Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 10, 1963, Page 13, Image 13

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    m Tech
Stomps E
astern reaon A
gain, 104
Lakeview Suffers
Loss To Cougars
The Lakeview Honkers (ell into
a lie for second place here Satur-
more Frank Peters and seven
foot Mel Counts teamed to lead
Oregon State to a 66-51 revenge
basketball win over Portland he
fore 7.171 persons Saturday night.
The Beavers, ranked 10th in the
nation by United Press Interna
tional, dropped a 67-58 decision
to the underdog pilots last night.
Peters, a fiery 6-2 forward,
scored 20 points and Counts, a
junior center, tallied 17. Each
collected nine rebounds. Forward
Cincy Powell scored 1.1 and cen
ter Steve Anstett added 12 for
Oregon State jumped out to a
7-0 lead in the opening minutes
Beavers led 32-25 at halftime and
were in front by 23 points at one
time in the second half.
The w in left Oregon State with
a 13-5 record. The Pilots suffered
their 14th loss in 20 starts.
The box score:
Portland (SI)
Cooper 10-0 13
Powell 3 7-10 4 13
Anslett 7 11.12 J 17
Doric 7 7-5 3 6
Nichols 3 4-5 9 10
Koch 3 0-10 4
Carpenter 1-7 0 3
Channlng 0 1-3 0 1
Soldan II 041 I 0
Totals 14 )J,37 14 31
OSU (44) O P PT
Peters 9 3-4 3 30
Kraut 4 3-2 4 in
Counts a s- 4 17
Paulv 2 1.1 55
Jarvis 3 2-2 4 ft
Toroeraon 0 0-0 10
Rossi 10-0 3 3
Hayward 0 0-0 0 0
Brnner 3 0-114
Totals 17 13-24 33 44
Halft.meOreonn stale 33 Portland 35.
Bonanza Trips Up
Improving Malin
BONANZA iSpeciali The Bo
nanza Antlers won their fifth
Klamath County league game at
home Friday night by defeating a
rapidly improving Malin quintet.
59-53. The Antlers are 5-4.
Malin, which downed Gilchrist
last week for its Ost Ic.-igue win.
got hot in the second half Fri
day night and almost caught the
big lead the Antlers had built up.
but couldn't quite make it.
The Antlers actually won the
game in the first quarter when
they ripped the nets for 20 points
while the slow-starting Mustangs
could muster only nine. The Ant
lers kept the pare in the second
quarter by tallying 19 hut Malin
began to warm up and got 16.
So the Antlers led at half, 39
25. The Mustangs hit for 12 in the
third period to six for Rnn.wflj
First Day
Hip Oregon State Junior Bowl
ing Association's first Annual Re
gional Tournament got underway
at Lucky tanc Saturday with all
the drama, excitement and ten
sion of a major national tourna
ment. Sixty 5-man teams. 142 doubles
teams and 261 single entries are
competing for the 168 trophies
to be awarded in the regional
Sensational bowling marked ev
ery squad as the 8 through 18-year-old
keelers took to the lanes
in six squads Saturday beginning
at a.m. '
Two high game awards, present
ed hy the Klamath Falls Junior
Bowling Council, went to ban
tam bowlers on the very first
Shannon Vinson, a mini.ilurc
Dick Weber, blasted a 181 in the
Bantam tram event Tcammnlc
F.ddie Davis of Mcdfnrd also col
lected a high game award as he
came up with games of 175 in the
team and 190 for his doubles Kd
ri'e went on to scorch the lanes
with a sizzling .W in the dou
bles to lead the baniam '8 to 12-
ear-old' hoys in total scries.
In the second squad another
Medlord bowler. Greg Smith
l.l I U. I. .U- U n
4,rt""' r "' l"s"
tarns as he came un ith a 111
t ime A lunmr girl from Ashland. I
l.sla Voth, co'lected a huh game
anard for a isi game
Other iunior hossleis col!ect:n2
svs ard on later squads were Bob
PhCips of Meril'ord with a 203.
A"rl John Tun:at nl Medford
with a 2i8 Huh tnrw pins were
day night when the white-hot
shooting of the Illinois Valley Cou
gars slammed the Honkers to
their third Rogue League defeat
and in' big fashion, 81-65.
The Cougars had the game in
hand virtually all the way as thev
poured in 20 points in the first
period to 16 lor Illinois Valley
26 to 13 in the second period. The
Honkers stayed with the Cougars
in the third frame, 16-17, and out
scored them in the fourth by 20-18.
But the damage was done.
The Honkers had a bad night in
that they were not hitting as
well as usual. But the Cougars,
who have been coming on like a
runaway fire as of late, were red
hot. Darrell Gcllert, the brilliant
little guard, led the Cougars with
34 big points. Roger Thornhill
tallied 19 and Charles Versteeg
12 for the winners.
Dan I-eahy led the winners with
20 points while Fred Williams
and Dennis Warren each had 19
points. But Larry Samples, who
was the third leading scorer in
the league going into this week
end's game, had his second bad
night in a row and got only
seven points.
It left the Honkers with a 9-3
league record and Eagle Point is
now in a tie w ith them.
The box score:
Lakeview (45)
F Fte-FI Pt Tp
3 9-10 0 19
0 0-13 0
4-S 3 30
4 7-13 7 19
7 3-7 5 7
III. Valley (III
R. Martin
71 33-34 17 43
Fg Fta-FI PI Tp
0 0-3 3 0
5 13
3 34
3 19
3 4
2 1-7 7 3
2 3-3 ! 7
30 71-31 34 II
Score by quarters:
III. Valley
14 13 14 30-45
30 34 17 1111
Arkansas was a state for more
than 75 years before adopting
an official state flag.
and 16 to 14 in the fourth period
but it wasn't enough.
Bonanza started three sopho
mores in Bill Newlun. Ricky Ste
her and Rod Pfeiffer and they ac
counted for 43 points. Stebcr col
lectcd 20 points and 21 rebounds
Newlun got 17 points and Pfeiffer
six. Sherm Kalma led Malin with
15 points while Tom Brown had
11 and Torn Tofell 10. The Mus
tangs hit 44 per cent for the
Score by quarters:
Malin 9 16 12
Bonanza 20 19 6
Malin Kalina 15. Blown II. To-
fell 10, Randy LeQuieu 8. Reggie
LeQuieu 6. .lay Parrish 5.
Bonanza Newlun 17. Simmons
9. Steber 20. Nichols 7. Pfeiffer
6. ' Dearborn 4.
Bowling Features
Of Area Meet
awarded in the junior division for
games over 200. This division em
braces the 12 through 15-year-old
keglers. Another bantam. Iarry
Priebe, received a pin for his 179
game in the fifth squad of the
"It remained for the final squad
of the evening to salvage Klamath
Falls' bowling reputation. Shooting
in the team event, the Lucky
l.anes senior boys. Dennis Gra
ham 't!i0i. Boh Woldl RSi. Mike
McFayden lftfl '. Don Graham.
'2113'. and Mike Alford i2I.1i 'han
dicap 54 pins' opened with a tor
rid 1040 game. The Lucky Ijines
crew then hung on to easily rap
ture first place with a 2913 total.
Kvery man on the team broke
500 Dennis Graham led the squad
from his leadoff position with 570
Boh Woldt had 518, Mike McFay
den 56.1: Don Graham 561 and
Mike Alford 529. They had 162
pins handicap.
In the doubles 'senior divi
sion' Gary Srhearer and Mike
Crawley moved In the front on
the highest individual game and
erie of the day thrown by Gary.
The Holiday bowler blasted a 642
scratch series on games of 212.
205. and 225. For his 225 game.
Gary became the first senior ho
WA .... . . Af .1 S.l ,U C--1I
l"' - rr tin- isimimiii i rtii.
Junior Bowling Council's hi eh
same awards. Rill Warner of Med
ford gratified the early lead
the senior boys singles with
y6 scratch. 626 handicap.
Otner.s getting high gamei
awards on the final scruad were
Irrv Davis 1 rumor bov. Med-!
ford' 20R Neil Shaw. Medford. jun-1
GETTING THE LOWDOWN ON THINGS Crater's Howard Tomlinion 1331 seems
to be trying to qet the lowdown on the rebound battle going on above him. After
the rebound for the Pelicans is Dick Scott (341, Fred Kelley (401 and Terry Ash
124) at right. The other Comet is Lou Alvarez (above Ash). The Comets won the
game, 64-58.
Palmer Blasts Into
Of Phoenix Open Tourney
I PI Sports Writer
PHOENIX. Ariz. (UPH-Arnold
Palmer blasted a powerful 243-
three-wood seven feet from the
pin on the final hole Saturday
then calmly sank the eagle putt
to grab a one - stroke lead over
arch - rivals Gary Player and
.lack Nicklaus in the third round
of the $35,000 Phoenix Open Golf
Palmer, seeking his third con
secutive championship in tins
event, posted nines of 33-3568 to
go w ith his previous rounds of 68-
67 for a 21)3 total IS under par
lor the 54 holes played.
Nicklaus and Player each bird-
ied tlie last hole to post 204 totals.
Gardner Dickinson and Don
January came next at 205, fol
lowed by second round leader Jay
Hcbcrt and Johnny Pott at 206.
Palmer already winner of the
los Angeles 0en this year, might
have pulled further ahead of the
pack except for an incident on the
13th hole. .lust as he prepared to
ior bov. 210. Dennis Nelson. Klam
ath Falls, junior. 261. Judy Duke,
a Grants Pass lass, became the
first junior girl to win an award
w ith a 190 game.
Tlie standings in all divisions at
the end of the first day of play:
Bantam Girls Wnqies Christine Bryan.
Medlord, 465; Cheryl Chr.slianson. Med
ford, 441; Loraine Anderson, Medford 444
Bantam Bovs Singles Shannon Vinson.
Medford. 491; Dave Leqg. Medlord, 417.
James Nelson. Medlord, 43.
Junior Giris Singles Janice Mainn.
Medford. 507i Maralyn Anderson, Med
loro. Ml ; Eddie Aopiegate, Medtord, 497
Junior Boys Singles Ron Roberts. Med
lO'd. 514; Larry DaviS. Medlord. 53; A 7
Miohland. Medtord 517
Senior Girls Singles -Rroina Holland.
Medtord. 54S; Linda Damron. Medlnrd.
561, Jeanelte Cou'ler, Meolord. 579
Senior Bovs Singles-fl-ll Wa-ner, Med
tnrd 676; Ron We'd Mad'Ord. 110; Gene
Brarlel. Medtord. 550
Bantam Girls Doubles Christine Bryan
Cheryl Christianson. Medlord 99
Baniam Bovs Doubles Eddie Davis
Shannon Vinson, Medlord. 1076. Larry
Pi. roe Keith Crews, Med'nrd. 194; Greoo
Smith-Dave Lego. Med'nrd. 4.
Junior Girls Doubles t one Aop'egale
Lynda Bain. Menorfl. 971, c-lstine var
tin-Linda Messai. Medlord. 4-y, Connie
Froeireish Julie Cymmnoi. Medtord. Is
Jumor Boys Doubles Jim Gibson Denny
Wilson. Klamath F ens, f4; John Tun-gate-Mik
Mickey. Med'o.d, 1044; Tom
Osa-Tade Farmer. Kiama'h Fails lOu
Senior Gi'ls Doubles J.eoetie Coulter
Maralyn Anderson. Medtord "14. Lynda
Oamron.Regma Holland. MedtO-d. 1"S.
Diana Bemev-Linda Willis. Medtord, iraa
Senior Boys Doubles Mike Craerier
Gary Shearer. Kiama'h Fails, npl, M'fce
Oavis eva'1 Oa.ote. Medlnrd. 1147; Lyle
Mous'on -Tom Shooe. Med'O'd, 1091
Baniam Girls Teams Sli , ye Ouls. Tule
las, 7157, Gutter Balls, luamelh Fens.
I, LiKSv Ones. Klamath Fa'is. 17
B-vs Teams -Holiday Bantams.
r., js-e PmhKite't Klam
!'' ?'" T veora. ?u
earns -Ma'r s Jewelers
Crams Pass. 7417. Lwcsy Strikes, mam
etn Fans. 3)44. The Fe aisses. 4ed
'O'd. 7147
Jtavor Save Teams Balensaas Caie
Wefltord. ?SSS: Ai'-Oelori. Mefllord. ?4S?,
nrvM Jun.ora. Ashland. ?)44
Senior Otris Teams And s Piav r.tris
Menrord. 371 MoS'dav Basel. t(l4meth
Sans. ??'?. Tui Lanes. Ij'l Lase. ?S4
ei.A Bovs Teams LurSy Lanes, nam.
m. Car.-ne. Kiema" Fans, 3144
Falls, Ore.
putt, and there was complete
silence in the gallery of about
3.000, a girl giggled.
Three Putts
Arnie then three-putted tlie hole
for a bogey and followed that
with another bogey on the 14th
when his approach went over the
But he made up for everything
on the 18th. He blasted a 2110-yard
tee shot on tlie par-five. 523-yard
Irole. Then he pulled out his three-
wood and rapped tlie ball the re
maining 240 yards straight down
the middle to the green. The ball
landed on the front edge and rolled
up about seven feet to the right
of the pin exactly hole high.
While the gallery, then swelled
to about 6.000, stood in hushed
Wins, 61-40
CHILOQUIN iSpeciali The
Chiloquin Panthers downed the
Butte Falls quintet. 61-40. Satur
day night with four players hit
ting in double figures.
Tony DiUlio hit for 22 points.
Don Taylor and Greg Harris for
11 each and the returned Al De
Bortoli for 10. Bob Copeland led
the losers with 1.1 points and was
the only one in doubles.
This win gave the Panthers a
17-1 season and it was a mm-
conference contest.
Score by quarters:
Chiloquin 18-19-1.V11-61
Butte Falls 10- 5-15-10-40
Butte Valley
Tips Fort Jones
DORRIS i.Spcrilai - Butte Val
ley's quintet toppled Fort Jones
here Fridav nicht in a Siskiyou
County league small school
game. 55-48.
Jim Street paced the winner
with 16 points and Charles Ingalls
aided tlie cause with 14 markers.
Fort Jones was led by Don Dun
can s 15 points and II by Mike
Butte Valley is 2 2 (or the league
lomjietition and Fort Jones is 1-3
Rutte Vallev also won the -lav
see name. ,-,7-I.Y II as tlie fourth
straight ,n for the Valley .IV
Score hy quarters:
Fort Jonrs
Butte Vallev
13- 9-13-13 w:1
10-22- 6-lV-Vij
The Klamath I ninn Pelicans
fell to the Ashland Orlirlles In
Ashland Saturday night. SMI.
as the PellraM dropped Iheir
second game In as many
II was only the second league
tn In tour years for the (trtr
llies. II also knocked I he I'ell
rans from a first plare lie
sslth Crater.
February 10, 1
silence lie rolled in the putt that
gave him the one-shot lead. .
Palmer had four birdies in ad
dition to his eagle, getting down
a'25-footer on the 12th hole.
Nicklaus was nut in 33, back in
34. for a fine 67. And Player had
.14-34 68. The National Open
rhamp had about a 30-foot putt
lor an eagle on the 18th but the
ball was slightly off line.
Chips From 80
Dickinson, playing with Palmer
pulled into contention by chipping
into the cup from 80 feet on the
18th hole for an eagle that gave
him a 68.
January was out in 31 Satur
day Willi five birdies on tlie front
nine. His longest putt was from
12 feet.
Hcbert, who led the field hy
one stroke going into the third
i-ound, got off to a fast start hy
birdicing three of the first four
boles. But he followed that with
three consecutive bogeys and
wound up with an even par 72.
The final round of the 72-hole
event is slated for Sunday.
PHOENIX. Arlr (UPU Third round
leaders In th S35.000 Phoenls Open ooll
Arnold PAlmef
. 44 47-44703
47-70-47 3"4
. 4749-44304
, 71-47-47 30S
. 49 64 44 70S
70-47 69 704
. 67 4 7 73-306
. 73 7I-6S 304
, 44-77-47-708
Ti.rn.44 sne
Jack Nicklaus
Gary Player
Don January
Gardner Dicktnton
Johnny Pott ...
Jay Hebert
Tony Lema
Baiter . .
ny Oemeret . .
Billy Camper
Bruce CrAmplon
At Geiheroer
Fred Wampter
'. 70 4.7I-?C9'T'
2 HZr l
49 7?-4( 310
, 74 64-711210
Tommy Jacob
Tommy Bolt
. 70-47-71 Jill
Dick Hart
Julluf Bofftl .
Dick Vayer . .
jacfy Cue'
77 4S-3 310
, 61.75--JII
44 73-49 311
7071-70 711
Hon , .
Tommy Aaron . .
a 77-71-711
. 44-74-414 31?
. 71-71-70 21?
71-70 71 313
49 71-77-31?
71 7331?
73 47 13 717
77-71 44 ?I3
jimmy Clark . . . .
Gary Carle
Wilton Rudolph
Dan S'hM
Or Cery wMd'ecntl
Jaek Flrch
B.itCh Baird
Dave W'f
Measure Raps
sjPhony Mileage
SM.EM 't'PI' Auto dealers
who turn hack srieedoroeter mile
aees would lnt their right to sell
cars under the terms of a bill
olfered Saturday by Rep. Richard
Kennedy. D Eucene.
There is a growing trend In
P""nv "" i-
V)" "
led to believe he is buying a less
used car man ne is m-waiiy pur
basing." Kennedy said.
T'M bl" provKi" thai conviction
WOlliO rOMUl in hp- is-svnuie; i
the dealer s certificate.
Kennedy said present law for
bids live practice, but there are no
teeth in the stabile.
rtOW IE. Md UTIi Jockey
Fred Kratz rode three winners at
Bowie Friday. Including Moss
Neck iViOflni in the feature race
Krat; also won with County Ag
ent I14 401 and Bantam Weight
Henley's Rally
Beats Phoenix
In Last
PHOENIX (Special -The Hen-
Icy Hornets won their 17 game
in a row and their 12th in league
action Saturday night hut had to
squeeze by the Phoenix Pirates
The Hornets had to come from
behind in the second half again
Saturday night as thev did Fri
day night. They trailed in the
first period 18-11 and at the
half by 31-27. But they came
back in the second half.
Little LeVny Young, who sur-
PRINKVU.LE (Special Thp
Prineville wrestling team downed
the Henley A-2 club here Satur
day niphl. 36-13. by winning all
but two of the 13 matches.
Phil Hale was upset hy John
Breeze in the 141-pound class w hen
he dropped a 4-2 decision. Chuck
Milanovich won one of the bouts
for the Hornets when he took a
4-0 decision from Boh Cain.
The other Henley victory came
uVn John RigRs pulled the big
upset of the matches hy pinnini
hcavyweicht Don Case in 5:25.1
Case had been beaten only once
and that was hy Klamath's hea
vyweight Thurston Hcncl.
The Prineville Jayvees also won.
Rk Smith dec. by Dv Bryinn,
1M Gary W nil in plnnni by Terry Tur
ner. J:?7
IIS Fred Rodrlguei pinned Rob Ourfce.
3-Del ftngoltttf dec. by Steve Puck
tl, J-7-
130 Bob Farmer dec. by Ron Edgerly,
13A Vise Smith, rlec. by Bill Quenl. 4-0
141 Phil Hale dec. by Jnhn Breeie.
I4 Chuck Milanovich fee. Bub Cain,
IS7Don Berry pinned by Gary Thomp
son. S:44
144 Lyle Bergslrom pinned by Sieve
Gerllleld. 7:54.
174 Tony Vassallo dec. by Fred Phil.
Hps, IO.
141 Leo Huff dec. by Larry Klrkpat-
rlcst. 1-0
HWV John Riogi pinned Don Case.
5 IS.
Jet Pilot Wins
Dixie Golf
MIAMI il!PI-Jot pilot Harvey
Breaux of Homestead, Fla., look
over Uvc lead on the second hole
Friday and finished with a trio
of birdies to win live Dixie Ama
teur Golf Tournament with a final
round 69 and a 287 total.
Rill Care. Northfield. N.J., was
second with a 69 for the Ifsl
round over the Palmetto Country
Club rriui-se and a 2.'io total. Eel
iier. Charleston. W.Va.. fin-
rilishcd third with a
2291. Taul
Itarkhousc, Lynn. Mass., and Ar
nold Blum. Macon, Ga., tied for
fourth with 292s.
Breaux. 43, look Hie lead in the
tournament when third - round
leader Dale Morey of Morganton.
N.C., blew In a four-over-par 7
on the second hole. Morey wound
up in sixth place with a 293.
Oregon Slatp 66 Portland SI
Pacilic 61 l.inlield 79 fOTi
lwis and Clark 69 Willamette
Oregon Tech Kh) Eastern Ore
gon 93
Oreann College 65 Southern Ore
gon S7
Undersea Line
Ready To Work
NEW YORK UiPD-The long
lines department of American
Telephone and Telegraph, its sub
sidiarv Transoceanic Communica
tions Inc., and Cable and Wire
less 1 West Indies 1 Ltd., Thursday
night announced completion of a
new underseas cable from Flor
ida to Jamaica.
Telephone service over the 850
mile-lung cable will he estab
lished shortly. The new system
has a capacity of 128 simultane
ous calls and later will serve as
the main artery in an "all-cable"
network planned lor Central and
South American points.
prisingly led the Honkers with 14
points, hit the two points with 30
seconds left in the game which
put the Hornets ahead to stay
and they pot some added free
tosses in the final seconds to
build the margin.
The Hornets hit only 34 per cent
from the floor and Phoenix 31 per
cent. The Hornets threw the ball
away 22 times which didn't help.
Young led the Hornets with 14
points while Kent Gooding had
13 and Mike Beymer 10. Rick
Bolz led the scoring for Phoenix
with 22 counters and Jon (.ranby
was the only other one in doubles
with 10 points.
The bov score
Henley (St)
Pg Pia-R PI Tp
J IS 4 7
4 2-5 7 10
3 7-10 I 13
7 13)5
4 11 3 14
1 3 4 3 5
Tote It
PhoenU (S4)
3 5
If-Jo H St
Fg Fla-Ft PI Tp
1 37
Tot 1 1
Score by quarter! :
It 1S-1J 1ft S4
11 1 14 It
11 13 1 1-!
MERRILL iSpeciall-The Tu
lelake Honkers downed the Mer
rill Huskies here Saturday night,
51-45. with Mike Todd leading the
wav in the non-conference game.
Todd hit for 18 points and Steve,
loiselle ndiM 10 points for the
winners. The Huskies were paced
by Jim Mcrrilces with 13 points
while Rob Moore had nine as
did I,arry Connor.
Tlie Honkers of Tulelake dropped
a game to Vreka Friday nighl.
54-37. David Rennell led Yreka
with 25 points in that game while
Clint Simpson had 12 and Todd
II for the losers.
Score by quarters:
Tulelake 15-14- 8-14 51
Merrill 13-14-10- 8-45
Oregon College
Drubs SOC
College of Education, with four
players hitting in double figures,
defeated Southern Oregon 65-57 in
an Oregon Collegiate Conference
basketball game Saturday night.
Tlie win was the seventh in II
starts in the conference for the
Wolves, who are in second place
behind Oregon Tech. Steve Ran
kin scored 13 points, Darrel
Rrandl tallied 12; Fred Price col
lected II and Gary Morton added
10 for the winners.
Dave Hughes topped Southern
Oregon with 18 points. The score
was tied 33-33 at halftime.
NAACP Drafts
Fraternity Bill
S M.EM i DPI i - A hill aimed
al two fraternities in Orcgrm is
being dralted. a spokesman for
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
said Saturday.
Wally Priestly said the hill
would prohibit recognition of fra
ternities or sororities whose na-
lional charters contain discrimina
tion clauses, even if discrimination
is not practiced in Oregon.
The State Roard of Higher EH
ucat ion has found Oregon organi-
. it nm frms tJ rliaiimina! inn
jtm Si 0-This loiiDon lan
chapters ot Mgma Ml a no Alpna
Tail Omega even though the Ore-
gon nrancnes are exemia.
Serais onbJeto$
(''I. X M mmm
i mtmr Hmutu ftif itm
Smith Leads Owls
With 34 Points
The Orefjon Tech Owls virtually
".rapped up tlie Oregon Collegiate
Conference championship at the
Mile HiRh Rym here Saturday
night when they hit belter than
100 points for the second straight
night to down Eastern Oregon Col
lege. 1O4-0M.
The victory gave the Owls a
12-1 league record. Oregon Col
lege of Education also heat South
ern Oregon Saturday nicht, 65-57,
to stay in second place with a 7-4
The game was tied seven times
and the lead changed hands five
times as the Mountaineers, prob
ably the most improved club in
the league, kept right up w ith the
hot Owls.
The Mountaineers took a lead
and Oregon Tech tied the game
up at 27-27. The Owls uiok the
lead at 2S-27 but the pesky Moun
taineers grabbed it back at 30-29.
Then the Owls regained the lead
to stay at 38 .17 and went on to
score 13 points in the last min
utes of the first half while East
ern Oregon could muster one. It
was 51-38 at the intermission.
The largest lead the Owls had
was at 91-70 with 5:40 remaining
in the contest. Sam Smith, who
dunked a shot with 2:27 left in
the game to make it 101-89 as
they passed the century mark.
The substitutes finished the game.
Smith had his best night of the
season with 34 big points as he hit
10 of 20 shots for a fine 01.5 per
cent from the field. But his run
ning mate. Willie Anderson, had
his worst night of the season. He
could garner only six points for
the night. He hit only twice in
eight field attempts. But steady
Norman Johns nicked up the
slack and had his best night of
the year with 22 points. He hit nine
of 17 from the field.
Van Zitek finally shook off his
cold spell and singed the nets for
23 points while hitting 10 of 19
from the field for a great 52.6
per cent. Hewlett Nash closed out
the double figure scoring with 16
points for the winners.
Smith was pushed for high point
honors by EOC's Boh Myers who
collected .30. Gary KuykcndaH hit
for 20, Dick Turley for 17 and
Don MoClain for 14.
The Owls hit 46 of 98 shots for
46.7 per cent from the ield while
the Mountaineers were close with
41 of 93 for an even 44 per cent.
The Owls hit 12 of 18 from the
gift -line for 66.6 per cent and
EOC II of 17 for 64.7. The Owls
had the rebounds with 47 to 32.
Smith also led in that depart
ment with 13 while Johns came
up with his season's high of
12. Nash with II and Ander
son with 10. Turley led EOC with
11 and was the only one to pull
down more than six.
There were few fouls called
with OTI getting only 14 and the
Mountaineers IB.
The Owls have a week off now
with their only game this com
ing week being a game with the
Sprague River Ducks, the nation
al champion Indian team, Friday
night at Owl Gym. The Owls have
only three league games lelt.
thi ox scoot
IOC HI) Fll Fl Sla-SI a PI Tp
Turley 154 7-S II 4 1?
Myers 33-14 M 1 I 30
WacWer 7 1 3 3 4 6
McClaln 31? M a 3 !
Kuyaendall 30-I0 3 0 4 4 30
Baonall 0-0 1-0 0 0
Forrest 1-0 0-0 1 O
Willems 1-1 0-0 0 0 3
Garrell 3-0 0-0 10 0
milh 3-1 M 1 1 ?
TelalS 91-41 I'M II
44.4 44.7
OTI IIMI Foe F Pie ft PI Tp
Anderson -? 3-3 10 4
Smllh 34 14 4-7 13 14
Johns l' 44 13 1 3?
Nash 331 0-0 II 1 14
7llch 11-11 4 3 0 33
Maw Ins 14) 0-0 0 1 0
Wileerson l-l (Wl 0 0 3
Dennis 3-0 3-0 10 0
Naoley 0-0 3-1 0 1 I
Totals 9114 1111 47 14 104
44.7 44.4
Score hy halvas:
in Si-
11 11-104
Henley Booster
Sets Meeting
The Henley Boosters will
hold a rluh meeting Monday
nighl al p.m. In the Henley
High School cafeteria.
The meeting Is said to be an
Important one and all members
and every Henley fan Is urged
In attend,
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On Any
Automatic Transmission Overhaul
Factory Trained Automatic Transmission
101 EAST MAIN Ph. TU 4-9911
W Will Road Tcit Your Car at No Charg
Hurry: Offer Good Thru Ftb. 16 Only
They play Southern Oregon Feb.
19 al Ashland and Oregon Col
lege of Education in Monmouth
Feb. 28-23.
In Draw
MEDFOR.D (Special! Tlie
Medford Black Tornado gained a
measure of revenge here Saturday
afternoon when the Tornado wres
tling team held the Klamath Peli
cans to a 20-20 standoff in a South
ern Oregon Conference meet.
The Pelicans had beaten the
Tornado in Klamath, 25-16. But
they didn't have enough to pull
out of the tic. The Klamath Jay
vees beat the Medford crew, 26-19.
The Pelicans won six of the 13
matches and had a draw in one
while losing the other six. There
were no pins in the battle. . .
Tlie Pelicans Inst the first tlvb
matches when Mike Christy and
Dave Davis lost decisions to ln
Casialo and Hod Smith. Jim Mc-
Clung. who has been out ill, had
to settle for a draw with Mike
Orr at 115.
Grant Humphreys got the first
win for the Pelicans in the 123-
pound event w hen he stopped Mike
Horton on a 9-1 decision. John
Stilwcll kept the winning streak
alive at 130 pounds with a close
1-0 nod over Steve Hall
Tom Miles won the touted duel
over IMcdford's Tom Owens. Ow
ens had pinned his Japanese op
ponent while Miles just won by
a 4-2 decision. But Miles proved
his superiority Saturday with a
7-2 decision. Ron Head won the
141-pound battle with a 4-0 deci
sion over George McNair for the
fourth straight victory.
Ron Hitchcock nulled out a S-0
decision over Ray Laurictzcn with
a third period splurge for all five
I1"1; h1 a revernal and
, Z, .1.
H1" u'
I :n.,aa un.t nt 141 (ik a inn
previous bout at 148 with a 10-0
decision over Fred Gratcn.
But woe befell the Pelicans in
the last four weights. Bob DauJ-
lon lost a tight 3-2 decision to
Tom sMetr. at 168. Kent Puckett
dropped a S-I loss to Terry Wine-
trout. Bob Ewing lost a surpris
ingly easy decision to Mike May-
field, 11-2. and heavyweight Thur
ston Hemcl was declsioned by
Jeff Hardrnth. 3-1. Tlie heavy.
weights tied 3-3 in the last out
ing. The Pelicans will fake on '
Grants Pass there next Friday
and will host Crater Saturday In
the last two dual meets of the
season before the district tourna
ment Feb, 22-23 in Mcdfnrd.
The KU freshman team defeat
ed Monument Junior High of
Grants Pass with ease. 48-5. They
got seven pins for the victory.
The pins were made by Cornell
Tutor. Danny Row. Dennis la
bor. Fred Valde?.. Bill Maxwell.
Tim Olvera. Fred Zahler, Bob
Middlcton and Dale Drake. Glenn
Miller won his match hy forfeit.
This was the final dual for the
frosh. They finished with a R-I
league record. They will be In
the tournament next week at Cen
tral Point. i
Mike Chrlsly dec. by Lefi Call-
' ; - . ... ... ... ts.
104 Dave Davis net. ny nnn sr.......
Ill Jim McClong and Mine Orr draw,
133 Grant Humphray dec. Mlao Hoe.
"lioljohn JtllMll dec. Sieve Hall, J
116-Tom Miles del Tom Owens. 7-3.
4l-Ron Head dec. Ceorqt McNair, 4
144 Paul Wilson dec. Fred Gralen, IM.
U7-Ron Hitchcock dec. Kay Laurlet-
"141Bob D4ulion dec. by Tom Matt,
y7-Kenl ruckett dec by Terry WW
Irnut. S-I.
191-Bpb Eseino dec. ry cane m t
tleirt. 11-7 ,
MWV Thurston Hentel dec. by Jeff
Hardrath, 3-1.
104 Mlae Ip'ser dec. by a. Orr,
" ... .
IllGary Mavmins oec. dt .
"4730,ery Wlsharf dec. Miller. J-f
134-Blch MarBelh dec. Vhmalt. J
141 Larry Tlce pinned Bulllsa, 411.
141 T4rry Christl4nsen dec. Oilman.
M7-Andy M4rtisa dec. by Plerct. H,
140 Ben Gnnt4les dec. hy Brflsvn, 4-3.
I7S-D4VI Coulaon ""d Petersen drew.
"at-Gordnn ward dec. by Joisej. 41.
HWV Bill Mills plnnad McCamissots,
3 II
a a a a q