PACE 4 Friday, February t, 1963 HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falli, Ore. MARKETS and FINANCE Stocks NEW YORK STOCKS By United Press International Allied Chemical Alum Co Am American Air Lines American Can American Motors AT&T American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Armco Santa Fe Bendix Corp Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air Brunswick Caterpillar Corp Chrysler Corp Coca Cola C.B.S. Columbia Gas Continental Can Crown Zellerbach Crucible Steel .Curtis Wright Dow Chemical DuPont Eastman Kodak Firestone Ceneral Electric General Foods General Motors General Portland Cement Greyhound Gul Oil -llomestake "Idaho Power .I.B.M. Int Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Lockheed Aircraft Martin Merck Montana Power INat'l Biscuit Standard Califrnia .Standard Indiana -Standard N. J. Stokely Van Camp ;Snn Mines Texas Co. Texas Gulf Sulfur .Texas Pac Land Trust Thiokol Trans America Trans World Air TrI-Conlinental Northern Pacific ;Pac Gas Elec Penney J.C. Penn B.R I'erma Cement Phillips Proctor Gamble Radio Corporation Richfield Oil Ralcway Scars Shell Oil Socony Mobil Oil Soutlicrn Co. Southern Pacific Sperry Rand Ucion Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft United Air Lines U.S. Plvwood U.S. Rubber U.S. Steel West Bank Corp Westinghouse YoUngslown mi 55'. 19i 46"4 214 1231 46Vi 53 56J mi 3914 18 36?i si 27Vi n'k IBS 19H 59 243'. 78H 84 18 34 43 14 5114 420 454 73 534 21'. 88t 38 4774 85 52H 60 9'i 60i 14l4 I9'i 27(4 4S'in ll'i 44H 4.1'i 34"4 46i 15 1.M4 4!) 73'i f,2' 47 62'. 294 I.V4 11014 35k 49 33. 49' 4 44'i 44'4 33s4 M'k 91'i LOCAL SECURITIES Bid Asked Rank of America 61'. M' Col Pac UU1 2fiU 29'. Con Freight 13' 14'4 Cyprus Mines 22 23'i Equitable S & L 33 35t 1st Nat l Bank 62't W Jantzen 26 271. Morrison Knudsen 31'j 33 Mult Kennels 3'. 4' NAY. Natural Gas 34S 36'. Oregon Metallurgical l' 1H I'PA-L 2fi4 7V, l'GE 27 28", U S. Nat l Bank 75 79'i Unilcd Util .w, 38'. West Coast Tel 20. 22 Weyerhaeuser 26i 28'. Dank Employe Given Sentence PORTLAND (LTD - A former employe at the Citizens Bank of Oregon at Lake Oswego was sen tenced to 30 days in prison for embezzlement by Federal Judge John F. Kilkenny Wednesday. Frank H. Yoaul, 30, Newberg. was charged with taking $5,501 during a three-month period. The shortage was discovered last Dec. 10. Judge Kilkenny ordered two Cuirs probation for Yoast follow in; the prison sentence. DAILY KLAMATH BASIN SHIPMENTS Rail Truck Combined Rail k Truck Ttl 12 12 24 12 1 15 F.O.B. t GROWER PRICES Klamath Basin fair Oregon (altfomla Dfmftnd Market I S No. 2 steady others .lightly weaker 100 Ih sacks RucU IS No. 1A 2" or 4 o. iritn. 2.7S-2.SO tn 14 ol. . we. higher Bakers 12 oi. mln. . 3.25-3.541 ore. higher Baled 10 Ih. .arks . 2.80-2.80 mostly 2.70-2.80 I S No. 2 1.90-2.00 Net price to growers at cellar bulk cwt: I S No. 1A too few sales to f.lahll.h market I S No. 2 loo few .ale to establish market COMBINED RAIL It TRUCK UNLOADS Oregon 22 Total All Other State. S3 Oae Week Ate Oregon 15 Total All Other Slates SM WALL STREET NEW YORK IUPI) - Stocks drifted lower today. Autos weakened. Chrysler eased on profit taking. Steels were narrowly mixed and Du Pont dropped roughly a point in a soft chemical section. IBM Beckman and International Tele phone weakened in the electron ics. Kern County lost about l'j in the oils. General Foods and Armour lost around 1 apiece in the food group and Panhandle and Houston Light. ine softened in the utilities. Glidden, National Lead, and Po laroid lost 1 or more. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND (UPI) (USDA) -Weekly livestock: Cattle 1950; high good - choice steers 26.50; standard-good Hol steins 22.50; choice heifers 909 lb 25; canner-culter cows 11-14.50; utility bulls 19-21. Calves 325; good-choice vealers 30-33, some 34 Monday; standard good 25-32; good - choice feeder steers 24-27. Hoes 1125; 1 and 2 butchers late 17.50 to mostly 18; 2 and 3 grade 17-17.50; 1-3 grade sows 300-550 lb 11-15. Sheep 550; choice-prime 107 lb wooled lambs 18.75; shorn 13- 18.50; ewes cull-good 5-8. Potatoes PORTLAND (UPD Potato market: Steady; Ore. Russets U.S. No 2 3.40-3.65. some best 4.10; sized 2 oz spread 4.50-4.75; bakers 3.75- 4.25; 6-14 oz 3.65-3.90; DaKers U.S. No 2 2.75-3.00, 50 lb sks No 2 2.60- 2.65. Grains CHICAGO (UPI-Grain range: High Low Close Mar May 2. IIP 4 2.10'. 2. 10?i 2.09'i 1.93U 1.92'j 1.95 1.94'i 2.10Vi 2.0Mi-'i 1.92H-14 1.95 1.99'i Jul Sep Dec 2.00 .71'i .69'j .7i .67t 1.99 Oats Mar May .70', .69 .674 .67'. .71'i Jul .67. .67',-! Sep Rye Mar 1.34'i 1.32i 1.32',i l.:il'4 1.3.1 1.31 May i.l ul t.IS 1.28V. l.W.-' 1.29U 1.28 1.29'. Sep Wheat Stocks MUTUAL FUNDS Prices until 10 a.m. PST today Bid Asked Affiliated Fund 7.74 8.3H Atomic Fund 4.57 4.99 Blue Ridge 11.28 12.33 Bullock 12 56 13.77 Chemical Fund 10.55 11.47 Comw. lnv. 9.61 10 50 Diver Growth 8.20 8 99 Dreyfus 1591 17.229 E it H Stock 13.25 14.32 Fidelity Capital 7.89 8 58 Fidelity Trend 12.34 ' 13 41 Fin lnv Fund 4.16 4 56 Founders Fund 5 80 6 30 Fundamental 9 30 10 19 Group Sec Com XD 12 54 13.73 Gr Sec Avia El XD 6 90 7.57 Hamilton H.D.A. 4 90 ... Hamilton C-7 5.01 5.47 Incorp lnv 6 89 7-53 1CA 986 10.78 Investor's Group Intercontinental S.74 621 Mutual 1106 11.95 Stock 1786 19.31 Selective 10.35 1107 Variable 11.23 12 27 Keystone B-t 1V01 26.10 Keystone S-3 13.66 14 90 Keystone S-4 4 07 4 4." M.I.T. ' 13 95 15.25 M I T. Growth 7 70 8 42 Nat l lnv 14.53 15.71 Nat l Sec Div 3 89 4 25 Nat l Sec Growth 7 89 8 52 Nat'l Sec Stock 7 76 8 48 Putnam Fund 15 itt 16 36 Putnam Growth ( 33 9 05 Selected Amer Shareholders 10.84 116,1 TV Fund United Accum 13 6 14 93 United Canada 17 55 19 or United Continental 6 63 7 .25 United Income 11 86 12 96 United Science 8.95 6 94 Value Lines 5 14 5 62 Wellington 14 19 15.47 Whitehall 13 15 14.22 State Halts By McKnight Witness The trial of Sammy McKnight, 33, accused of robbery by force and violence not being armed with a dangerous weapon, sumed in the circuit court of Judge Donald A. W. Piper Thursday, after it had been continued from the previous day so deputy district attorney Sam McKeen could inter' cept the state's key witness who had departed unexpectedly for Southern California. Elmer Ward of Lakeview, the complaining witness who has charged that McKnight and anoth er Klamath Falls man threatened him and removed $1,300 from one of his shoos one night last No vember, left this city unexpectedly after the first day of the trial Tuesday to take a job in Blythe. As the district attorney's office sought Ward to testify at the trial the following day, it was learned that he was en route to California by bus. Judge Piper continued the case until McKeen and sheriff's deputy Del Summers could depart by aiipiane for Red ding, Calif., to inte.cept the bus and return Ward to this city. In testimony Thursday, the prin cipal witness for the state was city police detective Walter Con- radv. who related the substance of two conversations he had with McKnight following the defend ant's arraignment. Conrady stated that McHnigni I admitted that he and an accom plice robbed Ward of the $1,300 and then divided the money equal ly among them. McKnight said later tnal ne sent most of the money to his daugh ter and used the remainder ol it to pay some bills, Conrady testi fied. Ward testified earlier that he had been drinking with McKnight and the lalter's companion in a local tavern during the night preceding the robbery. After mid- niaht that evening. Ward, in the company of the two men and a woman, went to a motel near Link River. It was at the motel that McKnight and his companion are Rotary Notes Anniversary TULKLAKE The 25th anniver sary ot the Tulclnke Rolary Club will he observed with a dinner Feb. 14 at the Tulclake-Butte Val ley Fairgrounds when past presi dents will be honored. Invitations have been sent to nu merous previous presidents now elsewhere and to all Hotary Clubs of Northern California and of Klamath Falls. Among those expected are Hugh Brnnsnn. Hallway, Ore., former pastor of the Tuleloko Commu nity Presbyterian Church; Jake Prior, former manager of the Hank of America. T u I c I a k e Branch, now president of the Se curity National Bank. Reno; Floyd A. Boyd, owner of the Floyd A. Boyd Implement Co, Fresno; Dick Moore. Carmel, onetime druggist here, and fried McMur phy. Past President Tom Wallers ot the Klamath Falls Rotary Club is also expected. Chester J. Main, past president, is in charge of the dinner. Ernest Lindsay is president. The club has sponsored the Tule- lake 4-H Club and ruture Farm er of America Junior Livestock Show and Sale since 1949. Obituaries HANKS W.Ufn H.nht. M. fli.d F.A S In EtC- Iftn. C.lif. Survlvtd by wldflw. Elli. V.. Ele.lfln. rs.llr.n. Aldtn Krl. H.nkv Calvin K H.nhi. Mrt C.rl Pt.v. L.t. vltw, VvlA K H.nkt. Mfrnfor. V' J A .lurfchurn. Vale I ttto Wl. Kn.iH B'QQV L.htvltw, Hrtld n09t. EtcatAn StrvK.I will b. held S.'urclnv, Ffti .,1pm In Ihi Church at Jn C"',l n l.ltr1.v S.intv I .k.vir lntrm.n! Wrt'tkl. Cmrt.ry. Omlty Oil.rm.n In Cri.'O. SPARKS Wilfurn l. toy SfArkv ll. flid n... n .. HM Survival tty wil. Emlty. city. Funr.l t.rvlrr will n. n. n nerd hy W.rd . Kl.m.lh Fwn.r.l Mom. WOODS P C vVlvrH rtM in L.V.vl.w h I H. piacrrttd In devn by hii v.i, JtMi. V.y. who di.d J.n 31. mj. Sur. vurd by 1w nn, Prlm.r W And Af. 'hur C . holh ol L.h.vlrw. Fun.f.l ... 'nnf-mrnt ill hr .nnouncrd 11. r by Oml.v O.t.rm.n Ch.p.l nl L.k.virw. !ryJ. I rue OTC Trutut rt mod by P'ti . , . ciptrfi ho hoo bttn makmq body apphoncti tor more than 60 wart. Thy or comtoftoblt, wl fittm), tur holdma. and yy ft ti. pft fittmq hart. BRODERICK'S PHARMACY 121 J So. tth TU J 4613 Trip South alleged to have threatened Ward and stolen his money. The trial continued today Judge Piper's court. Reno Police Hold Hoover A man who fled Klamath Coun ty last December to avoid pros ecution for the larceny ol an automobile has been apprehended in Reno and will be taken into custody by sheriff's deputies Sat urday, the Klamath County Sher iff's Office reported Friday. Sought by the sheriff's office on the larceny charge is Ray mond Hoover, 30, Chiloquin, who forfeited $3,000 bail last Dec. 10 when he failed to appear in cir cuit court to stand trial for the alleged iheft of an automobile belonging to Jim Easley, 1919 Erie Street. Hoover was arrested by Reno police on a tip they received from the Klamath County Sher iff's Office. Incidents relating to Hoover's flight to escape justice have been somewhat unusual. On the day scheduled for the trial, Hoover's attorney received a telephone call from someone in San Francisco who stated that the defendant was in a Los Angeles hospital with a head injury he received from a bottle wielded by an assailant. Some days later the Klamath County Sheriff's Office received another long distance telephone call in which an informant said that Hoover had been killed in an automobile accident in Modes to, Calif. Subsequent investigation oy sherllt s deputies proved the story to be a hoax Macdoel Woman Dies In Yreka MACDOEL-Mis. Ethel Grace Goode, 76, Macdoel, died early Wednesday morning in the Sis kiyou County General Hospital in Yreka where she was admitted on Feb. 4, alter suffering a stroke at her home in Macdoel. Born at Roseburg, Oregon on March 13. 1886. she was married to Wilmer Ellsworth Gowle 1905 and had lived at -Macdoel for the past 52 years. Survivors include her son. Har old E. Goode. an employe of the California State Highway Depart ment at Grass Lake, a grandson. Stephen Kane Goode of Macdoel and two brothers. J. C. and James Wright of San Diego. Her husband preceded her in death last April 23. Funeral services will be hold Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Butte Valley Community Church at Macdoel. Joe Allen will officiate and burial will be in the Lakeview Cemetery near Macdoel under the direction of Girdner's Funeral Chapel of Yre ka. BP A BJBk BV i n u an in 1 1 TIT I OLDS f Ami i hr It's The Short with the Deals at Millers! YOUR PRESENT CAR WILL NEVER BE WORTH MORE THAN IT IS RIGHT NOW! Come in Look over the complete selection of new Oldsmobiles in stock and get our L-O-N-G appraisal on your car You'll deal! DICK B. MILLER CO. 7h & Klamath a ' D! f WA ' m ' L3:0 INTERESTED AUDIENCE "Art Forms of the Theatre," sponsored by the Klamath Art Association each Sunday afternoon during February, drew many interested per sons on the opening day, Feb. 3, at the Klamath Art Museum on Riverside Drive. Here, a member of the Klamath Union High School Little Theatre plays a bit from a seen played for an audience at some previous time. Hours on Feb. 10, 17 and 24 will be from 2 o'clock to S p.m. for the exhibition by the KUHS Drama Department and Mrs. Roberta Blomquist, head of the drama department. The public !s invited. There is no charge. - Selzmck Jewels Sfoen By Hotel 'Cat Burglar1 NEW YORK (UPI Cat bur- Iglars stole jewelry valued at near ly $300,000 from the Hotel Pierre apartment of Broadway producer Irene Mayer Sclznick in the heart of the nation's prime jewel theft area, police reported today. Thursday night's theft brought to nearly $1 million the total value of jewelry stolen in the posh neighborhood around Central Park's southeastern plaza in the past three months. The theft, of 30 pieces of dia mond, ruby and emerald jewelry from Mrs. Sclznick's bedroom. while she was out for the eve ning, followed a pattern that has marked a long series of jewel thefts in New York's luxury ho tels since World War II. The rob- Squirrels Out At Crater Lake There is summer weather at Craler Lake and to prove it a squirrel showed up from winter quarters Friday to size up the prospect for an early spring. Maximum temperature Thurs day was 50. minimum was 38 and a light rain fell Friday morn ing until shortly before 11 a.m. Usual roads to the lake rim are open with no snow or ice and park rangers suggest a trip to the lake to view it under un usual conditions. It is warm enough to picnic, parking facilities are open and tlie eolfee shop will provide light lunches and hot coflee. To date during February there has been 6'i incites of rain but no snow. Snow depth is 32 inches in comparison to 86 at this time last vcar. ir.V WBk ymik 1 V - 4& 'V r is now in high gear! Month OLDS CADILLAC '" 1 " '""v M.r- rn -' 1 in .i.nii. 1 1 J beries have totalled an estimated $20 million and almost none has been solved. As usual, there was no trace of forced entry into the Selznick 10th floor apartment overlooking Cen tral Park. Most of the jewelry was insured. Mrs. Selznick, 51. daughter of film pioneer Louis B. Mayer and former wife of producer David O. Sclznick, told police she discov ered the jewelry missing early; today when she returned to the Pierre after an evening at the theater. Mrs. Sclznick described the jew elry as a $150,000 diamond ring. $60,000 diamond bracelet, $20,000 diamond and ruby clip, $10,000 opal and emerald eornings, and other smaller pieces. Mrs. Selz nick often wore Ihc jewels to glittering first nights on Broad way, where she had produced such hits as "Streetcar Named De sire," "Bell Book and Candle" and "The Chalk Garden." In recent months notable jewel thefts have included a $27,500 raid on film star Dolores Del Ilio's suite at the Hotel St. Regis and a $50,000 burglary at the Central Park south apartment of actress Joan Fontaine. Kim Novak was robbed of $100,. 000 worth of jewels. Jerry Lewis of $200,000 and playgirl Linda Christian of $125,000 in hotel heists. Actor James Mason, ten nis star Margaret Osborne du Pont, film star Rosalind Russell and a number of prominent so cialites have been burglarized. Jewel thieves also have preyed on jewelry stores and gem display cases in hotel lobbies in the area. Tiffany's lost a $163.0(10 window display lo thieves in 1958 and Hotel Plaza and Waldorf Astoria Vitrines have been tided of $91, 000 worth of jewels 1 T- af..- r - . .saJS' 3 carloads of new Olds in stock and more on the way forces this drastic "Savings Spree" Sell-Out! Plus Our used car inventory is way down so we need your car and we'll deal L-O-N-G to get it! Ph. 4-4154 Knife, Fork Deadline Set Reservations for the Klamath Knife and Fork Club at the Wine ma Motor Hotel should be in the hands of the secretary not later than noon, Monday, reb. 11. Mem bers will be billed for $1 for un used reservations if not cancelled by phoning TU 4-8331. Bob Mcst will pres-de. Chaplain Jeticrson Davis, hr.gsley Field, will give the invocation. A daring, small craft skinner son of a leading English indus trialist. Patrick Eilam, who crossed the rough Atlantic in a 19-foot "sailboat" will be the speaker. Now established in the U.S.. El- lam has a unique business, the personal delivery of yachts from port to port, ranging from Cana da lo South America. He has been at sea since he was two and at 16 was crossing and sailinn the English Channel alone. He served in the Royal Artil lery in World War II and volun teered for Special Operations, res cuing American and British pilots who were shot down over ene my territory. He will bring his audience high auveniure on land and sea with a wealth of anecdotes to spice his rare thrill storv. The March date for-the anDear- ance of Madame Suzanne Silver- cruys, has been changed from March 14 to March 11. I r otor M SERVING THE PEOPLE OF KLAMATH FALLS OVER 33 YEARS! r CHUCK BAILEY General Monogor Dependable, Frfendfy Service We Take A Personal Interest In Your Money Problems. QJJg on 4ufo Trailer House Ar Persona Furniture Boats Y TO Matcl PVMtNTS PYM!NTS I VOUR CAO. wmoui ir.yiwf youh CAM -if-. Rfl i 1 Jr o ... .. i , Judge Arraigns Four Following Indictments Martin Lloyd Strachan, 23-year-old Lane County ex-convict on pa role from the Oregon State Peni tentiary, was one of four men ar raigned by Judge David R. Van- denberg in circuit court Thursday afternoon after they had been indicted by the grand jury the previous day. Judge Vandenberg set Thursday, Feb. 14, as the time he would receive entries of plea from those arraigned, including Henry Luther Cole, 18, assault and battery by means of force likely to do great bodily harm, released on $2,500 bond; Donald Bailey. 23, larceny, bail set at $3,500; Russell Loren Obremski, taking and using an automobile without authority, bail set at $3,000; Strachan, charged with larceny on one indictment and assault and battery by means of force likely to do great bodily harm on another, held without bail. Strachan was among the same five people named on two secret indictments returned by the grand jury. The group of four men and one woman were cited lor the larceny of two saddles, clothing and other property belonging to Louis Hutchinson on one of the charges and for the beating of Francis Hutchinson in his cabin at Beatty on the other count. Both incidents were alleged to have taken place Jan. 21. Strachan, who faces the pros pect of being returned lo the peni lentiary for violaing the terms of his probation, has been in the county jail since Jan. 27 when he was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon. While the felon was being arraigned Tnursday sheriff's deputies were continuing in their quest for the other four named on the two secret indict ments. Also named on a secret indict ment was A.2.C. Donald Robert Bailey of Kingsley Field who was arraigned on a complaint charging him with the larceny or a ring and about $110 in currency from Patricia Cortcz, 2418 Reclamation Avenue. The airman admitted to police that he had removed tlie ring from the finger ot Miss Cortez while she was dozing in his car. Friday night, Feb. 1. At the time of tlie incident, the Delay Predicted For Revision SALEM (UPI 1 - Senate Presi dent Ben Musa said today he doubted if the proposed new Ore gon Constitution wou.d he able lo get through the House this session. He added, "II will have rough going in the Senate." Musa commented the State Bar was pushing for a two year delay in adopting the constitution.! Investment Co. Klamath's LOCALLY OWNED Drive-In FINANCE & LOAN CO. INVESTMENT COMPANY TU 4 - 531 South 6th airman was taking the girl home from a dance. Upon his arrest. Bailey denied taking the money, but later went to police with an envelope marked Pat Cortez and which contained three $20 bills. The airman said he found the en velope under the right visor in his car. Henry Cole, accused of assault ing. Talmadge Eugene Strickland as the latter was going home from work Jan. 15. was released on bond after Judge Vandenberg re duced bail from $3,000 to $2,500 upon the request of (he defend ant's attorney. Judge Vandenberg also reduced bond in the case ol Russell Loren Obremski, charged with taking and using an automobile without authority, but as of early Friday morning the ' defendant was stiil in the county jail. The jurist reduced bail from $3,000 to $1,500 at the request of tlie defendant s attorney when the latter disclosed that the car Obremski had taken was valued at $73. Fall Injures Lewis Pohll A Chiloquin man was in critical condition in the Klamath Valley Hospital early Friday as the re sult of injuries he received when he fell from his pickup truck after its brakes failed on the Sprague River Highway, about 4 p.m.. Thursday. In a coma at the local hospital is Ix'wis R. Pohll, 33. who was operating the tmck occupied by his wife, Marie, at the time of the accident. Mrs. , Pohll received slight abrasions but was not tak en to the hospital. The accident occurred after the brakes on Pohll's truck failed as it was proceeding downhill toward tlie Chiloquin dump, according to information received by the Her ald and News. As the car sped downhill it lurched suddenly, opening the door on the driver's side of the truck and spilling Pohll onto the highway. Mrs. Pohll remained in the vehicle which went off the nad and slopped moments later after rolling through an area of mud. Pohll is a member of the Chilo quin Volunteer rire ucpartmeni and an ambulance driver. Don't lep in tht "doi hou.s" again this year! Send frcih tlowtr. tor your anniver.ary. Call Nyback'l Flower Fair to deliver. TOM MOORE Office Manager 7783