USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS Now you can buy a used car with confidence EXCLUSIVE 3-WAY GUARANTEE on Ford Dealer "A-1" Used Cars Only Your Ford Deoler offers this guarantee SERVICEABILITY GUARANTEE Your Ford Dealer hos inspected, rood - tested ond, if necessory, reconditioned every A-1 Used Cor or. Truck ond guarantees that it Ifi in serviceable condition. FIRST-MONTH GUARANTEE Under this guorontee your Ford Deoler, for the first 30 days (or 1,000 miles), will give q 50?b cosh discount from his regular re tail prict on any repairs he mokes that ore necessory to keep your car or truck in serviceable condi tion. (Except tor tires and tubes, glass, or radio. And, of course, except in case of accident or abuse.) 3 TWO-YEAR GUARANTEE Under this guarantee your Ford Dealer, for on additional period of two years, will give a 15o cash. discount from his regular retail price on any repairs he makes that are necessary to keep your enr or truck in serviceable condi- lion. (Except, of course, in case of accident or obuse.) For the best deal in used cars, especially used Fords, see your FORD DEALER Coach Hired To Supervise Teen Events ni'NSMl'm .lamr Mujnl math, has hern lured by tin Dunsmuir HocriNttion Itislrirt to siiporvisp torn rvents at the I'nm munity Voulh HuilHing. Tim prnfinim c:Ws for two hiyl jtchrxi! sfH't.-il rvrnls vr month and two for spvpnlh and eighth prad rrs. The program will support rd with matching liinri donated by I ho city of DunMimir to the recreation district. However, nt Ihe recreation (lis tint meeting Tuesday. Rujol and llw commission nirmliors aurred the pmpram should he supported as niurh as possjhlp hy the teen croups themselves Orc-mization of these teen yinups is already underway and they will be rnnHirard to elerl their own officers, determine their own recreational needs and draw up their own rules and ctnle of behavior. Tin group will lie asked ti suhmit a calrndar of ai liuty dates so the Lions ( luh can plan foi up of the building for othei events when not in use by I Ik Ircn croup. The cement blin k and slcel building was completed tin win ler. Adjacent to the Punsmuii hallpark, under I,ion Club spun xorship. One of the first water birds to return north in the spring is the Canada goose. LEGAL NOTICE Cell For Bldi Sealed bldi will be received by the Klamaifl County Clerk, no later than 10 AM, Wednesday, March 13, 13 for equipment and Installation of a Civil Detenu Outdoor Public Warning Device Svttem (Sirens). For ipetlllcatlom, and further Infor mation, contact the Oirwtor, Klamath County civil Defense Agency, Court. Houie, Klamath r-am, Oregon. No. 919, Feb. 5, I, 12, 1?J. No. 43-! NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FRAN CES CLAIRE BRANDENBURG, known ai Claire Franc) Brandenburg, formerly known as Claire F. Duncan, De ceased. NOTICE ll hereby given that I, Claire H. Duncan, have been apoomiea saio a mlnlttretor of the above entitled Estate All persons having claims against said Estate are required lo present them, to gether with proper vouchers, to me at the ofMce of Chalburn & Brickner, lorneys at Law, Merrill, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated and first published this Ith day of February, 1963. 1st CLAIRE H. DUNCAN, Administrator CHATRURN aV BRICKNER Attorneys at Law Merrill, Oreoon No. 935, Feb. f, 13, 72, March 1, 1963. No. M M P NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH n the Matter of the Estate 01 CASSIE BALL PARAZOO, Deceased. Notice Is hereby qive.l that the Ad' mlnlstrelor of the above entitled estate hat filed its Final Account and Report oi Administrator, and that the Court has sel the 76th day of February 1963, at the hour of 10:00 A.M., as the time for neai ing of objections to said Final Account In settlement thereof, sa'd hearing to be In Circuit Court, Department No. 1, Klam ath County Court House, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Deled this 22nd day of January LLOYD A. DOMASCHOFSKY Attorney for Administrator No, 905, Jan. 25, Feb. 1, S, 15. NO. 4?-7 PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY the Matter of the Estate of LOLA MAE KELSAY, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given thai the under signed executor has filed lis final ac count of the administralmit of the above entitled estalc and that the Court ha1 appointed March 4, 191, at 10 A. M s the time for hearing oh lections to sucn final account and the settlement mere- The First Na"nnal Bank of Oregon, Portland Executor Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Executor No. 914 Feb. t, I, 15, 72. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given ihal the under signed has been appointed as Adminfstra of the Estate of MERW IN M. DON' EL50N, also known as MERWIN MIL TON DONELSON, deceased, by Order ol the Circuit Court ol Ihe County of Klam ath, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to pre sent Ihe same to L. ORTH SISEMORE, Attorney for Administratrix, duly veri fied and with proper vouchers attached. at 731 Main Street. Klamath Falls, Ore gon, within six months from the dale of first publication ol this notice. JUNE M. DONEl SON Administratrix No. n, Jan. 16, 25, Feb. 1, I. NO. 61 12! LAW NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S 5ALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THF. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH W. H Mac DONALD, Plaintiff, . L. BARNES, Defendant. By virtue ol an Execution Issued nut nf the above entitled Court In the above entitled cause, lo me directed and dated Ihe 71 dy ol January, 1963, upon h ludgmenl rendered and entered In said f.ourl and cause on Ihe 1st day of May 1962, In favor of W. H. MacDONALD Plaintiff and against W. L BARNES De fendant, for the sum ot Eight Thousand. Three Huhdred, Ninety-five and lOOths Dollars, with Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 37lh day of March, 1961, and the further sum of Three Thousand, Nine Hundred, Eighty and No-1001 hs Dollars and Ihe cost of and upon this Writ, I have levied upon the lollowing real property of said defend ant situated In Ihe Counly of Klamalt Stale of Oreoon, to-wil:- SW'4 SE'4 NW'i Section 34, Township 34 S. Range 7, East ol Willamette Me Idlan, Oregon, containing 10 acres more or less. This conveyance Is made pur suanl to the provisions ot Segjinn I ic 1 , Ac I ot August u, 191, (M biaie. rie. 770). This conveyance is subect to any existing easements for public roads and highways, lor public utilities, and for rail oads and pipe lines and for olher ease ments or rights of way of record. All oil and gas and mineral rights are here hy reserved lo the Grantors in Trust. All that Portion of Lot 14. Section 34. own hip 34 S. Range 7. East of Wil lamette Meridian, Oregon, lying south west of the parcel conveyed to J, J Meiaer. by Henry K Jackson on June 70, 197?, which convevanc was recorded' lun 77, 1977. In Volume 57 at page 51 nl Deed Records, Klema'h County, Ore gon; this being the ldenti al parcel as that parcel conveyed to Clarence M. Fs es and Olhe Estes, husband and wile hy Henry K. Jackson, Conveyance (dated April i. 1977 and recorded April , 1977 ie Volume 74. page SIS. Deed Rec ords, klamnlh Cnunly. Oregon This Conveyance is made pursuant to thr nrovisions ot the Act of May 77. 1907 IV Slate 74M This conveyance Is ubtert tn any Misting easements tor pnhltc roads. ind highways, lor purine untitle; and inr ailroads and pip lines and for any eth r easements or rights o wy of record Ml luhMiriace rights etcent water ure herehy reserved, in trust, by Ihe grant ors. A portion nf l.ol S, Sec on 1. Tcwnshw is s, Range '. Fast oi Willamette we ndian described as follow, Beginning at a potn on Ihe North Bonn rtary ol Lol J. Section 3. of Ihe ahove named Township rarge and Mend wht(h polnl li west 76M 17 tt. from the Northeast comer ot said Section 3, and wesl 1 .131 17 It from lha initial point ol Ihe city ot Chiloquin. and also being on Ihe westerly side of the Southern PacilK Railroad Which curves 7 degrees to Ihi SW Said point nl hegir-mng alto being Ihe point ol intersection ol the North Boundary of said Lot 3 and a radius ot the 7 degrees ( u've at 4s 0 feet from the centei Ih main line, and 70 tt westerly on the ame radius from Ihe Ritjhi ol Wav Them west 7s Hi ti along Ihe North Boundary of s d lol J. to point: thence South W77 tt lo a pen which ts JO 0 leet Nor'h westerly ti the Right of Way hue ot Ihe above named Railroad; thence Northweslei parallel to and 7fl tt from the curved Right ol Way line of the above named Railroad, fll J II more or les' win! ot beginning, emlO'ing an area ot l aire, more or less, and be the above named Lot 3. Section V hip iS S. Range 7. Fast of Willamette Meridian. Klamalh County. Oregon All thai portion of Lots 13 and H, Ser tlnn 34. Township 34 S. Rnoe 7, f-t ot vVllamelt Meridian rteicrihed follows tSQinnrg in the w'erly hue o thi Southern Pacific Rohl of Way. 3K I feel Southwesterly along the said hne nl Rohi of Way from Its Internet l-nn wth the northerly line o lot l.i. above lechon township jtnd range, ttterne Southerly aicwg the said Right of Way line to ihe southerly line of Section 34, thence We- along Ihe section line S4 1 teet to a oomt hearing West Jill 1 feet from the South wesl corner of Section H thence Not in iftf ft more cr less In Williarmon R er: thence Northeasterly along the Fa ely hank ot Williamson River to a po hearing West from the pewit ot hegmnin therwe fast to a poinl of beqmning NOW 1 M F R F FORF hy v.ri. of sam Fiecu'ion and in compliance w'h the oe manrls ol said Wnt I wll on Ihe S rta nt Marrh 1a). al 10 00 A V . at the Iron1 O' the CcH-ft House at Klamath Fai's Oregon, sell al puhhc auction isubiec1 redemptionl to the h'gnfii hdcter lo- h. all the r.ght. tilie ail niereit ch the wthln namel rte'enrtant hs ad to the above described p'ooeriy Dated January JJ, lAl I PuhlKatinn dated Fehrciary t ir' Last publication dated February 77. HJ J M PriMon. Sheriff of Kiama'h County. By fllen piehn, Oeptily No. fflt Feb t, I. IJ. 17, liO Fire ha taken II MM Amrri can live in Ihe pat decade, at cording to Ihe National Kite Pro Irction Association. LEGAL NOTICE No. 47 - SI NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In Ihe Mailer of lha Estate ol MANUE vu5t5, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the Exerutoi or the above-entitled estate has f ed ll' Final Account and Report of Executor and that the Court has set the 11th day ot February, 196 J at the hour o A M , as the lime for hearing of ob jections lo said Final Account in sel He menl thereof, said hearing to be In ( tuit Court, Department No. 2, Klam.tth County Court House, Klamalh Falls, Oi gon. Daled this 14 day of January, 1963. Philip J. Engelgau Attorney to- Executor No. 194, Jan. II, 35, Feb. 1, I. NO. B-A3-S9 NOTICE OF SALE IN THF UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the Matter ot BOBBY LEE SCOG- GINS, Bankrupt. 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Pursuant to an Order of the above- entitled Court, dated February 1st, 1963, lha undersigned as Trus'ee of the prop erly and Estate of the Bankrupt above- named, wtll offer for sale at the tiiy Council Chambers, City Hall. Klamath Falls, Oreoon. on February 37, 1963, Ihe hour ol 130 o'clock P. M., the fol lowing described personal property Of the Bankrupt: 1961 Ford, four door Fairlane 500, V automobile. The automobile to be sold at mis sa is available to be Inspec'ed by the gen eral public by conlad'ng the under . oneo Trustee at nis omce, curing lice hours, Monday throh Friday, the week of February Hlh and February llh, 1963. Said personal properly win oe sold with an opening bid of not less than S950 00, for cash and Trustee re- terwe the rioht to re eel all bids re celved. Said sale beno further subject to the approval ol Ihe above-en) it led Cnuri Said sale will be conducted py me i rus lee as auctioneer, RICHARD J. SMI r H, At torney Trustee 538 Main Street Klamalh Falls, Oregon NO. 923 Feb. 7, 8, 10. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdayi a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under 3 lines count same as 2 lines. 10 Times $? 50 xn 400 4.75 Timns u no 5 no eOO 7.00 Timet Month $5 00 9 00 6 SO 11.50 it oo 9.50 U.S0 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, If paid (n advance.1 Above rales are for consecutive Inser tions, without change ot copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be lear and understandable lo be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. AjIos offered for sale by private indi viduals cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday (or Sunday and tvt.naay. CANCELLATIONS t CORRECTIONS- On same schedule, except on Monday icse are taken nl 9:30 a.m. Please read first Insertion nf your ad The Herald & News will give one e1ri run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS t column Inch, S3S per month with $7 SO discount for payment on or belora the loth, 'i inch. Si wilh 11.50 discount for payment on or belora the lOlh. Based on one copy change per month. box st RviCfc M cents per ad. C.RD OF THANKS, and N MEMORIAM S3. SO PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Horn,. HiQh Str.l. Phon, TU MEETING NOTICES NAOMI SHRINE No. 5, While Shrine of Jrnisolem. mcetii the second Saturdoy of eoch month ot the Mmonic Temple. Vis itors & member s' welcome. Lots Murphy, W.H P. Lloyd Murphy, W O S, Klnmoth Lndcie No 77 AF & AM SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Friday, February 8, : 30 p m Masonic1 Temple. Work in FC Degree All F C and. Master Masons cot ited. Refreshments, dene R Rvrnes. W M LOST 1 FOUND ... . 2 LOST Southern Pacific pas "issued to Mrs. L C. Prall, phone IU 4-6106 LOST boy's glasses, brown plastic rims PERSONALS ANCLE S Home for eldilv Ixclie. va y March I, appointment, IU 2 l?o4 CARE lor elderly pensioners, board. oom and laundry. TU 2-J50e K1 MATM Alcoholics 'nonvirous. TU .isl. IU 4P04 Friend. help anytime GRAHAM S licenced home tor the aned private rooms or ward ta'e, special tl-et. peronel interest a wired. TU 2 316S OVfRTURE TRFND. shaping end tuning you' nair nnf reromlng lo vou' ou should be coming to Kim and Anona Studio ot Beauty. TU 4 TIM. BFGINNFRS At NON. frterMUvVelcT nr lies of akohoiks. Ttl a nit or TU SERVICES 10 THE FIX IT SMOf Sharpening ervte Small repairs N b' vc lev nrlt T K C ShorT"g i enier j!;t o etn iu 4 U4 SNOW plowmo, tVartor equipment, ph t AH anytime, ft. l Forney CUSTOM BUT THF RING' " our pitxt. deliver to prnresi'ig plan' eave at your piaca Al if ol, I u IAVBFRS HOUSr. MOVING, tonnrta ns. leveling, TU 7 M or TU 2 1014 I RF lotiplrtQ. pruning, insured I r e gtucimlng Lakeshoe Nursery, T U 4 ss HOUSF remrvtel" v. P'eese chetl . act DENTAL PLATES ' Renamed wiif you wait Aiet Pintes Mane From Si-r PM PFHSONAL OENIUte SERVUE 011 Mem IU IU Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PRO VANCE TREE SERVICE lirnmed insured professional service re topped or remcved r HON ft iu t (! tfRV'CfS Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alter a Hons for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason- aoie prices. Gene's Mens Wear 7 & CARBIDE SAWS TOOLS LOCAL SHARPENING By tAfTrtPV TRAINED PERSONNEL fr FRANKS ft tat ir i p a. r.oiNDlhG SERVICE ?0 E WAIN Tl- 7 4;m NUTRI-BIO vitamins, minerals, proleli Margaret Ztegelmeyer, TU ?-)'. HELP WANTED, FEMALE WANTPn, hmiekeeoer In live in. moth' erless home, children 3 ano u, iu EARN commissions In bautilul clolhes rtv conductlno home fashion snows, iran. porlation necessary, tan iu -wo. HELP WANTED, MALE t6 BAKER wanted. Exnerienred bread man. Weed BaKery, App'y immeaiiiieiy Yellowstone -4471 or l -)5i9. MANAGER lor Irrigation district K.000 s. State experience ano quaimcaiions in first letler. Address letters io: i Albert, Rt. I, Bonanza. Ore. For per sonal Interview, call Lorella 74i. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY'. Trl ino on-the-lob with manager. We will in. lerview men regarding a very line silion in eastern Oregon. Automobile egulred. No Sat. or Sun. wortt. you wnt be home. Your salary will siari tralnina. If interested, write to Managei ol Personnel. P.O. Box 1594, Portland. Ore. Include full name, address, phone number and age In letter. PIANO and organ salesrran. Full time lob wilh a future for the right i Some music background desirable hut not mandatory. Apply by letter to tier aid and News Box UJC. 117,000 PLUS NEW CAR AS BONUS for man over 40 in Klamalh Falls area, use car for short trips to coniacl customers. Write V. A. Sears, Pres., American Lub- Icanls Co., Box 676, Daylon 1, Ohio. EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplonode PHONE TU 4-8111 ELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS AM help wanted ads published in the Herald & News are accepted In good in mat the obs otiered are as stated the advertising copy. We are no' re sponsible for the integrity ot our advei- sers, but we make every elfort to dis- over and reject all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding tt lo be misleading 11 a5ea 10 report it to me uassilied Ad vertislng Department of the Herald ft News. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 BABY silling. Week days and nighls, mi lome. TU 2 2020. LICENSED-CHILt) CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday, t a.m. to 6 p.m. 1328 Carlson Drive, TU 2-1844 IRONING, Washing, Pickup. DeiiverTE per fenced, Reasonable! TU 4-904. CHILD care, your homi or mine any time. TU 2-1778, TU 2-2711. ROOMSORRENT ... 22 WARM homelike rooms, S4 wk. TV,park Ing, garage, 679 Je'lerson. HOTEL rooms, bachelor guarlers. 6 onlv. S6S a, $85 monthly. Willard Hotel, TU 161. COMFORTABLE room, balh, close ln private entrance. 126 N. 3rd. DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room, furnished, 317 Pine, TU 2 HS7 CLEAN, comfortable rooms 2 blocks from Main, $5 8, Up. TU 4-42S9. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. no South Fitifi - TU 7 n?n APARTMENTS FCR RENT NEAT, comfortable bachelor apartment, close In, utilities paid, 126 N. 3rd. CL E AN furnished one bedroom apart ment, close to Main, JJ3 Soulh llth. 3 ROOM furnished apt . hot water heat, Iking distance, TU 2-060. NICELY furnished duplet, 3 rooms, di netle. Washer. TU 4-4253. 914 Lincoln. EXCEPTIONAL- room furnihertapt . adults, no pets, available Feb. 18. TU 4 e;S7 after 1 p m. LARGE nicely furnished upslairs aol., very clean, adults, see at 122 Hillside. FOR renl new unlurnlsheo one bedroom apartment, tnve, relngeralor, washer, and dryer. No Children. TU 24153. ONE or two bedroom, furnished, heal, water paid. 87S Grant, TU 2-471. NICE fwo brdroom. unfurnished. 2235 Wlard, TU 43577. ONE bedroom furnished. jtitities paid. 55, adults, TU 2 2742. SMALL apartment, electric heat, wash ing facilities, close In, TU 4-7340. FURNISHED 2 room bachelor apartment, J .10, 2176 Reclamation. TWO br ft room rental, call TU 7 .1471. $40 per monlh, ATI RAC T IVE one bedrnom apartment, HO per monlh, call TU 2 3471. Nil r bachelor apartment, furnished. ?V see Mrs. Adams. 514 Hgh. PLFASINO, Jlh A, furnished 1 bed room, artuils. MS, TU 4-tfiO 7 BFOROOM fc unfurnished. aUo 4 Sf AL PHA APTS Oesirjhfe downtown, fur nishec heat free, adults, 50 TU 4 twj ONT bedroom apartment, ranoe. re'rig eralor Garage. Adulls HP Martin VtLlS Addition. cloe to market. UQ K US. 2.140 White; TU 7-4927. evenings snappy, close In. adults. H0. Gun More PLF ASANT. downtown, tun l rooms. etra bath, free S8S. Alpha Arts. TU 4-4".;i NF W furnished apa'tmenl. tl so. Upham SI. TU W). ? BFPROOSa delue unfurnished ap-s-' ment Immediate oscuoancy. TU 2 sw ' URNISHED apartnwnts. 14J Riveriicie, TU 2 fit. t"t r AN. furnnherf hee'ed. w.'h ga aqe adui's, 203 Wahtngton T hp f E room, fumnhed apartment. JCs: White FVRN I5HF D 3 rooms Clove m aclfilv 0'"v. no pets, laundry facilities tV Lm coin NIC F c'r-an tumped aoa'lnent, c'oie m TU 7 75.11. TU 4 6 ni"lFX '5 b'oc 0" hinhwav S--heeuser lunction. all e'ettrit HI ;v; UNFURNtSHtO two bed'CO-n dipie api pn (. jilitOrrt.Ji Ave. M SO. TU l.'M UNf URN'SMf D wn bedroom ap't'".it mqtnre 2S' Ai-pieqte $36 to $58.50 rpMORl AftLF 1 IV INO AT I OA COT Ml trrfroem ants. Iurnltsd tn'i" nished. Permanent mamttnanft inc'utied Mandav through Frmey SHASTA VIEW AfAHTVF-NTS IIJJ AAS-HHORN WAY TU 4 R17T 0"'Ct hours lam Ml J P APARTMtNTi FOR KENT 24IMI5C. PROPERTY TO LET ...J.1 THREE room comoleteTTurnished apart- FOR rent, warehouse jact. Phone TU mni, tii vvatnui, TU 4-443. FURNI SMI EO Iron apa'rtment , utilities paid except electricity, adulls only, Lin MODERN 2 bedroom furnished apis. MS ftr mpnm, iu 4-Wyj. U1 sn FURNISHED large close In, TU 2-0391 ONE and two bedroom ao's., furnished or unlurnished. TU 2-1314 or see al 1779 r-argo. CLEAN Studio, downtown, couple ingle, utilities. SSS, C:eer Apis., TU 4-4471. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Neai un sue, furnished. TV available weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9254. NICELY furnished, three rooms and balh, garage, private entrance TU 2-12U. APARTMENT nea7Wever'haeuser fu" nished. Utilities, steam heat, 40. T 4IJI3. FURNISHED 1 room apt., S40. utilities M'o. it ng. mm. COMPLETELY furnished studio apart ment, all utilities paid. S15. a week or avanaoie Dy the monlh. washer-dryer Villa Marquis Apartments (under new, management) 1330 Oak, IU 4-599$ before I a.m. or TU 4-7150 after 7 p.m. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, lurnished. 219 bo. inn. iu 2-1062. AUDLEY APARTMENTS Nice, furnished one bedrocm aot. 303 S ' em near post office. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom apts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rotes TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2514 Union t Bedroom unfurnished 2 Bedroom unfurnished Spacious Rooms Tastefully Oecoreted Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services ecepl telephone and electricity Do-olhea Nolan TU ?-0 HOUSES FOR RENT ! 26 TRAILER house, double garage, wash house. 5414 Independence, TU 2-2857. FOR renl Henlcy-Shasia distrlctTtwo be room house wilh usable unstairs room. Newly redecorated. TU 4-9974. PARTLY furnished 7 bedroom, forced air of l heat, water, garbage paid, $75. T U it IU, I U 4-iJ4. THREE room furnished house, garage. inquire tvn summers Lane. ONE bedroom furnished house, 5719 Shas ta Way. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished, near Weyerhaeuser, $45. TU 2-4135. CLEAN two bedroom furnished, near T&C. 4061 Bryant. TU 2-0547, TU 4-7050. OR rent three bedroom house available eb. 11, J 75, TU 4-4054. OUPLEX, Mills Addition, t bedroom, gas heat. Water, garbage pad. Nicely fur- shed, S58.50 per month. TU 4-9840. N HENLEY, 1 bedroom plus 'i story, stoves. 2 children, S55, references, TU 6794, Rle. 2, BOX 558. HOT SPRINGS one bedroom furnished house. Call TU 4-4379. CLEAN 1 bedroom furnished near high scnooi. Mia crescent, iu -Jwr. LARGE 1 bedroom unfurnished house, basement, garage. S37.50. 150? California. ONE' bedroomfurnishedr$52.SO, 2335 Gar" den Ave. TU 2-3112. MODERN unfurnished 4 bedroom-;, fire place, utility room, elecmc kitchen and 'eat, south Suburbs, Til 2-5985. DUPLEX, 3 room furnished, excellent lo cation, garage, TU 4-8284 ONE bedroom furnished, gas heat. Phono TU 2-J363. TWO bedroom unlurnished, basement, garaqe, clean, SS0, near KUHS, 16-16 Portland, TU 2-6590. TWO bedroom unfumiihed, garaqi tented yard, 2 miles north of town, chi Cren, pels, o k. $65, TU 2-6590. RENT 190, or self wilh smrtl down, 3 bedroom house, full basement, in cily. TU 4-6844. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex, full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, SR0 8. 170. TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after 5. MODERN unlurnished 2 bedroom. ached garaqe, fireplace, water, garbage paid. 3 mtles north of town. 175. T U 4-5647. SMALL 2 bedroom furnished. Water, gar bage. M2.50. TU 4-900S. after 5 TU 2-2970. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except lor stoves, M, TU 4-4484; TU 2-2717. I ARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex. like new, 185. 1813 Si'-kiyou, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom, unfurnished except elec tric range, free heat and water, adults. no pets. S0 TU 4-7558. ONE bedroom furnished duple, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, garage Newly painted, 175. TU 6C23. CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished. ? les north of Klamath Falls, children, pets O k. 5, TU 2-6590. CL EAN one bedroom furnished cabin. 1235 Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4 9754 THREE bedroom home n restricted dis trict, available Feb. 10. 198. TU 4-5516. CLFAN 1 bedroom, 150. Stove, refrig erator. 714 St Francis, TU 2-0643. FURNISHFD clean2room cabin, efec tncity, water paid. 132 SO. TU 2 547, TU 4 8261. UNFURNISHED 7 brdroom duolex In1 Mills Addition, electric beat, washer-dryer hookuD. garflq, 115, TU 4-5561 eve nings or weekends. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, gas or oil, 1 or 7 children o k. Tu 2-3702. TWO bedroom houe, furnished, 130, see Mrs. Artarm, 514, ONF bedroom unlurnished duple, wash er-dryer hookup, circulating fireplace, hardwood lloors, large, ciean. TU 4 8263. TWO bedroom unfur ner Upham and Uei nent door, south. hed house, cor. ngs. $45. Inquiri CLEAN 2 room i Close in at l?0' furnished enltage ONT hedrpom furnkhed duplex, adults, no doqs, 14S, TU 4-4281. NCWL Y drcors'ed two bedroom house, unlurnished except stoves, 565. TU 2 1613 RFALLY rfkfriuploarri revision St Unlurnished. SKS TU 4-963J or TU 4-8(12 unfurnished, $75. TU TWO brcfroom. imlurnishV except for oil .iove Near Me" lev School and store Reterentrs rrqu-red. TU 4-SW7. T WO heflroom unfurnished houe near Conqer Sihool ISi TU i 0533. ONE brdroom furnlchfd ouptex, garage 1.S0 6100 So 6th f.LF. AN on bedroom lurr.hod. near new OTI ite Pinne IU 4 428 alter 4 JO rt m a"d weekmcu FURNtSMFO furnkhed 2 bed' i, modern Alvo I George Seiies. .. ftrDROOVS. ptily Urn.'hed. $ V one ted'oom Imm .nl. VS. Or wlh efl lacfnt cabm. $s V TU 4l0. RFVOPFIEO J h-ed-on!" duple, fur ATTRACTIVE dry,. -.-.1 U M MISC. mOPIHTY IO LET 17 I CP 10 level grounrt under vacdoei area 70 acre gwi x O' wll set' or Iran. TU RIAL ESTATE WANTED 21 WANTED to posture 4-H girl's mure Close to 1810 Eldo rado Contact Jock Thom- ov Thomos Dodqc, i 42-1 So. 6th TU4-77I61'.: i-J3't or i ua-ww, OFFICE space or store rental avail able across from Courthouse, TU 2-6500. HAL ESTATE iXCHANCE .. 2 TRADE 3 bedroom home In K. Falls lor Redmond, Ore., home or property iu l-Jii. . WILL trade equity In house for pickup or wnai-nave-you. i u DO you have a 13,000 paid up home' Would you like to trade lor either an 18.000 home or 3 rental units? Write boa 4446C Herald & News. RAl ESTATE fOR SALE 30 ONE bedroom (room lo expand), gas neater ana range, electric refrigerator and washer, '? acre. South Suburbs. 1500, down, TU 2-4Q77. TWO bedroom house for sale or rent wilh outbuilding, fenced yard, TU 4-3969. quire 1719 Laurel. 1500 BELOW FHA Two bedrooms, fireplace, fenced back yard, large lot. Conger School district, priced to sell at S8S00. TU 2-0552. CLASS 38 FOR sale body wood, delivered, SIS cord, TU 4-8036. 1500 OOWN. 3 bedroom home, fireplace, 2 acres. Will trade for farm machinery, livestock or Rogue V illey property. Write P.O. Box 1116, K. Falls. Ore. TWO bedroom house, fireplace. S acres, Henley School District, TU 4-7980. OWNER leaving town, must sell attrac five 2 bedroom home. 24J2 Eberlein. See anytime alter 2 p.m. WILL sell 11,800 aqultTcheap In fouV'bed- room home, close to school and shopping area. Take over contract. Ph. TU 4-5492 HOT SPRINGS rebuilt I bedroom, like new, only Si 0,000, TU 4-6777. FOR sale three-year-old two bedroom house, gravel roof, fireplace, buillin range, garbage disposal, electric heat, large lot. Sacrifice my equity lor small down payment, TU 4-9361 or TU 4-9106. FOR sale 3 bedroom house, TU 4-9289. SMALL down payment, new three bed room, 2 lull bains, wall lo wall carpel throughout, consider lata model car for equity. TU 2-4880. NEW, large view home. Large lot, close to new OTI and hospital, daylight base ment. Appointment only. TU 2-0570. 2 BEDROOM home on 'a acre in south suburbs close Ferguson School. Newly painted with fenced back yard and pas ture, wall lo wall carpet In v no room Garaqe and chicken house. Very good neignrjornooo. Assume f- ha loan or re finance. Shown by appointment only. Phone TU 2-5069. Price $10,000. THREE bedroom home, balh and a half. hardwood floors, fireplace. Buill In oven and range, disposal. Two car garage, covered patio and fenced back yard. Call TU 2-1422 for to see. Gl or r HA financing. OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home. Built in kitchen, cftrpeling, garage, small lol 19,000. TU 4-7312. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley School District, (4,500. TU 4-7114. NEW HOME Just finished, 5 level blocks from high school. Built for lasting quality and ecom- fort by local builder. Carpeted living1 oom, hall, and two bedrooms. Charming birch kitchen with buHtm appliances. Full wall height fireplace with cobbled party hearth. You can t beat th low, low price ot S 12,500. Please call TU 2-3101 anytime. BY OWNER, one bedroom, 762 Califor nia, or will rent, TU 2-2854. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs home uisnwasner, nasemeni, i'-r baths, double garage. 111,750. TU 4-3798. VIEW ot Klamath Lake from this al ractive 3 bedroom home. New carpel, sliding glass doors onto covered patio, huilt-in kitchen appliances, fireplace, fenced yard, playroom-garage. Many other features. 15.200. Any kind of fi nancing. Phone TU 4-9306. Multiple Listing Service MLS MEDFORD COUNTRV ESTATE on two acres, 10 miles nnrlh of Medlord Beautiful view from top of a knoll that looks out over the ogue River val ley. This spacious home Is available be cause Ihe owner wants to move to Klam ath Falls and be close fo upper Klamath Lake, It has two fireplaces, three bed rooms, double garage and many other in teresting leatures. Will consider trade far Klamalh property. Price $26,500. PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings ' Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 "TiOT'SPRINGS HOMES Three bedrooms, sliding door wardrobes. Two baths, hardwood lloors, com pletely remodeled, iron Fireman Furnace. Close to all schools. Only $16,500. Owner will carry contract. Natural hot water het. Large family room Three bedrooms separate din ing room, fireplace. Two baths. 2 car oarage. fruit trees. $19,000. May assume loan. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-7S4 Anytime TU 2-018 Multiple Listing Service MLS THE PERFECT HOME For the family who has a parent living with them Spacious llv'ng room with fireplace and wall to wall carpet. Sep arate dining room. Thr-e bedrooms, al laroer than average. Plus small three room apartment lor the parent, all on one Moor. Two bathrooms of course! Fully insulated, double garage, blacktop drive, laroe Redwood fenced backyard. ApaM. ment could be used as fourth bedroom And family room if desired. Full price $25,550, Call tor appointment to see. 2 BEDROOM home on blacktop street. Fully Insulated Storm windows and screens. Lawn, shrubs, fencing, tool shed, dog kennel Soulh Suburban sewer connected This neai, clean, attractive home is priced al only $11,750. Terms, NEWER Ihree bedrnom home fiu'.t In range and oven F irepiare with glass front, hard wood floor, double garaoe. concrete drive. fenrd yard. iwn ami shruns BlacMoci orret Price reJuced to $u,SfX lor quick sale. Terms of course! INCOME S rental units plus owner's aoariment Rentals tully furnished Walkmo dutunce to downtown. This show good income rate for price of only $21,500. "WILl" CEDARl.EAF REALTOR ,1927 S. h TU 4.IM Anytime Peqqv Peebter Ken ANnon TU 7-0229 TU J MLS Multiple Listing Servict HOME WITH A VIEW Se thu inve'v ftvee hed'cr-m home wh itted 04'age located on Northsitie Ms n-ce livmg room with lirpicC- dm ing room, lovely h'tchen tlid'q qiat rtnC'S thai ooen onto nl.o Mrjwood 'iocs throughout Beautifully landvcaoed Only 1 1 . CT. terms ORCHARD MANOR mcuttf home Ms fee living rnrvr roo ltf p l 1 'Mv roo jULU rr r F -th. 'h'e twMr right, oo Only $ Andy Silani REALTOR II ?.tlT' it l.lJ T LI I is HERALD AND HAL ESTATE FOR SALE 39 SPORTSMEN'S 1 1 DELIGHT 1640 ACRES 3'i miles river front. Fish and dear hunting excellent. Some nine irees. Need 40 people wilh 1250 each end szo montn plus 4 per cent tor 37'-j months All purchasers have access and equal wnia io river ironiage. BRUCE OWENS 134 No. 7th Woody Bowers TU 4-3129 TU 2-3379 OREGON Avenue. Pumice block feuM. ing 20x70. Suitable for repair or plumbing shop. Also two bedroom house on same lot. suitaoie as living quarters or rental. am inis tor 112.000. Terms can be ar ranged. FREE CABIN with purrnase ot lots 6, 7 and I of Block 20 Chelsea Addition. Selling for only $3,500. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 10M Main Jim O'Donahue TU 2-3471 TU 4-9693 AmF HFWI FV HI extra large living room, separate dining tached garage. Total price, $10,750. INCOME CLOSE IN Three good rental houses on East Main street. Will consider trade in Mills Ad dition up to $5,000. NORTHSIDE Comfortable three bedroom home with gas neai, carpori. situateo on 2 lots. TO' lai price sa.ow. McATEE REALTORS 339 E. Main TU 2-446' Sales Staff Eves. Evelyn McAlee TU 2-59351 Henley School Disr. VERY ATTRACTIVE and nearly new 3 oeoroom rancn style home near Madi son. Fireplace, caroetinj and hardwood floors, beautiful kitchen wilh built in oven and range, tile bath. Large attached ga rage. Excellent condition throughout. Sell ing tor the FHA appraisal of $15,600. $600 down will handle. LEONARD REALTY 2 Main TU 4-753 1 or TU 4-9005 Audrey Keerfns TU 4-4285 Joe Perry TU 4-5332 TU 2-0527 joe Leonard 160 ACRES All Irrigated near Williamson River. Now in pasture and alfalfa. Immaculate 7 room modern home. Ample outbuildings. 7fl miles from cily center. Total price nuu,uuu. 4H per cent gown. 220 ACRES All Irrigated mostly in pasture. Best ol soil. Beautiful modern ranch style 3 bed room home, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. Price $161,000 including all equ pmenl. Without equipment $150,000. Easy terms. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 9th Street Phone TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker TU 4-97421 Ralph Vaden Lorella 762-4163 NICE & COMFORTABLE vhat you will say when vou see this iMKfcfc B t UKQUM l'i BATH HOME lor only $16,500. Complete w.lh FIREPLACE - STORM WINDOWS - SPRINKLER SYS- itna in yard & many c'her exlras lo cated in CHOICE SUBURBAN AREA. CALL NOW to see this. VA ACRES wilh 40 It. by 40 ft. barn localed on Madi son Street. GOOD BUILDING SITE. 109 fl. frontage on Madison St- across from Shasta School. Owner will considei TRADE for Improved PROPERTY 0 take $750 OOWN. CALL NOW. WANT COMFORT & LIVABILITY? Then you will find HAPPINESS In this LARGE THREE BEDROOM family home. 11 it. x 7J II. WSIER BEDROOM. PLUS 12 It. by 24 tt. recreation room wilh BAR ft FIREPLACE. Oil forced air heal Large lot. Beautiful view ALL this tor only $16,000. Terms. SEE this Happiness Home now. D eane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN: ROB BAZlLtUS 545-3 1 M Bnnana Collect ROLLIN TUTER TU 4-5411 LARRY BARABOO TU 4-41 ANNE MASON TU 7-273 STROUT 5479 S. 4th Eves. Bob ft Slella Oehlinger Hank Holman Ph. TU 4-5711 TU ?-S01 TU 2-5041 Henley District. Nice 1 bedroom ranch type home. Large lol. sealed attached dou ble garage. $13,750. One bedroom home. Close to city renter. Si. 000, $500 down. 7ft acres. Irrigated Good loam soil In gram and pasture. $1 7.500 M IL LS A"D D I T R) N SPECIAL and you will say "SPECIAL" when you see fhis LRGE two bedroom home w WALL to WALL CARPET in living room and dming room Built-in oven and range FIREPLACE and many elrat. Only $14,000 Terms HOT SPRINGS THREE PFDROOM home with TWO BATHS - FULL BASE VENT - PARTY ROOM FIREPLACE - BUILT-IN AP PLIANCES ALL this tor only ?n.5O0 Term Owner will commer TRADE lor smHr home. Call now lo see this FOUR BEDROOM $13,750 I rvtiM t)oe In Convenient to rAO-rvY-Fremont School KUS OOWN TnvVN. 0l forced air het. FlREPlACE This is not a houe this is a HOME Call now to see thit Terms $500 DOWN unc MOVE INTO this two bedrnom htr wh partial PA5FV6NT located on Ncth side near Fairview School K S'ce Lot' ol truit trees. See fh-s today r.niy $ST Deane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Moin TU 4-4127 ,i.?'l ft-rt,": Cn",fi ROLL'N TU-f 0 LAR0V MRAHOO TU 4-41 PAGE 14 NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 STILWELL & CO. Presents: LOTS OF HOME not loo much money Spacious 3 bedroom home. Conger District. Large living room with fire place, dining room, good utility area, lots of storage, shop sapce, the larg est paved patio In town, 2 lots for plenty of elbow room. Only $10,000. Terms. WANT SECLUSION? We have some of the finest view properties in the valley. 1' i to 10 aces. Make youi selection now. Call for details. STILWELL & CO. Sit Mam Street TU 4-3136 Alter 5:00 call Ron Van Orman TU 2-36?? Bruce B Ink ley TU 4-3471 II no answer call TU 4-700 or TU 2-0444 Multipfe Listing Service MLS OVER H00 sq. ft. of living area in this three bedroom home, plus an ex cellent oversize double garaqe. pa tio, large corner lot. North side. Price, $V200. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 306 S. 4th TU 1-277 Mildred Hall (Van) VanSickle TU 4-857 TU 2-6123 Why Wait Till Spring??? COME SPRING, you'll have to pay MORE lor Ihis year old 3 bedroom home in Moylna, View window; look out on Ml. Shasta, attractive circulating fire place. Large sliding glass doors to Ihe patio. And a most attractive kitchen, wilh all Ihe bulH-in appliances. $15,750 and terms Ihal will please you. DON SLOAN Real Estate 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-565B Anytime MLS Multiple Listing Service iVHENLEY SCHOOL District Specials! LUXURIOUS SUBURBAN This enticing j oearoom rancn rambler mas LIT ERALLY ALMOST EVERYTHING. Every square foot h been beauti fully planned and its loaded with extras, including: built-in range, oven, dishwasher, disposal, range hood, food center. Also has l'i baths, 2 circulating fireplaces, valance light ing, buill-in vacuum cleaner. Large family room, double attached garaqe. A MARVELOUS HOrVE AT $26,500. Top loan easily arranged. SKYLINE VIEW AREA A MAGNIFI CENT VIEW SITE of slightly over 1 acre, with a beautiful newer 3 bed room home, overlooking the valley. Includes family room, fireplace, gleaming hardwood floors, l'i balhs. YOU CANNOT EQUAL AT $18,900. Maximum FHA, Gl or conventional financing. rV ELDORADO AVE. SPECIAL 3 BEDROOM HOME VALUE. attractively priced al ust $12,750. Full masonry basement, large fully- fenced rear yard, LCW COST NAT URAL GAS HEAT. Not a big home, but ideal one-floor living for the me-dium-sire family. $400 DOWN FHA & NO DOWN Gl; nomtral closing. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 11 N. h St. Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Tom Rabbllt Ph. TU J-6iBJ Eves.j Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves. Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker I business opportunities 32 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Invesligele thoroughly any Invest ment ol moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore Investing your capital. The Herald end News makes every effort to reiect ell fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, w are not responsible for the integrity ol the firms or individuals who piae advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap- pearmo to be fraudulent or mislead-fig should be reoorfed 10 the Classified Ad - g Department of the HereW endiBEEF( pop, wholesa'e. custom butch-- 'enng, cutting, curing, Sfamrjck Meats. FINANCIAL LOANS 34 ' WE SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVEX Auto loon, trailer loan, personal, i - , loon we moke loons for ony worinwnne purpose. vonTiaennai service, too: FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER VV Finance Npw & Used Cars ' Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Soles Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So Hlh TU i-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS BED. vanitv. "-gut sand. mattress. 37 570 "as. good buv. TU !-(?? E 7 piece chrome dinette irt. siied hed, ccmpietp, tu LAROE J9C7, KENVORE eutomat.c wsner. Trutlt fer ivettock or best o'e-. TU 4-il PMiLCO retrtgerator ior sale JW Ecei lent condition. TU 4-IS?3 H FT upricM frrer. I year o'd. $775. TU 7-5641. 4641 Bisbee GUARANTEFD USFO RANGES - REFRIGERATORS - WASMfRS DRYERS WATE HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. il Mit.n Ti) J.i65 For Sole G E. Mobil-Maid Portable SQA L.Ve c Coll Mrs Jock Trvmos, 1810 Eldnrodrt Phone TU 4-4384 FL'RNITURE APPLIANCES HOUSEWARES BUY THEM TODAY! it THF MERCHANDISE MARTi jo tu 4-v-M) Fridav, February a, 1963 HOUSEHOLD GOODS ... 37 ALMOST new Monarch inge, $100, see at 5B70 Winter. TU 4-9733. SPECIAL PHILCO Ofl RANGE 1 W Very clean ond in excellent condition. Guoronteed. KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-88S4 SINGER REPOSSESSED AUTOMATIC PORTABLE Returned by Customer Unabit lo Com. plgt, Pavmtnti. EXCELLENT CONDITION Sews On Buttons Mates Button Holps Blind Stitch Hems Foncy Stitches it Mononrarr.s & Etc. Can bt yours tor only 5.95 Mo. Atter Small Oown Payment SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main TU 2-2513 AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 3899 So. 6th we're packed and stacked to the rafters with a tre mendous selection of every thing for the home. bl ow or snow we'll be on hand to offer these items for your bids! THE POET'S CORNER Some like The Poet's Corner While others think it's rot. We only know our buys ore best Even though our poems are not! PREVIEW ALL DAY FRIDAY If You're Not Buying At THE RESALE HOUSE You're Paying Too Much' FUEL 38 GOOD red fir body wood S15 cord, livered. TU 4-7671, TU 2-A7I2. de- DRV pine block. You haul, S5 per co'd. Metier Brothers, 31J1 Crorby, TU 4-5184. S PAR K 50l CH EATER TU 2' '266 LODGE POLE pine and wood, TU2-3705. red fir heater FUEL Oil, Western Oil Furnaces, Healer . Burner, TU 4-3173 CALL CLIFF VADEN For Presto Logs A, Heating Oil Metered Propane Sales S & H Green Stamps Open 74 hours I56C South Six I TU ' 3681 end TU 2 360 COLD DAYS AHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stove "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Fronkford Fuel Co. T"uikirt T. cat i ioOUD HIINM IU J at Wav, TU 7-471 B. TU Boatt Pett Sports Hobbroi 49 j BRIJAC KENNELS At stud champion ; rrd iet black, brown, and silver poo 'dies, white I colored Pekingese, orange l pomeranians. Professional poodle clin iping. Puppies. 50J3 So. Etna. TU 4-7575. FOR sale or trade for livestock, 16' Valco aluminum boat. ?5 hp Evinrude motor, i Holsclaw boat trailer, TU 7-3547. ?tFTChris-Craft cabin cruiser, 115 hp. steal at $nsi Terms. Tftl Resale House. . : READY soon, well brd cocker spani"! puppiH llertdt blondes. TU 4-5795. HURRY, only 3 led, Reg, sable collie ouppies, TU 41-591. FOR tale AKC reentered Airedale pup pies. 624 Fifth, Tulelake 667-5137. WELSH Terrier pups, champion llrad, AKC registered. TU 2-1913. DOG and cat boarding. Training, groom ing, bathing. Doqs a"d oupuies for sal. SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS, Oast Wer-rlll-Lakevlew Junction of Merrill Hioh way on Booth Road. R it. 3 Box 504 E, TU 4-50711. WANTED: Old or unusual duck and Qfce decoyv pieae state lyoe. materi al, price, age. and r.ourc where pos sible. Write Boi 449C. care ot Hera'rJ Nw !RADI Tv.iMUSIC- 41 f.""'F.Ci BRAND new Magna ton bate amplifier. '.Fender precision bate guitar. TU 3-UIS FLECTRiC guitar and amplifier, tiM r 500 leoarateiy, TU 2-4411, t. 376. or 1 et 582 after p m. 'RENT a nw Baldwin piano. DO month. No delivery charge Boaen Music Co. tlfi Vain. TU 3 4113. CA5H FOR USED PIANOS DERBY'S MUilC. IU 4-J131 LOOK'!!! TV'S S39 95 & UP A TAPE RECOVERS S35 AND UP COFER'S EXCHANGE Kiamatft Tu " USED PiN0S , ORGANS ftALDA'N - MA JMONH COA'PEY - WURtTiER M F M'tlfcR I Fas Termr AVE $100 s BOWDEN MUSIC CO p.W Vain Tu 3-4AM l v: MUSIC v: I Lessons & -Sales r.u'M 4 Fdipw r.u' Vw' Ap-cf'ts-c ntt Lftw-tf O'gans. Reit A to Purchaie " Klamath Music Center :u c wom iu -jjou