO THE SPACE SO NOW yoU'RE JWWJ' RIDING He's glad when he's back and SHAME, PRISCILLAi JENNY LU ISN ONE OF YOUR ) 7 DEAREST r-S FRIENDS.' Jj WHY DON'T YOU - GET ON TME PHONE, WHAT SHALL " U -CALL HERy IHlSISAPEETTVNIce (spread Sou have her&J IT HAS SOUR.CREAM. CLAM 3UlC,cHWS, AND GARLIC IN IT. vj1 T'S ALL I'M TRV EXERCISE J N-TOGE UT, J V. REA o fSTRC K ATHLETE? i ARB VOU GETTING STRONG, TO BE A FAMOUS ,l'M exercising) ' .TO BE A ' tBULLV j whilst cut li'l' sua lm i THINKIN't IfcMMfc JU5f TA1,K fO yow " I? yon AN'Ap gvsK jy psa8 Tim ev(?yfH(M6 Jn. v t soS5 into, 8jf. 0L9 C0MPA9JE..fH 6?5Af "T U6ION"MI1.UONS lOVfc VW"'AN' Will A tore you r - J It L lS" Jln'S' 50 L0N& K. Vi' J a TAJ A fi V th6 vkvtecioti- A IEgTALLMOWITHITI'H0HVVIPgg --4 PLAyBO ON MY FINER IWSTWCT$ AS TO THIUK 0FVH WOULP THE STRINGS OF A VIOUWl HE KNEW I'D LEARN MV MrAKE, ANO TRY TO RETURN IT WITHOUT KLEPTOMANIA KW W WLAID ANP ROBBEP CHALICE . . M4 1 q OWLV ONE SWINDLER KNOWS YOU THAT WELL AN' W0ULI STOOP SO LOW.BUCKINSKAM I5HI WKO ASKED VOUR OPIMION.WASH! If BAP f LOSING 33,O0Oi WITHOUT 7 ADMITT WO T WAS TO iV THAT sapistAQAIN! YOUR ax r FOJNO rr.1 WELL. HURRY IT UP t CAKfT WXDDFF ADRAGON VERY LONG WITH A THIN3 LIKE THIS) lUj.'flfti! I r-L...lILjl.-JIy-. J I I z ( ROOfi J v r 1 PONT COME I AMt CLOSER.' I I V TOME.' y I-t ( OKAY PRINCESS.' I tf! VJHO NEEDS A BARACHUTH, WIFPANT6 UKETHKEr I A RUSSIAN 1 ( WE OOJT NEED 1 ??-BUT- V JETVWILL S IT.'.' THARS I VO'FELL. I tHUMt,'.'r' s PLAME, A N , 15S f AmBFWf I Piute v.;c'i i cu.kc-u SOME OLD-FASHIONED AMERICAN I STUMT-FLNIW." i . J ,( y .HOLD TIGHT-A r I ii:YBut it's to be exomttd?) Skeeiix! I'm alad 1 ran th ecret i Judy and Gideon have., . into uoul What's this out, Uncle ben married for IJtiay.' about the patter of little ivWaltM aim04t two yean; Y All talk o( gLrt keMiK'UJhat Hope! Nina! Judy! "N uou later. 1 Nin-' J I All three at once ? ) Tthis waretwopicaOID WHAT L THIS IS IS VOL'S SERIOUS, DIASNOSiS? ELMER! I'LL DO THESE ANYTHING J AIN'T A TO SAVE JA MOMENT WDLiLOOUUlS ToeeABiGA IAM3CM&CW, TIMOTHY? J OH, V66 Xmtm pet- I'D LlkETD REA Bii2AyajAra,Bur NOT A STUPID. I LOVE THAT WND OF DeVAr5TATIN(2 REfAtrrge. I-1? the trip's been made, And many a time he don't get paid. There s n'ever a moment that's his alone. He's busy with patients or on the phone. With miracles he's supposed to perform, With all of these things he tries to conform. But no matter how much they praise or knock. ( He s our same old kindly coun try doc. Harry Voglman. THE SEASONS Which season do you like best? He likes one best who loves them all. Who has no choice in snrina or fall. Who likes the spring rain cause it's rain. And summer cause it's warm again. Who likes the fall for various reasons, Changing leaves and cooler eve nings. Likes winter snow cause well, it's nice for kids And dogs and gives excuse for burning logs In that big fireplace in the corner. The one who is no season mourner. We'll live a fuller life and longer. Nena Wallers. ME A HOUSE house so cordially choco- THE? SURE IS A LAC Or LEAPEM" IM THIS CMP... LOOK AT IT. FUZZ AS? YEAH, TEV'BE LOLSV LEAPEKS, I y.1 t - V - I LU. mm f I THOUGHT HED V I HAVE COME Jl Vto bv now. 4 ?V ;.x I U'M?? HE 3 1' r NOTHING TO i cflu" WORRY AEXXJT. ) rjl M I JUST RELAX S"-L-'l( Co t P3MT KNOW WHICH IS V.O?S..AJ ENER&ETC LOLSV LEADER. ri7 vi LAZY "V , j BUILD Build me fine Of cookies and gumdrops. late and lime Of wafers and 'mallows and Dea- nuts galore Walled in the noucats and neb- blcs and shore With gingerbread made by a hand gently pressed And placed on a shelf out of reach of the blessed 'Til Christmas we wake wilh a loud sounding roar To garner our dream house of sweetness in store. M. R. K. BELOVED A sweetness lingers in the air, E.ich wisp and vapor ladinc; It lollows with me everywhere lour love, unfading. No lunger may 1 touch your face, Nor in my arms enfold ou: Now memory is the crystal vasa In which I hold you. Eleanor Harvey JOHN, are my MY love You know; Each hour, each will grow. I.OVE I guess vou dav, my lova rnI sl said i could v S T BEAT YOU AT PIM6 PONG I That L BETMe- DAr. FRBCK.OL' L BOY' . j ' iZ ?-f' h'ou MEAep NWAT Bur I LISTEN Tb&iJi VVKCMe AT TIMES WVIEMTHEBCIl'M ISJOTU?ED SIR, AMV ACTO CAM CCRRECTiy-B TMAT, I MEAN LEASN A MUCM, AjO 00f IN AN OePSRlY, IWTESRATEO XfROM TME DEATHLESS KXti WAy-.T MAV WELL PEOawE L CF SHAKESPEARE, fi P'W I ' M'MV FEARPUt VOUNS 1 0' I jSLi1 " 'T3 ihi-ii 3 k . TTT V.I out cf ECUU.WUM. AaaA T1 iil'ilflh' TfTll J 1 1 V cam rfl tci l LOTS 0' THINGS VOU MINDS- G "-".'E ONE fT? MSTONCE 0' W-W ME SA.Df HE PtUEVFS STILL LIVES ( lEAO', LIZARDS' HOW no M5U "DAOOY"? OH, COME NOW. ANNCl IV NOT Q'JTE MAY CEEM I fa OH, I KNOW V'l?fflLLY COM PAO MY MIND, BUT WHEN YDO, SOMETIMES rrscE3 N'E NEV? FE49.ANNIE.I CIE REASON I AM STIUL ALIVE A"-0 HtALTHV fBTHAT I (iM NOT 0 SI.B3E-L MOUTH f You moan more to me than night or day; More my dear than I could ever You're my hie; my every breath; And I will love Diee to my death. I pray each night In God above; That I ill aluavs be vour love. For eeks, a month and manv a year; You're in my heart forever dear. .!. E. COMPANY Before tile bustle. Before the hurry. We all sit quietly without a worry. Then the phone rinjs. someone answers. We wait (or a reply. Oh! My gracious, sakes alive! Company's coming! Thev'll lie here at five! Half an hour to get work done Gee . . . that won't be anv Inn, Floors to sweep! Pishes to do! Catch that dog and get that shoe. What a tumbling upt mess! Mother's crying in distress! Now the clork has just struck live. Poor dear mother has tit revived Nn we stand . . .. Fnliy dresses. cleaned pants and shirls. Not lii he seffl is or speck ot dirt. T'.ie was start the otk wa hard Tile time has tome . . The guests aie in the vard.