PAGE H-D HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, February 7, 1983 OvI Wrestlers Whip Red Raiders, 16-13 "-' ' '' i,.i.r 1 7 7 w , -f , ef r'" I ' ' r, : ...if ' ' ' - ... . . v' . ---ii iiiii i-iii fnimsn . Am imimtmmm,vmmmrm mta-lit? Vtrf THE WINNING POINTS COMING UP Oregon Tech's Ed Appleman, a 177-pound. . er, is in the) process of faking down Southern Oregon's Glen Moses which gained him two points and a 3-3 tie with the SOC wrestler. The tie enabled Oregon Tech to whip SOC for the second time in a row, 16-13. A loss would have tied the score at 14-1 4. Referee Oelance Duncan watches the action. KNIGHTS LEAGUEl .HOLIDAY MINORS LEAGUE W L I W Wittenberg Tops Small Team Poll Fourth Straight Week . NEW YORK (UPI) - Witten oerg s weu-Daianoea Tigers, Boast ing the nations best defense, topped the United Press Interna- Anal email AftllarTA Haclulkgll ratings for the fourth straight week today. Wittenberg, which look over as the nation's leading small college team four weeks ago, was picked No. 1 by 23 of the 35 coaches who comprise the UPI ratings board. That gave the Tigers a wide lead over Southeast Missouri, which moved up to the runnerup spot xrus ween, swapping places witn Grambling. Wittenberg has been beaten on ly once in 14 games, while South-! east Missouri, the top choice of three coaches, has lost once in 18 games, Grambling (17-2) suf fered its second defeat of the sea son last week bowing to Prairie View AM, ranked sixth, 92-89. rirmklinn iun- i..Ul V 1... tour coaches. EvansWUc (14-31 held fourth place, Tennessee State (17-3) re mained afth and Prairie View (IS- 31 took over undisputed possession of sixth. Last week, Prairie Viewi tied for sixth with Westminster (Pa.). Akron, which joined the top 10 for the first time a week ago, continued its advance, adding vic tories over Hiram and Wooster during the week for a 16-1 record that earned the Zips the No. 7 ranking. Westminster (9-3), which had led the ratings for six straight weeks before giving way to Wit tenberg, was eighth this week, with Southern Illinois Ul-fil, in eighth a week ago, slipping to ninth and Fresno State (13-) was 10th. Fresno joined the select group for the first time this sea son after leading the second 10 grouping almost every week of the campaign. Making room for Fresno State s advance was Southeastern Okla noma, which slipped from ninth to 11th. The Oklahoma school lost1 its fifth game in 18 starts last week, bowing to East Central, Slate. 67-66. Following Southeastern1 Oklaho ma in tlie second 10 were Hot- stra, Augsburg, Orange Stale, Re gis, Santa Barbara, Pacific Lu theran. Lamar Tech, South Dako ta State and Indiana Stale in that order. NEW YORK (UPD-The Unit ed Press International small col lege basketball ratings (with first-place votes and won lost records in parentheses): Team Points 1. Wittenberg (23) (13-1) J0 2. S.E. Missouil (3) (16-1) '230 3. Grambling (4) (17-21 228 4. Evansvillo (3) (14-3) 221 5. Tennessee St. (17-3) 159 6. Prairie View (15-3) 140 7. Akron (16-1) .116 8. Westminster (Pa. 1(93) 93 9. Sou. Illinois (11-6) 67' 10. Fresno St. (13-5) 64 Second 1011, Southeastern Ok lahoma 59; 12. Hofstra 21; 13, Augsburg (D 18; 14, Orange Stale 16: 15 (tie). Regis end Santa Bar bara (1) 13 each; 17, Pacific Lutheran 11: 18 (tie) Lamar Tech and South Dakota Slate 10 each 20, Indiana State D. . The Oregon Tech wrestling team took another big step toward an Oregon Collegiate Conference title, crack at Owl Gym Wednesday at ternoon when the Owls downed Southern Oregon's crew for the second time in succession, 16-13. The Owls gained the win when 177-pound captain Ed Appleman put on a last 30 second spurt to draw with Southern Oregon's Glen Moses, 3-3, and give the Owls the win. The Owls were leading 14-11 going into the final match Ul'.ey had to forfeit the heavyweight match because the Owls have no heavyweight) and a decision by SOC would have tied the match and a pin would have wen it for the Red Raiders. Appleman suffered a- two-point takedown in the opening round and trailed 2-0 throughout all the first and most of the second round when he received a one-point in fraction. Moses was content to. ride out the match and try to win on riding time and also keep his one point margin. Appleman gave Moses an escape point in the last 30 seconds after he had ridden long enough to nullify Moses' rid ing point time. He gave him the escape so he could shoot for the takedown and he gel. it with 22 seconds loft to tie the match. He held on for the tie and the OTI victory. Milo Crumrine won the open ing bout when he used a pair of takedowns, an escape and one. point riding time to blank Doug Smith, 5-0. in the opening 123 pound match. Crumrire still is un- 5M 3 WEYBRHAIUSER Night Hawks No. Belters Wied Choppers Hardboordors Mill Rights Thret Blow! Green Horns Results: wood choppers Blows l; Herdboerdera 3, Will Rights 3. No. I li Night Hawks Green Horns 1. High team gemt, wood Choppers om hlah teem series. Wood Choooers 7435 high ind. geme, jerry Morrison iiief nign Ind. series. Francis Russ 71B. 3's 6' 2 I i'r. Three Belters WOMEN'S CLASSIC LEAGUE W 45'.! 44' 39 3B'.I PRE-SPRING EVENT t i 1 I j Awl WMiV.r-: We're helping you take advantage of the good weather by starting our fishing sale early. Get everything you need to enjoy the waters that are open right now . . .. do it at sale prices! Practically everything in the de partment is on sale. LOOK AT THESE EXAMPLES: 995 27" 12" 999 Reg. 12.95 Wonderrod SPIN ROD Reg. 40.00 Heddon Pal FLY ROD Reg. 24.95 Pflueger SPIN REEL Lenglcy No. "900" Reg. 17.95 SPIN-CAST REELS 4 vu 1 Big Lof sting Reels 49 Reg. 17.95 Spin Cast Outfit 9" Perm 60 Steelhcod Salmon LURES Thousands to Choose from 19-29 "-x a-v - REELS J99 Suburban F inane. Crttr Lake Creamery Beachi Jwe!rft Hatters Furnilun Holiday Bowl Trophy House One Hour Martlnlilna Browns Plumbing 23 -7 Results: One Hour Mar tin lima 3. Sub urban Finance 1; Crater Lake Creamery 1, Beachs Jewelers 1; Hatters Furniture 3, Browns Plumbing 1 j Holiday Bowl 4. Trophy House 0. High team name, hoi way bowi rjo, high team series. Holiday Bowl 2009; high Ind. game. Eldina Greenwood 240; high Ind. series. Eldina Greenwood 559. HOLIDAY MASTERS LEAGUE Peterson Points The Trophy House 510.80 Hawlevs Plastering. Service 509.99 Craler Enterprises 509.40 Lewis Chevron 505.76 Squirt 501.53 Bennington Steel Bldgs. 490.34 Feb. 5 results: Hawieys Piesiering i. Lewis Chevron li Trophy House 2. Squirt l Bennington Steel 2. Craler Enterplies 1. High team game. Crater Enterprises I31i high team series, Squirt 2798; high ind. game. Bromo Smelcer 23i high ind. series, Bromo Smeicer 638. BASIN LIONS LEAGUE W Roarers 6? 3) Dorr li Ltons 57'i J7Vi Lees Jungle Kings 4iV 4A',i Gems Lion Tamers 41' S3Vr The Busters 40' t 54 W Tall Twisters 34 61 Results: Leos 3. Roarers I; Tail Twist ers 3. Gams 2; Jungle Kings 3. Lion Tamers 2; Dorr Is Lions 5, The Busters 0. High team game. Dorrls Lions 700; hlgh team series. Lion Tamers 2650: high Ind. game. Moon Mullls 219; high ind. series. Bob Lucas 7)1. LION AUXILIARY LEAGUE ' W L Tall Twisters 41 31 Merrill 40' 3S'j Jolly Jills 36 40 Twisters . 30' 45'j Results; Twisters 3. iril Twitters 1; Merrill 3, Jolly Jills I. High team game. Merrill 602; hlqh team series. Merrill 1641.- high ind. game. Marge Motley 213; high ind. series. Marge Mosley 521. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Deal Rite Motors Jayhewtc Fuel Oil Kmes Plumbing Srars Roebuck S T. 41 44 Pertsl Cola Ctty Center Litton Aircraft Great Northern Lerkm Ins Bowers Dit. Larrys Foods Results: Larkin 3. S T 1; Bowers 3. Litton I; Seeri 3. City Center 1; Jay hawk 3 Kimes 1; Pepsi X Larrys 1 . Great Northern 3. Deal Rite 1. Hah teem game, Pepsi Cola 10A6 high team series. Peptl Cola 3000 1 high Ind game. Gins Rosteroi'A 254; high Ind series. Gino Rotterolle 6j3. WEYERHAEUSER LEAGUE W L Belts S3 It Shipping Studs St I No Accounts 4ai 33'i Sxwmill H 34 Stand-up Shed 46 34 Vard Birds iS 35 Hardhoard F inithing 4; m Nu lot Nuts 42 .18 Kilowatts 41 3 Spoilers l"i 42' OHice Overhead 36 44 Maintenance Supervisors 36 44 Gutter Snipes .IS 4S Warehouse 3 4' Lett Overs J si Rejects 2) h? Feb. 6 results- Warehr-use 3, Yard Birds 3; Hardboard t-tnuhing 3. Lett overs it no Accounts l. Rejects Kilowatts 3, Shipping Studs 7; Ofhee Overhead 3. Nu Loc Nuts Gutter Smpn 1. Maintenance Supervisors Jj Sooi'ers 3. Beits 1; Stand up Shed ?. Sawmill 2 I High team game. Me'ntenance SuPr viflrs 10V; high team series, Harclhoard Finishing ?9r; high Ind game. Ronald pierce 234; hgh ind, tenet. Martin Lou gee tit,. HOLIDAY MINORS LEAGUE 51 44Vi 37Vi 46 38 45 38Vi 43 41 42' 41 Vi 39' 44Vi 34 50 Serges Trailer Estates Suburban Finance Mouldlngcraft Inc. Superior Troy Laundry Klamath Auttf Wreckers BRC Ol A Pacific Power & Light Bennington Steel Bldg. Co. Fine Arts MiM Grocery Feb. 6 results: Ffnt Arts 3. Suburban Finance if M&M Grocery 3. Pac. Pow er & Light 1; Superior Trgy 3, BRC Of A l; Mouldlngcraft, Inc. 3, Serges Trailer Estates 1; Kiamatn Au't) wreckers 3, Bennington Steel Bldg. 1. High team game. Sarges Trailer Ev fetes 1008; high team series. Moulding- craft Inc. 2880; high Ind. flame, Norman Guyer 247; high Ind. series, Norman Guyer 615. AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE W Tims Shell , 61 Interstate Pump 57 Lucky Lanes 51 Klamath Cable TV 50 Carlsons 46 West Heat Pump 44 44 Wilson Wiley Buick 42 50 Bobs Union Wheelers Nursery Overhead Door East Side Elect He Specialized Service Feb. 6 results: Ki. 41' 48' 2 40's 51 39' 1 4BVJ 39 53 36' 55' Cable TV 3, West Heat Pump 1; Spec. Svc. 2. Wheelers Nursery 2; Interstate Pump 3. Tims 1; Overhead Door 2. Bobs 2; East Side El. Wilson Wiley If Carlsons 3, Lucky! Lanes 1. High team game. Tims Shell 1002) high1 team series, Interstate Pump 2941; high game, Red Schilling: 222; hiah Ind. series. Charlie Booth 611. MAJOR CLASSIC LEAGUE Southern Oregon Music Maurys Foreign Cars Spud Cellar Lewis Chevron Jocks Super Market Kingsley Jets liters Cafe Lucky Lanes Superior Troy Klamath Tractor Kingsley Voodoos Sixth St. Oxygen Sales Feb. 6 results: Kiamem Tractor Sixth St. Oxygen Seles 0; Jocks Market Lucky Lanes u; Kingiey vooooos 4, Lewis Chevron 0; Maurys Foreign Cers valuers cafe 0; so. ore. Music 3, Superior Troy 1. High teem game, maurys Foreign cars 8t3i high team series. Jocks Super Mar ket 2308; high ind. game. Pierce Hodqes 237; high ind. series. Gene Pique 631. W L 57 35 56' j 35Vi 54 34 50 42 47"i 44 Vi 45' j 42'-j 4S 47 42 50 42 50 41' 50' i 40' 1 51' 1 26'1 65' 2 MINOR CLASSIC LEAGUE W 30 'S3 39 St'l 40') 43 50 37' i 54' 1 Leuaentide Finance McKaigs Potatoes Dales Body Shop Bruce Owens Realtors Victors Acme Concrete Herald & News Bings Cafe Bank of Klamath Falls Personal Denture Service Modoc Lumber Co. 31 6t Landry Insurance 22 70 Feb. e results: Bank of KF-McKalgs Potatoes 1 3 Modoc Lbr. Co. -Acme Concrete 3 1 1 u rent ide-B rut e Owens Real. 2 2 Victors-Bmgs Cafe 1 3 ales Auto BrxJy-Hera 10 -News 7 j Landry ins -Personal Denture ? 2 High team game. McKaiqs Potatoes is.- high team series, McKaigs Potatoes 7678; hiqh ind game. Os Rice 233; h:gh 1. series. Wesley McKaig 626. PANDORA'S HOLIDAY LEAGUE W L Holiday Bowl Coffee Shop 52' 1 31', Mornson 8, Knudsen 48' 1 35' j Spare Sootters 41' 3V 1 Economy Cash Grocery 48 36 Cox Grocery 44 40 Sierre Gun Shop 37 57 ely Lady Beauty Salon 32 57 Automatic Transmission 30' 53' Feb. 4 results- Economy Cash Grocery Lovely Lady Beauty Selon It Morrison K Knudsen 3. Automatic Transmission 1. Cox Grocery 4, Holiday B-wl Coffee Shop 0; Snare Spotters 4. Sierra Gun Shop C High team game, Economy Cash Gro cery 776; high team series, Economy Cash Grocery 7065; high ind. game. Madeline Piumonrtore 189; high ind. series, Ruby Wicks 492.' Ducks Prepare For Vandals Kl'CICNK H Pli Oreson s has. keth.ill team held a light drill to day in preparation fnr a two-pame series at Moscow, ldalw. Friday and Saturday against tlie Idaho Vandals. Idaho recently defeated Oregon twice here. This Week's Specials! High Grade Pre-Finished MAHOGANY PANELS li" X 4' X 8' 4rf C Square Foot . . . Only rprr termite rKkC INSPECTION - CALL US - defeated in six matches. He has drawn one time and pinned two foes. Dennis Sather gave the Owls lead they needed when he won the second match to overcome the five point forfeit the Owls gave SOC to open the match because of the heavyweight forfeit. He took 4-2 decision from Gerry Holmes In the 130-pound tlass. He used a reversal and takedown for the victory. He is unbeaten in seven bouts. Hank Isenhart lost the first OTI match when Trenton Douglas blanked the Owl 137-pounder, 6-0 Isenhart beat Douglas last week, 4-2. Douglas had a three-point near fall and a reversal and rid ing time. Isenhart is 5-2 for the season. Ken Kinnear put the Owls near er the victory column, when he took a 6-4 decision from Jack Mc Kay in' a tough 147- pound bout He had an. escape, a takedown reversal and riding time to McKay's takedown and a pair of escapes. Kinnear is 4-3 for the sea John Norton won over Dave Buck in the 157pound macth. Nor ton, was ahead by 3-2 when Buck injured a knee in a drop by Nor- ton and had to quit. Norton was awarded five points for the win He is 6-1 for the season. - Very Miller suffered the, second loss for OTI when he dropped a 5-3 decision to George Moses. Mil ler had a two-point reversal and escape. But Moses had one-point infraction, and a pair of two-point reversals. Miller' is 5-2 for the season and both losses are to Moses. He lost a 3-2 decision last week. The Owls travel this week and take on three opponent Friday and Saturday. The Owls meet Ore gon College of Education Friday at 4 p.m. in Monmouth and go on to Portland Saturday tor a bout with rugged Lewis and. Clark. These three bouts will end the dual match season for the Owls. They will enter the OCC Tourna ment Feb. 16 in Portland. Win ners there go to tlie AAU Tourna ment in Oakland, Calif. RESULTS 123-Milo Crumrlnt del. Doug Smith, 5-0. 130 Dennis Sathtr dst. Gtrry Holmts, 4-2. 137 Hany Istnhsrt dtt. by Trtnlon Douglas, a-0. U7 Ken Kinnear del. Jack McKay, a-4. 157 John Norton won by Inlury tor tell over Dave Buck. H7 Verl Miller def. by George Moses, S3. 177 Ed Applemen and Glen Moses drew. 3-3. HWY OTI forfeit to SOC Jlrn Grush. J r' TT, .... - ' r . jvr - r..;r. .... . , -v-'T OWL SCORES Oregon Tech's John Norton is applying the pressure to Southern Oregon's Dave Buck as he flips the Red Raider in the process of gaining a reversal for two points. Norton won the match when Buck was injured and had to retire from the match. The Owls won the meet, 1 6-1 3. Seattle's Vince Cazzetta " e ( Resigns Basketball Post SEATTLE (UPI) Vince Caz zetta, popular and successful bas ketball coach at Seattle Univer sity, kept his eye on an NCAA tournament bid for his team to day despite the furor over his sud den resignation. Gill Indicates Starting Five CORVALLIS (UPIl-Coach Slats Gill of Oregon State indicated to day he would start Terry Baker, Jim Kraus, Mel Counts, Frank Peters and Jim Jarvis against the Portland Pilots in Portland Fri day night. Steve Paidy would be the top-line reserve. These six players went all the way in last week's 66-60 win over Seattle. Baker is expected to be able to play despite a sore toe. The Beavers and Pilots meet here Saturday night. I m sure we'll continue our winning ways the rest of the year and we plan to make it to the tournament," he said Wednesday shortly after announcing his resig nation. "I know the boys .will battle hard. "After that, I can't foretell the future. But I wish the school only the very best of success in the future." Cazzetta in his statement charged the school's athletic di rector, Eddie O'Brien, a former Chieftain star, with "interference" in the operation of the school's basketball program. Before sending his letter of res ignation to The Very Rev. A.S. Lemieux, S.J., president of the school, Cazzetta broke tlie news to his team. 'It was the hardest tiling I ever had to do," he said. Cazzetta's letter said in part that "O'Brien repeatedly erected roadbloacks, either by accident or design, that have had a stifling effect and made my position both untenable and uncomfortable." University officials denied such interference had taken place. O'Brien, who teamed with his twin brother Johnny to catapult tlie Chiefs into national basketball prominence, denied he had inter ferred in basketball recruiting and said scheduling always has been tlie coach's job, subject to the ap proval of tlie athletic director. O'Brien said the basic problem was that Cazzetta had given tlie university "an ultimatum" to change its policies and set up tlie basketball coach separate from tlie athletic director. Tlie 37-year-old Cazzetta draws a salary of $8,600 and during His 4'i-year tenure his teams have won 90 and lost 37. This year tlie Chiefs are 14-4 and appear. on the road to another tournament bid. Cazzetta's resignation stunned tlie athletic world here. He was immensely popular with fans, players and even referees. 74.5 vote Valiant best in nationwide consumer survey "Like to test-drive the 1963 compacts?" That's what Nationwide Consumer Testing Institute-a completely independent company-recently asked 3600 typical drivers in 18 cities across the country. The people were asked to test-drive two compacts. Some picked Corvair and Valiant. Some picked Falcon and Valiant. Some wanted to try Rambler or Chevy II. The course . included all kinds of normal driving. Drivers circled the course twice (once in each car) with N.C.T.I.'s trained inter viewers firing questions all the way. Which of these cars do you prefer for accelera tion? Ride? Steering? Styling? Finally: which is the best all-around value? I The surprising results: Avtregt Compact preference Rambler Valiant Chevy II Valiant Corvair Valiant Falcon Valiant four - compacts Valiant Interior styling 25 I 75 30 I 70 27 I 73 44 I 56 33 I 67 Exterior styling 24 76 48 52 39 61 41 59 38 62 Quality o( workmanship 38 62 40 60 36 64 44 56 40 .60 Acceleration 17, 83 48 52 21 79 25 75 28 72 Passing power 17 83 45 55 21 79 24 76 27 73 Roominess 35 65 56 44 30 70 44 56 41 59 Steering 26 74 31 69 37 63 29 71 31 69 Ride 27 73 33 67 29 71 26 74 29 71 BEST ALL-AROUND VALUE 17 83 34 66 24 76 17 73 25.5 74.5 Two things were not tested-price and warranty. But remember that Valiant is just about the lowest-priced car made in the U.S.A. today. And that Valiant carries America's longest and .best new-car warranty-5 years or 50,000 miles. Ask your Plymouth-Valiant Dealer for your own independent test drive in The New Valiant., Your AuShorl.ed Plvmouth-Viltant Deater'e Warranty aielnst defects In material and workmanship on to3 CS'S has heen eioariitart' to Include parts replacement or rapatr, without charge tor required Parts or labor, lor S years or SO.000 mHes. whirlv. eter cornea first, on the engine Mock, head and internal parte; transmission case and internal parte (eicludlng manual clutcn); torque converter, drive eha't, umveraal lomts (eicludmg dust oovere), rear ada and differential, and rear wheel hearings, provided the vehicle haa been eerviced at reaeoneple Intervale according to. the Plymouth-Valiant Certified Car Caie achoduloe. i Best all-around compact anybody has come up with yet... VALIANT I e'.f i u4-i--iixi an- r T t'-Y' t ,-, ... , v -i I lei - ii . ie, ,. m mt l anT leu mmmam "Ik' i . ' ' .? v l -'. 4. -. erj, -W. ii.-n .Miiaii earn altfllai.-r rji.'l- In Dallas, 74 vote. Vjlunt best value In Syracuse Wi voted Valiant best value. In Los Angeles, 77 voted Viiiint best value. KT1M0UTH DIVISION CHRYSLER f MOTORS MrVOAAIIOK JIM OLSON MOTORS Swan Lake Moulding Co. wire O) ?i 131 3226 South 6th TU 4 5145 714 Main S22 Ss. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Or.