HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Fll. Orr. Thumday, February T, J96J PAGE -A -, 1 ill i ii Tir-wii i iiiixWi i J-Vvj-K. Wfc.'-' ';' or L! WORLD OP SUDS A Philadelphia sewage disposal plant is gripped by a washday hangover of suds. Deferoenf Suds Pose New U.S. Water Problem Simple Tax Form Fills Needs Of Most Payers Taxpayers having income up to! $10,000 may again use !he Simple irard Form ifHOA in tiling their 59t2 federal imnrne inx returns, A. G. Ericksnn, directnr of thei Internal Revenue Service for Ore eon said. Husband and wife may file a joint return on Form 1040A it their combined income is under $10,000. Taxpayers whose income con sists of ages reported on Form W-2. and not more than $206 tota! ot dividends, interest and wages no! subject to withholding, may use the start Form I040A. in using this form, taxpayers must take the standard 18 per cent deduction aUowcd for em- ! ributions, interest payments, med- jcai expenses, and other deductions. As in past years, taspavers with income under $5,809 mav tiaure Basin Briefs By WARD CANNEL Newspaper Enterprise Assn. NEW YORK i.VEAl - Can it be that we stand a chance against the ravages of scientific prog ress? A distant victory appears to be in the making against the billow of dirty detergent suds which rises like an iceberg over an increas ingly serious U.S. water crisis. Thai victory, still in the labora tory test stage, is a molecule no larger than a grain of talcum pow der but. hopefully, capable of undoing some of the scientific jeopardy thrown at us in the name o! cleanliness. Now. as far as public health people have been able to discov. er, used detergent suds even at the 250,000-ton quantity we use annually are not yet injurious io health. But what the future li ESS' Z- "Something she picked up from television. Every" tima I l: - .1 - I i,i,',nr about mv earlv childhood!" holds is still open la serious question. The problem is that detergents behave after use the same way Ihey satisfy household needs: by remaining fluid and suds, even in the hardest water'areas, and seep ing out of cesspools and through (he ground water system and into the public water supply. In laboratory terms, detergents are nard not ,!Ke ola-tasn-ioned "soft" soap which can be attacked, broken down and re turned to nature by sewage-disposing bacteria. Two parts of detergent in one million parts of water will foam. Sixteen parts of detergent can be tasted. And with the U.S. having abandoned more than 80 per cent of its soap in favor of detergents in the past !0 years, it is Jittle wonder we are in rich, luxurious lather up to our necks. In areas where houses have been built too close together, used detergent suds come foaming out of water spigot and cesspool. !n over-concentrated populated cen ters, sewage disposal systems are afroth with dirty suos. In jerry- built apartment houses, it is Ttot too unusual of billows to back up manv stories from the sewer and pour out into apartment sinks and bathtubs. In a nation already water-have- not in many areas and hazardous ly polluted m others, the synthetic detergent suds have become one more big headache. But soap makers, many of whom are in the detergent busi ness now, see no possibility of re turning to the old days of "soft" animal-fat detergents. The solution, more than likely. depends on what chemistry can do about rebuilding the "hard" synthetic detergent to make it de- gradable in sewage disposal sys tems. One laboratory breakthrough has come from Un on Carbide's Linde Division in the form of a sieve made of aluminum, oxygen and silicon atoms. This aiumino - silicate sieve, mixed with the basic detergent, pulls out the "soft" detergent mol ecules which can tlien be pro cessed into a cleanser capable of being broken dawn by bacteria on,ce the suds have been drained out of the house. New developments in rebuilding the deiergent are also being re ported by the Johns Manvilie Co. Meanwhile, the California Chem ical Co., industry observers say, has come up with a method for dealing with the hard detergents in sewage disposal pianis by agi tating the water, forcing the de tergent to froth, and then skim ming off the dirty suds. Industry critics, however, are quick to point out problems in both the sieve and the disposal methods. What do you do. they ask, with; the skimmed-olf, hard suds? Re-' circulating them in the disposal system may get rid of some, but; basically brings you back to where! you started from. And the molecular sieve meth od, they say. may make soft! detergent, but it aiso makes an ex pensive one. any outsiders pa trolling the industry say that a new, soft, economical detergent as good as the old is stiii quite a few vears of hard work away. MERRILL MR. AND MRS. Ct RTiS HKLT are parents of their first child, a boy born Jan. SO. fie has been najned Curtis Roy Heit Jr. Grand parents are Mr. and Sirs. Ted Walker of Merrill and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kelt of Tuleiake. MRS. WILBUR RASKINS was released from Klamath Valley Hospital iast week and is recov- lering at her home from a serious! eye injury she received in an automobile accident last month. MERRILL PARENTS AND PA TRONS wiU bold a reguisr meet ing Monday, Feb. IS. at the ele mentary school at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Bingham from the county office will show a film on the science fair and all parents are urged to attend. MERRILL MARINERS will meet Keb. !! at the church at 8; p.m. installation of officers will be held. MERRILL PARENTS AND PA TRON'S are holding a coffee at the home of Mrs. Harry Orem on Wednesday. Feb. i3, at 18 a.m Ail interested women are invited and a car pool is being formed. Ail those not having rides may their own tax or have the infernal Revenue Service do it for them Ericksos said Uspavers cannot use Form tOWA if they ttt claim istatus as "head of household" ! "surviving spouse"; S2 claim credits for dividends received or retirement income; US claim ex clusion for "sick pay"; ft paid sn estimated tax during the year; i5 claim travel, transportation or other expenses; tgt do not use the cash method: f?i are nonresident aliens; 3 are delin quent in .filing their returns; t9 are subject to self-employment itax; ar HO itemite deductions, or if spouse itemizes deductions on a separate return. fie said if the taxpayer com putes his own tax and finds addi tional tax due, a check or money order, payable to "internal Eev-i cnue Service," must accompany! tlie return. Taxpayers who have doubts about which form to use, may: set Document No. SSi?, "Filing Your Tax Return," by calling or writing to their local miernal Revenue office. If there are other questions about federal income tax returns,! telephone the local internal Eev iemte office. Six Students lake Honors DimSMUIii Six Dusnmuir Joint High School students re ceived ail As for the first se mester. They were Baby Lynch. iscmnr; Daws David, junior; San dra Reid, sophomore; and Phyllis Anderson, Leigh Jones, ana ei- !en Pen. freshmen. Seniors with alt As and Bs were Joanne Aicouffe. Carol Cle ment, Vicki Jones. Irene Rea, Sue Samuelson. and Michael Wright. Juniors: Cathie Pot, Robert! Vaughn, and Jaequi Winter. Sophomores: Sandra Anderson, Louis Dewey. Para Loney, and !Judy Odegard. Freshmen: Mike Bush, Janet Evans, Pamela Fawcett. Charles Goodrich, Cheri Jones, Mary Kel- Mike Kostii, Don Soyer, Bar- :bara Rooney, Loais Soieio. and Peggy Souther. iSIGN TRADE PACT .22 VZZL'J - - Cuba have signed a' So the scholarship fund. MERRILL LSO.VS CLVB is spon soring a hotcake, sausage and egg breakfast Sunday. Feb. 19. at the recreation hail, serving from s o'clock until !2 noun. A family j rate and individual rates have been set. Proceeds will go to the sight conservation program, i the official Tass news agency an Bounced today iNCOMS TAXES Se Your RsfJofcJ fcm TAX CONSULTANT CHAS. HATHAWAY Auditing 8ftftfcfcpfti$ Ii8 H. Tii 4-5473 We GUARANTEE You MAXIMUM DISCOUN IS Here's W "f k'S ot h lovirtjt or ait yours! How We cu cPtratiK9 fony t ixturM, or trimmmsT 3. You serve yourself end tov! Coma in, mok your 5iios 'O buy o discount prices! 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Come marvel ot ih 2 speed, 6 cycle wonder-wester of the yeor then marvel ot the remarkably km prtc ysu can achieve with this sensational doubie-your-trade offer! With Maytog's permissier for ust one week, so get double your savings now? NO PAYMENTS TIL MARCH 2Sfh Mf?fo)flT MI a No Poyment Till Morch 15 335 East Mam TU 4473