PICTURED I '";i '.'' mnnMW. . - "'! "' ' . i mi mi .mil iiii,. .i.. ! W.- i ;; il ji 1 K!5?Bgggg!L-'.-..J ON THE SHELF Although he niiKht be loo young to read, John Lisk, 5, stations him self on the empty book shelf at the Salinas, Calif., library. lie seems to be waiting for someone to return one of John Steinbeck's novels, which were apparently out on loan in the Nobel prize-winning author's home-town. ISEALTY BUILDS A CASTLE While some girls dream of castles in far awav places, this Florida culie, Jams Shapou, builds her own. The smiling young lady uses the sand on shores of Cypress Gardens beach to build her dream house. FANCY FEET Capezio borrows a man's bow tie and tops a shirt collar styled thong lor a novel addition to their new spring; 1963, collection of shoes. The san dal is fashioned in lavender kid. GUESS WHO'S HAVING THEIR PICTURE TAKEN'.' Peter Pan, the cat, and Shelly Ann Lewis, 2, don't look loo happy about the situation as they pose for a photo in Los Angeles. Maybe photographer should have held a mouse for Peter. 9& Jas ,.f) .i . v , -A iJ ( ks , . I tr ' 9. t Jf C - " ,- - - py A FELINE FISHERMAN The tuna fleet is in and this cat stands on a dock at ban Pedro, Calif., dreaming of all the wonderful fish that will be unloaded. He was disappointed, however, the fish stayed aboard until fishermen and the canneries agreed on a price. M-?- - s i fr tix vjl II IN OR OUT, IT'S COLD Most New Yorkers were glad to get off the streets when the temperature took a dive. But Joseph Netrda, an employe of an ice house at the Fulton Fish Market, had to work with ice cakes when he went in side. Oh, well, it probably was warmer than on the streets. IJ ' .-'1. '" - ' i I if r-i ' p JVh. kwMk.:: nniAi ni'tr'ii ii'? .. . -4' - ON THE SIDEWALKS OF NEW YORK Captivated bv the trio of zany Englishmen who teem to be captive in New York, Arlenc Woods offers them food. Actually, the "prisoners" Arc actors Tom Albeit (lefU, Douglas Albert (cenlerl and Professor Bruce Lacy. They lire dressed in 101 h Century costume to spoof the show, "Beyond the Fringe." i ' .j ' J . i v u I J .H. .' i o f i .. I J . a t. at '6, r KXul im ' -1 --1 I.KiHTNING FORMATION Lightning supersonic let lighters of the H.A.F., known as The Tigers, lead the formation as they flv for the first time with the Rluc Diamonds over Nor folk, England. 'I he jet jockeys were rehearsing for an air show. SINGING A HAPPY TUNE Phil Everly. of the famed Kvcrly Brothers singing duo. sits with his bride after they were married in The Little Church Around the Corner in New York. His wife is a '22-year-old student from Wisconsin. if ft .i ft " 1 ., ' -'i.i? H Mm. ' . : X-r v 4 V IT'S A SNAP A Buddhist prirsl snaps a picture of an In donesian wood carving during his visit to the I'.N. head quarters In Now York. The photographer, Shinjo Kami jnura. a professor at Taislio l'nnersily. was among a group nf Japanrsr Buddhists Invited to the V. S. to parlicipale in 70th anniversary celebration of Buddhism in America. I.KMON AND LIME For spring. Albert Mosconl of Home offers this roat with the brightest of bright lem on yellow wool and a con trasting lime green lining. Top of rrealion has a cape like effect over the shoul ders It's a very colorful fashion. ' ..--V 1 t'r''T--c-', nanB ittiiii MilMtiMf tuft m Si'OOTIMi TIIUOK.H TAKIS Actress .Iran Sobers biti'hos a ride behind French actor Phillippe Fnrqurt as they scooter th much the streets of Tans. Jean will appear with Forqucl in Irwin Shaw "In the French Style." ART IN THE QUARRY A stone quarry near St. Margarcthcn, Austria, has been converted into an outdoor art gallery in the wake of an international symposium of sculptors. The quarry, once worked by ancient Romans, provides a dramatic idling for modernistic stalucs like this "Mother and Child" (left).