Jacob On Bridge KOBTH 4KJ2 tT S72 KQJ107 J2 WEST A987 VQ9I 985 KQ107 EAST 64 V KJ 10 AS32 98S5 SOUTH (D) A AQ1053 A543 4 A43 East end West vulnerable I Sooth West North Et 1 Pass 2 Pass 2 Pass 2 A Pass 4 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead K 'Easy1 Hand Needs Skill By OSWALD JACORV Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Today's hand caused a mild ar gument between Edgar Kaplan of the Card School o( .New York and myself. He claims the hand is simple, but I contend it is far from it. even when you see all the cards. We agree that the hand be longs in four spades and probably most pairs will get there. 1 am sure they would find several ways of doing the actual bidding. West's king of clubs opening is noi-mal and declarer must grab that first trick right away. If he stays off there is danger of shilt to hearts. After winning the first trick declarer w ill want to lead his sin gleton diamond and East may take his ace right away. If East shifts to a heart South will go up with the ace, plav three rounds of trumps stopping in dummy and discard four losers on the dia monds to wind up with an over- trick. If East leads a club and West shifts to a heart South will also make an overtrick. The best de fense is for West to play two clubs. At this point. South can ruff in dummv and make his con tract, but a better play is for South to discard a low heart from dummy and ruff the club continuation in his own hand Once more he will be able to draw trumps and get rid of his losers, but he will only make four odd because the defense w ill have three tricks. Q The bidding has been: Vitsi North East South 1 A Double Redbl ? You, South, hold: 854 VK87 4K76 Q942 What do you do? A Pass. Your partner will choose a suit and you will raise htm. Probably East Is fooling triile with his redouble. TODAY'S QUESTION You pass. West bids two rpades. North and East pass. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow Talk Slated By Sweetland Herald and News Publisher W il liam B. Sweetland will be guest speaker at the Feb. IS meeting of Ihe Klamath County Historical Society, his subject to be. the proposed Oregon Constitution now being considered by the legisla ture The meeting in the lecture room of the Klamath County Library will open at fl p.m. A copy of the present slate constitution will be on display in the county museum in tlie same building aller the meeting. The public is welcome and new mem bers are invited. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Friday, February , 13 PACE S 1 SATELLITE The federal space agency will negotiate with the Fairchild Stratos Corp. on a contract to build this giant meteoroid detection satellite for launch late next year. The two-ton satellite, shown in an artist conception, is electrically charged to record penetration of any meteoroids. It will be placed in orbit by a Saturn launch vehicle. After injection into orbit, the satellite will deploy two large flat wings with a total span of 96 feet. UPI Telephoto FRIDAY RUMMAGE SALE, L u c i I e O'Neill PTA. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Clyde's Tow ing. LADIES ENCAMPMENT AUX ILIARY, 8 p.m., meeling, 100F Hall. RUMMAGE SALE, LOOM and WOT.Vl, !) a.m. to 4 p.m., .Moose Home, 1010 Pine. EAGLES AUXILIARY. S p.m meeting. Eagles Hall. Valentine, exchange, prizes. RUMMAGE SALE. Maryland Sewing Club. 9 a.m. to S p.m., 4717 S. fith. MERRl .MIXERS. S p.m., square dance. .Merry Mixer nail Caller. Bill M.iyhew. Bring sandwiches. SATURDAY KLAMATH niilDGE CLUB. 8 p.m.. duplicate bridge, city Li brary. VALENTINE PARTY FAVORS SALE, Klamath Junior Art Assoc.. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., downtown Safe way Store. Centerpieces and bou tonnicics. KLAMATH COUNTY-POMONA GRANGE. 10 a.m.. meeting. 1 1 : .10 a.m.. planning commission speak- 12 noon, dinner. Shasta View Grange Hall. All granges invited. RUMMAGE SALE, LOOM and WOTM. 9 a.m. to 4 p m , Moose Home. 1010 Pine. RUMMAGE SALE O'Neill PTA. 8 a.m. Clvde's Towing. L u c i le to 5 p.m.. NAOMI SHRINE NO. 5, meeting. Masonic lemple. p.m. MIDLAND GRANGE H O M E EC CLi n. 8 p.m.. card party, grange hall. ORDER OF RAINBOW GIRLS, !9:.10 p.m.. initiation practice Scottish Rite Temple. TEENAGE PARTY, 8 p.m.. frcslimcnts. ..Moose Home, Pine. Children and guesls Moo.sc members. YACHT CLUB. 2:. 10 lo 5 p.m. annual crab feed. Members and guesls. Social evening follows. MONDAY GREAT ROOKS DISCUSSION CLUB. 7:30 p.m.. city -library St. Thomas Acquinas Treatise on Law. ORDER OF RAINBOW GIRLS, 7:30 p.m., meeting, initiation, Scottish Rite Temple. Wear for- i rials. DEGREE OF HONOR. 7:30 p.m.. business meeling and Val entine party, K.C. Hall. KLAMATH SPORTSMEN' S AS SOCIATION, regular meeting Shasta Grange Hall. 7:30 D.m. Movies. EWAUNA TOASTMISTRESS. 7:30 p.m., meeling, Winema Ho tel. Visitors welcome. DEGREE OF p.m., installation, formals. HONOR, 7:30 K.C. Hall. Wear OREGON LICENSED PBACTI- CAL NURSES, Area 8, 7:30 p.m.. Community l-ouncc TUESDAY WOTM, Chapter 4I17, 7:30 p.m.. friendship meeting. Moose Home. SOCIAL CLUB. Veterans of WW Auxiliarv. 1 p.m., Gladys Fer- rcll, 2424 Radcliffe. Bring sewing materials. Vacation Trip City Police Investigate 3 Burglaries Three burglaries involving goods valued at over $230 were reported lo Klamath Falls police Wednesday. Police released information that the Klamath Medical Center and Conger Elementary School were hroken into Tuesday night, and Ihe Vacuum Cleaner Center, 121 South Sixth Street was entered be Iween Feb. 2 and 4 while the own er was out of town. ADout $io and a radio were taken from the Medical Center. 1905 Main Street, sometime after 10:30 p.m., the time the janitor locked the doors. Hie ranio was taken Irom a doctor's office and the money was taken from a vending ma chine. The thieves apparently lo cated the key In the machine in one of the desks. There are no suspects in this case, police indicated. Thieves got away with about $147 worth of merchandise at the cleaner center including one vac uum cleaner and a cnllee per- culator. Entry was gainrd by the hack door where police found scratches from a knife on the door around the latch. The police had some leads regarding a suspect in this case. Whoever entered Conger School through an unlocked classroom window was apparently wearing loves because police were un able to life any fingerprints from the window or casing. Several classrooms were en tered, but less than $10 in change was taken from teachers' desks. Several schools have been en tered recently, hut police have had no leads regarding susperls so far. RUMMAGE SALE, Sewing Club. 9 a.m. 17 S. Wh. TULELAKE Mr. and Mrs. Er nie Novotny arc spenduig a two- week vacation in Yuma. They ,made the trip by car. Mrs. o- volny is city treasurer. Mr. No- Maryland M"? ""tiled. 1 5 Dunes Park Said Near Realization WASHINGTON' iL'Pl' - A pro posal to establish an Oregon dunes national seashore appeared closer to realization today than ever before. Oregon members of Congress said undivided administration sup port for plans to set up the second national seashore on the Pacific Coast was virtually assured. A far-reaching agreement between the Agriculture and Interior Dc partments on recreational devel opment was viewed as sharply increasing chances for congres sional approval. Sen. Maurine B. Nouberger, D- Ore., expressed satislaclion that the two departments, long at odds over development ol recreation areas, had gotlen together on plans for management of the Ore- on Dunes area. "This action by the administra tion helps to clear the way for congressional action on the Ore gon Dunes National Seashore, ' Mrs. Neuberger said. Kep. Robert B. Duncan. D-Ore.. in whose district the park would be established, termed the inter departmental agreement "a very significant step forward." I am very optimistic Ihat with the support of the administration it w ill be easier to get the pro posal through Congress," Duncan said. An agreement by the two de partments to work together on the development of recreation areas in Oregon, California, Utah and Wyoming was announced this week by Agriculture Secretary Orville Freeman and Interior Sec rotary Stewart Udall. If approved by Congress, t h c Oregon Dunes area would become Ihe second national seashore the Pacific Coast. Congress last vear authorized creation of the Point Reyes National Seashore about 35 miles northwest of San Francisco. A spokesman for the National Park Service said tentative plans for the Oregon Dunes national seashore call for a park of 35.650 acres, including 14.000 acres now in the Siuslaw National Forest. Land acquisition costs were es timated at about $5 million Both Mrs. Neuberger and Dun can said they planned early in troduction of legislalion to author ize the park. Faith Needed, Says JFK At Prayer Breakfast Scouts Finish Mother March hUNSMUirt - Troop 26, Boy Scouts- of America, will complete the Mothers March for the March of Dimes in Dunsmuir, Mrs. T. C Campbell, campaign chairman for the March of Dimes, has an nounced. Mrs. Cam)bell was high in her praise ol Ihe volunteers wno sought donations in about six inch es of slush and a (muring rain. Those mothers who were able to canvass tneir areas couecieo $244 16. Mrs. Campbell said. &vj,AJfL JO) . I V)54.-37-4a 64-74-841 TAUtUS AMI 21 MAY 21 'W-Q572 OtMIM 7-13-56 CANCII JUNE 23 JUUY 23 19-27-35-47 l54-W3-89 ft LIA $1 Y-'a. Aug. 23 ON3C34-45-53 58-61-85-81 vnoo AUG. 24 seer. 2! oVA-17.36.4M -TV 49-55-6; STAR GAZER JM Your Ooi Activity Guidi 4 According to Ihm Stan. 'i To develop message for Saturday, read words corresponding to numbers ot your zodiac birth sign. 1 CtWrot 31 Hjvtuj - V orxienul 33 Cvci ."O Moon 2 You're 3 Aft 4 Along -SNew 6 And 7 0r.ginol 8 Toooy 9 And 10 You It 13 Lm 14 Family 15 In 16 Conflict 17 Petwtxn IS Ychj'vo 19Ycj 20 Motter 21 Force 22 Exciting 23 Lurk 24 Social 2Sfcvtra 26 'Round 27 Con 26 Property 2 l-te 30 You're 27 I- " 9 fttst Avi I N our 42 tliamfntt 43 At 44 F,t 45T" 46 Tr.e 47 Mate 45 Ciion-e 49 Dal S3 Will S3 Threitia'd M Through Ar IrfiTiMay S7Help 5? Your feO L'ittntng At St c 62 DiHtrfnee A3 Corn f 4 its AS Pfprf lid t7 IrsJicolcd A Tn C Put 70 A. 7 1 Heovif 72 Msod 73$ucctffJ 7 Beit 7 b Your 7b Y iMif 77 7RHo.t 70 ldM S0Uv fi I Af rftsf 82 Oit 63 Than P4 Emny PS And 86 Altoirs 87 Popularity HflYouiwII 89 Talking VU Lifliiler KOHIO OCT. 24 J UI-50-64-71C- 1778-82.90 Vt? (J)Good ) Advene jKcutnl ueu OCT. 2J&W 1- 8- 1-46-62 UGITTAKIUS MC. 22 2-123-310 M45I63 S' CAPtKOIN Die. 21 JAN. 20 C- 1 8-32-48-68,".- B? 75-79-81 M AOUAIIUI FE.. 19 JTJJ 12-21-23-26fJ 1-39-80-86 V!:' nscis K. 20)V MAR. II l4-20-282(V J-77 WASHINGTON lUPH - Presi-i dent Kennedy said loday that only faith in God can bring Ameri- ans safely tlirough the present era of "immmense perils." Speaking at the annual presi dential prayer breaklast sponsored by International Christian Leadcr- hip. Kennedy said he is daily made aware in facing the prob lems of Ihe presidency of the "limits of mere human endeavor." 'We cannot depend solely on our military power, our econonne straight or our intellectual abili ties to see us safely through," he said. "We need faith Ihe kind of faith Ihat has guided this nation through 175 years." The President said all men and women in public or private life who are striving to ' build the fu ture" must know the truth of the Biblical admonition: "Except the Lord build the house they labor in vain who build it." International Christian Leader ship is a layman's organization which enrolls many men in pub lic life. Today's presidential pray er breakfast was tied in by tele vision to similar governors break fasts in most state capitals. Attending the breakfast in the Mayflower Hotel here were Chief Justice Earl Warren and other members of the Supreme Court, most of the members of Prcsi. dent Kennedy's cabinet. Speaker lohn w. McCormaik. D-Mass., and about 200 other congressmen. Evangelist Billy Graham urged Ihe President "to lead this nation back to the God of our father Graham, in a prepared state ment, predicted the United Stales would face crises which would make Ihe recent Cuban affair pale into insignificance." Such a crisis will test Ihe moral and piritual toughness of this nation as it has not been leslcd since! tlie Civil War," he said. After speaking to Ihe men's group, Kennedy went across Ihe hold hall lo the congressional wives prayer breakfast. He told a gathering of hundreds of women Ihat he thought t h e breakfasts "serve h most useful cause in uniting ourselves. . .in which we look not to ourselves but above." Vice President Lyndon B. John son drew a laugh when he said he was surprised lo find "sepa rate but equal brcfikfasts." He ;iid he thought thev went out with Ihe adoption of the 195th amendment (sulfragcK . Johnson said that men in pub lic life "stand taller" because they have drawn "support, under standing and courage from their wives." MOW! c a I orol . DAY OF PKAYEIt GENEVA (UPH - The World Council of Churches (WCCi has appealed for a world wide day ol prayer March 17 'n support of Ihe United Nations freedom from hunger campaign. Spokesmen said Wednesday WCC headquarters here has ap pealed lo its 201 member church es in 80 nations to pray for suc cess of the week-long U.N. pro gram starting March 17. Great mountain ranges, rising to peaks above 20.000 feel, form a massive central harrier extrnding norlh and south throughout Peru's Mno-milc length. People Read SPOT ADS you are now. p.m., KLAMATH COUNTY HOME EXT. ALUMNI. 12 noon. polluoK. Mrs. Claude Williams, 1B16 Lo gan. ALPHA KAPPA IIK.LTX. 2 to n m.. Friendship Tea. Fireside Itoom. First Presbyterian Church. WINEMA PANCAKE Every Sunday morning featuring delightful pancake recipes from around the world. Bring Ihe whole family. Don't milt thii breakfast treat! Winema Motor Hotel 1111 Main Street I CONTOUR 12" II Sum S - II II AAAA lo C THE SHOC WITH THt BEAUTIFUL fIT Naturalizer's revolutionary Wondersole Shoe lets you rest your feet while you're standing Naturallzer'i encluuve Wondenole-. it n Innertole intide the ihoe, loped curvt-for-curve to the bottom of your toot Wondersole.. lets you walk on the entire bottom of your foot not just on the heel end ball. Shop Downtown ... at Bogatay'i wn SHOES 617 Main TUB-SHOWER ENCLOSURE SAVE! T ! i ' Mi T I rk 7 U L-wMiiii mm. ;;rjrr!'.'f1iH m '-a mm A mm at Polishtd aluminum fromt, ny Ion roll bearing rolUn, tond bloittd ebuurt ftn, wlf droining EZ cltan track. Her on deitgn. 5-Fr. Size! Enhance Your Bathroom with beautiful new MARLITE PLASTIC-FINISHED DECORATOR PANELING Set Them in Our Showroom Now! Eosy To Install Waterproof Sparkling Buy S 18 St $15 J $32 31 $11.9J J. W. COPELAND Lumber Yard 66 Main, K. Falls Cliiloquin EXTRA BONUS ALLOWANCE On Your Old Range or Water Heater. CALORI UECTRICAL LEAGUE SONUS QUALIFICATION roue oio Wn HEATER or 4ny tyu 20Al5j ipDlitj o ourchaso of new electric wuiomtnr ontv fhlt It an Clfclrlfal lgu ipemerctJ buytrs twnui ttllowanc mnd h In odd" (ion fe (if any) member itoUn appro iitd voliw of yaur eld tquipmnl, lubjtct t condition) poinid with iK ttlllmj eVelor. Offer rd Fb. 1tt t April 'JtH viil w ivthoritid !oaw mmbr tedo G-E SPACEMAKER 30" HI-SPEED Thrifty cooking ot a thrifty price! G-E's 30" hi speod, Spocemokor range has a roomy 23" oven that holds four cokes on one shelf. Removable oven door, no-drip cook-top makes cleaning easy . . . Self-cleaning Calrod surface units ... re movable reflector pans. NO MONEY DOWN WITH TRADE! Only S1.75 Per Week r 1 1 klPlL $a w man a - - - - I 1 I J Sole Price $149.95 V Less $20.00 Col-Ore . . League Bonus G-E Automatic Electric Water Heater Big 52 Gallon Capacity. Safe. Clean, Easy To In stall! Economical and Dependable. i Reg. S74.95 Less $15.00 Cal-Ore League Bonus Trade-In You Pay Only 995 i t 'J MS No Money Down JrF With Trade Jl Onr 1.25 perweckr No Money Down WITH TRADE goo SERVIC DYEAR E STORE llth & Klamath Phone TU 4-8141