Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 07, 1963, Page 21, Image 21

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    Farm Bureau Concerned
Over Grazing Land Use
ALTUKAS The Modoc County
Farm Bureau, in a statement pre
pared before the Public Lands
subcommittee, has urged that
livestock grazing on public lands
be considered a nvijor use and
not a secondary one.
Modoc County representative,
Jack F. Tuteur of Likely, pointed
out that the livestock operations
in Morioc are 70 to 75 per cent dc
jwndcnt on Bureau of Land Man
agement land, Siskiyou, 20 per
cent to 25, and Lassen, 03 to 70
per cent.
Tuteur explained the farm hu
repu appeal: "We are agreed that
the federal government should
keep in ownership and control of
the hulk of public lands and that
multiple use can be practiced on
these lands. Portions of this land
when properly classified should
be turned to single use and pri
vate ownership.
' We believe that BLM should
be administered under law in
dead of regulations.
"We believe that grazing should
he considered a major use of these
public lands and not a secondary
use. The livestock industry in our
counties is a major source of in-
Sore Throat
John XXIII, suffering from a cold
and sore throat he caught watch
ing a rare Roman snowstorm,
was reported feeling better today
and continuing his normal work
' A high Vatican source said the
pontiff's voice was clearer this
morning and he appeared to be
in good spirits.
The pontiff, 81, who recently re
covered from a serious stomach
ailment complicated by anemia,
spent the morning receiving Al
Credo Cardinal Otlaviani, secre
tary of the Holy Office, and oth
er aides.
come, which in turn is dependent
on BLM land to sustain the econ
omy. In order that this economy
he stabilized, it is necessary to
establish a lasting tenure instead
of a doubtful year to year permit.
"We also believe that the pres
ent formula for fixing grazing
fees, fluctuating assessments
based on livestock prices, be re
tained. If it is found necessary by
the BLM to raise these grazing
fees, that they be raised no more
than 50 per cent of the present
fee and any money in excess of the
present fee he used for range
31 Eligible
For Honors
ALTURAS First semester rc
jki1 cards were distributed to
students of the Modoc Union High
School this past week and Prin
cipal Mark Smith announces 31
students eligible for the honor
roll. Honor roll standing requires
ill "A" or "B" grades.
Qualifying students arc: Sen
iors, Marilyn Davidson, Bonnie
Ilickerson, Carolyn Wcntzcll, Frie
da Tilson.
Juniors: Loretla Hrowlliurst
Kathryn Charlet, Betty Clark
Christine Hawes, Mildred Lari
morc, Barbara Williams, Mike
Quinn, David Starr, Sleven Has-
Sophomores: Lyim Atkinson,
Janet Evans, Martha Fox, Jenifer
Frails. Cheryl Kelley, Janice May
field, Tom Cluster.
Freshmen, Sandra Allen. Car
ol Bender, Linda Clark, Phyllis
Graham, Ann Koza, Dianna Nel
son, Shirley Seanvay. Carol Sis-
co, Gene Scott, Scott Humble, and
Paul Bailey.
PACE 10 C Thursday, February 7, 1363
IIKRALO AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Orr.
Dunsmuir Plans Hew Parking Ordinance, Ousts Meters
"He says he'll lay you 8 to 5 the name of this place
is Las Vegas!"
Egg'Tossing Incident
Investigated By Police
A Klamath rails resident was
arrested Tuesday for being drunk
and discharging firearms in the
city limits, and police are inves
tigating an incident in which
youths are suspected of pelting
a man's residence with eggs to set
tle a grudge.
M. (I. Martin, 527 South
Fourth Street, was taken into cus-
ody Tuesday night after Israel
(lladus, 400 Willow Street, com
plained that Martin entered h i s
house, waived a .22 caliber pistol
front of Ills face making a
threatening remark, and fired the
pistol at a door knob and light I
Police found one of the dis--liarged
cartridges in Gladus'
home and found the pistol and ar
rested Martin at his own resi-
J. B. Brown, 1220 MonClaire
Street, told police some youths
Ihrcw a barrage of eggs against
his house two separate times ear
ly Wednesday morning.
Brown said he thinks it was
the same boys who received
traffic citation for blocking his
driveway Tuesday. It was Brown's
opinion that the egg throwing in
cidents were retaliatory. He said
the car thai blocked his drive
way and the one he saw driving
away alter the egg throwing ap
peared to be the same.
Brown gave police a descrip
tion of the car and they are in
vestigating the matter.
DUNSMUIR - Citation enve
lopes mailable to the city finance
officer will be used to enforce
overtime parking in two - hour
parking zones in downtown Duns
muir, the city council voted at
its meeting Monday night.
A new parking ordinance re
flecting the recommendations of
a merchant - city council com
mittee will be drawn up by How
ard Jones, city attorney. The
council voted to rescind parking
meter and parking ordinances cur
rently in effect.
One hundred and ten parking
meters will be removed when the
new ordinance becomes effective
and replaced with Merchant As
sociaton signs welcoming shop-
Lions Breakfast Slated Sunday
MERRILL Merrill Lions Club
is sponsoring another of its pub
lic breakfasts Sunday, Feb. 10,
at the recreation hall.
The menu will include holcakes,
sausage, and eggs, and serving
will begin at 6 a.m. and continue
until 12 noon.
General chairman is Claire Dun
can and his staff will include Jim
Shuck, egg cook, Dale Moore,
sausage, and Walt Wilson, in
charge of the dining room.
Proceeds from the breakfast
will go to the sight conservation
program which the club spon
sors every year.
Price of the breakfast is $1 for
adults, 50 cents for clvildren under
12. and a family rate of $4.
pers. Two - hour parking zones
will be established in the down
town area formerly served by the
Strict enforcement of two-hour
parking is part of the parking
committee recommendation and a
mandatory fine of $1 or parking
violations. A monthly audit will
he held to compare parking viola
tion fines with citations issued.
The naming of an assistant po
lice chief will be dropped by the
council indefinitely at the recom
mendation of David McClintock.
police commissioner. The council
has been unable to agree on one
of the three patrolmen who have
been seeking the post for the
past two months.
The appointments of Laurence
Schuler as patrolman to replace
Keith Nelson, who resigned, and
Mrs. George Belskcy as relief
matron were approved.
Floyd Crcason, fire commission
er, called attention to a budget
oversight whereby a fixed expense
for hydrant and water use. not
included in the budget, has de
pleted fire department funds. The
other councilmen assured Crcason
that money would be drawn from
the general fund to meet this
omission and the fire department
would stay in business.
It was reported at the meeting
that the new dogcatcher has
caught cold but no dogs. The
council voted to inquire as to
costs of installing a heater in the
lund vehicle.
The city received notice of a
S2.278.07 in gas tax funds. Forty
per cent will be alloted to street
maintenance and fiO per cent to
capital outlay projects.
Insurance agents and brokers
are exempt from oty licensing
according to a letter received
from the League of California Cit
ies, but contractors and real es
tate agents are subject to city
license fees, the council learned.
Sonic booms are unavoidable
but rarely cause serious structural
damage the council was informed
via a letter from Kingsley Field,
Klamath Falls. The base claims
officer will furnish forms f o r
claims for damage attributed to
recent sonic booms, the letter
Man Relates
Death Story
County Dist. Atty. Alan Holmes
said Tuesday there will be no ar
rests in connection with the death
of Mrs. Le.N'elda Marlow, 31, of
Mrs. Marlow's body was found
on a mountain road near the Sis
kiyou Summit Sunday.
Holmes said an autopsy indi
caled she accidentally strangled
after becoming ill.
A man who said he had been
with the woman Saturday night
walked into the county sheriff's
office voluntarily Monday and told
of driving to the isolated area
with her. Holmes stated the man
said she became ill and fled from
his car into the darkness. When
he could not get her to return to
the car, the man said he drove
back to Ashland.
Jici very acrubbabla... ideal for
Hiton, windnw-a, haeboarda.
Colnra match mir Kineat
Interior latex Wall Paint.
rr 1 ;
Our hestouaht) your heat
buy. Laboratory tested for
extreme wishibihty, color
faatneu and long life. Widest
variety of colon. Dne
in .10 minute. Clean up
ilh walr.
FREE.. .when you buy
II N t Witt FaSKHM
Wa.hahle... color, malrtl
Wall Ka-thion Interior l,ater.
VI 1 i
Your choice of VI popular
Extna Nigk ajtuedfiot Edna Low Threes
Glow Plailk Varnifth
akohol proof
)uur furniture.
regular f-VSi nl.- , 1
Oil Wood Stam rrffflfiOqU
Condition unci en banc
the natural grain of
our iinnnihe4
A riiacontinued
Dap Spackbng Pail
ill in the cracks
88 "49
9 i 12 Ptattic 0. op Cloth
keep furniture am,
(loon clean hy
covering them up
the umpli
la.ay.QQp 'fei '.
C Mafiwiium Ladder
$1488 m
Step Ladder tj) -IVV
4 Wood (1JOQO
Slap ladder J -Ou
tAallpap&i Sohl
CrtatMNi - flora, qmlia. trenira decorator $Q25 $0(15
Per with a hand printed look two roll O to J
Pack lane - many drntittf tue deigiu,
including provincial ttenea and
contemporary print,, Inrolai
Calarama- floral, atrinea, letture- $025
ftomething for every ((' , to roll
Rtttar 'ti- unuaual imported background
pa peri in every color of the rawhuw,
from rieepcit tnnea tn mot mbtle ruutrla two rM1a
' $119 $1(0
,lw mm X ni jL
Cannon Invitation jnt right pattern
for kitrhena, hatha, living room an
tXTRA SPFCIAL-Tubi Cloth. Crata CMh.
Mlki and Hurlap- Huy one ungte roll - $Hffl $ 1 ?"0
orolU I It iVi
pay norhinf for the cnnd '
Niqk fidtlity Mhticn Safe
18'x26"NowOn1y $Q95
Kertect your nenae of value and gi" tta
ith a. 'i'dulortion- free plate glu mirror.
CnCC " "" Claanet wilh W
v f CC twrf mtrm purthHed! :T!
Ug fit up ife faofitfi iAtit& if a Vafue-
4 w,lh every eoamMe!
kU,,ATP.rs.Y fV
a 4 .it - a .-vr
24 " x 30-- 1 1 30- x 60-- 2V w
30- 1 40 '- J9'Vr 36- x NT- 39iV
r?rthinr ied titmaka
yr-ur Hrf ihrfiarl
41 1 M m h.fh arMie
mtif hifif prfear al
hoi!. leUtetll in (roivtfc
k JT aeH - Ptl-eHl trM HiH-
fil "tM. hfti out frei rt'ifht
Fig SaiHpj s Sbtf Mafmaf UiJock RutuAnc
tv.n t nt fnr thtl miirh -neettetl furniture.
Rut il now, pra- tanned, ready la paint er Itaia.
Hi n 4 ece Cakfet -
f-tH 4' Wirt Rinfn ty to rm
)'ir anunrl rquir-nwnl 4
nd tor. yur rtctJrta.
i n "A
V II J and Hoc. yur Wrda. XJ
K T -- : . 1 n
tv wmt:Z
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wAULeAein a MiRrioR 2899 South 6th
Let ud Pecone4cl a Prfiatfe 'Pncficu t'ohaf Pax tci Jy
W.P. Fuller
Phone TU 4-6377
LAKEVIEW Adorn.' Home Service
MERRILL Merrill Lumber Co.
?5ar. ir-.- JiaV-
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