PAGE - Sunday, February 10, 1963 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. School Head To Be Speaker Marjorie G. McBridc, superui lendent of Hillcrcst School of Oregon, will address the lunch eon meeting of the American As sociation of University Women Saturday, Feb. 16, at 12:30 p.m. at the Winema Hotel. At one time the youngest woman in the United States to hold such a position, Miss McBridc became superinten dent at Hillcrest in 1934. She had previously been a service club di rector for the United States Army in Japan. She was born, raised, and had her primary and second ary schooling in Billings, Mont. She has an M.A. from Syracuse University in Syracuse, N.Y., and a B.A. from Linfield College, McMinnville. Treatment of girl juvenile delinquents will be the subject to be discussed. Results of the statewide com munity survey will be presented by State Legislative Chairman Mrs. A. H. Patterson at this time. Obcrlin College became the first coeducational college in the U.S. in 1837. Bethel 61 Honored Queen Nancy McClurc and her new officers presided ai the Jan. 21 regular meeting of Bethel 61, Order of Job's Daugh ters. A large number of parents were in attendance for the meet ing which was designated to hon- or them. Honored guests included Vir ginia McClure and Larry Whytal, past guardian and associate guar dian, respectively. Plans were discussed for a Hawaiian luau dance to be held in the near future. It was decided to send a dona tion to Guam to help with re pairs to the roof ol the Scottish Ilite Temple which was blown off in a recent storm. Rrcfrcshmcnts were served aft er the lodge meetiig. Entertain ing the guests with songs in a gay mood were Sandy Ruconlch and Stephanie Gudenan singing as a duct with Sandy playing the piano accompaniment. A Cakewalk was also part of the planned program. First college to admit Negroes equally with whites was Oberlin College, in 1835. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY I STOCKINGS i THE SEASON'S NEWEST COLOURS! ALL SIZESI REGULAR STOCKI ALL LENGTHS! NOTHING CHANGED BUT THE PRICEI Styles Without Seams 680 Agilon Stretch 540 Heel & Toe Reinf. 610 Heel & Toe Mesh Reg. Sale Pair Pair Sole Box You Save 1.65 1.39 1.39 1.32 1.11 1.11 3 65 1.00 3.30 .87 3.30 .87 f 52S Moin r f : ' r f t Couple Wed In Medford Virginia Ann Brown, daughter of former Bonanza lesidents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brown, living in Medford, and Douglas M. West were married Jan. V) in Friend's Church in Medford. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. West of Arlington. The Rev. Jack Wil'culs officia ted at the double riv ceremony Organist was Mrs. Orin Ogier and soloist, Mrs. c.aude Lewis Given in marriage by her fath cr, the bride wore a gown of Chantilly lace with chapel train. Seed pearls and rhinestones out lined the scoop neck'ine. A crown of pearls held the elbow length veil and she carried pink and white carnations with matching ribbon streamers. Sylvia Adams of Gold Hill was maid of honor, dressed in a white sheath with lace jacket and small veiled hat. Her flowers were pink carnations. Best man was the bridegroom's father, Alvin A. West. A reception was given in the Fireside Room of the church. As sisting were Mrs. Jack Willcuts, Mrs. Richard krupp and Mrs. Eula Adams. The bride's going-away outfit was a gray suit wiln black acces sories and carnation corsage. Af ter a short honeymoon to the Oregon Coast, the young coupl is at home on the A. A. West and Sons Ranch, Rock Creek, Star Route, Arlington. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hincs, Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brown and Ben, B'H and Jim, Bonanza: Mr. and Mrs. Lyndcn Walker, Rhonda and Darrell, Cen tral Point; Mr. and Mrs. Kyle DONATE WOOLENS NEW DELHI (LPD - The Greek army today gave one thou sand each of woolen sweaters, Berryman, Klamath Falls; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Adams and Sylvia, Gold Hill; Mrs. Bertie McGraw, Ashland. mufflers and socks to the Indian army fur use on the Himalayan frontier with China. The garments weie presented by Princess Irene on behalf of King Paul to President S. Radha krishnan in the presidential pal ace. LEAVE MAUN MALIN Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huffman left this week for Burns where they recently bought the Silver Spur Motel, he has sepnt the past 13 yars in the. lower Klamath Basin as aerial applicator. JANUARY BRIDE Virginia Ann Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brown, Medford, former residents of Bonanza, became the bride of Douglas M. West of Arlington on Jan. 20 at Friend's Church in Medford. Photo by Kenn Knackstedt, Medford Dennis Todds Have Girl From Dreux, Germany, comes word of the birth of a baby girl, llieir first child, to Lt. and Mrs. Dennis Todd on Feb 5. The new arrival weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces lit birth and will be tiamcd Eliza beth Ann. Lisa, as she will be affectionate ly known to her family, is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Todd of Klamath rails, and is the first grandchild for Mr. and Lane Warren, Indio, Calif., for mer residents of this city. Mrs. Todd will be remembered s the former Nancy Warren. Mariners Meet In Malin MALIN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard, Merrill, showed slides of 'their recent trip to South Amcr- . ica at the Jan. 30 meeting of the Malin Mariners of the Malin Pies Ihyierian Church. The Gerry Browns and Leonard Wills were hosts . A discussion, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Blohm, skippers, was held on publishing the Mari ners' cookbook and turning the rug in (lie church sanctuary. It uas voted to donate $.'0 to the church for necessary rewiring. The Merrill Mariners will be din ner guests of the Malin group Feb. 20 at the church. Arrange monls will be made by Mrs. Phil lip llliihm. dinner; Mrs. Gerry Brown. Mrs. Imnard Wills, and Mrs. Elhen Whitman, entertain ment: and Mrs. Norman Jacob ind Mrs. I!allert Wilson, decora tions. Toketee Aux. Meets The Ladies Auxiliary of Toketee Lions met Jan. 24 in the Green Room of the Winema Hutel with Mrs. Paul Suprenant as hostess. The Klamath Chapter of the American Cancer Society provid ed a film, "Never Alone," and pamphlets on cancer detection. Louis Corrigan from the Inter community Hospital shaker's bureau, gave an outline of the proposed hospital plans, cost and fund raising. Following the program, mem bers discussed plans for a polluck dinner to be held in February with husbands as guests. For Your WASHING & DRYING Convenience and Pleasure Merit's Has 3 Coin-O-Matics There's one near you: 1 4801 So. 6th 2 333 E. Main 3 - Ore. & Biehn Dry Cleaning at E. Main & Oregon Ave. LittU cr no pressing needed Dry to dry In 30 minutes 10 lbs. For Just $2.00 Learn the thriftiness and convenience of Coin0-Matic com plete cleaning facilities. You'll find all the coveniencei at Merit's , . . and remember, only Merit's it COIN-O-MATIC. REMEMBER- For the convenience of those unable to take advantage of our specials during the weekend, all our grocery and vari ety prices will remain in effect through Wednesday, while stocks- last! Shop Big-Y Monday Through Saturday For Cash Savings! Use First National Bank Money Orders, Up to 300.00 -20c Right Reserved To Limit Closed Sundays 4710 So. 6th RAILROAD PKOI'LK MKET MKHH1LL The February meet ing of Southern Pacific nnd Great Northern Hailroad people was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Franco in Merrill. Musical enter tainment was provided by mem bers of the group and refresh ments were served to complete the enjoyable evening. rITlllilj'l Y6U need Thot much needed garage may seem to be only a dream . . . that is, until you discuss it with our home loan councilors here at FIRST FEDERAL. You'll be pleas antly surprised at how conveni ently you can arrange a loan that will make your dream possible. Or . . . maybe you want a new k i t c h e n, or a new room on the house. Bring those dreams to us and let us help you plan. Come in soon! FIRST FEDEEltlL SHUIHCS CYCLE EXERCISER l WUI III Th fun trnv to IIK4I.TH onrf S.4KK W'KlliHT "XTKOL f XV Toro Trimmer promdti vigoroua ' vimux for fha arm ond vppar body. Pvflty bor odjinh to arm Prktkxi IdW knob control oVmH to "oy" or "vioorovt pedokng ttiffcovf ditmovntmg, &pioniti trb W far end "how fort", Cteck fcmr wirb bN lignah iclocttd ci period. Proo hrxUne) bub prv! ptdflt fcMow-fKro, ,h rtrt dit Strong reel tubular bicycle type comlTuchon. Boked-on automotive type enamel finish. FvfT4ength chain guard for complete rider protection. Comfortable saddle in two-tone red ond white with chrome towel rail. Saddle ond handlebar adjustable for height. Rubber tips protect floors, prevent machine from sliding. NO MONEY DOWN 1.25 A WEEK S&H Green Stamps ftcluiivdv eurs in Klamath Falls 1 ffH U i NO MONEY DOWN .iSidKttraCM -oowus gift EVERYTHING SHOWN. ..AT A SENSATIONAL PRICE! 40-PIECE DINNERWARE SET-irxiud- 40-PIECE GLASSWARE rg 8 Dinner Ptaim, 8 Soop Bwli. 8 Beod one) 8 7vk Glotwn, 8 Wotr Tumbler, 8 Highball Buttvt Platn. 8 Curn ond 8 Souc.rv Claim, 8 &ippri one! 8 Stirrer 32-PIECE STAINPROOF TABLE- 17-PIECI GENUINE CHINA COFFEE WARE SET -Including 8 Fork, 8 Knrm. 8 SET-tnclodrng Coffee Pol wilh Covet, Suflor Tea Spoon ond 8 Soup Spoon ... all in heavy, wilh Cover, Creamer, 6 Demi TaM Cup ond gleaming Chrome Plate. 6 Soocerv oil in Mo Roue pottern. 701 Main St Open 9:30 cm. - Till 5:30 p.m. COME m MAIL COUPON .WtlSFIELOS, 701 Mem, Klometh Folli Ore. Ruth tk complete 12-Piec. Dirmerwore Eniembl. fe entT J 19 95 I will pay SI Weekly until Ml price paid f C 9ttfi4 Ote fOiAt I Qfvn .. ...I nlnt CCOD. OR PHONE iuoat . and Loan Association "ovft- twnu. 12th & Main 540 MAIN STREET