HERALD AND .NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, February 7, l3 PAGEJ-Al mm mm O M C E T. N I S V I T By Helen Cechcn Si" I""'.'. iAv H sr :r- :.u8 HARD WORKERS Members of Kappa Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi in Dunsmuir work at decorations for annual Valentine Ball to be staged Saturday, Feb. 9, in the Masonic Temple. Standing, left to right, are Mrs. William Febrero, Mrs. Anton Jacob son and Mrs. Von Summers. Mrs. Peter Rodriguez is seated. Valentine Dance Set DUNSMUIR - Saturday. Feb. 9. has been announced as Ihe dale of the annual Valentine Ball, the major social event en the cal endar of Kappa Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. This event will be held in the Maple Room of the Dunsmuir Masonic Temple and will feature the music of Charles Barret's combo. Members of Xi Zeta Zeta exemplary chapter and sorority members in Mount Shasta are to be among the invited guests. Crowning of chapter Valentine queens is a tradition:) highlight of the evening and a buffet supper will follow the dancing. Committees are headed by Mrs. A. K. .lacobson, decorations: Mrs. Von Summers, decoration co chairman; Mrs. Orville Chcno weth, supper: and Mrs. James Plank, bids. Mrs. "William Febre ro. social chairman for Kappa Phi Chapter, is coordinating the dance plans. A new phone has proved an aid to the blind. It automatically dials by means of pre-punched plastic cards. By embossing names in Braille on the cards, a blind per son can read the name he de sires, insert the card and puh a start bar In make calls easily. Knits Ideal For Any Wean NEW YORK INE.V -The girl who plans a midwinter cation in the tropics will find cot ton knit playtime separates and suit ensembles ideal holiday com panions. 'Gaily colored hooded boating jackets, tennis - inspired pull overs, trim tnree-part suit cos tumes and sleeveless knit sheaths will provide a carefree wardrobe that will take her through oay and evening. Today's knits, whether wool or cotton, are fashion miracles Read the lahels when you shop to be sure you are taking with you the kind of wardrobe that will give you around-the-clock chic, with little or no care If the hang tag says your knit will not wrinkle, it won't wrinkle. And if washing instructions are given, they can he followed with complete assurance. Designed to span the seasons with the greatest of case, knit fashions have become the main stay of nearly every woman s wardrobe. And even the girl who won't be spending a winter holi day in the sun will find much to please her among the cruise and resort knits. She can make the transition from w inter to spring in separates that have a suit look. The color pall He includes chalky pinks and blues and warm yellows which will bring brightness into a dreary winter day, and they'll slip into spring as though they'd been blended just for the season. And among the resort play clothes, she will find enough to give her a head start on her summer casuals. POLLY'S POINTERS Party Honors Future Bride AI.Tl'R.VS A coffee honoring the engagement of her (laughter. Judy, to Richard Phillips was given .Ian. 24 by Mrs. Bert Lar sen. More than 60 friends of the bride-to-be attended the affair. Re ceiving guests were Mrs. uar sen, Judy and Mrs. Xil Phillips. The tea table w as centered with white chrysanthemums and pink carnations, interwoven with a pink ribbon bearing Ihe silver let tered names of Judy and Dick. Pouring at Ihe tea table were Mrs. Chris Starr, Mrs. Delman u r FETED Judy Larsen, future bride of Richard Phillips, was the inspiration for a party given by her mother, Mrs. Bert Larsen at her home in Alturas on Jan. 24. Cannon, Mrs. Herman Weber and Mis. Don Slinkard. Mrs. Stove Wistos attended the guest book. The bride-elect, daushter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Larsen, is a senior at Modoc Union High School and past worthy adviser of the Alturas Assembly, Rainbow for Girls. Her fiance is the sor. of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Phillips. A gradu ate of Modoc High School, he attended Mcnlo Junior College and is presently a student at lleald's I Business (follege in San Francisco. . BIRTHDAY PARTY BONANZA Mrs. Charles Rob erts Jr. gave a birthday party Jan. 27 for her son, Steven, who ivas seven years old that day. High light of the afternooi was the birthday cake made in the shape a horse, served with other party refreshments. Attending were Ste ven, Rodney and Cindy Roberts. Daryn and Daemon Dye. (ieorge, Christine and Jeanine Simmons, Linda, Peggy and Robbie Roberts, Bryan. Danny and Gregory Hub ble and Jerrv Bradsh.iw. k: t End Soggy Sandwiches POLLX CRAMER Newipoper Enterprise Assn. HEAR POLLY To keep lunch-ble drawer may seem like an odd box sandwiches from becoming j place to Keep the pliers, mil tnai :i soggv I use two thin slices ol 'where I have kepi one for years m-ai ' inMead of one thick ,ie 11 opens nail poli.-h bottl( pie-s and spread my sandwich "lix-jes that last hit of toothpaste ings" such as catsup, chili sauce I from the lube and squeezes opened mvnnnaise between the slices 'bobby pins. GLORIA r ' i j GIRLS There Is no reason for . !.-!.,.. (,,rit" tiu-h as r;id- kerning things In the samp old Hies carrot sticks and celery j places if they are nipre useful that go in lunch boxes can be elsewhere. All of us are looking wrapped in aluminum loil and lr that different way to dr. Ihe put in baby nod jars with a same old everyday chores, small ice cube. OIOLA POLM (.iris This Is one In remem-, DEAR POLLY Rallnnint ink ber lor nummer picnics. POLLY stains may be removed linm ma- DEAR POLLY Take a large or terials. furniture or from the skin small sponsc and hollow mil a by using rubbing alcohol. To re space in Ihe center large enough moe from materials, simoly to hold a bar of toilet soap. Keep place the spot over a padded it on vour washbow' and use it thickness of old towel. Then wet a in dean Ihe howl. Ismail rag with alcohol and rub A STEADY READER vigorously over the spot. You mav 'have to move it about and wet a fresh rag i the spot is stubborn. but it will work even on shirts and things that have been laun dered several times. Be sure to rinse well after using the alco hol. Just thought the girls would like lo know that rubbing alcohol is good for something other than aches and pains. A NURSE 'safe J 6R' fr'f DEAR POLLY - To prcven' scratching thf fenders of your tar when backing out of the ga rage, laik a section of an old inner lube on each s'He of the ga rage entrance. A clean eyedropper makes a (me kitchen accessory for meas mine liouid (nod coloring. To dean il. squish Ihe dropper in and 1 out of hoi soap or detergent suns Follow with several warm rinses. MILS. M E DEAR POLLY A dressing la Share your favorite homemak ing ideas . . . send them to Pol ly in care of Herald and News You'll receive a bright, new sil ver dollar if Polly uses our ideas in Pollv's Pointers. Headquarters For Barbie Doll Houses Sports Cars Barbie I Ken Dolls And All Other Accessories J. W. Kerns 734 S eih TU 4.417 DIAPER SERVICE fuinih all "I fill rut kup and I kT Month CHERUB DIAPER SERVICE Beb'i Slf-Srvict Laundry 1711 Mam TU 4-9234 ' Bi SMART COMilNATIONS I ifll io.EVV.yip il Z'A M of-limuUl() pearls . ... JM 'Wmf fl. prarls and chain ... or .Jjk'Jr vs1!m J-i7JB. :- chain and soma col. rffSj'r - J'SffiR P orad baadf. For a daih 0vM oven pandanr with X''S'' feM after.dark baekleis fj Sm BROWNIE I TAKE BLACK-AND-WHITE SNAPSHOTS, COLOR SNAPSHOTS, OR COLOR SLIDES WITH THIS BROWNIE "FIESTA" CAMERA OUTFIT Complttt outfit In gey gift box Include camera, removable llotholder, 2 bat teriet, woven nteWfrop, 127 Kodak film ond 4 (loihlompi "?77 t CO MONTH 8 r." I Cneice o 2 feline 45-Pc. Set, Lovely Floral Pattern MELMAC DINNERWARE A COMPLETE SERVICE FOR 8 Repeat of ffj fT a Sell-Out! HIII S WHAT YOU GIT: I Dotr ( I I.eH enrf Bu'ttr Cupi I Swteri iour Cfl lwti. e Lrq Clttttr -fe. Svaer Cnemer AT OfMMSCN HICIS . . . COMMUNITY Silverplate by Oneida Sifversmtths 52-PC REGULARLY 79.95 PAY ONLY TVe rich luiter l both butilul pt iimt add touch ( telender yeof faVt. Th mst-uied efl ( rtlf it hvt t' letter ovtf'ey t tar pnt. Kmvi k)ve ke hfd'i end deluie ttein'ew trd bUdei Tkii tilver if n for e lrmrtd time ely . . . IUY NOW! HHt S WHAT YOU OIT: lo Taaipoeni 8 Knivei 8 Ferkt 8 Seup Spoont 8 Salad Forks I Butter Kmft I' Sugar Spoon I Sarvintj Spoon I Strvin9 Spoon . . Pierced. ONLY V0O MONTH Mtftffariir-FiniiKi Omt OiIimbI litre 1 :-:H lP pjjjj 01!. eJr2SG For Much . Mort - I' fi ' Wetheb't 1 y I J 1 i " ' ' ' ' : ; YX 12-PIECE SET FLINT STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE with THICK, COPPER BOnOMS Hart what you citi SPECIAL 10' tvnn itlllo ONLY I-ejt. eloobl kilr 1-t. coxrereo) laicoexii Tniek copper boHemf aomduet Keet quitkly ard etily. "Vepor-Seel" rimi Uk In food flavor. "Stt beiting" ren drop vapor directly on food. Hea. roiiifant he ltd lot ft ay a1 dHng aoaking. Self stannf aovart. REMOVABLE LID BECOMES 2nd FULL STEREO SPEAKER St lid T owey for itereo uperetiei, "lexk" to (tke eptt( rarry-obovl nrf. Iknd both choMtelt (e 3rd PUmi" i'O el er wete I roohim. Two 4" toeehert twr ritK, vibro ownd. MhWbwnl omplrfrtft circvlot Mwd tm M awry erer of rm witb mwtic. Co! wittt p9tiim bltead Nr feble, Kgb compKofiee roee artji, fwi. vppbtra ttyfb d eety eeloef telertor For your loved one, choose one of these new modern style L CARAT TOTAL WEIGHT 3 DIAMOND RINGS o;endoTntty Excsptionol values in quality diamonds set in your choice of beautifully crafted mellow white or yellow gold. YOUR CHOCE 12500 flTO TERMS IOW AS 10.00 A MONTH TOTf R3DTDRDLA NO MONEY DOWN AS LOW AS S.O A MONTH! ISALE PRICED... FINE STYLING ... FINE QUALITY PERFORMANCE fi , GOLDEN jyi RECORD V 'EATHK STEWFO 3(X) AUTOMATIC i CHANGER IR TOUCH TONE ARM-DUAL SAPPHIRE STVLI 'M STtDCO AVAILABLE, OTIONAL EXTRA Modol SK101T. In Mhnsany. Walnut nr Rlnnrl KraurH hnishrs on genuine tempered harriboard and srlect hard wvod solids. Get This Set of Giant (24"x24") TV Pillows FREE! -V'TSr-with purchase of a f-''iJZT Motorola TV or evf ' bTB Stereo Hi-Fi! MOTOROLA TARTAN 19 MOTOROLA 19" "TARTAN" TV 1(5)88 Hand wired chassis is precision crafted with modarn hand and dip Model 19-P-15 soldering for long life. Pull-up handle on top speaker Built-in Magic Mast Antenna system. Ideal second set for den, bedroom or porch.' i two en MM. . i u It, p-truf riory (3 jtlllSi. 701 Main St. Open 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. sr