sSKSK"i"tSK BOWING WITH BARBARA By BARBARA BAUMGARDNER Many comments were forthcom ing about the length of last week's column but the ."Hi Gabby" and "just like a woman to not know when to quit talking" sort of tcas ing didn't bother me but the corrv incut about not being able to add four and four did bother me. I can't help but wonder how I man aged to add 140 and 140 and Ret 240. Please excuse that error. When two flint rounds are shot with a possible score of 140 points each, that totals 280. Last Wednes day, made the final payment on my new typewriter. Now maybe I'd belter apply that payment toward an adding machine, huh? Last Wednesday night a real good crowd turned out for the potluck dinner of the Klamath Archers at Ferguson .School, fol lowing the dinner and presiding ior the first time as president of the club, Hill Nash called a short meeting. The main topic of dis cussion was money-making arch cry shoots. Among the ideas pre wnled by the new officers were Sweet Shoots. Golf Shoots, Trail Shoots, Mullet Shoots, Flashlight Shoots and Novelty Shoots. A range for a golf shoot is al ready tinder investigation and is being planned for the month of April. The trail shoot is being planned to lie a one day affair .so as not to create an interference with the annual Trail Shoot al Lake of Uie Woods. The Mullet Shoot will depend upon the annual run of the mullet fish hut might be offered as a challenge to other clubs in this area to sec which could bag the most fish. All three nf those shoots should have great appeal to the hunlers in the area and will be offered to all archers in the Klamath Basin. One idea for a novelty shoot was the challenging of one of the local police pistol groups to a match. Doesn't that sound section will count as a score but tlie scores will be very tricky. Some of the high scores will be at the otitside of the ring and archers will not be able to know what scores they receive until they walk up to the target for a look at Hie tiny numbers which cannot be seen from the shoot ing position. In the center nf this target will lie a black aiming dot and if this Is hit, it will count minus two point. First and second prizes will be given for this novelty Sweet Shoot and the prizes will be cakes, pics. and cookies. To participate in the Sweet Slioot, archers will pay 23 i cents for four arrows and with this scoring system, you can bet it won't be the best shots that go home with the goodies. Sounds like fun and this will start at the Ferguson School Gym tomorrow night, Monday, Jen. 11. The league schedule this week looks like this: Monday, Feb. 11, Kast Side Electric vs. the Slier- woods, Dugan & Mest vs. U.S. Na tional Bank, Joe's vs. Roberts Hardware and Alta Sports Center vs. Farmers Lumber. Wednesday. Feb. 13, will find Kingsley Field vs. Western Auto, VFW vs. Signal Oil, and Klamath Kamera vs. Oregon Food. High team last week was VFW with a 67.1 scratch score and 73.1 handicap score. High woman was Audrec Lund with a 204 and for a gal that just started shooting the bo'v last summer, that score is well worth taking notice of. Con gratulations, Audree. Mack Van Meter was high man of the week with 241 closely followed by Gor don Lund w ith a 2.1!) and Bob .lone with 2.111. Here are the league standings to date with wins and losses in that order: VFW 7. !; Alia SporLs Center 7 I; East Side Electric 6. 2; Farm great? ers Lumber 6, 2; Signal oil li. 2; To be stal led this next week Kingsley Field 5. 3: Oregon Food will be the Sweet Shoots. Contcsl-!4. 4: The Sherwood 4. 4: Dugan anls will shoot at 21) inch targets! Mest 4. 4: Joe's Sporting Goods 3, which have been divided into two- S; Western Auto 2. fi; U.S. Nation inch riniis and tlien into eight al Bank 1, 7; Roberts Hardware sections like a pie. Each dividedll. 7; Klamath Kamera 0, R. ji ,f ;,!.;:( I.; ::Cv) J : - i1 LEGAL NOTICE NO 0 43-.H NOTICE OF SALE IN THE UNITED STATES OISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In tht Matttr of BOBBY" LEE SCOG- GINS, Bankrupt. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; Pursuant to an Order of tht above entitled Court, dated Ftbrutry 1st, 163, ihi undersigned es Trus'et of the prop erty end Estate of the Bankrupt above- named, will offer for sate it the C it Council Chambers, City Hall, Klamath Falls, Oregon, on February 27, 163, the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M.. the fol lowing described personal property of the Bankrupt: 1941 Ford, four door Feirlane 500, V I, automobile. Tnt automobile to be sold af this al Is available to be Inspected by the era) public by contacting the under signed Trustee at his office, during tice hours, Monday thrmj,h Friday, the week of February 11th and February IBlh, 1963. Said personal property will be sold with an opening bid of not lets than $950 00, for cash and Trustee re serves the right to reject all bids re ceived. Said sale beng further subject to the approval of the above-entitled Court. Said sale will be conducted by the Trus tee as auctioneer. RICHARD J. SMITH, Al torney Trustee 538 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 973 Feb. 7, I. 10. PARALLEL HANDSTAND John Kerwin of Butte Valley High's gymnastics team demonstrated a handstand on the parallel bars. The Butte Valley team will host Enterprise High of Redding Monday night in a gym nastic meet at 7 o'clock in the Butte Valley gym. Butte Vallev Gvm Team Holds Meet 3 SC(P)RES FRI NITS MIXKO FOURSOME W St IS 4ft' i '7 47' i 49' i 19' i ' 1 Ar TV Wfyerheeustv Credit Union AMch .ro.cry Cf cola Norvais Golden Rule Cash I Save Tnwrr Service Bud & Jems Midway lodd Building kern Dry Cleaning rVAM Market Midland Market Feb. I rtvulls: Wilrh Grocery j, way- rhaeuwr Credit Union li Midland Mar-l-fl J, Cash K Save li Nnrval Golden Pule 3. MftM Market 1; (K Cola J. Ace TV 1. Km Dry Cleaning 1. Burt A Jerri Midway 3; Tower Service 3. lorta Building I High team qamf, Cash A Save ; h-qh team serif. Cnta Tola 3 10. hiqh H'rt. pamt (men). Ru K at (Strom 211 . hnh md. f nr (men I, But KelW'nm M19, high ld gam I women. C athy Hott l. high md. n (wnmnl, Millie !,herhy S2. HOLIDAY BOWLt RETTES LEAGUE W L ( rerent Sea f iwH M ?A tamatn Dairy Arnr. al It rir-clrnlti i Klamath Marrl-modi f r ' fnntier Service i t Shll Oil to t ' ) rmimilick Tav?rn S l'W U w l-b rr-M'tt: Conrr srVica ). Cre (m ifa fnnd 1. ntl Oil I, Klamath Hairy Asnc t; tifctrnttii tlardwnod li LWA 4. Drun tick la Mirjh tam 0mt. Klamath Dairy Ar fia'inn 1'. h"h tram Klamail r'a'ry Avryiatiin ;M ; hmh tvt ga" Pe'iy (tfaybio 1li high Ind. series, Dar lene Perry MM. CAL-ORS LEAGUE firfwiwoH Vanr I "bPtit V'vwy V.errt Insurant J.'even A' air l-urnitu'e 49' i 19 41 II ( 4.1' l la-tiath Oa C r. impint A Dve avh K Save Oil Cn, k trim Auto Rroar Brh 4 Polly .innr Atiti Repair S'.ih St. Steel RevtiH. Silh SI. Stfl 1, C,rfK)Vvoorl Aa-nnry 3; Simpint Devo 1, Artair fur n ture 1j Jo'tes Autn Renair ft, inhbe" Vjinnrv 4. Wehb l"ua'Ke ?, Ch A ya O'l Co 7s fciama'h Gas ( I. keiar Auto Reptir J, Boh L Polly t ,Mr,pnS 4 Hjh team game, Vevem Whitney Reed Tops Ned Neely lit 1 TAU, N Y. -I PI' - Whil ihv IitT'1. Llto n;ii ion's sixth-rank t riiiwUiMir, (lefrrttpfl Next Norly, .t!ant.i. t.a . fi-2. 7-5, iIuiyIhv lo ffflvant-r Ifi I!ip 5rmi-(inal5 nf Ihr Huff.ilo Trnius Ami S(uah flub 2rMh annual mid winter invilalion (rnnis tnitinamail Kpnt. ."W. of AKmirtla. Calif . rarnoH (ho ruht lo mrot (oi-mrr Uimblorjon clianipion Vic .Vivas of rinladclplurt NUKiav. ,Sois upsft isovoilli -1 ankrd Don 1VI1. liflhrwla, .Md.. fi:i, 2fi. fi-2. rtm Siotl of SI. .tonics. NY., anH Dennis RnLsion of Bakrrs firld. Calif., won Ihr olhor mhIos matrhrs and will firjuate off Sun lav. hcott climinatrd Hi nry fan quirr, Toronlo, ()n( , in straight rots (vt, rV2. It.ilMnn dhpox-d ol Jolin Sliarjio, lirmnowrnf . f-2, fi-n teem series. Steven 7441; hiah Ind. oame. Rea Steven, Shirley Hoffman 194; fcdrile BicKford J.lS; hih Ind. serie, Ei tlina Greenwood iiO. Harold Daniels 60. VITA'S VETTS LKACUI W L 11 3 11 Alley Onon The Brave The Rollers Channalett II S re Three If stubborn J '') Pyschos J The Imofltsibiet S'i 10' i Channel 12 S 11 The Jem 4 11 Top Cats 4 11 Wonder Cat 3 13 f-etv results: Ihe lem ft. The B'avt Wea Three I. Top Cat 3; Pyschos The Rollers 3; Channeielt 4, Wonder its fti The impossible 1. Alley Oops 1, Stubborn 3 3. Channel 17 1 High team game. Channel!! 4iti high am series. Channalett iiti: high ind Oame Maro Han Inch IS, high learn series, Donna Rainwater 4f. SLOW POKI LEAOUt W L Scew Ball W 17' i Pin Butter il1 1 3V j Wednesday Weeper 4V j I' i Trail O'arjDPf 41' l' , Lurky Belles 4li .11' Lmiesnme fnur .IB 4A Lucky irtve IV i MV j Unpredlrtahlr- .1 41 Feb a result- h0h team flame. Trait Pr(j(jF 11. hiqh tam series, Ttail D'arjoe' 7irt4, high l1 o'11. Shlrlay Mitchell 14', high Ind. series, Li Crawley 4i. BE ETLt BOMB LEAGUF W Mould mgr rait. Inr O-eion Food Stoe s Pidiiielrl tv i H i f- agiet Am 41 i Acme Concrete I) 4a 4(1 Chih Vt ,J ,ine F-iher u ) Bill Auto Towiitg iv i s;'i Result O'egO't Foort 4. Fagiet 0, Acme X B'H I, Rirhiieid 1 Mou'ding Cralt 1; Jrte Wisher 1. 40 Dub I High team game. Bill's Auto high teem se'ie. At ma 7 VI; h'Oh Ind game Peoov Karnes 1J. h'Oh Ind. series. Sue Jennings Sit DOnitlS. Calif. ISppciali-nullr Valley will linlri a gymnastics meet Monday night at Rutle Val ley Hish School at 7 p.m. against Kntrrnrise Hifih of Rrddinc, Calif. This meet will he a enmhinn ion boys and girls' inlcrscholastic gymnastics meet. Gymnastic is :i growing sKtrt and Butte Val ley is one of the first around this area to come up with a team and a fine one. Paisley Five Surprises Gilchrist To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:38 p.m. weekdays a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Adi under 3 lines count same as 1 lines. 3 6 10 1 Time $7. SO 3 25 4 00 4.73 Times $4.00 5 00 00 7.00 Times Wonth .5.00 $ f.00 M 11.50 00 14.00 .50 14.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT p,r dv,rlliimnt. If ptid In advtne. abov r,tcs ir lor conieculivt Inier. tioni, without chango of copy, for pr. vol Individual!. Advertising must bi The girls' events will include the ''"r f"" ""j"ttnn,tit to s. protuc- sine none vanning, naiance Auios offcrtd for tio by pnvaio indi- hcam. free ra islhenies uneven viouin-in wnn copy. parallel bars, trampoline and turn Ming. The boys' events will be free exercise, trampoline, rope climb, side horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, still rings and tum bling. The Untie Valley coach is ftich- ard L. flaskell, the athletic direc tor of the school and also head football and track coach. He has been win king hard to help oilier schools in the Northern California ind Southern Oregon areas to gel a program going. The Hulte Val ley team has put on exhibitions armind this area. P.MS1.KY I Special i Paisley s surprising basketball quintet threw a surprise at Gilchrist's Grizzlies here Friday night and waxed the visitors, fift-.fl. with tun local lad: hilling over 20 points. Paisley took a 13-12 first period lead and never were again in great trouble as they increased he margin in Ihe second period by X)iiring 22 points to Gilchrist's 1.1 for a 37-2.S half time lead. The locals pumped in 18 points to n for Gilchrist in the third and the Grizzlies trailed by i3-.Hi going into the final stanza when they made a final splurge of 20 puinls to Paisley s eight hut it still wasn't enough. Don Sweariuger led the winners with 2l poinls and Jim Hrndhury pitched in with 21 markers. Hob Maylield had IR points ami 1.1 re ImhiihIs for the losers and .tack 11,'izlcuood notched II. Gilchrist won the B game. WI..17. Score by ipiarlers: Gilchrist ' 12 l.t t:l "ii-.V'l 1'nislev 13 22 18 tin Physician Tops i JUIIIU ASIIIIU ARCADIA, Calif. H IM' - Ihe lain and sloppy liack Saturday proved to I just what the doctor oi del el for who splashed lo an upset victory by about Icntlh oer I'mnson Satan in the M.onii S.m Antonio Handicap at .Santa Anita. Krom llie miildle of the svnnd turn until the eighth pole il Maury Wills Signs Pact With Bums UlS ANGKI.KS 'I I'D - K.ub base that Maury Wills slole on his way to an ah-lune motor league recoid and the National U'ague Most Valuable Player auard last season will he worth more I ban UHI to Ihe licet short slop in l!x;:t. wills, who eM.iblisi;cl a nuior pi,,!,,,,,,,,), 4 .shend.m 41 league maik of im thclis in Itwlontral 81 WiKvlborn .VI while leading the league in steals Gmais H2 North Mai ion 52 lor the thud straight ear, signed iseira Catholic us Mt. Angel IB a $4.(Kin contract Kridav. Istavton VI 14 High School Scores Prep llaskethal' Results llv t nilnl Press Wilson 45 Jefferson 42 Marshall fil Giant 41 Washington 54 Lincoln .14 Benson 41 Itoosevelt 40 Cleveland 63 Madison 112 Beaverton 5S Hillsbino 42 Central Catholic 71 Centennial 62 Astoria K.1 Clackamas 44 Sunset 36 David Douglas 52 Milwaukic 30 Gresham 34 Tillamook M Dallas 45 Tigard Ht W est I .inn 4'.i Lake Oswego 47 Newborg 46 Forest linne 5lt St. Helens 45 Oregon City fil McMinnville 4H Scapimose HO Silverton 5.1 Molalla .VI Jesuit 50 I'arkrnsc 6.1 Wy'east 11 Sandy fill Reynolds 6.5 l.ebanon 50 Albany 54 Corvalhs R2 North Salem 45 Soulh Salem 76 Sweet Home 4:1 Cottage Grove 51 Springlield 44 Soulh Kitgene 77 Thuislon 64 North Kugene 61 Ko'ehurg 57 Willamette 41 Marsbfteld :ll Crater 64 Klamath Falls 38 Medlnrd 71 Ashland 40 Peiullelon 81 Milton Frecuater 48 Itcdmond 37 Hermiston 41 The Dalles 75 Bend 48 Maker 36 Prineville 40 La Grande 52 Madras :16 Kmmctt ildahm nil Vale 41 Ontario 62 Nyssa 40 Noah Kali Nie 63 Hanks 47 Vernonia 32 Seaside 37 North Catholic 57 Concordia 41 Hmtd ttiver 6.5 Banner 46 Clalk.iuie 51 Fslacarta 38 Amily fil Salem Academy 42 Dayton 38 Neslucia .17 '.imlnll Ciihon 50 Sherwood 48 DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day bslor publl- cation. Noon Saturday lor Sunday and nn.naay. CANCELLATIONS t CORRFCTIONS On sama schadulf. txcapr on Monday lasa ara tahan 'III f:30 a.m. Plaasa raad first Insartion f vnur ad. Tha Harald I. News will giva ona axtra run lor typographical arror. FUNERAL HOMES WARO'S Klamaltt Funaral Koma. H .-jn S'rett. psona TU llm MEETING NOTICES Klomolh Lodrje No. 77 AF & AM STATED COMMUNICATION Mondoy, February 1 1 8 p.m. Mosonic Tem pie. All Master Mo sons cordially invited Retreshmenls. Enter tainment. Gene R. Bvmes, W.M Odd Fellows, KLAMATH LODGE No. 137 regular meeting Tues day evening. 8 p.m. Fih. 12th Odd Fellows Hall, 5th & Mai Refreshments. Visiting Odd Ftl lows welcome Edar D. Hoffman, N G. GENERAL NOTICES WE will long cherish tht many txprs: s of sympathy and wilt remember ihe beautiful (lowers, the food brought lo us and me numerous other acis kindness following the death of our be loved daughter, Sandra Naedirte Ptouffe Mr, nd Mrs. John Plouffe. Donald and rrj, Mr. and Mrs. Ronerl Summer1 PERSONALS ANCLE'S Home for elderly lalies. va cartcy March I. appoinfmenl, TU I-3I6. CAR E for elderly pensioners, board. room and laundry. TU 2-JMi. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, T1 1-3591. TU 4-8704. Friend.y help anytime. GRAHAM'S licensed home for tht aged, private rooms or ward care. SDeci diet, personal Interest assured, TU 2-3144 OVERTURE TREND, 1963 shaping and curftno. Your hair not becoming to vou? You should be coming to Kim and Anona. Studio of Beauty, TU 4-7151. BEGINNERS ALANON, friendly help tor families of alcoholics, TU 4-7)29 or S740. P.O. Box 1065 SERVICES SAVE your dirt and fawn. Order retail Ing wall now! TU 2-4036. THE FIX-IT SHOP Sharpening service. Small repairs. New. used bicycles, parts. T A C Shopping center, 326 so. 6th. tu 4.34?. SNOW plowing, tractor equipment, ph TU 4-6447 anytime. Bill Forney. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your place Al stoif. tu 6126. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds, easonable, references, TU 3-5JSS. CHAMBERS HOUSE MOVING, founda. tlons, leveling, TU 2-08(6 or TU 3-1014. TREE topping, pruning, insured t r e grooming. Lakeshora Nursery, TU 4-6955. HOUSE remodeling, cabirets our special f, pleast check our references. 4079. II a bike of jnmr $l.yooo ocr his Itti2 cnnli.l, mul en ,iMrd him to lon Oi5- d.'ilp' as ho lm;lu-.l paid l';inby u; Si in 4tl Toledo M.iplrion M .Siuliw 74 Tall .i V,i!HHtt ti."i K('rtlpoit 'Tilt inn t.t st. l-i.Muis ; Irnt ;nd yrn-j McKrnic 4t Di nin 4." 'Huir' Ha-1. 'urn t mn Citv M O.tkiidjr M ulv l0(li;rrs Mcp pipsi oral m.Hi.Krr K .1 vnsi nirt with WilN n soon mUVntr.d I. inn 47 rirsv.rH 40 Ihf litllr InhrlHrr irtuincd fi om ' Kufillr M Sulhn lin ."! i tup lo lu ,Hlurt. And in njMyrtlr Cirpk "tdtiluir 4i frw minutrs Wills had sinrti hisllom;'ai Ht lilcndatr .l Kour liirr Kl S.irrrd HiMit 4K Mcnlrv Wi Illmoi X;V.v' 7? looked like tiir IaonM ( nnisnn 11K1 pad Satan wa- nKnit to capture hs In addilmn lo thr MVP a.ud. tJurd Mtaihl t;ikcv won tiumrroun other ntvs Rut rinmcian kip, throulrinr hu rr ord all at mind play, In- ihe running mud in thr final fur- Ion i; lo nvri-haul llv tiring fnm- son S,dan inhlr thr final - Kai;Ir Point wi St 's to .akt'ic wt PliiH'tnv 4. Mvtt'r Point ft tloid Hr.u h MnHkim;s $S Panhr i4 t hiding the Hit kok hrlt ax Ihr nut standing nt n atnlotr of Ihr vrar Hr also was nanird Iwt 't'lnpuilr 71 Maiulon 4." trrnth and then pull awa fromjlirMing shoitlop hv oibrr play jdiant I'nion 4.1 Hum :t bun (i.inip was third and Ciojurr rtt in thr Ir.cuc iSbriman 71 Heppnor .7 finishrd fnuith in the field of i WdU Kitted (or tlir r.- MiKrn n' iot Kock 47 starters. win, his best in Die maiois, and ti.oton 41 Poitland hristian 4n Phy.Moian, wmnei-nf tlir S!VviM)ncd for thr Iramir lead in tuples of thr Sea tU .Irwell 41 Santa Anita Handicap last eai. with in. itiilamook Catbolie KnaiM til carried 117 pounds, lo Crimson! In thtrr National lraguf ram-('.iMadr lks H CmMi i Satan's 127 and thr 10 - imundipaisnx hr ha. stolon nraiU 2txli Alsca ftl Triangle Uike m addrd bwd apiwrently was too hasrs KM lat rai, m I1 ll.owrll W obui i Ml much or thr 4-ypar-oId. janrl .so m pn ' 'Mnnrnf .8 Crow 41 "Business Builder" WANf ADS ! I column Inch. S3) per month with I? discount for payment on or before tha loin, vi men, i won l.M discount for payment on or before tha loth. Based on one coov change per month. BOX SERVICE 50 cent per ad. C.RO OF THANKS, and N MEMORIAM MM PHONE TU 4-8111 fOR COMMFRCIAL RATES College Scores CnllrKP Raskrlliall Rr-sults By I'nilrd I'tpm Intrrnaliniml Penn Slatr 79 Navy 67 Illinois ftl Michigan Stale Wake Koicst 72 Xnrth Carolina 71 Indiana Central 77 Manchester 57 South Carolina ftti Virginia 59 Michigan 91) Indiana R6 Arkansas 75 Raylnr R3 Texas A&M 5 Texas Christian 69 Ohio .St. 94 Wisconsin 70 Pacilic Uith. 84 Puget Sound al Ithaca 74 Hoharl 49 St. Rimaventuie 71 IV Paul 67 Mlcgheny 70 Alfred 60 Kne Twh 6" Auhurn Coll. 56 Wittenlieifi 45 Capital .19 North Carolina AfcT 6S North C'i olina Coll. 65 St, Anislm's 77 Sulfolk 72 Toledo 84 Miami K)hioi 70 Carnegie Tech. 6H Wajnesburg 44 I'enn St. 49 Army 47 lioston Coll. 68 Fairfield 64 Cornell 75 Dartmouth 62 Providence 62 Catholic V. M Harvard 71 Columbia 50 Rnmn fit Pennsylvania 59 Konlham 71 Army 56 Duke .56 North Carolina St. 55 Kenn 64 Western Reerve 57 St. Francis iX.V.i 85 Kind's Coll P.l I 68 .Southwestern Tennessee M Rirm- ingham Southern 77 Mien 74 Savannah St 69 Cincinnati 65 Hiadlcv 6t (iannon 65 St. Vincent's .54 litna 57 l.o Muvne 'N.V.1 57 Colgate 85 Huttalo 71 Ruler 89 Hndgciort 74 Florida AM 117 Knoxville Rt (MMigctown 'Ky.1 98 Morris Har- e y 88 Florida St. 7;t SletMin 57 ubuin 70 tleoi gi.i 67 St John's 'NY.' 57 Nutie Dame 55 Oklahoma St. 54 loa St. 50 Furman 82 Cfsnge Washington 74 t'tenison ti2 Marland 60 Chattanoi'ga Tennesste Wesley. an i Memphis SI 72 Citadel 61 M.ilwm.i St 87 Ft Valley St. 76 Ceneva 72 C.lne Cit 64 M T I 66 Rensselaer 5.5 Pi inceton 61 ale .58 Minnesota 80 Purdue 7:t Southern Cal Defeats UCLA MVS W.Fl.F.S 'IPI -S.uth ein California outclassed CCI. in a dual sw mi meet 65-28 S.iturdax in tl-e Rig Six cnnleience 0senei lor rHtli schools I Si' had two dtHihle winners Pei iv l.indVn in Ihe 220 and .' vrfid liee-t;le and .Min Poe in Ihe , and Hi ard lrwt!e DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you welt. New Platei Made From Vour Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU i-UU Fuller Brush TU 2-5972. PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service. Trees topped or removed. PHONE IU Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alteration! for men, women. children. All work guaranteed. Reason' ante prices. Gene's Mens Wear 517 Main ft CARBIDE ft SAWS TOOLS LOCAL SHARPENING By FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL t FRANKS TACKtF & GRINDING SERVICE ?t f 'AIM "TIJ HEALTH 12 EDUCATION At U.S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS' Men-women. Start hloh as SIW a week Preparatory trsinlnq until pointed. Thousands of loos open oertenta usually unnecenery FREE formation on job,, salaries, requirements Write TODAY giving narre. address and pnone. Lincoln Service, Box 3C, Her aid and Newt. INVESTIGATE ACC IDE NT S Earn M, ti Car furnished. Bus. expenses paid FREE Information. Universal Schools, t. rtaot Hiitci-f. Dris, n, HILP WANTID. FIMALI U WANTED: housekeeper tr live in, moth eriess home, children 3 and M, TU 7 S687 EARN commissions in beautiful clothes hy conducting noma fash'on shows. Trans portation necessary. Call TU 2-SO?. SALARY SI 7S PER HOUR Futt or part time telephone contact work tn our downtown office. Hours tem I p m. or 4 )0 p m. to I 30 p m. Apply Ofgon State Employment Office. Wed nesrtav JO a m (Home Readers Service of Portland, Ore.) EXPERIENCED hreehfasl and dinner waitres needed Apply in person. San der's Drive In Restaurant, IMS E. Vain. W O V A NW HO CAN ORtV E to catf r eg u larly each month on eslAbHthed Studio Curl Cosmetics clients in and around Klamath Fails making necessary deiive ites, etc. 3 or 4 hours per dv Route w Pry up to per hour Write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Depl Glen dale, Calif. $240 A WEEK Immediate opening. Woman lo call oi and ether civic organ im-ons wilh Ouarenteed money making plan Vust have car and be tree to travel We will tram you at our eipeme ano demonstrate In the field trial you can earr comminions of JJ40 and more week ly Al Opening Inr rfa sates man- auer. Write President, Mnmens Cubs Publishing Co., 321 S. FranM.n S . Ch HELP WANTIDMALI 4 WANTF D new car jale'.mari Apply bv ifiier of aonlication only, stating guati 'nations arvd pnone so wa ca" co-taci inr perineal interview Vust pe pe'ma t resident D'fk B. MiUer Co., Olds mobile -Cadillac TWO peor'e tor rou'e ork On Prt opening Van er woman, perma "enl Can make 1 V) to per hour ' more Write M' Stetson, P O. Bo C't, Oakland ?3. Catif. Isak E R wantivt Eiperiernred bread t. weed Bakery Apply im-ned'aeiyl Yeiiov stone 1-44 'I or 454 VANAGFR tor Irrigation O'Sfrict U WO State experience and qualifications .rst letter. Address tettei to T J Albert, Rt 1. ftonania, O'e f-or per oral Interview, ca'l Lobelia 434 FXPF PICKCE UNtCFSARY. Tran- "g on the pO Wit" man,iuer We wH m erview men fegarfl",a a very tme p ditvi m eattem Oregon A,itompp,ie h equired No Sat. or Sun. work you w-M ie home Your salary will start will ra it mie'ested wnte fo Vanaoer ' Pe-SOrinel. P 0 f0 Pprttaurt O'e tnciirde fed nsme add'ess, pone number and aoa m letter. PIANO and organ salesman. Fun with a tutu tor the right man e music backorounl flosirafu hu ma-viator y Aopiy bv tetter te, Her a'i (i Nes tsr-s i;c $240 A WEEK mediate enig Vas tn c a't 'thes a"d Other civic 0oana(''On' "i gt'' ei'teert mfnf mak"3 p'" t have r and be - to t'a' Wi 1 t'Bi't vou at escente and nemrtn r'e "-a H that Ch, t n t a-r Ai0 ncem ig nr fr Qft W'-tf PiU'rtfrtt WorT 'vphshinfl CO JJ3 S F-ak, ago a XI PAGE 4 C HKRAI.D AND SEWS, Klamath FalU, Or p. .Sunday, Ffhruary 10, HCLP WANTED, MALE . U BOYS! EARN Vacation Money by sellina the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contoct Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4 8 111 APARTMf NTS Wit (INT 34 $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTt 1-1-3 bvdroom aptl., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 117 WASHBURN WAV TU 4-M7I Office hours .m. to 5 p.m. JUAL ESTATE FOR SALE 39 FOR sal 3 bedroom house, TU 4-fZtf. 2 BEDROOM horn on vi acr In south suburbs close Ferguson School. Newly painted with fenced back yard and pas lure. Wall to wall carDet In living, room. j Garage and chicken house. Very good netgnoornooa. Assume rn loan or re finance. Shown by appointment only. Phont TU 2-i06. Price $10,000. THREE bedroom home, bath and a half. tv I Alia TU Cii I e ClKiCCTiraraMOO '0O,i' "'epiatt. tsuui in oven runiviriii ntw rintji )rd range, disposal. Two - car gara-ie. ?J44 Union t Bedroom unfurnished Bedroom unfurnished Speoaui Rooms Tanefuliy Oacaraiad Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Poet Rental includes all services except telephone and electricity Pare-thee Nelen TU 7-9jU covered patio and fenced back yard- Calf tu 2-M2J for to tee. Gl tr FHA financing. WILL sell l,800equtty :heao" inlourbtd. room home, close to school and shopping area. Take over contract. Ph. TU 4-S4C2 HOUSES (TOR RENT 26 LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex near Conger School. 1S5. TU 4-U4. ONE bedroom, clean, furnished or uri- i urn lined, close in. , TU 4-5873. OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home. Built In kitchen, carpeting, garage, small tat. W,000. TU 4-7312. 3 BEDROOM unfurnished. SU, 1800 Cres cent, TU 4-3470 after 4 p.m. HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In the Herald & News are accepted in oood faith that tha fobs offcrtd ara as stated tn the advertising copy. W are no re sponsible for tha Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort lo dis cover and reject all misleading edverlis Anyone ans wering a help wanted: ad and finding it to be misleading m asked lo report if te the Classified Ad vertising Department of tht Herald News. SITUATIONS WANTED 16 HOUSEWORK lor Tuesday or Friday phone TU 3-0150. BABY silting. Week days and niohts. mv LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday, u a.m. to A p.m. u (.arisen urive, tu 2-1844 RONING, Washing, Pickup, Deliver, Ex perience Kcespnabit! IU 4-9434. !ASH for farm equipment you want le sell comes fast when you use low cost 1 Ads Dai TU 4-ftltl. ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL rooms, bachelor quarters, t only. ib & wj monthly. Wiilard Hotel, TU 4-4161. COMPOHTABLE room, bath, private entrance, 126 N. 3rd. DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room, utilities furnished. 317 Pine, TU 3-1487. CLEAN, comfortable roams. 2 btocki from Main, 15 & up. TU 4-435. APARTMENTS FOP RENT NEAT, comfortable bachelor apartment, lose in, utilities paid, 116 N. 3rd. CLEAN furnished one bedroom apart ment, close lo Main, 333 South 11th. ROOM furnished apt., hot water heal. walking distance, TU 3-0660. NICELY furnished duplex, 3 rooms, di nette. Washer. TU 4-4353, 914 Lincoln. XCEPTIONAL 3 room furnished apt,, adults, no pels, available Feb. 18, TU atter 5 p.m. LARGE nicely furnished upstairs apt.. ery clean, adults, see at 122 Hillside. FOR rent new unhjrnishea one bedroom tment, slave, refrigerator, washer, nd dryer. No children. TU 2-4153. ONE or two bedroom, furnished, ti water paid. 825 Grant, TU 2-471. TWO bedroom apartment in triple, somt furnishings, adults. 309 N. 10th. TRAILER house, double garage, wash nouse, 54)4 independence, TU 2-2B57. FOR rent Henley-Shasta district, two bed room house with usable uoslalrs room. Newly redecorated. TU 4-9974. PARTLY furnished 2 bedroom, forced air oil heal, water, garbage paid, 175. TU 2-2928, TU 4-9534. THREE room furnished house, garage. Inquire 1832 Summers Lane. ONE bedroom furnished house, 57)9 Shas ta Way. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished, near Weyerhaeuser. f45. TU 2-6135. CLEAN two bedroom furnished, near TJ.C. 4041 Bryant. TU 2-0547, TU 4-7CSC. FOR rent three bedroom house available Feb. 11, S75, TU 4-4054. NEW HOME Just finished, S level blocks from h!gt school. Built for tasting quality and eepm fort by local builder. Carpeted living oom, hall, and two bedrooms. Charming birch kitchen with builtin appliances. Full wall height fireplace with cobbled party hearth. You can't beat th low, tow pntt of $12,500. Please call TU 2-310) anytime. BY OWNER, one bedroom. 763 Califor nia, or will rent, TU ?-2e54. DUPLEX, Mills Addition, 1 bedroom, gas heat, water, garbage pa'd. Nicely fur nished, $58.50 per month. TU 4-9840. IN HENLEY. 3 bedroom plus '7 story, stoves, 2 children, $55, telerences, TU 4-6794, Rte. 2, Box 558. HOT SPRINGS one bedroom furnished house. Call TU 4-4379. ONE bedroom furnished, t'1.50, 3335 Gar den Ave. TU 2-3112. DUPLEX, 3 room furnished, excellent lo cation, garage, TU 4-8284. ONE bedroom furnished, gas heat. Phone (U 2-3.J63. TWO bedroom unfurnished, basement, garage, clean, 150, near KUHS, 1646. Portland, TU 2-65V0. NEW brick triplex apartment, clost in, 309 No. lOlh St. TWO bedroom unfurnished, garage, fenced yard, 2 milts north of town, chil Cren, pets, O.k. $65, TU 2-6590. UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom duplex, full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors. electric heat, $80 & $70. TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after 5. SMALL 2 bedroom furnished. Water, gar bage. $42.50. TU 4-9005, after S TU 2-2970. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except tor stoves, 50, TU 4-4484; TU 2-3717. ONE bedroom, unfurnished except elec trie range, free heat and water, adults, no pets. $60. TU 4-7558. ONE bedroom furnished duplex water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, garage. Newly painted, S75. TU 4-6023. CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished, I miles north of Klamath Falls, children. pets Ok. $65, TU 3-6590. CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin, $35, 1335 Adams, TU 4-3154, TU 4-9754. THREE bedroom home n restricted dis trict, available Feb. 10, $98, TU 4-5516. CLEAN 1 bedroom, $50. Stoves, refrig erator. 714 St. Francis, TU 3-0643. I SMALL apartment, electric heat, wasti ng facilities, clost In, TU 4-7340. FURNISHED 3 room bachelor apartment. $30. 3136 Reclamation. $40 per month. ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apartment. $40 per month, call TU 2-3471. ICE bachelor apartment, furnished, $25, see Mrs. Adams, 514 H'gh. PLEASING. 5th & Pine7"furnished lbed 00m, adults, $65, TU 4-5010. BEDROOM 8. 3 bedroom a oar tment, unfurnished, also 3 bedroom house, TU 5686. ALPHA APTS. Oesirebla downtown. shed, heat free, adults, $59.50. TU 4-4523. ONE bedroom apartment, range, refrig. ator. Garage. Adults, not Martin. 4APPY, clost In, adults, 140, Gun PLEASANT, downtown, furnished, large rooms, extra bath, tree heal, adults, 5, Aloha Apts., TU 4-4523. EW furnished apartment. $42.50, 1030: Upham St. TU 4-9907. BE DROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment, immediate occupancy. TU 3-6500. ANT DS are all-purpose helper II ft buy, sell. swap, rtnt, hirt. call TU FURNISHED clean 2 room cabin, elec tricity, water paid, 133.50. IU 3-6547, TU 4-8761. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs home. Dishwasher, basement, 'i balhs, double garage. $11,750. TU 4-3798. iOTSPRINGS HOMES Three bedrooms, sliding door wardrobes. Two baths, hardwond floors, com pletely remodeled. Iron Fireman Furnace. Close to all schools. Only $16,500. Owner will carry contract. Natural hat water heaf. Large family room. Three bedrooms, separate din ing room, fireplace. Two baths, 2 car garage, fruit trees. $19,000. May assume loan. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-018 ONLY $600 DOWN - , On this targe, new 3 bedroom home. In a neat, clean new suburban neighbor hood. Wall-to-wall carpeting and excel lent hardwood floors. Circulating fire place. Oil furnace heat piped fo all rooms. Natural finish kilcnen wilh all fht appliances built-in. Excellent Floor plan. Biq lot completely landscaped. FHA Ap praised at $15,600. Long term loan. DON SLOAN Real Estate 107 So. 7th Si. TU 4-5659 Anytimt SPORTSMEN'S 1 1 DELIGHT J640 ACRES 3'i miles river front. Fish and deer hunting excetlent. Some pine trees. Need 40 people with $250 each and $20 month plus 6 per cent tor 37Vj months. Ail purchasers have access and equal rights fo river frontage. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. 7th TU 4-3139 Woody Bowers TU 2-3371 TWO bedroom house, furnished, $30, sea Mrs. Adams, 514 High. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, washer-dryer hookuo, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, large, oean, TU 4-8263. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, adults, no dogs, $45, TU 4-4281. NEWLY decorated two bedroom house, unfurnished except sloves, $65, TU 2-1613. REALLY nice duplex at 1711 Division St. Unfurnished, $85. TU 4-9633 or TU 4-8812. 160 ACRES All Irrigated near Williamson River. Now m pasture and alfalfa. Immaculate 7 room modern home. Ample outbuildings. 7ft miles from city center. Total prict $100,000. 28 per cent down, 220 ACRES All Irrigated mofiy in pasture. 8l pf soil. Beautiful modern ranch style 3 bed- 00m nome, 3 baths, 7 fireo aces. Price $168,000 including all equ pment. Without equipment $150,000. Easy terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRAOFRS CLUB 133 South 9th Street Phont TU 7-4743 Fred Tucker TU 4-9747 Ralph Vatien Loreila 762-41 a NICE & COMFORTABLE . Is what you will say when you see (hi THREE BEDROOM la BATH HOME tor only $16,500. Complete w.lh FIREPLACE - STORM WINDOWS SPRINKLER SYS TEM In yard & many e'her extras lo cated in CHOICE SUBURBAN AREA. CALL NOW to set this. VA ACRES With 40 ft by 40 ft. barn located on MarJf- Ison Street. GOOD BUILDING SITE )f)9 CLEAN J bedroom unfurnished, $75. TU ft. frontage on Madison St. across from snasra scnooi Owner wilt consider TRADE for improved PROPERTY or take $750 DOWN. CALL NOW. TWO bedroom, unfurnishfr! except lor oil stove Near Hentey School and store. References required, TU 4-5997. TWO bedroom unfurnished house near Conger School. $55. TU 5-0533. ONE bedroom furnished ouplex, garage. $50. 4100 So. 6th. CLEAN one bedroom furr-ished, near new OTI site. Pnone TU 4-43M afler 4:30 p.m. and weekends. FURNISHED or unfurnished 3 bedroom home In Keno. Clean, modern. Also trail er space for rent. George Setles, TU 2-100. ONE bedroom furnished, gas- oarage, clost in, redecorated. 225 E Mam. PARTLY furnished 2 bedroom, fenced yard, garage. $45. TU 4-3755. WANT COMFORT & LIVABILITY? Then you wilt find HAPPINESS in thit LARGE THREE BEDROOM family home 11 ft. x 23 ff. MASTER BF DROOM. PLUS 12 ft by 24 ft. recreation room wm BAR I FIREPLACE. Oil forced air heat. Large tot Beeutttut vtew ALL this for only $16.f-00. Terms. SEE this Happmest Home NOW. D eane BEDROOW turn.shed duplex, etKtric heat, wall to wall ruos, draperies. Water, baqe furnished. No dogs. 731 Fulton. CLEAN, furnished. heaed. ge. adults, 703 Washington. URNISHED iy. no pets. I rooms. Close m. adults laundry facilities 803 Lin- ICE clean furnished apartment, clost In, U 3-3531. TU 4-6964. OUPLEX '1 block off hlqhwty, Wever- ieuser (unction, ail electric. TU 7-3129 NFURNISHED two ftecfrcom duplex apt California Ave. $69 50, IU -2. UNFURMSHfD two bedroom apartment, iquire 2519 Applegate. ONE bedroom furnished tot , TV, U 4 70C8 MPEE room furnished, c ean and auitf. $37 50. TU 4-4640 Or TU 4 Mo LARGE 1 bedroom partly house, basement, garage T Sach er ONE bedroom furnished house. Clean, oil heat. Water paid. TU 4-600. VERY nicely furnished and completely redecorated I bedroom home. Cioie m. would consider option fo buy. TU 4-4756 1 Q37 Mom TU 4-4127 FURNISHED one bedroom and two nd-j SALESMEN room houses. Mills. TU 3 5327, TU 4 4619. Ptpfj BatLIUS 545-218 Bonama CnHf REALTOR 3 BEDROOM furnished, new furniture ROLLtN TUTER nd wall to wail carpet. Open SundavS ?,eV.trtfi800 or alter 6:30 weekdays. 3854 Cre ANNE MASON TU 4-Mil TU 4 441-f TU 3-3?, UNFURNISHED two bedroom house, 5571 Delaware St TU 4-566 ' 8EOROOVS, partially furnished. $49 V; one bedroom furnished. or with ad-( iaeent cabm, $59 50 TU 4 6)30- : RE MODE LED J bedroo.n duple, fur nished. $65. Inquire 111 Pine. STROUT TWO bedroom, partly tu 3427 Wantlend. ished, Inquire w . Eves. ' Br A Vafla hMinnr ATTRACTIVE Hw He,m Ph. TU 4-S3l TU 7-fW TU 7 4l Unfurnished 7 bedroom Electric Im-'- Henley O. strict N-ce S Ivrirw-m oarage. Washer, prvtr -V-e nelgtfirripd TU 7-I67V type heme La'gf oi. Sea'eo Mchd ritni. j b't garage. 1 13. 750. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 0" hed'oom home. Close to city eenter. HREE room completely furnished apart-, FOR rent, warehouse spate. Phont TU, ment. 911 Walnut. TU 4 5473. 4-3579 or TU4-S083. i,r.att Cnnrt lnm OFFICE space or store rental avail-' gram and pasturt. $'7,500. ctMs 'Mil Cm-'t"n'T? Ty ORNISHFD front apartment, utilities d etept electricity, afuits only, n Apts. 319 E. Mam, Apt. 5 MODERN 2 brdroom furnished Dts. $45 lOrtth. TU 4 542. $47 so URNISMED lagt dost In. TU 14m ONE and two bedroom ao , furnished or lurnishtd. TU 2 -UJ4 or set at 1779, rgo E AN studio7 qe, utilitits. 46 'I ONSTRUCTION worif-, welcome' Near OT I site, turmjned, tv available y rates Ptfuan Motel, TU 7354 v wee WANT ADS Bring RmuII(! TU 4-8111 CE LY furnished, ff ae, private ent'i ARTVFNT Weveaeus' fur- Hed. utilities, steam heat, $40. TU 1313. OMPLFTFIY furmsf-ed studio apart ment, ail ut.l.tiM pad. $15. a wt. or avaiiaht bv tnt moth. wasft-er-grvflr. Villa s'0uiS Apa'tmtnts n,nn r -wanagemt?,tt 1.130 Can 'U be'C't 'l am or TU 4 'I'l after 7 pm EWAUNA - DOWNTOvN K'amatt s most moot So nf" TU 7-107. 2t MILLS ADDITION SPECIAL UAL 1ST ATE IXCHAH6C TRADE 3 bedroom home in K . Falls I TU 3 311 ' i"1 yw ,i,v "SPECIAL" wen yon ) see mis LARGE two bedroom home WILL f-ade equity in hOtjsa for p.ckup WALL '0 WALL CEr in living rrjnm cr wfia'-ftve-you. TU 4-3J48 , aorj (j,nnq room. Bui't-in pvn aM! raoe f iRt L Al fc $I4.0C0. Terr OO vou have t $3 000 pa'd up home1 Wou'd you like to trade tor either an 1 11 000 home or 3 rental units? Write! Pn 1416C Hf did 1 Nf ws and man t'tres. Omy HOT SPRINGS ' TMRF6 BF DROOM home with T AO B AT MS FULL BASEMENT . P ART v . 39 ROOM - FlRFPLAfE - BUILT-IN IP- TWO rdroom'VprthsideT v: tV"5 " ,or 'n50B efra lots available. TU 3-JS44 anvhrne 1 . . 7 " 'or RIAL ISTATI tO SAL! home Can nnw to set ttus. FOUR BEDROOM SI 3.750 ONE bedroom (room a eflard heater j range, tuxtrk rtl'iaeratar an-l" are. 1 are. Sou'h Scbu'bs $.-00 , don Tu 3 4C?1 j AUOLEY APAQM'FNTS vrrt.reo tv tM'OCm pi i- pnsi o"'ce RICKFALLS APARTMENTS Orvd MortL 2660 Shasta Wav C o-sd To Ptdroom con furisrrl 0"d I rfv,rnih,d S69 50 to $89.50 r5-'v, WpLly Mcl Roffl TU 2-5577 " 1 smadfi 1 P t DROOM noose on 'j acre Wall to vaii ca'oeit. fi-eoiace lots of bui(t.s. 'rd tor asfr arxl H'vPf, aectric fnat Wil f-aoe oa't o eauifv for Stods or p.ctiuo T U 4-3 ?4? L rtcattv) rtme in Convenient t A" A p. tvr-r'iirwii School - HUS - DOWN- iuwn on forced air heat. FtREPLACF is not hou ih it t MOVE, now tr see tis C C Art rr UK t AO hedroom house er ta 0, ront -JJUU LVVVtN outbuild-"sj. ei8 yarO. TU :. In-' OVF INTO two hd'nm 'ited li4 iU" -aure. 1 'h ea'hai BASE VE NT lotated nn Nn-t w low f m SJ."'' !""v:r -. Two btdraoms. t.,Pnimc, ..rrad hark ' " " v" ' va'd ia'oe "r fpLjer Scwi pr.ter" to sen at VO. TU JOiiJ no AN 3 hea-evm hf.-re! 1 acts Will tr!ie for ta-m m livtto or Rooe Vj.'e 1 W-.'e P O in, k. Fait, 301 S ! trees Set th lorlav eane pas , Sach TAO bed-"T house. f"epce $ ttrti. "t, StN; O sr'4. Ty -?eer ifavi fl tfwn, must sell a'c ve i btd'Orvn home. Jiij Ebtrttm. Set a-v' mt t'fer ) p m MOT seRiNC.SrhWi1t' Vb00mr.kt r-t. o' $u" arc. tu -t?)i la thftt-wtar-OH tw(t tlrrrT " fv rtyrt. tirtr'act pv,.it' "w " n'""t' r'tHT'-r nai. ftg ft;iLH' Ms.jiMI ft. Sarr.l.'t ny Ot..( W C I L TdttD er REALTOR ' 1C37 Main TU 4-4127 SLtS"tl pa. "t-". TU 4HI tr TU t.5 LARRV B4RA0O TU I l