PAGE t HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath FaU, Ore. Friday, February 8, 1963 Police Raid Venezuela Terrorists CARACAS, Venezuela (UPD Police raided a terrorist den here Thursday night and seized Communist plans for attack 'on U.S. oilfield installations and other enterprises in Venezuela, it was reported today. Detectives who took part in the raid on a home near the Red- infested Central University cam !us said it appeared to be the central headquarters of the Cas tro - Communist "National Lib eration Army (FAL)." The raiders captured member ship lists and other documents ex peeled to expedite the current roundup of Red troublemakers in this country. A few hours before the raid, band of youthful delinquents be lieved to be university students trjed to set fire to the U.h Chamber of Commerce here. De tcctives reached the scene in time to trail the firebugs to the FAU headquarters. Terrorists bombed a night club and a parking lot here Thursday, injuring a woman and a J4-year- old girl. The parking lot, bombed during Uie evening rush hour, is near the Caracas office of the jst National City Bank of New York. Among the papers seized in the raid were messages from Moscow and Havana, some of them in code, the police said. There also were several copies of a book, "Guerrilla Warfare," by Argen tine-born Castroite leader Ernes to (Che) Guevara. Weather Roundup Temperatures during tlie 24 hours ending at 4 a.m. PST today. High Low J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 HEADQUARTERS FOR NORTHRUP KING Alfalfa, Clover And Grass Seeds Largo Quantities 44 56 m 62 54 59 55 62 42 :i2 71 44 72 45 54 Astoria Baker Brookings Medford Newport North Bend Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem The Dalles Chicago Los Angeles New York San Francisco Washington Portland - Vancouver, Willam elte Valley: Partial clearing to night, light rain Saturday w 1 1 high near 55; low tonight 40-47. Western Oregon: Partly cloudy, chance Utile rain Saturday; high 55-65; low 36-46. Eastern Oregon: Partly cloudy tonight, mostly fair Saturday high 45-60; low 23-33. Western Washington: Little rain: highs 55-63: low 37.4: Eastern Washington: Variable clouds and patches valley fog, chance light showers tonight highs 40-50; low 30-40. Tatoosh to Blanco: Winds south oast 15-30 becoming southwest to night; little rain. Western Oregon: Recurring showers; highs 54-64; lows 36-46. Eastern Oregon: Precipitation about normal; highs 40-45; low 27- 37. Bend: Fog and low clouds with local afternoon clearing; highs 43- 48: low 30-38. Northern California: Occasional rain. Timberline Lodge total snow 39 inches, no new; hardack, skiing good; roads clear; New Magic Mile and Betsy Tow operating Malin Scouts Receive Awards ..uJJ.i.r.r. MALIN Receiving awards at the Cub Scout pack meeting Jan. 30 at the community hall were Kelly London, bear badge; Phil McCulley, Steve Rajnus, denner tripes; Andy Street, second year pin; Doug Johnson, denner stripe; Dennis Brightman and Da vid Cacka, first yar pins. Special guest of the evening was Joe Vic torin, cubmastor of Tulclake. For entertainment Mrs. Don London's den presented a s k i t. "The Last of the Alamo," and Carl Rajnus, cubmasler, showed slides of hunting wild animals. pl H UUHPU IW Jill .11 Sports Car Thief Breaks Into House A burglar who operates a lale model sports car is being sought by the sheriff's office in connec tion wilh the break-in of a Lake port Blvd. house last Sunday while the occupants of the residence were in Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wills, 4043 Lakcnort Blvd.. told deputy sher iff Lou Bogart that they returned home earlier this week to discov er that a toaster, percolator and food were stolen while they had been in Ashland during the past several weeks. Investigation by Bogart indicat ed that a "new type compact auto mobile" observed leaving' the Wills' residence about 9:30 p.m. Sunday, by Mrs. Carl Lyon, a neighbor, may have been operat ed by the burglar. The burglar apparently drove up to the house in the automobile and entered the building after breaking a window on the front porch and climbing through it, Bogart and deputy Lee Saunders are still investigating. The stolen items and damage to the house has been estimated at $300. S &, I 1 , , , , , , 1MlhrMU.W. - - M.bM.M0ll Z'3 M,lOt!- "I threw him a walnut and he threw it back!" Science.CIalrrns Spread Colds Not Exposure fo IKfeather Or Drafts (EDITOR'S N'OTK For cen turies, the sniffles and shakes of (he common cold have been blamrd on drafts, wet feet and the like. Scientist peeking to defeat the cold virus now believe none of these may be to blame. The causes of a cpld are exam ined in this, this second of a three-part series on science's battle against the cold.) By BARNEY SKIHKItT CHICAGO (UPD Discoveries about what causes the common cold have come so rapidly that even physicians are confused. A medical pamphlet titled "Old King Cold." published in 1959, advised that the chances of catch ing colds could be lessened with plenty of rest, avoiding drafts, safeguarding against chills and overheating, protection against wet feet, dressing or undressing in cold rooms, and contact with persons who have colds. Many researchers now believe the best advice contained in that section of the pamphlet is the last avoiding contact with persons wno nave colds. Research at .the University of Illinois and at Britain's resort-like Harvard Hospital included expos ing volunteers to: Drafts, water drencnings in cold air, up to 58 hours of sleepless ness, and hours of exposure to chilling temperatures while clad only in light underclothing. Colds were no more frequent among those who underwent the ordeals than among test groups which did not. Dr. Justin M. Andrews, directo1" of the National Institute of Aller gy and Infectious Disease, said: Unless you are at the same time exposed to a person who has cold, I don't think that just chilling your feet or anything of that sort is going to start a cold. It is commonly believed that you are more susceptible to colds if you get your feet wet. Yet, when vou put this to a test, not to be the case." Caused by Virus Since those unpleasant but oth erwise harmless ordeals by volun teers in Salisbury, England, and Chicago, researchers have found that colds are caused by any of some 120 or more virus strains and the so-called "Eaton Agent," a micro-organism which is neither virus nor germ. Although a multitude of virus strains may cause the common cold, most are caused by a dozen or so varieties. Among children 10,000 of whom die annually from respiratory in fections which often begin as colds the respiratory syncytial 1RS1 virus is responsible for about 21) per cent of common colds and other respiratory illness. The common cold has been found to die out in closed com munities such as Norway's Island of Spirtzbergen, or the recently evacuated volcanic island of Tris- it is shounitan da Cunha. But colds recur w hen the community Is visited by a ship even though those aboard may not have colds. This suggest ed to the British researchers that some persons are "cold carriers." The British also found a rela tionship between lowering of hu midity in homes and the onset of colds. More In Winter Since chills, wet feet and ex posure to drafts probably are not factors in contracting colds, why are there more colas m winter? Dr. Harry Dowling of the Uni versity of Illinois theorized that it may be because people crowd to gether in closed rooms when the weather's cold. A drop in the incidence of colds during the Christmas holidays, when children are out of school. and a rise in the incidence when classes resume appears to support this theory. (Next What can you do about a cold.) Trio Seeks Recovery Of Losses ACE TV TIPS COLOR TV It will com oi a surprise to manv that KOTI our i- 1 1.. . own vn. x oroaaeasring o number, or color pro grams. Bendee the soecials such at rha Rm Bawl, molt ot the football and boseball aamet. etc., the Flinstones, Jets oni and the Sunday Nite movie are broadcast in beautiful living color. You ore invited to come in and watch theis nm. gram at ACE TV, 1140 Riverside. The new Zenith Color sets begin ot $499.95. We will be ha DDV to set up and home demonstrate our color sets to Bono-fide Interested buvers. ALL col CEPT Zenith use "Printed Circuit" color boards. Also Zenith gives o one-year UNCONDITIONAL guarantee on ALL Darts of rha Color TV The Walt Disney shows, Lassie, Bonanxa and the nour and halt "Tonite" show are always in color for those who get channel 7 and 10, with an tenna or on the coble. CBS will begin colorcostina on Feb. 17. startina with "A Tour f u " hosting Grace KeWy. Malin Chamber Slates Ballot MALIN The members of the Malin Chamber of Commerce will elect five new directors Mr 1963. The ten men nominated for the positions are Larry Barbour,. Jer- y Brown. Charles Duncan, Adolph Drazil, Dale Holl, George Rajnus, Jack Lindsay, Ron McVay, Ralph Stearns, and Norman Unis. The ballots, mailed to each member eligible to vote, must be returned to the chamher secretary hy Feb. 11. It was also announced that the dues have been raised lo $6 this year because of in creased costs. ' MEDFORD (UPD-Three com plaints seeking recovery of $6,140 allegedly lost in poker games here have been filed in Jackson County Circuit Court. David M. Chandler, Trail; Louis C. Burns, Medford, and Earl Pid cock, Medford, are tlie plaintiffs. Defendants are Virgil Stickley, Medford: L. W. Howell, Eagle Point, and the Crater Lake Aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, where U13 games were allegedly held. The complaint claimed that of ficers of tlie lodge were aware of the games and that the Aeri col looted a fee. Chandler listed losses of $2,075 in 21 games, Burns $1,025 in nine games and 1'idcock $3,040 in Z4 games. Each seeks recovery of twice the amount said lost, as pro vided under state statutes, plus costs. 1 A'nr'' 'ftll'llk'lllUW'' . 1 a m n uvr 1 i Lions Observe Anniversary DUNSMUIR A 40th anniver sary will be celebrated by the Dunsmuir Lions Club with a din ncr at the Community Youth Building Feb. 16. Linns and their ladies will hon or charier members, t'elhil Jones of San Carlos and D. W. Kilborn of Sacramento, on this occasion Ray Marks. San Francisco, in ternational councilor for the Lions Club, will lie the guest speaker. Karl I luuslon. Susanville, district Lions governor, and L. D. Taylor, Yrcka, deputy district governor, are among the honored guests in viled. Navy Planes Miss Crash S.N FRANCISCO (UPD - Western Airlines DC6B carrying .13 passengers narrowly missed colliding with a formation of four Navy jet fighters Thursday night over a Northern California mountain. A spokesman for the Federal Aviation Agency said Western Flight 167, en roule from San Francisco to Los Angeles, en countered the Navy planes in a clear sky over Mt. Hamilton, 40 miles south of San Francisco. Tlie spnkc.MTian said the airliner and the fighters were both flying at an altitude of between 6.000 and 7.000 fret when the near-miss occurred. All were flying by visual controls, he said. The airliner returned tr San Francisco and tlie flight was canceled. None of the passengers was in jured. ?? craft anii$eUr;s Klamath Pant. Oraaan Publitnad daily (aicapt fal.) and SdRdaf Sarvlnf Sowtnarn Oraton and Nartharn California Klamath PutjtlihlM Camsany Wain at Itplanada Phona TUtada 4-lllt W. . Swaatland. Pualitnar Intarad at aacand-laia martar at rha pail a'Mca at Klamath Pallt, Oraaan, an Auawit H, ltaa. andar act ! Can- frail. March J. lira. Sacand-claaa pail aaa paid at Klamath Palla, Oratan, and at additianal mattlof attlcaa. Model K-2004-Z With the set shown above and all other Mark nnrl 0 white sets, ACE TV gives en unconditional 90 day guarantee, including Parts, Labor and Service Calls. "(Sales of our BW Zeniths have been outstanding oncl here are some or our used Trade-ins. ALL jot our used sets havo an unconditional 30 day J guarantee. Those listed with new Pix tubes hive ja full one year guarantee on the picture tubes 10s well. Zenith Console $42.50 Zenith 1962 Model Port. $95.00 Philco Consolo - New Pi Tube .... SIR SO 11 rnnco Consolctto - New Pix Tube $52.50 j21" Airline Console - Now Pix Tube $42.50 '21" Zenith Console $42.50 '3 21" Gen. Elce. Console - New Pix Tube .... $44.50 J 17" RCA Console . New Tuner, Pix Tube $59.50 121" Motorola Table Mod. - New Pix Tube $44.50 .117" Zenith Portable $49.50 And for the finest in TV, Radio Service, it's . . . 'los w J 21" rj 19" i 17" TV 1140 Riverside Drive Ph. TU 4-3581 Hours 9:00 to 7, Mon. thru Sat. & Authorised Sales Service tUBSCIIIPTION RATSS Carriar I Manth . . 4 Atonlht I Vaar Mall In Advanca t Manlh a Mantha 1 Vaar Carrtar and Daalart Waahday A Sunday, copy I HI llf.IV lac UNITSO PPPSS INTtPMATIONAL AUOIT IUPIAU OP CIRCULATION luhtcrlaara nat waiving dallvary at ttiair Herald and Newt, plaaia phta ruiada aim tarard P.M. Lodge Installs Elmer Alstrom NEW PINE CHEF.K F.lpier A! strom. a retired Lakeview mcr- hant 82 years of age, was in tailed Noble Grand of Lakeview IOOF 1-odce No. 63 at a special installation meeting last Tuesday evening. Alslinm recently earned the 'Certificate of Efficiency" for perfection in his ritualistic mem ory work despite the handicap o( lioor vision. He was able to uhieve this goal through the tu toring of his lodge brother, Mark lietty. who is now convales cing in a Klamath r alls hospital Irom a broken hip. Getty was un- Mr to allend the installation. " ' 1 ' iTTainiiin nn ii fVn T7 n 'I r' 7 ai rli r i 'il'i'iTfaanii n mi i anil 't i -luaml!? ; lie leiifiof mi Ira n lfrjrjsT Continuous from 12:45 rsrzrjCr h( iyi-6-M Presents A JOE PASTERNAK Production ijn THE BRASSIEST SASSIEST LOVINGEST LAUGHINGEST THREE RING CIRCUS EVER SET TO MUSIC! n 1133111- T0DAY!- TWIN CITADELS OF SIN! &Saaia S0D0M1H i V lev sfl - m. 1 I aV M DORIS STEPHEN JIMMY MARTHA h 8 DAY BOYD DURANTE RAYE h BILLY i fiyrT h h rose's IjW7mU Mi kUj Q Jill I Mr vACv 'myiWMiii' I . - NX 11 V&r 3 co-starring V r!"VISiiSPean JAG6ER w : V? SE7 TO THE MARVELOUS Xm 5'' IT 7 MUSIC OF MM, RODGERS & HART a ::::. SIDNEY SHELDON & ft -k & ft -k ft ft dj,,itC'Tt roouct rRICHARO RODGERS and LORENZ HART --CHARLES WALTERS ROGER EDENS-wJOE PASTERNAK and MARTIN MELCHER '""il i-a.