Reds Push Test Ban Propaganda MOSCOW a:PH - The Ita lians pushed a propaganda cam paign today against the spread of Western nuclear weapons, parlic ulaily to World War II enemies Germany and Japan. Expressed fears that tlie new Franco-German treaty may open the way for nuclear arms for West Germany inspired tough So viet protests against the pact this week. Similar worries appeared the basis (or the Kremlin's objection to U.S. nuclear-powered subma rines calling at Japanese ports A Soviet statement delivered in Tokyo warned that Russia would take appropriate "defensive meas urcs" against military prepara tions near its frontiers. The official news agency Tass directed some of its propaganda fire at the Canadian crisis caused by the nuclear issue. Tass claimed the U.S. government worked for the fall of Prime Minister John Dicfenbaker's government in Ot tawa because of American desires to have Canadian armed forces equipped with nuclear weapons. One of the most persistent fears expressed by Russia since W;orld War II has been the rebirth of German militarism that has sent armies deep into Soviet territory twice in this century. Soviet Pre mier Nikila S. Khrushchev re peatedly has complained that NA TO military preparations encour age the West Germans to seek re venge for their defeats. Soviet notes to Bonn and Paris Tuesday stressed the military as pects of the historic Franco German treaty signed Jan. 22. Hanks Death Reported . LAKEVIEW-Wilson Hanks. Bfi, former resident of Lake County, died at Escalon. Calif., Feb. 5. He was born at Salem. Utah. April 17, 1R!)6, came to Lakeview in l!i:i8. and moved to California about ten years ago. Survivors include his wife, Elsie M. Hanks of Escalon Calif.; three sons, Alden Kecle Hanks and Cal vin K. Hanks of Lakevicw, and Myln K. Hanks of Medford: two daughters, Mrs. Carl Peay of Lakevicw and Mrs. J. A. Black burn of Vale; two stepsons. Ken neth Biggs of Lakeview and Har old Biggs of Escalon; and 14 grandchildren. In addition to the funeral serv ices held al Escalon on Thursday, there will also he se-vices at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Lakeview. on Salur day at 1 p.m.. with burial in the Westside Cemetery. f 1 22 1 Ajf. ".. ! N Nil) VI. . mi AT HI 'IT i n i BEEF RAFFLE Four enthusiastic junior students at Merrill High School pose with a sign which promotes a beef raffle sponsored by the junior class. The proceeds will be used to buy an electric scoreboard for the foot ball field. Students are, from left, Suzanne Kendra, Carol Lee Hasklns, Dwight Winther end Beverly Walker. Beef Sale Raises Cash For Merrill Scoreboard I, SACRAMENTO il'PP A pow-, erful group of state senators was preparing legislation today that would set a limit on the number of students in a public school class. A spokesman for the group who declined to be identified aid that the men had not yet set tled on a limit, but that they were consulting various studies and suggestions. The legislation was certain to cause a furor in public schools where many administrators are already angry at a legislative at tempt to cut class sizes by re MERRILL The junior class at Merrill High School is busy mak ing Don t Be a Cannibal. Eat Beef signs in connection with the latest project to raise money for an electric scoreboard for the football field. Tickets are now on sale for half a beef, and the win ning ticket will be drawn Friday, Feb. 15, at the Merrill-Bonanza basketball game at Merrill. Tick et holders do not have to be pres ent to win. The junior class has selected the scoreboard, which will cost from $1,200 to $1,400. as their gift to the school. They hope to have it up by next, football season. Another fund raising project the class is working on is selling cakes at hall games. Future proj ects include selling Husky key chains, car washes this summer, and trap shooLs. The junior-senior prom is also expected to show a profit for the junior class. DRAFT NAVY MAX GREAT LAKES NAVAL TRAIN ING CENTER, III. (UPH lames F. Scharback, 37, chief personnel office.' at Great Lakes Naval Training Center and a Navy man for J2 years, got a letter Thurs day from Butler, Pa It was an order to register (or ithe draft. 1. MBabBoaaMiaHBMMIBMBBBBBl NOTIC Dog Licenses ore due. Male or Spayed Female $2.00 Female $3.00. Penalty of $2.00 will be added after March 1st. Licenses may be procured by mail by j sending description of dog and proper S3 fee. H Chas. F. DeLap County Clerk Crop Signup Date Noted LAKEVIEW Farmers are re minded that the signups for 1W barley and wheat in spring wheat areas are now being taken and will end March 22. said Bill Mos cr. county extension agent. Again, as in previous years, farmers may divert, on a volun tary basis, acres planted to wheat and feed grains By voluntarily planting crops olher than feed grains' and wheat, farmers can qualify for price supports lo help offset the income loss as a result of not planting these grains. Farmers must divert all the acres they sign up lor lo he eli gible for any price support this yrar. In other words, if a farmer signs up to take 40 acres out of production and only actually takes .15 acres out of production, he will not he eligible (or any price supports or diversion pay ments. Advanre payments will he avail able at the time o( signup. Final payments will only be made un der the diversion program alter it has been determined thr farmer has followed the program as outlined. A voluntary prngiam such as this can help to reduce abundant supplies of wheat and certain feed grains and at the s ime time sta bilize the economy of farm com munities where grain farmers d business. Farmers are urged to get in touch with the Agricultural Stabil ization and Conservation Service county olfice for additional de tails about the t(W feed grain and wheat programs. Limit On Class Size Talked In California Tax Failure Trips Bend Man PORTLAND HIPP - Bend ac countant Richard J.' Sullivan. 36. was sentenced to 60 davs in prison and fined $1,000 by Federal Judge lohn F. Kilkenny Wednesday for failing to file tax returns in 1958 and 1959 on $37,523 gross income. "What points up the seriousness of this case is the position the defendant held in Bend as one of its outstanding citizens and ac countants," the judge said. He said he took Sullivan's "fine serv ice record and his iccord in the community" into consideration in determining the sentence. Sullivan is scheduled to begin his prison term Feb. 25. HERALD AND NEWS, KlameUi Falls, Ore. Frkley, February I, 16J PA1E 13 "DENNIS THE MENACE' quiring the schools to spend more money (or teachers. The legislature made its at tempt two years ago when it passed a bill requiring elemen tary districts to spend SO per cent of their income on teachers' sal aries. High school districts were required to spend 50 per cent and unified districts 55 per rent. The bill's author. Assemblyman Charles B. Garrigus. I)-Reedley. said that he believed the schools were underspending or teachers, not because of a fund shortage but because they were spending too much on administrators and other non-teaching employes. Tins is tlie same opinion held by the senators w ho are prepar ing the new legislation. However, they believe that their approach will clamp down on administra tive costs even harder than the old Garrigus bill, which they sup ported. Actually, according lo Garri gus. his bill has not been in ef fect a full year because of tech nical delays in the start of its operation. However, legislation has been introduced in the cur rent session to repeal It. Sen. Donald Grunskv, R-Wal- sonville. author of the repeal, said that because of the Garrigus bill many school districts were being forced to cut expenditures for in structional supplies, books and enrichment" materials, postpone maintenance, and curtail or re duce the number of librarians Screening Of Nursini Home Patients Urge! SALEM ( UP! i - State Welfare, Administrator Andrew F. Juras called Wednesday for careful screening of welfare nursing homo patients in order to assure (air treatment while staying within the: welfare budget. He also urged local administra tors to work Willi doctors to pre cent welfare recipients from mak ing more trips to the doctor's office than may be necessary." Juras spoke at the opening of it two-day meeting with county ad ministrators from throughout the state. He commended the county de partments (or prompt processing of medical care for the aged . .. AN' AFTER 1 GET THREE MORE SHOES, I'M GONNA SAVE UP FOR A HORSB'' Four Of Four Fail In Exam SALEM (UP1 - The Oregon House has decided to lind out why the board of examiners for land scape architects tested (our appli cants last year and failed all four. The house recalled the board's budget bill, which it passed ear lier this week. The bill was sent to the House Planning and De velopment Committee, the one closest to the speaker. FREE MARRIAGE LICENSES WINDSOR, Conn. (UPH Town Clerk George J. Tudan will play Cupid on Valentine s Day. Tudan will issue free marriage licenses that day alone with a gift package of household items (or both prospective bride and groom. cases, good casework, efficient handling of foods, and good co operation with local governments on work relief. Juras stressed rehabilitation in his U.Ik. He emphasized preventive serv ices to get families back to self support as quickly as possible. Juras said "case classification," which began a a pilot program in Jackson and Multnomah coun ties, shows promise. It involves a system of determining problems in individual family cases in an attempt to lead to quicker rehabilitation. Juras said tlie program will be extended to other counties in the near future if the legislature ap proves the agency's budget re quests. INCOME TAXES Set Your Reliable Income TAX CONSULTANT CHAS. HATHAWAY Auditing - Bookkeeping 120 N. 10th TU 4-5473 NEWSPAPERS I SEliTHE KOSJ! 11 cr- 'Mil AND WHEN MY HITCH IS OVER, THE WARRANTY ON MY NEW VALIANT WILL STILL BE IN EFFECT I If the pfc had bought some other make of car before his 3-year enlistment, the warranty on it would be long dead when he got out. But his Valiant Warranty will still have two years to go. Valiant has America's longest and best new-car warranty-5 years or 50,000 miles. For Professional TREE SERVICE Baker's Nursery Coll TU 2 5553 I A Vei A iV'y"'-Vt''" Dm VrV-tv ) W -Mf OT'k- - r 111 'f I"" XN-'H "1 iv M" iirw t4i r")1 P' triTei.(t.o v) " M'i Jl'"e ff-ji r' r' ' 4 -. if o- '! fl''- (' ): "'g 1 ji II . t 'MtOflC .fMt'rt toXfli' Pifnrgl-V'.lt iyeVt-f-oXJ ir-HeWt-M. JIM OLSON MOTORS CALORE ELECTRICAL LEAGUE'S BOMS for any old mm Your favorite CalOre Efectricol League dealer can now offer you a special $20. bonus for any old range or stove traded for a modern, flameless electric range! UHio for any old l"JATi! HEATER! Trade any old water' heater for a new, quick-recovery electric water heater and get a bonus allowance! Or trade that old water heater and that old range and get a $35.00 bonus! These bonuses available to all customers served by the Copco Division, Pacific Power Cr Light Company, the Ashland Municipal Power System, the Surprise Valley Electrification Corporation, and the Douglas County Electric Cooperative. Bonuses are offered only by the CalOre Electrical League dealers listed be low. The offer is limited so act now! UMaiHISMBfe B t B RADIO i ELECTRIC TU 2-4434 RCA Toppon Rheem CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS TU 4-8365 Frigidairt Fowler COAST TO COAST STORES TU 4-4243 Kelvinofor EAST SIDE APPLIANCE Wttfinghoui FIRESTONE STORES Philco FRIESEN-WELMAN CO. TU 4 TU 4-8100 TU 4-7043 Nolionol Rhiem Woftf Heoteri GOODYEAR SERYICE General Electric TU 4-8141 HAFTER FURNITURE CO. . TU 4-4878 Monarch HOME APPLIANCE CO. TU 4-8183 General Electric J. W. KERNS TU 4-4197 Norge KIRCHER'S COAST TO COAST STORE 783-223? Wtttmgheu Silver Stl (CHllftquin. Orfn) LUCAS FURNITURE TU 4-3134 Philco MERIT'S TU 4-4478 Admiral Fowler N. R. KIMES PLUMBING TU 4-8620 National Republic Water Heaters MONTGOMERY WARD S CO TU 4-3188 Signature Fairway JOHN M. OWENS TU 4-8245 National Water Heaters SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. TU 2-4481 Konmore Homarr SHAFFER ELECTRIC TU 2-5503 Admiral Gibion Fowler TOWER FURNITURE TU 4-8858 Norge UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE TU 4-5512 National Water Heaters EASTSIDE ELECTRIC TU 4-3184 National Water Heaters N. J. Roscnboum INCOME TAX CONSULTANT till 'Wcl"ut A.o Ph TU 5503 w TU 4 5863 M4li In Mmlln Itirft 1 522 So. 6h St. Klomoth Fold, Or. t