IF"' ' "W Vfmmntmmmm Rebekah Installation - ALTURAS - MiUiccnt Dubois ' 1 ''tfv'TS ,r ve' " u -; yi- Air v """a" -"" -- L- v T-''mM J "w'aMMMMMMtt KLAMATH FALLS VISITORS When W. Scott Thompson and his wife, Thelma, seated visited in this city recently it was the first time in 35 years he had seen his brother, O. E. Thompson, standing with his wife, Mary. The men were born in Bass River, Nova Scotia. The two couples enjoyed a two-week visit which was a part of a WestCoast tour taken by the Scott Thompsons before thry returned to their home in Toronto Photo by Kettler Rainbow Installation MALIN The 42nd public in slallation of Malin Assembly No 49, Rainbow For Girls, was held Jan. 19 in the Malin Masonic Temple. Given Kirkpatrick was installed as (he new worthy ad viser to succeed Lois Owens. Religion is her theme (or tin year and her colors of gold and unite were used to decorate for her installation. Installing officers were Lois Ouens, outgoing worthy adviser; .ludy Huffman, chaplain; Susan Williams, recorder; Cathy Ken- ynn, marshal, and Mrs. Rudolph Paygr. musician. Mrs. .less McFall is rr other ad viser and .less McFa'l, Rainbow Had. Past Rainbow advisers escort ed and introduced were Susan Williams. Judy Huffman and Cathy Kenyon. Also introduced were Mrs. F.mma Wilde, past mother adviser, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ottoman, worthy matron and patron of Prosperity Chapter, Or der of Eastern Star. Rainbow officers lor the com ing year include Gum Kirkpat rick. worthy adviser: Loudean Lyon, worthy associa'e adviser; Pepgy Long, charily; Nor.dice Mc Fall. Hope: Linda Holt, faith: Kathy Brooks, recorder; Jeanne Stastny. treasurer; Linda McFall. chaplain: Lois Owens, drill lead er: Joan Kirkpatrick. love; Kristi Ottoman, religion: Connie Unis. nature; Dianne Williams, immor tality; Joan Mullanix, fidelity: Barbara Unruh, patriotism; Joyce Mullanix, service; Connie Whit man, confidential observer; Lin da Lousignont, outer observer; Pat Walker, musician; Darla Micka, choir director. Choir members are Linda Tur ner, Terry Petrasek. Ktscia Pctrr son, Linda Frazier. Linda Woods. Ann Johnson, Linda Schmidli and Joan Cacka. Board memhers are Helen Ann Ottoman. Ilatel Kenyon. Veda William. Mildred Dobry and Hel en Derry. Abie Kirkpatrick. brother of the worthy adviser, conducted the crowning ceremony. Marilyn Dun can and liitk Woodley sang "The Old Rugged Cross" during t h e ceremony. The worthy adviser was pre sented a bouquet of white carna tions from tile Malin Assembly hy her cousin. Lori Enloe, es corted by Van Johnson. After the worthy adviser's address, Lori Knlne save the carnations to Mrs. Emma Kirkpatrick. mother of the w orthy adviser, and Van John son presented the Rainbow Bible to her grandfather. C. V. Knloe. Marilyn Duncan. Daila Micka WORTHY ADVISER Gwen Kirkpatrick will head the Malin Assembly of Rainbow for Girls as worthy adviser for the coming year. She was installed on Jan. 19. and Connie Unis sang several vo cal numbers. The benediction was given by the Rev. William Hodges. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Enloe. Susjnvnlc; Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Enloe and jnn. Mount Shasta; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Enloe. Dorris; Mrs. A. F. Mc Donald and Mrs. James DeVore. Klamath Falls, and Linda Enloe. Carson City. Immediately after the installa tion refreshments were served in the decorated dining hall. A five tiered cake, white wil.1 names of Lois and Gwen in gold, was baked and decorated hy Mrs. Paul Mul lanix. Doming was enjoyed later. Club Votes Contribution MOUNT SHASTA-Omicron Up- silon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi voted to contribute money for the Mount Shasta Christmas float at its meeting Jan. 24 at the home of Mrs. James Fitzpatrick. One hundred and twenty dollars was pledged, to be put in trust on a three-year basis and be returned to the sorority if necessary addi tional funds for the restoration of the float are not raised in that time. Mrs. Phylis Moisan gave a pro gram on "You and Vnur Audi ence, and how to be a eood miciieuce. a auicn lunch was served as refreshment. Besides the hostess and Mrs Dinn Marconi, co-hostess, the fol lowing members were present: Mrs. Arthur Acller, Mrs. Rollv nrnoKs, .Mrs. William Allen. Mrs. William Carter, Mrs. Martin Coo per. Mrs. William Freeman, Mrs. lack Gerard. Mrs. Darrell John son. Mrs. Richard Millinolon Mrs. Phil Smith. Mrs. William Strickland. Mrs. Loretta Tucker. Mrs. Robert Vita. Mrs. Roger Hines and Mrs. Jack McKendrick. ommA dtivitmA HKRAI.I) AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore. By Helen Bcchen Frklav, February 8. PAGE I if! V I i pi . n REBEKAH OFFICERS Mariorie Si ceremonies Milllcent Dubois, riqht, was installed as noble grand and ith, center, as vice grand of North Rebekah Lodge of Alturas at recent Installing officer was Beulah Laver, left. POLLY'S POINTERS The Shape Of Things POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY Pad coat hang ers with discarded shoulder pads. This helps keep the shape in the shoulders of clothes that have just 'ome back from the cleaners on ire hangers. -D.-C. To use enameled thumbtacks in hardwood, cover the hammer head ith adhesive tape and then drive in the tack so that the finish is nharmcd. E. R. T. Clean adhesive on a hammer head would be a protection to walls, woodwork, etc., when used for many household tasks. POLLY The A-line silhouette stavs at the head of classy spring fashions for little girls. Shaped to swing out in a wide whirl, the silhou ette comes in piques, seersuck ers and broadcloth for nursery and school days, ror parties, the A is done in dacron organza and no-iron sheers. DEAR POLLY My grandmoth er came up with the idea of pok- holes in her plastic soap dish so that the excess water on the soap would drain off. thus pre- cnting tlie soap from becoming soggy, soil and wasted, snc pierced the holes w ith an ice pick. heated over the fire. When the pick is really hot, the job is fast and easy. MISS L. H. DEAR POLLY Repair broken tape on a Venetian blind w ith ad hesive tape on the reverse side. Whiten the tape with a small amount of white canvas shoe pol ish, applied with a sponge. C. A. DEAR POLLY A small bucket and a plumber's friend i plunger i make laundering a few hand washables easier on the clothes and saves manicures, too. Work the plunger up and down in both suds and rinse water. Sent both of my kids off to college with a set. MRS. R. M. P. GIKIA A plunger also comes Ln handy for washing scatter rugs in the bathtub. POLLY DEAR POLLY This morning I went to my closet to gel out a skirt and found t tie eye fastener missing. Hie hook was tlierc, I picked up my, staple gun and stapled me an eye. It worked line all day long and was a great so- ution in a pinch. A. S.i GIRLS Quickies like this are great for emergencies and tide us over until more permanent re pairs can be made. POLLY DEAR POLLY I love all those uorkablc ideas! Here is one of my favorites. I use all old gloves with holes in the finger tips while vacuuming. It is easy to wipe the hose and cords, and I finish with clean hands and a clean vacuum. I keep pen and scissors near the chair wliere I read newspa pers and magazines. Tills way it is easy to cut out and date any wanted items and not have to search back through the papers. A. N. Share your favorite homemak ing ideas . . . send them to Polly in care of Herald and News. You'll receive a bright, new silver dol lar if Polly uses your ideas in Polly's Pointers. Emilio Pucci. of Florence, famed for slim Capri trousers and later for stretch pants, now pre sents sarong pants in exotic silk prints. These are South Sea in spired and made up of one softlv wrapped Irouser leg, the other billowing like a skirt. The sarong pants look best worn with long- sleeved, hare-midriff jackets. I V I the color palette lor spring consists of subdued, clear pastels and neutrals. Pink and yellow arc among the pastels. Gray and wheat are among the neutrals. Contrasting the low-keyed colors are gay nauticals red, while and blue. These are featured in Sun day-best togs as well as in sportswear. PLAN COFFEE Mrs. Bob Trotman, left, and Mrs. Bill Nicholson are amonq Merrill Parents and Patrons offi cers planning a coffee at the home of Mrs. Harry Orem, Wednesday, Feb. I 3 at 10 a.m. Proceeds from the bene fit affair will go to the scholarship fund. All interested women are invited. For any without transportation, a car pool is planned. For information call Mrs. Trotman or Mrs. Nicholson. Orion Club Onons met at the home of Mrs Preston Card Jan. 15 to install Mrs. Charles Howard, president: Mrs. J. L. VanPelt, vice presi dent; Mrs. Al Nannemnn. sec- etary; Mrs. Jack Paddock, trea surer. A gift certificate was present ed to Mrs. Robert Pryor, the out going president. Games were won by Mrs. Joe Wachtcr and Mrs. Fred Biehn. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Fred Biehn, Mrs. Charles was installed as noble grand of . tiie Northern Rebekah Lodge, NoJ 208 of Alturas Friday evening, Jan. 18. The hall was decorated in col-, ors of red and white dominated by floral arrangements of red roses and white carnations. The red rose is the new noble grand's flower for the year and her col ors are red and w hite. Hei nioito is "Plant Seeds of Friendship and Cultivate Them Each Day." Mrs. Dubois was installed to her new office by Beulah Laver. deputy district president, assisted hy Katherine Quigley, Edith Part ridge, Ora Demick, Mildred' Prock, Delia Tengelly and Mabeth Starr. Marjorie Smith was installed as vice grand; Ethel Ash, record ing secretary. I-eona Walker, fi nancial secretary; Edith Denson, treasurer. following the ceremony, the the Rebckahs and their guests were served refreshments. Howard, Mrs. Al Nanneman, Mrs. Neil McEachern. Mrs. Richard renter, Mrs. Preston Card. Mrs loe Wachler, Mrs. Robert Prvor, Mrs. Jack Paddock. Mrs. Carl Pernigotti and a guest, Mrs. Mar vin Worlev. Hear These! SONY TRANSISTOR RADIOS Superb Quality! Superb Sound! LEO'S CAMERA SHOP 836 Main i V I r Y Y Y Y i Mil. THE DIAMOND WpirIiI. Diamond rw w.shpd in "Carats" and "Point." Them ant 11)0 polnla to the rarai. A rrllahle Jeweler will give you the exact we in tit nf any atone he offer you. Aa between two dia mond of the aame color, clarity and cutting workmanship, the lamer will he worth more per carat than the imaller. The rranon In that the lamer eizee are rarer. More than 30 tnna of rock, sand and gravel m dug nni proceasea 10 recover dia monds that will produce, regardleaa of the alze of the Individual atones, a total of one carat of fintahed gema. But to find a pirce of nniRh large enough to be pollihed Into a atngle one enrnt gem, more than 330 tona mutt be mined. Y Y Y Y Y J. C. RENIE JEWELERS A Trusted Jeweler 1021 Main s Your Best Adviser TU 4-4606 Y' Y T FASHIOES Happy homecoming prints and French doll clothes head the spring fashion parade for infants. The homecoming print, by Carter, pictures baby's first po-scsi:ns his hospital bracelet, diaper pins, bootees, stuffed toy. and cup and spoon. The Ficnch doll clothes group features delicate embroidered bands trimming lay ette items. Philco-Bendix Duo-Matrc WASHER-DRYER Sales Service J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 mmmmt mill ij SKIERS Coming or Going Don't Pass By THE ODESSA STOP IN FOR . . . BREAKFASTS - LUNCHES - DINNERS Delicious Fried Chicken, Sizzling Steaks, Ham 'n Eggs as you like 'em! HOME MADE PIE ODESSA COFFEE SHOP Rocky Point Road CtetH Mondavi P- CL 6-3230 otlt Po.nf Open ft te 9 P.M. for Rewrvotiont in m iu Lpn iiimi inn n eniuiii n SPECIAL! We have just received a big shipment cf that fine quality, READY TO PAINT FURNITURE We honeitly believe (hot Ihn i the inei reidy-lfc-paint urnitute voiloble! Well ton itruclcd of j" ttock, exlro heavy. ero iturdy, ne knon, fmooth tended and reody to stain or point in your favorite decorator color! 5-DRAWER CHEST SI 9.95 44 inches high, 30 inchci wide. 8- DRAWER CHEST $28.95 Doublt chctt 47" wide, 36" high. 9- DRAWER CHEST S29.95 Double chetl, 47" wide, 36" high. 1 2-DRAWER CHEST S38.95 Double cheit, 60" wide, 36" high. 9-DRAWER LO-BOY Chest $29.95 e0 inchei wide, only J7''i" hioh. KNEEHOLE DESK OR DRESSING TABLE $16.95 34 inchet "ide, 30 Inchei hioh; four draeri 4- SHELF BOOKCASE $7.50 30 inchet wide, 36" high 5- SHELF BOOKCASE $9.95 30 inchet wide, 48" hiah. Chests shown abort ore all 15' i inchet in depth Also oroiloble nighr stonds, 3 and 4 drawer chests, other lo-boy, etc. Come in while our selection it compter I Ph, 4-3134 I", dm. JL. JT .1 f f all! MM 195 EAST MAIN 8twtn Main Strt UncUrpati ond Mills School The DANMOQRE HOTEL 1217 S.W. Morrison St. Portland, Oregon Alt Tranafrnl f.urnl. AU ihnt who ronir rrlurn. Ratr ntil Inn h(h. not law. f rer grtt, nrw locallfin ' t hloch Irom Hold. Oprn until in - M. 1 V'l and Rarfln. KcpalaCInn Mr rlrin Hnri. fhlldrrn andfr aren, n rhargr. A. m1 'n Swim of Our Sy ;RIDAY NIGHT c Y SEAFOOD BUFFET Different Ctb - FwV i,u -11 1 Served wVekl 5:30-800 PMJ 122 Main PELICAN CAFE Ph. TU 4-8855 AND WING (Lounge) ' " p J mmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmi i V i,.- -y V-yJ'lr!Ll " ' l''l"'''',"'''!ll'i-'iif"-li;!rirallJ i f- ;: '"' ''hHJt-' ''f m iJ'j'IIIITeoiieiieiiiiiieii leiiiniii i"irnn i i n ,,, ' -f- .;-! -J A-tjizi fpj'i '. . ' flf ' ''"'L e jittwKHKt- m'mnaKiiiB tjgg lyjisx asuniBi macs ggg BsMt" '"'"" ! j. ' ' ' r 'it '"' I '.JijiliiiirSTrSSISSICT Seems to be everyone's year for Cadillac. And why not? It's the most wanted Cadillac ever built. And with twelve different models, who couldn't find one to fall in love with? Your dealer may just have that one for you right now. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED f j(lCclt(&C DEALER DICK B. MILLER CO. 7)0 KLAMATH AVE. PHONE TU 4-4154