PACE -C HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath FalU. Or. Thursday, February 7, 19M i P.0 CwV' . a- jf W ''' it PACEMAKER IN ACTION X-ry ihows tha location of an implanted pacemaker beneath the heart of a coronary patient. Ten mercury batteries are clustered in a space about as large as a cigarette package. Useless Limbs, Stilled Heert Jolted Into Activity By Electric Shocks LEGAL NOTICE By HAROLD SHF.EHAN N'pwspaper Enterprise Assn NEW YORK INEAI Medical scientists, as they slowly decipher the body's strange electrical cir cuitry, are now successfully play- " ine tlie role of "emci'Roncy line i men." They are knocking useless limbs into action, jolting unused muscles back to activity and sav- ing life by electrically stimulat ing the heart to pump blood. One dramatic use of electricity in medicine has eased the lives of hemiplegic sufferers per- sons who are paralyzed on one side of their bodies as a result " of damage to the central nervous M-stem. WALKING WIRES Mus cle stimulator gets its pow er from batteries worn around waist. When mo mentum If ft heel of "use loss" leg, switch is turned on, sending light shock to muscle on shin. Foot is lifted, brought forward and down, shutting cur rent. Larger dark patch be hind knee is ground electrode. BocatiM one log of the homi plccic will not nccqil the hrain's tommann to henn. walking usually flccnmpli.'ihpH with Hip aid oi a hracr. The walk, at best, i a drag-and-shuffle Rail. Now, according to Klectronics World maaAiint, a firm called the Thrralrnn Corp. is producing n do not contract M all. muscle siimiiiator which, in ef- Tlx medical "lineman feet, tricks live useless leg into obeying a command such as the nerves would pass to it, if they could. In practice, an electrode a hot" wire is attached with an elastic carter next to the shin's dorsi-flexor muscle. This is the foot-liting muscle which, when tightened, produces the lift and carry-through motion of the leg, Another electrode, a ground wire, is pasted on the .skin near by. A battery pack and stimula tor weighing less than a pound is attached to the waist. When an electrical impulse is i-eceived from the batteries the muscle jerks tlie foot upward. As (he foot lands on the ground, a switch pad in the heel of tlie shoe huts off the cunent. With a step forward by the otlver leg, the heel lifts, flipping on the current to re peat tlie cycle. A side advantage lo electronic walking is that the muscles con- inue to receive exercise and (Jo not shrink into Hfclessness. Also, the artificiail stimulation may "re educate" tlie limb so that normal nntml in some cases may he re stored in time. Medical diagnosticians can also use electricity to test for (he death of nerves in a muscle more accurately than in the past. Healthy tissue will not respond lo a slowly rising current. This lhilily to adapt to electrical slim ilation is known as accommoda tion. Muscles in which the nerves e dead, however, have no such lhilitv to absorb current. These muscles will contract at Oie slight est stimulation, revealing thai something is wrong. The most important set of mus cles in the human body s the heart, also obedient to artificial stimulation. Heart arrest may take either of two forms, fibrillation or stand still. With fibrillation tlie heart miwles contract at random in stead of in ordeivd sequence The standstill is just that; they move fast in either instance. An instrument known as a defibril lator may be used in tlie first case. Electrodes simply held to the chest by the doctor can de liver a jolt or current to the heart which will place the heart at standstill, from which it may recover spontaneously or be trig gered into beating by a pulse generator. This latter instrument, called a pacemaker, is Hie one used for victims of standstill heart at tacks. Its rhythmic electrical stim ulation oflen gels the heart beat ing normally. Some heart patients, however. are constantly in need of the pace maker's life - giving electricity. Early efforts consisted of strap ping the electrodes to the chest, but the power needed was so great people with bad hearts were, fatigued just carrying the batter ies around to operate the machine which operated their heart mus-J cles. The breakthrough came with tlie development of a pacemaker which could lie implanted in the body. Since tlie electrodes could be attached directly to the heart muscles, the power output of 11) mercury cell batteries w a enough. The whole unit is about as hie as a package of cigarettes and half an inch thick. The batteries last about five ejus before they are removed and replaced by a fresh unit, NOTICE OP SALE UMTlfF IX HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Administrator of the Estate i ur4 ThAririau McNair. Deceased, will trom end after the IStS day ol Feb ruary, 1463. It 10:00 A. M. i me omit) el Glenn 0. RamlfM, Attorney it Law, tuitt ?0i. IOOF BuiMina, 433 Main Street, Klamath Fall. Oreoon, proceed to sell to the hioheil bidder the real property ot said estate at follow: Beginning at a point of the Southerly line o Front Street 133 'eet weiterly trom the Intersection o the Southerly iin. f Print ttrt nd the Westerly line of California Avenue, Thence South J62W feet, more or leu to the shore line of KlAmath Lake; thence southeast- erly along tatd shore line 173 feet, more or lest lo the Southwesterly corner ot that certain tract o( land heretofore con- veyed 10 Donald J. Divens ana n. warn Dtveni. by deed recorded in Vol. 333. nmn ii j. nMt accords of Klamath Coun ty, Oreoon, which said point is 3H feet Northwesterly from Ihe intersection of said short line and the Westerly line of the West Side Highway, thence North 15 deg. 03W min. East 31 feet, more or less, m in notnt 01 oeainnina, cma uc"j portion of Lot I, Section 30 Township 38. S. R. E., W.M. SUBJECT TO: Ele ment and release granted to Calif. O'e. Power comoanv. a Lorporanon, or strument recorded In Vo . 133. at ooe oni nd Rrrrru of Klamath County, Oregon; Reservations In deed recorded in Vol. 133 at page 1W, Deed Records of k imth Countv. Oreaon, ether ease mnH rnt rlohts of wav of record and those apparent on the land. If any, ALSO SUBJECT TO that certain mortgage. In cluding the terms and provisions (hereof, executed DV me grantors ntrr in to Albert M. Hattan and Ruth E. Hat- lan, husband and wife, dated Jan. 30, mv rornrrled Jan. 31. 1959, In Vol. oaac 583, Mortgage Recoros ot Kiamatn Counlv. Oreoon, which said mortgage the orantee herein hereby expressly as sumes ana agrees io pey according io m tenor thereof as the same becomes due and payable, and the note accompanying it. Tht terms of the sale will be cash, or for part cash and part credit, and. if for part cash and part credit, the offer of ourchas must state Ihe terms of such credit; all sales made subject lo con firmation hv ihe above entitled court. The right is reserved to relecl any and all bids Bids In writing may be left with the itnrlenlaned at the office of Glenn Ramirez, 10i lOUr- HUiming, j mam Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, any time from the dale hereof until the property it anlrf This sale Is made pursuant to Order of the Circuit Court dated ine im aay ot January. 193. DALE McNAIR . Ariminittratrjr of the Estate Vard Thaddaui McNeir, De ceased. No. 95. Jan. 17, 2a, 31. Feb. 7. this suit, as fellows: That It b de- reed and adjudged that defendants and. each of them have no estate, claim or interest In or to said premises; mat Dlalntlft be declared the sole owner all said real property; and that defendants and each ot them m forever eniomea trom asserting any claim whatever te said real orooertv, or any part thereof, adverse fo that of plaintiff; and for such other and further relief as to tnt court mA v ifem lust and aouitabie. This Summons is published ana servea upon you pursuant to an order of tni above entitled Court made of the 7th day of Jnvaty. 193; the first pub'ica- lon hereof being on January in, ivaj. and the last day of publication being o" the 7th day of February, 1963, and Feb ruary I, 1963, Is the last day fixed by the Court tor tht aetenaanis nerem or eun thereof to appear herein or answer plaintiff's Complaint. Don tms ""n aay m January, itoj. Henry E. Perkins Attorney for Plaintiff, Address 731 Main St.. Klamath Falls, Oregon. NO. 157, Jan. 10, 17, U. 31, Feb. 7, 1963 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed Administrator uiiih Will Annexed of the Estate of Dora Grant Walker, also known as Dora Wal- deceased, by the circuit court ot Klamath County, Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present same to said administrator at Room 4, 335 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, to gether with proper vouchers, within six months of the date of the first publica tion of this notice, which is February 7lh, 1943. R, F . MCLAREN Administrator with Will Annexed O'NEILL MCLAREN Attorneys tor administrator 930, Feb. 7, 14, 31. 31. Modoc County School Election Set April 16 A!.TI!R.S-Volrr in all nrhonl districts of Modoc County will fo lo the polls April lfi to ballot on rclilhns vacanrirs rroled by ex piration o terms n( oil ice lor 24 liuMees and tun members ot tlie Counlv Hoard of Education. Cla ra Kddie, counly superintendent o( achnnls, announred thu eek In addition, override Lax In OiFstarts Alturas Fire ALTl'H AS Kne broke out in Ihe boiler room nf tlie Alturas laundry and Cleaners Mon day aflernonn at ,1 p.m. The Inc. accordine lo Shinyu Yamacata. Hranini! foreman, was Marled by oil in Ihe boiler room. The prompt aclmn of the Alturas Volunteer Kite Dt'pnrlment contained Ihe fne In the boiler room, preventing more extensive damaue. Smoke damage and demolition of the boiler room will brinp Ihe dam Ve to nearly $5,000. Acmrriina I" a ftrsl survey of thp boiler room alter the fire wa tontrnlled, the boiler is undam ced but a new boiler room will have to be constructed. At first there was a danger n explosion from Ihe flames and intensive heat near Ihe cleaning inmitounds. but the firemen were able to put the lire out so rapidly that it prevented this additional loss The Alturas I.aundiv is ounrd bv Mr. and Mis, ( al Cook AU'iras. Court Records crease elections will be held in Ihe Arlington and Newell Union districts, and members of I h e Counlv Board of Kdmation will be elected in supervisorial dis tricts 1 and 4. I Trustees whose leims expire are: Alluras. ttalph Row man. Winona Kisher. Arlington. Sheila Klynn Cedarville. Willard Sweet. Hon Coops. Davis Creek, .lune Hum nemer. Holert liriti. lelnorma. Itolterl Mackav. Kaleville. Kdn.t Herman. Uke City, orene Hill. Ted At kison. Fort Hidwpll. Kvelyn Mar- Donald. Newell, Nulo Hvvtinen. Manuel P Silva .Ir. South Fork. Dorothy Williams. Waller Sphar. Slate Line. Carroll Cloud Willow Hanch, Fnye Still. Kthel Poinlere. Modnr Cmon llmh Sehotd. Hay Hishop. Kslle Arsabrishl, Hoheit Savace. Surprise Valley Cmon Hich School, deorie Schadier. Waller t). Hussa. Members of Ihe Counlv Hoard of F.ducalion whose terms epue are: Supervisorial PMricl No. 4. Florence F.. Huhey and Super, visor ial District No 1. John W Flournov. Friday. Manh t. is the last day for candidates or sponsors to file declaration of candidacy wilh the county superintrndeut of scbottls Tuesday, Apnl 9. is the last day on which application m a v be made lo the county superintend ent of schools for absent votr ballot, and Saturday. April tt. i.- ihe last day on which the county sueiinlendrnt of schiwtls may re cctvf ballots cat by abenl ot KLAMATH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Feb. 4 TRAFFIC CASES ftnherl Milton Cerrlnqtoo. holdinq speed content, guilty olee, 1100 fine peid Robfrt Millon CerrlnQtcn, oper. mnmr hrla vtrhli rlahl la ftonlv l suspended. Quiiiy pie. Si SO paid, end suspension o( uer't I rente lor one veor. Robert Clvde Mervev. Improper ignl wlct, aulltv pie). HO One peld Svivin toelle Mr. Michael, disobeyed1 tlno nan. auiltv plea, 110 fine paid. David Ar lynn Riertn, violation DasiC ule, aulltv ptPK, S7S fme paid. J ark Elmer ArgeMinoer, extensive overhang, aullty plea. I? SO fine paid Wayne Dee Monmauon, anneyea nop tian. aui'ty pleat. Ms line paid Patrick Gibson, encesslvt none. auiltv plea, tme paid William iftiayene Maniev. ninrteyeo stop sign, cut illy ptea. S Itne paid Ciecirnr Aleianttrr McDonald, nfl opera tor's license on person, ou'Hy plea, !in nnid Cecil Everleigh flnrrten, vinlation basic rule ouHiy pira. IIS fine paid John Lnuii Lvon. disobeyed strip sign. oi' "v plea. HO fine paid Harvey Alvis Wdrthlno'on, no t guiily r'ea. tr V) line paid Kr north Teqene Williams, failiin dim neadiights. guilty plea, IIP line pair! Bevfrlf y Jean Conley, dKobeyed slop slqn, guilty rea. 110 fine paid Atvm Jerome Malek. tature tn display wether ,tjn. i:n iit pa-d Lionel Fley Scot'. rtrft enn te, pea ol not guilty, uiy trial et loi r-eh J6 Rillv loa Shillmqlnn holdtno reM nn let, p"ea of not gui'y. lu'v ttel et lot Feb Jh No. 62-4 P NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT i tha Matter ot fbe Estate ORVILLE ELLIOTT WRIGHT, Jr., Di As the Administratrix of the esfalt of ORVILLE ELLIOTT WR1GHI, Jr., ue- ceased, t have filed In the Circuit Court ot Klamath County, Oregon, my final account, and said Court has set ine urn dav of March. IMS, at 10:00 A.M., tor hearing all objections thereto and set' lament thereoi. MILDRED CHAVEZ Administratrix Glenn D. Ramirez Attorney for Administratrix 431 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. IU, Jan. 31. Feb. 7, 14, 21. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notka ii hereby given that the under- loned has been appointed as Executrix of tht Estate of LINDSAY POM PEY, de ceased, by Order al the Circuit Court of me County ol Klamath, and all persons having claims against tatd estate are re quired to present tha same to L. ORTH SISEMORE, Attorney for Executrix, duly verified and with proper vouchers t ached, al 731 Mem Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within tlx months Irom tha data of first publication of this no tice. JOANNE VIGIL Eecutrir tl Jan. 17. 71. 31, Feb. 7. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH Nnlice It herehv olven that the under signed Administratrix of the estate of KENNETH K. WALL AN. deceased. filed her Final Account with the County Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, and tht Court has set Friday, the I6th day Aor . 1963, at the hour or id a m the County Courthouse, In Circuit Courtroom No. 1, In K'amath Falls, Oreaon. as tha time and place tor near Ing objections thereto, me settlement thereof and the order of Ihe pay ment of claims of creditors and expenses of administration. Dated and first published this in aay of February, ma. MARIE WALLAN, ADMINISTRATRIX P.K. PUCKETT Attorney for Administratrix 539 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. Ml. Feb. 7, 14, 21, ?. No. 2 - 74 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of tha Estate of CLEO MAE NORCUTT, also known at Cleo Mav Norcutt. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed hit final account and report as administrator of the above entitled estate, and that the Court has fixed Tuesday, February 19, 1963. at 10 a m.. In Circuit Court Room no. i of the Courthouse, Klamath Falls, Ore gon, as tha time and place for near- ma oh actions, it ' m lor Iht settlement of said esfate. t- Jamet A. woodhouit Administrator No. IM, Jan. 17, 74, 31. Feb. 7. LEGAL NOTICE HELP WANTED. MALI ,.14, APARTMENTS fOR RENT J REAL ESTATE FOR SAH..3 garage. $11,750. m Jf,; acres. State experience and qualifications; rr month. TU 4-5697. In first letter. Address letters to: Albert, Rt. t, Bonania. Ore. For per sonal Interview, call Lor el la 4745. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. Train ing on-the-lob with manager. Wa will In terview men regarding a very fine po sition In eastern Oregon. Automobile is required. No Sal. or Sun. worn. tW wh be horn. Your salary will start with training. If Interested, write to Manager of Personnel. P O. Box 154. Portland, Ore. include full name, address, phone number and age In letter. S47 FURNISHED large Oosa In, TU 1-03U. ONE and two bedroom aot.. unfurnished. TU 2-1316 or Fargo. NO. B 63-59 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON the Matter of BOBBY LEE SCOG- GINS. Bankrupt. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Pursuant to an Order of the above- entitled Court, dated February 1st. 1M3, the undersigned as Trustee of tha prop erty and Estate of the Bankrupt above- named, will otter tor saie ai me iny Council Chambers, City Hall. Klamath Falls, Oregon, on February 37, 1963, al the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M., Ihe fol lowing described personal property of the Bankrupt 191 Ford, four door Fairiane m v-e. automobile PIANO and oraan satesrran. Full time inh with a future lor ihe right man Soma music background desirable but not mandatory. Appiy oy lener io nr- aid and News Box 447C. 117.000 PLUS NEW CAR AS BONUS for man over 40 in Klamath Falls area. Use rr tor hort trios to contact customers. Wrlle V. A. Sears. Pres.. American Lub ricants Co , Box 676, Dayton 1, Ohio. CLEAN studio, single, utilities. 4-4671. downtown US. Greer couple Apis- CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OT! tit, turnuneo. iv avaiiaoie. weekly rales. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath. garage, private entrance tu ?-w". iOaDTMFNT near Weverhaeuser fur n isr.ed. Utilities, steam heal, $40, TU 41313. ONE bedroom furnished apartment. 333 So. lllh utilities FURNISHED 1 room apt, paid. 419 No. 10th. COMPLETELY furnished studio aoart moot, all utilities paid, SIS. a week or available bv ihe month, washer-dryer, Villa Marquis Apartments iundei management) 1330 Oak, n a VIEW of Klamath Lane trom mis ai tractive 3 bedroom home. New carpet, siidmg glass doort onto covered patio. built-in k iicnen ippimin. 'v'' lenced yard, playroom-garage Many omer features. V 5.200- Any kind of fi nancing. Phone TU 4-9306. FOR new1 U 4-5995 before or TU 4-7B5S alter 7 p.m. 219 The automobile lo be sold at this !0f fers o MISDEMEANOR CASES Hi-ev Wsp Hutu Oftii !-( tenci'iq vAnlmi'Prl atlrr ,tn"v r mnnlh in cMi"'V lail nt hii h 1 i tended -1 Mr-en dvS i rrm Vnrdfn G'e Iqo1 af'vmq a con rrMir-,-1 al lo kiamath rant MUNICIPAL COURT Ffb t C eiier f 'l kr-v. 0'irA ve nr ifl dav 0fn VW'am Mairv. d'Ltnk live Or 10 dav Jr.eph Nekton (o. dnx'k J 10 da- 10 d ed t uorne Mi Wathngion. v Van Ptien ifUMph f he. ai B'.de d'ti"k. Vy in- "k. or live or Vu"k. 17 tn.tnt On The Record KLAMATH mil BIRTHS BOYS JlANkO-Ro-n tn Mr and M- lafh h 4 a hov MICKS- EQUITY NO. -7W AMENDED SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. CITV OF CHHOQUtN. OREGON, A MU NICIPAL CORPORATION, PLAlNMt-- VS JAMES L. CHIPMAN AND CLAR irF chipman. husband and wit-tz LORENA ARTHUR JACKSON WRIGHT, ALSO KNOWN AS, LORENA HILL AND LORENA E. HILL; CARL DAWSON AND CHRISTINE OAWSON. HUSBAND AND WIFE; CALVIN BARNEY AND WINO KlaV RARNF V. HUSBAND AND Wlt-t ROUP MARIE LANG, ALSO KNOWN A, ROSE MARIE JACKSON. ROSE WURlr HILL. ROSE MARIE HERRERA, ROSE MABIF IONC. MARIE LANG HERRF ROSE MARIE MOORE AND ROr MARIE LAON; LEO HERRERA; LEO FRANK: C. R. SCHtFFBAUFR A N U ETHEL SCHIFFBAUER. HUSBAND AND WIFE; HUGH COWEN; t UN A towtn, Al SCI KNOWN AS EDNA COWtN tON: HUGH WALLACE COWEN; BANK OF CALIFORNIA IN TRUST FOR HtlC.H WAILACE COWEN: C. C HFD RICK; LEONARD O. JONFS. DOING BUSINESS AS BASIN CREOlT SFRV ICE) M A CARTER, DOING BUSINFSSl AV CARTERS COLLECTION AGENCY ATI FF C ABM ICH At L ANH LTV1 SLACK, A COPARTNERSHIP. DOING BUSINESS AS CARMICMAEL MOTORS TOGETHER WITH THE UNKNOWN Hf IRS AND OR SUCCFSSORS OF EACH OF SAID DEFENDANTS. IF ANY Ut- SAID OF F F NDA NTS ARE DEtfASfcli AISO All OTHER PERSONS OR PAR III S UNKNOWN CLAIMING AN " RUHT. TITLE. fSTATt. I II N H IN T REST IN OR TO THE REAL PROP FRTY. OR ANY PARI OR PARCEL THEREOF DESCRIBED IN THE COM PLAINT HEREIN; Dt F E NPANT s. TO CAIVIN BARNEY. WINONA BAR NY. IEO ML R Rt R A. LFO FRANK C R SCMIFF BAUf R E THf L SCHIEF BAUC R. MUCH COWEN. HUGH WAL I Alt COWEN E ON A COWfN Al SO KNOWN AS trNA COWEN St ANION. AND C C MEORICK. nl THE Dt PENDANTS. IMf DEFENDANTS STYLED, UNKNOWN HEIRS OR SUC CISSORS IN IN T F R t S ' Ol- EACH Ot AIO DF F F NO AN I S IF ANY OF SAID OF EENOANtS ARE DFCEASFO." AND PIFENDANTS STYLED AS, "all OTH , ( L AIMING ANY StGHI. T H Lt ES TATE. LIEN OR INTEREST IN OR TO THE Rf AL PROPF PTY OR ANY PART PR PARC El 1 HF R EOF DESCRIBED IN THE COS PI Al N T HEREIN FIlEO OF DEFENDANTS AND TO EACH OF YOU IN THE NAVE OF IMF STATE OF OR f GON y(H,. ad eat a"d every 0e ni vmi a' h"etv summonert lo aooeai nd anr tha Comfiam' tiled aaam. vou in above enMiM Sml. oo or he io' th th oav pi February. tJ. and vt tofiti 'e 'u'e ot h o he', o t l-m. right if te or tnffrptl tn the pre e. dec"t?ed in p'a"''M for'i' hrh are lot aed tn K la'a'n Covn C'tv Ol Chi'oQuin ad NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE rniiMTY OP KLAMATH Notice Is hereby olven that the under .int Ariminutratrix of the estate ol JACK STARR, deceased, has filed her cin.i Art-mint with the County Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, and the Court has set Wednesday, the 20th day u.,rk. lOAi. at tn hour of 10 a in the County Courthouse. In Circuit Courtroom No. 1, In Klamath Falls. n,.nn. th time and place tor near ing objections thereto and Ihe settlement thereol. . Dated and first pubHshed thlt 7th day of February, 193. BETTY C GENTRY, Administratrix P.K. PUCKETT ATTORNEY FOR ADMINISTRATRIX 538 Main Street Klamath Fall. Oregon No. W2 Feb. 7, 14, 21, 21. NO. 62-154 P NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR -rue r nil MTV OF KLAMATH In the Mailer of tht Estalt Of BRUCE MILLER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed the Ad ministratrix with WHI Annexed of the Estate of Bruce Milter, Deceased, by the rnurt nl the Stale of Oregon tor Ihe County Of Klamalh and has quali fied. All persons havlnq claims againsl the said estate are hereby notified to present Ihe same, duly verified bv law required, to tht undersigned at tht of fice of Beeslev and Murray, 53S Main Street. Klamalh Falls, Oregon, within six months from January 31, IMS, which Ihe data of tne tirti puoiicanon m thlt notice. Catherine w. jacxon Administratrix, C.T.A. BEESLEY AND MURRAY Attorneys for AOminisireinx, 53" Main Street Klamath Falls, Oreqon No. 915 Jan. 31. Feb. 7, 14, J1, 1963. PROBATE NO. 61 NOTICE TO CRfcDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATF OF OREGON FOR THE rntiMTV OP Kl AMATH IN THE MATTER OF THE FSTATE OF TENA HOOD BARKLEY, Deceased Mntira la harebv aiven (hat the under signed has been appointed administratrix of tha estate of TENA HOOD BARK LEY, Deceased, by the Circuit Court ol Klamath Countv. Oreaon, and that all nartnnt tiavlna claims against said late are hereby notified to present Ihe same to said admlnlsira'rlx at the ol fice of Vandenberg and Cor. Suite 303 Underwood Building. Klamath pans. Oregon, together wilh proper vouch ers. within six months ol Ihe date ol the first publication of this nolle, which it Ihe 31sl day nf January, ivej. BETTY NEALY, Administratrix Vandenberg nd Cot Attorneys at Law Suite 707 Underwood Building Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. 916 Jan. 31, Feb. 7, 1U available to be Inspected by the gen eral public by contacting the under signed Trustee at his omce, nurmg oi lica hours, Monday through Friday, Ihe week of February nth and February 11th, 1963. Said personal property win oe sold wilh an opening bid ot not less than $950.00, for cash and Trustee re serves the right lo reject all bids re ceived. Said saie oenq turinr muicn to the approval ol Iht apove-enmierj C5aid sale will be conducted by the Trus tee as auctioneer, RICHARD J- SMITH, At , lorney Trustee 538 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 923 Feb. 7, 6, 10. Used Cor SALESMAN Cvf-nnr nrsferred, but not ob- . I I I AltOt EY APARTMENTS SOlutel V n-fCPSSarv. mui navs iw VkL7 K-Hr mi some previous soles work. Positicnj8th near po:t office. IS WIIH luto- mumv.... - -1UAIIr CAD DCWT n eKLei'cin v,. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. So. Ilth. TU 2-1063, Quality, beauty and va'iw. call now lo see this brand new 3 avel 3 bedroom modern home. Family room, J baths, 2 fireplaces, double garage end many oth er desirable features. Restricted subur ban location. Roc bottom price 131,000. Terms. 4 BEDROOM I you need room at a moderatt price, this Is It. Separate dining room, lots of storage, good suburban location. Price ,13,585. Only $1,000 down- no financing costs. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS ClUB 133 South th Street Phont TU 7-4740 Fred Tucker TU 4-9743 Homer Stiles TU 4-9904 advancement if you're ombitiousi ond willinq to work. Many fringe benefits. Write Box 448C, giving age, quo'ifieotions, marital status, address and phone number. HOT SPRINGS one bedroom turnisheci house. Call TU 4-4379. CLEAN 1 bedroom furnished near high school. 1412 Crescent, TU I 3937. CARD OF THANKS I wish lo lhank all those kind friend and neighbors who have been so kind and generous during the sickness and death of my beloved wife, Adda E. Jones. Your kindness, gifts and sympathy are deeply appreciated. Gomer Jones. WE wish to extend thanks for the many I hough If u I and kind expressions of sym pathy during our recent bereavement. The family of Ethel Oin. WE wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for ihe acts of kindness, messaaes of sympathy, and beautiful flor al oflerings, tokens ol sympathy received from our kind Irlends and neighbors dur ing our recenl bereavemenl In the loss ot our beloved nusoana ana tamer, wri Homer Roberts and Family. WE wish to express our deep appreciation lo all those who oliered sympathy, for the many acts of kindness a no Ihe beautiful flowers fo lowing ihe recent oeam ot ver non Carl Oillstrom of Ashland. Especially do we wish to lhank lhoe who assisted at the cemetery and Iht Hag bearers Irom Kingsley Field. Mrs. Patricia DHIstrom and children Mrs. Edna Diiistrom Mrs. Maroaret Johnson and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. BelvH DHIslrom and daughters. MOWe Lewis ana mner manves, FUNERAL HOMES C WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. High Street. Phone TU 3-4404 MEETING NOTICES NAOMI SHRINE No. 5, White Shrine of Jerusalem, meets the second Saturday! of each month at the Masonic Temple. Vis-1 itors welcome. Lois Murphy, W.H.P. Lloyd Murphy, W.O.S. NO. 63-144 P NOTICE TO CRFOITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THP milNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of iht Estate of ANNIE oinRFl i . Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been aopotnira amirr litratrlK Ot the fcsiaie O' nmw wuidtm. nraard. hv the Circuit Court Of Stale of Oregon for the County of Klanr ,th and has qualified, am person n inn riaim. anain.! the said estate are hereby notihed lo preem m nam. oit verified bv law required to ma unnri signed at the oHIce ol BeeMev and Mur- 531 Main Street. Mamain r m . rvnnn within tii months from rv 31. 1963. wntcn is tna naia wi st publication ot this notice. Annie Luderman BFESLFY AND MURRAY Attcnev for AdmlnislratrH Si Mam Street Klamath Fails, Oregon No. 9IT Jan. 31, Feb T. tl. Jt. ' BOYS! scageol EARN Vacation Money by selling the He; aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 17 HELP WANTED urvnrp TO JOB SEEKERS AM help wanted ads published In the Herald & News are accepted In good faith that the lobs offered art as stated In Ihe advert sing copy, we ar no. sponsible for the Integrity of our adver n.r. Kiit w make every effort lo dis- .nrf raiarl all misleading advertis ing. Anyone enrvering nip wo. ad and finding It to be misleading is asked to report It lo the Classified Ad vertising Department ol tht Herald News. LARGE 1 bedroom unfurnished house, basement, garage. S37.SO. ISO? California. ONE bedroom furnished, JJ2 50, J33S Gar den Ave. TU 2-3112. V7 ACRE HENLEY HI One large bedroom. Two small bedrooms, etra large living room, separate dining room, music room, urepiate ariu ue lached garage. Total price, Jt0,750. INCOME CLOSE IN Thr nmvi rental houses on East Main Street. Will consider trade In Mills Ad dition up to 15.000. NORTHSIDE Comfortable three bedroom home with gas heat, carport, situateo on i iois. to tal price S8.000. Vi BEDROOM house on paved street In Henley District, clean,, lull of buiinns. TU 4-9974. MODERN unfurnished 4 bedrooms, fire place, utility room, eleclnc kitchen and eat. South Suburbs, TU 3-598S. DUPLEX, 3 room furnished, excellent lo cation, garage, TU 4-8284. ONE bedroom furnished, gas heat. Phont TU 2-3363. TWO bedroom unfurnlsr.ed. basement. aaraae, clean. 150, near kuhs, ia Portland, TU NEW brick triplex apartment, close In. 309 No. 10th St. rwn hedroom unfurnished, garage, lenced yard, 2 miles north ol town, chtl- Cren, pets, o k. 5, TU 2-esw. bfnt son. or sell with smell down. bedroom house, lull basemen!, In city. TU 4-6844. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex, full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, S80 & S70- TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4 8267 atler 5. MODERN unfurnished 2 bedroom. ached garage, fireplace, water, garbage paid. 3 miles north of town. $75. TU 4-5647. SMALL 2 bedroom furnished. Water, gar bage. .62.50. TU 4-9005. after 5 TU 2-2970, McATEE REALTORS 339 E. Main Sales Staff Eves. Evelyn McAfee TU 2-4644 TU 2-5933 Multiple Listing Service CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except for stoves. S50, TU 4-4484; TU 2-2717. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, S85. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom, unfurnished except elec tric range, free heat and water, adults, no pets, S60. TU 4-7558. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. TWO bedroom furnished, fenced, yaro, $60. TU 4-B508. CLEAN 2 bedroom unlurnished, garage. Newly painted, $75. TU 4-6023 CLEAN three bedroom unlurnished, ? miles north of Klamalh Falls, children, pels o.k. $65, TU 2-6590. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 BABY silting. Week days and nights, my, rome. TU 2-2020. 1 CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin, 135, 1235 Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-954. MLS MEDFORD COUNTRY ESTATE on two acres. 10 miles norlh of Medford. Beautiful view from top of a knoll that looks out over the Rogue River Val ley. This spacious home Is available be cause tht owner wants to move to Klam ath Falls and be close to upper Klamath Lake. It has two fireplaces, three bed rooms, double garaqe and many other in teresting features. Will consider trade for Klamath property. Price S26,5O0. PEYTON Member International Traders Club MS Market TU 4-5141 Evenlngj Humid M. Rush TU J-4IJJ HOT SPRINGS HOMES Three bedrooms, sliding door wardrobes. Two baths, hardwood tioors, com pletely remodeled. Iron Fireman Furnace. Close to all schools. Only $16,500. Owner will carry contract. Natural hot water heat. Large family room. Three bedrooms, separate din ing room, fireplace. Two baths, 2 car garage, fruit trees. $19,000. May assume loan. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 AAA IN TU 4-9754 Anytime TU 7-0Ht THREE bedroom home 'n restricted dis trict, available Feb. 10, $91, TU 4-551. " LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week i wonaay inrguwn rngoT - & members ,m Carlson Drive, TU 2-1844 TrONING, Washing, Pickup, Deliver, Ex penenced, Reasonabltl TU 4-9434. CLEAN 1 bedroom, $50. Stoves, refrlg erator. 714 St. Francis, TU 2-0643. CHILD care, your homo or I .me. TU 2-T77B, TU 2-2711 ... 2J SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Friday, Februory 8, 7:30 p.m. Mosonic nriuMTnwN. rlaan housekeeping room, utilities furnished, 317 Pine, TU 2-1487 CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocks from Main, $5 & up. tu 4-j. Temple. Work in t-C steam healed, quiet, sleeping rooms Degree. All F C nnH aio south Fifth -jru ?-Q2n Moiter Masons cor diolly invited. Refreshments, APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 Gene R. Byrnes, W. M. CRATER LAKE LODGE No. 211 AF COMMUNICATON FOR rent new unfurnlsheo one bedroom apartment, stove, retrtgerator, washer, and dryer. No children. TU 2-4153. heal. nMF or two bedroom, furnished. & AM STATEOira.lerE?J'2'l,"..'r. I NICE two Bedroom, umurniniw, murscinv, ren, , o Aiir? k.'jrnnm (irnithcrt. Utilities Dflid, All Moster Mo-.ut, adults. TU 2-2742. SMALL apartment", electric heal, wash ing facilities. Close In, TU 4-7340. FURNISHEO2 room bachelor apartment, $30, 2136 Reclamation rental, $40 per rnonth, p.m sons invited. Thomas Rnmns, W M FURNISHEO Clean 2 room cabin, elec tricity, water paid, $32.50. TU 2-6547, TU 4-8261. UNFURNISHED ? bedroom duplex In Mills Addition, electric heat, washer-dry er hookup, garage, $D3. TU 4-ssat evt nings or weekends. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, gas or oil, 1 or 2 children o k. TU 2-3702. TWO bedroom house, furnished, $30, set Mrs. Adams, 514 High. ; ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, wash-i er-dryer hookup, circulating fireplace,, hardwood floors, large, clean, TU 4-8263. j CLEAN unlurnished two bedroom house,' 815 E. Main. Electric heal, $55 mo., one child, TU 4-9106. j TWO bedroom unfurnished house, cor- j ner Upham and Uerlings. $45. Inquire next door, south. CLEAN 2 room nicely furnished COllagt. Close In at 1920' i Main Si. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, adults, no dogs, $4S, TU 4-4281. NEWLY decorated two bedroom house, unlurnished except stoves, $65, TU 2-1613. r'ealLY nice duplex "at" l"?n DIvislorTsi. Unfurnished, $85. TU 4-9633 or TU 4-8812-CLANrbedroom unfurnished, $75. TU ICKT i. FOUND ... 2 - iwu near com LOST SOumern Pacific pass issueo io tnH TU 2-3471. wr'-.JrrjJ'r""'?no,,V "0,u:- arro rr t'.VF one bedroom aparlment. LOST boy's glasses, brown plastic rims iQ per m0nth, call TU 2-3471, Adams, SI4 PERSONALS A see Mrs. .TIV I PLEASING. 5th 8. Pine. turn. shed l bed room, adults, $65, TU 4-io. board, CARE for elderly pensioners, .-J l.nrirU Til , ' ;r. NICE laroe one bedroom apt. furnished, KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU N' r du)t4, TU i 84lB 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friend.y help anytime. close in, no pe'"w GRAHAM'S licensed home lor the aqed. ' " Mw , pMrocm house, TU private rooms Or ward car, special u n'urnisnw. "w " Mtm Haranna nrarait (iiird. Til J-JIOi - TWO bedroom, unlurnisher! except lor oil stove. Near Henley School and store. References required, TU 4-5997. TWO bedroom unfurnished houst near Conger School. $55. TU 2-0533. ONE ACRE NEAR HENLEY SCHOOL PLUS TWO HOMES WHAT AN OP PORTUNITY. One nice two bedroom noma and a one bedroom guest house or rental unit. PLUS room for 4-H Animals. LOW TAX RATE. LOOK AT THIS today, Only $15,950. Terms. WILL TRADE 3 BEDROOM homt located ii Homedal, district. Price JB,S00 tor smaller home $.5,000 or less. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to GET CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY. CALL NOW TO SEE THIS. , DO YOU WANT t. LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH THICK WALL TO WALL CARPET. 2. LARGE DINING ROOM FOR FAM ILY DINNERS. J. KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK. 4. Vi BATHS 5. LARGE MASTER BEDROOM 6. 18 ft. by 22 ft, PLAYROOM 7. ALL ON ONE FLOOR 8. PAVED STREET 9. GOOD SUBURBAN LOCATION CLOSE IN lfi. $13,500 PRICE 11. GOOD TERMS Then CALL RIGHT NOW to SEE this Fami.y home. furnished ouplex, garage. 6th. OVERTURE TREND. 13 shaping and curling. Your hair not neroming to vme You should be coming to lorn and Anona, Studio of Beauty. TU 4-7151. BEGINNERS ALANON. friendly help for amines of alcoholics, tu 4-ij j.yjo p o Pfv ln- tur- ai DMA apt s Desirable downtown. n.shed. heat Iree. adults. $59 SO TU 4-4522. re'ri ONE bedroom $50. 6100 So CLEAN one bedroom lurrished. near new OTI site. Phone TU 4-4768 alter 4.30 p.m. and weekends, FURNISHED or unfurnid 3 bedroom home in Keno, Clean, modern AKo trail er soace lor rent. George Se'ies. TU 2-1080. 3 BEDROOMS, partiall To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 lam to 4 p m weekday Cntmt tiv wn'ds oar ime Ad under ) lines count same as 1 lines. SERVICES THE FIX-IT SHOP Sharpening service Small repairs New. used btcvcles, parts T A C Shopping Center, 3726 So. 6'h TU 4-3749 nwF hedroom apartment, rano. erator. Garaqe Aduitsi4T Martitv MlLLSArldilionclose to market, $40 L TO Mi. 2340 White TU 2 493 7. evenings, SNAPPY, close In, adults, $40. Gun Store. PIFaYaNT. downtown, turnivhd. la'Oe 10 3 rooms, eIra Oam. ,r nem, ou'i. uniu'nunru t inti . tii .iSJl aaraae Washer, dryer (bed. S49 10; One bedroom furnished, $rS. or wi'h ad- lacent cabtn, $9.S0. TU 4 6130 REMODELED 2 bedroo.n duden. fur nished, $65. Inquire 111 Pine. TWO rHTdroom, partly furnished, inquire 227 Wantiand. attractive Electric hea'. hookup. Very SNOW plowing, t'artor eouipmeni. TU 4-647 anytime, bhi rornt-y. ph CUSTOM BUTCHERING IMISC. PROPERTY TO LIT At your place, deliver to processing piami tNi u tarq r i. "' ' m oFFirE space Or store rental avail- leavt at your P'aca i nn. u . y -" - " ..,. infim able across Irom Courthouse, TU 2-6S00. aher a, flrver. ten'g-1 car laata 10 acres level orouna unoer REMODELING and repairs, all mnds, ,en M(0ft i pm j Irr.galion, Macdoel area 70 acres good l U 46126. e t ionaoie. i-uiuRFRt HOUSE tkws, leveling, TU 2-OHt or TU J-lf'4. mcr innnina. nrunino. insured grooming. Lakeshora Nursery, 'U; wnnsF remodeling, rabtren our rtca t, please cneck 40 T9 10 t me 9 Timr 14 OP s "0 4 a hn r POI UCf K hv J Po'iMea t-rh s a tv C MIL Pf PS tn Vr and B-'h in Klamath Valiev Mor.lal eioning t ths , 4' - o: Botn to Mr and Mm Mar- v t'hiie' -n h, iaiatn Vaiiev Mo p.ial rrh tyv wiqri'ig 7 th : om 14NMX1AN! B n In Mr -td Mr J.k C I -downe tn Klamath vfv Hfp-t Fer s a My we-gf'g 'h Timae Wanth l Oft nfl a so it vi nop 14 ra so u so Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, it pt'rt in advance. Aoovt re's t't 'or ccnsecutlv Inser tion, without chartoa of enpy, for pn- ta IndlvMoals Advertisina mutr o ear ad understandable to ha prodix live, ah words must t seeiied out. A,itjs ottered tor saie by private mor vidua' cah wth cooy. i: on Pl( Kt T T C.n Put " tt t tn a tov lOVf.NI SV f Bn'O HoP'tal O'egrn. A ip 10' pm idrsi'-hed tnft Mr R(je r I nt t Aiotk 1 South Chungum Addi- Hovp.tai t rti linn i (it Rio k 1 Sm.'" fniioqu1" Attdit'Ofl: lot 7, Rirvk S Snylh Chilnrun Artd'tKin I V 1 Rim ft I S(Hith ( h-lp 0,..n Artdit.nn I rl B' k I Sen'" ihitoQtim Andit'On, Lnt S R orfc S. Wmi th.Kviuin Ai.-t-t.nn, lot Bicvk Vei fh.ioqtr.ri Aditiiion. Int S. tVrvk 11. vel Ch'ioqmn Add't-fn, iri . ; wt (hilnqti.n Ald'tinn jnd Fait CH'oai"n Vaiiev j U ipia'el regnmng at a point i trt t tfn . I S.ihf try) parallel tO $"On(hin St.fft it.nm S.-k,"I cO'er Lot 3. B'k ' rs f FOrgmsl Tfwn ot C'ioovh: theV Mont lnH,tr,wtte'iv oa'aiiel to Tn..,i Ave V : ojt in thfxe sou'heeite'lv oa'a'tei o Sthnn. Rem ,thm street "0 't ; t-Vncr -v-tstriv PFADLINF -4 V pm day hetora IH,:- ratton Noon Seturdav for Sunday and M nday CANCEI LATIONH 1 CORRECTIONV O" a"'a srhedu'a. erept on Mooda1 tst a a taken 'tn M a m. pieata raaft 'l' Insertion Th Herald A News ant gis run tar typcg'aihicat trror r vnuf ad ana frt a'd F MMpnal I nvtnm tn Mama'h ' Feb J a My weighing $ lb roWLfY-Rnrn lo Mr I' r e 0 S a T-l 1 "Business Builder" WANT ADS I cniumn inth. IH or montn W ii i A,nl Inr M.mtM nn nr haOrt iftt- Kt irvS. with I' V rlnrottn Nr onfmtnl on or Pt' the iP'h. Baed on RO OF THANKS, VI WORlAV an I HI SUMMARY rarai'e' to Third Ave ao tt tr-o- r corv eha ge per mnnm Nortbetfriv parael Sfuxfim $trat , ox st vn f- - v 110 tfi to point ot beg.nnmg And you peae take -vKt ,at i mmt Wn Fi vru 'a'l 10 appear a VI aw piamt m V MfHpi if rvplin1, (W plfi r- pld itn,n A tp J ois 'd t""e tfa piamMi. tf ant t-eoi oar ad NEW furnished apartment, Upham St. TU 4-9907. ..l.rtnrat. I II 7-UM I . 1 rriiauitucn anrtmant. 142 Riverside, Noud ground Or W'll sel or trade. TU 2 4 Deane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN: ROLLIN TUTER TU J-SiM LARRY BARABOO TU 4-4At ANNE MASON TU 2-273H BOB BAZlLiUS 54S-21AH Bonanra Collect STROUT REALTY 5429 S. 6th Ph. Eves. Boh ft Stella Deh linger Hank Holman hea(ed. pur reterences. tu Gma's tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations tor mm, womn children. All wO'K guaranteea. urnyv anie pnees. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Mai DENTAL PLATES Repaired whna you wa". New P'ates Made From Ymr OH Pf RSONAL DfeNTURB SERVICE 1PJ3 Mam TU 4-12I CI F AN. turnhad, raqe, adults. 703 Washington. 7MRtiE-room. furnished apartment. 2W1 Wh.te FURNiSHFD"3room. Coe in, adui's oiiv. no pels, laundry faeilites 02 Lm-trtln- NICE clean furnnhed apartmeit, c'ose in, ! Tii J. J Ml . TU 466 Mm rr.mnl.ltl. l.irmthM nrt- i424 bo 6th IU4-IO THREE ment, 911 Walnut. TU 4 bin iDU"LEXi hiock ot highwav. Wfvt'- haeuser unction, ail eiec'nc. TU I-J'79 I UNF URNISMEO two tedTem duplet apt pn Cai'tprma Avt REAL ISTATI WANTED 21 I WANTED Piece to posture 4-H girl's jmtire. Close to 1810 Eldo rado Contact Jack Thorn- Thomas Dodge. TU J-5fll TU 2-S04I AttracHvt 3 hadrpom home pn ttrt. Suburban District. Oil heat. Sio.500. Spacious 3 bedroom home Excellent Sub urban area. Paved street. Large lot. Wail tn wall carpet, fireplace. 3 baths, hu'H in oven, stove, dishwasher. Many nther convenient features. 115,750. cioe lenced. 15.500. low DUPLEX $140 Per Mo. Income SfW y. TU 4-WM. Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed insured proiesstonal it Trees topped or removed CARBIDE ft SAWS TOOLS LOCAL SMARTENING v FACTORY TRAINED PFRSONNFL ,-V FRANKS " T Af CL E 1 ORlNDiNC- SERVICE r A,v ' HEALTH 13 vitamns, SNTFD hoserrr tf li " flft home. C" 'O'rn J and i;. l f ARN (fiwi.TV,,(wn n (vi,f rtn hv condtxt ng home lm" 9" sV" PHONE TU 4-8111 fOR COSAMtCiAL RATES 4M m W AN T n MALI F i E-- i-v- UNFURN'SHFD two hedroom apartment, inqu.'e 2S' Appiegate. $36 to $58.50 COMeOR t arlE livino at low COSTi 173 rr-room act. tv,m.nad e ynfi.r. nishej. Parmanfni ma nenance mc'uued Monday through Fr.aav I SHASTA VIEW APAR'MENTS !1?t AASMSdRN WAY TU l1 nii'ca hOuM a m to $ p m RICKFALLS I APARTMENTS MOTEL 2660 Shosto Wov On and Two Bedroom opit. FurntKH Ond Llnfurnuhd $69 50 to $89 50 Toilv, WmHv Mofl Rot TU 2 55'7 KLAMATH FAILS FINEST Ha U on t Krftffn U"'(r,'1 J Ari'no- u-ti.m si Sat 0"S RrC" Twfiiii'f 0r'' p a" Ca-r'"g tMrng PnOi Mrfta a" a ,.r, 'f-vini ng fiert-C'v Oe tthea Ne-an TU M'4 UAL ESTATE EXCHANflE 2f trahe i hed'oom hnme to' Redmond. O'e . home TU 2'3'Si i WILL trarte eoui'v w"iat-have-vou tu 4 3:l hpi.te for pickup located eloe in on North HJe Good Rent al Area Owner will tali H.O0O Down, nr conttrlfr TRADE on smaller prrjoerty or paper. Call now. On'v J'J.WO, DUPLEX K Falls Good construction. Each with firp prortrty PLACE K BASEMENT. GOOD IN COME CLOSE IN ON NORTHSIDE. LOW PRICE O" IIC.500. Terms. ou have vmi ilk S3 rori pair) up hnme1 ! tn trade for either an I 3 rnta' unis W.te! D eane RIAL ISTATl fO SAH . 3t tmrfe hert'oom hnma, bath and a half, hj-gwfy1 tioor'. irpicf pi-iit In oven ni rg. o.spnsat Twp - far garage. I r-evfrecl oa(io and incl harfc vara Can T u J-142J fnr appointment to set. Gl or SNA l.nanC'fq OLDPS 1 bedrpnm suMjrrian home Bu'U n fc ican carnting. ga-aqe small lot. ; H IV. TU 4 T37 I M ACPFS tmimorovad. Pve rna' ti'i.i pui'd"g e. Meniay icwi I M W TU 4 .7i4 Sach r REALTOR 1037 Moin TU 4-4127 SALESMEN LARRY MRABOO Tl) 4.iia ASNE MASON Tu J-?T'J BOB SAZilius M5-)' Soania c?"ect IriCt. ROLL IN TUTER TU 4-J4U MLS NEW MOVE ; K ll-tshed. S ivl Not trivrt hgf roni Bt'.tt tnr ia'"g gnautv an ecem-1 0" hy tpcai bs'"lr Carretm hvifg 1 -tvww iiri two Pd'on."s Cnarminq j p.-fh h(n w-th py.n.n app'lances Fiiii all rt n-t l -ni,- w'O nrifld paV 1 s-ih (H' f raf tn lo low p"Ct Fnur ? bedroom uts. Pric tnc'ud! nl I'J W P'rast C l TU J anytime two ttrt Ir'S Ren'a'S D'ing In j to ec oer monm. Preg tor auk sa't i;iw BRUCE OWENS V.ultipls Listing Service FOURPLEX NORTM iDE tate TU J-MS3. TU v o V j F R ' 14 NO . LuC" A-aar Ray Wvflen ea'tr TU 4-V? T U ?-r,V tu -;si O-Hs tha ret' fjema-xteo m 'ts Compn r